201 1 APPEARANCES . (Cont'd .) 2 For the Defendant : DAVID M . BERNICK, ESQ . Brown & Williamson KIRKLAND & ELLIS Tobacco Company 200 East Randolph Drive xes _ _ - ,r +r r rx ~ T -"" - 3 xe Chicago, IL 60601 ~~ '--- 4 (312) 861-2248 5 KENNETH N . BASS, ESQ . KIRKLAND & ELLIS 655 15th Street, NW, Suite 1200 Washington, DC 200D5 (20 2) 879-5000 6 aetvx-- . - 7 . 8 - - - - - - - - - - 9 For the Defendant : ROBERT F. McDERMOTT, JR ., ESQ . R .7 . Reynolds Tobacco Company PETER J . BIERSTEKER, ESQ . , 10 JONATHAN M . REDGRAVE, ESQ . _ JONES DAY E" esxc ..a=s_c, . 11 51 Louisiana Avenue, NW 12 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 879-3939 13 14 ~ 15 ' . xFT . .r. For the Defendant : DAVID WALLACE, ESQ British American CHADBOURNE & PARKE, LLP Tobacco (Investments), Ltd . 30 Rockefeller Plaza 34th Floor New York, NY 10112 (212) 408-5498 16 For hhe Defendant : ' 17 AARON H . MARKS, ESQ . Liggett Group, Inc . NANCY ELIZABETH STRAUB, ESQ . "' KASOWITZ, BENSON, 18 ,4 TORRES & FRIEDMAN ' 1633 Broadway 19 NewYork, NY 10019 (212) 506-1700 xcm_e 20 21 i For the Defendant : JAMES A . GOOLD, ESQ . Tobacco Institute COVINGTON & BURLING 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 22 Washington, DC 20009 (202) 662-6000 23 For the Defendant : BRUCE SHEFFLER, ESQ . 24 British American Tobacco CHADBOURNE & PARKE 30 Rockefeller Plaza 25 .) 1 New York, NY 10112 (212) 400-51D0 200 202 APPEARANCES : (Cant'd 1 2 3 4 For the Plaintiff : LINDA McMAHON, ESQ . U .S . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Civil Division 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20004 5 (202) 307-0448 6 FRANK J . MARINE, SR .,ESQ U,S . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Criminal Division Orgznized Crime and 7 8 Racketeering Section 9 Suite 700 Washington, DC 20530 Court Reporter: EDWARD N . HAWKINS, RMR Official Court Reporter 2 Room 6806, U .S . Courthouse Washington, D .C . 20001 3 (202) 682-2555 4 Proceedings reported by machine shorthand, transcript produced 5 by computer-aided transcription 1301 New York Avenue, NW 10 11 6 (202) 514-0908 For the Defendant : DAN 7 W . WEBe,ESQ . Philip Morris USA, Inc . THOMAS J . FREDERICK, ESQ . 12 WINSTON & STRAWN 35 West Wacker Drive 13 Chicago, IL 60601-9703 8 9 oszsss 10 P R 0 C E E D I N G 5 THE COURT : Good morning, ladies and gentlemen . For the record, this is, of course, United States of America versus Philip Morris, CA 99-2496 . I think we can avoid having everybody identify (312) 558-5700 14 15 16 17 For the Defendant : THEODORE V. WELLS, JR„ ESQ . Philip Morris USA, Inc . ]AMES BROCHIN, ESQ . PAUL WEISS RIFKIND WHARTON & GARRISON, LLP 1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019-6064 statements . A>ons 15 PATRICIA M . SCHWARZSCHILD, ESQ . HUNTON & WILLIAMS Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Byrd Street Richmond, VA 23219 21 12 14 (212) 373-3089 20 themselves today . We are here today for the defendant's opening 13 18 19 11 23 24 25 wish to argue these in open court now? Do you want to talk at 18 hushing device . 19 the bench? I don't think that this ceremonial courtroom has a Let me ask Mr . Cramer who knows everything . (804) 788-8728 For the Defendant : J . WILLIAM NEWBOLD, ESQ . Lorillard Tobacco Company MICHAEL B . MINTON, ESQ . THOMPSON COBURN LLP It does So, therefore, if counsel want to argue at 21 the bench on the record, of course, that's fine, What do you 22 want to do everybody? But let's move along . You know me, One US Bank Plaza Suite 3500 23 St . Louis, MO 63101-1693 24 MR . BRODY : I can probably do it in about two minutes . We have no problem in doing it in open court if the defendants (314) 552-6000 oeao :4e 25 1 of 31 sheets Counsel, we obviously have a full courtroom . Do you 16 17 oaaoa4 20 22 I am told that there are two or three objections to demonstrative exhibits . Page 199 to 202 of 319 don't object . 09/22/2004 07',26 :56 PM AC5001054248 Source: http://industrydocuments.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/lqjm0001 211 few minutes the government's complaint . 213 1 The governments complaint alleges a 50-year conspiracy to deceive the American public about the health risks of smoking . The only relief requested in the complaint is That 30-second commercial speaks volumes about the 2 nature of the profound and fundamental change that has taken 3 place in the last few years . 4 equitable relief to prevent and restrain future RICO violations . osar.iz 5 There is no request in this complaint for compensatory damages to compensate victims for past misconduct . 6 Compare that commercial to the conduct discussed by the government, by the defendants during the GOs, the ]Os, the 80s and even part of the 90s . And what is most important about that change with 7 There is no request for relief in this complaint for punitive damages, to punish the defendants . os4xi 10 THE COURT . Neither one would be allowed under the decision that 8 respect to the Your Honor has to make is that 9 those admissions about the health risks of smoking are osrass 10 admissions that are irreversible . They are of a permanent, 11 statutc, isn t that corrcct4 71 Irrcvcrsiblc and cvcr lasting naturc . Thcy can ncvcr bc takcn 12 12 back . MR, WELLS : That is absolutely correct, Your Honor . 13 13 And it is not allowed under the statute, nor do they use any Now, to appreciate the speed with which these profound 14 changes have come about, all we have to compare is the conduct 14 other theory or any other statute . That is absolutely correct . os:4zss 15 of thc dcfcndants during thc 1994 Waxman 094340 15 So the solo issue is focuscd on prospcdivc rclicf of an hearings, and thcir 16 equitable nature to prevent and restrain future RICO violations . 16 conduct before Congress in 1998 . 17 Therefore, the core issue or certainly ane of the core 17 With respect to their appearance before Congress in 18 issues in this case should be how do the defendants today 18 1998, the Washington Post reported as follows . Chief executives 19 communicate with the American public with respect to the risks os4a :io 20 of smoking? Do they communicate in a fraudulent manner, or do 19 of the once-defiant tobacco industry came before Congress 0948 24 20 yesterday contrite and conciliatory and made their stmngest 21 they communicate in a nonfraudulent manner? 21 public admissions ever that smoking is hazardous and addictive . 22 And what the evidence will show is that as of today 22 Their statements were in vivid contrast to decades of public 23 each and every defendant says to the American public in a clear 23 denials on those crucial issues, 24 and unambiguous way that smoking is dangerous, Smoking causes oew4_se 25 disease . It causes lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease . 24 It is a new era in tenns of the tobacco landscape. And oaassz 25 1 would point out- 212 1 2 that smoking is addictive, and each defendant also says there is 2 3 no such thing as a safe cigarette, regardless of how it is 3 (Laughter) 4 labeled, be it labeled light or low tar or full flavor . There THE COURT : Is that a news article or an editorial? MR . WELLS : It is a news article, Your Honor. 4 You could take that up with the Post. oevs_oe 5 is no such thing as a safe cigarette, oe