U.S. District Court Criminal Complaint Part 2 Warning: This document contains profanity and explicit sexual language. Additionally. agents have multiplc Culib involving MONSON using tivitics oi'M.V.'s criminal sex '15. It iagents identified LG hy Vince. SAS .lnlimton lo pity Li .8140 SAS Johnston then LU. il'shc would Clo Based on my training and cxpuricncc I know ilii: phmac "hlnw juh" in used in describe (trill sex mid the \Clln "Greek" is L.G. told SAS Johnston that "Greek" would uml an additional med [0 describe amt . $200. 352, Pen Register imp Lind lilr ucllulm number--i that was by LG. indicated that at the time ni'the undercover telephune call was mlidc. LG. was limited in the area ol'l'ystm. VA, 353. wl'ics ni'iexi messnges bciwccn MONSON t'l'Tll7) and m. --, On February 29. 2m 6. helwcun approximately 1221 and 1235 hours. agents The text messages rend a: Follows. MONSON 'Wiissup ll been talking to this hitch clinp" "No" LG. "That bitch ., Why" metm w: cot: hut not like that" MONSON lo" conic silt: saying ymi Mild Ali/.0 was :Clltiillg inc money" 'hzit" cutting it money where" rare it talking nbnni" litli litIClliC miss me with all these I'r" MON SON (ML bitch ain't zillmyetl to talk lo know Imus" LG. "Duh" MONSUN "And talking smart right now I will cumu hunt tl'oittlti u" "Wit" MONSON "Why ll'lhc new bitch fccling like you l|kC yall been acling funny" "Here we gojust like I said it'Ill l6 17 18 26 27 28 previously wurkcd rol- .VIONSON. LG. complained lming Amulld "all lhgels l'r i. slung lurm uscd In pcoplc "snilch." The term "ii is abbreviation meaning "for real" in (uxls. LC, was complaining, [icing MONSUN (old LG. isn't allowed to talk [0 any "hots" (pl'nstlullcs). on my training and expericncc, I know than. ccrluul mics lhul mils! and these rules are by men>> pimpsl Breaking lulc> will ol'lcn result in inth farm of a phy assault perpetrated by the pimp. lbclicvc MONSON ix informing I. lliul sill: hl'ukc rule by money will} LG. luld MONSUN, "Duh." MONSON [hen Lfr, with physical violence and told he will come "haul term "ll" is an used in [axle meaning "th luck," MONSON threatened some "ball. the luck" uul (Il' for her rules and lill' back In him when he llCl' iI. I..(iv in MONSON that this is all rerun. lncaning he's done lhis bul'urc. tlicn smiled she's cleaning the all "wining and lhe ulhur girl hudlfl lcl'l hm mum ycl. 14.0. mm IlmI [he mhel' girl ms "nu mussy shit 1 we walking umund talking Llhoul why y'all so quicl." LG. complained Ilial other girl was by accusing l. ul'llol hcing lowal'tls hut LU. told MONSON (hall Wasn't [Hiking hack to himl was simply telling him [he llulh 355' 1205 and 2240 a scrim nl'lexl message: MUNSON l'l'll'7) and 'lhc messages mad as LG. lusl want you know alluth ur us\llulu buckwurda ii" MONSON "0h yuL lhink can d" it "Explain Io me I my one 11mg and punched mil like niggu um] hitch gucs MT 2 lira and nul onc happcl can relilly luv: :1 bilch wll'ix lcally gning on and ll' ll 5 even wol'lh ll" MONSON "Man that ain't never said lull ll say so Dul ll UUL she knuw how fur to go" "Wuw really" MONSON "Rilch llevcl' ill] nothing ll>> whcl'c lu smack up" LU, "ll's 0k making excuses for [host lanlc ass fags [kill what do best they aw and make excuses" LG "all back 10 your gr MUNSUN "ldgafl know do" 127 LG. ?The whole Fresno knows what do? LG. ?It?s not a secret? MONSON ?The whole l'iresno know im pimping like ah ml?? LG. going home" ?To the house I didn't leave" MONSON ?th? mean didn't leave" LG. didn't go? MCWSON with me at all" LG. ?For what to keep paying a nigga that lies? ?First ol? all ain't got lied to bout shit but like I said know" sit here and pay Ll for what and ean't even get no n'ioney from I had to ask my parents? MONSON asked them eus didn't go home eus was mad about getting smaeked? - LG. ?Nael'iie it?s all the time? MONSON ?Never .l kept with money the last. run. money it a ear don't play" LG. never ask for money eause it's a problem that?s why I keep my side hustle? ?When? LG. ?The last run I couldn't even get money l'oreotl?ee? LG. think that beating gave me opened my eyes? LG. ?I'll be stupid a little Who gets beat up and leaves" MLWSON ?Huh? LG. ?i?low gets they ass heat like a nigga and goes to work my dum ass l?m not doing it. anymore" MONSON ?Well stop rurming your mouth like a nigga" MONSON ?Now a ass whooping l?ades to. ?that wasn't an ass whooping" MONSON ?It was" MONSON ?ass whooping? bothers her now. LG. ?l'm tired naehie? LG. ?it' didn't make it. so hard for me to sleep 1 would be able to? ?Plus ltnma be here all week so who area" LG. ?Cares? LG. ?Just. Be up to post me in a l?ew hrs? LG. ?And plus 1.1 made it not fun" MONSON ?What not fun" MONSON ?Hard to sleep?? LG. ?Ll make it not fun to how? LG. ?ll oe?" got the dole attitude about it" LG. ?Yes when puneh someone l?ull three in both sides it. hurts and then it was hard to sleep on my baek" 3:36. Based on the intereepted texts. i believe LG. stated she was mad at beeause he had punehed her. She wanted MONSCW to explain. why another prostitute eould talk back to him for two hours and nothing happened to her but LG- was punehed. LG. eontinued to eomplain to MONSON and told him to go back to his girlfriend. MONSGN said ?ldgal?? (I, donjt give a fuek), know what i do.? LG. said all of Fresno knew what MONSON had done and said all ot?l?resno knew he was a pimp. LG. then told 128 26 27 28 him that she going home. She told MONSON that she did not leave lior Virginia. MONSON wanted to know why she didnit leave and told her to quit playing with him. LG. complained about giving all of her money to and how he wouldn?t give her any money. She even had to ask her parents [or money. MONSON said she asked her parents because she was mad at him for smacking her. LG. told MONSON that his physical assault against her opened her eyes and she was questioning why she gives him her money when he physically assaults her. MONSON told her to quit talking back to him. LG. told MONSON that she was tired and he told her to put her posts up. Based on my experience and knowledge of this investigation I know the term ?post? is used to describe an advertisement on various internct media websites. such as bt-tckpageeom. whereby prostitutes advertise their availability. She complained to that his behavior has changed her thoughts related to prostitution and that prostitution is no longer enjoyable. 357. On March 15. 2016. agents intercepted calls between LG. and MONSON on During the calls. LG. talked about [lying home and told MONSON her ?ight was delayed [from Phoenix. AZ. Ot'c Szatmari then responded to the airport to conduct surveillt-ince. At approximately 1730 ()te Saannari saw LG. sitting at the bench outside the airport. She was wearin grey pants with a blue jacket and had a rolling suitcase. Approximately 10 minutes later. Ol?c Szatmari saw MONSON arrive in pewter colored Mercedes. 7l.i.WV183. At that. time Olic Szatmari saw MONSCW. still wearing a black shirt and black pants. help LG. place her luggage in the vehicle. then entered the back seat of" the Mercedes and left with Based on previously intercepted calls. I believe LG. was in the Washington DC. Virginia area conducting prostitution activities. this day. i believe MONSON picking up trom the airport at the conclusion other prostitution activities and providing her with 358. On April 4. 2016. CHP ()?l?tieer Semnona authm'ed a pen register tier cellular telephone. Upon reviewing the UPS locations related to Lfifs cellular telephone agents determined that LG. had been in the area. of the Sheraton at Tyson?s Corner in Virginia for several days. 1.29 27 28 on the intercepted and the believe inn of MONSOV, Furthermore. I helicvc conducting that MONSON LG. to continue her zit'lx thruttgh acts ol' l'ntue/vinlence, MUNSUN Willi physical VluiCnCC for breaking' rules commitng what he believes lo he tt'nnst'rcssiuns uguimt him. complained to MONSON lic physically assaults her and takes her muncy l. not even afford a col 1| her money In believe MONSON (iCpl'iVCLi nl'ltcr persnnul liberty CUCWULI her into committing sex acts. MONSON sent mil. ot'thc state It) Virginia and Washington DC, While there. she is required to make a ttmnuntnt'ntuncy hul'orc returningY to resno. is coerced intn committing these sex because she is not free to leave until she mtikcs the t'cqttit'ctl money. LG. is then thread to give the minority stall the money she makes li'unt her criminal auliyilicx MONSON This IHU. l0 ht: l'Cilfll'li upun MONSON as she has no money nl'ltet nwn, Additionally, agents littve ililcrueplull mullipic cull) involving SON ttsi iis cellular to direct and coordinate the nt'l eriminttl MUNSON is his phone to facilitate his pimping netivitie >; in other than California, Agents have alstt return to Emma CA, from Phoenix. Agents him: tilsu the cmtt'dinatcs ul' pliant.- discovet'ctl that she is in Virginia at a Sheraton Ilntul. linth tm the inlL pied calls, the surveillance. and the [walnut 1 helich that MONSON t. committng his pimping uptivitius across state lines. 360. --. Durng these cant, MONSON and 3.3. cunspircd to commit illegal Agents have itllumcl'llcd multiple calls/texts between MONSON, TM). and pintping/pmstilitiiun activilics. Agents have Jim been tibia to that MONSON uncut-es . . tn utimmil nets tst'pmslitntinn through threats nt'phyxienl violencc ultii dcpt'tvnlitm ut'pmonut liberty. fullouing calls/texts are a sampling nt'smm nt'thu intercepted calls involving. MONSON S. 130 301. During cull 35. answered (In: phone and MONSON began speaking nu. ll'lc Cnnversullnn, 1| young child Could be Iluzlrd in lhu 0n Mulch 2016. ill appl'nximalely 1200 ('I'I'll7) apnkc with with MON . id. "Whal." MONSON said, "Ycah. \llm's wily] up faggols huh. wilh yn l'ullin well hmle yn. MONSON about her "I'zlggol. am" and nu. "punk hilcll.' laughed. MONSON said. "I'm gunnu bc'dl yo ass when get here cuz you lhink L'ulc." 8.8. asked. "clue?" MoNsoN mid. with ms: with yo faggol uss Mich." 5.3. sllid slle had zlocepled his friend request, MONSON bL-lzlling and told Ilcl' lu I'Llck up." HAD his l'ricnd requch MONSON berm: 5. fm pulling Fuucbnuk um] said she barely "wen Ilcl'. began MUNSON told him mm hl: mad Immune he, "got caught being a nick rcpc'dlcd mulliplc limu>> Ilc gal caught being u'1rick." SS. ubmll zl\'pullk Ass hitch Denise" and how MONSON was Ilcr lrick. 8.5 stalled "hilch purlde her ml!" pul lm Fauebuok MONSUN and . continual arguing album 1'4 chunk (Ind MONSUN again to "heal llel'asa." MONSON said, "chp on I'm bull abuut 3.3 not my friend." MUNSON and ss arguing ubuulu l'cmalc mm was 5.3.x rmnd. MONSON licpl sllying 5.3.x: 3,3. il. MONSON [hen yelled. "Delete fucking Facsbnuk bitch! I'm gonna brcuk yo facc you keep playing s3 my MONSON instruclcd tn cmirc accuunl. He also hcl' lo Imr Inslagl'am. SS, laughed and MONSOV said, "Yeah, Laugh like I'm pluyin mm yu' 5.3. lisde why MONSOV lalkull that from ul'his slln. MONSON cxpluinud hc bL'll'dVCd he in ofhis sun. MONSON said [0 his sun. Say Faggot," 8,5. inlcl'ruplcd MONSUN and said. "You lo cal] Denim a faggot since he'll be around her um," [hen sllc's She's a loyal kind of girl. *l'llnl's why you luck with 1m." 3.3 the" mid MONSON. l'lnu's why fuck with law 131 dick. Yeah, you probably got the bitch pregnant. 8mce you been sleeping with her all ot?a sudden a lot.? 8.8. then called MON80N a ?trick? several more times. She then complained about having to pay MON8ON money while he was pretending to be someone else?s boyfriend. MONSON and 8.8. then argued again about 8.8. accepting a friend request from a female. MON8ON then said. ?This bitch been liking yo shit. l?m beating yo ass bitch.? MONSON then said, ?You think Fm stupid? You think 1 don"t know you fuck with this bitch huh?? MCWSON and 8.8. continued to argue and denied ?fucking with this bitch.? 8.8. pointed out all the "bitches you fuck with? and MONSON continued to yell at her. and 8.8. continued arguing For several minutes about liaeebook posts and deleting in tori-nation [if ot? l? accbook. 8.8. continued to berate MONSON l'or ?tucking that square bitch" and giving her "raw dick.? then told 8.8.. ?i can?t wait to catch you with this girl. I. been waiting to make an example out'ot'you I swear. in front of her. I swear I been waiting to catch you. 1 swear to God I can?t wait to catch you with her again.? 8.8. again denied being friends with her. MON8ON said, *?8hut up. Quit lying. Quit trying to throw the bitch under the bus because thatis your partner. You just was trying to do a date with the bitch. 8.8. said she didn?t have any partners and the only friends she had were her sisters. and 8.8. continued arguing and talking over each other. continuously called MONSCW and accused him ot?buying the ??bitch? couches and putting his phone in her name. MON8ON then sait . ?You know what do to you about this bitch. What I do to you about Noelle? What the fuck do to you about Noelle at that. school?? MONSON also asked. ?You remember. that day over at that school what I do to you?" 8.8. said. ?Yeah. remember." MON8ON then yelled. ?0k. You want the same shit with Tee huh? To give you a example of how serious I am about tucking with a snitch on yo page huh?? accused ofhaving ?snitches? on his Facebook piztge and MON8ON said. ?There ain?t no snitches on my shit.? 8.8. tried to talk about a female on page and MON8ON said. ?Hell no. She ain?t on paperwork. She ain?t got black and white on.? MONSON told 8.8. she better delete her Facebook and 8napchat. MON80N said. ?l?m checking everything. And when tind out. I?m gonna beat the shit out oj?you. You 132 l9 know i will. You what l?ll do to you.? 362.. Based on my training and experience and my knowledge of this investigation. it is my opinion that MONMDN is exerting his control NEE-1.. During this investigation, I have listened to of intercepted calls and reviewed thousands of intercepted text messages involving pimping/pandering and human 'trt-tftieking. Most of the calls and texts I reviewed involve MONSCW or one fthe tcmale prostitutes under his control. I have also spoken with multiple Fresno PD Vice Detectives regarding calls intercepted during this investigation. which has allowed me to become familiar with the meanings of the slang terms and code phrases used by MONSCW and the prostitutes under his control. I also know, based on previously intercepted calls and texts. that at the time ofthis call. 8.33. was in Virginia along with MM. and Based on my knowledge of this investigation 1 know that all three subjects are prostitutes under the control of MONSON. began the conversation i by accusing 55.5. of being ?out there faggrn? with yo friend.? i know that DPG pimps and their prostitutes use the term ?fag? or ?faggot? to refer to MONSON then accused ofbeing in Virginia and ?snitching.? in this case, did not accuse 8.8. ofspeaking with law en lhrcement; but rather. he was accusing her ofproviding information over her liaecbook that he wanted kept secret. MONSON repeatedly berated her for liacebook. and Snapchat posts. MONSON continued to accuse SS. otmsnitclting? on social media. One i?the reasons that has maintained his success as a. pimp is because of how diligent he is about keeping the location of his prostitute's secret. Agents have intercepted multiple calls/texts in which he instructs his prostitutes not disclose their location. I believe this is done to avoid the prostitutes from being contacted by law enforcement and having to compete with other prostitutes for customers. MONSON frequently informs his prostitutes not to post their location on social media sites because he knows other pimps and prostitutes often look at social media sites to gather information on other pin'tps and/ or prostitutes. 363. During this conversation. MONSON was angry with EB. because she posted something on a social media site which could allow another pimp, prostitute, or law 133 Vhhnii L0 llcl' l-le with violence and instructs her to delelc lie! social nicdia silt. hccumc (angry will] MUNSUN and accused him orbiting 2i "u-ick" I'nr "Denise." 'lliu "tri is lcnii that refers cusltimcn ni'ninniintns I aim liaqu (H1va lnowinlhc tll'lhis inwsiigniinn ml {min reviewing CASTRO, by lo ilS Dcnisc trick. I believe she implied Denim: CASTRO is currently taking udvunlagc ni'hioxisow is milking moile ti-nni him. 5.5. berated "You new to cull Dellisc MONSON multiple lime.>> calling him a "trick liilcr since he'll. be her too." She then snid. "on wail' She's a l'aggnl hull? She's lnyul. Slick ii Itiynl kind til'giil 'l'liul's why you fuck with her." She also why you fuck with her raw disk." The "mw" is slang used by people involved in pruslilulitm when rulcrtinp to sexual uCliVIllcS without condom. 8.5. ilim complained ahiiut MONSON having sexual intercnulse with Dcnisu R0 llic fact that CASTRO is a "l'ziggtil," She was also upset that MONSON hull done this without wcuring cundum. It should be nultd that while 83.. MV. and Intii were in Vil'giniA, Danisc CASTRO in Fresno. As previously stated. having scxuhl relations with proslilutes is a lactic MONSON unCS Hgllillil hi>> scluls ul ii limc out of state while others remain in Fresno. He rill-Alan gmups nl'theni in and mini Virginia iihinit uvui'y lulu tti lwti necks. helluva lhis is another methods ol'wnlrol wliicll MOVSON against his This i-ntntion crc'dles 1| nl'icaluusly and rivalry bclviccn liis pl'oslilulcs iind ol'tcn causes them to work harder to try and bring home mine The in Vii-ginin tlficu gel jcaluus nl'thc ones which in Frostiti hecuusc they are having sexual intercourse with 364. with svsv-- During llit: still. s.s. explained she didn't lith l0 liide things likc MONSON. said hc liupctl she was cimugll in make dummy On March IS. 201b, at approximately 1952 htllilx, spiihc 3,5 Asked what min was. MUNSON L'xplliinctl a dummy [mp in make ll lotik like a lot nfiuancy wrapped in il rubber lmnd. S. inked MONSI whlil lic her 134 224 with it and he said to leave it out. MONSON suitl to l'ucclimc him when she got hack tn the mom sn ht: sec what kind (tfhiding man she the 3,3215de MUNSUN itkhe could put money an MUNSUN usde her to cxpluin whul 51m was trying ta hny MONSON her that wzix empty l'hc person wuuhi 36L- "Imp money" in plain View. SiCui the money. and than wiilioui trying to find ilic msi nflhe money. mid MOVSON lhal hc had and xhe mill him had Due in ruvicwing multipic culis MONSOV and 3.3.. I bclicvu"14"wa3' $14,000. should haw: "16" ($15,000) by Ionighi. Hc instrucicd her in pni fix" (swam in the bank and S. explained that die hddn'i banked hur ya and MONSON mid her she keep ($8.000) un her immn. They then discusst which hunk lo pin it in and when: to liidc ihi; muncy in her room 30 it would n01 got stolen. Buscd on tho mills. I is cmiihiming )'ii'nsliiutinn/sex act: 31 [he dircL'liim I bulimic lhiil MONSON merch 5.5. I0 cumian 1101' 1M3 ihmugli am 01' [bl'uc/viuluncc. MUN80N thuiCnS wiih . iun3 physical violence when she inch min: or nninnins whul iic believes [0 hi: trunsg against him, ?1150 reminded 3.3. oi'a previmis lime when hi: physiculiy uullcd licr. sluppcd arguing with imincclialciy hc brought that up In my 136 LR 19 26 27 28 opinion, the previous acts ot?violcnce and his current threat ol" violence coerces into continuing her crimina-tl sex acts. also deprives 8.5. ot? her personal liberty to coerce her into committing sex acts. MONSON sends 3.8. out ol'the state to Virginia and Washington While there, she is required to .make a certain amount of money before he will allow her to come back to Fresno. is coerced into committing these sex acts because she is not free to leave until she makes the required money- While there, MONSON continues to deny her personal liberty by restricting her access and her communications over social media. is also Forced to give the majority 1" all the money she makes from her criminal activities to MONSDN. This forces to be reliant upon as she has no money of her own. 370. Additionally, agents l'iave intercepted multiple calls involving using his cellular phone to direct and coordinate the activities o'l'lS?. criminal sex acts. It is clear that MONSON is used his phone to lacilitate his criminal pimping activities. Agents have also intercepted calls in which MONSON directs the criminal sex acts ol?his prostitutes in states other than Calitornia. On April 5, 2016, (ll-llj Otlicer Seomona authored a pen register for phone. On April 12, 2016, agents were able to check the GPS location other phone and learned that was in Virginia. Based on the intercepted calls and the (JPS location, believe that MONSON is conn'nitting his pimping activities across state lines. N. MONSON MILLRO PLACE A BACKPAGE AD. 371. On March '14, 2016, at app'roxiimitcly 520 hours, agents intercepted a series of texts between MONSON, and MILLRO The text messages read as lollows. Ml LLRO ?Aye can you make my Mexican bitch an ad l_don't know how to do dat shitell ?'?Yea?n MONSON got pics or want me to ?nd some? MONSUN want me to make an account?1 need you to find some" MILLRO ?Yea? ?Or just need a add" MILLRO need a ad really to just post da bitch and l_need MILLRO ?l?'or 'Ii?resno I?m around here" MON SON ?l ght" MONSON text when slop? M'll.l'.RO ?Aitc? 137 MILLRO Mll,l,R() VIONSON Ihc rrd" receipt" MONSON "l pmled i1. lei I'm; knuw how [hill zirlrl (locus I'lust used (me of in old onus" MONSUN ix' R0 -- can 11 gum. in>> [m buy" MONSON MILLRO "You put pics in" MOVSON cu" MILLRO It ain't lciting sec da add" MONSON mm lmuge the pi quick ihn" MILLRO "Aiic" MONSON "accounl let me add il_m you! 9' . xii good" MONSON '5 on there" MILLRO up good loolcin" 372. Based rm my valuing uml experience (Ind my linimlcilgc ol'llils investigationinvolved in 11h"ping/pandering and human trafficking, MILLRO murmured VIONSON and racked him to up an advertisement rm 2) bucknugc wcbsiic because he Llid nut know how in do il MONSUN agreed lo do il. [know that backpugc is wcbsih: commnuly used by pumps and lu miwrlibc llwil' pi'oslimlinn their \crvicps, ublc lo chuck |hc wchsuc link (or buckpugc which MONSON lo Lu The backpagc silo Came back in a female with Ihc name "Krys was advertising her services in [Irc city (ul' l'x'csnu and pruvidcd a phone numbcr ol- - lil'dl was the same number vilnch MILLRO [exted ln MONSDN. Basal un mewgcs. unLl [he uclvsirc which prrmiurrc. and the liicl 111m. bolh and MONSOK are DPG gang members, it is my opinion that opinion ll'hll MUNSON rind MILLRO conspired "llh ouch oihcr lo commit lluls ol' pimping/pun'rpcring. 373V Basal (in my and expcrience, my lhi: and the Halls. 1 ii is clear (hm MOVSON is trafficking adult Females lhl'migh [he use of l'nrcc, fraud. 0| cocruiun l'ul'thci', MUN is uslng his cellular plume lu cunspil'c and thl' In lhcililulc wuh prosrirureq under his cunrruL criminul ussociur .. his ciimmal pimping activities. [In his phon dirch acrivnics ul'pmsrirurcs engaged in criminal sex acts, He also uses hi>> plume l0 uonluul criminal uswciuic and back l38 them I'tml'ns in tith'l' slums conduct their pmbtitulitm activities MONSON utw usei his phone in Contact oiltci and 11>> st them in their criminal pimping netivities. Z. .IAMI SHARIKA 374. Bascti tm information detailed below. believe YORK is in ol'Title ls u.s.c Seetiun 15min). ei'Minnrs; Adult lrtliTlcking by l'm'cc' lirauti' Ul' litlc IR Section 195200, otu Facilin til'i'ul'cign Commcruc it>> I't'ustitutiim. In addition I bulicve GAINIES is in vitiiatiml ni'Title IR USE, gLLliOfl Uscilfa I'tlcililytii'l' Promote Prostitution. investigation agents identified MJL Nil!" D11, KEV. (LR, N.i'v, and four. as tli'ycl females, as prostitutes being ViCiilYii/CLi Ivy YORK with the Assistance t'li' (iAlNl 375, 37b in the cmlric orthis investigation agents identified--as being with KG. (Ulti 1 3; During this investigation, agents have inicl'ccpicd 386 eleetmnie communications between KC. and YORK 1 l#14, --, Agents then accessed beetpngeebm and utili/ed the bne pagL'.Ctim site match engine in bunch tut related in Kine As a result til'the search agents 10 u. 17 IS 20 26 27' 25' undercover prnsiinninn >: nrihc posling in pint. "1 nm rim pnwincr, new 1nd inc assnciaicil location as esnn." Fresno. Frcfinu. to the area, looking in "Ice! ncw, guardians? Further. the pictures ul'n :uhicci dressed 111 revealing cloiliing and'or lingerie. lizhurl on 1111: duscripllon provided by K.G. 1 helicvc I'osl 11) #1 1320042 is posling as described by Kn. 1 icvicncd backpuge COIN l'nsi ID in 1320042 and 1 1 nun posiinga 'l hc picmrc> vuricd buwccn puns, hm ihc telephone number remained the snmc. Flawed rm ilic willcni ol'llw ads, believe this buckpagacom nccnunl is being men by pinninnc working {or YORK. 31; 1, Based 011 my Imilung. axpuricncc and knowledge urihn 1 haw pimps will uficn dcsignmc and other areas known for prostitution. Those women are referred to as a, ?Bottom,? or ?Bottom Bitch.? This position is highly coveted by prostitutes, since the ?Bottom,? or ?Bottom Bitch,? has power and in?uence over the other prostitutes and is a direct representative ol'the pimp. During the course of." this investigation agents have intercepted numerous calls associated to YORK and have identi?ed ?Bottom.? liurther, during these conversations, YORK has instructed CiAlNliiS to pressure some of his other prostitutes into waking up earlier. I believe YORK attempted to n'iasimiae his pro?ts by having the prostitutes perform a greater number i prostitution acts throughout the day. YORK also instructed CiAlNl?iS to transport his prostitutes to dil?l'erent locations known for prt'istitutitm, collect money from prostitutes, and recruit new girls into the prostitution lifestyle. 382. On February 28, 2016, at approximately 1442 hours, .Kiandre and YORK (Kill-l 5). During the call. YORK answered the phone and said. ?What's up Key Da YORK then said, ?Boy ljust picked up a big trap right now boy.? Kiandrc JOHNSON asked, "You want to see me up?? YORK said, "Yeah I want to see you up." YORK and Kiandre JOI then talked about a couple ol? girls and YORK said, ?She is down for a YORK said. ?My old ass is trying to keep pimping man." Kiandre stated YORK was getting close to retiring and YORK should invest in a pool hall. YORK said he wanted a pool ball. but he didn?t want it in li?rcsno or Madera. YORK then asked to speak with At that time W'llA'R'l'lY used to speak to YORK. YORK said, told them to let that shit go. .Man it already hit the head nigga, you all have to discipline. Man I ain?t in that shit.? Wl asked, HWho?" YORK said. "Dre WHARRY said, ?i told them. i told Pay Day to leave that shit alone. Nigga ain?t 'trippin on that shit. Just some hard head shit.? WHARRY explained that MAXRY said he told ?il?remt-tyne? and told 'l'rcmaync to ?smoke me or whatever." YORK then asked about ?Coo Nut? and said he was behind them. YORK said he was behind WHARRY and both subjects hung up. 333. Based on the content ol?the call, along with my knowledge ol?this l4] v- 1.: :49 ilivestigalioth 1 belier YORK and Kizu'ttirc JOHNSON tliscuvscd pimping and prostitution ziulivilics. YORK iticmificd Ktandt'c JOHNSON as "Key DJ Hint-ti on my ttl' itm I Kiundrt: Jill usus lht.' Sll'CCl moniker tIr Kcy this investh: Du P. YORK \licn Kiandlc JOHNSON Iiml picked up a big "trap." I know that the term "trap" is ust by mcnibcrs to to girls who work rm- them as pioslilulcsv I beiiew YORK was hugging, lo .IUI INSON uhmil how he (\cquned a new Kiantil'c JOHNSON biguu to dismiss a couple nl' females und YORK mid "Shc is down [or Iuistt know ilml members list: the letter when referring L0 pimps and YORK told Kiandre JOI that. out: female: JOHNSON was talking about wuuld accept her pimp. YORK than mimic the hu was trying to keep his "old m9 pimping," YORK to speak wi|h DK, Based on my knowledge m'thh investigation know tital criminal gang membcr W1 IARRY mes the street moniker or nickname ofDK. At that point in (he YORK \TfiUiiC in I believe 1110 [Wu subjccis {hon discussed phone call YORK hilli wnli regarding the internal cunliict wilhin the 384. On March 23. 20m, JAMES (l'I'15)hnti calls with which indiculctl KG, was ungnged in pruslitulinn the t:in Orin-emu I'ilrlilur. dlu'lng Ihcse conversations KG. had a room at the Mute] 6 mm Belmont Awnuc and 385 Al zippmximntc agents intercepted 21 Sen nflm'ls between YORK m4) Kt -- 'I'Iiu \cxl messages i'cnti us followsi Kn. "I'm in mom 146' nuw." 336, "Mud on this text mcssugc. ulongc with previous YORK and (L I lwiiuvc laid YORK slit: was in mom Mb. Mulcl fit located at 1240 N, (In/>131 Avenue on my knowledge nt'this invcsiigzttinu, I know YORK places women in on; meat in Wink 1K pi'tisliluics 387. Based on my knowledge nfthis investigalium thu of made between YORK and hclicvc KG. 3 a pt'nslitule thin Win-its l'or I42 YOKKV On March 23. 2016. Special Agent Supervisor, [)eim Johnston, requzxted the assistance ot'the Vie-e Unit tn im underutwcr prostitution sling with Based on calls and surveillanee operations. agents determined (it was out ul'tonm l4(\ til the Motel ltwutcd an 1240 N. rcsnot Based tin my training, experience and knowledge or this investigation I um aware that [he Mulel is known as tt uf proslituliolr 388 Al approximately 1715 hours, Vict: Unit Detectives conducted an undercover prostitution operation . During the tint-ration. an undercover officer spoke with not about gaming a "blowjob" exchange fifiy dollars. KG, to tie the sex act and requested that the ol'llucr rm the Motel (L Room 146. which is the mom numbch.(1. had previously texl ln The undercover olTlcer want to (ifs room and gave her filly dollars in exchange for the sex ttct. Other then came to the room, detained and arrested fur a violation orrt' (147(k) fl prusllullieu. KG. was cited tutti released on the offense Kt}, also pmvitled a statement regarding her prostitution aetivtties htiw much charged fur sexual aclsr K1173 arrest was documenth tinder Cast: Nib-010686. During the interview ofK.(3.. she admitted to negotiating oral sex with the undercover tii'liccr ilily dollar>>. 3M9. YORK and KL .-- text in Al approximately 1732 home; Alb-ems intercepted 1| seriex tll'texts between read as followst YORK low 3 ll gnin KG. "the fucking poliee gut mee," YORK "What my" "they gave mt: ti ticket gave my money to [I'm trick till he said he ave me money but he K.G, i here catch 1! cab l'l mcci Cll7 they YORK "I'm not worried about them was it regular cup.>> K11 "nu YORK they my you did." YORK /ui they can't prove that." "lo! yes cuz tllel ck tuld lhelnr" YORK ching pant" he. know he told them he gave me money hat he never did we had iuxt earne in so they gave him my tnencye." YORK "I'll bl: that ty." KI). "lnl hurt: il'thcy still around." YORK "I'm everywhere." M3 YORK ?ls-low much you maket?t." KO. ?like 150 but they took 50a.? YORK. ?Smh that ain't nothing.? ?still i almost freakig.? KG. ?went erzy hate whenmf mess with our rnoneye.? KG. ?they blocked me From backpage lol.M ?the of?ce.? 390. Based on my training, espericnce and knowledge of this case, I believe contacted YORK to report her recent arrest by FPO VlCl-?i l?licers. Based on my knowledge ol?this investigation. 1. have heard the name ?trick? has been used to describe a person paying for sex. I believe reference to ?trick? is her way a customer that is paying her to engage in some type ofsexual activity. YORK asked K13. il.?she was contacted by ?regular? cops, referring to unitiu'med cops in marked vehicles. K.G. told YORK she had been contacted by detectives and YORK asked her details regarding her arrest and subsequent cite. 391. During this investigation, 1 have heard several prostitutes and pimps use the term ?hoeing,? when referring to prostitutes perliorming acts olz'prostitution. YORK told the police can?t prove she was doing an act t?il?prt'istitution and KO. responded that they can, because the ?trick? told them. YORK asked Kt}. how much money she made and KO. told YORK, one hundred and lil?ty dollars. but that the police took titty. I know based on previously intercepted calls, YORK checks on the amount of money each of his prostitutes generates through prostitution because prostitutes are required to give him their money. I also know that if" they do not make enough money. do not tell him about money they made. or attempt to hide any earnings from prostitution. YORK has threatened his prostitutes with the use ol?physieal Force. YORK has bragged about assaulting his prostitutes on numerous intercepted calls during this case. At the end of'the text stream, K.G. said they blocked her from back page and then re fers to the ol'lice. backpageeom.eom is a commonly used site that prostitutes use to post ads For sexual acts. I believe that isjoking that her "back-page" is the actual motel because she does not place internet ads and usually works the motel or the surrt'nmt'lin streets in the area, and that the motel, or as she refers to as ?of?ce,? 113.5 110W f?'1'1lSOCl TO 113111 1161? El 1?001'11 1.111: arrest. 144 192. Based tin the plcviullsiy in [his case, and the untletehver epemiinn with Kat. helieve YORK is pimping Mid using hei to ennduet nets ll'lmupll eiiereiim. the use of l'tirce and fem: Based on pievitnts calls. [aim know that any muncy nlalies ll'lml sexual uulh is pl'm/ldcd to YORK. Based on my knowledge unlit: investigation, I believe YORK is high Dog, Pound gang member who has hlulus \witliin Dog Pound gang and YORK Ilses' his status as it DPG gang member as a medm tiri'ear to intimidate the girls, 393, 394 N. --. During the eall.YORl1 window to (Imus. NB. told YORK she knock ml lhe door and ask I0 hormw 2 some Mull-in Alcvc. YORK "Uklly my bilch. hil mu and let me know 3 good. lcl's gel ns and gut 0mm here." 4 Hust an my training. and uflhis inwsligmiun. have 5 learned that will use llieii- pmslilulcs [0 inc. llit other women inln their 'l'hnsc (i gl'mlps llr'tcll menu] In as, "Delf' or "Temll." During 1110 call. YORK rulsed his voice in 7 ordcr to speak over NB. and said, "Well don'l 11y, do $1.110 dour and [all that bilch 8 whul'x' up." I believe this call ol'N.B. YORK HUI only I) required N.B. commit acls nt'pr muuon, but also ass|gned harm recruit nther pmslilules l0 lnlu his den I belicvc YORK lL-zlr as he to l'L'Cnlil llnulhcr ll to join |1\cm nn trip (0 Las V85 i for prostitution. 12 397 On March 7, 2016. at approximately 1604 hours. YORK spoke 13 During the call. VORK phme and said. "lle whln's up 14 Daddy's hi|cll?" ml. responded by saying, "When are we going [0 Vegas?" YORK 15 "Whui you some moncy, much )nu got liir meal" NP. YORK mm in>> slow. YURK Suki. "non muchyuu gut right now?" NP 51ml. "Wcll 1 made like 17 paid l'nr Ill: mom >0 hl'WL: like (Ill'cc YORK lnlil "Mum \Ililt mnnuy so We 13 can take YORK told to check Mojave Dexer sue il'it's bluckbd (HT. YORK ulsu l9 ulld MP. 10 check N.l' kl." have lo be prepared for this because your kind of 20 SC mg me." At limo the inflection in YORKK vulcc changed and he said, "Bitch you ll seen scared ycl, you lncan'! Sull'cll ol'whm'.' That's good. cnusc need [0 heal your 22 mnlher Fucking ass for past you dons did. I hull i| up to hem." YORK said. [his shil 23 miglii Come out like luckin Mike Tyson when sec you." P, lingnn laughing und 2.: said. "Why don'l ynu ]usl hulway." mm: said. "Bilch you 25 hinl it up I0 you in sleep. nnppin insmud nl'nappin," N.P. sn' . "Dadrb was 26 I'm-ling hclla sick. lhl'cw up lwicc yesterday. i hciiduchc and was shaking. I only an: 27 once nun you check up nn inc ll YORK min. "lsiicli by 1 don't to 23 shit. you know llml. hilcll I ain'l gill lo allch upon Hitch you 1 L171 1110 011 1111101111 0111113 1111111" ?1.1031111101? 011111111} 11101 511101 ?11110 0111 31.111110 '00101111111111 1511 1.1.1111 1111 31111110111 1101110111 0111 1011000 K110110111 111 11011 311111111111 11101111 111031111101 011111111311 01 001111111113 31.11111A0111 s1 011m 10111110111 311113 111111011 31.10 11111110111101 1111 111 15111011 011011011 1 11110 0111110 111011100 01.11 1.10 110111111 1.1011011101111110 0001111111 0111 .11111 11010111111110 31111101111111 111111111111 11111 111 110111011111 K101111011 11111110111111.1111 31111.3 111111011 300 01111011 1111 111 111031111101 011111111111 M01111 1 ?11011113110011111 1111111111 0311011101111 111111 0011011011110 310 1111 110111111 1,131" 021.111 0111 1.1 11111111 0111 01111110011 11111111 0111 01110111011 0110.111 01 1.100011 1.113 01.11 111111 111031111101" 011111111113 11101 1911101 ??11 110011 01111 110111.11 1111 '11 1101-1 111111 11. 110011 0111:; 11011111 1101111 11 110 1111111 03 111103 0m '1111111 111111 01.11 111.1 11 1311111100011 1011 ?011111.11 1111111111 ?0011011011110 11111.1.1. 11.11101 1111113 0111 M01111 110K ?1111111 01111111 1110 011 111110.111 0111113 1111111m ?1111111 1111101 H11111.11m ?1.111111 1110511111101 0111111111111 ?1.111111 011111.11 1111K 0110111 1410110 31111101111111 11110111 1 11111111 111111 ?3111110111111 1111111111111 01101111 11.3111 1111111 11.01111 31.111111; ?111011 1103 1111.110 111/101 111111 3111110111111 1111 ?0311 1.111111 11101 11131., ?1111111 110111 11110 1 311111111111 1110-11 30110111 31111111111 11011111100111 110111 )11101 1.11.111 1110111111101 0111111113 1.111111 1111111 11 111101111111 111111 1113 1011101111 103 01 110110011 011 111111 1110111111 101' 011111111 )1 110111111111 3.11101 1101151111 A11 1101111 0110111011 111111: 14101101 00 1111101111 011 11111.1 311101 0101 110101111011 01111111101 11%0110111 0111011 103 011m 31110111 1111111 11101101011011 111 113 11111011 011 _.11 111031111101" 0111111101 110111111 311101 1511111111,. 0111 111 STEM 011 111111 1111111111 110111111111 111031111 101' 0111111101 511111111 01.11 111 111111 ?.11 110 ?011.. ?1111111 111111 01101111 0111 11010m01111 1111101 ?11110 0111 31111110 11111111) 1110311111011 0.1111111131 bl 1101*. 45-1-1111?! S051 111-111111111111111111 ??9le ?8 "0 '3615 ?0101111 11014 11110 1111111111 011 '11'111 111111 110111 H1101 ll111111111011 0111 010111 011111 01 0111111 1111111111 11014 11011111 111111H ?1111111 '(1'111 ?'111111 111111 1111 1101.111 1000.111 3111110111 1011111111 11 11111 011111 111011 0111 ?1101111 111110111 1111 111111 311111111 11113 110111. ?1.11110 111110111 ?1111-1111 111111 01111 01.11 3111111011 1111A. 0111 ?11m? ?111115; ?11'111 1101110 110110 1.0110 3111111111 11113011 ?(1111 11011 3111011 ?'0111 01 1.101111 1111111 1101 '111111 01111011 111111 001 1111111 01111 11011 01 111111 01 0111111 00 11111111101111 1 ?011 ??01 1H ?1:111:11: 1.11111 ?0010/11 11111 1111111111 ?11111 111-1111111101111 K111011111 311101 ?'13111011 917 ?0.111011 01: ?173 11011111111 0111111 1? ?1111111 011101110111 01.11011 011111 1111011 111111. 111111 11011101101111 31112101 H111.1113 31.111001 11111 11111 11011111 11111 1??101110 01 1011 1111101 1.11.111 0111 0111111111 11101111 1105 '11m013 If} lulurc man, you know we gum learn from 110" to mow. uci accordinuly for the pan man, We galley go hard an a hiicii when she Iiccd and still up when 5 il." believe this made l'unhcr physically lhi'eatun or assault his pruslilulcs in (ii'dcr to {mac ilicm [0 commit acts ul'pmslilulinn. bcliwc YORK attempted to educate JOHNSON (in how be an ell'eclive pimp, which will unublc Kiumlrc JOHNSON ll) make mun: money. and lluis housi ul'ihe Dug Pound criminal simct gang 400. During the call, YORK lUlLl isz unit he was having 2| problem will] one ol'liis, "llucsf' and kicked lief out 01l/M Vegas. YORK On March 84 201G, ill zippi'oxiniulcl} 1415 hours. YORK spukc willi th cd the girl mu a gas station in 'l'ulzirc. lumcd around. and was drivng hack in 4m, Emu nn my ofthis invcnigmmn And is mud: by YORK. know YORK was involved in a physical with NJ). as llicy View driving 10 Leis chiis. As YORK was Nil' YORK. Al llial lune YORK ~\lrucl Nil the lace, stopped his vehicle near the city nl'l'ulum and kicked cm of his vcliiclu YORK .\lil'i al an unkiiuwn giis cluliun and drove back in Fi'cuin with all ul'licr bclongings, including her clmhes. sneiul suburin and. and birih cemficme. [believe YORK nsmullml and left in an unfamiliar urea in order [0 instill IL-ur in lwrimd nuikc her an lo the other pmsliium Vino may cunsidtr opposing YORK thcr, based (in my [mining uml bulimic YORK has used l'cur mid inlimiduliun l0 nuiinluin cmilml owr Illc working as prostitutes {or him. i believe YORK told TIM about Ill: inuidcm in to demonstrate how vinlcul hc muld his one (il'liin l'uilcd in show him ihc he felt he deserch I huliwc YORK on this violent lu liminlain Cnm'ml (we! the women Wm'klng us hiw proslilulcls). 402. inning ihc cull' YORR mid he was driving luward 1m lucalimi. On March 9, appmximmely 2058 1mm. YORK l'l m4) spoke WlIli Li paused mid Saul, "Oh i was in the restroom." YORK said. I rolled by that 148 luihs voiccd changed in \ll'dl "lament said. "Oh you probably 8! came as sum. as closed my mini [u g" ti>> mil-mm." YORK said. "I'm making stir: ymi ain't mi (laughs). Like old girl was," said, "Like who, Lil] YORK "Desiree and ill: crazy bitch Nina." asked if YORK ctluld lving llcl' lo cut. YORK asked KG, what \hc wanted and asked for grilled chicken l'i'nm Hustnn Milrlicl, YORK Iold he would gel llci' closer to she was at and il' KG, wanlcd Wendy's. i. said she "fond," 403. Based on my investigation. I kilnw [lull nl'thllulL': in [he I'm:an arca shall use lutemet based webQilcs in lo advertise their prostitution activity. The women will also Leap their door and blinds Open, as a signal ll>> prospective Clicnts [hm they lire available rm sexual uctv During investigation agents have ml NP. and K.G.. during which time they Uhxutvcd wumcll using this same During the YORK luld KG YORK ctml'rmllud KVG, About llol when he drove ll) he: Inculitm. m5. quickly responded in wan by lcllillg him she must have been using the YORK told "I'm making sure yiiu ain't Lilli: old girl was," by suying."l.ikcwho.0h Desiree." YORK mid, "Desiree and [he crazy Nllmi" Bafied on my investigation believe YORK i: using lulu and intimidation to force KG. I0 l'urtlicr nuts ul'pmslitulioll Further. I bulicvc YORK l'tl> til' its till cxumplc ol'llis willingness to assault prostitutes, Kliv askcd YORK for some fond. Based on content ol'tllc cull between YORK and is my YORK has continued til lil'ICIlics hy forcing cuntilluc [0 perform acts oi'prmlitutilin. while l'cstricting her ability to olitain basic Iluucasilics' such as food. YORK's pclmiss n. 404, On March 12, 20M) lletwcun umlmximulcly 1637 and 1653 lltlu" its iificxt messages between YORK (Tl/r15 ilml m3. The tut. rcutl us lhllims. agenm "lul have 5 condoms loll zlfier 5 um I lukc a nap lul'!" YORK "l lell mill llol'i'l 14') v- 249 14) ll 12 13 YORK "We rim napping 405. Based on my experience and knawledgc uflhis investigation. I li'appini or trapping, is 1] lunn usud by pluslilulcs and pimm Cxpluln uci I him: in several eohveisminiiq during invefligminni 2" which iinie, "Tmppin" and "'l'riipping" have been used to iicscribc acls ofprusxmiilmi. 405. On 12 me, in 17I3 hours. YORK spoke During the call, YORK said, "Hey how many edndiims you gel now?" YORKaskcd YORK mix and [hcn said in a slum vuicc, "'l'licrc uin'l no nuppin it's only pmde for a couple iriippin," KILL did noi reply [0 YORK and the call discuniicuicd. 407, During die YORK and l' ii Mm pair buols. NP. [01d YORK "I'm HUI worried about A $700 pair "(shoes because I've given ynu On March 15, 2016. ill approximately 2115 hours, spokc will] evci $100000 deiluis," YORK said I he \liing IS i'ueked up because you we (1 about $10,000 lwccumc upscl uml will, don't uwc yuu mulling," YORK i his voicc and they began evei each Oll'ch P. said "How (1063 [hm add up to (his l'dsI limc wasn't 00. I only did $1.400 and I gave my sister $300 and you buck 3 300 sumctliing so Ihut was like $2,000 YORK send, "And ilic mlicr times you was guiic." sdid, "When was i gum), [always ciirni: liomc wilh munuy. only time I didn't come limm: Willi money is when I did fucked it off and I did ilmi one I gm i-iihhcd and I slill mm id Sunui Miir YORK ihcn inlcri'uplcd NH and said' "Where you at?" NIP, said, "I'm driving" YORK asked, "Who yuu will said, "liy myself." YORK said. "We gmiu liolla ubmn all this," NPV said. "Nu wc dim'i need in liullu abuul nulliing I'm not cunning back, He givcn you over a hundred Ilimisund dollars YD. mid you barer irying to My mu 3 $700 dollar puir ulshocs. and compldincd about giving YORK 32 00.000 and all sh: has rcL'civL'd is XI GUCCI pursue GUCCI wallet, and an il'ad. NJ). said, "l'vc been lmme a week and my purunis I :ilmuly goi my license buck and then my hiivc good credit so he's gmma go get me a [50 LIOWH payment and [could go get titty uttl'thcy hich 1m 101 1 would just have to my for it. why would I Wanna Came hack I would waste like I'w been with you 11 year and hull' and I fall like ytvu the year and didn't gut anything out of It." YORK then changed his tune nt'ynire anti her angrily, ~an tittin 1n gut out." said, "No I am not. I'm not. I'm not." YORK NP. and told her, "Then cull mo when you to your lucutitm. ['ll hc NP. said, "Not bye." 408. Based on Cunwnl ul'th: call I bclicvc NP. 1t>> frmu YORK, but YORK has used fear and intimiddtittn three to cmuthuc (0 perl'ttrm acts urptuslilutiun tor YORK. Bascd on my knowledge oi'this investigation, Ihelicve NP, has l'ailcd to return 11> YORK with money mt: made From told YORK she was going to stay with parent: and attempt to restart her life. YORK than refused to allnw separate. hcliuvu YORK thu usc and lbitr in order to three NP. to work as a prostitute 409. At 1316 hours. YORK (T'l'firl 5) spoke with N.P. -. During the citll. NJ). YURK for social security Curd 11nd b11111 cct'ttlicale. YORK 110. and also told she would have to givc up wine moncy fur thu items. NP. said. "Oh my gnti. 1 given ynu )0 much money. Wlutl tin w'dnt 1mm int-'3" YORK broke her contract. said. "Oh my god you don't do that with any nlhul bitches." YORK said, "You different." altid. "Why did you treat me different." YORK Said. "1 did. 1 kept you with me all the limo. Ynujust my kindness I'm weakness." MI. vottK thut wits ltintt. mid, "1 lolti you 1 was not Ynu didn't do anything to Change it and tt43 DJ @911 have to get my lite together.? YORK. said, "Get it together.? said. "I?m looking for an apartment so i need my social security card.? YORK said, You looking For an YORK yawned on the phone, paused. and asked her again it'she was looking for an apt-irtincnt. YORK asked il?NQl?. was looking for an apartment in li?rcsno. NP. said no. YORK asked NP. it?she was looking for the apartment in Vegas and NP. said no, and it did not matter. N.P. became 'l'i'nstrated and said, "Oh my gosh YD, why are you doing this and make my life harder.? YORK said, "Caruso you make mine." NP. said, "Your still doing wl'iat you?re doing. You ?nally knocked a bitch alter I left. Why weren?t you knocking bitches when was with you? Like you was making me work hard.? YORK said. I'Where are you at now?? NJ). said, with my family. i just got a rental car lim bout to go out ol" town to look for an apartment.? YORK. said, "Go out otitown to trap?" NP. said no. YORK said. ?Come with me so we can go out ol? town and get this money." NP. told YORK no and that she was not going to go make him any money. YORK said. "Let?s go get this money. Santa Maria, I?m sending hitches to Santa Maria.? YORK. told NP. that he will take her ol?t' the black list when she is ready and YORK hung up. 410. Based on my training and experiene along with the content of the call I believe NP. called YORK and attempted to retreive her social security card and birth certiticate. Based on my knowledge o'l?this investigation. I am aware that YORK assaulted and robbed NP. before he kicked her out of his vehicle while they were traveling to Las Vegas. believe some ot'the items taken from was her social security card. birth certi?cate. and other personal items. Based on my training, experience and knowledge ofthis investigatim-i. I am aware that pin-ips will often maintain possession a prostitute?s identification card, social security card, birth certi?cate and other personal documents in order to maintain control of and ensure the prostitute does not attempt to leave. Further. I believe that by YORK withholding personal documents he has made it extremely difficult for NP. to leave the prostitution lifestyle. I believe YORK used persole doctnnents as tools to manipulate. instill Ism- upon. and intimidate to guarantee she continues to perform acts of" prostitution. 41: t--I449 hours. with -. call. N. Lill'd VORK auidv add sumc With that." told YORK no, and she did ald, "I'll give you son nn '5 hith ucrlilicalc and soc urlly nm wnni m. YORK said. "Your contract ain't over hitch." suid. "You sny i'nicnni'uncn. Yanks uclinglikcil." YORK she is in tho mom "ll'appim" NP. YORK she was no longer cugagcd in proslimlion and, "11' I'm VCR will. gonna lmc. will come home hat for you. [ain't weingno otliernig "Ynu hellcr nul bitchy What you all) I'm fian com: get you." Nil'. laughed and said. All ilmz ll "Com: rind gel Inc ailcl (In wllul. m) l7lrll1 VORK sii' ain't nuci- I told yuu bitch. I uli-cady been riding by. my boys iide by [here looking for you. ln lh: trunk I'm mil with ynu. your my bitch. the luck muncmiih you? You gm me fucked up." NP midi "Why would you havc your friends try and kidnap YORK suiiL "Isa ll ain't over yet you my bilch." mid, "It is mei, iiw th'n um." YORK said. "Yuah you gone in Inn}; and I mii'l hr: playing you no mine. 50 gel your muilwi l'uckin aliit iogcihcr und um I'm come gm yuur Inolhcr 455'" NE yelled. "No I'm nut lmmc." YORK said. "ch you is, you still playing! Don'i mukc me fuck you up Nina! Youusi want me lo come over [11ch and act a fool huh, I heen lficlng wul. N.P. yelled. YORK said. "Well I'm finnu do iL There's going iu bx: a whole bunch jumpng on: Yuu knuw where you belong in said. "I'm um ui my mulTh." YORK "You is Al your molhcr i'uckiu moms. now you sull lying?" snld' "I'm um. Ynu go over then: nun ma" YORK said. "Nah nah. ynu slill lying Alriglu I'll find ynuv" Nvl'. saidImmc YORK 5le . "Wall you better llzicclimu mu right now!" The call Illcn ended, 412. Based on lhu cunlunl nl'ilic call 1 com' llm] funhcr YORK used Pf>> suun'ily curil and binh us ll way In .P. and force her in return Io fil'oxlilulion. NP. nITuwd ln puy YORK $500 dollars IN the YORK lolLI nln'liwcr bitch." I believe VORK has 152 2f) 27 28 relihcd lit allow [0 stop pct'lbrming ucls nl' and is using force and {car as a way to force her to continue working as Ll pi'uslilulc. During the call YORK and YOR Acluully threatened lo have his friends kidmtp NP l" wundcd CUHCCHICLI and said, "Why would you have ynui l'ricnzk u'y Lind kidnle mu?" I believe YORK has eonlinucd lo LN: use force, in compel Nvl'v la mum to him and continue performing am ol'pwsliluliun, YORK told ll) give ltim ltet Insulin" lilncs. He said he would g4) to her parent's house and gel hcr. Based on the Statements made by YORK. ulnng with the documented (\Smull. belich NJ), is in lbur fur her safety and is allempling [0 separate YORK. 4l 3. On March 2016, All approximately 2 lmut's. YORK ('l'T/ll 5) spoke Willi --. During Ihe cull, P, asked YORK. "Do you want another bilch. she's black llmugh," YORK responded. "Nope I Want you bilehl" explained YORK that this l'cmalc NP, \venl in Frame Stutu with "got down." NP, told YORK Site was asking because llie female was brake and was recently kicde nul Hler YORK > which I helieve hm forle NP. [0 actively recruit women [or YORK. 415' Al 1357 hum, YORK mu 5) spoke Ntl'. 154 onDuring the call. YORK asked it'slle llud iluu money liu- them. NP. Said. can bring you some mnuey but I want my siul'l: But I dun'l wunl to come back home." YORK told l' . you have to come luck liume, Nil. hurt herand \mnn said, hun you hut ljuu it in different way," told he was hun hecuiue slle up his money. NP. explained to YORK why she messed up. YORK told NP. he was really in gm- her his uttentiun. NP, said, "Yuu telling me. ohuy you Want in bi: in this I silid Okay I'll give you 41mm: yc ind I was like okay, rclu' end gel mu business or whatever: I'm net the type ilt'hiluli tllitl's gonna have I'm not gilillg it) [we hoe its il ctirccl', YULI Inuw what type of bitch I am when you lu fuck With me. That's why I mnde lu Vegas in the first place. To get my shit together nr whatever. come I'tlck wilh me I'll give all that, lt'yuu do good that you will buy mt: slufl' but you didn't." YORK cut tll'NJ'. and told her they hull been lflliimg bout it Inn long. They both discuss the issue buck uhtlul her going back to YORK. NP. said. H'l his last time it'a just been had. [been talking to you cru/y. 1 know I talk to you crazy." YORK said. "Yeah you were guing tn got killed. why I slapped you and yuu take it ~uid it shows and It leu'i going In gut holler. YORK said, "Yuujuhl didn't leave, lell you nul ml the side oflhc mad. so I fired you," SUM. "You fired me. ytlu Iircd me but I never came hilek i'lLll I'm not guing (0 crime back." YORK said, "Wch why do you keep calling me? the flick!" Nll'. cut all YORK mid "l my Hull." YORK said. "(line me 5.. Nil'. silldi "l gill/e )ml tlluuviintls." YORK snide "2000 plus 4000 and you get. your stuff. Give me 5000 fuck." Alt). During the YORK asked I). ll'shc llud their money and she mild, bring ynu some money but I want my stuff. But I don't Wunl lo came back home." I believe ls trying get her social security Cill'ti and hllill certificate. Further. I believe when said. "Iiul don't want to come hack humu." N.P. is referring til llilme. as not returning back in YORK. talked ahnut how her relationship with YORK had been oscillating and YORK su ."Yeah you were going l0 get killed. Inn's why I slapped ynu and yuu couldn't take it." I believe this is an example ul'ihe rem. intimidation and physical l'nree YORK has and is capable tlquillg against his prostitutes, I believe violent 155 I lcmlencies nmnul working as his proslimlcs, him to physical 2 uunlml womcnand lhrcelhcm 3 ARI 0 PRO 11 Fl'l) 4 4 4n. At appmxinlalely llSI lumrsl YORK l'l'ri'lS) spoke with -V During cull' asked YORK. "Are you gluing 10 pick mL' up or what do 1 do?" YORK said, "Wnlk lo thcu'uck." Kx'i, "l dnn'l have any hack>> nround hclc." YORK 7 said, "Why in the hell did ynujnsl ask [hm Ifl'm going pick ynu up Whal immn do? She going in cmne gel you now I'm trying [0 figure ilns. ll our." K.G. mam been going [0 her mom. YORK tn advise the Inn [112" somehndy will be picking up UL, was out ufroom l27, 421V Bascd on the conversation between YORK and csluhlishcd surveillance around [11: sinnincrficld AI 1234 hours. on'iccr Slinmari t1 sl1vel' Hyundai arrive at [he inn park in l'rtml 011me 127. Llilscd on prinl' surveillance agents have nl'lml'vetl YORK and GAINHS driving this vehicler The plan: {hr the vehicle lb- 421 At approximately l238 hnurs' Sanchez tihacrvud tilt: which; 1116 driver ufthc vehic1e was wearing 21 red shirt and the right l'mnl. passenger went-in shirt and had her htlir up ill ll bun. 'l hc in the shirt was identified as GAINES and the right fi'OnI passenger. wearing [11? gray shil'l later ldentil'lctl .n (1.7 vcl'liclc parking lut ol'rhc inn and traveled southbound Blackslunc Avenue 423. At approximater 1244 hours, agents the nirmtr'd into the McDonalds parking [01. and observed both (1A1VFS and enter the Sandch the McDonalds in (in ct'tblt to identify 1hr: two {until . Sanchez walked into the and ohm veil GAINFS and RU 111 (ht; thud. Al'lcr ordering their Ibod. GAINES and walked to the sud-ti lkluntain and lillcd lhuir drinks. As they wuru filling lhuir drinks. Lll'liucl' Dim took plclurcs ol'rllc A short time later GAIVES K. exited the and entered the Hyundai. Spccizll Agent l'iluhcco observed dl'lvinbI vclliclc was seated ill the right limit will SA Pnchecn had previously viewed DMV photo {at KG. rcctignwud 1\Cl' ns the girl Wetll'mg the gm) hirt and sealed in the right I'nvnt scat. 424. Agents followed the vehicle as it traveled southhtiund unto Slam: Rants: 41 and thou lo sunlhbuund Stilts Route 99. Agents coordinated a traffic stop with ('ulil'nmizl l'illml 0mm Thomas from Kim (1111' nt'l'icc. AI approximately 1145 hnul's, Ol'l'lcer churu/ lniliulcd an stop on the Hyundai us it was trawling southbound State Route nolth nl' Aienllc 120' [or \riullnion 157 2670R(u)(l ()I'liccr Newlcm coniucicd me ol'llie velnulc, and identified liar as GAIN A check driver Iicunsu il was Officer cited (oi driving a viulnliun new 1461! 1. and the vuhiclc was impmindm 'J'hc righi from passenger was as KG. (Illiccr slulcd Ihnl idcnlilied an Illinois curd. During the slop.0f1icc1 askcd where they were traveling ml in: inn-u lliul lhcy warn driving to Bakersfield to do work. UAINES did not specify the exact Ioculiun when she was vnlunieering. 425' Al approximalcly 1416 hours. wiin GAINFS - -). During the can YORK mind what mm:an mm Shiirikn Gulncs inn YORK she's Wailingy for [he policc officer in go back to her vehicle, YORK asked \Vhy SIIC was pulled overand (IAIN id was pulled uvcr fur winilnws. YORK 101d that he the officer was Inll nl'shIl hccanse YORK hull rullcd \In'ough Parkway many limes with lhul linl and gm Incssul with. 421:. 1 156 huurs. YORK wiin mm - -, During in: call. YORK told UAINLS, "Sign up sminn a in Madam" (MINES told YORK okay. YORK (old (MINES lhcy both seclion 8 lmusmg. "Wu can pul girls' or somebody in there." GAIN ES YORK, would like 10 in us when were logullicr," YORK said in (I slum "Slic nol be pregnant!" kild YORK [Inn JAYNIESHA Wanted to talk to them when YORK and GAINIIS were 427. I believe YORK call-ed and her '0 Contact scelion II housing, in In obluin discounted Imusmg for YORK's I believe the for the caution Imusing. Is to provide housing in; women working as prn-cliluqu) l'ur YORK, Bused on my inwsligalinn. anhc call between YORK and I helicve YORK uml iII'c conspiring to obtain housing. under scclion 8 subsidized housing, I beliuvc [his huusing will In: uscd by YORK and GAINFS in help l2 lliiulc Iral'licking and pimping activilicx. 15K 428 Based on my training, knowledge ol'lhis oil mid Ilte cmllem ol'the communications. I believe YORK is an zmliv: Dug Ptunul gang involved human t'tntlic put-poteorp n. Ful'lhel, abrean have minim-nus calls involving during which llmc. he has physically ascaulled. inlimillulcd. use ot'l'mcc and great bodily injury ttiwintt women working as l'nr YORK. Viulcnl have his prostitutcs tu continue it: commit m, til'prmtitutinn. 420. Addllilmully, I lwclivvu lhal it tlclivcly involved in the human trafficking fur prublilulitm. along Side YORK. Agents have 'isted YORK with l|1c tramporluliun of cullx. during which Ilmc: GAINL. A women to rant locations I'm the ul'uonduciing nets for YORK has "le7 ll YORK tn the UrfluW for the ol' its YORK bitch." pl'nifilulinnl Additionally. agents have GAIN 410. On or lthtiul March 21. 2016. Vice unit conducted a prostitutinn sling with 0., who is pmslitule mm is wtuking I'm YORK On that dlitc, at approximately 1116 hauls K, -- to." YORK A). "I'm in low" 146' now." on this text and pl'GVlOLh culls lintl YORK and KIL. she was lelling him know she was in room 146 at tho Motel 6, at 1240 NY Avenuc' cross ofOlivu in Hana, l'ltis in It known Imtl hotel that is used by pI'Ilt. cc or in sexual with perstins for payment. In l'ulluwing' 2m 1715 hours, FPD Viuc Unll Dulcclivc: continued tm undermch on K, During the operation, tut imam-twat officer spoke with about gelling a "liltiwilvv in exchange for fifty agreed tn do [he sex s|L'l null (hm Ihc undercover oliicer go (0 Ihu Mulcl (L Room 146. which is [he mom numbur K.G. had pl'cviously In YORK, The to Klit's mom gave I'lul' l'll'ly in cxchangc for (In: sex act, Olhcr unicm l0 [ht mom, wm delalncd. and suhscquuntly cilcd for It violation oi'l'ffi (mm) Mi. also provided a lugurding pl'tlsiliullun nclivilics and haw much :hc charged for scxuul acts. As Outlined in the above 159 YORK anti a amcs ol'tcxt messagcs, which nucun'cd nt'l732 and 3034. tiller KGYS ["7851 pinxtilutitm: 43] lluttng messages KG. reports to YORK, that was contacted and art'cslutl by the PUIICC for KG. tlLl'riSCd YORK that. slit: matth 'Sl 50 dollars, but th.' titliccrs ttitilt $50 ol'it when 3115 was for 432. YORK checks tin the amount ot'mtittey that catch ht'hts makes because the proalilules are required to give him tummy. I also know that not enough money, tin tint toll hitn about money that they tn attempt tn hith ttny l'mm mnstitution, that ho thrc' them with assault and or physically will them. YORK hits [Hugged ahtiht ills plt'slitulcx til't intercepted L'iIllS dining this em, 3. DARRELL MAXICV 433. Based on the inf'mmatinn detailed below, belich MAYFY LR in tittlutiun of lillu l8 'lttm Sex 'l'rallicking(JiMItiOrs; Adult Trafficking by Ftittze, Fraud. tir(fticrcititt tihtl 'l illc [3 Suction [952(h). Ust: ofu Facility ol'Ftiielgn Commerce [0 l'l'nslilulil'n. 434. Listed below are callx and activities inwlving which illustt-atc his in the human trafficking for the purpose or Although this is 'dll incltisivu I believe il thtit is actively invtilvcd in the human trafficking tor prostitution and those autx Wqu conducted in For the til'tltc ling street gang Durng this mve> with art: heihg victitnirctl by MAXIE 435. I) nd Mercch . On February 25, 2011,. at 17w MAXILY UN) with .I N. --, During the call, Jivculcd in. th him her "tittettpiige emttii." Approximately seven (7) minutes MAXEY received it text nit-tinge .I.N. that mull: 160 437. I knuw from and Hum my knowledge ol'thi>> Backpagc is classified udmnising It nI'I'm with: v' cly nt'c including personals Uml alL' wmmunly ubcd hy Prostitutes tn pt13t?|d> .mtl ctmluct plubl'lctlivc cuslumcrs or "dates." [lined on the Blame I bulicw MAxtaY IS contacting tn gel the cmail bhe mes l0 post her ads nn I know from mpcricncc and from my ot'thts tm'csligalinn Pimps will commonly control the web pmliugs by their pmslilulcs tn cnaurc the girls are working and posting proper infin-mtninn tind photos to get the maximum earning more money For the Hum 433. On Fehluary 25,at 1750 hours. MAqu spoke with D.M - - During the ?21117 MAXEY tn send him pictures of [he "Astml Bitch." Based ml the call and my knowledge orthh I bclicvt: MAXEY ctmluctcd M. acquire plinth. he will me lo post on INJS BMW account In her ethnicity Approximately six (6) minutes laten MAXFY contacted DM. again and requested pictures 01'th "Asian Hilt WAXIJY aSked D.MV ilkhc (UM )hud puslcd hcl' all and slulcd "send nm pictuI'L'S. muse um (thing hers (J I wm tn mum: in backpugc ad that depicted nn Asian I'cmtilc listing J.N.'s phone number as the Contact numhur. lhis ml was pasted at 2] I4 hours idcntil'ying illc city Rs location tin the poster, I was unable to locate tin ht! tor D.M. at this lime. 439. -- 1 watin to speak to him A lcmulc gut on Kht: phone and At 2328 hntn'sl MAXI iY t'l'Th'v) spoltc with L'fllL J.N, told MAXHY lhul"Clari, hud with MAXI-W regarding am male, The call then liziscd on the (\fthc call. know J.N, is with a female as Approximately 30 JN. MAX [trues 2t message that read ll neat to get A hot Win mom' I nIrcutIy told her tell u. 440. On February 26' at 1445 huurs. DM -. During the I) nth/iced tltul "Jenni mulls almost rack She LEVplainL'd to xhat her and Cl" were nut doing as wull and not able to attract customcrx hut N, hatl burn sun/icing, customcrs since yex'lcrduy. from prior 161 invusligdtiuns and the term "rack" is street-slung term that doscrihus 1: quantity ui'moncy. In this context 4 tuCk equals 110110. 44L an the intercepted conversations. agents initintcd a mrvcilluncc related to MAXINE activity in tln: ,Vlcructt tuta. As a agents 0}:er 14ml MAXEY in at the Motel 6, l4] 0 (TA. was identified in company (aka PAY-DAB) and Akili (aka K-MAC), tuo known Dm gang Addiuunall); during a subsequent traffic stop agents identified I).th .I.N, and (.LL. as the female who were performing sex acts in at MAXI-W's diruulitvn 442 Based rm the alum; rcl'crunccd calls. surveillance my omits investigation, 1 know MAXFY plucml that: (3) proslilulcs in Motel 6 in Mercud 'l womcn were lcl't at the hotel without a vehicle and werc 11) provide sex acts t'nr mnney, MAXEV utilized TI #9 to maintain contact with these woQO to manage lltcir actiwtics and to accuse Ruckpuge cum to ensurc lhcy being on the inIcmcl offering He thm- (3) wumcn from 111: hotel accumpdnicd by (2) gang and left the arm, 44]. D.M. 11ml J.N. in Los An roles CA. 444. Based on Interuepted calls and cullulur tuwcr data mlulcd MAXEY's Target lknuw ltflur leaving the area he tonk D.M, and tn the 03 Angela urea and placed them in hoteli 445. On l~cbruury 27. 2016, at [216 lmurs, MAXI-EV spuku --. During call MAXIJY usde it'lJM. paid im- the hate] mum, UM. udviscd him she (lid. explained to than she was hungry and hasn't had any food since He mm, to git get mm: 11th ism hct'how much murmy hurl. complained she had not a "date," how much mnney "xhc gm," referring In .IN . D.M. she (2) dates and we paid the rumn $l IZ. MAXI--IY askml much the (It (111"! D.M. replied $1le and $80. 446. At approximately 1700 lmurs, MAXIW (TWO) spokc with DM. -- 1G2 can 5} 26 27 28 -. During the cnii. MAXI-IV chechcd nn i) Mx sliilu> I) M. Lipscl because MAXIZY took her stuff-And lcl'l her ai [he hulei, She cxplaincd [0 him slic "coded hci' siuI'T because she was going {0 be kicked mii ial'llie limel mum. 11M. complained iihuui 2m iniui'cd luc indicating on it and pussiny broke ii, [his cunversalimi quickly turned inn. an mgumcm in informing DM. mi [0 com: brick in his home th'ulISe hi: wm in llimw "all ni' liar ahil nni 449. On February 29, 2016, hi 1134 huiirs' MAXEY spokc wnhi.N. - During th' MAXLIY cmilaclcd LN, and she hildi JVN, advised him hnii $300, but mmpininuii sh. i'cii bnii suggested going to (he huspiiul, MAXEY [01d liar in "ail unii] lic gm ilicic. 450. Based on the above referenced culls dated I'chriizu'y 27, February 28, and February 29 and my knowledge iil'lliin Lniiw MAXLY irimspm'lcd HM and [0 L05 Lind placed (hum in a holcl. Them women 1011 Ail the hotel wilhuul ii veliicic and were lo prowdc sex acts for inoncy. MAXIEY I"l #9 llhlimfilin cmiiact wiih [11252 women and manngc their iiciivilics. 451. 452. During ihis investigatiun have imeicepicd inni-c ihnn mm) culls ininiving LLM. using aix cciinihi- phoncs. The majm'lly ni'ihm um in: 1:13th in hci' in pi'usiiluiiun the direction 01' MAXEY and othci gang 16] know from experience and from my knowledge ol'tltis investigation it is common tor a pzostilutc to maintain and use multiple phones This la' a tactic used to make it difficult for law enforcement and to provide a separate phone number that is attached to internet atls or used tn eoutaet pnteutial customers, 453. On March 7. 2016. at 1827 Imln's' MAXFX spttiu: with UM.-- _r During the mt explained to that one other "regttiat's" her a sweater. D.M. described this male subject as "u goudt tucking date." She told MAXEY that this customer cantc saw her yesterday and paid her $100 for then returned today and took her to buy a sweater. D.M. said this customer is going to pay t'nr her room tin- two days. MAXEY Stud "Int tell that ttiggn he tteetls to give you money bitch," SillL'i its cold and the custonterjust wanted to buy ilCr a sweater. MAXFY told her to bitch." MAXEY said a ?trick pay for time, you could ofwalked right there and got your own torrid.? D.M. said didn?t: want food i bought groceries, I wasn?t hungry.? D.M. explained the customer heard ?Erica? say she was hungry and he ffercd to take them to pizza before returning to the room. said ?what did you say about a grocery store?" D.M. explained she walked to the grocery store ?arlier and bought food for the room, condoms, wipes and alcohol. He said ?you know i am gonna beat your ass ifyou are walking places and doing all kinds of weird ass shit bitch.? D.M. explained she bought groceries with the food stamp card and had to buy condoms and supplies. Call disconnected. 454. Based on the content of the call and my knowledge of this investigation 1 know D.M. contacted and informed him an unidentified customer bought her a sweater for $100. D.M. identified this male subject a ?date? who saw her yesterday and paid her $200. i, know from experience and from my knowledge ofthis investigation a ?date? is a male eustmner who visits and solicits sexual acts from a prostitute for money. When MAXFY learned a customer had spent money on D.M. he became angry and began to yell and verbally abuse D.M. specifically, telling her the date needs to give her money and not buy her material items. 1 know from experience and from my knowledge ot'this investigation a Pimp will never allow a prostitute to receive tangible items from customers. First, this makes it dif?cult for the Pimp to be paid and secondly, it encourages the female prostitute to seek other persons to provide for her. ordered D.M. to tell the customer to give her money and further states that every time this customer comes for a ?dz-rtethe conversation continued MAXEY became increasingly angry when he 1 ?arncd D.M. left the hotel with. this male to go buy the sweater. At this point in the conversation MAXIEY demanded to know where D.M. was. D.M. informed him she was at a ?arby restaurant getting Pizza. This angered MAXI-W who then D.M. with violence. I stated ?you about to get your ass beat cause you are doing some weird ass shit and you aint getting enough money bitch.? Based on the content ofthe call and my experience 1 know Pimps will use physical violence to control their prostitutes. In this example MAXEY is threatening to physically attack D.M. for *aving the hotel room in the company 105 turd lItll teqnil lug mule euelemer to ptly her nlurc money. 455 On MAXFY tT'm) dam that 51m in l'nggel all gning no were" D.M. "Who's ('hmmaine VMXIZV "My niggns liming uh parry rlicrc ur not. gomg period go ii'u wam to [ma bear ya a MAXEY Ihe on same nulu shill MAXEY hit bite-l1" kno who chermaln is" D.M. "No I'm Wl! all square hilehe lhey hear about it on some square Shit I dldn'l ll'cmuinc it they just wnnled (0 drink some more" MAXEY "Bilcli idc about Illa! like said ur not going no l'uckin bar hilcli" '5 hitch nlwn} - asking stupid ass oula pockel all welrdo" UM. "l'm gonna go 01;" ul' nm" never get In g0 mu I wanna enjoy nryeell" D.M. "Nu fair" 45% Based on lhr: muwdges dl'lLl my knowledge 0F [his investigation I believe these communicarinm are anolhcr example afthe level exerted hy MAXIW nver UM 0n Is, I) i4 wmplainlng urn possible medical or mcmul issue to some Iypc afanxiety. MAXEY immedimely (expanded that she is nut going home and license.>> her ol'bcing "lazy," On March 17' D.M. MAXEV lhal nlre Wm iniemrcd in going (0 lncul bar with 5mm: friends. immediately began Io rlncaren D.M, plry cal violence il'she guns, lkmm' from and from my ufllus mvcsuguliml il l% common fur a Pimp to limil hi5 pmstilulc's ucllvillex when \hu is run actively uuslumcra. In lhis case. MAXEY docs nul want BM. to accompany wme l'rlenuls loa hair He llwrenlem her by ~'luling "lmu bcul yo zlss." an cITurL to dissuade her from guing, 1 his is a common lacllc lo isolalc the female in order rhe influences in her me who will uuempl lo encnumge her In step performing sex aels for mol'lcy' slapping rlie revenue provided the Pimp, D.M. agreed Iml avuul displeasure. 460 0 March 1 -- During the cull. nslcu il' MAXEY [111d her." ul 1640 huurs, MAXILY spoke with D.M. on he was doing :1 right nuw, 46L Ar 171 lmlu'x MAXEY spoke with 0M, un- -. During \he cull. (15ka MAXLCY il'he had pasted "all Due in lecllnicnl |67 issues agents were to hunt response. 462. Based on the content allth two (2) culls and my "mils invest aalion helluva MM. is winning to her inlcrucl that MAXHY \lsca tn mnlucl cuslomcrs who am interested in "dating" l) Lind receiving sexual acts fur muncyt During Iltl: calls' MAXLY informed UM. he was posting her all right nuw. She called back approximately 30 mimltus lulu tu sci; il'llc 11ml posted "all" lil'herdds. I know l'mm pr 'titutas Will use mulliplt' ad>> and in an ct'tbn mote customers. In this case. is what lids are pmlecl and aim paying the [be to post lIlC advertisements. 463' Based im this information Spccial Agent Nulhun Mum 'bo Backpagetcam and searched [11c website using D.Mis phone number-- six Manncbo located 1| titled lul Latina 20Vv SA Manccbu stated this (ltl was posted on March 20. 2016 at 1727 hours with '4 Past 12517700. 'lhc location ol'll'ic lid was listed as Frcsiiu and the mum: on the posting was Joseline 464A At 1754 [mu placed in untlemm'er all it. uml usde to speak to "Jasmine." SA Manucbt>> rucugnizcd U.M.'s voice and during negotiath the price l'nr ahluw lab" l'm 5570. BM. SA Mllticcbu to meet her At tllt: un Blackstone Ave. 465, Lpotl nl'llic cull agents established sul'xcillmiuc at the Inn, located in 6309 North Blackstone Avenue, new, (A, Whilc at [nu agents nhsurvud wcutlng lingerie style clothing standing in the of a hutcl room. Agents observed UM, meal Wllhan unidcnli Cd Hispanic male utlult (l lMAl titling a bluyclc. and the HMA then entered the motel mom, Allcr at shun period til'iime, th: llMA cxitcd th' mum and mud on his Based an the content ul'thc call and the sulwcilluncc at the Summcl licltl Inn I believe was as a pmqiiulc at that luculiun ul llic direction 2' Based an my tuning and t. I know the phrase "Blow Job" is a strcul slung term used to describe 0r oral sex being upon at malcv 168 an: day466. 011 20m: 1540 noun. (rm) spoke on- Duringth call, DtM.asked net-$300 mud the money In I) and .ntcn lm Wu>> guing i.le the money in mm to him, He it'hc It) D.M. it would only he tin her to some to him Banal (m \hL' content ul'thc cull. MAXILY was traveling in a vchiclt: back from the [.08 Angeles area and nM. was in Fremn inliirnictt Litut money to "get around," MAXEY bocamc angry at this and "hitch you going to Conic tu mu. ii]ch ninl no gelling llronntl, with! tho fuck." Mini I need $300. MAXFTY suited "no bitch you need to come tn where I am at" UM. informed MAxliY that wt" considering traveling to ll'lu "Buy" with "Ailshn tlnti K-Mnc." MAXFY iltimudiulnly responded "did 1 say you can do that bitch," requested U.M.tc|1 (Alisha) tn havc {KrMac Akili FOSTER) call him When UM. responded sh: Wkih unsure what she was going l0 tn truvciing to the Bay). "you am gonna do I tell you to do bitch, lcii her to lull licr niggn tu culi mu" than confronted about taking a l'mm prostitute (FD) llhzi told MAXICY it was her phone and VIAXEY "i don't l'uc further xlutctl "lhal's my partnm hitch can A: liil: argument cmitilulcd MAXIW wnciudcd ilk: di~algrcement by Mating "next time (in shit likc that 1 am gonna slap ymll' ass." 467' Btlsed ml the content 01' the cull tinti my nl'thi: investigation 1 know llM. contaclcti MAXEY and $3110. MAXEY refused to pmvidc the money unless it was used In his intuition. Wliun inl'ut'mcd MAMA 'ill.' W115 considerng trawling tn the "Bay" With another prostitute and DPG gang member he bcuumc angry and l'cminticti UM. that he did give her pctmissmn to travel with the MAXEY vetimlly lhreutuncd tailing hul' she will do us he and than confronted her about takitn:y a plume l'mm prosliluic whti was winking for MILLRO At the conclusion t7]~ this call MAXITY threatened with for disobeying hiln. [his cull is zlltothcr example of control over He itmits msnurccs untl money in order to control iiC continually she is the presence nl'nthet' DPG I69 mumbch and prostitutes and then lhrcatsm licr with vinlcucc when she disohcys him. 408. As pmvihusly stated in this rcpm'l J.N. is a prostitute has been walking l'ur Silt: pmtousty worked in and 1.0x Al'qu performing sex acts for money as picvinusiy in this report. On February 29' 2m 6, was in L05 area at a wnrking as for MAXEY when she became ill. She subsequently was transponcd to l] nearby hospital and diagnosed with Upon returning to the Fresno urcn she was from MAXEY and limited uontuutt the a and communications with after the 1m followng the examples tyt'her mm Angela>> trip, 470. approximately 0027 MAXIETY :1 text > my MAXEY "Mind" IN. than" 471, Based On the Content 01'th my nt'this I [70 lewJN. returned I'mm l/m' und has MAXEY she is nu longer in hung a pi-nsiinno. MAX her ol'nnondoning him (leaving me on snicla wnon ninniool lluconfinnudshc snolgulng lo won [or him nny longer ond inon loin [u "pay Ill' own min," know lion. oxpoi-ionoo And riom my iiwcstigutluu ii not uncommon for Pimp to handle all onlio l'oniolo linanoiol 'l'hls wool lino is controlling loonc lhol cradles a cycle ufinllucnce that can no (lil'licull to break. The Pimp provides ilio money ror his womon io Ilvc ono il'slio to no perform os he llioi ninoon onil leaves no. ononlo lo pmvidu limo nut, as crcaling mvlivaliun lo I'L'lum non mul his wily or'lil'o ln (his ooso. in no longer wonis io he prmliulle and inoi-ol'oio MA XICY will not assist her with the ran l'l'l'ilol .poko niili ,l - During cull, MAXEY cmlfi'milcd m. ahom her behavior sinoo mooning from 472. On March 2016, at 1522hnurnoV1AXl'i slulcd sinuc bl": hao 11mm: she hasn't ucicd likc she was sick and has I Vlahillg l'riund>> and MAXIW slallcd "l Iluard you been 473. Based on the content ot'tlic still and my knowledge ol'tliis investigation lknuw MAXEY contacted JN. and confronted her about money she had nizide iis pr titiite Willmu! his pen . ion lle continually attempted to find out the exact amount she made and threatened to cnnlact tlie and diieet them [0 her iids tis punishment. As I stated earlier is attempting to ensure LN. has limited ways to earn money and is actively hut bulimioi in tin Effort to motivate In return (0 hint and ctinlinuu her wtirli uS ti prostitute. 474. 475, t_ The ill'diorily ui' lliesc lliuns um related 10 titm and other DPG gang members. During the unit, MAXEY told ll'. he is "shining in get mad" because she is During this investigation agents have intercepted more than ion calls involving involvement in prostitution at the dir 476. On 241016.." W30 hours. MAXLY spoke with .l 'Xpiailled lt) MAXHY she is having truublc noton her way to the Amtrak 'l'rtiin Station. finding aiide to the ti in station. Both parties discuss having ti taxi come to her loentionzind pick her up. MAXiiv told that he will givc the lttxi driver her phone number and then liuvc the Lil'iVC!' bring hei to his lncalinii. MAXI mulltci fuckers your going out ol'mwn on the lt'aln." When .l,l7. tlitl not immutliululy respond, said "you hear me?" suitl "y stud "then why did youjust my. ininin hnini. 1 am about to smash your ass." He told 1F, to answer her phone bcuausc he will still hct' Melt. 477. Based on the content ot'th' all and subsequent calls on this same date and my knowledge til'this inv 'ligmitm. 1 know MAXIZY contacted F. to arrange for to leave town with him, i know from my knowledge ut' this investigation this trip was the purpuscs ol'eoiitltieting prostitution in 'rmullicr city. Based on the content ot'tlie eall, MAXI-EV is to have a taxi driver come to .I.i . piek her up. Based on the context ot'rhe conversation it appears as .I.F. is [tying to avoid Imving MAXILY pick her up personally. MAXILY her to tell her family and friends that she is going out of 172 '1 10' ll 27 28 town. It is I tl'yingtu hide the fact is a prostitute or' jtlat witlt het t'tunitv klluwillg she is spending time with MAXEY During the call when she nut respond to MAXF In manner he appropriate he threatens l0 "xmax-It" ltcr. lkllow from my nt'lltia>> illvesligtllion and limit listcning to calls involving ViAXle he is it: with physical violence hc t-el't-it lo smashing llcl'. 473' on March 3t, 2016212025 lwurs, with 1F.- nth-int; Kl'lt.' MAXITY .l.lr. that heuul 5mm; shit," 1 [c further stated "you liable to gel ass heat when I came (Wcr there." 1F. agreed [0 call him black, 479. 20M on calli MAXFY hr: slit: was talking badly ahnut hint and he was a bad ninth, Based nu tlte nrthe cull il appcul'cd that Dan-ell Maxcy believed .I was pulsing unknown mule an social media anti demeaning MAXEY sunultanenusly. again to physically attach .llr, slalillrn tun nunna hunt your ass. nigg'd." MAXEY subsequently hung up nn 1. 480. Al 2034 hunt-v. .li. culled MAXEY haclt and the continued During the call. MAXIZY continued yell J. and accuse his pimping lle that she was ltim anti udvixcd hcl- ht: was going to cull and gel tn tlt: "bultum ol'tllis." 481' mm on the content ot'the ahove calls and my knowledge uflhis ltunw uuctls'cd Commcnis ahnut publiually. additionally" accused her of having conlucl another unknown male, Based on his bellcl'shc was disrespectful to him physically assuult list. I believe this serlec tll'ualls i. 1m example use 0Her and uonlml J.l .. 4X2. On April 5_ Zilltx tn 1128 hours, spoke with J.F -. Durng call, J.F, atlvisetl sllu was notitiett hy the management that l-e mm on the "no tum list." Slle informed him would not give lICr a reason. J.F, explained to suspecth may he the for the I73 mam 24IiVl status because were marked police units in the lot the pt'cuntn night Due lo the police presence dyiscd MAXLZY she tn slay imide and do "into ct dates" hut too scared to come to the MAXUY undcd the conversation by asking how much money bud. she $270 He advised her ht: would he coming in lucztlinn 483. Based on the content nl'thc call and my ot'tltis investigation. I contacted to advise him she was unahlc to pay rem on the hate] mom because the hotel management WHS now refusing to tent to hen She heltuvcs thiu: soaeqos unidentified female. J.F. told MAXEY a "h Ittrd ul'l'uretl 51700 [bra sex act, this "trick" wanted to "fuck he! bun: dck," rt: brring to the unidentified female who was with her the mom, F, explained tn lhcy lukc moncy from "trick" when l'lL' urrivcd at the room and then make him put nn a anyway MAXFX said "all I you butler gel the and not target lht: money." He further coached H7. on asking For "donations" and "(ll specifically asking [hr when act. 437. Huscd on the content m'thc cull iiml my knowledge ni'tins invesllgullml, I know MAXEY spoke with J.F. discussed potential paying $1700 {or sex. Apparently this was asking llir sex without condom MAXEY discussed the wiry liar. l0 mu:ch Sc); and directed her to ask to unulions." llmuw from my knowledge nl'thi's .mtl l'rrnn prcvious investigations it is common for prostitutes to refer to their us donations in an el'l'nrt to la mi7c their nctivily uvuitl 'l his call proves MAXEY ls irccling J.F. tn prowth sex I'm- zll'ltl tli, llx'xlng tn nvuitt ln'osmulinn. 4243. (in March 23. 20:5. al 1502 [Ti/0) \thC with 11M. - During the can nM. nn'onncd she a "hand." He I'csnundcd "ymr gtmna give it to me for pushing your ins; pulling in my work or 1 [Im gonna smash yon" UM. to only give MAXI-KY mime nrits' sluling. "rm nol give ynu Iht: whole hand-aid." him when he was going to ~manic out here" and told him iL "feels like I don't ll'dVB no nun-u "why nol'J" UM, suited. "came 1 Mound than and they instructing me." MAXFY slalstl, "them my Dex I nil, th' game to il gning. so thcy moves for me like than because I hust min cm likc that." slated: DA :0 Ill 01' ca still gonna ha with us you luan what I it's a mob its one mub." 489. Based on Klk' content 01' the call and my knowledge of Lhix know called MAbe IlSl new phone numle She adviscxl him sht: had a "hundf' knuw l'mm intercepted convc inn and {ruin tm the [arm 175 26 27 23 band is a street?slang term used to describe a quantity of nn'mey. in this case a band equals $1000. Upon hearing that D.M. possessed $1000, MAXILY her that she will give him the money for posting her ads and putting in work or he will ?smale her. Essentially, is telling her she will pay him for posting her ads and tor his status as her Pimp or he will physically attack (smash) her. At this point .in the converst-ttion D.M. explained to MAXJSY she feels like she doesn?t have a ?Daddy? any more. I know from listening to intercepted conversation and from previous experience the term Daddy is commonly used by prostitutes to describe their Pimp. When he asked why she felt that way, D.M. stated ?cause 1 been around them, and they been instructing me." Based on this statement combined with my knowledge related to her current situation at the time ofthis call, I. believe she is referring to being in the presence of and other DPG members out of town who are managing her and ?instructing? her as she works as a prostitute. MAXFW responded to this statement by stating ?them my partners Des, .1 gave them niggas the game to keep it going, so they bust moves fOr me like that. because I bust moves for em like that." further elaborated and stated, if DAR go in or something I-"irica still gonna be' with us, you know what I mean it?s a mob its one mob.? Based on this statement combined with my overall knowledge ofthis investigation, I believe it is clear MAXEY, MILLRO and other DPG gang members work together managing the activities of prostitutes they move tl'irougl?iout the state. Based on own statements in the call he re'lisrring to his group as one ?Mob? indicating their close working relatitmship. He further elaborates on his point by esplt-tining to D.M. if" "ay Dac? goes ?in? (jail) then Erica will still be with them. This cormnent means essentially if MILLRO went to jail lit). would still be functioning as a prostitute at the direction of MAXEY Or some other gang member. 490. Beginning in February 2016 and continuing to the present day, agents have conducted a. significant number ofsurveillanee operatimts targeting the activities of and monitored his phone conversations on a daily basis. At no point in this investigation have agents observed or heard in some form on gainful eml'iloyment. He owns several luxury vehicles and spends an inordinate amount of money on elothes, narcotics 176 aunt--and supcr L'iill 1 know li-um intercepted lie lentil/ca slalc welfare in (ht: t'ci-m of 1m EBT account and Food Stamps which indicatcs to is wilhuul and by poverty. 4' IJAVON MI LLRO Based on information detailctl below. I bellow MILLRO is in violation of l'itle 49]. . Scclitm IUSZGI). Usa tvl'a Facility 01' Furcign [ti Promolc l'msliuluon, During lhi>> investigation identified E1). and as a prostitutes being victimized by MILLRO. 492. Pay Data) was identified a gang who is I'm the alclivilics cru pmslilmc. us 110. 493. '1 intercepted I'durtlificd MILLRO llsa DPG gang ll'lL'lnbL'l' who mu l'uncliouing primarily as sclt'udmilted "Pimp" living ol'l'lhu comings ui the prostitute he controlled 494. mcs'ougcs 5.0 0n 2,2016, nt apploximalcly 103: hours, a nl' "1855:! rcutl as l'ulluws. Lo, hitting me Iluw" MILLRO lime to gut il lip "Int knowing buy wyd" MILLRO "Rite here to the homic pad l'zz' wilng high" L10. "You bcucr In: chopping me up but lha . MILLRO "Wm I'mmu chop my bitch up You you my l'msi cl you me i tlnn't do dul kl LLOV "0k but I wax ins saying must: 1 its] you [Wouldn't do it cilhcr" MILIRO "0m: lulnnid" 495 Based on my twining and along With the above mcssugcs and my knowledge oi'thiq illVL'aligdUUn. I bclicvc in message FLO. MILLRO regarding "people hitting me now." F, are calling her now from licr postcd I know l'rom my ol'th' inwstigtuion manner in which DPU proslilulcs CUMHCI mulc cuslumcrs is to advertise on the using various wehpagcs like Huukpage com, 1 Low that IS 2| wehsite commonly used by pimps and prostitutes to advertise their pmslilulitm sci-iiccs in the city they are 177 wurking. 'l'hc post Will have a number for the female in advertisement and the euslumcrs searching the site will contact lht: phone number posted and mange Muscling where the loeatkm is usually decided by the In the following text message when: MILLRO he was at the "homic [Wild choppln Pm high." believe MILLRO is telling En, he is at a l'ricnd>> house gelling high and talking about pimping and prostitution. responded and R0 hi: better not be talking abnul hat: MILLRU rcspundcd by telling LO. he wouldn't speak nl'hcr a demeaning way because of the hlyalty mid respect he had for her. I ht>> is consistent with ll ster of pimping subjc will use referred to as a "Roman" pimp where the pimp will [real his proatilulcs with can: and al'l'cutiol'l, much as if he is engaging into :t romantic t'clalitmihip with [him]. 0n Vlarch 2-3, 2016. at approximately 2320 hours through 0046 hotlm lmereepteel a series nt'lexl mesaagcs (limo) and 15.0. me read as follows. MILLRO "Did yuu ntlIkc sum muncy" only caught 1 they heen trying to low hall mu" MILLRO "on yen they Win" i MHJRO "And how much was that one" LO. "40/505" Idnd inhs for 50 5.trying pulling 20 minute 50 "Jack ofl'und kick am out tell [hem aflcr you got the mnney hund jeh tmly rm so ynu feel me you gmul finesse and twinl 12.0 "1 know how |l go huth laying rith me ml the phene' MILLRO "Oh oh" Calls still coming In El), "'I'hcy slowing duwn |tv gut postcd" MILLRO "0k" 150. 11" MILLRO "Rlle here at mirth hotlsc you gum!" "Yutl l'm goud Chung" . "Post me" MU LRO "0k" MILLRO "You poslcd already" 15.0. "Ok I had mute-0m" MILLRO "Oh you dat" 1-1.0. I have :70 ttltal came I bought something to eatsome more I'm daddy bhy" LI), 0] alright hut see where my L\l right now" MILLRO "0k" 497. On March 3. 211m. at lR44 hours through 2207 agents l7K 25 26 27 23 intercepted a suries til'icxt messagm between MILLRO t. #16) anti The text mcxxugcb rcatl us Follows. "Uitl you (In ir" "it" MILL R0 "Hell.ng bitcoins i'n" Futl "Alrighi where you going "Back to (in lirtmic Mus lhlUSL} to chill going it) get hiicoins rn lliri Rt). Oh that can i wanted tn spul'lti thin: with you before 1 left but its COO ig" MILLRO "You lcaving m" 170 "No bill I will he in like hour" MILLRO "Oh so wen was you plan oncoming buck" IE.O, 'gtil'lL' stay tr ni vhi wit Yu tmtiglti thti" [30, iin't hit me hack" MILLRU "Who flint MILLRO "Oil nit it's tilt guod jus trap II mil till slit: get you mix MILLRO "11's to Slow for you rite there huh" knuw that 56 yea I think its just the day MILLRO "Yeti its tiltit time tn go outlti ltiwtl and gel stuukutl up ytiu [L'cl mi: hi: Lao a I'L'ady tntming to get me a Car asap MILIVRO WC gunc at uni dmi't even vrcjurt gut to (In nimtcy and Mich] M) Vic a [cum ii about me [Ain't hunt you il's buut' MII LRO "us mu you feel me" 498 Based on my twining 21nd experience along with tht: intercepted lcx't cs and my ill-[Mi I bclicvc 1:0. mked if its puslcd her new uni on the internal website. mapimdcti he was getting bilctrins right ntm. I have reviewed culls associated tn this investigation, during which. Subjects. and other gang incmhen hath indiculcd lhcy would ptty rot postings (in websites helievctl [0 ha I0 salicimunn with Bitctiin money. i hit>>: spakcn with whu have been involved with prostitution related learned hurc ising clad space Ull thew websites ix Lin emerging have learned that Hituttin paytnans ttlluw uscr iu rcmnin iinonymnus because the transaction with Biicnin funds is rim linked to specific pcrittn. bunk ticumini, or other I'tirm ul'itlunriticttlittn which allow: the purchaser to remuin virtually by law enforcement in I'trlluwing text messages. 15.0. Mll.l,R0 trite going [0 mm: by (ind spend some lime \Villi licl' hel'mc she lime]. MILLRO ignores Itei question and asked ED. wlint tiinc was 5111' leaving and when plunncd on coming back ,llt) then told lojusl "imp" until 179 can llher ride eumcs ll) pick her up. 'l'llese lexls clearly show MILLRO's comm] over E.O.. In llii: lbllowing lexis, MILLRO no. discuss how slow il is fer her iiglil lhure, referring in in: min-em linch ~Iw is and the lack Ufu'dll: from en the lime ol' day. MILLRO "Yen its lime to gl: oullalnwn and gel stacked up you feel me l'hy." I believe MILLRU is advising he believes ll's time (0 move her out ul'luwn (U a mole pmmising and pmfimble helcl sli she can gel "slueked up," know based mi my iminllig and experience along with my knowledge nl'lliis inmngullon. MILLRO is referrng L0 her making a large anmunl ul'inlmey cenllilcling the illegal acts nl'wrunlilliliun when he uses the phrasl. 'slueked up." responded she knew that already and expressed to MILLRO lliul she mulled lo buy ucllr. ASAP. ln llic following message. by slinwing his aull'mrily and displeasure with 12:.0. when she lold him me wanted le buy hersell'a ellr In his response. MILLRO refers ll 0 an a "bitch" and Scolds her for only thinking nl'hex sell'anil not llicm lugeiher as (I lean) when talking aliliul milking money. I know pimps Will use [his l'nmi munipulalimi when in their pluslilulcs in order In innkc ~ure llic plosmutes pill 111: pimp heroic anybody else including herself I know based on [milling and as llic proslilule begins waul more ul'lhc prol'ils pimp begins in change. 2005 hnurs, spoke wiLh During the call. ll!) answered the phone, Bolh lalk lilmui whlil mieli lilhul me doing. MILLRO 499. asked L20. why she didn't (ext him back. I51). told MILLRO She didn'l like [he way he called he! and 13.0. had a casual .lnd mosl words were difficult to because ufhis slurred speech DO. asked why dill he need to will her a bitch and ll WAS MILLRU responded lie \vnuldn'l call her ll "bush" anymore and lold 15.0., "Trap [hut shit no. responded, "Alrighl." 500. Based on my H'all'llng and experience along will] lhe above intercepted eull and my knowledge ilwesligalien. I believe MILLRO ennlucted to find out why she hadn't responded to his lust lcxl. During [he call. LEO. luld she didn't like lhe Way MILLIU) elillell her 1| "hitch." MILLRO ell was upsel his 180 style ol'plmping luck [0 ll "Rummy" pimp and in urdcr lu Cunlwl he cnilcd (he by lclling [20 mi "trap that sini oii'iinnigh," I know from my ol'lhis invesilgalian, {Ili5 term relem li) keep making mmwy by cui'imlCling the illugd nuts >: lhi'u ms" Mll.l.l{0 "Mai" L20. MILLRO lit), "Did you (In MILLRU "You jllal rim mm" ZI .. sippin and bhy" in response to her what he is doing llziscd mi my training and experience alung with my invusliguliun I know 5 mil DPG gang membur: will drink iipliun cough syrup inixcil with cudcmc on ii regular basis and rcl'ur i0 iliis as sippin." 12H 13.0. ?Oh okay? E0. ?I?m not getting calls" ?1 posted you it slow rite now? ?Oh okay ?It need to pick up cos we outta here tomorrow so we can get some real money check some big traps? 11.0. know it do and where we going?? 1 ?Ventura? 111.0. ?Oh okay well hope'l'iilly .l"'ll catch son-rething" M1111 R0 ?Yea got as much as you can we get on? 13.0. ?Kay? ?Are you coming to stay the night tonight?? MI I .1 .R0 ?Yea.? ?Nothing '1"m waiting to see if this dude gone come" MILLRO le said he was on .his way ?He said he about to check into his room then he gon come" ?We?re his room at" 13.0. ?1 don?t know? 11 .1 .1910 ?Oh? ?Wyd? 1-3.0. ?Most been wanting out outcall" MILLRO ?Oh yea. da twat he said" 141,0. ?He never called back? ?Oh yea fuck dat nigga on to da next one? 1-3.0. ?lint alret-tdy knowing M11 .LRO ?Yea I see 1 really gotta tell you nun you already kno wat it is you been. listening so ill-tr FLO. ?You ain?t gave me a resort why not to 8; I told you 1* ditTerent from other tern-ales? FLO. I need to be posted" 1.5.0. ?1 think it?s them pictures or its just slow? M11.1 .RO ?You think it?s the pictures" l.i.0. ?Try swishing them? M1141..R0 503. Based on my training and experience along with the above intercepted text messages and my knowledge o't'ithis investigation, I believe 13.0. is contacting MILLRO to advise him to post her ad on the internet. responds to her text and advised 13.0. he posted her ad on the internet. 1 know based on my involvement in this investigation pimps will post ads on the internct in an effort to attract more customers. In this case MILLRO is controlling what ads are posted and also paying the lice to post the advertisements. Later in the conversation, MILLRO contacted to nd out il?any date came through. 1 know pimps will check on the status ot'their prostitutes on a regular basis in order to monitor their activities in order to keep track o'l?thc money they are making from the illegal sex acts. 1 know pimps will refer to customers who pay the prostitute for these sexual acts as ?dates.H Later in the day, 13.0. texted MILLRO to post her ad on the internet again because she was 182 'll] 16 '7 l8 20 nni any MILLRO responded ihni he pinned l- .5 mi ninl il \mN' inst slow now. .RO wnlmuus and [old lam. lhiu hr: is planning on [Liking hut in a different bowl in Venuer makc some big money. In the mesmgm, and Mn.le discuss how is wuiimg On [his (luth in so: ifhc is going In come. E1). cnmmum to explain in Mil "to lhul the "dulc" said hc was ubuul to chuck inw his room come over to her lucalion, I know )i is referring in 1: (late whu is lln'unging 10 come and see her to cunduct illegal is ofpl'osiltulion. Lao. also advised MILLRO that nt'hercalls were asking "inllculls." knuw will ruler "milcalls" when the subjch rcqucsiiug Ihe dare wanis Ihc prosiimle 10 come ll) his location. Later in [he 13.0. advist MILLRL) the dull: was wailing on never called buck. mid hm Io forget that guy move on the next lhul she know that already and moved on in ma nexl cusmlner. Mll.l.R() responded. "Yea 1 see I gotta lull you yini ahcady knuw wni ii is you Iisiening so l'ar," bclicvc ihis massage limhci curlobmulcs my beliel'lhal LI). in aLling undcruic dircclion 01' MILLRO. MILLRO luld her via the mox'sag': lhul he Llnuxll'l nucll to lull her anything and connincnh about how she's been and doing everything he asking of her In regards in the prim-uh llic illegal l'hc messag' com/c duon cominues mid ILO, disuuxfi the luck Lil'wllb elm]ng in and changing the pictures un her (ld (hut was {305ml by MILLRO. 5114. Mini. 20m beginning at 1715 hours through Mni-ch 9. 2016. ht approximately [203 hours, agcms a series ol'lcu vnensdges hulwucn MILLRO and no -- The ma massages read as follows. F1) "Do my ad MILLRO "Ymi don't wanna (in it or )uu Wul'll Inc to do il" O. "Yuu"MlL LRO 0. [011 me when you :10 It" MILLRO MILLRO "1 did it" 1.5.0. "c posted yn ad" "What's address in [his hmel" MILLRO "Idk UH paper in mum" . 7. "'l'hcv didn't give her LHU. "th MILLRO "(All liuul desk l83 ain't. no phone in this mum" MILLRO "555 Centre City Parkway. CA 9. 12,0. "Yea 1 googlcd MILLRO "Dnls da addres responded. "on man you all niggas' never keep :1 hoe dawn Miitno r, he was keeping a "hoe dimii," KP. responded, "Say that you coming back don't say the hue earning hack," Mtiino clarified with KP. that he was going but lu Fresno. KP. confirmed the "the lines was staying dawn." MILLRO mid him yeah and asked Why he wuri'ictl about where ills "hues" m. P. quiet-1y responded he wasn't worried about What "hue" was doing and juht Wanted to silt: Where it was at. MILLRU |0iLl "he had his game with him he thlti just tell him where it was at. replied. "yeah. what think" and asked MILLRO what mum .l .RO trild him any mum and and it was all "Net." KP. "Damn the net ain't miwmg like that though." MILLRO told KP. 1R4 [arbor because that was the KP. replied. ?No shit.? They both continued a conversation about how the ?Track? wasn?t making any money and how 111?. needed real money. 141.13. said, ?So the niggas are down there on the net huh.? Mil replied. "Yeah, trying to check out this motherfucking net.? KP. asked for specific directions and told Ml LLRO he wouldn?t take him long because he was already in Oran gc County. told MILLRO he had some ?weed? and it would only take him about an hour and a hall? to get there. .507. Based on my training and experience along with my knowledge t" this investigation, I know ELF. is a DPG gang member and a pimp who controls prostitutes in Fresno County as well other cities in California and surrounding states. Based on the above intercepted call, I believe KP. contacted M'll'.l.RC) to find out what hotel he currently has his prostitute working at and to ascertain i'lishe is successful on making money. In the conversation, Mll.l.RO told KP. they were currently in Oceanside but would be traveling back to l?rcsno the following day. i know man DPG 'Finterprise pimpsjointly share on the best locations and techniques to Facilitate their pimping empire. 1 know during the call, lilz?. also explains to MILLRO that pimps should never keep a hoe down alter MILLRO told him they are returning to Fresno the following day. I believe KP. wants to know why MILLRO is going back to Fresno if" his prostitute is making money and by traveling back to Fresno means she will not be able to make money. I 'l'urtl'ie1' know that within the DPG, prostitutes are col-isidered a commodity or property ot?thc pimp and this is l'urtlier corroborated when MILLRO questions KLP. about why is he so concerned about where his ?hoe? is going to be working while MILLRO is away traveling back to Fresno. I believe is referring to RO. when he uses the phrase ?hoe.? later in the call, KP. confirmed with MILLRO that they were down there on the ?net.? i know based on my involvement .in this investigation the term ?net? refers to working out ol'a hotel room with advertisements posted on the internet for the illegal acts of" prostitution. During the call, KP. stated he preferred to make good money and preferred his ?game? working on the ?track.? I know the word game is going to be Kl?fs prostitute and he prelers his girls to actually walk a 185 section ol?street in a speci?c geographict-il location known to be associated to prostitution. Prostitutes will walk or stand on street corners portions of the street and solicit customers to pertinm the illegal acts oi" prostitution. "this area is considered the "track." 508. The aforementioned conversation with MILLRO and 15.0. continued through a series messages throughout the evening and into the early morning ol? Match 9, 2016. The text messages read as tollows. MILIJRO ?Yea it?s probt-tbly gone pick up? FLO. ?People been calling? 13.0. ?No they barely texting" ED. ?Wyd? MILLRO ?Sliding? 1.5.0. ?Oh okay is my ad up" ?Yea? ??1?binkin bout goin outta state getting it up" lit). ?Where you thinking about going" Mll.l.RO ?No l?i'n down with you and I?m thinking Utah" M11 11.11%) ?11 ready to go" 13.0. ?Yea you going?? E10. ?When you wanna go?" MILLRO ?Couple days" 509. Based on my training and experience along with the above intercepted text messages and my knowledge o't'this iiwestigation, I know tcxted 191.0. and told her business would be picking up referring to customers calling her for dates. 13.0. later texted MILLRO back and told him customers werejust barely tcxting and asked Mll?l 1RD it?hcr ad was up. MILLRO responded yeah. texted he was considering taking her to Utah to get it up. I believe this lurther corrol?ioratcs control over 141.0,. 'I?hesc text messages are proof that MILLRO makes all the decisions where 1.51.0. will be staying at to pertorm these illegal acts oi" prostitution. Alter reviewing cellular tower on cellular phone agents were able to confirm cellular phone was in the Oceanside area. 510. On March 14, 2016., beginning at approximately 1520 hours, agents intercepted a series of text messages between Mll.,l..RO and MONSON (TT 117). The text messages read as fol lows. ?Aye ?am you make my Mexican bitch an ad 1 don?t know how to do dat shite" MONSON ?Yea? 186 u. 17 18 20 21 22 MONSON got pica m' want mu \0 find stunu" need at Whole quriunt lhn" MONSUN want me lo make an account" MILLRO need you 10 find Roma" MILLRO "Yea" MO SON ujusl need 'xadd MILLRO nucd 3 ad re 13/ Injusl pt). (12) bitch and I pictures" MILLRO "I'm Fresno I'm around here" MONSON "Iglu MONSON "Imma text when I slop" MILLRO "Aile" "Did you tlul fur yo b0) 9" MILLKU WONSOV "Send me the card" WONSOV MONSON posted it. me know how that add do Bus Ijnxl ux'ed (mu ttl~ mv old ones VIONSON Puydayduv is the MILI .RU up lusho good luckm love buy' MONSON "You put the pics to" MO QON 0" MILLRO It ain't letting me set: da add" SON "Imma change the pins Iml quick lhu" LRO "Ailc" MLNSON zlucnunl Iel mt add it In yours" MILIRO "Ailc it's all gtmd" MONSON "It's on than)" MILLKO "Venn good Rankin" 51 1. Baaed nu my training and cxpul'icncc along with the above text mossugcs uutl my knowledge anhIs mvesligalltm. I know MILLRO untt MONSON urc . um gang mumbm's Involvcd and human Irm'fi contacted MONSON and asked him [0 put up an udwrtiscmum on ht: did not know how la (in it. MOVSON to do n. I know that backpagcflum is a website commonly used hy pinth and Droslilule their prostitution son/ices. was the websne fur cum which WOVSON Dent MILLRO. 'l'hc backpugcwm ailc came back to a rentals Vv|lh name Wm a pm nt-- Thal was the same number which MILLRO lexicd lo Bath on [he advertising het \cniLcs in lht: cily HI text messages. and the website pruslilulc. anti (hc 11ch (hill hulh and are DPG gang it my tipiniun than lhcy are working together and conspiring to wmlnit ucls of pimpmg'pumpcring. 187 atents cs hetween MILLRO and l'he text mess gen read us "Send me the information til'm honc my pin is- ll )Oll need anything ette ceLll the" nod 11 settes Iness' MILLKO lit). 513. Busetl till my training and experience tilting with the above intercepted text and my knowledge ot'thts investigation. I believe Lao, this information [0 could hci' regardingi her uelltilur phone. . The DMV printout ul'Calilhrnia CA. On March 4, 2016, ugcms conducted surveillance at the Sumnlet't'ield Inn ltictltull revtewed the Department til' Winn Vclliulc record: for license entries hire-k 0. with an addn'Mt Sun 630') N. Blackstone Ave in the Lily til'l"tesnn Duilng the wrvcilltincc. agents lulluwetl HM, and two letiittles from the Summet l'tcld Inn (A) the Arm ennvenient store loctitcd tit Blackstone Avenue and Sicrm Avcnuc and then back to the Summei'lield Inn, While inside the store. ()l'l'tcet S/titimm Ltml'iimed was with (I [Impanic l'eimiletmd ti Blank tilting with at small child, At that time. Other Sautmuti was to positively identity the two I'emiilc: with D.M.. Atlci' intercepting the conducted OH HO tlunugli DMV SA Mancebu was able to locate 2x DMV L'Ulol'cd 0., SA Mum;ch and Officer phtitn ot't \filsl' renewing the enter DMV et' were able to positively identity the prevtous Unidentified Female #484 u- til). ti-etn tlit: pl'cwous sntvetiinnee on Mtneh 4. 20m tit the ttren convenient store. Agents also saw tintt MILLRO fill the stitnmetiieid (Julillg the wrvcillunuc and both were picked up li'nm the lmtel by .iyrnne WILLIAMS ln hine Lexus. ,Iyrene WILLIAMS is ti knan gang memher Based on the above ititcreeptetl text Incis'ages' tilting wilh the surveillance eitservntinm anti lalcr iniitiw up by SA Mnneebn. it's my oplhimi is using the eeltnittr tteviee with the assigned number tit-- 514. On March 33, 2(ll6. beginning tit I435 intercepted a -- The l3 188 messages read as .tbllows. Lit). ?Almost did but i wasn't the girl in the picture? Ml LRO ?Wow? MILLRO ?He was mad? Lit). ?Are they posted? 515. Based on training and experience along with the above intercepted text messages and my knowledge o't'this investigation, I believe BO. told that she almost had a customer however the customer changed his mind when he saw what 171.0. looked like in person. 1 know the ads that are posted on the interact most often times contain photos of the 'l'emale ottbring the illegal sex acts of prostitution. Otten times the pimps will post photos oli more attrt-tctive women on the ads in attempt to entice customers to call and arrange a date with his prostitute. This is also purposely done in an attempt to avoid detection from law cntorccment by not posting his prostitutes real picture to avoid arrest. Later in the conversation, tit). asked to post her ad on the in in attempt with different photos that Wt')Lthl resemble her more closely. A short time later, agents intercepted an incoming call (Call #6813) from FLO. to MILLRC). During the call Flt). asked MILLRO to switch her pictures because no one was calling her. I believe 11.0. is not happy with the photos MILLRO posted on her interact ad and wanted him to change the photos in an attempt to attract more customers. This call shows how controls when the ads are posted and what photos are posted in the ad. 516. On March 22., 2016, the day prior to the interception oi" the previous text messages agents 'tiollowcd MILLRO, Akili HM. and PM). south bound State Route 99. 'l?hrough other intercepted calls in this investigation agents believed was tl'anspt'n'ting FLO. and HM. to the Bakersfield area to conduct illegal acts (.3 prostitution because they were both robbed by a customer at the Sun'imertield Inn. The surveillance terminated in the city of liowlcr south ot" Fresno. On March 23, 2016 at the time of the above intercepted calls agents were able to con?rm cellular phone was in the city o't' Bakers?eld after reviewing cellular tower informatitm. 5. KENNETH WHARRY 517. Based on detailed below, I believe WHARRY is in violation ot? 189 Title '18 US.le Section 2421, Transportation in Interstate Commerce for Prostitution; and 18 U.S.C. Section 1029(a)(5) and access device fraud and conspiracy. During this investigation, agents have identi?ed CA. as a prostitute who .is being victimized by W1 518. Listed below are intercepted calls and associated activities involving which illustrate his involvement in the human traf?cking otw women for the purpose of prostitution across state lines. Altl?it'rugh this list is not all inclusive, i believe it establishes that W1 IIARRY is actively involved in the human tral?l'icking of women For prostitution and those acts were conducted in association and for the benefit 01:? the Dog Pound Gangsters. criminal street gang. (LA. 519. On March 31, 2016, at approximately 1010 hours, spoke with MONSDN During the call MONSON asked 11' RY had received the picture. W1 to MONSON that he did. MONSON told him that one leaves at 6 and the other at 1:40.- W1 then told MONSON that he would have to do one at s. MONSON told to let him know and, "She has to be there hella before she leave." said he is going to LA and would call MONSON when arrived. 520. At approximately 1019 hours, MONSON spoke with said he is in A and asked MONSON about "that thing." MONSON asked which one and WHARRY said the thought it was the, ?4:20 one." MONSON said alright and asked it" he wanted him to get it For W1 said yes and told MONSON that he would pay him when he returned to Fresno. MONSON then told WllAl'tRY to text him the name and birthdatc and asked if they are going to ?Baltimore, con?rmed, Following this conversation, WHARRY texted MONSON, and CLAIs date 01' birth. 52]. At approximately 1506 hours. spoke with MONSON During the call WHARRY asked MONSON about the ticket to for W1 then asked about the "6 o'clock on United Airlines.? MONSON told 1 90 one Itthat he us doing it nlm'. ls heard hulking in the I0 .1 pcern Al thul (l female Vnice is heard in the background uf'lhc call who said. "Yeah [he Unilcd Airlines llighl." wilh WUARRY thul's one wants and said ycs. WONSOV mid he would zenll hull zl conlirmulilm in ll minutes. 527' [553 and ms hou - agents "one: or text massages SON and WIIARRY my. WHARRY "(i0 ahcdd bro" MON sow "0k" 523, AL IGZX lmurs. WI mle spnke MONSON (1'1 Cull WHARRY MONSON umllimle lhcir About flighl. They talk abnul the Iliqu nl 10:05 PM and mm at 6:00 AM, WHARRY also confirmed lhal MONSON hooked him on ll": 10 05 PM flight 524. on cunmn ol'lhc calls and [he (lPs luczllimw nl' WIIARRV and 101 leoN's ccllular I believe WHARRY travelled ll-nm In La; nn March 30. 2016, WIIARRY {rem Lus Vegas In 1.05 on [hc morning nrMamh 3L, 2016. Based m1 detailed llbovc lhul picked up a proslilulu from the h" oral. and he and Kizmdn: lonk he: to Los WHARRY, the MONSON arranged ll 1hr . I'l'um 1 us- Angulu: lo I also bulicvc pnmusc ol'lhis out nfsullc flight was provide CA. with Maryland lh esx ucls lhu llil'ULliUn ul' WI IAKRY, 525. According to Police Department WM conluclcd on June 23. 200'), dm ing pnwliluliun in which A. tn being a pmmlulz and working Flemo um] a\ chm. A ruvlcw criminal hinury rcvenled scx in Lax --nml I -- Las Vegas. After the 01's lnuzlliun nl' Kiundrc 101 5le 's his was located ln urea ul-- lg] 4cm -nn the mmning nr March 31" 20er 526. On April 3. 2016. approximately 1424 hours. WHARRY ('I'Tl'll 2) spfike -- As arms, is known criminal sum gang and is currently incarcerated in North Kern Stale l'rix'ml and is Ming an device. During [he cull WHAKRY [old mm ll: (Ir-mlle ln gel hi3 car. llull his gunshm wuund hud up and he was no longcr Sore, STANF .L Illen lulLl WHARRV it was lime to go 10 work and WIIARRY and Vuld he worked Said he rammed r'mm Ills Vegm said was out lhcl'c llnw. Wl IARRY luld STANFILL 11ml he chunng ll'lc lvclis ml the place in {As Vegas his mill luld girl not come back until she mallcs 20 WHARRY said this can make ill lwu weeks and lhul In: and VI) hud this gill ul WHARRY said he Ihls hilch ll'nm Ll lliggn." STANFII 1. [old WI MRRY lhul Yl) and ('hcddur an: the ones ll said he and Cheddar had lnlkal 'ylhing |llul was gluing on zlan "th mom handling business. WHARRY STANFIIJ that drugs are "fucking nlggus up." ANHI 1, said they need lo bring back doing (Imp. S'l'ANl'll lhcy 2m: to bc 111:: dealers. nor lhu cunsunmrs, s'l'Avr-ILL they could push Ihe agenda for them In gel il right 0r [0 gal nl'hcru. mid ll'lul sull'l'h Nil") addictive, 527. 2105 2an 2245 hours. a series of leL mcssagcs WHARRY 2) And MOVSON The mull (ls Follows, WHARRY "Gk" MONSON 5 your no page MONSON ell her copy the lu hul' adds and send cm lu u" WHARRY - She g0 lo many {and on back page all put her number an all her \hil will pup up" MONSOV "Gel hut lru WHARRY WHARRV "l low much to put on curd" MUNSON "Do 75 Il'lcll Inmm' we can Add l92 (i 26 27 221 WI IARR W1 IAKRY MONSUN )peii the can] it peel the stick all it send it ln mt: 111cc that" --tliis onc ntii working" 528. Based on I110 cement ol'thesc text messages I lwclizvu that assisted W1 establish 'd butkpugucom ixccnum 1m CA, to use in the furtherance Gillie acts 01' prostitution W1 IARRV then provided WUNSUN Willi lhi: "Imp and they discuss W1 sending money on some type ni'itninnwn curd. Hum tin in} [mining and experiuncc knuw ihc tct'm "trap numbc arc numlyci's which prostitute use to post the 1hr sexual Jun 1 also know the pcrsons in prostitution Will til'tcii use multiplc numbch in an attempt to avoid being identified hy Liw tlic which use (0 thallium tittin acts oi'pmsiitutiun be different than the one they use to communicate with lliclr pimp he pl'ticlict: is done In sup-mute [mm the pimp in case they are cmituctud or 17y law [211m bellow: the three taxis that sent 10 that limit [0 buckpagcmm are pmslitulitm ads that he helped WI piacc i'ur CA. As the result olilie text meant agent; itlentil'ictl --as being associated with CA accesle win 11nd niili/ctl 1111: liticltpugmuin siic satin-h engine to Search for . Agents than infurimiion [eluted to CA. As a result ni'the much. agents lucuicd Iivc poslings. 1'051 1m 131281162, lltilliinni'c. tltitud April 4. 2016 ill 1334 hours and "Tim chli 5 \ltil 100% rent your goddess is in l'ost 11) 1113-1909118, containing stunt: 11lel.kl?llCL1 April 4. 21116 at 1316 litini's. l'ost 11Ml 127122 5 Biiltiinmc. tinted April 4, 2014 1334 lltiili's. labeled "100k extremely sexy addian hot cull nowll Don't Wil|1723 P031 ID #13490834. Alilted April 4, 201 at 124') and 11051 ll) 1907111141. tltitctl April 4' 1016, in l4021wtii's. bulh labeled "Super Freak Kinky cums \p'dllk mt: Daliciuus ,utina and both mit 01. Baltimore. I'mt ID 1113400040, dated April 4. l'ltiymtilu' Ready Now 20m, at 132') lmurst "$101) specials Sow Latina 12yc Candy All you need playful it Agentx ulsn iocami a sccond post ID #127 i 195x, dated April 4.211161" 133'! which the same plitittigriiphs ltihcl. 1'73 Ln caqa 21s30. Ar 1027 hours Lusrcru Standard Tune (EST). SA Nathan Manccho placed a recorded Ilnr'lm'cmm leleplumc cull ru phuno numch-- -:md spokc with fcmulc At that SA Muncebo asked her il'she was still tltling "dates," Based nu training and I know tor-m dulcs is commonly used by prmtitutcs to reference to a sexual act in exchange for money. The l'emalc, believed to be stutctl "Yullh it's a hunder {ml the half hour and I can send you my address il'ynu want tn come over." SA asLed CA. il'shc wuuhi do it for said, "Nn. l'm sorry" and hung up the phone. 531. Ar approximately 1929 hours' SA Manccbo sum a text message to CA, which I can write l'nr Inn," Al tippl'uximatcly WM hour. A. the musselch rcud. "0k. 3000 Washington Blv." Ar 1934 hourx' SA Mancubuaguin luxt A "k is jun a ISJ Based on my knowlt'dgc and experience I know acronym "Bil" is commonly mud hy persons ellgagfid in prostitution to describe the scxuul not old "blow job." Al npproxiruruoly 1934 lrnur-s. text, "100" I believe (2A. tht: pl'ict: [or oral sex to be $100. SA researched the nddross nr'xon Wasllinglon lioulcwud. The results rcvuzlicd the uddl'css was associated with rho Rod Rout Inn. in .lessup, 532. On April 7, 2015, an the request nl'tlle DOJ. officers with rho at the Red Roof Stutc i'nliuc (MSP) a prostitution in [CluiiUn to C. lun. Iocruod at 8000 Wushillglon Boulevard, in ersup' Maryland Duling their investigation. ul'ficcrs Intsulutl postings rusociulcd wuh CA. nud determined that silt: was at the Red Rnni'Inn, 0ft: conducled surveillanch CASE mom two whom they believed were met with (LA and engaged in sexual acts [or money, ufc's a mule suhject ul'let llu flayed in her mum fur approximately seven minutcs. According to Ihc mule he had me! with and mid cigilly for wall scx, 533. Based nu my (mining and sxperienct, my ol'thu nan the calls. I hciicvc it Is clear that WHARRY transported (HA from his Vuglis to 194 I/os Angeles and then In for the definitive purpose ul'cundueting pl'uslinllion. also helieve that Kenneth has used and his cellular plinne ln conspire with pmslilulcs under his eiiminnl ushttuiuluh, turd other DPG mcmburs lo fucilitnlc ltis activities. He uses his plume tn direct the activities ni'pnntitutes engaged in criminul aclsv H: H150 uses his phunc to Contact a crimime assucialc and create nnlinc tn lucililulu lhcil' uctivilics, 6. KIANDRE JOHNSON 534, Based on the below, there is pl'nhahlc to believe that Kinndre JOHNSON committed 2r violation ul'Tillc 18' Unilctl Slates Cudc. Sculiun 195201), use Ufa facility of inlcl'smlc commerce to promote prostitution. Kiandre Johnson pimping tn' limos 535. 26, 20l6 beginning at m3 hnun I scrics oftext messages with tire-male suhicct identified nnly as l'nitlentilieu 3"6 (Hall--V lht: text messages read as fullows. Ki' MIC JOHNSON by you til not bring the nthneyh really ne Bull l'ccl like Inpnin fuck bill (If my 11' get the lnoncy, \d you." Ki itli'c INSON aw lie be wanting my time his dick want even gel hard euy, his diabetes he fucking with 22 he no that so why in: call me," 536. llusud un ol'lhc above cht, I believe JOHNSON was noting in the capacity nt'n tn Ul'306 untl wen qllt'sliltlling Ilcl' why silt: not brought him her camiligs bucausc he was low on money and needed it. lmon responded by expressing her with to her "trick" (cuslumcl'). who uccurding to her c'tpcricncing dysfunction due to diabetes antl she t'elt he was wusting her time Base tin my in [his investigation. I know innlc subjculs engang In the act olpimp'lng frequently Contact the l'emnle enguging in prostitution in rclricvt: funds they hut/c earned from their illegal shine pimps ennunet these vibits mull: frequently than hut ull pimps to embrace the practice as it provide": them the tn g'tmgc the prostitutes production levels and further reduces the opportunity for the prostitute tn withhold l'urtth nan ul'tlwii'cnguging ill the 1m ufpruslnlion. I believe 195 26 27 18 expression lil'hcr regarding the erectile dysfunction ni'licr "trick" whens met with a disconnected demand by 101 INSON lu "gcl tlic money" dospilc any er nugl" eneeiimer. JOHNSON's response was eviitenee that in the pimp- pmstitule relationship >hurcd by and JOHNSON, the acquisition ol'inoncy by JOHNSON was the priority and (IFJOG served us a means to llial end. 537. On February 28, 2016. beginning at 1503 hullrs Hi I) exchanged a series erlexl with The text messages read as UF306 "dini'l be hanging up in my film: it: how much ii cuz mm have to got in the ATM cur. only 1005: ensh have on me is 150 l'iunl Llning this gill huil need 401) il'ynu liilvc it." "Shir slitl my mom it gone have in meet me when we cu7 she gel ml her huekel i elm give 200 11th 200 when gn in tin.- AIM my mom in my business ctl7 you no how arc when they get Iliad at cliu," "Ycuh 1 fuel it, "where you wiml me it! met you a "no moncy guinr 1- oulid you can sentl tln: 200 hunched like that and ill gut rust later." INSUN [1'306 Kiundrc SON UFJOG JOHNSON 53 K. At l45l hours. UF306 textcd Kiundrc .lOl INSUN and ht: wuntcd the Money Grim] sent. This promoted a call Kizmdre JOHNSON in (man in whieh lic hur In gu In it Mnnuy (5mm lilclluy tnul send the mnney gram to Fresno. ("7306 concluded the call by telling Kiundrc JOI INSON she wuultl call him when she Wits in line. l523 hours. JOHNSON ill-3M L'tml tuld Ilcl his llama was spelled like "kidndn: and fin lusl his lilvm'llc color was "red," Al [525 hour>>, ("306 responded by texting Kiuinlic .IOI INSON tlnil all: knew lluw to spell his name and was in line ill Wal Mart. At approximately 1556 lintirs, UFZOG texled JOHNSON tuld him s'l'c had pilid ill 1.30 (br mmle gram 539. Based on the content nl'the abuve tiescriheii and the uuiilext or the previously descrith calls, 1 helieve Kmaih-e .IOHNSON's requml Iiil' money was a ofth prwious (lays questioning regarding her unl having provided INSON with [he of her I believe Klaner request for mmley UF306 in ll tlil'licnll position 115 shu was with mulhcl did mil 1 96 20 the number on the receipt fur the mime Wihl'l for mother to the she and int INSON sharcd. Dcapitc the potential tittetwet-y, that"; complied with the tin 'ticn provided by Kinadrc JOHNSON and meney gram to him at a cost em ms. 540' (Tim spoke with During the cziil requested On February 20th. at approximatciy 1617 hours, JOHNSON grill" In I'Unpullsl. lt3()(v provided him (I ratertnce I1umbcr0f20684510. Based on my part' patitm in this investigatimt, i rel'crencc number was ittcucc .IOI INSON iuwing money from Ul'ltiti anti fulfilling the necessary elements to establish him a pimp 54 I. Spain: with UFSOG-- During the cull JOHNSON asked iliratm when On March 2, 2016 at approximately I042 hours, Kihntire JOHNSON (Tim 1) u. (v 10 20 Ull'306 "eltz always Say it gone Call me back wtt'," .101 NSON was doing something when yeti hid called. New 1 cnuld ttl'let it ting hut I you haby." UF306 "whatever key then next time lot it ritlgt" UF306 "Shit timur go on a date my uigga" to which JOHNSON "0k baby. 111'300 whatever." 544. The practice ut'rt prostitute culling XL pinlp bctitrc conducting (l transaction with a customer is common practice and in some cases ul'thc pmstilutc by the pimp lhis pl'itCliCC serves two purposes in that it allows the pimp tn truck the number of customers seen by the prostitute in a given day and secondly provides the prostitute with sunsu ofscutlrity believing the pimp uill provide her with safely. 545. spoke with time -- During the call Kiumtre JOHNSON told her that he did On March 3, 1016 at 1051 hours. JOHNSON not appreciate her playing games. Kiandre JOHNSON hy tetlihg Ut-sotr not [0 take him as tijuke because he had been cool her end didn't appreciate she hed been "playing" him. JOHNSON continued by telling Ulilob he not szttis ied with Wl'lill she had given And he didn'l del [ti muku it like JUINSON lit-306 gith him "two here tlutt \mtsu't enough for himt Kinndre JOHNSON tultl Ul'306 its Full she would get comfortable thinking that was enough tutti it wasn't. He complained that she ltzul gone out tll' a week ptittr and had given him nothing and she felt he should somehow provide her with some type and that wasn't cool At tqu point the eztll suddenly disconnected. 546. At approximately 1103 ltntus' Kiatndn: JOHNSON and 111306 exchanged its series ut'text messucs. '1 he text messages read as UF306 "Don't at me like that hru l'rl} but its cool ill 1 vc alenc." Kiuuthe J01 "lln getting on you because 1 wanna see inure result 1 wultnu he with you, 1 even brought 21 id littm mmeune witch is real and a driver L's semeehe you can pass rnhri ive been uh shit to us right." "why did Ll [my 41 11) I'm 1 lute 'dn lik int "it's a driver L's Lute in we ct a rental car 198 1306 Ktantlre JOHNSON somulimcs soon." [11"]in "what we gonna do key Im confused luv mm" to JOHNSON on ready It; gn nut oi'lnwn Kiandrc J01 INSON ail mu." linntl go on dlttu whats up." Kiandrc JOHNSON you at." UF306 the finnll gt) nn .x'huw." KiamJn: JOI INSON thought you wus mi ll datct" Ul'306 turn in the car With him" and then continued by texting, "whats up key 547. At I442 hour.>> JOI INSON i'l'T/H with 306 -- During the call. Kiandte Jot--letN asked what was up with her and she told him \'I'tc about l0 who a Kitmdre JOHNSON ttshed Ul'306 she planned le do alter het- shower and she responded that ehe didn't knew, Kiundm INSON told her u) make morc munuy he was golng to come pick up In ruspmm [0 this money from her that (lay because they were going [0 righl. U1 306 gmuuctl and when asked by Klundrc JOHNSON why she like [hut she mid him sht: 54s. Klandre JOHNSON told UF3U61hcy were guing to pay the am but he would he up money from her that day. Kianthe JOHNSON teetweel nu rcspunsc and asked if UFSUG heard him and she mspomlcd that had. Kidndre JOHNSON then told [113306 they were going In try try mukc things work because neither had handling business the nlhen Kiundre JOHNSON that rtcilhcr nJ'thcm cuuhl ihc 11nd wmlhi hurt in work with when Hle hlilL Kimlt'lrc JOHNSON UFRM he WM them for her and wanted [hr her to trust him because In: was trusting hcr. JOHNSON UIJUG to sue what she could do that day and [0 gm her papers onlinc and shifting pmtilig, Klattdt-e JOHNSON teld UFSOG it was gamc playing time they would not ht: Isling any more mnc. Kiattdt-e JOHNSON by [mutt lrthey wanted to succeed they had to glve eaeh ether what they really needed and that Wm Kiuudrc [>15th told Ulrzoe he wanted her to get a mom on "Shaw and 99" and sit there and post unic' 'llc could handle it other Wily: and moncy in which case she shuuld "Imndlu her busine Kiundrc INSON mid ht: would "slide Up on" U17306 later in the day. He told hat to clill or text him when she was and hur whul hc was sliylng und 1 22 23 24 she Iutn tlitl. At that puiut the null initial. 549. ihcd cull. hclicvc Ktandl'c JOHNSON Based on the content tti'thc above (I was continuing to systematically assumc the dominant role 01 2| pimp over a by making his demands I'm mtmey mutt: antl dcm'nntling ht: l0 snficn the appearance of the demands by Dtnittg a Romeo appcumncc omnier and and by appearing to partial responsibility for their inability to accomplish his goal nt financial 550. At approximately I435 JOHNSON untl UFRO6 chhungud sctics nt'tcxt mussugcs. l'hc text messages read as follows. Ktzutdt'e JOHNSON "when 'nudnnc you. its gone." JOHNSON Ul"306 asde her where she was located Ul'306 Belmont first what's up." Ktattdre JOHNSON "ynu gelling it up" up." Ki ultc JOHNSON ml baby or what" Ul'fillfi Ik [um lu you bc on some other shit so have tn answer that Ktattdre JOHNSON an my my bitch. My Kiandrc JOHNSON gutting it right so 1 can pick up baby." 55 l, I believe in llu: nbovc described cull. Klandrc JOHNSON was continuing to press the issue nt'etn-nntg hy tutter il' Hiram>> nus "gctting it up." I hchu'c this was a qucstlon as to as to whether or not UF306 was being successful in prostitution ct'l'nm untl incrcusing tht: amount nlmoncy slit: lutti tamed. hclicvc thut tiflcl' huviug a. mi that question. Ktandt-c JOHNSON attempted to return It) the Romcu by asking il'tll'ma wns' his "baby nr what" was tlrwutctt by a slighth time when the [old hint he would have [0 answer that question. I believe JOHNSON attempted to smooth situr'ttittn urine by assuring her other status as his"glt1"Itis"hitclt" Int "everything." 552, (TTt't'l Uspoke During cull JOHNSON began the On March 4, 2016. at 1032 hours, JOHNSON call by telling UF306 how drunk he had been the night. [ruler in lht: call, told Uh?>>th that they \vct'c about In gt)! on the mad and asde uhurc they 200 were going and when they were leaving. lsiiandrc told moor) .he wanted to go to Modesto and itihc could get her into Modesto it would be cool. According to Kiandrc JO the rooms in Modesto were about $150 a night but he felt she would make that amount back easily. Kiandre JOHNSON told lil3306 it was dillicult to get into the hotels in the area it" you weren?t a regular. 553. Kiandre JOHNSON told Llli306 he had considered going with her to Modesto but was being careful because the police was ?trippen.? l" 306 agreed with Kiandre JOHNSON by saying the police were ?trippen on dudes.? Kiandre JOHNSON clari?ed that the police were ?trippin?? on dudes everywhere and notjust in Modesto. U193 06 told Kiandre JOHNSON the police were always trying to ti nd out who your ?nigga? was and Kiandre agreed and said he didn?t want to get caught up in all that ?bullshit.? The two then began to discuss their relatives who had been involved in various other crimes and had been incarcerated as a result oftheir participation in those crimes. The conversation continued with Kiandre JOHNSON telling Ul?306 he needed 3 bands ($3,000) to go get that Porsche ?truck? and upon acquiring the truck he would then be in the game. 554. Kiandre JOHNSON told [ll-"306 he could maneuver in that because it would be a luxury car and he could ?flash? it. Kiandre JOHNSON told UF306 he was ready to make moves and had a drivers license and everything for l_ll"306. UliSOti told Kiandre JOHNSON the picture on the ll) didn?t look like her but Kiandre JOHNSON told her she could pass for the picture on the card. Kiandre JOHNSON told her all she needed to know was the name and date of birth on the card and he didn?t believe the girl who actually owned the card had a past history. Kiandre JOHNSON told UF306 that he needed money and she esasperatedly asked him .how much. Kit-indie JOHNSON asked about Ul"3t)6"s tone and she laughed and in a low voice told him she had never dated a pintpuht-uj a pimp and Kiandre responded by telling her he had been patient with her. 555. Kiandre JOHNSON told UF306 he had not been hard on her and that a lot of ?niggas? would have been hard on her. UP?)th told Kiandre it" she had bad a pimp who was trying to be hard with her she wouldn?t ?fuck? with him. Kiandre JOHNSON told 20 l. U1 6 26 27 28 U13306 he was a ?real one" and she continued by telling him how her eousins treated their ?bitches? and she didn?t want to be apart ofanything like that. Kiandre told 15306 he had been moving slow and explained to her how in times she needed to be patient. Kit-tndre told UF306 he felt that onee things were arranged and worked out things would begin to fall into plaee for the two of them. Kiandre JOHNSON explained to UF306 how it" he had a rental ear he would be able to make moves beeause he truly had the ability to make moves. [{iandre JOHNSON said he had eonneetions in. several loeations in Cali lornia but said he was ?eool? with LA beeause his eousin had just been ?looked up for pimpin.? UF306 told him she had heard from her eousin that LA was were ?it was at.? 556. Kiandre told if they went he would have to have a separate plaee where he would stay and where she could come after she had eompleted her business. Kiandre JOHNSON then began to explain things he was experieneed in which would help UF306 in their pimp-prostitute relationship. Kit-tndre again requested money and [ll-7306 told him she needed to known how mueh to whieh .he responded $200. Kiandre told [3306 he believed she had more money than the $200 but he was trying to work with her beeause he felt she had things to do also. 557. Kiandre .TOI INSCW told he didn?t believe in a 50/50 split of money and any monies she earned from side jobs such as doing hair he believed she should keep. F306 asked il?the money he wanted was the ?out oi" town money? and he acknowledged that he did. Ul'9306 again reiterated to Kiandre .lOi 1N SON that she had never had a pimp and didn?t eoasider her ?babies daddy" to be a pimp because he had only grme out ol?town with her one time and he was not overly demanding with regards to the money she earned 'l'rom prostitution. Kiandre told ill-9306 that be didrft engage in the style of pimping where he eussed his girl out and she told him that was good beeause she would hang up on him. At that point Kiandre assumed a more stern tone and told that she would listen to every ?mother fuekin word" he said. He repeated the statement again and eoneluded the sentenee by referring to Llli306 as a ?biteh.? 20?. 1.8 19 20 21 22 558. At tl'tat point Kiandre JOHNSON changed the subject and told her had to pay an expense related to probz-ition. He asked til-3306 what she was planning to do and told her to call him so he could get the money l'rom l'lCI'. Kiandre .IOI. INSON asked 1.3306 it?she had ever worked the internet and she told him it was cool but she did not like putting her pictures on the internet. The call concluded with Uli3tio telling Kiandre she would call him. 7. AQUILLA BAILEY 559. throughout this investigation, 1 spoke with Fresno Police Department Vice Detectives regarding the criminal activities ofthe DPG criminal street gang, speci?cally the pimping and human traf?cking ot?juvcnile victims. Vice Detectives described previous encounters with a habitual runaway uvenilc Female, herein atiter .reterred to as ?Juvenile Victim?1 in order to protect her identity. had been contacted previously by law enforcement at which time she would be returned to foster care only to runaway again. Vice Detectives believed .l'V-l was working as a prostitute for BAILEY based on pictures they had seen on ?s wehpage, haekpage.cmn advertisements, and information received from confidential sources. 500. Based on my training, experience, and knowledge ot" this investigation. I know that juveniles, in particular runaway juveniles. are lured into the seedy world oi? prostitution with promises o?'i'eedom and n'iaking money. They are often taken far away from their home in order to create the FeelingT ol? isolation and hopelessness, and ensure their dependency on their pimp/trat?tieker. Juveniles are often 't'oreed to perform ?survival sex" which is prostitution acts conducted in order to obtain the necessities of lite, lined, drink, shelter, and clothing. Pimps/tral?lickers will often target runawayjuvenilcs due to their vulnerability, inexperience, and their misguided desire For the freedom from parental direction. These will otten collect all monies earned From their victim. prostitutes and give allowances for items or purchase these items for them in order to exert and maintain control over the victim. 56]. During this investigation, I spoke with lil?D Vice Detectives Belinda Anaya 203 ms ocqet ll! 26 27 28 and Staci i in well as rcvicwud rcpm'ts authored by the l'l'D 167 021.1% and 16-021549) regardng JVJ and BAILEY. have reviewed ()rangc County Human Trafficking link Fume (001111") n:me numbch [(177651 and 201 by 7771, is a and the attummcd YL *ucs nl 502. On January 13, 2010. l-l'l) Vice backpagmom ad for soliciting sex services in the city ol'Anaheim, CA. Annyu 1 ll" Logan and explained her findings, 563. On January 14 and 177 2010. Investigator Logan utilized ll'lul and sling opcmlions )Il ln rescue .IV-I I'mrn the human trafficking environment, was not as I'csult tipcl'mlons; however, the wils able rescue 4 other l'elnalejuvenilc victim) and urruslud 3 mlull males fur 17g ul'jiwcnilcs. l'ln: ads |l\c ml'lCr mailed juvellilc females we posted using JV- l's cellphone, following months. lil'D Vicc attempted to lncnic .lVrl using liei multiple buckling: cum in nu avail 564. search m'lv-l "time and which hud in law enforcement on previous 011:. Anderson located JVrli's laccbnuk.c0m In March 01'2016, VHF 01h Dave Andelsml Conducth in] open source mctlin wcbpugu .lV-l li'om Inciionsly viewed obtained li'onl Vicc durng tllcir Contacts llcr. ()fc Anderson also recounizcd BAILEY in one >lanLlil1glellUJV-l us slic look '4 "Sonic" picture in lhe min'ur of what appeared lo bc til'a linch mum. The mnjurily ol'lhc phnlu aphsi which pustcd fur public view on Nil '5 lilo:hook.com page, were ol'her scantily clad in small T-shiils/hikini mi>> and bottoms. The open mum: Search Based on l'cvcalctl numerous Jd pa my ll'uinin'l.v and and my knowledge ni'lhis I know buckpugc mun is one of many websites thal are used by human lrafl'lukcis pimps tn sex sci-vices ul'tl'lcir pl'ostitutcs, lliusc ads can be updated in 204 21 23 24 26 27 22 frequently as needed by the user and allows for the posting nt'pretures. with a description nt'ihe services heing, Ltdvelfiscd; it is gen-epeeifie and ntinws the potentier customers to search for advertisements within a specific City or area. Additimraltyi Ol'c /\liLiCl'Stll1 Incnted Ittnnelnus sex \'ervicc' advertising wcbsilcs which et'itht wearing the same and similar skimpy revealing clothing Among the other \vcb were civic cont", and "t:scurtpoliucvconl". 0ft; Anderson [build that many nt'rhesc begun pnsliltg in .tanunry nt'Ztll 5 and slinwetl t'nr 56X services by within the California cities of l: *snu, Anaheim, Bakersfield, Ant:t les. San Fran inert. San .Itise. antl San Diego. AS nell Ins Veg-us, and Phoenix. Arizona. 3th It was later dixuuvmcd hy nit-um ul'n waurnnt. that the 'um Advertising account which sex ads rm .lVrl eunhiithen hy non-tin using in mint} and use. name ir-- and urine ads were paid nir thing records Show thitt the user name -- had pnsted num- than 30 soliciting sex with within the (inlitbmiu cities of itcttin Bakersfield, Fresno. 1m Angel" San Francisco. and Diego nx well an Phnemn' Ari/(mu and Lie Verne. Based on my training and experienee. and my knowledge orthis lin \cacxlanumerous pictures > luezllitm lu be in Bakersfield. Dinetl en the intercepted eumn'nlnicatinnst agents helteved BAH MAXFY, and MILLRO were collectively in Bakersfield for the purpose ol'pimping and pandering the printitules their control, specifically JV-I. At 1452 hours, MAXEY (True; spilt: with .iv-t, -- During the call. MAXHY answered the lint: and said ~'Ilellof" asked. "Aquilla'?" MAXLY 567, said .lV-l then I Aquilluplcase?" asked "Who'slhisf' said "This is (firstname)." yeah, hewith mic Due and ihein." asked. "Du ll'he needed lumll BAILUYIUM wn goingnn. halt]. "Yeah" and asked him in up." JVV anid she is leaving because Iherc was "He-nu police Lind under was" became "this bitch got caught up" ushcl "Are they letting you check out?" "Yeah. I'm leaving nghi now. They ain't \Von'lfld about me. [hey have the oihcr girl." MAXEY said he weuld .lV-l said. "Thank you 568, Based on [its content ol'lhc call. I halteve Ihe female in this is JVV I because she identified hersell' by first name and she utilized the cell phone number to he with Based on my training. experience. and cm'ilexl ul'this unnversation' I believe that is 'd prostitute working under the direction ul'the Dog Pound Gangsters criminal slrcex gang and is being supervixetl hy BAILEY. I believe this conversation illustrates the nverull involvement ufmultiplc DPG gang members in tht; human tt'hllieking of wnmen and iuwnilca In this cull. was micmpling to check in and law enihrcevnent activities neur her mutel mum to llAlLl' and she appeared nervntis, MAXUY said BAILEY was With "I'll: One", which is the well known moniker MAXI-KY then offered in assisi in swimming BAILEY, 569. licginniugnl 1553 hours. ugcnl: intercepted tisei'iesul'text between 206 BAILEY thing and lVrl. The text messages read vsrhatim as follows: BAILEY "You good" JV-I "Ya" 570. Al 1554 hours>> BAILEY. (using MILLROK l'Tl/Ifi) Spoke with - - During cull. BAILEY pliant and ~-thlc yhu at?" Said, "Nigga, I'm at Ihc mom. oh my (hid Aquillh." HAll HY asked. "You that ad!" .IV- I ruspont'lcd. "Yeah" 'dllL'l began to describe her swing, a pmslitute hcing Ukll\ldc llur motel room. BAILEY her and asked. "How much muney you luvs?" .lVrl said>> have: R0. but I'm litlin [u lam: Bakersfield. shit i Herrera also Investigumi Scumunu that out ol'lhc lbmalc had becomc cmnbaiivc and was wrcsilcd the ground in order In m'f inn meal. I believe (hill was the female spoke ol'whn had hecn "slumnwd". I'uilhur, Sergeant cxpluincd 11ml closest hotel JVVI could have observed the would have been Villa hm. Uvuh lescarching the Villa Inn via upcn sourcc localcd a review (In Crilicivmg Villa Inn for a being "ii-uni alsn located 21 news uniclc in Kern Golden Empire from February nl'ZUl 6 which describcd rcpurls of?! deceased living {mind in room of the Villa Inn, 573. Al 1557 hours. agents (using T'l'fi'lb), l'mm .lV- l. The taxi message read 115 follows' .lV-l "min go [hat mum iis had 1 uul" 574. A1 1558 hours, BAILEY (using spoke with 1v.1,- - During Ihc call, JVJ asked, "Aquilla, is I11c Ihing an" BAILEY mi. "What?" JV-I BAILEY askcd. "'l'hc said. "Yeah." BAILEY said. "ll's maltresx." mid, "Alright lhcn, I'm fillin to go thuugh cause I'm dime: BAILEY asked. "(in where?" The call ended. 575. A1 1602 hours. BAILEY (usng MILLRO's Two) spoke wiih -. Durng Lhu cull. .lV-l 1qu linnulu go on lhis dull) real quick ['11 he buck in 30 mmuics." BAILEY suicl. "Now girl." "Ain'l nobody cnuL you got me fucde up." BAILEY "\th are you Irlppin sham" .lV-l explained ihm Imd her in 11"li1ukcd up because Mined lo lcuvc Ba icld but BAILEY wanlcd hCl' In slay. .lVrl was also Worried because she htlicvud the police wens lUVkll'lg l'ur hcr. BAILEY Iold JVVI l'hcy don't know you are W4 said." is. they mm but I following mi: 1mm huvc lime slm." BAILEY told her. "We're not gonna leavc, can't [cm- 50 being a wcirdo and shit." said is nol going in Ihc car Willi "None oi'y'ail. I don't know Whul gut on." BMW suid,"Bilchl Shulup! The fuck niggal" 576. Based on my twining iinil and my 208 Ala u: 10 ll 12 [4 IS 16vknow that tho "data" also known AS a "trick", is used ht mat-ll Milt hy and prostitutes tn ts [or money with commonly t'clbl'rctt to an "Johns". In this convet'salmti' I believe that .lV-l wus nutil'ying hur pimp. old trick that huti scheduled With an unknown John. BAILEY gave praise for arranging t'm a "date" on her own and COmpl'dincti how has in a "lucked \Ip situation": I believe .lV-l is' having tn pcl'lhrm sex tlcl'i 1hr money which BAILEY quickly criticizes .IVrl by telling her he did not have time rm her shit and called her a weirdo, behave that HAIIJN was ticnyingJVAl's request to leave Bakersfield. BAILEY was insisting that remain in Haketslicld the explicit puranl: Bum! on my personal ul'JV-l being at missing/at- at the time m'this incident. I believe that. mentinncd "they" were kinking fur ltct'. was speaking about her hettet'that law wus actively searching hat i "[50 believe that said. "'l'ltcy dtm't know you are at," shows that BAILEY is t'ully aware that i: rcpm'lcd missing'ul-- risk/1unuwuyfiuvcnile and he is expressing his intent tm ufinlinuing lt) lrul'tiu .lV-l tut purposes 'lhis ts when BAILEY told .lVrl that he WUlIid mil allow to leave untl "Hitch! Shut up! the fuck ntggul" when she stud did not want to gut a car with BAILEY, 577t Agcnt: to Bakersfield. CA in tin attempt to locate and from BAILEY. MAXFY, and MILLRO Upon arriving in CA. Agents l0 conduct an undercover sung upcratlun. Agents Iticnted an ad nn hackpagetcnm l'nt which listed Bakersticld. CA as her Currant location. called the number on the ad. which is known to he number, in artist to book ans a "Little". ed the call than hung up. Agents tried calling again and the culls want to Agents continued to conduct surveillance in the mm but were unable to ltwutt: HAILIIY. and MILLRO, 578. telephth During the call. k0 answered and suitl. "YoulL" At 2154 htturx, BAILEY (now suing 's 209 u. ezqa BAILEY, who was using .lV-l '5 asked, "Cloud? and MILLRU said, "Yeah." RAH JIY then lold MILLKO that he has "100" and MILLRO usde it' BAII .EY mulled hiu. wzqa~ 26 27 28 As: 'esnlt nl'this undercover sling Olwrtilinm wits eunkttetcd and Iakcn mm euslntiy, initially lied about her name and DOB. Detective Atir'lya contacted and advised her 01' the admitted lt) and apologized tin lying about her identity and admiltcd to being a runaway. Detective Allaya said 's appeared to ht: and uncicnn anti .lV-l was shivering title to her scant clothing. While Detective inlet'viewutl l'riea tn the front desk of the lnn. the employee provided Deteetive Fries with a Cnpy ot'the guest registry card Comrade Driver License-- showing 2m arrival tilt) 27/2016 and a departure date or t'tlr til 15. The information shown on the card was as follow 03/29/2016, .lV-l admitth to working as a prostitute Slum! the age nl' In Am'l worked ill the cities til'Balterslicld, Orange County, Lus Santa Ana, San Jose. Salinas. and Seaside as well as .inl admitted tn being in Bakersfield. CA inst prior tn the arrest. which slit: |Ltl under-enver omeers were actively searching for her. This crippling my belief lhut was in Bakersfield lot the purpose tll'sex trafficking under the direction March 23. 2016 .lV-l described incidents while she was 'vi'king" during which she was mislrcatud by "Johns". said she was in Bakersfield when a John ltnced her into the trunk til his car tlnti drew her buck In her hotel. This story is significant because it shows that BAILEY tirr the purpose of nets, bulhc place he dangerous situations. ill winch child should he )tilTiCUlCtl. Furthermore, this shows the distorted mental stale ul'JV-l. in that she believes being thread and locked into a vehicle's trunk to be and just she is Detective Antlyu said that had denied wurking ter- a pimp and said she was .1 "renegade". kntiw that mlegade" is a term, synonymous with independent" and used to describe a Victim that not under the nt'n pimp, lenving her tt>> lhl'enlsr harassment, and violence. 1 know that it is rarity for a in particular A young prostitute, lu not be under the ttireet Central urn pimp tillc the dangers raced. Upml completion trt'the interview with 1. neteetive Anaya Contacth Child Protective Services (CPS) st seqrrently totik At approximately 0230 hours. rtin from the CPS facility. 21] the nl'Mareh 2016, Detectives cnntactal CPS lu lblluw up on running away from Sunni workers [liar had pInced mulliplc calls to ihe Inn to check on the well heingv nl' 2| in iuum IS. Knowing' that Mum was most likely still in room #115. agclus respuiidcd the Ashlan Inn and again. conducted surveillance' A check til'lln: pun regislcr l'or '5 showed it had returned th area ol'the Ashlan Inn, 584. Al the direction of agents, Officer Dninin Vchina [0 [he Axhlan Inn in an ntlempl In loeule Olliecr Mcdinn Iociilctl in mum f-'l 15 AIS its BAILEY. Officer Medina nnled Ihnl was wearing [he same clothing its prcvimis day. Olliucr Mutlina observed numcrutis unopened ledL'lnS empty wrappers strewn the mom. Ol'licci' Medina spoke with who admitted he JV-I juvenile but denied knowledge Ilrdt she was a runaway. BAILEY tils'n told ()i'licer Medina [hell he was just liientls with JV-I and had conic uwr that morning in hang out with her. Buscd an my knowledge nl'this Investigation, knuw that BAILFV a pimp and is at pmstiuitc. 1 know [lull ll. Is not only unlikely bill linredlwlit: a pmslilulc wuuld shave ti motel room wilh knewn pimp that slit: does not work for. that it is Within the subculture ol'pimping human trafficking thtit prostitutes ttre net allowed to hang around: talk to. or even look tit other pimps, That is umsidurcd disrespectful lu lhcir pimp and ttlso nlluws the victim to be "taken" from their pimp, This my heliel'thnt .lV-l is a prostitute under the and diicetion 585i Ol'liccr Medina hi'l'CSlL'd 21an told her that aha would lime In take her [0 n. Officer Medina SEIW that BAILEY juvenile hall in order ln keep her timn running away had a cell phnne and he told her the phone hl1I11i1cl'Mub-- which 1 know to be the phouc Ii'equemly used by IV--I 11nd BAILEY ()lIiccr Mcdinn said, htul JV-I ifshc wanted her phone back and JVVI lolti to keep lhu became ht: used it ner than she would Officer Medina 5th BAILEY place the phone in his 112ml poukcL pliul in leaving the room. 586' While in the motel room. ()l'lieers located a lake (inlet-hilt>> Driver License (DL 212 Ill lying unim- lich Officer Methnil observed it had Nil '5 himlim and the mime af_ --, Vi hich tlic inl'ul'mzllion used in blink the motel mom, his ih wilh plevmusly inlereepled hclween BAH EY mid during which BAII ,ltv discussed {he hiding ul'iv-i '5 fake ID Hmhil' Ll mulul mom bed in Bakersfield. 587. Mullina subscqiicmly irzimponcd and booked .lv-l ililn lhe FICVHU Cminly Juienile Hall vinl'dliiln 01' PC Prostitution ill the (lil'cclinn ola gang member. 3. KEVIN PACKARD 588. Based upon the [mils contained herein, [here is probable cause (0 believe Kevin PACK ARD cummillcd a vmimion ol'Tilie 18, United 5mm Code, Seelion 1952(5). use 01 l'um'lily in eummeice (U prumule pruhlitulion. l'lionu interception ul' Ihc DPG 'l'm'gcl Telephones. PACKARD was ScnlenCCd in lines munlhs Im- viollilluli of lhu Ul'o gang injimmihii. Since his Incarceration. PACKARD has made several calls lEanle Humilch LIS kl). over 1h: 1 Cminly Jail phone which uses ii rrcurdcd line, 589, (in April 13.2016.SA Pacheco micml :l icwidcll phone cull and Rl), on-- i then spoke with SA niche-eh whii CUI'quyud [he l'lilhiwiilg During hull, Al: the ilulumulcd vmcu ends RI), answered Iielln. PACKARD rca'ponds. "thil's up." R.D. thanked PACKARD for playing her erday, KEVIN PACKARD \liltl he Mi>> Mi damn lircnl laid her il was his sleeping lime ziller [his pl'mnc cull. R1), mid PACKARD that the girl who rented the car was trying in lull RD. and unulher l'cmiile she lefch Io us "Dumbo" that they have \0 leave Rel) liild (he l'einnle, "whirl nulmdy mu my hul my and she waui'l anywhere iinlii she lalhed in him, The other female told her the mun] L'Lll' was in her name but RD. her fricnd "Dumbo" Ilie rental eh was like lhiriy dulhii': ii Lh'ly and it paid up unlil Thursday and wondered why the female wmild mm! In go hack in lime light mm. ill). will [kindle lliill she wasn't going lo h'iwe. "pciiodi" The female I) that she needed llci' lo 213 ll 12 13 drive hack to li'resml. l) luld [he female she wnan'l drivmg anywhere. became my "Niggu" didn't loll her she could leave and [he female gave her because she making any mtmey. I). eunlinncd lu explain in PACKARD [hat she told (he female she could lellve and how she would juul lake the train hawk l0 liresntl and how the ether female decided it>> stay lmlil 1w. talked tn her "ngga." PACKARD responded, "Yeah she tlnn't dictate shil around here Kl) luld PACKARD il would make sense in leave she would leave to ifslle was the other girl and tried In explain how slow it was ever during the weekdays, PACKARD inlnledlulcly told her she needed [0 play whulc week out and ILL). quickly told him right and she wzun'l trying to leave Ihough it wasn't right al that PACKARD asked her how much did she have right now. Kl). she only had one yesterday 300 and [hall's il. PACKARD told her il'slle WM [0 get Inur or five Urll'lOSC it i 3 Rd). ugreed. PACKARD told he she might have to gel some could be bibt mnre lines. pussihly like [we more. RI), told him yeah. she was trying tn go to WalrMarl In Llu that and she already pm the money in lhe hank already. PACKARD kacd her he" mnch'.7 luld him ~hc pul the 4 from the Work. PACKARD asked her il'lhe gill "hil'l" RD. resporlded' "Um, no" and him "ll mostly in and 0m en mine mo." Uthl' gill is gelling hers lneslly on lhe call," PACKARD ll I). she needed l0 gel lhe "mu" but lhe mobl i~ en lhe uut. R.D. told him lhcy were not calling the out though. but she ml (here. PACKARD lold her it cenle eventually and asked her nhoul the lah thing he told her in pul. PACKARD asked. "You didn't gel no comments? Ren responded, ml and him le wail while she got hel'jltekel. PACKARD asked her asde hcl' where she was at. union himyenhaceuplepcopl' she didn'l lull lhem. R1). told ltim some "hoes did and asked PACKARD il'llc knew who the one she talked '0 him aboul. RD, him girl named "Sissy." PACKARD asked about sum: girl who is always with another girl by [he name and talked Ihem always being with another Mcxican girl. RD. remanded, yeah. Bus/ed on my ng and experience, I kitth that "nul call" is phrase commonly used te refer [0 a pmslitule tn the Iuculiun til' lhe client. 2M 'LaPACKARD asked where she told them she was at. RI). responded, I told them was in Portland. PACKARD told her, ?Nah, you supposed to tell them I?m close to Canada." They both laughed about the location. PACKARD told her, ?You can put certain shit, because people can tell ifyou put certain shit, like that bitch boogey and shit.? RD. agreed and told him yeah she?s on snap but she can?t see hers but RD. could see hers though. PACKARD asked why she blocked ?Boogey? like that. R.D. told him ??Htmgey?rst she was ?Boogeys" friend on snap and told ?Boogey? about how she delete people but they could still see their stul?l?and for some reason ?Boogcy?? deleted her. They both continued to talk about snap and Renee DORSEY told PACKARD that somebody asked ?'?l'hitigcy? where she was at. PACKARD asked who asked where you were at. RD. explained to him that somebody asked ?Hoogey? where she was at. asked R.D. il?anyhody was asking or being curious about their situation lately. PACKARD asked her i't'she was paying attention. R.D. told him no but right now when she got up the ?hoe? was like would it be calling you right now. RT). told her, ?You already know.? R.D. spoke to somebody on possibly another phone and said, ?Hello, hey can you text me can you text me, ok tht-tnk you." R.D. got back on the phone with PACKARD and told him how cold it was out there. They both continue to talk a bout. the weather in California and the warm weather coming. PACKARD told her she better get ready for the weather and R.D. told what was he talking about it?s hot in California it?s just cold out where she?s at. PACKARD told her he hoped she had a good week and RD. told him she did too and to pray to the ?Game Gods.? RD. told him she thought .it would be good because it was wan-ning up. stated, ?it seems like its relieli when you hear me talk to you or something.? R.D. responded, ?Right, it is it makes me not worry as much about the little shit.? PACKARD told her he was almost home. R..D. wanted to ask PACKARD something but tl'ie'automated voice covered her converse-thou. PACKARD asked her how much money she put on the card. RD. said she couldn?t because it was almost the weekend and that she wouldn?t be able to tell him the story until he called back. The call ended. 590. Subsequently, PACKAR made a collect call from the Fresno County Jail to 215 R..D. R.D. told Reneejah PACKARD she forgot her purse so she eouldn"t tell PACKARD exaetly how mueh money she has. PACKARD told her that every week, she should have like 4 and up and he knows she can do better than that. RD. said, ?1 know that.? PACKARD again said, you ean do better than that, so break records.? PACKARD asked RD. if she got on that soeial media. PACKARD asked it'there was a pieture posted of him since his day one. R.D. told PACKARD that she didn?t think it was a picture but it was something like ?to the mother [fucking and that was in liehrLu-iry. RD. asked PACKARD how long she should stay out there, a week or no. PACKARD told her to stay out there as long as she?s good, ?il?it ain?t broke, don?t fix it." PACKARD said, ?however long it treats you good, that?s how long you stay out there.? told her he might be getting on a airplane to eome out there and see her, but he doesn?t know. RD. told PACKARD that she has to go back for her daughter?s birthday. PACKARD said, ?well when your daughter?s birthday, that's eloser for me eoming home.? R.D. said, ?let me go get my money, see how much it is.? PACKARD said, ?you better stop leaving your ?shit? in that room before your ass get*s killed." PACKARD said. ?them bitehes are seorers, they know where to find shit at." PACKARD told R.D. what she could do is put it out on Snapehat or l"aeeboo.k that ?daddy?s got plans and wait til he touch down and lands, and then put dollar signs at the end ol? it. and stay eonsistently with it.? RD. said, ?I?ll just put it on Faeehook.? PACKARD said, ?and then put, Pm no R..D. asked PACKARD it" he wants her to put like 4 in there tomorrow. PACKARD told her to just put 4 and then asked her how l'TlLICl't the room eost. RD. told him the room eost like $98. PACKARD said, ?real ones make it happen, so you made your way out there and you in motion, so you know.? PACKARD told her if she knows shit out there is more expensive, there?s more money out there. PACKARD told her to ask ?trieks? questions like who they working with. PACKARD told her to look at other people?s shit and see what their putting up there. R.D. asked, ?to see what their going for.? PACKARD told RD. that every time she is around women she needs to speak highly of him heeause that?s how you do the eatehing. PACKARD told RD. to see what their (girls) problem is and manipulate the situation and always he in the attaek move, with anybody. 216 ocqaura ItPACKARD said. "you ain't with me, your against me, pcriud." Rt), [old PACKARD that sltu wanted to gt) in the mom bill it Wits packed and she "hello entd (ml there," RD teht PACKARD th has been gutting let nt'eutts hem females ever sine: puslcd a picture of PACKARD On her cover and puts her iticaliml hut net met hiedtiun. but she put like l'urllund PACKARD said. "than you need to pm lite, all I'm tryith tn do is fill my daddy ILI) itL'Tigltt." PACKARD again reminded R.D,to put "I'm going te fill up my daddy hank on her Rt). said, "let me do thul right now." 59!. On Friday. Vlurch 25, 2016. at 2014 hrs. 1 PD Dct. itmg P1594. made a phont: calltd a female prostitute lisleztmt the . -tit-t4am592. The facts hemin establish causc to bclicvc that Markcith CANADY committh violations ufTitlc 18, United States Cutie, 242i, transportation for the purpose nl'pi'uslituliol'i und Section 195mm um: Ufa facility of interstate commerce [in the purpose of prostitution. 593, numher_ On April 17, 2016.1igunts orchestrated lraliic stop in which UFOtll ng in the vehicle and identified her as an adult fenme In cull D.R.M. On April 2016 CANADY (J Hill) spoke with [117901 using telephonic was told it didn't sir wall with her ihtil some other "Bitch" who was not paying CABADY was wearing his stulT. told that was his sisth "Shhkelm" and it had nothing to do with paying CANADY at all. DVRM. by gutting upset at the Way was talking to her and told him, ynur bottom bitch. then it sllnuld he ok for us to have a conversation." .s'ditl she knuw was going to be some if brought it up. continued by saying, "it don't sit with hm right, that my pimp that I'm paying, that I'm mu ot'tmvn paying, time that I'm out nt'tnwn, there's another hitch wearing hi3 necklace." rcspondcd by lclling DJQM. that she had seen unuthcr "bitch'Y Wearing his necklace, and CANADY continucd to argue. D.R.M. il'hc took her seriously tulti he responded that he did. A short timc lute! call ended and RM t0 a 'Gnobv" 594. 0n the content nt'lhia cull, lwlievu CANAIJY untl share :1 pimp--pmstilulu rclutimlship and works for CANADY in the capacity ot'his "bottom bitch." I know based 0n [ruining anti my nurtiuiputtun in this inwstigmion that t] "hullum bitch" functions as the most prustitute in a pimp': sldl'llt: nt'pmstitutcs. Busth mi the oi~ thig call. I hclicvc DVR.M, had scan a photograph ol'a I'emzilc nut Familiar to her who rm which she rucugnizcd as belonging to CANADV. 1 helium: U.R.M. was familiar with all piontitulcs and was infuriated Ilia! ii female with Whmu she was not lhmillzu' was given the privilege tif'wcziring lhchevc a "hitch who is nut paying" combined with her to her twin status the "hottnm hitth" i: lhut CANADY IS acting in the capacrty nl'a pimp untl 218 41:11receiving l'luancl'dl 1mm pl'oxlilulcs winking rm- him. hell'sl'is giwn by th~ {her than 11R.va rm 1 l0 CANADY as her [he {an [hm she him, At me conclusion call, 11R M, mm ml'mm 111 lm buing nut "rum". 1 based on my pall'ticipalion Inwsligaliml zllal pimps commonly send \hclr prostitutes lu VflriUUb luczllimw based 1m 011111: urea and bclicvc 11115 by DRM. is evidmlue ul' slmru 595. (m April 2016 approximalely 1358 hours. exchanged 1m Incasugcs him 1111121): BUT I dcl'lnvc Rnckill with Ijusl see some free atlivils from a real Ihc kick i1 with [5 file same be 011 mp my Ihcy 31111111 pimp face in a pimp car and the 1101-25 ls DOWN 11 so I'llAl 11L IN 1 FOR CROWN 1M TIIP, IOKF YFA OKAY MLCII WHY l'ALl/H'lUb YOUR FACE no hon/111 un I Inc 11;; [111k much ubnul you hitch fill like il's no way lhcy can gel close to your slums mu. . hppmimulcly 1646 hnm's. 1 111m) unli-- 596' 1110 following 1cm: Hcy -- mm 11 l'lNU llas 597 Al uppluxlmulely 1857 hours, CANADY (1 11121) (hC following text: 11 up for my daddy Fushu l'nl 1I1lng haul 11 5'18, ()11 Sunday. April 17m 2016 while monitoring calls on lurgcl 11--, inlcluuplcd all: with talking with During 1h: cnursc nl'lhcxu talk it was clear CANADV culling to inquire how it was Ibr lfF915 5 as 'Daddf the cull During call. 1:11915 is slow hm she has "made enough 10 pay for [he loom and ion to dhlc. that it is common for has two man: dams". knuw based on this plohlilmcs 111 rel'cv 111 lhull' pimlm in this (use and that me 2l9 u. nhunt "two more ilatcs is about having iwn mm'e sax cusiumcrs. Bunctl on this call it is luv [0 mt: that CANADY uses is in maintain Contact with 11k pmstituius that are working on oiher states. Agents conducted 4 huuinugcwm l'ttr ubL'ml service: under LIiOis tuiipiionc--, Inczilcd a pasting in Mid Chic>> rcgiim in Texas. i'ot- CSCW posting ll): 4i 259142. Arlington. posting wilds "Nice fun and sexy Cali chick is here 25" "liclln (heu- my mini: is Oiiucn lam here to miikc happy "it? skin cyan and thick in all the right placcs fun to he with and talk in I tinn't give bad Services And rtinh LUNG and lci inc lulu,- to my l'usiers age: 25. 599. leml on this posting SAS 1min crehteil it (It plimic linu-- - This is the Incni area and: int Arlington, lcxasv 11:58. SAS Donn Johnston placed a undercover cull pining an it citsiuinet- to negotiate in pui'ch'thc 1t wt not with SAS JOHNSTON called and asked il'thc person Wm "Queen". She adwixctl 9h: and lasked il'shc was in the arm and available. 141'915 'dFde was law or affiliated with law and lhill u. cmqa ll600. The l'nllowirlg detailed below will cullsc [hill Kenneth JOHNSON. PARK WSOME. DPG lnelnbeh nr asfitlcintes wlin are actively involved ln uecen device lluull and conspiracy in Violatlun of 13' United States Cutie: Sections and (W2) Based rm my training and expericnc gang members utilize these crimes significant sourees utineome for [half gang. Further, these allow cl'imilml slrucl members [my wttnesse: not to testify in other criminal crldeavnlx as well as pt'nvide financial wpport l'or gang, year at" 15. Dctecllves randomly conducted cnvew -- which arc reported Addresses (or PARKS, Kenneth WHARRY, I'b and 'l'msll covers are when a lcsidcm tvl' an identified put tllcir cans nut in street, curb/gutter or sidewalk open tn the public and In nl'tne \ulid waste company In empty their garbage cans, Detectives enntuel the sulid and ask the gathagc he mlleeted l'mm the ether garbage and taken tn '4 speeitie lncmion. Once at this the \it't the yel'ure lbl' items lellt During this process. Detectives observe the can: when they are cullected and drin lo the search site fnl' loll, 602 During the searches, Detective: located over 200 cretilt cards that were Vis st Discnvel. Green l>nt Viul Debit mil->: MasterCard. Matcl'ctll credit cards contained the name>> Kenneth JOHNSON. llaLlJS, [LhUny 'l'llnmas LOW, J.S.. Kenneth WINDIVIEI ll). ROGLKS. WHARRYT ROGERS Jllanakl \4zlly OLIVER. Darryl HIGGINS. tl credit the accounts belonging to dit't'erent people and banks. Also located in the trash were a large amount credit cunlx. hlunh W-'l l'tn'ms, Money Urlnn for money transferred to [he L'kratne. China and within the United 003, On lel'l ordered wire interception gang 171 investigation on several members of the ?Dog Pound? criminal street gang in the city of 1..)uring this investigation, several other ?Dog Pound? gang members were targets ot? this investigation and were also target telephones that were court ordered wire intercepts. This street gang is involved in the crimes oi" facilitate urnan tra't'lieking activities, identify thet't/traud, Furnish ?rearms to other members and associates, order and/or carry out acts ot'violence, defend their gang?s area, recruit new members, acquire new vehicles/ party bosses and engage in other acts ol?violenee throughout l'i'resno (ilounty in direct bene?t ot'the ?1 criminal street gang. (-304. On February 24, 2016, investigators hem the conducted surveillance on JOHNSON, WHARRY. and NEWSOME. On that date, all three subjects entered several Wells Fargo Lia-Inks and Bank of" the West in the city and withdrew $500 of US. currency using unknown vietim?s credit card accounts each time they entered the bank unless the card was denied. 605. At 1313 hours, Kenneth. JOHNSON spoke to Kenneth During the call, called and asked .Kenneth JOHNSON it" he wants to go with him to hit some banks and make some rrnimey. Kenneth OI said, ?yep.? WHARRY told Kenneth JOHNSON he?s going to put some (credit cards) in his name and some in Kenneth name. Kenneth said, ?alright.? then told Kenneth JOHNSON, they will go shopping in the Bay Area when their done. Kenneth said. ?alright.? 606. At 1346 hours, Kenneth spoke to Kenneth WI During the call, WHARRY asked Kenneth JOHNSON where he was at. Kenneth JOHNSON said he was dropping someone off near CLINTON and MARKS. WHARRY wanted to meet at Polk and then changes the meet and told Kenneth JOHNSON to meet at Ryan?s house. (307. At 1419 hours, agent?s located Kenneth purple Chevrolet Impala with paper plates by his phone OPS location. Kenneth JOHNSON was parked in the parking lot ol'Tilly?s dept-irtment store on llerndon Avenue and Highway 99. 222 Z6 Z7 18 008. 1421 hours, 1 saw a black l'enmlc Aldull gel inln ille will Kenneth 101 vehicle he vehicle followed [0 3207 W. Shields Avenue which is an compch called Sequoia Knolls. The vehicle drove in lliL' South (.1th earlier or When the vehicle (lruvc 01'th complex. Kenneth JOHNSON was lhe only person inth cal-l Al 1441 hours, SA Kennedy haw Kennelli JOHNSON pull into Slop (10 liquor 5lore on [he seulhe'asl comer of Clinton Avenue and Avenue, (>10 Al 1445 hours. SA Kennedy ubserwd Kunnelh JOHNSON lenvc liquor slim: and was followed away by surveillance agent's. '51 1. 1446 hullrs. Kenneth J01 (l'l'fie) spoke [0 WHARIZY (1WD). During ihe call. WHARRY called and asked him "\Ahzll ille I'lluk he was doing?" .IOlleoN said in: was pulling up righi now. 612. A1 1448 hours, SA Kennedy observed Kcnneih JOHNSON park in ll small immune." complex located [he same lime. 1 observed black 2007 Tnhue Liefif-- Ashley] ulw pull inlo llie nparimenl complex. SA Kennedy saw Kenneth JOHNSON gel into Ihe right rear passenger scat (lithe Tahoe, 1112 'l nlme was nway lhis loclliiun, 613. At 1452 hours, SA Kennedy observed the Tahoe urrive {Al the Chevron gas ul Olive Avenue und Highway 00' 614. AK 1456 hours, SA Kennedy ,suw the l'nhue leave llie gas simian rind was lbllowed away by surveillance. 615 Al 1513 hours' SA Kennedy observed the l'llhoe arrive zli the Wells blink parking lot, located an 2035 Fresno Sliecl. QA Silvciru lhlluwed JOHNSON inln the bank and observed him Inlking lo a while mlull hunk lullcr but SA s'iIvcim was unable to hear the 9A Pacheco followed WHARRY into the Bank 01'th Wesl. which was ll Fresno Sll'L'Cl 1mm Wells I'llrgo and he observed WIIARRY sneaking lb an Asian Female hank lcller. 616' Al [521 hour.>> SA Silveim saw W1 IARRY lcilVL' Bunk 111'th Wesll and 10 ll 12 13 3?walk across the street and into the Wells Fargo bank. 617. .At 1525 hours, 1 saw Kenneth and walk out ol'the Bank of the West. 1 also saw WI walk out of the Wells Fargo bank. All three subjects got into the black Tahoe and leave the location. The Tahoe was lost during surveillanee due to congested tral?l'ie. 613. At 1640 hours. Kenneth phone was OPS located in the area of" Palm Avenue and Shaw Avenue. 1 arrived at this location and saw W1 black Tahoe parked in the Wells Fargo parking lot in the Fig Garden Village shopping center. 619. At 1642 hours. SA John Silveira saw NEWSOME walk out of Wells Fargo and walk over to the Tahoe. 620. At 1643 hours. SA Silvcira saw WHARRY walk out of Wells Fargo and walk over to the Tahoe. 621. At 1645 hours. SA Silveira saw Kenneth get out ol?the Tahoe and walk into Wells thll'g?. 622. At 1652 hours. SA Silveira saw and get into the Tahoe and drive it around the corner. and park in front ozl? the SA Silveira saw WI lAthY go into Deli?Delicious while EWSOMF. stood outside. 623. At 1654 hours. Kenneth .1 spoke to Kenneth Wl-"lAltRY During the call, Kenneth SON said. "I?m right here my boy." Mumhled conversation. Kenneth told he went to the Asian lady (hank teller). They both started laughing and hung up. 624. At that time 1. saw Kenneth JOHNSON walking from the Wells Fargo and meet up with WHARRY and in hem of Deli?Delicious. The three subjects all sat at a tahle in train oi"Deli-Delicious and ate. Video was taken ofthe three at Deli?Delicious. 625. At 1703 hours. 1 saw all three get into the Tahoe and leave this location. 626. At 1.708 hours, SA Kennedy saw the 'l?ahoe drive into the parking lot oiithe Bank 01? the West located at Shaw Avenue and West Avenue. The "1"ahoe made a u~turn in the parking lot and exited onto Shaw Avenue. 224 at waqc(127. Al 1710 hours. SA saw the 'luhuc park at (ht: Wells Fargn hank, located at 250K W. Shaw Avenue. Kenneth JOHNSON get out ol'thc fight rear passenger Neal and into the bank. 628. At l7|6 hnunx I mw Kcnneth JOHNSON walk out ul'thc hunk and get inlu Ihc Ilghl rent messenger scat. SA videotaped Kenneth JOHNSON leaving the hank and gelling intn the Tnhne The '1 31100 was lolluwcd away At 173] hours. SA Kennudy \'flW l'uhnc purl: a! the l'ashion Fair mall near the Shich store on the cast nflhe mallt (310. l7l7 hours, SA Pacheco Saw all three subjects walk out ol'lhe Shiek stun: and Walk the mall. 63 I, 1745 hours, SA the three [0 Newml shoe ufthe mall. SA Kenneth JOI and N1. walking nt'the Shick storc instde the Carrying several hugs. 632. At |837 hours. SA Pacheco snwall three subjects walk nut nt'thematn mull will get intn the {the 633. mum to-- ow Al 1920 hours. SA Silvcil'fl saw the Tahoe arrive at the-- 1844 hours, 5A Pachccu saw |hc luhoc tht: mull. I'hc Tahoe was Based on my tvl'thix I know this address is with MnNsoN. high ranking twu street gang member, (.34. 1940 htturs. was placed at (he by a (ws tnenttn- nu . an: l'm'ulc anktc 636, Al 2000 hourse men Anderson saw the mute tene this Mi At 2015 hours, Ol'cr. Anderson saw the Tnhne nn-ive back nt-- whcte Kenneth .IonNsoN's was parked. WHAKRY dropped off Kenneth JOHNSON and surveillance continued rhunvting WHAKRV in Ins 'I'nhue. 033. At 2027 hours. oren Antlexstm nhsun'ud the lathoc arrive at-- which la tt gntutl apartment complex. l'hc Tahoe parked in a tisittm parking sl'dll on the 225 northwest ot'thc complex. Surveillance was ttnahlz to see where the subjects went uttet they parked. At 2036 hours, (Her. Anderson saw the Tahtle leave location. 640, At 2055 Ol'cr. Andersen saw the 'l'ahoe arrive at -- Matlera. 64]. At 2] 00 hours, Ofct', Anderson observed the Tahoe leave this location. (142. Al 2| 03 hours. Otcr. Andersen observed the Tahec park the driveway ol' --Mnused for cash advances on this day by Kenneth and were used with stolen credit card accounts. 645. On March I, 2016, at 1306 hours. Kiandrc .lOllN SON I.) spoke with PARKS Darin the call, PARKS answered the telephone and Kiandre asked PARKS i.t??Pa.y Day" had received his money. PARKS told Kiandre ?no? and ?Pay Day? would need to verily he is going to take care Oil" his little girl. PARKS told Kiandre JOHNSON that ?Pay Day? would need to go to the local IRS of?ce and submit the dependent tierm. PARKS also told Kiandre JOHNSON that she already spoke to ?Pay l'Jay? about his tax paperwork and ?'Pay Day" (MILLRO) told her that he already took care ofthe dependent to rm. 646. Based on my training, experience and knowledge of this investigation, know Kiandre JOHNSON is an active ?Dog Pound? gang member and has been observed associating with who has a gang moniker ot"?Pay Day?. also an active ?Dog Poimd? gang member. Based on my knowledge ot?this investigation. I believe Kiandre .IO HN SON contacted PARKS regarding a tax return she prepared for MILLRO. Based on the content ot'the intercepted call, I believe PARKS communicated with MILL RO regarding the preparation olihis tax return on 8. 647. Based on my experience and knowledge o'l?this investigation. I am aware that PARKS is involved in the preparatimi of lraudulent tax returns. I. also believe PARKS is involved in the preparation of tax returns for active ?Dog Pound? gang members. as well as their associates. Further. know PARKS will also prepare tax returns for associates and use false information in order to maximize the amount l'their return. PARKS will then have the tax return deposited into an online account. I have learned from a prior irwestigation that PARKS would keep 50 percent of the tax return and provide it to members of the Dog Pound gang. 648. On March 2016. agents intercepted a series of telephone calls (#5705, 5781) and text messages between MONSON and PARKS 1 S). The text messages read as follows. PARKS ?You called me? 227 9 10 16 26 27 28 ?Who this" PARKS "Stasha? MONSON ?Yea this naeh, i wanted to see it?u can do Sylvia taxes the girl that worked her name gave me the w2?s? PARKS ?Okay yeah what time? MONSON ?Whenever free" PARKS ?0k? 649. At 1740 hours, MONSON (PPM-7) spoke with PARKS During the call, MONSON answered the telephone call and PARKS said ?Nache. what she do, what kind ot'job??" said he needed to ask her but it was some kind of agriculture job. 650. Based on my knowledge o't?this investigation and the eontent of the intercepted calls, I believe PARKS is preparing a tax return for SS, a prostitute 1 also believe PARKS is aware that did not in fact. work and is completing the tax return for regardless. Based on my knowledge of this investigation, I know is an active prostitute and her pimp is MONSON. I believe the money obtained from the illegally tiled tax return will be provided to MONSON. Based on my trz-rining, experience and knowledge oftbis investigation, I know that a signi'l'ieant portion ol'the money generated by the Dog Pound gang originates :t'i'om fraudulent tax return ?lings processed by PARKS. 65]. Beginning at 1754 hours, PARKS text The text messages read as PARKS )ircet deposit info? PARKS "Issue date on 1D expire date 652. Agents monitored the location for State Parole ankle monitor and determined that he was in the area ol? the Five Guys restiun?ant, located at 6623 N. Riverside Drive liresno. Ca. 653. At 1800 hours, ("1111? Olcr. Sanchez and I. responded to the area and located MONSON inside the restaurant. 654. At 1805 hours, 1. saw MONSON and a secrnid unidenti?ed black male adult. enter Mercedes. Agents followed MONSON to 4741 W. Spruce suite ill 13. MONSON arrived at the business at 1813 hours and walked into the 'tront door of the business. 655. At 1825 hours, MONSON exited the business and drove awe-1y. 656. At 1847 hours, I walked past the front door to the business and observed 228 I 9 20 26 27 28 PARKS seated in front ofa desk located along the north wall ot?thc room. Having previously viewed a California DMV photo of" PARKS I positively identi?ed her as the only person inside the business. At that time did not see any signs indicating a business was being operated out o'l?the office space. Of?er. Sanchez utilized various law enlorcement databases and conducted research on the business address for PARKS, located at 474] W. Spruce Suite it]. I 3, as well as PARKS. lie was not able to locate any business listed for the above listed address, nor did he locate any businesses listed under PARKS. Based on my training, experience and knowledge of this investigation, I believe the business of?ce PARKS is working out ol?is simply a treat for the Dog Pound gang?s criminal enterprise. Based on my training and experience, I know gang members will open businesses for the purpose of laundering money obtained from criminal activity. 657. At 1913 hours, MONSON (Pitt?) spoke with PARKS During the call, MONSON answered the phone and PARKS said ?Nache, what account, which one is hers"? MONSON told PARKS that one ot'the account numbers checking and one of the numbers is savings. PARKS then said the top one must be checking. 658. Based on my training, experience and knowlct'lge of this investigation, i believe PARKS is completing the tax return for and PARKS was calling MONSON to con?rm the checking account Based on my knowledge l?this investigation, I believe PARKS is con?rming the account. in order to have tax return direct deposited into that account. 659. At 1015 hours, PARKS text MON SON The text read as follows. PARKS only had one kid 477?8? PARKS PARKS ?That?s the amount she get back.? MONSON Oh ok do need another one?" PARKS ?i just sent it could ot?addcd two.? PARKS ?But got another You want to do?? MONSON ?Oh ok." PARKS ?You can pick up her paperwork tomorrow.? MONSON midea this other girl can do hers too?" PARKS 660. Based on the content ofthe intercepted text messages, I believe PARKS is 229 Am 6 prepuling liuudulcnl lax [or MUNSUN and his known proslilulcsl PARKS advised. MOVSON Illa! che lme used one dependant and s. will he gelling buck $4,773 dollar; n01. spake [0 -- Prim PARKS can be hullrd in On March 7. 2016, appl'oxilnm01y1629 hours. Kennelh JOHNSON (Tl h'fi) hackgmuhd say "Have her come get her crib." UF307 answered the phlme and l|0| INNON hululcd phone I0 the call PARKS lolcl In go gel the crih when she is finished. [71"307 slulcd that should be done soon because black mics are no good. PARKS shill "Oh, so nl'lhcm wln'k'"! Ul'307 Slnlud lhal lricd hull of the cards and none worked. also smiled Ihal she even med pm 10 dollars ill gas and il was declined. UF307 slated she tried or four cards In different banks and only one 0fth blue nnes wnrked ill a Welk Fargo, PARKS said "Oh. so you lmly hil \mu lime?" 111F107 yes, and she was about hit it righl now. PARKS "Sly nut of cards. only on: hm wnrkell"" PARKS how curds WCIC Ul'3ll7 had nol touched. Ul'307 Slaled she had 4 carda lcll. PARKS Ul'307 l0 her when she is llonc. Ul7307 Slillcd lhul lry Wells 'gn because her lo use cards at ll time, 662. on my experience, and knowledge ol'lhis PARKS ptovlded UF307 with credll cards encoded with l'randulcnl credit card I PARKS the cl'cdil lacing hy UF307 WDIE obluincd illegally. In my>> hours, JOHNSON ('l'l'alm spoke l;l=3ll7 During the call JOHVSON answered lclephonc and ll) speak I0 6'63 JOHNSON passed |he phone In PARKS. PARKS wllid hulln and Ul'307 saill llcy yun think list that one I hit fill ngnilL it will wnrk"? PARKS Silld try ll. why wouldn't you try it". than said okay imd salcl she was Just asking, (wt Hast (In my Milli: and m'lhe lnlemeplcd it is my hulicl'lhul is L0 th: blue cl'cdit card she successfully used ill ll Wall: hunk, PARKS and "17307 all: conspiring to commit 230 u- he metheudulent accese enrd. I believe the muncy eeneruted is need fur the benefit nt'the Dog Pound etimina] street 665. At 1649 Kenneth 101 INSON tt Mb) 5170ka lo M307-- - During the cell answered the telephone. UFRO7 sdid "Where you all at"? Kenneth JOHNSON ttiltl Ul'307 lhal they were the Buy Buy Baby stat-ex loentetl 7458 Hlttekitone Ave Based on the tntereepted edlls agenls responded to the Buy Buy nnhy stnte and established I710 hours. ()fer Sanchez parking lot direetly in t'nint er the huslnexs and UhSL'rvud white Pentine (in tt: plate I knew on prior operations that the nwnet- et'tlte Vehicle it PS. and the vehiele has purkcd in the drivewny for the hnewn residence at PARKS. theateil nt-- 657 SA silveitn drove by the trout dners tirBuy Elly Baby mid ubselvcd PARKS. with two mules tind one leintile. lit the checkout rcgihlcr of the biisinese. At 1712 hen all tent the hunt eltvu er the tind weillted toward the Pontiac (JG. otet. Sancth had previously viewed California {'01 Eric Kittudre and positively identtned theni tn whiting limit the hllsillem '1 he t'emnle walking with the gmle has yet te be identified. PARKS and the group wnlhed the Fondue and r) and Kenneth l0] intived hl'dntl car {mm the hunt et'the vehicle. into the lrunk. '1 he group then entered the velnele tlmve tiwtty. eett. Based en my knowledge investigation, helieve PARKS met with tit the tin) Baby to either pielt up money or provide ttdditiondl credit te lzmm. new, --. During the cell \liehael teld WI [hall "the" tent get tiny eitin buck in] KL "She slid it and WHARRY asked what's the balance on it? Michael On March 9' 2016, at 1003 hours, WIIARRY (FWD) spoke lo Micl'tucl mile! "the hill'dlluc molle is on there shit," Mlehucl LllF, 231 at>> u- 6 l9 voiuc) wiih him regarding the amount they got al the check cashing place. huh? \Iiichflel wqu pullcd cm 5 nl ch: check cashing and had pullcd 2 from an mm lhis "So that's 7 righl Ihem. Michael 1 mill was laid that than: was 3 him! on much she leld pull mll. WHARRY said that she needs to call curd and lind nul if is somewhere in go to pull Uul WhOi': refund oil'ol'll, WHARRY hilill llIall'x wllui hi 26 27 28 give me llicn," Michael LEI Said ilk: could give WHARRY "lch ram, four." WIIARRY Micllucl hc could giw him "4 "why 4 mum-row likc that." Michucl LLB Ihcn mm they were all 13. Michael LEF, usde "lhul'x we are in, right?" replica ycali," said we good. we good. and it. was "berm llmii last ye-lirfi Michael Lia}: continued ilL' will pay WHARRY 4. 4' their 5' told Michael LI 0 still limb) her call. Michucl mid, "uflcr wc haul ll l'zill Oul there, wc just been roughing it in and sh .sn wercjust Doing in gel [his room over here and relax and Wl IARRY ulld Lid; lic would call him when he got 10 the mall. Durng cull WHARRY said he was at Michael I Iii" told him in: was (i7l. Al W) hours. WI IARRY (Thile spokc to Micllacl Ll river by NianLhL'b'Cl (Mull) WHARRY continued Michael LEE was over by Michael I. told him to come in llic go round is and lic Will niccl WHAH RY nut in the parking lot. 672. Based On my unll content ol'lhc communications. I believe WHARRY culimcled Michacl Lilli ascertain the slums 300 by Michael Llil; iax i'cmms by PARKS. Michael LEE advised WI RY that ht: was having lianLll'llWilhhiS (1. WHARRY the card in Order In correct the piohlem H: and wr for $1300 dollars to hc plild in Ihrcc $401|alld $500 Bax-d an my lmining. experience and lhu WHARRY and Michael LEE. It is my bellel'lhal when ll'l. said than 11ml I): is lulu-ring in his 2014 lax mum being better man [he year 573' --, During llic cull Michael LEI-2 culled WI LARRY Icllirlg him guess she figured out huw to do thal shit, can do like two racks a lime' like yuu have in down On March 10, lele. 1202 11mm: WHARRY spoke to Michucl loud am app and ynu can ml: lull ll would have (0 be a Well-Marl you have lo 1111 um the on [he arm and zll'lel il takes 12 "124 hum bcl'orc you can gn And pull it out. lela saying,ll1cy pull me umney ol't'yom card hm ynu can't get il 12 hours did she went uml some uul and 1 have 4 llvl' you WHARRY said he's gelling a haircut I mm and he'I411 llmm. WI (I'll/12) Spoke [0 Michael During cull WHARRY asked Michael LEE where he \ms all? told hc was WIIARRY will lac (lawn strcel and was (\hmll Io pull up on him (Michael W1 IARRY at the lime and ulnm him park in from > uunlluct ll l'wld imam xlup on subiccl>>, 01h: Aruhan and filer, Nick 15] Hclall slapped on [he comer Avenue and Avclulc. Chuncl S'l OVALL a Drivers 1 alml ll--anll also a California Drivcrs License card and followed away by Agems uhselvcd I'lmm at (In; Motel 6 on {\Vcnuc nm'lh Avcnue as 1 had Indicated previously during wilh WHARRY plum: he and STOVALL staying for llIl'CC (laws. 234 676. ll'lu. -- During the call thcy gl'ccl each other then Miehnel LEE asked WHARRV if it was good it'he gave "thin" luduy Luld "twtl" tomorrow. 0" March I I. 20M, at 124R htvuls. hpukc [0 Michael WIIARRY sail "yeah. slit: tlitln't pull II all mt. she didn't cull to pull II all all?" sai she still hasn't done that yet euz it was going to lake some hours for her in do that shit cm she hm to dn sonic tyne with it nna il wus going lulu: some hours so she was like lct" just do it like this unless like we absolutely have to. you 1th inc." WHARRY asked LLli "hare he was til? Michael sultl he was All Fashion I'nilx WHARRY told him he would call Miuhuul I he was oul lhul way. During the call they make to outside til'the 21 store which is 677. At 1339 hours, to Michael I located an the elislside ot'thc Fashion Fair Mall. AgenlIARRY Lurch in Mercedes and observed Michael at inln the rear passenger ~cal. The vchiclc was rim renewed way. 678. RJSIXI tm my training. cxpul ience. ut'this investigation and the mutant intercepth communications, I believe WIIARRY contacted Miullucl LEI.) (u the of$1300dollms owcd by Michael for the prepamlion ol' 1.1x returns by PARK Michacl advised WHARRY that ht: was having di Iclilty l'ulI amount Willi his cultl. WI insll'llcled Michael ll) issuer Ultl'ic card in to comcl [ht problem. Michael LEE and WHARRY arrange fur $1301) dollars to be in three $4110 und S500 II is my bclicl'thal when Michaul said "Better than last year," I believe Michael LF.F. is Iel'erring In his 2015 1le rclurn lining than the prcvinus year. I hclicvu, based on the intercepted phone callx that both Michacl and Cliuncl I arc in 170 (in of stunt: of fraudulent access CflIdS that an unknown amuunt 01' money ubluincd from PARKS ptcparing lax and the tax l'cluvn was sent directly Ihc count number PARKS pwvitlcd when preparing their taxes. 67') On March [759 houn. JOHNSON I) spoke with 235 25 26 27 28 YORK (1 11:15). During the can Kiandm JOHN SON mid he Inn beenl1id111g.d1vidinp, and Kiandrc .101 ixson' said hc was gaming nn mu of here, he said he was going skiing. YORK 31111311111111- min?" K111111115 .101 INSON 51111] Hwy rcc1in L111 going in Inku l'ahm: right now. Kiandrc JOHNSON said they are at Hume Dcnin 11m! they no 140111qu Lake '1 ahnc n'gin now. Kiandrc .1O1 1nd With an unknown male on YORK's phone. JOHNSON 111111 unknown 1711111: to YORK 111m "lhey used 111 mukc IhuL move and hc knows me mow I'm talking about." Kiandrc JOHNSON mid. "I'm On mOvc. 1'ni On a muncy move." YORK begun mlkingon me phOnc and said 21 111mm, Kiandn: JOHNSON rcspondcd. "1074." YORK said 11: wunls everybody up u1'1'ab1c Mnunmin. Kldm'll't'. JOHNSON mid My going to mine. On March 12. 2111s. WHARRY 1111112) spOkc M111 w11x111r11:1 -. During the call. "what'q up WHARRY smd, "hay (130. the slim-111' just pulled up mn 11m said. "alright." 6111. --. (91111111 2291 On asked WHARRY 1.1) 111111 A1 [213 hour agents (1 cull WIIAKRY. 113112de where 111-: win in. w1 1,11 11 1w 111111 111m 111; nying 10 get 5011": visiix WINDI- him to leave [hm alune because [he Sheriflhul W215 spanking him. WHARRY [Old they were 11" moving nmund 11nd chi! WHARRY mlil him Ihvy were In llu: 131le Safeway. (182. 13411 111mm. WHA RRY 111111 2) Win with 1111 [emuls- WHARRY During {he cull [be female asked WHARRV. "when: yOu al cmisi 1" usde her where she was at he IL-nmlc said lhcy 111 1111' [mid waning on WHARRY and (ham. She luld WHARRY [he lime] was [111: 111::(1 11> Harmhs. WHARRY any were out making money. 1110 female 10111 WIMRRY it's 11w "M011tb1ui"just pull 11110 11:1ch Al 1430 hours. Kiaudrc JOHNSON with WIVDHIZLI) - During 111a call asked "Kay" JOHNSON 11111>> "1111." 236 Ill JOHNSON said, "yep." Kiantlre JOHNSON mind. "where you at?" Cal] dropped, At 1430 hours, JOHNSON WI MRRY (using During ([16 call AI first JOHNSON Npiikc with WINDFIEID, Kiandre JOHNQUN bu W: was righl by you. walking Oul right nnw. "Chonnr up to the thing" Incoming call from WHARRY JOHNSON. JOHNSON witches over and spoke WIIARRY you in?" JOHNSON saith" Im al the [tuck nigga, [in at the truck." WHARRY vain," wits it good in [hurt or something?" JOHNSON snitl," niggu niggli hn gone [just hit, Told yhu . I ain't WHARRY said"' 1 tom din g0 (Klimter JOHNSON). He was like 1 don't Know." Kennelh JOHNSON saith" I gill hp (ml Ol'lhmc. It was cool. ll wan C(Mli It was lust. IL was nothing like that Nigga just askml me sums bullshit. lhnl's it WHARRY mid," Alrighl I'm right here by truck." 685, Al I436 houn, JOHNSON tit/(i) spoke with - -- During the call WINDFIELD tuked Kenneth JOHNSON it'hc was good. Kennelh JOHNSON suid Iw was tnmti. WINDFIIELD asked 11ml il'lie had "hitt' snid' "no, it didn't hit but I gm 4 swcalct." 680 Llast On the intercepted phone calls. Wells plmlogruplts and cell [Owcr IOtzleiOns {Ur Kiimdl'c JUHNSOIYS ll). WHARRY (TT #12) and JOIINSON's 6). I know llch, tilting with WINDHH were in South Lake Tahoe, mill/jug in 5 device {mud to obtain cash advances an Wells dl'gn Banlw at several dil'l'ctent luculiuns in tho nrcu. Iht: into 4 Wells I'm-go Banks in Nevada and one Walk Fargo Bank in Snulh [/akc Culilhl'uizl. Dulcclivc Many Lucem Ol'lhc ['Oltcc Financial Crimes Unit cunduclcd lbllOw up an \u the iss ng fininwiul insliullion of each crcdii card and In ilicsc nccuunl IO, Mach bank was usde to (hmr accnunt holder and huvt call Dci. LucerO. FPD Dcleclivc Lutzcw have corilirmcd iliu nccuss curds [hm were used liad slnlen 237 5 1 Card acconnls mm were and plucckl ml the sll'ip oflhe is uscd by Kilmdl'e JOHNSON, and WINDFIHD. ll'Pl) Dc 3 ublmned and lrunmclion record I'm llu'cl: from lhe Wells 4 Hanks in Nevada. 5 (V87. Vlalch 26. 2016. at [050 hours PARKS ("[17518] spoke with 6 During um unll. PARKS alddl'cssca "Jone." PARKS "Dunk" 7 is taking his sun 10 gel a haircut hc'll come and you( I. PARKS 8 ilK'lw slill [0 go and she will "yeah I'll go Based nn culls unll 9 lhcy were talking about going to Gnmy Ill 6258. Al 15 Special Agenl Manuel and (ll'ur. at II -- Mad 12 drove the and a gun colorcd Dodgc Chnl'gcl'. Ca. which is (11L: knuwn of PARKS and 13 plum--(1w Nuvlnm Carlos (7. Inlic Ir pavkcd in from Olen Sundch the right garage open. which allowed him n. we a 15 l'nnliac an. plum--(W0 Slums orcr. Santh also observed A .nlm n, colored Mercedes Benz. Cn. plalc_ (1m onun Shaken: Dcmunc Sn). parlially l7 pulled In open garage (0 lln: residence. ()lLr. Sunchw ls lumilinr will] [his vehicle and it In bl: driven by MONSON, who ls WHARRY's hmlher -- Base on is and is also involved . Al will\ 1" 20 my knowledge ollhc I know from F.) 21 acne" can] During cull PARKS asked her Il'slle is ready [0 gm and 22 lid, ycs. 23 (Ml. Al 132] Imurs. ()lbr. Sanchez observes [he grin [calving [lawn 24 home. Surveillance vehicle to (he 76 gm mninn, ul 230 N. 25 Drive (1.1. 'l he Lll'lvtr pulled into I110 covered gas pumps and his yellich 26 a fuelng pump. pumps located ulnng nm'lhcasl portion nl' parking lul. 27 with N. Unleway burdering to [he easl SAS Role draw an localion and 28 was wuu'nlg a black Inning the pump l0 Mercedes. 233 \IcSAS Rocha has acen a DMV photugruph ol' WHARRY and pusmvely identified him. A minuLc: surpasst and WHARRY I'ercmercd the and draw: soulh un Dru/c. from (ha 76 gas aluliml Anderson observed Ihe Mercedes pull inlu gu: pumps at Ihc Gas Malian. hvcalcd .11 ml Gateway Mudcra, Sanche/ WHARRY cm the gas Slallnn and eulcu the driver scat ul' the He Llid nol .xcu cun'ying any Hams. xmrdid he see him pump any gun while at WHARRY levc away soulhhuund on N. (Juluway Drive, al which lime aurvcillamcc r-crumcd 691. I337 hours, Ufcr Anderson observed a white mm (m I.ic.# BAN Huldings 14002 r-'nsL 2m St. arrive nr and park in the driveway lo me residence. The vun sum u-for 2 minutes and then dcpurlcd. AI 1350110urs. om, Sanchc/ ubsexvcd the Mercedes back at [he- -and park in Ihc driveway (he resulcnce. orcr. the driver nrrne \chiclc exit and himm be WHARRY 0m. Anderson Inn vicwcd DMV nr WHARRY and pusimcry him as the der ol'the Mcrucdcs. 60:. Ar 1352 hauls. PARKS (11'er :pokc UM7ll). LARRY.- During the cull. PARKS asked LARRY u' his boy "killed order." LARRY (01d PARKS lhal he didn't lhink because he got me money. PARKS mid. "thcru ain't nulhing working here. xmlhing." said. \vmking at all?" PARKS said, "nnpc. nut rnr- gm: unru- why I'm mung." LARRY suirL "dam. I Innk ul your order form." LARRY he was gnan to get a hold nl'mnn" right now." PARKS said. "yeah, we il' hc Inn urc m'dcr cu]. didn't get .1 (money) nn lime or LARRY said he was going to her (call) him ring new, 594. Al wulh LARRY.- - During call. I ARRY saying dcclincd unylhing?" PARKS stud. in dculincd. bul I'm just run through whnle thing cu/ everybody has their hulc 5hr! and I'm a call ynu and we been duclincd." LARRY 230 stud, "nk. let me know 2" the and ul'it." PARKS said "ycdh. ['11 [Cl yuli know Ch] I gave ighlnow." PARKS licutlingout Plaster, RY luld hcl'. [11: "lbh hr: could have and that he was heading to Arizona right now LARRY said. "lcl me what happen: allcr lhu lliing. 1 don't he killcd ll. cw he knows lt'lhct'ck a problem, I gal it fixed." use PARKS calls him and rcl'urs 605. Agent's believe UM 71!) is LARRY be to him as when sh: spoke about him willi olhcr pcuplu, middle mime is "Clique" Lind during culls. PARKS and LARRY zlhnul an open case the) bath haw in Barbara. LARRY and PARKS arrested In Sanla Barbara committing cicdll caitl fraud. ln PARKS had l'mud acre>> cdul hlleen on lici per-sun in the name ls ol'a multirslale. ul'l ARRV. LARRY and PARKS :il'c device mind investigatian (muluclud hy s. $ucicl Service. Portland Resident Ull'ruc begun in August M201 3, 1413 hours. 0hr. Sanchez uhserved llic Mercedes brick lull. ul' drivcwuy and iiuculci'rllc aiwuy from residence with only WI in the vehicle llu wils not followed away. During d. 607, At 1420 hours. PARKS spoke with mill. PARKS (old molhcr. "Cum: get ya'll cul'dC cuz were l'ixin to leave l' Al 1421 hmu'a. PARKS spoke with 15. During the cult, PARKS rohi .I.S. llmi she is on her way to pick her up but they had lu on- on (1'08 lliuy'll pick licr up uml Icuvc from her hmisc, At 1422 hmrm. Ol'cr, Sanchez while vim m'rivc back at _uml park in thiva to {he residence, 700 Al 1433 hmer Ultra while van luck uul til'lhu driveway and (0 cubt on -. Officer Anderson inomlm'cd van in il Rocha observed .1 black lruvelcd lo a ship mull. lUUdlliLl All 1643 N. Avenue, female adult. Wearll a red min. walk l'mm the white will. uvur It) a black colored Chevrolet lulmc. wus parked in a stall harm from (all Kuv. SAS Roclm ul'tSL'l'VuLl license Z40 Ill plan: lbl'thc Tahoc,_ (er) IEAN l40021i lel Sly L500. lulu). 010 ms Rocha two African file driver and lighl lrurn sum to the vehicle. l'hc black [cm-ale wcming 3 ml Nllirl gul nun llu- l'ulmcv \Vllilu nn and fulluwcd Mudcl'll. which is (he nl' 17.3.. (ll'cr Anderson saw sevelul subiccls milking back and forth from (he pulling luggage the van 70 l. 1441 hours, PARKS spoke WHARRY (Tm 2), Duling the call PARKS [old WI IARRV lhu klle arc l0 gm. lhcy have pick up aunt Joslc. WHARRY told hm was nl Al 1501 llullrs, PARKS ('l'lfilx) rm s. -- The im mesmge rcnul as follows, 703, 702. "We gone" "'lunl ml: when y'all gel on fwy." Wl IARRY (he er seal or the vehicle and PARKS wcurl a lull culurud sllil'l righl from pusscugcr scat in Ihl: Surveillance agents the vehicle away. 704 lu-- l'rct'nu, u. ()lur. Anderson an black lL-mulc wearing uu'qumsc coloer shin and dark colored icans, cull Hum door lU ihu imd Al. l51') hours, observed Mercedes pull dl'lVL'Vvd} mm the Mcrucdcs. l'lu: ll'mull: was llIICr identified by (War, Sandch as S, As ,l S. [he Merce 01hr, PARKS kit the right from dour unll l'llml pus, 'Ilgcl' clonal cs and closed il as well. The Mercedes 1.8. then the right rear door olelc M: was lblloweul away by urnl mum in will luv then returned lo tho-address. Jose STARKS went inlu the house then returned lo vchiclc. Ills: lull and was followed away: 705' A1 1532 liuurs, Anderson observed the Mercedes inm lhu gas pump ni (In) gab locum! :ll 105 ('lluwchillu Cu. 700. Ar 1638 hours, SA Mnnuuhn WHARKY walking with a young child toward (hi: WHARRY placed I110 child [11c lull rum Llonl' lu lhl: and 24! entered the driver seat of the vehicle, and drove west on F.. R0l?)t?31?lS01?l Blvd, toward State Route 152. Agents followed the vehicle as it traveled west. on State Route 152 and entered the city of 1 es l-tanos. 707. At 1713 hours, agents followed the Mercedes to the Wells Fargo bank, located at 461 .I Street Los Banos, Ca. Of?cer Sanchez observed the Mercedes parked along the north side ofthe Wells li'argo. 708. At I715 hours. Olil'icer Anderson observed J.S., exit the passenger side of the Mercedes and walk into the front doors to the Wells li?argo. Of?cer Sanchez also observed enter the from door to the Wells Fargo. Sanchez entered the Wells Fargo shortly after and in'u'nediately observed her in line for a bank teller. Officer Sanchez sat down inside the Wells Fargo and watched as she walked up to bank teller #1 and spoke to the bank teller. Officer Sanchez observed J.S. to be veryjoyful and conversed with the bank teller. Of?cer Sanchez also observed take a card from her wallet and use the point ofsale machine at the teller window to swipe the card. Seconds later Officer Sanchez observed signing the point ofsale machine. Officer Sanchez then observed the bank teller counting out money in front .LS. smiled at the teller and then placed the money into her wallet, along with the card she used on the point of sale machine. Shortly after withdrawn-1g money from the Wells Fargo bank, Of?cer Sanel'iez observed .I.S. exit the rear door to the Wells Fargo and walk toward the Mercedes. SA Maneebo observed enter the Mercedes, at which time it back up and exited the parking lot. Of?cer Sanchez contacted the Wells Fargo bank manager, who stated her name was Anna Munoz. Ms. Munoz con?rmed that was at window #1 and the bank tellers name was Carla. Ms. Munoz provided ('Jl?l'ieer Sanchez with the Wells Fargo branch address and store information. 709. At [724 hours, SA Maneebo observed the Mercedes pull into the Chase bank drive thru located at 550 Street 'l..os Banos, Ca. The Mercedes was in the drive thru ATM lane for a few minutes and then departed at 1726 hours. Agent followed the vehicle as it traveled through the city of hos Banos. 710. At 1731 hours, Of?cer Sanchez followed the Mercedes to the Shell gas station, 242 .: :555: :3 midi :5 55:5. 0.3.52. 55:5 0:525: 3:55:39 Edda: ME: :5 5:5: 3:55: 5.x: :5 75555: :5 E5: :5 5:55. 355: 5. is g. _.rn5_5nc 37:. is: :55. GP :51. a: :5 5:555 55: :5 :5 55:0: 551:: 5.5: 5:5. 35: 5 UGEE 5:35 5.: 9:55. 5:55: En 5:55 :5 :5 5:5 55:2: 59:25 55:. d. 2 :3 :55. 0:52. $25.55 5535: :5 7:555:55 :15 E5: @5550 3.72:. >555 3232:: :5 7:555:55 8 :5 SE 59:55 hi ES: :55. 2:53: :5 75.55: :20 :5 35:5: :2 2.25 $25: 153:5: 05.5.5. 7555: 32 T5555: 9:39. Gs. m> 7:555 0:535: 5x: :5 35555: :5 :35: 5:5 :32. :5 555:..m :55: 5.2.: 51:5: 0: :5 3/55.: 555: :5 :mE :52. 2.. :5 7:55:55 $5 551:: 5: 25.: 55:5 53:5: :55. .25.. 5:5: :5 RE. :09. 03:5 7:555:55 55 25:15: 5 2:35:55 5:55: 5:3 :55. 12w. 2 23m :55. m5 3555:: 9:525: ?2>zz< EB: 35 :5 .555 $55 53:5. m> ?5555 s: 35:35 ESE. 2:5: .5. ?33: 3 :5 5:5: 05 2m. 3 :05? @5152. 0:525: ES :5 <25 :65 $35 :553. 0:53 55:5 3:025: :5 5:5 .5: 255.5: 53:35 5.2.5: 5.55:: 9.: 55:: 5:55. 55:5 0:525: 132$ m5: :5 :5 Q55: :5 553: 5:5 :05? >5 1>W?m .25 5.55:5: 5.3.3555 $535 3:525: :5 .555 5:5 5.25:: E625: 52:5: 5: :5 5855 5555.555. 02.5%. $555: :5 3:535: as: :24: 5 Swan: 55:3: 5555395 5 :5 55?55:. :5 :55u m5 7:555 5:525: 5.: :5 5:5: 3: 5:55.. 155 35:15 5:5 0: :5 5:55: 2:523: 55:5: :5 95555 a 55.: :65 :5 53:2 8 5.: :5 5:5. .25 5553.5 535: :5 5.5.: 52:15.5: :5 95:55. 15:5 555 :N?mmo: 55:5: 5. En: SE5: 3.: 5.55 :5 5:5. _5 3:555? ML: 715. At l848 hours. SA Maneebo observed WHARRY walk into the Vans store, where PARKS was shopping. Of?cer Sanchez also observed enter the store and walk over to PARKS. The two spoke brie?y and then WHARRY picked out a couple pairs ot? shoes and handed them to PARKS as she was waiting in the check out line. Officer Sanchez watched PARKS place at least 8 pairs ol"shoes and other clothing items on the far leti. check out window. The Vans associate scanned the items, at which time, Ol?licer Sanchez observed PARKS open her wallet and pull out a. credit card and hand it to the Vans associate. The Vans associate swiped the card and then advised PARKS that. the card had been declined. The Vans associate handed the card back to PARKS and she placed it back into her wallet. PARKS then pulled out another card and handed it to the Vans associate, again the card was declined and handed back to PARKS. Ol?tieer Sanchez then observed stand next to PARKS at the check. out counter, along with a small boy who was wearing a blue shirt and black pants. Agents observed the same boy inside the Mercedes during earlier surveillance. At one point, while PARKS was standing at the counter waiting to complete her purchase WHARRY walked into the Vans Store and spoke to PARKS briefly. became noticeably upset and began walkng toward the exit and said out loud, ?Fuck this shit, tell them we will be back with cash!" Otiticer Sanchez observed PARKS attempt to use no less that four cards to pay for the merchandise, all ol?which were declined by the Vans associate. At [900 hours. Ot?l?ieer Sanchez observed PARKS, and the small boy walk out of the Vans Store without any purchased items. 716. At 1909 hours, Ot?ticer Sanchez observed til-VI, who was weaning a gray colored dress outside the Polo Ralph Lauren Store (Store #8070). Ol'ticer Sanchez has personally contacted RF. in the past and has also viewed her DMV photo and positively identi?ed her as the female in the gray dress. Officer Sanchez also observed NEWSOMR, who was wearing a solid white shirt, black shorts, white socks with bit-tel; sandals, standing with [Him litieer Sanchez observed both NRWSOMR and HF. walk into the Polo Ralph Lauren store. Ollicer Sanchez walked into the store and observed Luther Newsome carrying multiple articles ot?elothing. 7.17. At 191. 1 hours, Officer Sanchez observed and PARKS enter the Polo Ralph Lauren store. 718. At 1918 hours, Officer Sanchez observed and PAR KS at the far left check out register. which was later determined to he register As WHARRY and PARKS were talking to the associate, Officer Sanchex observed Luther Newsome quickly walk over to the counter and place a shirt and other unknown items in front 1? W1 and PARKS. Officer Sanchez stated that it appeared PARKS attempted to pay [?or the items and then stepped away from the counter, leaving W1 alone. Officer Sanchez. then observed WI IARRY hand the associate a card for the purchase. The associate swiped the card, after Wl'liCl'l, signed the electronic keypad. The associate placed the items into a shipping bag and handed it to WHARRY. then walked out of the store. Officer Sanchez contacted the store manager, who identified himself as Justin Waltxer. Mr. confirmed purchased his items at register #5 and provided Officer Sanchez with the store information. 719. At 1921 hours, SA Manccbo observed Latoyt-t wearing all black clothing and a black hat with the word ?131531-31?? on the treat. inside the Adidas Store (Store #Cl 00). SA Mancebo has previously viewed a DMV photo of l..atoya NEWSOMF. and later positively identitied her as Latoya Newsome. SA Manccbo observed Latoya walk up to the check out counter and paying tor unknown items. After Latoya made her purchase, she exited the store. 720. At 1928 hours, SAS Rocha observed WI IARRY and PARKS, .I.S., an unidenti?ed African American female wearing a white shirt with blue stripes on the sleeves, all walked into the Adidas store. SA Manccbo observed RS. wearing a fluorescent yellow shirt and dark pants. SA Manccbo has previously viewed a DMV photo of PS. and positively identified her as the [crnale wearing the yellow shirt. SAS Rocha also observed 13.1?. at the far left check out register and it appeared 13.1". attempted to purchase i from the store but her card had been declined. 721. Ollieer Sanchez. later contacted the Adidas Loss Prevention associate, Nate 245 (iiard, who provided surveillance video covering the transaction with lili. and PARKS. The video shows HP. at the [elt check out register with several items already placed into an Adidas bag. 13.1T . used a black or blue colored card and swiped the point o?lisale machine at the front ol'the register. The card was declined, at that time PARKS walked up to the register next to B.F. and placed several items in lront ol?thc bag. PARKS then used a gold colored Master Card and swiped it on the point ol'sale machine and showed the card and a driver license to the associate, in an attempt to pay for 13.17:. items. The card was declined and the associate removed the Adidas bag containing the items Bl". to purchase. Bl". stepped out otiview of the camera. As the associate was scanning the new items for PARKS, walked up to the register. then placed an additional pair ol?shoes and a bag onto the counter. PARKS then used a blue colored card and swiped it on the point of sale machine and the card was declined. then reached into his right rear pocket and pulled out his wallet. WI. opened his wallet and pulled out a gold colored card and swiped it on the point of" sale machine and showed it to the associate. The transaction was approved and the associate placed the items into a bag and handed it to During the transaction, can be seen standing behind WHARRY. 722. At 1930 hours, SA Mancebo observed Latoya NEWSOMF: walk back to the white van and place a store merchandise bag into it. 723. At 1936 hours, SA Mancebo observed walk. back to the Mercedes and place store merchandise bags into the vehicle. 724. At 1943 hours, Ot'ticer Sanchex observed PARKS, wall; into Carter?s (Store Ill-H280). 725. At 1947 hours, SA Manecbo observed walk into Carter?s (Store #13230). 726. A 1950 hours, SA Mancebo observed PARKS and NEWSOME exit the Carter?s store and walk into the Justice store (Store 'llR300). At 1958 hours, Of?cer Sanchez. walked past the Justice store and observed 727. NEWSOME conducting a trt-tnsaetion at the register. Of?cer Sanchez also observed PARKS, 246 waiting in line behind NEWSOME. Of?cer 728. At 1959 hours. SA Maneebo observed the group exit the Justice store and walk toward their vehicles and begin loading store merchandise bags into them- 729. At 2000 hours. Of?cer Sanchez contacted the Justice Store manager. Stephanie Ponce and asked her ifshe observed the recent transaction involving and the other l'emales. Ms. Ponce stated that Luther Newsome used register H-l to complete the transaction. Ms. Ponce stated that used a blue colored Walmart Visa card to make the purchase and she provided me with a copy l" the receipt. The receipt showed three items purchased for $52.80 and it was paid with a Visa credit card. with the last ['our numbers of 3656. i asked Ms. Ponce il?any of the females attempted to purchase any items and she stated yes. I provided her with a description ol'the women and she identi?ed and an unidentified l'emalc wearing a white shirt with stripes on the sleeves as attempting to purchase merchandise but the cards were declined. Ms. Ponce was unable to provide me with a trt-tnsaction receipt for the declined cards. 730. At 2006 hours, SAS Rocha and SA Manceho observed the subject's enter the white van. Mercedes and a gray Honda. The vehicles then drove to the south end ol?lhe Ciilroy outlets. Agents l'ollmved the vehicle and observed them park in front ol?the Nike outlet store (Store SA Maneebo observed PARKS. Kenneth and 13.1?. enter the Nike store. 73]. At 2014 hours, Ollie-er Sanchez entered the Nike Store and observed all the subjects walking around looking at shoes and clothing. SA Sanchez also observed BJF. waiting in the check out line. 732. At 2016 hours, Of?cer Sanchez observed 13.1". walk up to the check out counter with items to be purcl'rased. O'l?l'icer Sanchez observed 13-1". pay for the items with a credit card and walk out ot?the business. At that time. Of?cer Sanchez also observed NHWSOMIJ carrying a pair of Nike Jordan shoes as he walked toward the check out line. 733. At 2018 hours. (ill?fieer Sanchez observed NEWSOME approach the same check out register as HF. and use a credit. card to pay for the shoes. After making the 247 purchase, Officer Sanchw. observed walk ovcr (o 15.1' . ill uhich time they holh walked uulbidu 5mm. ()l'l'lccr Sanchez walked Hillside am] mimiloled 1mm nl'llm store. 734. Al 2033 hours. SA Manccho observed all subjeclx cxll. NikL' sum: 'dnkl walk back to lhcir vchiulcs. Officer Sancth observed WHARRY, PARKS, 1.8. and the children enlcrull NHW SOME. 1-13. Bl. mller the while van. 735. At 2105 hours. agents observed [he vehicles parde in 1.110 101 and (311th exiled and walkcd inlo the Chili's Agenu slayed in am for approximately 30 minulw, ul'lcr which survcillancc was lcnninmcd. Officer Sanchez called ill the Chili's on March 28, 2016 21ml mlviscd oflhe Fraudulent acLiviry, Officer Sanchez also sum Ms, Hrupek rcqucql via email and she advised server did mull largo group hr gum. 0mm Sanchez provided 1| plclurc lo Ms. 11) order wisi with group and th S. as lhu Wumcn who paid 1hr the dinner lab. The server recalled LS. because (ll'hel cnlureil 30. 2016. at 1724 lmurs. agcm's a series nl'text mt: gas between PARKS R) and Y. PARKS "What was hm I'Lll'm) uguin look '10) up on LARRY ||Sl NEIIUL A A Lllal Name: 0 A A inc Clty: Km" PARKS "Okay gm LARRY "1 >an that to your email" PARKS "Okay" 739' Bust 011m} twining. the: intcruuplcd calls and text; between PARKS and LARRY. bclicvl: LARRY is source the stolen urutlit curd numbers which appear to he by LARRY From ll source in Ukruinc. lama texts and calls on PARKS cellphone. agent's intercepted PARKS urdcring the card numbers lhl'uugh LARRY and uskcd PARKS she wants him email the PARKS told LARRY In email them to her email PARKS [hen Illanulhclurcs uwdit Czll'dt>> (prcpuid cultls that are embossed with the tnlL' nlunc ml the t'rnnt ol'thc CZ and victim medlt card tm magnetic strip on the hack nl' the cam in the names WHARRY . ,,L:lt0yll Bl". and PARKS. 740. April 12010. beginning at 1051 hours. Agent's 21 Series "next messages between PARK VANCY PARKS YANCY "0k imu gul up cu will l'innll bc dmll" PARK "Girl nothing try this head tltmu YANCY 741. ">45 mum agcnl's up -- in Oldcl' to observe Juanikl VANCY an at the lcsidcnce t0 up cards and "Wcll l'm am my way positively Ilcl: A: 1121 hours. PARKS 13) spoke During the cal] PARKS answered lhu plums and said "hello," 742. said. "c you put them in my (refcl'rlng U) the liatldulcnt curdsl PARKS sllid, "yeah Salt "okay. Well I'm {calm to he cuming right now: PARKS will. wk." asked PARKS was at and PARKS 101d hcl' W115. 743. Al 1325 hours. 0m. Sanchez nbsunes ll 199' Toyota Cmullu CHI. Ht: l? 249 zqa (rm Yancy) arrive ill l'AltKS' house om. Sanchez nhsened a Haul ibmillc adult, black male adult. iind some childien L'in the which; 744. 1230 hours. Ofcr. Sanchez observed the vehicle leave the residence and Wu>> followctt ziway by surveillance 745. At 1237 hours. Ot'cr. Smtmari saw the vehicle part at the pumps lit the 76 gas inculcd elt 4th Sti'cct and Street. Madam. Saliclte/ saw LY. Milk out 0176 with nothing in her hand. J.Y. got in the cur and left without getting gas, 746. At 1250 hours, Olbi'. Stiiwhw obscl'vcti (ht: drive thi'u tit MCDOnflidSi located at I406 Yosemite Awnue, Madem. I later reviewed [he receipt und Video from McDmitiItls ol' the lmiisuclitm whiuh was purchased with ll fraudulent credit card. 747. At 1301) hoursi Ot'cr. Smichey observed J.Y, urrivt: the 76 gas station. at 150] F, themitc Ave, Mudcrti. Ut'cr. Sanchez entetctl the with and the card she tried to use was :1 lint-ti LY. walde out nt'thc slots and lelt the 748. Al 1305 hours, 01hr. Smimari LY. arrive at the Vilicl't) gas station, located ul 1030 N, Lake St. A short time litter. Olin Sancht'; saw .I.Y. walk of the shire with nt>Lhing in hand leave the statinn witlinut getting gust I310 limit-t, PARKS ('l'l'i'i'lm spoke with During the call PARKS talked about the order, J.Y said 749. was likc 10 dollars. at the thing, thought it was cool, but that shit stopped quick." about going It! Mthintiltl's doing one for 10 dollars for the kids, and it stopped quickt LY. said that she then went to the gm statimi, and it was fucking with me (can't didn't wnrk) .ltY ltiltl PARKS lliut ifshc can find some (fraudulent ciedit cards) that an: wtu'king "let me know," or look ntil rm her, nuw :hc doesn't know and is getting PARKS will the order (fm' credit card numbers)just CJHIC in this morning and she is inst about tn call him (audit curd guy). .LY. suit] to tell him. that she- will bring him a receipt and everything J.V. said she is about to head home. because she hit>> nti gas to driving around. and said she is "trying get stinic gas," PARKS asked Y. il'sht can givc licr a ride and that she needs some gas, PARKS needs a ride to the lady to get her hair thme suit] slic it and hits all three ofhcr kidh. JtYi ttx'kcd PARKS il' 25l| man going out Corey's house. PARKS said yeah. and [hut hill: ls guing cull her momma and knows I Y. ducsn'l wunl [u l'iLiC likc that mm a out 750. At 1316 hours, saw Y. Litrch at Mobil gas :Ialion, loc'ntcd at 1030 N. Gateway Dr. uscd :l fraudulent credit tn pulullusc $10 alga: unll this card was approved, 75L Al 132i hours. Surveillance from the Mobil snltiml the 6in olil'rcsno. Smlmari made arrangements for FPD Officer Miguel Archun In conduct a traffic Stop 011 lY, and scim lhu credit cards us evidence. 752. Al hnurs, Officer Aruhun a traffic stop inth 5100 block of Eaxt Kings Canyon Rd. ()l'l'lccr Archan sci/pd 2 gram dot Visa debit cards. 3 Walmm't MasterCard dellil unlds. uni: Financial debit card. and one lcgilimnlc 1' st ['lclniur Bank All the crudil hull name embossed on the ii'tml. The only curd lhal appeared different was the email curd thin hud .I.Y.'s full name and middle inlliul unlike the fraudulent cards 1435 lulun. PARKS lr'lzl) spokc .LY. --. During cull J.Y. Said, "Bitch, like I dlln'l know wlial fuckjusl Slit stud all she knew 753. was sill: wus mini; [a gel some gas and went in the find ll) orgus in her umk. She got on the I'rccwuy Ll) uumc haul home and got pulled over by 1 pnlicc curs She will Lhcy look hcly her kids and her "niggahandcuffs [mil pill in hack ol'thc call. 'l'llcy her and look everylh' . said, "Us lied and told ml: he was pulling me over cu/ my tuil lighl." him sill: knew that Wasn't lhu reason, suid police her car Wm identified going mull] towards {mm And the unly they were being rclcascd with a cite wax hecaum lvindcm didn't wanl lo go uul there [0 identify ll1cm. She was cilcd for four and they the cards. 1m ml cnrd, tlli: card that get be. money and tux money tm. J.Y. begins to cry. The police told her she has ll) be at court UH Monllaly. PARKS 'kcd hcl' wille she did to get pulled J.Y. said the police told her the car WM identified coming from the Mobile in Madam Inward Fresno. Wllull lhcy gm were slapped, put l1cl'il\ilw 01'th Cm' 12 13 14 I6 flan:th licr en *4 said the havt: a wet: heettnse "My tinnih kiss is stupid slippth and they sonic punk . 10 gas fm the Mnhiie .i v. erying snying smtlon to make them call it happened sn quick. PARKS asked her what happened at. the the police. suitl iiuthing. tried two, one was declined. I ll ictl tht: other one. it went The Highway Palm] got behind her and throughthe heme went passed her. A: ~twn as hhu tn Fresno she get stepped. PARKS told her she Will Cd" her back. At hours. PARKS spoke with .LY DUI ing the Call .I.Y. back. PARKS asked J.Y. to tell her What happened PARKS mt it creepy. 754. .W. ugrct'x' I Y. said its creepy that she got stopped by the pttl'tcc .tntl police must have this nn wirfi .i v. said she stopped at the Mtthiie and it went through t'nr 10 dolle and got nn the tieewtty, The ll) behind net and drew right past her. She got et'rnn Chestnut in he and was geing in her tinttet moms hense. the next thing 5 ~knew the police were behind her stopping her. They pulled her out the car and scurclitxl it because she was mt pmhutittn l'ttlicu tuld thcy waiting for Lt femalc nl'l'tcct'w conic l'rttm Mtntern to identity her using the card at the Mobile. 't'he peltee told her, her car itt'ett tn using a rake curd. her Mndent Wum'l going to cum get her so they "are going lu cite hutcourt on Monday. PARKS naked why the \Ilttbilu gas culled the police. shitl sht: know. LY. said then: wasn't a at gun but when the first card was declined the cashier (lid switch her [0 II dtl'l'urcnl register. 'l'hcn I Y. run it as erettit nnti it approved I Y. snitt sht' didn't say anything in the nniiee PARKS said they were em ot'their jurisdiction. .w said they were tike er special police The) cm and found the receipt For the 10 that matched tht: car became all the LY. said they did go to MeDnnalds, hut thtitt pt was in Moe's pocket, J.Y. said the pulitzc tottk tux and she mods to order Jnulhtl' ene. said her kids tett'iticd and willy crying 'l'hcy trying to figure out why (lid not sltip and why Fresno police stopped them. J.V. said the police went into her car and found what they were looking for. PARKS said. it's like they knew Whill they were looking lot. .l,Yt 252 said she worried about her phone and will call PARKS baclt from a different phone. 755. Detective Lucero conducted follow up on the credit cards that were seized from and some of the responses he has received from the Banking Institutions Fraud Department, were the credit card accounts belong to different people. FPD 1")etective Lucero is still waiting for return calls, regarding the other credit card accounts. 756. On April 5, 2016, fJet. l?ucero contacted Kevin who is employed by Jl-?Morgan Chase Bank as Global Security and Investigatirms. Det. Lucero provided him with details ofa possible transaction. that was made on March 26, 2016 at an ATM located at 550 St, Los Banos, CA at t??tpproxin?iately 1725 hours, driving an older model gray Mercedes. He was able to locate rtranst-iction and Det. Lucero provided him the name .15. to determine if the account does belong to her. i tackcy advised Det. Luccro that the account does not belong to her. He also advised that 18. withdrew $500 with a fraud access card. 757. This investigation involves fraud resulting in no less than a $1.45 million loss2h to multiple victims. Based on the reported loss, it appears the stolen account numbers were used by criminal street gang members without the knowledge or permission of the legal owner. It appears that funds or charges for goods and services were disbursed from the accounts ofa number of both, identi?ed, and, as of yet unidenti?ed, persons. 'l?hroughout this investigatirm agents have seen numerous Dog Pound members and their associates utilixe access device fraud to facilitate traudulent ?nancial transactions throughout California and Nevada. I believe the money generated through these criminal activities allows the Dog Pound gang to pay witnesses not to testify in criminal proceedings, fund other criminal end *avors, as well as provide financial support for the gang. One of the methods ofaccess device fraud currently being utilized by the DPG is through the use of prepaid credit cards. members use an cmbosscr/ctmiputer process to apply stolen account numbers to the This estimated loss is a conservative estimate. it is based on a combint-rtion of actual loss and loss based on a calettlation of$500 times the number access devices the defendants possessed (See USSG, Section 2m .1, Application Note The estimate is from only one portion of the lt)29(b)(2) conspiracy for the ease inveseti gated by Secret Service?s Portland of?ce. 253 cards. 0m their nmcinm acquire, by 0r illegal means. prepaid credit curds. They then used card cmbossa and cmnpulcr wilh an cncodiug dcvicc [u the mud and lhu mugnuliu strip. Some ol'il'lc cards are encoded with 2| mulching number, while others have a dilTerent uumbcr. members will limit go it: mulliplc bunks and completed cash advance withdrawals l'mm the curds, or lhcir associates will then fraudulent cards [0 stilliuns. stures. and they are used to purchase expensivu imns or puy for services. In cnminulng the criminal acts they wall return the purchused ileum tn the slim: in for thus procuring cash from fraudulent account before the transaction could be reporlcd, l'hcy will (u use the Cdl'lia unlil um card is drained ivl'ull funds. 753. Agents have mnducicd numerous surveillance operations. during which lime agents hm uhsul'vud. und muniturcd. Dog Pound gang members entering businesses ll'lc purpusc rm pl'cpuid cards. Agent: linvc ubst. Dog Pound gang menith banking institutions in order to obtain cash advances visu curdx encoded with l'ruutlulcnl Bliscd on my training. experience and knowledge within investigation, 1 bclicvc that PARKS is continuing to assist Dog Pnund gang members in the or the benefit nl'thc gallgi and LiiSil'ihuiillII ol' l'ruullululu access uurt 759. Based on my experience and hnuwludgc ul'lhis inwsliguliou I know PARKS and her cu-uonspirutors will alien irincl uway from the lircsnu area whcu [hing fraudulent credit cards in order to avoid being idenlilicti by law Q. FELON POSSESSION OF A FIREARM: STEVEN BLACKMON 760. On March 21, 2016 from rill: l'rcsno Police Department, Street Violence Sectimi. Gun Crimes Unit survcd a court uuthnrizcd Search warrant at the residence lil'knuwn Dog Pound Gangsters cnininnl ~lrcul manna BLACKMON. located at - --in the city nr ricsnn. The which warrant was authorized by the my lenty Superior Court on March 15. 2016. [luluirablc .ludgu ot'thc 76L During lill: course oftch operation, BLACKMON was detained Vi2| lrallix: sum upon his leaving his rcsidcncu and the wurriml wus subsequently served at thl: 254 01-ka case-and ?MUGlMurdcr Squad? alliances have an ongoing feud. Based on the information contained in this ailjl'idavit I believe MONSON, James YORK, MAXEY, MILLRO, WHARRY. Kenneth JOHNSON, Kiandre JOHNSON, Anthony CANADY, and LEE are involved in the conspiracy commit the murder criminal street gang members in violation 01?18 U.S.C. 1959 declare under penalty o'l'iperjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the 766. best of my knowledge. #22 on .. sL I Special Agent CA Department of ustiee Bureau of investigation, Fresno Regional. Of?ce Special Operations Unit Swore to and subscribed before me Reviewed as to fonn. fs/ Kimberly A. Sanchez KIMBERLY A. SANCHEZ Assistant U.S. Attorney 256 Ln.111. IV AFFIANT .. I CRIMINAL .. I I OF PROBABLE CAUSE .. 14 A. .. 14 B. DOG POUND CRIMINAL STREET GANG IS AN ENGAGED IN RACKETEERING ..24 I. DPG HISTORY .. 24 2. TWAMP 8: SQUAD .. 26 C. DPG FRAUD ACTIVITY ..30 D. EI .. 32 E. SUBJECTS . 33 TWAMP MURDER CONSPIRACY .. 38 A. DPG PLANS AGAINST TWAMP FOR THE SHOOTING DPG MEMBER KENNETH .38 13. GANG MEMBER DEANDRE STANFI 1.1., DPG FROM KERN PRISON .. 60 C. DPG MEMBERS TO ACQUIRE FIREARMS FOR . 71 D. AN APRIL 4, 2016 TWAMP SHOOTING OF DPG KYLIN BACA ADDS ADDITIONAL TO NEED TO RETALIATE .. 76 E. IN CALLS ON APRIL 5. 2016, KENNETH WI-IARRY CONFIRMS HE WAS CARRYING A WIEIAPON. ..79 F. ON APRIL 5. 2016. DPG MEMBERS MEET IN FRESNO IN EFFORT TO A SHOOTING WITHIN A WEEK G. ON APRIL 6, 2016, THE DAY AFTER THE APRIL 5 MEETINCL KIANDRE JOHNSON MAKES ADDITIONAL TO OBTAIN FIREARMS ..86 1.1. THE FOLLOWING DAY. APRIL 6. 201 (5., 257 I INSIDE THE DOG POUND ADDS TO A INC: 2 RESPONSE .. 8F) 3 I. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING TI .l APRIL 6 SI MEMBERS 4 DISCUSS SECURING FIREARMS AND TRAVEL AROUND FRESNO IN TO SECURE HE -. 96 6 .I. ON EVENING OF APRIL 7. 2016 SECURING WEAPONS. 7 MEMBERS MEET AT THE SAN JOAQUIN HOTEL A 8 .. 10C: 9 K. LATER IN TI, IE EVENING ON APRIL 7, 2016, DPG MEMBERS CONDUCT 10 THE SHOOTING AGAINST GANG MEMBERS AT FINK ll PLAYGIUJUND IN FRESNO .. 108 I2 L. LATER MEMBER MARKIETII CANADY 13 DISCUSSES AGAINST GANG 14 KIANDRE .IOI INSON CONFIRMS HIS IUDIJE IN FINE. WHITE PLAYGROUND 15 SHOOTING .. MONSON MILLRO A AD. .. 137 18 O. MAR CANADY AN ADULT FEMALE TO [9 STATE FOR OF ..FIREARM: BLACKMON ?254 I 2.1 I ii. ..255 22 23 24 26 27 28 258