RESEARCH, ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS JULY 1993 1994 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS MOBIL FOUNDATION, INC. M O B I L FOUNDATION, G R A N T RECOMMENDATION INC. Organization: A m e r i c a n Council o n Science a n d Health D a t a :___________ §121---Address: 1995 B r o a d w a y B u d g e t Y e a r : __ 1994----Zip Code: N e w York, N e w York 10023 Amount:----- $1A^00Q---Orga n i z a t i o n a l Contact: Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, Exec. Director Program/Department: Effects o f Food, Chemicals & the Environment o n Human Health R e c o m m e n d i n g M o bil U n i t (Co.,Div. & Dept.): MOCORP, Mobi l Emplo y e e Coordinating Grant: A. J. Silvestri Previous Grants b y Mobil 1981-86 - $1 0 ,0 0 0 /yr 1987-90 - $ 5,000/yr $15,000/yr 1991 $ 1 5 , 000/yr 1992 $ 1 5 , 000/yr 1993 EHS Grants b y Other Corporations Stauffer Chevron Ashland U n i o n Carbide ARCO Shell Exxon $10,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10.000 \Z 501(c)(3) attac h e d (If N e w Organization) D O N O T W R I T E I N THIS BLOCK For F o u n d a t i o n Use Only: U n i t Code: Cat. Code: JUSTIFICATION: Purp o s e o f Grant The A m e r i c a n C oun c i l o n Science and H e a l t h (ACSH) promotes accurate, scientificallyb a s e d e v a luations o f food, chemicals and the environment o n h u m a n h e a l t h and has an ef f e c t i v e p u b l i c outreach prog r a m in understandable lay terms. E f f e c t i v e n e s s o f Proaram/Organization A s p a r t o f its public outreach, A C S H investigates health- r e l a t e d subjects a n d reports the findings to technical and general audiences. The Council has a c h i e v e d high c r e d i b i l i t y a n d recognition i n the media a n d scientific community, as e ^ e n c e d b y w i d e p u b l i c a t i o n of their positions i n the press a n d i n scientific j o u r n a l s . A C S H o u t r e a c h effort involves use o f this material b y m a n y local radio a n £ television stati o n s This grass roots approach is n e e d e d t o help educ a t e the p u b l i c a n d reduce l e a r o ? industrial chemicals. A C S H promotes rational u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the relative m i n o r r i s k s from m o s t industrial chemicals compared w i t h thos e a c c e p t e d a s normal from natural c a u s e s . Benef i t s t o M o bil One of the m a j o r benefits is due to the Executive Director, Dr. E l i z a b e t h Whelan, arti c u l a t e spokesperson w h o o f t e n appears a s a counterpoint t o s o - c a l l e d "public interest" groups. an W e c o n t i n u e t o b e impressed w i t h the accomplishments o f ACSH. a n d r e c o m m e n d continued funding. T h i s r e commendation has the concurrence of the Medi c a l a n d Public Relations Departments. NCO-4309A (5-81) M O B I L FOUNDATION, INC. G R A N T RECOMMENDATION Organization: Environmental L a w Institute Address: 1616 P Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC Zip Code: 20036 Organizational Contact: Mr. W. Futrell Program/Department: D a t e :__________ 6/93 Budget Year: 1994 A m o u n t :_____ $7.500 R e c o m m e n d i n g M obil Unit (Co.,Div. & Dept.): MOCORP, EHS Mob i l Emplo y e e C o o r dinating Grant: J. C. Hild r e w 501(c)(3) attached (If N e w Organization) Previous Grants b y Mobil 1991 1992 1993 - $5,000 $7,500 $7,500 Grants b y Other Corporations D O NOT W R I T E IN THIS BLOCK For F o u n d a t i o n Use Only: Companies contributing at least $5,000 Ford Occidental DuPont Monsanto GE Sun Oil Shell Unit Code: Cat. Code: JUSTIFICATION: D e s c r i p t i o n of Activities a n d Programs The Envir o n m e n tal L a w Institute (ELI) is a non-profit o r g a niz a t i o n w h i c h promotes b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of environmental issues through its p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d through seminars. A l t h o u g h a n environmental group, it promotes reasonable a p p r o a c h e s and so l u t i o n s t o problems. Two of its leading publications are the Environmental Law R e p o r t e r a n d T h e Environmental F o r u m . Purpose o f Grant This u n r e s t r i c t e d grant would assist ELI in its publications and progr a m s t o identify the m a j o r issues confronting the coun t r y in order to better educate thought leaders o n the c h o i c e s a n d their implications. Institute publications a r e w i d e l y r e a d in the envir o n m e n t a l co m m u n i t y and are helpful in communicating industry's concerns to such organizations. Effec t i v e n e s s of Prooram/Oraanization ELI has b e e n a n important g r o u p in identifying the effects o f n e w environmental requirements o n the public's lifestyle. Programs such as recycling and transportation cont r o l plans under the Clean A i r A c t c a n have significant affects on dispo s a l of w a ste and suburban development programs. ELI has the a b i l i t y to keep issues b e f o r e the government a n d the public through their sym p o s i u m s a n d reports. Benef i t s to til Mob i l Foundation g r a n t s will enhance environmental organizations' v i e w s o f Mobil, enable u s t o reach through ELI activities m a n y groups that w e d o not communicate with, a n d enable Mobil to participate i n their dialogue groups. N C O - 4 3 0 9 A (5-81) MOB I L FOUNDATION, INC. G R A N T RECOMMENDATION Organization: National Research Council Address: 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D C Zip Code: 20418 Organizational Contact: Ms. Jacqueline McDonald Program/Department: In-situ Bioremediation Guidelines and Technology Board D a t e :__________ 6/93 Budget Year: 1994 :_____ £15,.000 St u dy/Water Science R e c o m m e n d i n g M obil Unit (Co.,Div. & Dept.): MOCORP, EHS Mob i l Emplo y e e C o o r dinating Grant: C. J. D i P e m a / J . P. M a r u m Previous Grants b y Mobil Previ o u s Mobil Foundation Fu n d i n g for the 1985 "Oil i n the Sea: Study. 1993 - $15,000 Grants b y Other Corporations API Chevron EPRI NSF EPA 501(c)(3) attached (If N e w Organization) D O N O T W R I T E I N THIS BLOCK For F o u n d a t i o n Use Only: - $15,000 - 10,000 - 20,000 - 10,000 - 25,000 Unit C o d e : C?t, C o d e :__________________ JUSTIFICATION: Des cription o f Activities a n d Programs - The National Researc h Council, the principal op e r a t i n g agency o f the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, serves as an independent a d vi s o r to the federal government o n major scientific and technical questions. The N R C brings together the resources of the entire s c i e n t i f i c and technical community o n a subject through its vo l u n t e e r adviso r y panels. Previous NRC studies o n subjects of interest to Mobil a n d the pe t r o l e u m indus t r y include: a 1983 stu d y o n "Drilling Discharges in the M a r i n e Environment"; a 1985 s t u d y o n "Oil o n the Sea; Inputs, Fates, and Effects:' and a 1989 study o n "Using Oil S p i l l D i s persants on the Sea." C u r r e n t l y the N R C is completing a study o n groundwater pump-and-treat technology. Purpose o f G r a nt - The purp o s e o f the grant is to complete n e e d e d f u n d i n g for a significant new s t u d y title: "In-situ Bioremediation: H o w d o w e k n o w when it works?" The p urp o s e of the study is t o establish guidelines for e v a l u a t i n g w h e t h e r a bior e m e d i a t i o n proj e c t has b e e n successful for cleaning u p c o n t a m i n a t e d g r o undwater a n d soil. Effec t i v e n e s s of Proaram/Oraanization - A s w i t h most National A c a d e m y studies, we expect this p r o g r a m to b e well researched, ge n e r a l l y free o f bias, and to represent the state of knowledge w h e n pu b l i s h e d i n early 1993. To-date, the W a t e r Science and T e c h n o l o g y B o a rd has selected a panel o f thirteen experts representing disciplines essential to In-situ Bioremediation, including microbiology, microbial ecology, environmental engineering, hydrogeology, and field bioremediation. Panelists will come from academia, industry, and government; they will be subject t o all N R C bias procedures. Benef i t s to M o bil - This National R e s e a r c h Council report will b r i n g toget h e r the kn o w l e d g e of the nation's best scientists t o provide guidelin e s for evaluating effec t i v e n e s s of bioreme d i a t i o n projects. S u c h a report s h o u l d b e valua b l e to Mobil a n d the p e t r o l e u m industry. T h i s report is especially timely as press u r e for finding alternatives to conventional clean-up technology is mounting. B y helping to fund the study, Mobil m a y b e offe r e d the o p p o r t u n i t y t o participate o r t o receive e a r l y access to the findings. N C O - 4 3 0 9 A (5-81) Mobil Foundation, Inc. grant racommandation ORGANIZATION: The Academy of Natural Sciences ADDRESS: 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Philadelphia ZIP CODE: 19103-1195 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Dr. R. Patrick PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT: Environmental Associates Program PA RECOMMENDING MOBIL UNIT (CO.. DIV. & DEPT.): MOCORP, EHS MOBIL EMPLOYEE COORDINATING GRANT: J. C. Hildrew GRANTS BY OTHER CORPORATIONS None $15,000 each J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Air Products and Chemicals Arco Chemical Company E. I. DuPont deNemours & Co. FMC Corporation Milliken and Company Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. The Procter and Gamble Co. Rohm and Haas Company Scott Paper Company Sun Company Tennessee Eastman Company DATE: June 1221 BUDGET YEAR: 1994 AMOUNT: $15.000 501(C) (3) ATTACHED □ (IF NEW ORGANIZATION) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK ! For Foundation Use Only: I UNIT CODE: CAT. CODE: JUSTIFICATION: Description of Activities and Programs The Environmental Associates Program of the Academy of Natural Sciences is aimed at helping corporations solve problems using the contacts of the Academy and providing a unique technical perspective. Their activities include corporate-directed research activities and efforts to educate the public on environmental issues, based on sound science and facts instead of inaccurate claims. Much of their work tends to focus on water quality and solid waste problems. Purpose of Qx_ant This is the first year of such a grant. Half the funds are used for sponsoring research, of which $2000 is ear-marked for Mobil-specific work, and accumulates if unused, while the other half sponsors educational activities, including the Know Your Environment Series, articles in technical journals and materials for schools. Effectiveness of Prp^ra.m/Qraanization . The Academy's scientists are nationally recognized experts in their fields. The Know Your Environment articles are thought-provoking and well-balanced, giving perspectives on the impact of regulations, validity of the underlying science, risk and cost-benefits analysis. Their tone is factual and objective. The articles are used in schools and as the basis for other articles published in the media. Articles of this caliber can only improve the understanding of complex environmental issues. Benefits to Mobil Foundation Based on the contacts of the Academy, the Environmental Associates Program has the potential to challenge the EPA behind-the-scenes on the effectiveness of a regulation for the environment and whether sound science supports the proposed law. As a member. Mobil can request the Environmental Associates provide input to our technical problems, particularly with respect to surface and groundwater. Current research includes work on the biodegradation of acid refinery sludges. In addition, supporting the Know Your Environment articles will better educate the public on key issues on the environment. MOBIL FOUNDATION. INC. GRANT RECOMMENDATION °J9*ni**tion: ‘ Bowdoin College • M*rine Research Laboratory, Brunswick, ME code: . 04041 Organizational Contact: .Dr. Edward S. Gilfillan Program/Department: Reconanending Mobil Unit ilityof this important oil spill resource and assure rapid response to any possible Mobil •pill “ J1® type expertise would be most helpful to Mobil not only during the cleanup portion of a spill, but to gather data and provide testimony during litigation conejmijg environmental damage. Awards from this type of litigation can exceed the total cost of clean-up and mitigation activities. MOBIL FOUNDATION. INC. GRANT RECOMMENDATION Organization: .Greater Caribbean Energy & Environ. Foundation (Affiliated with Florida International Univ.) Address: .1359 SW 22nd Terrace Zip Code: .33145 Organisational Contact: .Dr. Anitra Thorhaug Program/Dopartment: Date:_ Recommending Mobil Unit (Co.,Div. & Dept.): MOCORP, EHS Mobil Employee Coordinating Grant: .S. A. Horn 501(c)(3) attached ” (If New Organization) 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 j— 1293 - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $10,000 $75,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Grants by Other Corporations Exxon Chem. -$ 6,000 ! World Bank - $ 25,000 U.N. Unesco, - $ 15,000 Kenya Govt. .- $ 30,000 Phillipines Gvt $ 6,000 UNEP - $ 8,000 1 JUSTIFICATION- ! . 6/«n Budget Year: 1994 Amount:____$10,000 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ••••w BLOCK WUWfl\ I FOR FOUNDATION USB ONLY: gat. Code; 1 Description of Activities and Programs The Greater Caribbean Energy and Environment Foundation was formed in 1980 by a Florida International University researcher using grant money from the USDOE. Dr. Anitra Thorhaug is well known and respected for her mangrove and sea grass work in tropical environments. She and co-workers have published numerous papers, a nd are called upon for advice b y United Nations groups, Caribbean governments, the U.S. Government and the State of Florida in this area. Py.rP9?s of grant This $10,000 grant will allow continuation of laboratory studies on the effects of oil and chemically dispersed oil on warm water sea grass and associated communities. Sea grasses are important coastal environments frequently considered at risk from oil contamination. Knowledge is lacking on the effects of dispersed oil and other treatment agents on the growth and survival of sea grasses and so persons involved in creating guidelines for the use of dispersants are reluctant to recommend dispersant use near grass beds. Effectiveness of Program/Organization At Mobil's request. Dr. Thorhaug gave a paper on her sea grass research at an IPIECA seminar in 1986. This paper was published in Marine Pollution Bulletin. Also at Mobil's request. Dr. Thorhaug went to Australia in 1987 to give a paper at a conference Mobil was promoting. Dr. Thorhaug was awarded a United Nations Global 500 award based partly on the work she did under earlier Mobil Foundation funding. She published three additional papers in 1990 based on Mobil support and had articles in the Reader's Digest and the National Geographic. At United Nations request, she has travelled to the Persian Gulf to advise on oil spill clean-up there. Mobil's tanker routes, refineries, terminals and E&P facilities are commonly located in tropical sea grass areas. Should an oil spill occur, knowledge of how to best treat it to minimize ecological damage would be important to Mobil and government decision makers. Knowledge that effective response techniques are available also should help us obtain government permits while avoiding unreasonable regulations. Dr. Thorhaug represents a valuable Mobil interface with UNEP and UNDP oil spill related activities particularly in third world tropical countries. Her publications and input can have a positive influence in evolving regulations in lesser developed nations. Her publications in this area have acknowledged Mobil Foundation support. Funding beyond a three year period continues to assure the viability of this important oil spill resource and assure rapid response to any possible Mobil spill events. This type of expertise would be most helpful to Mobil not only during the cleanup portion of a spill, but to gather data and provide testimony during litigation concerning environmental damage. Awards from this type of litigation can exceed the total cost of clean-up and mitigation activities. Mobil Foundation, Inc. grant recommendation ORGANIZATION: Harvard School o£ Public Health, Center for Risk Analysis (HCRA) ADDRESS: 718 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. ZIP CODE: 02115 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Dr. John D. Graham, Center Director PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT: Harvard Center for Risk Analysis DATE: June 1993 BUDGET YEAR: 1994 AMOUNT: S12.500 RECOMMENDING MOBIL UNIT (CO., DIV. & DEPT.): REEA (EHS) MOBIL EMPLOYEE COORDINATING GRANT: J. C. Hildrew 501(C) (3) ATTACHED a (IP NEW ORGANIZATION) !PREVIOUS GRANTS BY MOBIL (1990-1993 - $25,000 GRANTS BY OTHER CORPORATIONS DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK For Foundation Use Only: UNIT CODE: CAT. CODE: JUSTIFICATION: Description of Activities and Programs HCRA was established in 1989 during congressional debate on the Clean Air Act Amendments when it became clear that key principles of risk analysis were not well understood or defended. The Center's mission is to enhance public health by promoting reasoned public responses to hazards by incorporating the risk analysis framework into public policy, education, and scientific research. Three current projects of particular interest to Mobil are "Competing Risks", "Lifesaving Priorities", and "Superfund Reform". These projects will stimulate public debate over the costs and benefits of various programs and whether America is making wise investments of its limited resources. Purppse o£ grant The purpose of this grant is to support continued public policy projects and basic research on risk analysis and its role in public policy development. Effectiveness of Proqram/Oraanization HCRA (and Director John Graham in particular) is recognized as a leading authority in the application of risk analysis to public policy. It has been effective in influencing Clean Air Act legislation on toxic emission standards and pointing out the safety risks associated with excessively stringent fuel economy standards. We expect the Center to play an influential role in consideration of future environmental legislative and regulatory actions. Benefits WgfriiA , __ , Mobil will benefit significantly through the adoption of more cost-effective laws and regulations which give greater consideration to the cost/risk tradeoffs involved. Mobil's environmental expenditures exceeded $1 billion in 1992. Without a greater appreciation of scientific risk analysis, these costs will continue to escalate as environmental rules and programs are made excessively stringent in response to the public's unfounded panic over relatively minor incidents. This grant request for $12,500 is half of the $25,000 to Harvard, with the other half being provided by the Corporate Medical Department. u:flan.cac MOBIL FOUNDATION, INC. Organ^ation: GRANT RECOMMENDATION Dat< £121 Budget Year: m i Amount: -S10.00Q .University of Miami -Coral Gables, Florida .33124 Contact: .Professor Howard Teas Program/Department: .Department of Biology Zip Code: E S T E S " * 1 S?16 eParCm?nC o£ che University of Miami has expertise and research programs on tropical coastal biology and effects of oil spills. re8e«rch Purpose of Granfr f S K S S 89 f* US?? tc °evel?P techniques to restore tropical coastal habitats 11 !pill? ‘ Specifically, the grant would help to fund a qreenhoJset v;ri®ty of bioassays in an attempt to develop a rapid etermining whether oiled sediments are safe for mangrove planting With S S S S f ' S t h rS L S S 5 e S . BtU^ ' iC bG to p~ di« replanting s u c l e s s " ^ Effectiveness of Proqram/Oraanization He°hasSdLJ?on.Sf the University of Miami is a world expert in mangrove ecology He has developed considerable basic information on oil spill effects in manarove Mofll's r®<5uesC* he presented a paper on oil spills and mangroves tlPIECA? r!“ °leU™ I"dusCry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) Seminar in Caracas in January 1986. He has also been active in API and in f°r “ ®atin9 sensitive marine environments following Oil S i i 1 9 to minimize ecological damage. He published an important paper based on S S S P STechnical publication F°yndation aC to an IPIECA in che 1993.1991 Oil Spill Coherence and conJSbSSed Benefits to Mobil Foundation Mobil's tanker routes ______ ____ _______ W 3 B & of %Mm atlu several of E&P's traverse tropical areas the world and ; ; ^ r e eXploraCion and Pro<*ucing areas are in tropical coastal waters. A major oil s p i n in a mangrove ecosystem probably would involve significant mangrove kill and subsequent damage claims. Having an ability to reestablish as quickly as possible areas of mangrove kill could significantly reduce environmental damage, compensation, and adverse public relations. Also, the research would give us an oojective criterion for mangrove recovery potential that would allow us to arque against excessive or premature replanting programs. Funding beyond a three year period continues to assure the viability of this important oil spill resource and assure rapid response to any possible Mobil spill events. This type expertise would be most helpful to Mobil not only during the cleanup portion of a spill, but to gather data and provide testimony during litigation concerning environmental damage. Awards from this type of litigation can exceed the total cost of clean-up and mitigation activities. Mobil Foundation, Inc. grant recommendation ORGANIZATION: woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ADDRESS: Woods Hole, Massachusetts ZIP CODE: 02543 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Dr. David Aubrey PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT: Coastal Research Center DATE: June 1993 BUDGET YEAR: 1994 AMOUNT: S20.000 RECOMMENDING MOBIL UNIT (CO., DIV. & DEPT.): MOCORP. EHSD MOBIL EMPLOYEE COORDINATING GRANT: J. C. Hildrew 501(C) (3) ATTACHED C) (IF NEW ORGANIZATION) 1 PREVIOUS GRANTS BY MOBIL j GRANTS BY OTHER CORPORATIONS 1984-1985 1987-1993 - DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK For Foundation Use Only: $30,000/yr. Donaldson Fnd. - $25,000 $20,000/yr A. W. Mellon Fnd. - $50,000 UNIT CODE: CAT. CODE: JUSTIFICATION: Description of Activities and Programs The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is perhaps the most prestigious research center engaged in oceanographic and ocean pollution research. The Coastal Research Center (CRC) of WHOI focuses on global warming, water pollution, subsidence, and effects of water pollution on the coastal marine environmental. P w p w