JljjlE A report on Exxon’s 1979 contributions in the public interest and the Exxon Education Foundation Report ^ i' jd ENVIRONMENT B American Geographical Society of New York ($40,000, 1979-80) ■ ■ American Society ■ i for Environmental Education 1 Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc. ■ Scholarships for young scientists B Scientist fellowships 1 The Bronx Frontier Development Corp. 1 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Fund I Conservation Foundation Inc. 1 Council on the Environm ent of New York City I Cultural Council Foundation I Earth Environmental Group Inc. I Environmental Action Coalition, Inc. Horticultural Society of New York International Environm ent Forum, Inc. t Isaac Walton League of America ; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole j Ecosystems Center : National Audubon Society Inc. I General Support I Florida Audubon Society National Wildlife Federation Nature Conservancy Inc. 1 General Support Heritage Program American Land Tfust S20.000 5,000 13,000 2,000 5,000 20,000 7,500 New York Zoological Society The Parks Council, Inc. RESOLVE-Center for Environm ental Conflict Resolution Sierra Club Foundation Staten Island Planning Foundation, Inc. 25,500 Advertising Council, Inc. 10,000 African-American Institute 5,000 5,000 15,000 33,450 6,500 10,000 7,500 25,000 50,000 3,000 17,000 20,500 5,000 25,000 15,000 5,000 Smithsonian Institution Marine Shallow Water Ecosystems Project on Carrie Bow Cay in Belize Tropical Research Institute fellow ship/assistantship program Total Education in the Total Environm ent. Inc. Academy of Political Science ($25,000, 1978-80) Accountants for the Public Interest, Inc. 10,000 15,000 15,000 10.000 95,000 25,220 $ 557,370 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND POLICY RESEARCH 12,000 5,000 14,200 Other contributions, each under $5,000 to tal New York Botanical Garden Gardencrafters Program for New York City Children Greenworld for Children United Nations Association of the United States of America Center for International Environment Information World Wildlife Fund Inc. $7,500 6,000 14,000 15.000 Agricultural Council of America 5.000 American Association for the Advancement of Science 5,600 American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc. Second National Sem inar on Civil Rights in the Corporation 5,000 American Council on Germany Inc. 7,000 American Ditchley Foundation 7,500 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research General Support Legal Policy Studies ($75,000, 1978-80) Tax Policy Studies ($75,000, 1978-80) 95,000 25,000 25,000 American Museum of Natural History General Support Department of Mineralogy 10,000 15,000 American Productivity Center 10,000 American Refugee Committee 5,000 American Universities Field Staff Inc. General Support Center for Mediterranean Studies 12,500 5,000 Asia Society Inc. 12,500 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies Corporation and Society Program Energy Study International Affairs Program 50.000 10,000 15,000 Brookings Institution General Support Journalist Project 12,000 20.000 Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, Inc. 18,000 Center for In ter-American Relations Inc. 17,500 Center for Public Resources Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources Columbia University The American Assembly Mexican-American Relations Project Graduate School of Journalism Walter Bagehot Advanced Fellowship Program in Economic and Financial Reporting Project: Impact of the Modem Corporation 15.000 Great Plains Legal Foundation 10,000 Harvard University Center for International Affairs Law School Value-Added Tax C ourse 5.000 35,000 10,000 60,000 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. 80,000 Educational Fund for Individual Rights, The 10,000 Energy Conservation Projects Other contributions, each under $5,000 Fairleigh Dickinson University Graduate Institute of International Studies Foreign Policy Association Foundation for American Communications Foundation for Business, Politics & Economics ($500,000, 1977-81) Freedom House Fund for Modem Courts Inc Georgetown University 25,000 8,700 75,000 331,180 100,000 75,000 70,000 10,000 12,000 5,000 100,000 10,000 5,500 24 25,000 I M 'I B L 2$ 4 10 n 10, 12.S 20, i International M anagem ent a n d Development Institute 6,000 J a p a n Society, Inc. 10.000 10,000 Jo h n s Hopkins U niversity School of A dvanced International Studies Ocean Policy Project 10.000 League of Women Voters Media Institute 10.000 5.000 Middle E ast E ducational T rust (MEET) 10.000 Middle E ast Institute 35,000 M ountain States Legal Foundation 15,000 5,640 n International Institute for Strategic Studies O verseas E ducation Fund 93,925 10 J O International Institute for Economic Research International Peace Academ y Center for Strategic & International Studies General Support Karl F. Landegger Program in Institute of Society, E thics an d the Life Sciences, Inc. International Center for Econom ic Policy Studies, Inc. Committee for Economic Development Alliance to Save Energy Boy Scouts of America, Inc. Hall of Science of the City of New York Hospital Research and Educational Ttust Massachusetts Institute of Technology ($300,000, 1977-79) National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Agencies National Association of College and University Business Officers Resources for the Future, Inc. University of Wyoming Rocky Mountain Institute of Energy & Environment ($125,000, 1977-81) International B usiness Diplomacy Resou rces Area I>rograrn The Ethics and Public Policy Center 5.000 National Academy of E ngineering Foundation ($50,000, 1976-80) 10.000 National Academy of Sciences Academy Forum 10.000 Einstein Memorial ($40,000, 1979-81 ) International Institute for Applied System s A nalysis National B ureau of Ec onom ic Research. Inc National Center for S tate Co u rts National C ham ber Foundatiion National Council on the Aging Inc. National Legal Center for the Public Interest National Planning Association New England Legal Foundation 15.000 25.000 30.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 35.000 5.000 ew York Public Library ($250,000, 1977-81) itv ew York Uni\ f G raduate School of H I ! Business Administration I 50,000 5 10,000 acific Legal Foundation 10,000 “h e Rand Corporation 10,000 :utgers University—Center for International Business Cycle Research 10,000 iutgers University G raduate School of Business Administration International Business Institute Jchomburg Collection of Black History, Literature and Art Inc. 9.000 5.000 ieven Springs Farm Center, Inc. 10,000 itatement of Principles Industry Dm*- Support Unit, Inc. 7.000 ,bx Research Association Pexas Research League I General Support I Intern Program Jnited Nations Association of the United States of America 5.000 19.000 2.000 25.000 5,000 University of Miami, School of Law Law and Economics Center ($100,000, 1979-81) 30,000 University of Pennsylvania I The W harton G raduate School of Hgf Business I R. L. White Center of Financial Research Vietnam Veterans of America Washington University at St. Louis Center for the Study of Business ($185,000, 1976-80) H Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars International Security Studies Program Work in America Institute Inc. ($300,000, 1978-80) Other contributions, each under $5,000 5,500 25,000 37,000 Women and Men in a Changing Society Administration and M anagement H Research Assoc. i Barnard College Catalyst fit Jobs for Youth, Inc. Ms. Foundation for Women, Inc. Projects on health, employment and prevention of violence against women and children New York University School of Continuing Education WATCH Program (15,000, 1979-81) Project Return Foundation, Inc. Stevens Institute of Technology Urban Institute Program of Research on Women and Family Policy Volunteer Urban Consulting Group Inc. Women’s Action Alliance General Support TYaining Institute and Newsletter 1979 Women’s Exposition World Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Inc. Other contributions, each under $5,000 World Press Institute, Inc. University of Chicago I International Finance Center m m ($15,000, 1977-79) HI Women and Men in a Changing Society (continued) 31,000 5,000 43,700 15,000 15,000 TOTAL 5.000 5.000 26,700 25.000 15.000 7.500 19,300 1.500 10.000 8.500 25,000 100,000 9,000 85,530 $ 2 ,7 6 4 ,7 7 5 HIGHER EDUCATION American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Exxon Award for Educational Innovation ($50,000, 1976-80) American Indian Science and Engineering Society $ 12,000 5,000 American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship Program 10,000 Columbia University G raduate School of Business Middle E ast Institute 6,500 12,500 Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Industrial Associates Program 50,000 Committee to Increase Minority Professionals in Engineering, Architecture and Technology 5,000 25 C ontributions O utside th e United S ta tes Public Information and Policu Research lea and the Middle E ast $ Education Health, Welfare and Community Services Arts, Museums and Historical Associations Total 32,215 2,412 78,396 5,874 lad a 199,542 929,560 1,492,842 621,839 3,243,783 rope 151,874 401,145 350,627 28,009 931,655 •East 53,577 489,324 458,344 73,747 1.074,992 in America 54,530 1,006,350 328,916 49,400 1,439,196 $ 465,397 $ 2 ,864,274 $ 2,662,944 $ 775,407 $ 6,768,022 ITALS HEALTH, WELFARE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES rica and the Middle East Community Centers, Youth & Sports 526,217 Health Agencies 149,530 Hospitals 100,448 DUCATION United Ways 600,224 mth Africa Other Welfare 115,283 JBLIC INFORMATION AND POLICY RESEARCH 1items under $5,000 $ 5,874 ellenbosch University 11,500 Other contributions, each under $5,000 ther contributions, each under $5,000 26,395 TOTAL OTAL $37,895 EALTH, WELFARE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 11items under $5,000 32,215 OTAL $32,215 Arts 292,606 Museums, Art Galleries & Historical Associations 329,233 RTS, MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS ,11items under $5,000 each TOTAL OTAL $1,492,842 ARTS, MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS TOTAL 2,412 1,140 $ 3,243,783 $ 7 8 ,3 9 6 Europe PUBLIC INFORMATION AND POLICY RESEARCH Canada Germany TJBLIC INFORMATION AND POLICY RESEARCH VUitems under $5,000 $199,542 EDUCATION education Associations and Others fellowships & Scholarships Graduate Research Fellowships 104,662 3,354 82,775 Universities and Colleges 344,473 University Research G rants 394,271 Other contributions, each under $5,000 TOTAL 25 $929,560 Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Energy Studies Institut fur Wirschaftsund Gesellschaft Politik Economic and Social Policy Studies Ludwig E rhard Stiftung Bonn Economic Studies 8,152 10,870 5,435 Netherlands Stichting Weg Construction / Transport Studies 10,732 United Kingdom Royal Institute of International Affairs 18,245 Other contributions, each under $5,000 98,440 TOTAL $151,874 35 Educational Research and D evf 1®f ® ellt Grant* Ja n u a ry 1 - December 31. 1979 Appro­ priated during 1979 Recipient and Purpose Unpaid balance from previous appro priatlons American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business To enhance the international dimensions of business school curricula through a series of workshops for faculty members $25,000 $25,000 65,000 32.500 American Council of Learned Societies To encourage scholarship in Soviet and Eastern European Studies through support of the Preparatory Fellowship Program of the International Research and Exchanges Board American Political Science Association To develop curriculum packages to acquaint students with policy decision-making processes in business enterprises and public agencies $70,608 47.728 11,575 11.575 American Society for Engineering Education To collect and publish papers from a conference on the continuing education of scientists and engineers Forfurther analysis and dissemination of the findings of Project EPILOGUE, a study of the relationship between undergraduate education and the career patterns and job performance of engineers 23,455 23.455 1,000 1.000 10,000 10.000 ARCS Foundation, Inc. To provide achievement awards for college students of science Arizona State University In support of the Fifteenth International Congress of the International Federation for Modem Languages and Literatures Toward the costs of a conference on college composition and communication 3,380 Association for Canadian Studies in the United States In support of its fifth biennial conference, ‘‘Perspectives on Canada ' ’ British Open University Foundation To enhance its information and c 5,000 15.000 Brown Universitv pport development of an undergraduate icentration in chemical engineering program aimed at enhancing the preparation of students fo 110.000 33.546 College rt of its ‘‘Women program International Fi 45,000 15.000 Unpaid balance from previous appro­ priations Paid during 1979 $20,900 $20,900 150,000 75,000 $75,000 $95,000 50,000 45,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 34,750 104,250 Appro­ priated during 1979 Recipient and Purpose ness and Professional Women’s Foundat ward a revolving loan fu n d for women enter graduate study in engineering Unpaid balance carried forward to California Institute of Technology In support of energy policy studies Case Western an interdisciplinary freshm an course acquaint students with the basic concepts of science, technology, social science, and the humanities and the interrelationships among areas Center for Advanced Study in the B ehavioral Sciences American and higher education Center for Cultural and Technical E xchange between and West o f case studies on economic development in East Asia for use in management training 139,000 Center for the Study of the Presidency In support of its National Student Symposium 5,000 5,000 Central Educational Network 1 To develop a cooperative model for delivering ■ postsecondary instructional television 25,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 City College of the City University of New B For a Nigerian-A meric an workshop o H transfer, managerial education, ar ■ development College Entrance Exam ination the effects o f early financial aid information planning for po education Tostudy the o f lifelong US. 16,223 16,223 1,054,193 784,419 269,774 Colorado School of Mines Tosupport development o f collaborative activities with the University o f Denvt r a University port of the Lionel 'IJilling Seminars 28,000 28,000 36,000 12,000 24,000 61.500 455,500 pij University )rove the preparation ofPh.D. candidates for me teaching aspects of their careers and to involve senior scholars as mentors in that process 517,000 57 Educational Research and D evelopm ent G rants Unpaid balance Appro priated during 1979 Recipient and Purpose from previous app ro priations Paid during 19 79 L'nP(m ( bolariM carrtm forworn Council for Opportunity in Graduate Management Education In support of its program offellowships for minority students $32,000 $32,000 131,205 65,000 1,070 1.070 Council on Learning To disseminate the work of a national task force concerned with the international dimension of college curricula $ 66,205 County College of Morris Toward a scholarship program for associate degree candidates Commission recommendations accountability policies and procedures at the state level 817,000 17,000 • K M Education Development Center Toward development of curricular materials for community colleges on ethnic pluralism and ethnic identity in the U.S. 124,855 75.000 25,000 25.000 49.855 Elizabeth Seton College To support a program of academic achievement awards Formative Evaluation Research Associates To evaluate the effectiveness of college writing programs 48.608 48,608 Fulbright Alumni Association For a survey of former Fulbright Scholarship recipients 10,000 10,000 35,000 35.000 Fund for Public Education of the American Bar Association Toward evaluation of curricular materials beina developed by the ABA’s Commission on Undergraduate Education in Law and Humanities George Washington University In support of research on energy policy 50.000 Georgetown University * , 50.000 n °J •■••■'■^"lu.uuriai o u sin p ^ t ethics and corporate responsibility into the curriculum of its new Landegger Proqram in International Business Diplomacy 9 Georgia Institute of Technology 158,300 engmeerumsuidenil ■ Appro­ priated Recipient and Purpose Unpaid balance from previous appro­ priations Paid Hampshire College nee o f Hampshire o f the Hampshire outcomes 359,378 359.378 59,000 59,000 1,000,000 250,000 38,000 38,000 Harvard School of Public Health Unpaid balance carried forward protocols fo health planners Harvard University support of its new program in B Policy ran intensive summer program career possibilities in business For research on higher education leading to a handbook for prospective college students, and for research on community colleges curriculum development in the field of international law 875.031 42,510 17,664 3750,000 32,521 17,664 Higher Education measures o f institutional quality and to replicate and expand prior studies on the reputational ratings o f institutions 99,700 60,000 39,700 57,294 43,691 13,603 32,250 32,250 Wayne development of H materials for college algebra and trigonometry prtitutefor International Education Program s, Inc. Eastern of a conference of American Middle B & u te for the Study of World Politic; research fellowships fo of world economy 90,000 30,000 12,500 12,500 92,568 33,118 60,000 M pnational Council for Educational Development for an international seminar on the effectiveness of higher education systems •n a tio n a l M M undergraduate c Consortium for dissemination of il materials bu tht 59,450 Bj-university Commun m o provide law i with compute exercises via a national computer network and to Evaluate the effectiveness o f this approach 18,526 18,526 Hopkins University support activities o f the Brazilian Studies Center of the Sc hool of Advanced International Studies 10,000 5,000 5,000 Educational Research and D evelopm ent G rants Unpaid Appro priated during 1979 Recipient and Purpose Joint Council on Economic Education To revise the Test of Understanding in College Economics, a standardized examination widely used by colleges and universities balance from previous app ro priatlons 825,000 Fa id daring 1979 825,000 Macalester College For preparation of a book on the history of general education 836,500 36,500 Massachusetts Institute of Technology To support postdoctoral fellowships in the new College of Science, Technology and Society 500,000 50,000 Medical University of South Carolina self —i«M Miami-Dade Community College Forfurther development of a computer-based system for providing students with individual analyses of their writing 6,300 8450.000 6,300 40.000 40,000 27.191 13,500 12.500 12,500 Miami writing ability of the long-range effects of mbining Michiga Tofinance a study of how college administrative structure influences requirements Language Association of America of a curriculum workshop fo department faculty members 2.000 2.000 College of a program of studies and internships fo women interested in management 60,000 egal For general support 50,000 Administrati students drafting fo 13,691 24,000 36.000 25.000 25.000 * 1 National Center for Health Education 25,000 25,000 W M fW iPirf f tCT-Y of Sel«:ted References;and Resources for Health Instruct ion National Hispanic Scholarship Fund For general sup port National Humanities Center For general support 60 9.000 9.000 5,000 mB 5,000 165,000 H5 t)00 80,000 mm pi Appro­ priated during 1979 Recipient and Purpose Unpaid balance from previous appro­ priations Paid National Medical Fellowships. Inc Unpaid balance carried forward Forgeneral support IS $30,000 $30,000 National Merit Scholarship Corporation In support of National Achievement Scholarships for I outstanding minority students HJ 66.000 $16,500 Academy Alumn For a study of the alumni o f the Naval Academy I Foreign Affairs Conference b 2.000 $74,250 2,000 New York University In support of the New York City Urban Fellows Program of the Institute for the Humanities, tofoster ion of the academic, professional, and \ecommunities around shnrod the humanities o f statistics development o f instructional computer programs capable of diagnosing different types o f errors in statistical reasnninn 8,250 5.750 5,750 250,000 100,000 150.000 54,466 25,000 29,466 102,026 50,000 52,026 74,985 37,494 37,491 Northeastern To develop as Ohio State University I I o experiment with a new approach to helping prospective teachers learn essential teaching skills Ohio University ^Hlsupport of the Southeast Asia Studies Program 10,000 10,000 50,000 12,500 37,500 15,000 10,000 5,000 425,000 150,000 275,000 C o n stru ctio n ist Rabbinical College i-- **vw-W'd medical ethics fo school students fonal Plan Association Fellow H p se la er Poly tech upport of the Engineering and Science Professional leadership Program, a new Piterdisc ipUnary program aimed at early Ptestification and training o f potential te C h n o ln riim l % eU rtment with an Instructional program to •' Prove spatial visualization ability ^ * w « F L A V - 9 F IL A L 16,977 16,977 University 336 f^PPori of its Life Sciences and Public Policy rogram 10,000 10,000 61 Educational Research and Recipient and Purpose D evelopm ent G rants Appro­ priated during 1979 Unpaid balance from previous appro­ priations Paid during 1979 Saint Louis University To improve academic advising of transfer students through a training program for faculty advisers Smith College To provide scholarship aid for foreign women in the American Studies Diploma Program To develop an intensive five-week management program for women in middle management oao SSHBS 100 V J T ’V / f 1 V / V 60 000 $20,000 25,000 25,000 U v / 9V / w Society for Values in Higher Education In support of a project to improve general education through coordinated self-study among 16 liberal arts colleges To design a program for external evaluation of colleges and universities $182,500 85,000 10,000 10,000 79,808 40,000 10,000 10,000 Southern Center for International Studies To develop a program of seminars for faculty members in fields related to international studies Southwest Texas State University To conduct a follow-up study on dissemination of Student-to-Student Counseling Stanford University In support of energy policy studies To develop computer programs for teaching technical writing skills to engineering students To provide financial assistance to older women MBA students who have previously worked in support positions in business 437,500 62,500 16,033 16,033 93,784 37,818 47,184 25.000 2,257 2,257 15,000 7,500 State University of New York at Binghamton For a conference of American and Middle Eastern social scientists to develop an agenda for research on urban change in the Middle East State University of New York at Buffalo Tofinance preparation of an annotated bibliography on the comparative sociology of education State University of New York at Stony Brook To encourage wider use of new scholarship through support of the Bulletin for Research in the Humanities Syracuse University To establish the Frank Abrams Memorial Lecture Series 100,000 Tufts University To help create a new program in International Business Relations within the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy J 62 200.000 60.000 Appro­ priated during 1979 lent and Purpose ntem ational School support a working conference on international teacher training n County Technical Institute I provide scholarships fo r outstanding com puter sciences students dversity of Colorado In support o f the A cadem y o f Independent Scholars liversity of Delaware To support a conference on ethical issu es in government To support the activities o f the Center fo r the S tu dy o f Values Paid during 1979 $16,700 $16,700 $1,500 /ersity of California at Berkeley o support developm ent in schools o f architecture o f a new curriculum focusing on the n eeds o f the handicapped o provide financial a ssista n ce to older wom en law students who have previously w orked in support positions in the legal field versity of Chicago no enable the University o f Chicago Press to publish a series o f books on higher education Voprovide financial a ssista n c e to older wom en law students who have previously w orked in support positions in the legal field Unpaid balance from previous appro­ priations 50,000 50,000 1,500 37,481 37,481 97,000 14,100 $82,900 10,000 40,000 84,600 5,460 79,140 21,650 71,650 — niversity of Illinois a t U rbana To develop a program in “teaching with computers ” for undergraduate teachers in training — 5,000 5,000 250,000 Unpaid balance carried forward 250,000 — 23,344 23,344 17,646 17,646 niversity of Iowa To enable the CONDUITcomputer network to prepare computer-based curriculum materials for dissemination diversity of Kansas HHpenelop a program of Intra-university visiting I professorships for mid-career faculty members I ine at Orono wfoImprove anatomy instruction by creating cells and tissues as seen Videotapes of through a scanning electron microscope ■ y j j £ I I U I i;iU 7 U » IC t I W 42,000 42,000 16,011 16,011 U U U U ersity of Massachusetts at Amherst >develop a training film for community college Instructors 25.405 25.405 E ducational R esearch and D evelop m en t O ran Appro n rioted ^during - 1979 Recipient and Purpose University of Miami To support an international conference on acceptable energy prices To support an international scientific fo ru m on energy fo r developed and developing countries Forfurther developm ent and evaluation o f “Harvey." a teaching m achine in m annequin form that sim ulates the sym ptom s o f hum an heart disease To develop eyes fo r ‘‘Harvey ’I that will sim ulate various disease sym ptom s Unpaid balance from previous appro Paid during $50,000 $50,000 prtattons 1979 $50,000 50.000 150.000 75.000 47,496 47,426 University of Minnesota To stu d y the feasibility o f including a clinical com ponent in m anagem ent education programs 35,250 University of Minnesota at Duluth To develop laboratory materials and exercises fo r teaching introductory archaeology 14,449 14,449 11,000 11.000 Mexico the field o f American folklore materials University of Notre Dame To increase the num ber o f minority stu d en ts o f engineering through support o f the National Consortium fo r Minorities in Engineering University of Pennsylvania To create an academ ic developm ent fu n d to be used to enhance the interdisciplinary aspects o f undergraduate education To conduct a stu d y o f effective environmental statutes and regulations and the effects o f their administration on entrepreneurial pursuits 15.000 15,000 600,000 600,000 10.000 10,000 25.985 25.985 University of Pittsburgh To develop instrum ents fo r a stu d y o f engineering graduates ^ University of Southern California To support fu rth er developm ent and dissem ination o f tools to facilitate Institutional planning o f f a c u l t y 1 allocation effects o f drama effecti University of Texas at Austin o f student fe e d b a c k classroom 19,668 10.000 26,486 26.486 55.806 400 improving