Form 990 Department bf the Treasury Internal Revenue Sel'VlCe OMB No. 1545·0047 2014 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section SOl (c), 527, or 4947(3)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundatioll$) ~ Do not enter social security numbers on this form as it may be made public. ~ Information about Form 990 and its ill$tructions is at www.lrs.govlform990. A B number apphcable: Address change Check " X Name change Inwal return the THE PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS THE HUMANIZATION OF MANKIND AND THE CARE OF OUR-PLANET.-THIS-OBJECTIVEIS-PuRSUEi5-- QI lR®Q~1[ lijI)~fi~~,= ~~lij~ =~::-?lf:[Ng =~ =~RgM:@ij~ ~~'iIyt[I!:§: M~=~'i fR~T!:~ft~~ = Co) C nI E QI is 0 IllS CIJ J!! :t:: > 1; CC C) ;:,i ~) -- -~) -;. . , I1I CJ ID :I C ID > ID IX 1'tlE_ ';:~BQ~NTJ _ ~D_U~~T_I.QN,_ .!~!'tE~T'!QliA1_DJ:Y~I~.P~MEJ~1' L 2 3 4 5 6 7a Total unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, column b Net unrelated business taxable Income from Form 99O-T 8 9 10 " Contributions and grants (part VIII, line 1h) ............ . Program service revenue (part VIII, line 2g)............ . Investment Income (part VIII, column (A), hnes 3, 4, and 1LC1;~-~~..,.,.........-:---:-:-,-;-:-.,..... Other revenue (part VIII, column (A), hnes 5, 6d, Bc, 9c, 10c, and 11e),... I-----;:.~:=;.::~------=:.=...!... '- 12 Total revenue - add hnes 8 Z 13 Grants and similar amounts paid (part IX, column (A), 14 Benefits paid to or for members (part IX, column (A), hne 4) .... ..... '" 15 Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (part IX, column (A), lines 5·10) C t:a ~ l'> Cl' ( ...'li _C.QQPJ:MT_I.QN·_________ _ ~ Check this box ~ []If the orgamzatlon discontinued Its operations or disposed of more than 25% of Its net assets. 3 4 Number of voting members of the governing body (part VI, line la~...... ................. .......... Number of Independent voting members of the governing body (part VI, line lb) ................... . ~~------------~~ Total number of individuals employed in calendar year 2014 (part V, hne 2a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . ............... t - : : - t - - - - - - - = - = Total number of volunteers (estimate If necessary) . . . . . . 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 1 1-3) ............. . III ! 16a Professional fundralslng fees (part IX, column (A), line lIe) ..... ! 133, 726. b Total fundralslng expenses (part IX, column (0), line 25) ~ ~ 17 Other expenses (part IX, column (A), hnes 11 a·11 d, llf·24e).. ......... .... . .... . 18 19 Total expenses. Add hnes 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) . . " ... . Revenue less expenses. Subtract hne 18 from hne 12.. .... ......... . ......... . Total assets (part X, line 16)... . ................... . Total habllltles (part X, line 26) . . . . . . . . .. ........ . . . .. .. . .. . Under penaltIes of perJury, I declare that I have examIned thIS retum, includIng accompanyIng schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief It IS true. correct and complete Declarabon of p~wer (o~n~cer) IS based on alllrlformabon of whIch preparer has any knowledge. ~ Sign Here I ~/27//(-' Gflrf/~/u 50gnature of offICer 5lte ~ KELD DUUS Type or pront name and btle. PronVType preparer's name I SECRETARY /? (/l>rep~nature Ay 18 2015 IDMt KENNETH G SEIDEMAN 17.t--Paid Preparer FIrm's name ~ ARTHUR C. SEIDEMAN ACCTCY CORP Use Only F,rm's address ~ 1650 BOREL PLACE #123 SAN MATEO CA 94402 May the IRS d,scuss thIS return With the preparer shown above? (see rnstructrons~ BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate Instructions. Check U" self~mployed Form'S EIN Phone no ... . '" .......... ...... . iEEA0113L 05128114 ~ IP00297017 PTlN 94-2230522 (650) 573-8573 . ... IXI Yes I I No Form 990 (2014) Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 ~mD!II Statement of Program Service Accomplishments Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line In Page 2 this Part Ill. ....................................... . 1 Briefly describe the organization's mission: SEE SCHEDULE 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 4 Old the organizabon undertake any slgnrficant program services durIng the year whIch were not listed on the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ?....................................................................................... If 'Yes: describe these new services on Schedule O. O,d the organization cease conduclrng, or make signrficant changes in how it conducts, any program servIces? .... If 'Yes: deSCribe these changes on Schedule O. 0 Yes !Rl No 0 Yes lE] No Describe the o~aniZatlOn's ~rogram service accomplishments for each of its three largest program services, as measured br expenses. Section 501 (c) ) and 501 (c (4) organrzations are required to report the amount of grants and allocalrons to others, the tota expenses, and revenue, I any, for eac program service reported. 2, 729, 741. ) (Expenses $ 4 a (Code: including grants of $ ) (Revenue $ lL~~IB~~_~~1~~_~g~~IB~YBQ~S9~~f!~N9_~§~~1QN~_Q~f~~T~!~~ 4 b (Code: 4 c (Code: ) (Expenses ------- ------- $ ) (Expenses $ 4d Other program servIces. (DeSCribe (Expenses $ 4e Total program servIce expenses BAA ---~--------- -------------- In ~ includmg grants of $ mcludmg grants of $ Schedule 0.) including grants of -------------- ) -------------- ) (Revenue $ (Revenue j, 615, 231 _ ) _________ _ $ -------------- -------------- ) (Revenue $ $ 2,729,741. TEEA01021 05128114 Form 990 (2014) 94-3371033 1 Is ttJe organIZation descrrbed 2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors (see instructIons)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. In sectIon 501 (c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule A ...................................................................................................... . 3 r--f---+-1----1---1-- 3 Old the organization engage In direct or indIrect political campaign activIties on behalf of or in opposItion to candIdates for public office? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part I. . .... . .................................................... . 4 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Did the organrzation engage In lobbYing actIVItIes, or have a sectIon 501 (h) electron In effect durrnii the tax year? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule C, Part 11. ................................................. . Is the organizatIon a section 501 (c) (4) , 501 (c) (5) , or 501 (c)(6) organrzatlon that receives membershIp dues, assessments, or simIlar amounts as defined In Revenue Procedure 98·19? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule C, Part Ill. . . . . . . S 3 x 4 X 1----11----11--- 5 X 1--+--+-- 6 Old the organizabon maintaIn any donor advIsed funds or any sImIlar funds or accounts for whIch donors have the right to provide advIce on the dlstnbutlon or Investment of amounts In such funds or accounts? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part L ...................... .................................................................................. . 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 x 7 Old the organrzabon receive or hold a conservation easement, includIng easements to preserve open space, the enVIronment, histonc land areas, or hIstoric structures? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule D, Part 11. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......... . ~~':n~/;t~r~~~;~~~ncf~~::~~.~~I~~~~i~~.~ ~~ .~~~~. ~~ ~.~,. ~~~t.~r.'~~~ ~~~~~~~~~: ~r. ~~~~~ .~i~'~~~ .~~~~t.s.? ./~ .':'e:: :... 8 1----11----11--- 9 Old the organrzatlon report an amount In Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodIal account hablhty; serve as a custodIan for amounts not listed In Part X; or prOVIde credIt counsellng, debt management, credIt repair, or debt negotIation servIces? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part IV. .............................................................. . 10 Old the organlZabon, drrectly or through a related organIZation, hold assets In temporanly restncted endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi·endowments? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule D, Part V.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ........... . 11 1----11----11--- If the organrzatlon's answer to any of the follOWIng questions IS 'Yes', then complete Schedule 0, Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable. a ~,d~e/Vi~~'~.tI.~~ ~~~~~ ~~. ~~~~~t. ~~r. I.~~~,. ~~~I~~~~~ ~.~~ ~~.U.'~~~~t. I.~ :.~~ .~'. I.'~:. ~~: ./~":~~: '. C~~~/~.t~ .~~~~~u~~ ........ . b Old the organrzatlon report an amount for Investments - other secuntles In Part X, line 12 that IS 5% or more of Its total assets reported In Part X, line 16? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VII .......................... ................ . 1--+--+-1--+--+-- c O,d the organrzatlon report an amount for investments - program related In Part X, hne 13 that IS 5% or more of Its total assets reported rn Part X, hne 16? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VIIl . . . . . .. .. ..................... .. ... . .. . d Old the organrzatlon report an amount for other assets In Part X, hne 15 that IS 5% or more of ItS total assets reported in Part X, hne 16? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part IX ..... ................................................. . e Old the organrzatlon report an amount for other liabihties In Part X, hne 25? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule D, Part X . .... . 1----11----1'-_ 1----11----11--- 1--+--+-- f Old the organizabon's separate or consolidated finanCIal statements for the tax year Include a footnote that addresses the organizat,on's liabIlity for uncertain tax posItIons under FIN 48 (ASe 74O)? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part X. . .. 11 f 12a Old the organIzatIon obtain separate, Independent audIted fInanCIal statements for the tax year? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Parts XI, and XII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... .................. . . . . . . .. . ............... . 12a X X b Was the organrzatlon Included In consolidated, Independent audIted fInancIal statements for the tax year? If 'Yes,' and if the orgamzatlon answered 'No' to Ime 72a, then completmg Schedule D, Parts XI and XII IS optIonal.. . 12b X .. 14b X 13 Is the organrzatlon a school descnbed In sectIon 170(b)(1)(A)(II)? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule E . 14a Did the organizatIon maIntain an offIce, employees, or agents outsIde of the United States? . . . . . . .. . ..... . b Old the organizatIon have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaklng, fundralslng, business, Investment, and program servIce actlvlbes outsIde the Unrted States, or aggregate foreIgn Investments valued at $100,000 or more? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV ..... .................................. . 15 Old the organizatIon report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assIstance to or for any foreIgn organlzatron? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts 11 and IV............ ....... ................... ...... .. 15 X 16 Old the organrzatlon report on Part IX, column CA), lIne 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other assIstance to or for foreIgn IndIVIduals? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts III and IV.. ... .......... . .. ....... . .... . 16 X 17 Old the organrzatlon report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for profeSSIonal tundralslng servIces on Part IX, column (A), lines 6 and 11 e? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part I (see instructIons). . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 17 X 18 Old the organrzatron report more than $15,000 total of fundralslng event gross Income and contnbutlons on Part VIII, hnes lc and Ba? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule G, Part 11 ....... .. ...... ..... ............ . ................. . 18 X 19 Old the organrzatlon report more than $15,000 of gross Income from gamIng actIvItIes on Part VIII, lIne 9a? If 'Yes.' complete Schedule G, Part 1/1. . .. . ......... . . . . . . . .. . ...•........ . .... . 19 X 20 a Old the organization operate one or more hospItal faclhtles? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule H ..... . b If 'Yes' to hne 2Oa, dId the organizatIon attach a copy of ItS audIted finanCIal statements to thIS return? BM TEEA0103L 05128114 Form 990 (2014) Page 4 Z1 Old the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic organization or domestic government on Part IX, column (A), hne 1? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule I, Parts 1 and 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 x 22 Did the orQanlzatlon report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic individuals on Part IX, column (A), line 2? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule I, Parts I and IlL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. 22 X 1---+--+--I--t--t--- 23 Did the organization answer 'Yes' to Part VII, Secbon A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule J. . . . . . .. .............................................................................................. 24a Old the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue With an outstanding pnn~al amount of more than $100,000 as of 23 X I--t--t--- ~;~~f~t~aSc~~~~~l~~ri,t.~~ v:;; l;~ine:2s~e~.~~~:.~~:.r.~~: .~~~~:. ~~: ~~'.'.~~~~~~ ~i~~~ ~~ .t~~~~~.~ ~~ ~~~ ......... .f-~--t--X b Old the organization Invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? ............... , . c Old the organlzallon maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any lime dUring the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? . . .. . ................................................................................... . d Old the organization act as an 'on behalf of issuer for bonds outstanding at any time dUring the year?. . ............. . 25 a Section 501(c)(3), 501(cX4), and 501(c)(29) organizations. Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction With a disqualified person during the year? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule L, Part L • . • • • • . . • . . • • • • • . • . . • . . . • •• 1--+---+--- 1---+--+-25a X b Is the organlzabon aware that It engaged In an excess benefit transacllon With a disqualified person In a prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's pnor Forms 990 or 990-EZ? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25b X Old the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6 or 22 for receivables from or payables to any current or former ofhcers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or disqualified persons? If 'Yes', complete Schedule L, Part 11 • .•.••..••.• , .••.•.•.••.••.•.•.••••••.••.••.•.•••••••.••••••.•..••••. ,. . . • . . • .• 26 26 X Z1 X Z1 Old the organlzallon proVide a grant or other assIstance to an offIcer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contnbutor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled en!Jty or family member of any of these persons? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part 11/.. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. ..... 28 Was the organization a party to a bUSiness transaction With one of the following parties (see Schedule L, Part IV Instructions for applicable filing thresholds, condltJons, and exceptions): a A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part rv. ................. . 1--+---+--- b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV . ........................................................................................... . c An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, director, trustee, or direct or indirect owner? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part IV . ......................... , . 29 Did the organization receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule M ............. . 1--+--;-;--+--- 1---+--+-- 30 Old the organization receive contnbutlons of art, hlstoncal treasures, or other Similar assets, or quahfled conservation contnbutlons? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule M........... ................. ........ .... . ........... '" ........ . 31 Old the organIzatIon liqUidate, termInate, or dissolve and cease operatIons? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part I . .... 32 Old the organizatIon se", exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of ItS net assets? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule N, Part 11. • • . • •. .•.•.••..•••.•••••. •.•.•..•••.•.•..•.• ...•.•.•.•..•..•.•.••.•..•.•......•.•••..•.•.•.• 32 X Old the organlza!Jon own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations secllons 301.7701·2 and 301.7701-3? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part I. .. .. .. ... ............. ........................... 33 X 33 1-=:-+--+-=- 34 Was the organizatIon related to any tax-exempt or taxable entIty? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule R, Part 11, Ill, or IV, and Part V, Ime 1. . . . . . . . . .. ......... ............... .... ............... ........ ..... '" . . . . . .. . .... . 34 35a Did the organizatIOn have a controlled entity Within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? ............................ . X 1--+--+--- b If 'Yes' to line 35a, did the organizatIon receive any payment from or engage In any transactIon With a controlled entity WIthIn the meanIng of section 512(b)(13)? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2..... . .. . ...... 36 37 38 35b /--+--+--- Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Old the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-chantable related organization? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule R, Part V, Ime 2. . ............................................... . 36 X Old the organization conduct more than 5% of Its actIvIties through an entity that IS not a related organizatIon and that IS treated as a partnershIp for federal Income tax purposes? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule R, Part VI ........... . 37 x Old the organIzation complete Schedule 0 and prOVide explanations In Schedule 0 for Part VI, lines 11 band 19? Note. All Form 990 filers are required to complete Schedule O. . . . . .... .. . .......................... . ........... BAA 38 X Form 990 (2014) TEEA0104l 05/28114 Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 5 t~l Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part V. ......•.................•........................... , a Enfer the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096. Enter -0- If not applicable ............ . b Enter the number of Forms W-2G Included In line la. Enter -0- if not applicable.......... . ~ ______ ~ ~ 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax State· ments, filed for the calendar year ending With or Within the year covered by thiS return. . . . L -_ 2 _aL -_ _ ~ c Old the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? .......................................................................... . b If at least one IS reported on line 2a, did the organization file all reqUired federal employment tax returns? ............ . Note. If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be reqUired to e·file (see instructions) 3 a Did the organization have unrelated bUSiness gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? ....................... . 1li!lI:!!i!:J~~~~ 1---+----1---- b If 'Yes' has It filed a Form 99O·T for thiS year? If 'No' to Ime 3b, provide an explanabon mSchedule a ....................................... I-~I---II-_ 4a At any time dunng the calendar year, did the organization have an Interest In, or a signature or other authonty over, a finanCial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other finanCial account)? ........ . b It 'Yes,' enter the name of the foreign counlry: ~ See Instructions for filing reqUIrements for FInCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Inanclal Accounts. 5 a Was the organization a party 10 a prohibited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? ............... . b Old any taxable party notify the organization that It was or IS a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? ........... . I--\---+-- c If 'Yes,' to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T? ................................................. I-:"":"I--.f-- 6 a Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the organization soliCit any contributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions? .................................. . b If 'Yes,' did the organization Include With every sollcltatlon an express statement that such contnbutlons or gifts were not tax deductible? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .................................. . 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 17O(c). a Did the organization receive a fayment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and . services prOVided to the payor ..................................................................................... I-~I--.f-b If 'Yes,' did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services prOVided? . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......... . 1---4---4--c O,d the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which It was reqUired to file Form 8282? .................................................................................................... . d If 'Yes,' indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed dUring the year. . . . . . .. ................ 7 e Old the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premIUms on a personal'';bi:ei:n::e~fl:;t-=::':::::;:;--------1f Old the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? .. " ........ . g If the organization received a contnbutlon of Qualified Intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required? .. . ......... ..... ................... . ........... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... . 1---4--4--=-I-~--+-­ 1--=+---4--- h If the organlzabon received a contribution of cars, boats, alrplanes, or other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C? ........ .... ...................................... . .................................. . 8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Old a donor adVised fund maintained by the sponsonng I,-,,;.,.;,-I-,.,.,.....,,,,.j..._.... organization have excess bUSiness holdings at any time dUring the year? . . . . . . .. ... ............................ . .. ~4~-+-,-...,,..., 9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. a Old the sponsoring organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? . b O,d the sponsoring organization make a distribution to a donor, donor adVisor, or related person? 10 Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions Included on Part VIII, line 12 ......... . b Gross receipts, Included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club faclllbes .. " Section 501 (c)(12) organizations. Enter: a Gross Income from members or shareholders ........ . b Gross Income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.). ... . . ..... . ..... 12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 In lieu b If 'Yes,' enter the amount of tax·exempt Interest received or accrued dUring the year .. 13 Section 501(c)(29) qualified non profit health insurance issuers. a Is the organization licensed to Issue Qualified health plans In more than one state? " 1041? ... ........ . Note. See the instructions for additional Information the organization must report on Schedule O. b Enter the amount of reserves the organization IS required to maintain by the states In which the organization IS licensed to Issue Qualified health plans. . . . . .. ........... . c Enter the amount of reserves on hand. . ... ....... ... . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. .. " 14a Old the organizatIOn receive any payments for Indoor tanning services dunng the tax year? ....... . . . . . .. .... .. . .. f--:-4--i--b If 'Yes,' has It filed a Form 720 to report these If 'No, ' prOVide an explanation In Schedule 0 .... TEEA0105L 05/28114 Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 6 fteJD; Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each 'Yes' response to lines 2 through 7b below, and for a 'No' response to line Ba, Bb, or 70b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in , Schedule O. See instructions. 0 contains a response Check if Schedule or note to any hne In this Part VI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... la , a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year ..... If there are material dIfferences In voting rights among members of the governing body, or If the governin~ body delegated broad authority to an executIve committee or Similar committee, explain In Schedule O. 2 b Enter the number of vobng members Included In line la, above, who are independent... .. 1 4 ~--7---~--------~ Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relallonshlp or a bUSIness relallonshlp with any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ...... ... . .................................... .. 1----,r----1r--- 3 Old the organization delegate control over management dulles customarily performed by or under the direct supervision of officers, directors, or trustees, or key employees to a ~anagement company or other person? ...................... I - - - - i l - - - - I - - 4 Old the organization make any significant changes to Its governing documents 5 Old the organization become aware dUring the year of a SIgnificant dIversion of the organization's assets? . . . . .. . ..... 6 Did the organization have members or stockholders? .. ................. .............................. .......... . since the prior Form 990 was filed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...................................... . 7 a Old the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint one or more members of the governing body? .. ............ .............................. . ........................ . 1--::-+--+-=1-----1r----1r---- b Are any governance deciSions of the organization reserved \(} (or subject to approval by) members, stockholders, or persons other than the governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ................. . 8 Old the organizatIon contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken dUring the year by the follOWIng: a The governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ........... ...... .... ............ . ................... . b Each commIttee WIth authOrity to act on behalf of the governing body? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............. . ............. . 1---11----+-::,.,,-- 1--+--+-Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed In Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at the nrn",ni7",t,nn'" mailing address? If 'Yes, ' prOVIde the names and addresses in Schedule O. . . . . .. ..................... 9 X is Section B re uests information about ollcies not re uired b the Internal Revenue Code. 9 Yes lOa Old the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? ....... . b If 'Yes,' dJ[1 the orgamzabon have wntten poliCies and procedures governing the atbvlbes of such chapters, affiliates, and branches to ensure their operabons are consistent With the orgamzabon's exempt purposes? .. .. .. .. .... ... ........... ............. ............... ..... 11 a Has the orgamzabon prOVided a complete copy of thiS Form !m to all members of Its govermng body before filing the form? . . .. ............ .... b DeSCribe in Schedule 0 the process, If any, used by the organizatIOn to revIew thiS Form 990. SEE SCHEDULE 12a Did the organization have a written conflict of Interest policy? If 'No,' go to Ime 73... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ . b Were officers, directors, or trustees, and key employees reqUIred to disclose annually Interests that could give rise to conflicts? . . . .. ............ .. . .... " ............ ......... ........ .................. ........ 0 .. No X lOa lOb 1--1----:-::-+--11 a X ~~; >~~; ;<~~.l 12a X 12 b X C Old the organization regularly and consistently mOnitor and enforce compliance With the poliCy? If 'Yes, ' descnbe m Schedule 0 how this was done .. 13 SEE. SCHEDULE .0.... ...... .......... Old the organization have a written whistleblower policy? ....... ..... ........... ....... ............. 12c ......................................... 13 14 Old the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? . . . ... ... 15 Old the process for determining compensallon of the follOWing persons Include a review and approval by Independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantIation of the deliberation and deCISion? ... .. . ..... a The organlzabon's eEO, Executive Director, or top management official ... b Other officers or key employees of the organization. X X 15a SEE. SCHEDULE. O ... 15b X X If 'Yes' to line 15a or 15b, deSCribe the process In Schedule 0 (see instructIons). 16a Old the organization mvest m, contribute assets to, or partICipate In a JOint venture or Similar arrangement With a taxable entity dUring the year? . .. ... . .... . ....... . ..... b If 'Yes,' did the organlzallon follow a written policy or procedure requIring the organization to evaluate ItS participation In JOint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organizatIon's exempl slatus wllh respect 10 such arrangements? . . . .. .. . .... 16a X 16b Section C. Disclosure NONE -----------------------------SectIOn 6104 reqUires an organization to make ItS Forms 1023 (or 1024 If applicable), 990, and 990-T (Section 501 (c)(3)s only) available 17 List the states With which a copy of thiS Form 990 IS reqUIred to be filed 18 ~ for public Inspection. Indicate how you made these available. Check all that apply. [g] Own webslte [g] Another's webslte ~ Upon request 0 Other (explam m Schedule 0) 19 DesCribe In Schedule 0 whether (and If so, how) the organlzabon made Its governing documents, conflict of Interest policy, and financial statements available to the publIC dUring the tax year. SEE SCHEDULE 0 20 State the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the orgaOlzalion's books and records: ~ KELD DUUS 1081 ESSEX AVENUE BAA RICHMOND CA 94801 510-932-3839 TEEA0106L 11/13114 Form 990 (2014) Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 7 ~~ Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line In .... 0 this Part VIL . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .................. . Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees , a Complete thiS table for all persons required to be listed. Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization's tax year. • List all of the organization's current officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organrzalrons), regardless of amount of compensation. Enter ·0· in columns (0). (E), and (F) If no compensation was paid. • List all of the organization's current key employees, if any. See Instructions for deflnrtlon of 'key employee.' • LIst the organizatron's five current highest compensated employees (other than an offIcer, dIrector, trustee, or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W·2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099·MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organlzalron and any related organizations • • LIst all of the organization's former officers, key employees, and hIghest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizatIons . • LIst all of the organization's fonner directors or trustees that received, In the capacity as a former dlfector or trustee of the organizatron, more than $10,000 of reportable compensatIon from the organlzalron and any related organizatIons. list persons In the following order: individual trustees or directors; institutional trustees; officers; key employees; highest compensated employees; and former such persons. o Check thiS box If neither the organization nor any related organization compensated any current officer, drrector, or trustee. (C) Posruon (do nol check more (0) (E) (B) CA) \han one box, unless person Reportable Reportable Name and TiUe Average IS both an officer and a compensatIOn from compensabon from dorector/trustee) hours per related o~naa\oons the or~aatlOn ::l week CN·211 ·MISC) rN·211 ·MISC) ~ ~ (list any ~~ ~ C'> hours for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ related '0 or~amza. IOns below dolled lone) Cl) KELD DUOS -------------------------SECRETARY (2) HOLM HEDEGAARD ---- -- ---- --- - - - -- - -- --DIRECTOR ~ JOSEFIN JOENSSON -------------------------TREASURER (~ ANNICKEN GROENVOLD CHAIRMAN 40 0 iian j i~ ~ Ii f i n i 68 261. o. o. X o. O. o. X O. O. O. X O. O. O. X X 5 0 (F) Esbmaled amount of other compensabon from the oroamzabon and related organaabons 5 0 5 -------------------------- 0 (5) ----------------------------_®_----------------------- ---(7) ----------------------------- -~------------------------ ---(9) ----------------------------(lD) -------------------------- ---Cl') ----------------------------- -------------------------- ---(l2) (l3) -------------------------- --(l4) ----------------------------BAA TEEA0107L 02127114 Form 990 (2014) 94-3371033 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees PageS Form 990 (2014) :e (A) Name and bile PosrtJon (0) (do not check more than one Average box. unless person IS both an hours Reportable per officer and a director/trustee) compensabon from week the or~rzabon "TJ ;:0; (list any ~S" 0 hours g,Q: jg. n~ ~ ~~ ~ eN-2I1 -MISC) for ~ ~ ~ related ~ oroanrza ~ ~ - bons <11 <11 below dolled ~~ line) (continued) (C) (B) Ii l~ (E) Reportable compensation from related ~nrzaloons eN-2I1 -MISC) I (F) Estimated amount of other compensaloon from the organrzaloon and related oroanrzaloons (15) ----------------------------(16) ----------------------------(17) ----------------------------(18) ----------------------------(19) ----------------------------(20) ----------------------------(21) ----------------------------(22) ----------------------------(23) ----------------------------(24) ----------------------------- ~------------------------ ---1 b Sub-total ______ ........................................................... ~ O. 68,261. O. O. O• ~ 0_ c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, Section A ..................... O. d Total (add lines lb and lc) ........................ ..... ..... ....... .... ~ 68,261. O. 2 Total number of Individuals (Including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100.000 of reportable compensation from the organization ~ 0 No Yes 3 Old the ~-;:.; or~anlzatlon list any tonner officer, director, or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee on line 1a. If ·Yes. ' complete Schedule J for such indiVidual . .. .. .. . . . . . .. , ',- ~ ~ .h_~; "~ I ... X '~S~:~: • , , -' ...::.., _\...:~~}3 ~-;.t,',:"... ~ o'.:.,J.'"" ~ .. " 5 Old any person listed on line 1a receive or accrue compensation from an'!c unrelated organization or Individual for services rendered to the organization? If 'Yes, ' complete Schedule J or such person . . , . . . .. ... ," - 3 4 For any Individual listed on line 1a, IS the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? If 'Yes' complete Schedule J for such mdlv/dual. ....... , , , ..... , , , ................. ............. .. ....... ........ . . , ...... .. ~~ . X 4 ~~!.- .... I' " .~~ .... '. ••_ •••0$,......'... , ~ S ,: ,t. "'"; X Section B. Independent Contractors 1 Complete thiS table for your five highest compensated Independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization Report compensation for the calendar year ending With or Within the organization's tax year (B) (A) (C) DeSCription of services Name and bUSiness address CompensatIOn 2 Total number of Independent contractors (Including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization ~ 0 BAA TEEA0108L 03/09115 ~~~/.!;~:~~ ~~~;~~~}:/~;'~:,~ Form 990 (2014) Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 IlfMIZUII Statement of Revenue 1a b c d e Page 9 Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any hne In this Part VIII. ............................... . (A) (8) (C) (0) Total revenue Related or Unrelated Revenue exempt business excluded from tax under sections function revenue 512·514 Federated campaigns. ........ . ~--r-----------Membership dues ............ . ~--r-----------Fundraising events ............ I-~+-___________ Related organizations. ........ . ~~----------Government grants (contnbubons)..... ~~----------- f All other contnbubons, gifts, grants, and similar amounts not mcluded above.... ~--~~~~~~~ 9 Noncash contnbubons Included in lines 1a-l f: h Total. Add hnes la-H.............. . 2a b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I------------+-----------t-----------;------------+----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1------------+-----------+---------+------------+--------- c _________________ -I-----------t----------if-----------t-----------t-----------d e f ------------------~--------~----------+_--------_r--------~r_--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I-----------+-----------t------;-----------+----------All other program service revenue .... L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_________ 9 Total. Add hnes 2a-2f. . ............ . 3 4 5 Investment income (including dividends, interest and other Similar amounts) ............................ . Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds_ Royalties ............................ _........ _.. . 6 a Gross rents ......... . 1-----------+--------b Less: rental expenses c Rental Income or (loss) .... ~---------r-------~~-------L-------~ d Net rental income or 7 a Gross amount from sales of assets other than inventory b Less: cost or other baSIS and sales expenses. . . . ... c Gain or (loss) . . . . .. . ~----------~-----------d Net gain or (loss) ................... . ~ ____-L_____ ~~ ,------- 8 a Gross Income from fundralslng events (not including - $ --c--:--.,..---::--:--of contnbutlons reported on hne 1c). See Part IV, hne 18 .............. a I--------f b Less: direct expenses. . . .. . ...... . c Net Income or (loss) from fundralsing 9 a Gross income from gaming actiVities. See Part IV, hne 19 .............. . b Less: direct expenses. . . . . . . .. . .. . c Net Income or (loss) from gaming a Gross sales of Inventory, less returns and allowances ... b Less: cost of goods sold .... . ... laMI~C~~~O~~ ________ ~~~~___4----~~~+_------_r-------~~--~~~ b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~------------r------------+_------------~---------_+-------- c _________________ -I-------------t------------If---------+----------+-----------d All other revenue .. e Total. Add hnes lla-lld.... ... . ................ . 2 Total revenue. See Instructions .................... . BAA TEEAO 109L 11113114 94-3371033 Page 10 00 not Include amounts reported on lines 6b, Tb, Bb, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and assIstance organizatIons and domestIc governments. See Part IV, line 21 ...................... .. Grants and other assIstance to domestIc 1--------+-------indIvIduals. See Part IV, line 22 ... " ........ 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_______ Grants and other assIstance to foreign organizations, foreIgn governments, and for· elgn individuals. See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 Benefits paid to or for members. ........... . ~------------~-------------Compensahon of current officers, directors, 1 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - trustees, and key employees........ ....... 6B 261. Compensation not Included above, to 1-___...::..::c.L.:::...::.=-:.+-___-="-'-..:;;"";;;"";;",.+______"~;"";;",.;::",,;,,,_'+---------";,,,:,,,. disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(I» and persons descnbed in section 4958(c)(3)(8) .................... ~----------~-=+------------:...:..t----------......::._=+---------~ Other salaries and wages .................. . ~---~~~~-=+-----~~~~~r_----~~~==~-----~~~~ Pension plan accruals and contributions (Include section 401 (k) and 403(b) employer contnbuhons)..................... 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_______-+-_______-+________ Other employee benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . .. '" r------------_r-------------r_-----------_r------------ 10 Payroll taxes. ............................. 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_______-+-_______-+________ 11 Fees for services (non-employees): a Management ........................... " . I - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - b Legal. .................................... ~----=.L..::::.=:..!..f-------_+---~=..I~=~-------C Accounting ............................... . r-----~~~~-=+---------------r_----~~~~~-------------d Lobbying ............................... . e ProfesSional fundralsmg services. See Part IV, line 17 ... ~------~ r--------------t f Investment management fees. . . . .. . ....... 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_______-+-_______-+________ 9 Other. (If line llg arnt exceeds 10% of line 25, column 103 754 (A) amount, list line l1g expenses on Schedule 0) ..... I--_-=c.=..::~~~r------__-+----=-::;.:=...L-:..:::....:.-'+-------12 AdvertiSing and promotion ................ . r-----~~~~-=+-------~~~~r_------------_r-----------13 Office expenses .......................... . ~----~~~~-=+-------~~~~r_-----------_r-------------14 Information technology ..................... 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_______-+-_______-+________ 15 Royalties ................................ . r-------------_r------~~~~r_------~----_r-------------- 16 Occupancy ................................ 1-_ _ _-=-=~.:..:::.;:..:.r---....::...=.L.=..::..::....;+----...=..r-==-'+-------17 TraveL ............................. . 18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public offiCials. " . .. . ... 19 Conferences, conventIOns, and meetmgs .... 20 Interest ..... ..... . ...... . ..... r--------;;:--:-:=-=--+--------;---:-::=-~t_------------_r------__,~:_::__:__ 21 Payments to affiliates. 22 DepreCiation, depletIOn, and amortization .... 23 Insurance... . . . . .. ..... . ..... . . '" 24 Other expenses. Itemize expenses not covered above (LISt miscellaneous expenses In line 24e. If line 24e amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column (A) amount, list line 24e expenses on Schedule 0.) ... . ... .. t-------~~~~-----~~~~t_------------_r---------~-- a .QOJl'~Tl@[ _______________ +-----'".....!...L.="'-.!.t------"""-'-L..!<...><..:~f--------_+----------b E;Q!J!.P!:KN'!. BE_N'!. ____________ +------==.:='-'-='=->~------.=..::=.L-=-='-"-''i_-----------_+----------'''-''~ C fa_T~[ ~ _~1Q..Y[E_~~IIT[ ___ +---___.:.:.::<.,,!~~"_'t-----....,..,=.Ic=>"-"-'_t_-----....,..,<..L..-""-'!..C~-------.:.~--*-"~ d !;Q..M!iIl!~Q.Nl! ______________ +-----=-"'-"'~=~------.=..::~....=.,:,=..:'i_-----------_+---------e All other expenses. . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . 25 Total functional expenses. Add lines 1 through 24e ... 26 Joint costs, Complete thiS line only If the organization reported In column (8) JOint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundralslng solicltatlon. Check here" If follOWing SOP 98-2 (ASC 958.720) .............. . n 'TEEA011OL 05128114 71033 1 2 3 4 Cash - non-Interest-bearrng ............... . . .. . ............................ Savings and temporary cash Investments. . . . . . . .. . .......................... . Pledges and grants receivable, net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . ......... . Accounts receivable, net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..................... . 5 Loans and other receivables from current and former officers, directors, 6 Loans and other receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(I», persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(8), and contributing employers and sponsoring organizations of section 501 (c) (9) voluntary employees' beneficiary organazatlons (see instructions). Complete Part 11 of Schedule l. ..... Notes and loans receivable, net . .. . ....................................... . Inventories for sale or use. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ................................... . Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ...................................... . 7 8 9 I-----.::..::.:=.L.=~+- 11 __+-_ _ _::..::.:....!.....::..::::...::...:... r--------------+~~-------------r--------~-~---------- ~~~1r~f ~%::rJ~o~~~~,. ~.~~ .~i~~.~~t. ~~~~~~.s.~t~~ ~~~~~:~~~: .~~~~~~~~ ...... . r--------------+~~-------------r--------~-~-------r-------~~~~~~------~~~~ lOa Land, bUildings, and equipment: cost or other baSIS. Complete Part VI of Schedule D.. ....... ....... ... lOa r--~-~~~~~~ b Less: accumulated depreclatron .................... L -__J......_ _-=..:::...:..L..:=-=-=-:.+-___::..::...:....L.-=..::.::...=-t--:-:--t-____-=...::~c..=..=_=_=_ 11 Investments - publicly traded securltres ......................... . 12 Investments - other securrties. See Part IV, line 11 ........................... . r---------~-+_-------13 Investments - program-related. See Part IV, line 11.. ....... ........ '" 14 Intangible assets .......................................................... . Cl) .!! Other assets. See Part IV, line 11 ..................................... " .. , ... I------=::.L..=..:::...:+-,.--+-------=.::..L..::...::....:....:... 15 ..................... . 18 19 20 21 Grants payable. . . . . . . . . .. ............... . ................................. . Deferred revenue ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ . .......... ~ 22 .Q m :::J 23 24 25 26 co 8c m 27 "a 28 III "u.5 ~ .s:g Cl) < ::! r---------~-+_----------- 15 29 30 31 32 33 34 r----------f-::-=-+_----------- Tax-exempt bond lIabllltles. .................................................. 1--_________+-_+-___________ Escrow or custodial account liability. Complete Part IV of Schedule D ......... . Loans and other pa~ables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, ~'i'm~r!t~o~~~ilh~l ~~~~~:e~~, .~~~. ~1.s.:~~II~le~. ~~.r~~.~~ ...... . Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties. . . . . . . . .. . . .. Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties.. .. ...... . ... . Other liabilities (Including federal Income tax, payables to related third parties, and other liabllllles not Included on lines 17-24). Complete Part X of Schedule D. Total liabilities. Add lines 17 through 25 ................................. . r-------~~=--+~~-------------­ r-----~~~~~ __ ~----~~~~~ r-----~~~~~--1_------~~~~ and complete Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ~ lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34. Unrestricted net assets. . .. . ...... . Temporarily restricted net assets. . ........ . Permanently restrrcted net assets. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... . ......... . Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ~ and complete lines 30 through 34_ 0 Capital stock or trust prinCipal, or current funds. . . .. " Paid-In or capital surplus, or land, building, or eqUipment fund. Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated Income, or other funds Total net assets or fund balances. . .. . ..... . Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances ... .. Form 990 (2014) TEEAOll 1L 05/28114 Form 990 (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE Ep,~Wm Reconciliation of Net Assets 94-3371033 Page 12 1 Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line In this Part XI ................................................. . Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) ................................................ . 2 3 4 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) ................................................ . Revenue less expenses. Subtract line 2 from line 1. . . . . .. . .................... ............... . ...... . Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (A» ................. . 5 6 7 8 Net unrealized gainS (losses) on investments. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ........................ . ........... . r-~r---------------Donated services and use of facilities ...... . Investment expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... ........................................ . ......... . Prior period ad,ustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ................................................ . ~~--------------- 9 Other changes In net assets or fund balances (explain In Schedule 0) .................................... . 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine lines 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, line 33, r-~----~~~~~~ ~~----~~~~~~ r---r-----~~~~~ ~~------~~~~~ r---r---------------r-~r-------------~ column (8»............... ...... .................. ..................................................... 10 1 391 709. Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line In this Part XII ............................. . 1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: 0 Cash [gjAccrual o Other If the organization changed ItS method of accounting from a prior year or checked 'Other,' explain in Schedule O. 2a Were the organlzahon's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an Independent accountant? .................. . If 'Yes,' check a box below to indicate whether the finanCial statements for the year were compiled or reViewed on a baSIS, consolidated basis, or both: U Separate baSIS Consolidated baSIS Both consolidated and separate baSIS s~arate 0 0 b Were the organization's fmancial statements audited by an mdependent accountant? ........................... . If 'Yes,' check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were audited on a separate basis, consolidated baSIS, or both: Separate baSIS Consolidated baSIS Both consolidated and separate basis [RI 0 0 c If 'Yes' to line 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for overSight of the audit, reView, or compilation of Its finanCial statements and selection of an Independent accountant? ..................... . If the organization changed either Its overSight process or selection process dUring the tax year, explain In Schedule O. 3 a As a result of a federal award, was the organization reqUired to undergo an audit or audits as set forth In the Single Audit Act and OMS Circular A·133? . . . . . . .. ........ .. ............ ....... ...... ...... . . .. . ........... . b If 'Yes,' did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? If the organization did not undergo the reqUired audit or audits, explain why In Schedule 0 and deSCribe any steps taken to undergo such audits. . . . .. ......... ......... . TEEAOII21.. 05128114 r--+---+--- Public Charity Status and Public Support SCHEDULE A (F orm 990 or 99O-EZ) Department 01 the Treasury Internal Revenue ServIce CWB No 1545-0047 Complete If the organization is a section 501(c)(3) organization or a section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust. . .. Attach to Form 990 or Form 99O-EZ. 2014 .. Infonnation about Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) and its instructions is at www.lrs.govHorm990. N.... of tIw organization Employer identific:atlon number The organization IS not a pnvate foundation because It IS: (For hnes 1 through 11, check only one box.) ~ A church, conventIon of churches, or assocIation of churches deSCribed In section 17O(b)(1XA)(i). 1 2 A school described in section l7O(b)(1XA)(ii). (Attach Schedule E.) 3 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organizatIon descnbed In section 170(b)(1XA)(iii). 4 A medIcal research organization operated In conJunclton WIth a hospItal described In section 17O(b)(1XA)(iii). Enter the hospItal's name, City, and state: An orQ'!!1,zatlon operatedfOr t~ of coilege unIversItY ~ned or operatedbya-governm~ntal unltdeScr;tieCi 17O(b)(lXA)(iv). (Complete Part 11.) A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit descnbed In section l7O(b)(1XAXv). An organizatIon that normally receIves a substantial part of ItS support from a governmental Unit or from the general pubhc desCribed In section 17O(b)(1XAXvi). (Complete Part 11.) A community trust descnbed in section l7O(b)(1XAXvi). (Complete Part 11.) 0 5 ~ 6 7 X benefit a or msection - - - - - - - 0 0 from An organization that normally receIves: (1) more than 33·113% of ItS support from contrIbutIons, membershIp fees, and gross receipts actIvIties related to Its exempt funcbons - sublect to certaIn excepbons, and no more than 33·113% of ItS support from gross 8 9 (2) Investment income and unrelated bUSiness taxable Income (less section 511 tax) from bUSinesses acquired by the organizatIon after June 30, 1975. See section 509(aX2). (Complete Part Ill.) An organization organized and operated exclUSively to test for public safety. See section 509(aX4). An organization organized and operated exclusively for the beneftt of, to perform the functIOns of, or to carry out the purposes of one or more publicly supported orgamzatrons described In section 509(a)(1) or section 509(aX2). See section 509(a)(3). Check the box In hnes 11a through 11d that descnbes the type of supporting organizatIon and complete hnes 11e, 11f, and 11g. Type I. A supportIng organization operated, supervIsed, or controlled by Its supported organlzatlon(s), typIcally by 9ivln9 the supported orgamzatlon(s) the power to regularly appoint or elect a majority of the directors or trustees of the supporting organizabon. You must complete Part IV, Sections A and B. Type 11. A supporting organization supervIsed or controlled In connectIon With ItS supported organlzalton(s), by having control or management of the supportIng orgamzatlon vested In the same persons that control or manage the supported organlzatlon(s). You must complete Part IV, Sections A and C. Type III functionally Integrated. A supporting organizatIon operated In connectIon WIth, and functionally Integrated WIth, Its supported organlzatlon(s) (see instructIons). You must complete Part IV, Sections A, D, and E. Type III non-functionally Integrated. A supporting orgamzabon operated In connecbon With Its supported organlzatlon(s) that IS not functIonally Integrated. The organrzat,on generally must satisfy a dIstribution reqUirement and an attentiveness requirement (see InstructIons). You must complete Part IV, Sections A and D, and Part V. Check thiS box If the organization receIved a written determination from the IRS that IS a Type I, Type 11, Type III functionally Integrated, or Type III non·functionally integrated supporting organization. Enter the number of supported organrzatlons. .. ... .. . .... PrOVIde the follOWing information about the supported organrzatlon(s). 8 10 11 0 b 0 a c 0 d 0 e 0 g .<-,----' (lI)EIN (I) Name of supported organtzaloon (iil) Type of organozaloon (deSCribed on Iones 1·9 above or IRC sectIon (see InstructIons)) (Iv) Is the organizatIon Iosted In your govemlng document? Yes (v) Amount of monetary support (see InstructIons) (vi) Amount of other support (see Ins\rucllons) No (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) +U~l>i~\{~ :;:,..''1' "''i. t£\i7. Total BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions tor Form 990 or 99O-EZ. TEEA0401L 07116114 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990·EZ) 2014 Page 2 Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 ~IJSupport Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(bX1XAXiv) and 170(bX1XAXvi) (Complete only If you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or If the organization failed to qualify under Part Ill. If the organization falls to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part Ill.) Calendar year (or fiscal year (c) 2012 (d)2013 (e) 2014 (b) 2011 (f) Total (a) 2010 beginning in) ~ 1 Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received. ~Oo not Include any 'unusual grants.) ........ ~..t...:::"::"::..I...;='=":+=:.L.:::":::':::..L...!..::::':::"'=+:::.L'::'::~~~.!.f-:::..L-="':~!....:::.=:...!..f.:::...J.~=.t...==::...:...!-=~~~~~:..:... 2 Tax revenues levied for the or~anlzabon's benefit and ~~ Ir~ g:~a~~ ~.r. ~~~~.~~~~. .... 3 The value of services or faCIlities furnished by a governmental Unit to the organization Without charge .... 4 5 Total. Add hnes 1 through 3 ... The portion of total contribullons by each person (other than a governmental Unit or publicly supported organization) Included on line 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount shown on Ime 11, column (t)... 0_ r---------_+----------~----------~--------_+----------~---------=~ ~~~77~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~77-r.~~~~~--~~~~ o. 6 902. Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ~ Amounts from line 4......... " ~.L.::.:"::"::..I...;=':::"":+=:.L.:::":::':::..L...!.:::'::=";=+:::.L=..:....L~~.!.f-:::..L"::"':~~=-4.:::...J.:"::::"=.L.::.=::";";I-=-~~~~~:":'" 7 8 Gross income from mterest, dividends, payments received on secunties loans, rents, royalties and Income from Similar sources. . . . . . . .. . ... 94 340. 9 Net Income from unrelated business actIVIties, whether or not the business IS regularly carned on . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 0. r---------_+----------~----------~--------_+----------4_---------=~ 10 Other income. Do not mclude gain or loss from the sale of capital aS~~~1f Part VI.)... . ............. . 128 956. 'rvr " Ih~~J~t1"~g~r: ~~~.I~~~~.: .... . 14 691 198. 12 Gross receipts from related activIties, etc (see instructions) ..................... . 13 First five years. It the Form 990 IS for the organlzatron's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a sectron 501 (c)(3) organization, check thiS box and stop here. . . . . . .. ......... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... .... .. " . Section C. Com utation of Public Su ort Percenta e 14 Public support percentage for 2014 (line G, column (t) diVided by line 11, column (t».. .... .... . ... . 15 Public support percentage from 2013 Schedule A, Part 11, Ime 14 ...... ... .... ........... . ..... . 99.12 % 98.93 % 16a 33-1'3"'{' support test - 2014. If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and the Ime 14 IS 33-1/3% or more, check thiS box IVl and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization. . .. ... ..... . . . ........ " ..... " '" ~ ~ b 33-113"'{' support test - 2013. If the organization did not check a box on line 13 or 1Ga, and line 15 IS 33-1/3% or more, check thiS box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization . ..... . ... . .. . ... . .. ., . . . ~ 0 17 a 10%-facts-and-circumstances test - 2014. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 1Ga, or 1Gb, and hne 14 IS 10% or more, and If the organization meets the 'facts-and-clrcumstances' test, check thiS box and stop here. Explain m Part VI how the organization meets the 'facts-and-Clrcumstances' test. The organization quahhes as a pubhcly supported organization ... b 10%-facts-and-circumstances test - 2013. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 1Ga, 1Gb, or 17a, and line 15 IS 10% or more, and If the organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check thiS box and stop here. Explain In Part VI how the organizatIOn meets the 'facts·and-circumstances' test. The organization quahfies as a publicly supported organization. .. 18 Private foundation. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 1Ga, 1Gb, 17a, or 17b, check thiS box and see instructions :8 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 BAA TEEA04021 07116114 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 3- IEMIIWSupport Schedule for Organizations Described in Section S09(aX2) (Complete only If you checked the box on hne 9 of Part I or If the organIZation failed to quahfy under Part 11. If the organization falls to qualify under the tests hsted below, please complete Part 11.) Calendar year (or fiscal yr beginning in) .. 1 Gifts, grants, contributions and membership fees received. (Dp not Include a~~n~ualgrnnts.) ......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ 2 Gross receipts from admisSions, merchandise sold or services performed, or facilities furnished In any activity that IS related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose ........ . 3 Gross receipts from activities that are not an unrelated trade or bUSiness under section 513_ 4 Tax revenues levied for the \-~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-11-~~~~~organization's benefit and either paid to or expended on 5 ~e~~f!' ~f 's~':";,~~~' ~~ ....... \-~~~~~+-~~~~~+~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~-1~~~~~~- faclhtles furnished by a governmental Unit to the organization Without charge .... 1-~~~~~-4-~~~~~+~~~~~-f-~~~~~-+~~~~~-lL---~~~~~6 Total. Add hnes 1 through 5. ... \-~~~~--1~~~~~--+~~~~~-+~~~~~-+~~---+-----7 a Amounts Included on hnes 1, 2, and 3 received from d~quahfiedper~ns .......... \-~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~-1L---~~~~~b Amounts included on hnes 2 and 3 received from other than disquahfied persons that exceed the greater of $5,000 or 1% of the amount on hne 13 furfueye~ ................... \-~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~-11-~~~~~c Add lines 7a and 7b ......... . Public support (Subtract hne 7c from hne 6.) . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 8 ection B. Total Su ort Calendar year (or fiscal yr beginning in) .. (a) 2010 (b) 2011 (c) 2012 (d)2013 (e) 2014 (f) Total 9 Amountsfromllnefi ......... 1-~~~~~-4-~~~~~+~~~~~-f-~~~~~-+~~~~~-l~~~~~~lOa Gross Income from Interes~ dividends, payments received on secunbes loans, rents, royalbes and Income from b ~~~I:~:t~~C~~;~~~~ c 11 12 13 14 t~~~bie'" . \-~~~~~+-~~~~~+~~~~~+~~~~~-+~~~~~-I~~~~~~- Income (less section 511 taxes) from bUSinesses acqwredaH~June3~ 1975... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--11-~~~~~Add hnes lOa and lOb .... . Net Income from unrelated bUSiness acbvlbes not Included In hne 1Ob, whether or not the bUSiness IS regularly earned on . . .. . ....... . Other Income. Do not Include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain In Part Vi.) ............ . Total support. (Add hnes 9, 10c, 11 and 12.) ... First five years. If the Form 990 IS for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501 (c)(3) organization, check thiS box and stop here " ... . ......................... ... ........ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Section C. Corn utation of Public Su ort Percenta e 15 Pubhc support percentage for 2014 (hne 8, column (t) divided by hne 13, column 16 Pubhc support percentage from 2013 Schedule A, Part Ill, line 15... (t» ........... . % % . .................... . Section D. Corn utation of Investment Income Percenta e 17 Investment income percentage for 2014 (hne 10c, column (t) divided by hne 13, column (t)}........ .. 18 Investment income percentage from 2013 Schedule A, Part Ill, hne 17....... .. ... ... ............... ..... 1 9a 33-1/3°.4 support tests - 2014. If the organization did not check the box on hne 14, and hne 15 IS more than 33-113%, and hne 17 IS not more than 33-1/3%, check thiS box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization . ~ b 33-113".4 support tests - 2013. If the organization did not check a box on hne 14 or hne 19a, and hne 16 IS more than 33-113%, and hne 18 is not more than 33-1/3%, check thiS box and stop here. The organization quahfles as a publicly supported organizatIOn. ~ 20 Private foundation. If the organization did not check a box on hne 14, 19a, or 19b, check thiS box and see instructions.. . ~ BAA TEEA0403L 07117114 % % 0 B Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94- 3371033 Page 4 ~ Supporting Organizations (Complete only if you checked a box on line 11 of Part I. If you checked 11 a of Part I, complete Sections A and B. If you checked 11b of Part I, complete Sections A and C. If you checked 11c of Part I, complete , Sections A, D, and E. If you checked 11 d of Part I r complete Sections A and D r and complete Part V.) Section A. All 1 Are all of the organlzat,on's supported organizations listed by name in the organization's governrng documents? If 'No, ' describe m Part '" how the supported organizatIons are deSignated. If designated by class or purpose, describe the designatIOn. If historic and continuing relatIonshIp, explain ...................................................... . 2 Did the organization have any supported organlZatron that does not have an IRS determination of status under section 509(a)(1) or (2)? If 'Yes,' explain in Part VI how the organizatIon determined that the supported organization was described in section 5D9(a)(1) or (2). " .. '" ...... '" ....... '" .................................. , ................. . 6",....n,.,."."-,+-,.....,.,,.... 3 a Did the organIZation have a supported organrzatron descrrbed In section 501 (c)(4), (5), or (6)? If 'Yes, ' answer (b) and (c) below. ................................................................................................... . b Did the organrzation confirm that each supported organrzat,on qualified under seclron 501 (c) (4) , (5), or (6) and satisfied the public support tests under section 509(a)(2)? If 'Yes, ' desc"be in Part VI when and how the organizatIon made the determination. . . . . . .. . ................................................................................ . C Old the organization ensure that all support to such organizallons was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(8) purposes? If 'Yes,' explain in Part VI what controls the organization put in place to ensure such use .. ............... . 4a Was any supported organizatron not organrzed In the United States (,foreign supported organrzat,on')? If 'Yes' and If you checked 71a or 17b in Part I, answer (b) and (c) below . .................................................... . b Did the organlzalion have ulllmate control and d,screllon In deCiding whether to make grants to the foreign supported organIZation? If 'Yes,' describe In Part \11 how the organizatIon had such control and dIscretIon despite being controlled or supervIsed by or in connectIOn WIth Its supported organIZations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......... . c Did the organrzabon support any foreign supported organrzation that does not have an IRS determination under sectrons 501 (c) (3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)? If 'Yes,' explam m Part VI what controls the organization used to ensure that all support to the foreign supported organizatIOn was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B) purposes. ....... . 5 a Did the organlzatron add, substitute, or remove any supported organlzatrons dunng the tax year? If 'Yes, ' answer (b) and (c) below (d applicable). Also, prOVIde detail m Part \11, mcludmg (i) the names and EIN numbers of the supported organIZations added, substttuted, or removed, (11) the reasons for each such actIOn, (IIi) the autho"ty under the organizatlon's organizing document authorIZing such action, and (Iv) how the action was accomplished (such as by amendment to the organizing document) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................. .. b Type I or Ty~ 11 only. Was any added or substituted supported organization part of a class already deSignated In the organrzat,on s organizing document? . . . . . . . . .. .... ...... ................. . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . ~-M~""'''''''''''''''' 1---+-+-- c Substitutions only. Was the substrtutron the result of an event beyond the organization's control? . .. .. . ........... . 6 O,d the organization proVide support (whether In the form of grants or the prOVISion of services or faCIlities) to anyone other than (a) ItS supported organizations; (b) IndiViduals that are part of the chantable class benefited by one or more of Its supported organizations; or (c) other supporting organlzalions that also support or benefit one or more of the filing organization's supported organizations? If 'Yes, ' prOVIde detaIl in Part Vl ....... " ..... . . . . . .. . 7 Did the organlzahon prOVide a grant, loan, compensation, or other Similar payment to a substantial contributor (defined In IRC 4958(c)(3)(C», a family member of a substantial contributor, or a 35·percent controlled entity With regard to a substantial contributor? If 'Yes, ' complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990) ... . .. ..... .... . ......... . 8 Old the organrzat,on make a loan to a disqualified person (as defined In section 4958) not descnbed In line 7? If 'Yes, ' complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990) . . . . .. .. . ..... " ... ............ '" . .. ..... '" . . . .. ..... . .. 9 a Was the organization controlled directly or Indirectly at any lime dunng the tax year by one or more disqualified persons as defined In section 4940 (other than foundation managers and organlzallons descnbed In seclion 509(a)(1) or (2»? If 'Yes, ' prOVIde detaIl In Part VI. ...... .... . " ... ................. ....... '" ......... .... . .... . b O,d one or more disqualified persons (as defined In line 9(a» hold a controlling Interest In any entity In which the . . .. ............... . .. supporting organrzat,on had an interest? If 'Yes, ' prOVIde detail in Part VI. .. .... '" c O,d a disqualif,ed person (as defmed mime 9(a» have an ownership interest In, or derive any personal benefit from, assets m whIch the supportmg organrzat,on also had an interest? If 'Yes, ' prOVIde detail In Part VI . .., . . . . . . . .. '" lOa Was the organization subject to the excess bUSiness holdings rules of IRC 4943 because of IRC 4943(f) (regard,ng certain Type 11 supportmg organrzatlons, and all Type III non-functionally Integrated supporting organizations)? If 'Yes,' answer (b) below. .. ........ .. '" ....... ... ...... . . . . .. .... ...... ...... ... .............. . .. b Did the organlzalion, have any excess bUSiness holdings In the tax year? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determme whether the organizatIon had excess bUSiness holdmgs)... ................ ......................... .... .... ... BAA TEEA0404l 07117/14 lOb A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 94-3371033 Page 5 Yes 11 No Has the organrzat,on accepted a gift or contribution from any of the following persons? a A person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together With persons described in (b) and (c) below, the governing body of a supported organization?................. ................................................. 11a f--+--+--- b A family member of a person described in (a) above? . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. ............................. 11 b cA 35% controlled entity of a person described In (a) or (b) above? If 'Yes' to a, b, or c, prOVIde detaIl in Part VI. . . Section B. 1 I Su I--+--t--11c izations O,d the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported orgamzallons have the power to regularly appoint or elect at least a maJorrty of the orgamzallon's directors or trustees at all times durrng the tax year? If 'No, ' describe in Part VI how the supported organization(s) effectively operated, superVIsed, or controlled the organizatIon's actiVIties. If the organization had more than one supported organization, describe how the powers to appoint and/or remove directors or trustees were allocated among the supported organizatIons and what condItions or restrictIons, If any, applied to such powers during the tax year. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. ............................................... . 2 O,d the organization operate for the benefit of any supported organization other than the supported organlzatlon(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the supportmg organization? If 'Yes,' explain In Part VI how provIding such benefit carried out the purposes of the supported organization(s) that operated, supervIsed, or controlled the Section C. Type 11 Supporting Organizations 1 Were a maJonty of the orgamzatlon's directors or trustees durrng the tax year also a majorrty of the directors or trustees of each of the organization's supported organlzat,on(s)? If 'No, ' describe in Part VI how control or management of the supporting organIZation was vested In the same persons that controlled or managed the supported organizatlon(s) . .... . Section D. All III Organizations 1 Old the organization proVide to each of ItS supported organizations, by the last day of the fifth month of the organization's tax year, (1) a written notice descnblng the type and amount of support prOVided dunng the pnor tax year, (2) a copy of the Form 990 that was most recently filed as of the date of notification, and (3) copies of the organization's governing documents In effect on the date of notification, to the extent not preViously prOVided? ... 2 Were any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees either (I) appOinted or elected by the supported organlzat,on(s) or (11) serving on the governing body of a supported organization? If 'No, ' explain In Part VI how the organizatIOn malntamed a close and continuous working relationshIp WIth the supported orgamzatlon(s). . ..... . 3 By reason of the relationship deSCribed In (2), did the organization's supported organizations have a significant vOice In the organization's Investment poliCies and in directing the use of the organization's Income or assets at all limes durrng the tax year? If 'Yes, ' deSCribe in Part VI the role the organization's supported organizations played In thIS .... ....... ..... ....... . ................................................................... . Section E. Type III Functionally-Integrated Supporting Organizations 1 Check the box next to the method that the organizatIon used to satIsfy the Integral Part Test dUring the year (see Instructions): 0 The organization satisfied the ActiVities Test. Complete line 2 below. b 0 The organization IS the parent of each of ItS supported organizations. Complete line 3 below. c D The organization supported a governmental entity. Descnbe Part VI how you supported a government entIty (see InstructIons). a In 2 ActiVities Test. Answer (a) and (b) below. Yes a Old substantially all of the organization's actIVIties dunng the tax year directly further the exempt purposes of the supported orgamzat,on(s) to which the organization was responsive? If 'Yes, ' then In Part VI identify those supported organizations and explain how these actiVItIes directly furthered their exempt purposes, how the orgamzatlOn was responsive to those supported organizatIons, and how the organIZatIOn determined that these activIties constituted substantIally all of ItS actiVIties.. .... ... .. ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . No 2a b Old the actIVIties descnbed In (a) constitute activities that, but for the organization's Involvement, one or more of the organization's supported organlzatlon(s) would have been engaged In? If 'Yes,' explain in Part VI the reasons for the organization's posItIon that ItS supported organizatlon(s) would have engaged In these activIties but for the organizat,on's involvement ........ ... ... ................... .......... .............. . 3 Parent of Supported Organizations. Answer (a) and (b) below. a Old the organization have the power to regularly aPPoint or elect a maJonty of the officers, directors, or trustees of each of the supported organizations? PrOVide details in Part VI. ...... ... . . . .. ...... .. .. .... .. .......... . b Old the organization exercise a substantial degree of direction over the poliCies, programs, and actlvllies of each of Its supported organizations? If 'Yes, ' deSCribe In Part VI the role played by the organization In thIS regard. .. ....... . ... . BAA TEEA0405L 07118114 3a I:N;;W:>"'1'!'-+"""""'" '~-!r_~ *'tf~~~- , .. }'" 1 "'~.~ ~~_."-L .'.' .j. 3b Schedule A (Form 990 or 990·EZ) 2014 Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE l-mliA't41 Type III Non-Functionally Integrated S09(aX3) Supporting Organizations 94-3371033 Page 6 , 0 Check here If the organization satisfied the Integral Part Test as a qualifying trust on November 20, 1970. See Instructions. All other III non-functlo organizations must complete Sections A E. (A) Prior Year Section A - Adjusted Net Income 6 (8) Current Year (optional) Portion of operating expenses paid or Incurred for production or collection of gross income or for management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for production of Income (see instructions) .......................................... . Section B - Minimum Asset Amount 1 Aggregate fair market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see instructions for short tax year or assets held for part of year): Current Year Distributable Amount. Subtract line 5 from line 4, unless subject to emergency temporary reduction (see instructions).. ..... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 7 Check here If the current year IS the organization's first as a non·functlonaIlY-lntegrated Type III supporting organization (see instructions). BM Schedule A (Form 990 or 990·EZ) 2014 TEEA0406L 07/18114 8 Distributions to attentive supported organizations to which the organization IS responsive (provide details In Part VI). See instructions....................................................... " .... . ................. . (iii) Section E - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) Distributable Amount for 2014 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990·EZ) 2014 lEEA04071 10131114 Schedule A (Form 990 or 99O-El) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 8 IR__ Supplementallnfonnation. Provide the explanations required by Part 11, line 10; Part 11, line 17a or 17b; and Part Ill, line 12_ Also complete this part for any additional information. (See instructions)_ PART 11, LINE 10 - OTHER INCOME NATURE AND SOURCE 2014 TOTAL ~ 2013 2,191. $ 2,191. $ 7,289. $ 7,289. $ BAA 2012 2011 12,457. $ 12,457. $ 11,988. $ 2010 11, 988 - +$_--=9..... 5 0=.: 3:-: 1:. :. ._ L..;' 95,031. =========== Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 TEEA0408L 08118114 (Fonn 990) OMS No. J545·0047 Supplemental Financial Statements SCHEDULE D 2014 ~ Complete It the organization answered 'Yes,' to Fonn 990, Part IV,lines 6, 7, 8, 9, la, 1'a, '1b, '1c, lld, lle, ''', 12a, or 12b. ~ Attach to Fonn 990. ~ Information about Schedule 0 (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.lrs.govlform990. or Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 6. (a) Donor advised funds 1 2 (b) Funds and other accounts Total number at end of yea[ ................ Aggregate value of contnbubons to (dunng year) ....... 3 Aggregate value of grants from (dUring year) .......... 4 Aggregate value at end of year ............. 5 Did the organization rnform all donors and donor adVisors rn wrltrng that the assets held rn donor adVised funds are the organizatron's property, subject to the organizatron's exclUSive legal control? ........................... 0 Yes 6 Did the organization inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors rn writing that grant funds can be used only for chantable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor adVisor, or for any other purpose conferring Impermissible private benefit? ................................................................ " ........... 0 Yes rm.1fiiJifit Conservation Easements. 0 No Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 7. 1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organlzatron (check all that apply). Preservation of land for public use (e.g., recreation or education) Bpreservatlon of a hlstorrcally Important land area Preservation of a certified hlstonc structure Protection of natural habitat Preservation of open space § 2 Complete lines 2a through 2d If the organization held a qualified conservation contribution In the form of a conservation easement on the last day of the tax year. ..,., :~f~ "it'Held at the End of the Tax Year a Total number of conservation easements .......................... . 2a b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements ................................... . c Number of conservation easements on a certified histOriC structure included In (a).. ..... .,. 2b 2c d Number of conservation easements Included rn (c) acquired after 8/17/06, and not on a histone 2d structure listed In the National Register.. .... .. ....... .. ...... . . . . . .. " 3 Number of conservation easements modified, transferred, released, extingUished, or terminated by the organization dUring the tax year ~ 4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement IS located ~ 5 6 Does the organization have a wrrtten policy regarding the perrodlc mOnitoring, inSpection, handling of Violations, and enforcement of the conservatron easements It holds? .. ...... Staff and volunteer hours devoted to monrtorlng, inspecting, and enforCing conservation easements dUring the year 7 Amount of expenses Incurred In mOnitoring, inspecting, and enforCing conservation easements dUring the year 0 Yes • ~$ ------- 8 Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the reqUIrements of section 170(h)(4)(B)(I) and section 170(h)(4)(B)(il)?...... ....... ... ......... ...... . .. . . . . .. .. . .. 9 In Part XIII, deSCribe how the organization reports conservation easements In Its revenue and expense statement, and balance sheet, and Include, If applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's finanCial statements that deSCribes the organization's accounting for conservation easements. 0 Yes 1~~"i1jmJ Organizations Mainta!ni~g Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. Complete If the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 8. 1 a If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASe 958), not to report In ItS revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, histOrical treasures, or other Similar assets held for public exhibition, educatron, or research In furtherance of public service, prOVide, In Part XIII, the text of the footnote to ItS finanCial statements that deSCribes these Items. b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASe 958), to report In ItS revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, histOrical treasures, or other Similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research In furtherance of public service, prOVide the follOWing amounts relating to these Items: (i) Revenue mcluded m Form 990, Part VIII, Ime 1. . " .......... '" . ~$ (il) Assets Included m Form 990, Part X. " 2 " .... " ... '" .. , ............ ... ... .. .. ~ $ ---------------------- If the organization received or held works of art, histOrical treasures, or other Similar assets for finanCial gain, proVide the follOWing amounts reqUired to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASe 958) relatmg to these Items: ~$ a Revenue included m Form 990, Part VIII, Ime 1 .. . ., ........ . . ~ $-------bAssets mcluded m Form 990, Part X . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... '" .. ...... . BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Fonn 990. TEEA3301L JOI281J4 Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2014 Schedule D (Form 990) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page liii1IU1I1 Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (continued) 3 § 2 USing the orgamzabon's acqulslbon, acceSSion, and other records, check any of the follOWing that are a significant use of ItS collection Items (check all that apply): a b c d e Public exhibition Scholarly research Preservation for future generations B Loan or exchange programs Other ----------------------------------------------- 4 Provide a descriptron of the organlzatron's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose In Part XIII. 1 a Is the orgamzatlon an agent, trustee, custodian, or other Intermediary for contributions or other assets not Included on Form 990, Part X? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .............................. b If 'Yes,' explain the arrangement In Part XIII and complete the follOWing table: 0 Yes Amount c Beginning balance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............. ... .. ....... . ....................... . le ld d Additions during the year ........................................................ " ..... . le e Distributions dUring the year .............................................................. . f Ending balance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. . . . . .. . ..................... . Yes 2 a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial ac count liability? . .. b If 'Yes,' explain the arrangement in Part XIII. Check here If the explanation has been provided in Part XIII .............. " U .. BNO 1 a Beginning of year balance .... . b~~rlb~m~ ................. ~------------~--------------~------------~--------------~------------c Net investment earnings, gains, and losses.................... ~------------~--------------~------------+------------~-----------d Grants or scholarships. ....... . e Other expenditures for faCIlities and programs................ . f Administrative expenses...... . g End of year balance .......... . 2 Provide the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (line 19, column (a» held as: a Board deSignated or quasI-endowment ~ % b Permanent endowment ~ % c Temporarily restricted endowment ~ % -----The percentages In hnes 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100%. -------- 3 a Are there endowment funds not In the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the organization by: (i) unrelated orgamzabons ................ . .. ........ . .. ... ... . . . . . .. ....... ..... . ... . (ii) related orgamzatlons. . .... ......... .. . .. ........ '" .... " .... . .... " ........ . b If 'Yes' to 3a(II), are the related orgamzat,ons listed as requITed on Schedule R? . .. . ......... . 4 DeSCribe In Part XIII the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds. Yes No 3a(i) 3a(ii) 3b tearu.-v,l}j Land, Buildings, and Equipment. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 11a. See Form 990, Part X, line 10. DeSCription of property (a) Cost or other baSIS (Investment) (b~ Cost or other aSls (other) (c) Accumulated depreCiation r.~\!5;~~~~;;:\,._~~: Y'ij~;~~;' 1 a Land .. . ............ . ..... ..... , .. , . .. bBUlldlngs ......... " , .. ...... . ... c Leasehold Improvements .. .. '" .. d Equlpmenl ... ....... .. . .............. 140 968. e Other.......... ........ .... ........ . .... 863,114. Total. Add lines la through le. (Column (d) must equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), Ime IOc) ... .. (d) Book value .. 00, • BAA 80,087. 457,794. .... ..... . . ~ 60 881. 405 320 . 466 201. Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2014 TEEA33021 08125114 94-3371033 Page 3 N/A (a) Desl:nnt),on 1--------+--------------------- (1) Financial derivatives ................................ (2) Closely·held equity interests ........................ . (3) Other (-------(------------------(A) ----------------------+------------+---------------------------------- ~)-------------------------­ (q--------------------------r-----------r----------------------------------------------------------~----------~--------------------------------(0) ~)-------------------------- ~)--------------------------~---------4------------------------------­ (~-------------------------­ ~)--------------------------~----------~-----------------------------­ ~~-------------------------­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I--------b 2. liability for uncertam tax poslbons. In Part XIII. provide the text of the footnote to the orgamzabon's financial statements that reports the orgamzabon's liability for uncertain tax poslbons under FIN 48 (ASC 740). Check here If the text of the footnote has been prOVided In Part XIII. ...... ... .. . . .. .............. ....... ... . BAA TEEA3303L 08125114 0 SChedule D (Form 990) 2014 Schedule D (Form 990) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 4 (lfantxt" Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 12a. 1 2 . revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements ................................. . Amounts Included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12: a Net unreahzed gains (losses) on Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... '" .. 2a r-~-------------b Donated services and use of facIlities ....................................... . c Recovenes of prior year grants. . . . . . . . . .. ........................... . ..... . r-~-------------______________ d Other (Descnbe In Part XII I.)............................................... . r-~-------------~-J ~ e Add hnes 2a through 2d ............................................................................... . 3 Subtract hne 2e from hne 1 ............................................................................ 4 1-::-1----=--=-==--=-__- Amounts Included on Form 990, Part VIII, hne 12, but not on hne 1: a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b ............. . bOther (Descnbe in Part XIII.) ... ~;F;~.. ~~~ ..~;r:.P.. '" ................... " . r-~------__ =--__-- c Add hnes 4a and 4b. .. .................................................. . .................... . 5 Total revenue. Add hnes 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, Part I, line 7 Expenses per Audited Fina Statements ete if the organization answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, line 2a. 1 2 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements.......................... . Amounts included on hne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, hne 25: a Donated services and use of facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .............. . r--;--------------b Pnor year adJustments. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...................................... . ~:-I--------------- c Other losses ...... " ...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . d Other (Descnbe In Part XIII.) ...~EE .~AR:J:. r---t------------- ;q;q:. ........... .. ............ e Add hnes 2a through 2d ......... , ................. . ................................................ . 3 Subtract hne 2e from hne 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .................... . 4 Amounts Included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1: a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, hne 7b ............. . bOther (Descnbe in Part XIII.)............................ '" ................ . ~~-------------• •_ • ...1. ••- .•• -- .•• -- .•• -- .•• -- .•• -- .•• --.-. c Add hnes 4a and 4b ........................................................L... r.~----~~~~~5 Total expenses. Add hnes 3 and 4c. Form 990, Part I, line 78.) .......................... . Provide the descnptlons required for Part 11, hnes 3,5, and 9; Part Ill, hnes la and 4; Part IV, hnes 1b and 2b; Part V, hne 4; Part X, hne 2; Part XI, hnes 2d and 4b; and Part XII, lines 2d and 4b. Also complete thiS part to provide any additional information. SCHEDULE D, PART XI, LINE 4B OTHER REVENUE INCLUDED ON FORM 990 BUT NOT INCLUDED IN F/S COST OF CLOTHING SALES. ...................... ................... ... ....................... $ TOTAL $ -3,615,231. -3,615,231. SCHEDULE D, PART XII, LINE 2D OTHER EXPENSES AND LOSSES PER AUDITED F/S COST OF CLOTHING SALES ........... '" ......... . BAA ........... ...... TOTAL $ 3,615,231. T-$---;3<-",-;;6~175,. . ,2"""3:-:;:1.. :. . Schedule 0 (Form 990) 2014 TEEA3304l 10128114 SCHEDULE M (Fonn 990) OMB No. 1545-0047 Noncash Contributions • Ana'" to fonn 990. Department 01 the Treasury ~ Internal Revenue ServIce Name of the oroanozatoon ~ Infonnation about Schedule M(Fonn 990) and its Instructions is at wwwJrs.govlfonn990. . ' I Employer Identification " ....her 94-3371033 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE ~~. of Property (a) Check If applicable Art - Works of art ... Art - Historical treasures ...................... .00 •••• 3 Art - Fraclronal interests ...................... 4 5 Books and publications ...................... ,. Clothing and household goods 6 Cars and other 7 Boats and planes. 8 Intellectual property ...... •••• vehlcle~ (b) Number of contributions or Items contributed (c) (d) Noncash contribution Method of determining amounts re~orted noncash contribution amounts on Form 90, Part VIII, line 19 ................ 1 2 9 Securrtres - 2014 ~ Complete if the organizations answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, lines 29 or 30. 00. 0 ••••• 3609,532 X I SELLING PRICE ....................... ........... " .............. . .... Publicly traded .. .. . ......... , .. Closely held stock ............ ... •• 0'0 ••••••• 10 Securities Securrtles - Partnership, LLC, or trust Interests " 12 Securrlres - Miscellaneous ...... , ..... ...... 13 Qualified conservation contribution Historic structures ............................. 14 Qualified conservatron contrrbution - Other. .... 15 Real estate - Residential. .... .0 ..•.•....••... 16 Real estate - Commercial. ................ ... 17 Real estate - Other .... 18 Collectlbles ... ... •• ' •• ....... ....... ....... ' . 0 •• o ••••••• ' 0 , 0.0 ..... ... · ...... 19 Food Inventory. 20 Drugs and medical supplies............. , ...... .. 21 Taxidermy ....... ........ .. · " • 00 000 • ••••• 22 Historical artifacts ...... ................ ... 23 SClentrfic specimens ..... ... .. .. 24 Archeological artifacts ....... ....... ........ •••• 25 Other ~ 26 Other ~ 27 Other ~ 28 Other~ 000 '0 •• ---------------- )oO. ---------------- ( ( ) .. ( )oO. C- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) 29 Number of Forms 8283 received by the organrzalion dunng the tax year for contnbutlons for which the organization completed Form 8283, Part IV, Donee Acknowledgement ..... . .. .. . .. .. . ... 291 Yes 30a Dunng the year, did the organization receive by contnbutlon any property reported In Part I, lines 1-28, that It must hold for at least three years from the date of the Inrtlal contnbutlon, and which IS not reqUired to be used for exempt .. , .. ... ...... . .. purposes for the entire holding penod? .. . . .. ... .. . ....... .. " b If 'Yes,' descnbe the arrangement In Part 11. 31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any non-standard contnbutlons? .. 32a Does the organization hire or use third parties or related organizations to SOliCit, process, or sell .. .. . ............ . , .. . ... noncash contnbutlons? . ... .. · .. . . " " b If 'Yes,' descnbe In Part 11. 33 If the organlzalion did not report an amount In column (c) for a type of property for which column Ca) IS checked, descrrbe In Part 11. BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990_ lEEA460ll 05128114 .. . No , ,.' i~: ~ I·?,:':~ I}~~:~" ~'c\i:'i 13 ' ,> X 30a [:'::t~~~; tl::~'}i. 31 'i': J X X 32a ,:. '-:.:.:J 1 ~ft 1~~j;;f1 ~l~?~:.~' ~~;t.:1;' -:"oI'~ Schedule M (Form 990) (2014) ~ -~ Schedule M (Form 990) (2014) RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 2 1~!1j Supplementallnfonnation. Provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b, 32b, and 33, and whether the organization is reporting in Part I, column (b), the number of contrrbutions, the number of Items received, or a combination of both. Also complete this part for any additional information. BM TEEA4602l 08118114 Schedule M (Form 990) (2014) SCHEDULE 0 (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) Department of \he Treasury Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ 0M8 No. 1545·0047 Complete to provide Information for responses to specific questions on Form 990 or 99O-EZ or to provide any addlUonallnformation. ~ AHach to Form 990 or 99O-EZ. ~ Information about Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) and its Instructions is 2014 Internal Revenue Sennce at Name of \he FORM 990, PART Ill, LINE 1 - ORGANIZATION MISSION THE PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS THE HUMANIZATION OF MANKIND AND THE CARE OF OUR PLANET. THIS OBJECTIVE IS PURSUED THROUGH INITIATING, RUNNING, ASSITING AND PROMOTING ACTIVITIES AIMED AT PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, AND COOPERATION. FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 11B - FORM 990 REVIEW PROCESS THE FORM 990 WILL BE REVIEWED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD AND THE CLOTHING RECYCLING MANAGER. FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 12C - EXPLANATION OF MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT OF CONFLICTS ANYONE WITH A CONFLICT OF INTEREST WILL BE EXCUSED FROM TAKING PART IN THE NEGOTIATIONS, DELIBERATIONS OR VOTES INVOLVING THE CONFLICT. FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 15B - COMPENSATION REVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESS - OFFICERS & KEY EMPLOYEES CAMPUS CALIFORNIA DOES NOT HAVE A CEO OR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. COMPENSATION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE CLOTHES RECYCLING PROGRAM IS FINALIZED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND BASED ON THE PREVAILING WAGE IN THE AREA FOR THAT PARTICULAR JOB. COMPENSATION OF OTHER KEY EMPLOYEES IS FINALIZED BY THE GENERAL MANAGER BASED ON THE PREVAILING WAGE IN THE AREA FOR THAT KIND OF JOB. FORM 990, PART VI, LINE 19 - OTHER ORGANIZATION DOCUMENTS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE GOVERNING DOCUMENTS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY, AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. 1EEA4901 L 08118/14 Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2014 OMB No. 1545·0047 SCHEDULE R Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships (Fonn 990) .. Departmenl of the Treasury Inlemal Revenue Sel'V1C8 2014 Complete If the organization answered 'Yes' on Fonn 990, Part IV, line 33, 34, 35b, 36, or 37. .. Attach to Fonn 990. .. InfonnaHon about Schedule R (Fonn 990) and Its Instructions Is at www.irs.govHorm990. .f:Y"·}Tr;;,s:;.'·it!N---;·,omIW~¥1' l~I)"Jt .~~'A~!I'.r..:.. ~.~Hl;H·~" ;{~~~­ ".,:.,'. !hl'i;'/i\",ii'i~<-';~' • ~ :iJ:~_...':;~ : ,~.>.~.. ~,,::,,\ ;~:"';Wo:~,!:: f!~,~ Name of the organLzallon Employer Identification number RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 ,.."...,., rRlHtb'Jjldentification of Disregarded Entities Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 33. (a) Name, address, and EIN (If applicable) of disregarded entity (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (d) Total Income (e) End-of-year assets (f) Direct controlling entity (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~l _______________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------~l _______________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------... - .. .lejlrt·m~· . . ..... --- - one or more related tax-exempt organlzalions during the tax year. Wof related organization Name, address, and El (1) (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domicile (state or foreign country) (d) Exempt Code section (e) Public charl~ status (If section 5 1(c)(3» (f) Direct controlling entity (~) Sec 51~bXI3) controll enllty? Yes No IICD MICHIGAN --S6%S-muEEYRrnw--------------DOWAGIAC-MI4~47------------ --------~------------------- 38-3379778 (2) IICD MASSACHUSETTS EDUCATIONAL MI 501 (C) (3) 2 N/A X EDUCATIONAL MA 501 (C) (3) 2 N/A X --lIf7ilillicoCKRrnw------------- --WI[aIMSTOWN--MA-OU67-------------------~---------------- 22-2778876 J~ __________________________ ------------------------------------------------------J~ __________________________ ------------------------------------------------------- - - BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Not/ce, see the Instructions for Fonn 990. --- - - -- --- - ~EA5001L --- 08122114 -- - - - - - - -- Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Page 2 te[1ili,1M1Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 - - - because It had one or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year. (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (b) Primary activity (c) LeQal domiCile (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (g) Share of end-ot-t ear asse s (t) Share of total Income (e) Predominant Income (related, unrelated, excluded from tax under sectIons 512·514) 111 ____________ (h) (I) DlsproporCode V-UBI tlonate amount In box allocations? 20 of Schedule K·1 (Form 1065) Yes No 0) General or managing partner? Yes (k) Percentage gwnershlp No --------------------------.!21 ____________ -------------- -------------J3l ____________ -------------- -------------- - ~ - - - ~- - ~- -- ---- ~- - - -- - L- _ _ _ _ - - ------- - - --- - ~- -- -- - - --- mmLYJlldentification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, 1:IiII _ _.... :...;oa.:_m line 34 because it had one or more related organizations treated as a corporation or trust during the tax year. Wof related organization Name, address, and El ~1 (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domiCile (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (el Type 0 entity (C corp, S corp, or trust) (t) Share of total Income (~) Share 0 end·of· year assets (h) Percentage ownership (I) Sec 51~bXI3) controll entity? Yes No _______________________ ------------------------------------------------91 _______________________ ------------------------------------------------- (3) ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------~-~-- BM "--- - -- TEEA5002L 08122114 - - - - - -~ - - L- Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 94-3371033 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE Page 3 ilia Transactions With Related Organizations Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35b, or 36. Note. Complete Ime 1 If any entIty IS listed m Parts 11, Ill, or IV of thIs schedule. DUring the tax year, dId the organIzatIon engage In any of the follOWIng transactIons wIth one or more related organlza!Jons lIsted 1 In Parts II·IV? a b c d e ReceIpt of 0) Interest (1) annuItIes 011) royaltIes or (iv) rent from a controlled entlt)! . . . . . . . . . .. .........•.............. ...... ..... ... ... ................... I-._--t--I---':.:.... GIft, grant, or capItal contributIon to related organlzat,on(s} ......... ... ... .. ..... ... .................. . ............................................... '1 ' b 1 X 1 GIft, grant, or capital contributIOn from related organ,zat,on(s). . . . . .. .... .... ... ................................ ....................... .................... ~ ~ X Loans or loan guarantees to or for related organlzat,on(s) ..... . ......................................................................... I : - I I" Loans or loan guarantees by related organlzation(s) ... f g h I j DIvIdends from related organlzat,on(s) . .. '" '" ............................................................................... I .. I Sale of assets to related organlzatlon(s). ... . Purchase of assets from related organlzatlon(s) .. ................... ... ............... ........ " ....................................... I ::. I Exchange of assets wIth related organlza!Jon(s) Lease of facIlItIes, equIpment, or other assets to related organlzat,on(s) '" ... .................................. ....... . .................................... . I" I •• k Lease of facIlities, equIpment, or other assets from related organlzatJon(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........................................... . .. •• I Performance of servIces or membershIp or fundralslng sollcltatJons for related organlzatlon(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..................................................... m Performance of servIces or membershIp or tundralslng sollcltatJons by related organlzatlon(s) . . . . . .. ..... ... ..... ............................................. n Sharing of faCIlities, equIpment, mailing lists, or other assets WIth related organlzatlon(s) .. '" ................................................................... o Sharing of paid employees WIth related organlzatlon(s) . .. .... .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .............................. . ..................................... . , I , m , n X X X .. -II---ll-=-=p ReImbursement paid to related organlzatlon(s) for expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................................................. 1-1_.!,. q ReImbursement paid by related organlzatlon(s) for expenses. . . . . .. ............................ .... . ....................................................... . I __ r Other transfer of cash or property to related organlzatlon(s). . . .. . . . . ... .......................................... ............................................. .............. . ............................................................................. . 2 If the answer to any of the above IS 'Yes,' see the instructions for InformatIon on who must complete thiS line, IncludIng covered relationships and transactJon thresholds. (a) (b) ~c) Method Name of related organization Transaction Amoun Involved type (a-s) amount involved 5 Other transfer of cash or property from related organlzatlon(s) . " of(~etermlnlng (1) IICD MICHIGAN B 424,140. FMV (~ IICD MASSACHUSETTS B 251 400. FMV (3) (4) (5) (6) BAA TEEASOO3L 08122114 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 94-3371033 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE EmfI»YJft1 Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, Page 4 line 37. Provide the follOWing Informalion for each entity taxed as a partnership through which the organization conducted more than five percent of Its activities (measured by total assets or gross revenue) that was not a related organlzalion. See instructions regarding exclUSion for certain Investment partnerships. (a) Name, address, and EIN of entity ~l _______________ (b) Primary activity (c) Legal domiCile (state or foreign country) (d) (e) Predominant Are all partners section Income (related, unreSOI(cX3) lated, excluded organizations? from tax under section 512-514) Yes No (f) Share of total Income (g) Share of end-of-~ear asse s (It D'Ispropor(h) Code -UBI tlonate amount In box allocatIOns? 20 of Schedule K-l (k) (J) General or Percentage managmg ownership partner? Form (1065) Yes No Yes No ----------------- ----------------J~ _______________ --------------------------------(3) ------------------------------------------------- (4) ------------------------------------------------~l _______________ --------------------------------(6) ----------------- ---------------------------------~--------------- --------------------------------J~ _______________ --------------------------------_ . - BAA TEEASOO4l 08122114 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 fflatm(J1m Supplemental Information Pr~vide BAA Page 5 additional information for responses to questions on Schedule R (see instructions). TEEA5OO5L 08122114 Schedule R (Form 990) 2014 Form 8868 Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return (Rev January 2014) OMS No. 1545·1709 ~ File a separate application for each return. ~ Information about Form 8868 and its instructions is at www.irs.govlform8868. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service . ............... ~ ~ • If you. are filing for an Automatic 3·Month Extension, complete only Part I • If you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3·Month Extension, complete only Part 11 (on page 2 of this form). and check this box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do not complete Part 11 unless you have already been granted an automatic 3·month extenSion on a previously filed Form 8868. Electronic filing (e·fiIe). You can electronically file Form 8868 If you need a 3·month automatic extension of time to file (6 months for a corporation reqUired to file Form 990·n, or an additional (not automatic) 3·month extension of time. You can electronically file Form 8868 to request an extension of time to file any of the forms listed In Part I or Part 11 With the exception of Form 8870, Information Return for Transfers Associated With Certain Personal Benefit Contracts, which must be sent to the IRS In paper format (see instructions). For more details on the electronic filing of this form, VISit www.lrs.govleflle and click on e·ftle for Chanties & Nonproftts. Ipart I IAutomatic 3·Month Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed). . ~ A corporation reqUIred to file Form 990·T and requesting an automatic 6·month extension - check this box and complete Part I only. 0 All other corporations (including 7720·C filers), partnerships, REMICs, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file Income tax returns. Enter filer's identifying number, see instructions Type or print File by the due date for fllrng your return See Instructions Name of exempt organization or other filer, see Instructions Employer Identification number (EIN) or RECYCLE FOR CHANGE 94-3371033 Number, street, and room or sUite number If a P 0 box, see Instructions. SOCial security number (SSN) 1081 ESSEX AVENUE City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. For a foreign address, see rnstructlons. RICHMOND, CA 94801 Enter the Return code for the return that this application IS for (file a separate application for each return) . .. .. Ap~lication Return Code Is or Form 990 or Form 990·EZ Form 990·BL Form 4720 (IndiVidual) Form 990·PF Form 990·T (section 401 (a) or 408(a) trust) Form 990·T (trust other than above) The books are In the care of ~ • 01 02 03 04 05 06 Return Code Is or Form 990·T (corporation) Form 1041·A Form 4720 (other than Individual) Form 5227 Form 6069 Form 8870 07 08 09 10 11 12 _IlU_U'§ ____________________________ _ ~IlL_D Telephone No. ~ ~!.0_-1~2_-]~~_______ • • AP~lication . Fax No. ~ _______________ _ 0 If the organization does not have an office or place of bUSiness In the United States, check this box.. . . ~ If this IS for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) , If this IS for the whole group, check this box. ~ If It IS for part of the group, check this box " ~ and attach a list With the names and EINs of all members the extension fS for. , I request an automatic 3·month (6 months for a corporation reqUIred to file Form 990·T) extension of time 0. 0 _' until _ ~/_1~ ___ .' 20 1~ to file the exempt organization return for the organlzalion named above. The extension IS for the organization's return for: ~ ~ calendar year 20 14 or ~ 0 tax year beglnnln~ ______ 2 ' 20 , and ending o If the tax year entered In line 1 IS for less than 12 months, check reason' Change In accounling period ,20 0 Initial return DFlnal return 3a If this application IS for Forms 990·BL, 990·PF, 990·T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any .. .. . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . nonrefundable credits. See instructions " .. 3a $ O. b If this application IS for Forms 990·PF, 990·T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated . . .. . . . . . . .. tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit 3b $ O. c Balance due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include J,0ur payment With thiS form, If reqUIred, by uSing EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) ee instructions .. . .. . . . . . . .. 3c $ O. Caution. If you are gOing to make an electronic funds Withdrawal (direct debit) With thiS Form 8868, see Form 8453·EO and Form 8879·EO for payment instructions. BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. FIFZ0501L 12131113 Form 8868 (Rev 1·2014)