?m . Aw ORDINANCE amending Smctiuna Qr?inamca 98852 an? adding new SB, 5C and 6D 3tan?&??3 for buil?ings and Hi?taric Qistxict an? e3 craating the Distriat ?avolving Fun&,? crimi?al penalties far tharato to astabli preservaticn and maintan structuxag in the Fionaer Squaxe tabliahing en?orcement "Pienear Square ?igtexic and imymaing civil an? Az?w? 3 NUMEER 4? I ?an?mmx?uh mum Cmmc? Bin ?f 13M REFEKREIM 3? a; 2:3?3 REFERRED: man gamma: PUE. SAFETY Wuh?aww?W "seconf??EC-Si??n . . a; PRESENTED mam gm: mu. cm max: ?4 vameo m} MAYOR: Awuwmy ?f?f g' ?rususuen; I a; Fh?? ii? VETO mama-?n? PASSE mm Gag; VETO SESSAINEDs I if ??yu 8 and 9 0f ?ection? 6A, Sh minimum G?dz?? 12w4w73 F1131 CE 8 an& 9 0f 0r?inance 98853 an? ta eatabiish AN ORDINANCE aman?ing Eactions adding new ?actiona 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D theretw a: gregexvation an? maintanance oi buil?ings ?aria Di?trict and. minimum standaxda 7 an? structuxes in tha ?ioneex Squv establighing enforcement procedurea; Square Hiatcris District Revmlving Fund, and criminal panalties for nonaemp CITY 0F SEATTLE AS FOLLOWS: creating the ?Pianeer inq civi' ana impos BE IT ORDAINEQ BY That Ordinance 98852 is amen?ed by a?aing thereto Secticn 1. allows: to read as ated Sectian 6R, ?esign ENANCE STANDARDS. MINIMUM MAINT a new sectivn, The Cihy Sectien 6A. lish the purgmses 0f thia t0 accomp rim ?istrict' 5 in the Histo '7Council fina? that in oxde tructure age, huildings and cagione??by 7Grdina ?eway ana ?eterier?tian we structure appurtenant pregervea agai 9 0r portion th the followin mnSt}be areof or'any -n?q1ect. Any buildin ?tharata in which there exists any 0 cen?itians to greaL?hat the pregervation QE the buii?ing or structure 0: 5 occupants, . 47 ;thelae rrflihe Safaty15? it jace?t buildings, >?gr the endangered i3 to be a ?shhaam?dard histoxi lu?ing but no the.occupants Qf a& far the purgases uaby daclare building?: {?531 6 ai?tri?t uxal defectg at haz&xds, inc t_iimited Ad ;Strumt ta the 7 n5 which_are weakened, ?atatioratea, or faundatie sufficient 3i 7 7 2e to carry impesea insecure at inadequate er of in $9 ?efective, SrWith '1gaas with safety; I g?or floor supparts which a '?etericrate?, 2.;3Floarin ength t0 carry 0r 9f insufficiEnt 5123 0: iMpased loaa gafety: p&rtiticns, or ether vertical sugports gs a? walls, 3. Mamba, ze or a: axe 0f in5uffisient $1 list, buckle, oa?s with sa?ety; ling and reof th?h Split, lean, strength to carry imposed 1 augyexts, mbers of ceilings, which Sag? roofs, Split, buckle, or are 0f Ma 9r other horizontal ummber aize Gr strength ta carry imgmae? lo&?s with gafaty; bulge, Settle, or 033d loads with imaufiicient S. Fireyla Gas 0r chimneya which raxa of insufficiant size my strength t0 carry img Qa?ety; 0r parapets, 0r apyen?agaa 6. Exterioz cantilever walls, buil?ing located or wall a? a by an exteri exit from ?ttached_to or suppaxte a?jacent t0 a public way or ta a way set apart Ear ?7 hui1&ing or passage of pedestrians, if ca?tilever walls, appen?ageg axe not so constxucm?1 anchored or braced in their orlgina; 1* avent Qf an 0r to remain whally ??giu nd Gapable of pro?ucing a lateral farce equal t0 ygarthquake er wi "ngraVity; elament thereof,such a5 arches, I 7. Any exterior wall (0 lint?lsF etc;) lacated a?jacent to a.pUblic way or ta i?:a way set agart for exit Exam a builainq or pas?age of pedastrians, I I 30 canatructed, anchore? or braced as ta xemain wind ii S?ch'wall is not Qh61ly-ih 1%5*6iiginal position in event of an earthquake ~?ducing lateral farce equal to 0.270f gravity; 7 Gs hayistrugture, ahimhey, flashing, antannai air gonditigner, 0r:Gther appe??aga attachea to ex located on a Saaf of a buil?i?g 7Ath?tri$ n0t 36 attached thexet? 50 as t0 remaih wholly in its Griginal yositi?? in event cf an eaxthquake ax Windstorm capable lateral force equal to 6.2 o? gravity or an upli?t of-graducing_? equal the weight of the object plus gravity. 3. ??fective er inadequate weather prdtaction, inaluding t,n0t limii?d t0 the fellowing: all?Qr ha Or falling interior broken, laose, l. Cxumbling, ceiling CQVEting: 2; Broken or ?gssing doors aha wind?ws; ineffective, or lack cf waterpracfi?g cf 3. Deteriorated, foun?atians Q: flogrs; 7/ Q. Detaxiorated, ineffective, ax lack 0f exterior wall incl?ding lack of paint Qr ather ?xotactive ?b??ihg; I r: Det??ioxated, ineffectivg, Qr lack of raof wavering; 6. Brek?n, split, decayed Of buckled ext: wall or reef a 7. Gutters an? which have deteriu&ated. ?7 - increasing the hazards of fire or aaci?wnt, {_inclu&ing, but hot limited to the fallowing: l. Accu?ulations 9f rubbish and debris:? I 2. Any Condition as to Gauge 3 fire or explosion or t? 5 p:fviaa a ready fuel to augment the spread or intensity cf fire or arising ixcm any mange. ?(Secti?n12. Thaa Ordinance 98852 is amandea by adding thereta 3 haw sectic?. aesignatad Section 6B, to read a3 follows: Section 53, 0F MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS. 1A., AND NOTICE. The Superintan?ent of Buil?ings _Shall investigate any building which, in his opinion, may be a j?S?bStandard his?oxid_district buil?ing and if, after investigati?n, ?;he fi?ds ?hat a??h building is ?ubstan?ard, then ha shall give >J?in9ti?? t9 the owner 9f record or to the person responsible ther?for J?y mail, or by personal service, ax if ?nnabl??to effe?t suchtnatice by posting on the pxemises, stating Tfin what raspect?_tha buil?ing is a subatandard histcric distric? i;bui1ding, an? ?gtting farth the repairs, alterations 0r improvement such buildin?:xaqnired to correat such gubatandar& canditieng] 1Qr pxeaerve the building and a reagonable peria? of time within, which,such require? work shall be acne. Such naticea shall also inform the owne: or perscn that sai? Superintendent*s j?findings and of?ers theraan will be subject ta feview and h?ari?g fibe?ore the Baara at a time and place set by the Baar?. A copy 57ofisai? notice Shall be farwardea imme?iately t9 the Scard? B. REARIRG BEFORE Ti; Upcn receipt of the copy 0f the natica issua? by the Superintendent of Buildingg, the Baard shall set a,tima and place fox review and public hearing on the matter and Shall giva said Superintan?ent an? the owner or parson responsibla far tha affestad building written aha yublic notice thereafg Sai? Superinten?ent ahall mat pracee? with further action in enforcement yen?ing review an? hearing by the Board. Such hearing shall be held not later than thirty ?ays after th? ?issuance o??tha Baard?s notice. such hearing, the Board shall review the ?indings- orders 9f the Superintendent cf Buildings G?ntaine? in sai? notic??an? ghall make a determinationVas to whather such 'findings are true and correct within the meaning Of this ordinanme. ?Ifithe Board concurs with gaid Superintendent's findings that? 7theraffacte? buil?ing is a substan?ar? histdric ?istrict building, ?the Bbard shall further dataxmine whether said?Suparinten?ant?s :?r?ers fmr'correc?ions to comply are reasonable and necegsaxy 'fto*accomplia? the purposes of this or?iuamce. The Bcar? shall have the pmwer in aannection with SuCh hearing 7to a?miniSter oaths and affirmaticns, examine witn&3?es and receive Xsuch_avide?ce as may ha presente? 0n behalf of any yarty in interest, (:an?rbase? ??on such evidence the Board shali issue its awn Qrdar raffirming, ?evarsihg or mgdifying the Qr?ervef the cf Buildings. ?7 An Cr?er of the Bear? Shall bear the same consaquen?a if issued by the Superintendent 0f Buil?ings. The findihgs and ordera c? the Board shall ha tranamittad t0 the owner 0r @arson responsible fer the affected buil?ing mat Later than thirty aays following date of hearing an? decisicn; Ca OF FINAL GREEK. If the Gwner or party in Vinterest fails to with a finai orderrtc repair, alter, preserve 0r improva such buil?ing, the Superintendent mf Buildingg, by such means and with such assistance as may be available ta him, is h?reby antharizad and directad to cause such buil?ing to be xepaired, altered Qr improve?, and the casts theracf shall ha recovered by the City in the manner @revided by law. As to any building which 13 unoccupied 0r is vacated and clesed, the Suparintendent of Buil?ing? or the Beard ugon review may, where and necessary for public Safety, or?er tha_foll?wing: l.t That service of water, elactricity and gas be terminated. 2. 'That all accumulations Qf flammable or combuatible rubbish or?debxi$ be removed from the premi?ag by the awne: or "o?her person reayongible fer the building.?7 3. That all windows, domrs Gr 0th openings in su?h 'buildings be locked, barrica?ed or otharwiae secured by the aner pgrson responsible for the buildings Matarials and i usad fax scuring buildings and affecting the exterior the building shall require a Certificate of A?proval i~issue? by ghe Directwr un?ex Sectian 6 0f this Ordinanae, Casts incurred hf aha City where the owner or otgar persan resgcn?ible fat the building fails to domply with such or?ers shall be: ?due.to and cellectible by the City in suba?CtiQn ED. abova. Section 3. That Qr?inance 98352 is amended by adding Ithexeto a new sectiOn, ?esignatea Section to read as foilcws: [Se?fimn 6C.- HISTQREC DISTRICT BED REPAIR REVQLVING FUND. Thare is hereby created im tha City Trea?ury a sgecial fund designated the "Pianaer Squaxe Siatoric Bisttict Fund,? from which fun? shall be pai? costa and ex?enses incuxxad by the City in connectian with the rapair, al?eratian, pgeservatibn, or 9f any Substanaard histoxia aistrict buii&inga$ defina?rby'?his or?i?anca and or?ara? rapaire?, altexe?, fl?rgs?rVEd, Qr impravea, aha into which fund ahall b3 pai?; YH l. Suc? sums as may be receverea by the City as reimburgement y??;for7ccst$ and-?gpenses 0f repair, alteraticn erimprovament af i?i$tb?ic Distri?tlbuilding$ and Structures found t9 ha substandard; Such Other Sums aa may by ordinance be apyr0?riated to :erd?aignated a$ rave?ue of, such fund: and I .3. Such dther sums as may by gift, bequegt or grant be _?w?ep?$it$d in su?h fund; 5?i?n?,th3 City Cs?gtraller is authorize? to draw and the City Treaaurer the nece??ary warrants ana make the necesaary tr&nsferg? l>iysection That Qrdinanae 98852 is ?mende? by addi?g thereto 1??w sa?tiQ?, d?Signate? Sectica 6D, to read as fallaws: 66; APPLICATION 09 OTHER ORDINANCES. Any rap?ir: ?rf?agla?ement cf structural elements in buildings required un?err 7'74thi3 of?inance, Shall be done in accardanae with-Khe apglicable iQFg1pgoviSions Of Coda. unless etherwise provi?ed in this ?76rainance._ Occu??nay requirements shall be as previded by the Code. "?N0thing in this ordinance shall permit any violation af ?iheszoning Or?inaEC?; Compliance:with this ordinance shall not i:i; itsalf canstit?te compliance with any other coda 0r ordinance Lg? which a buildi?g may be subject! nor shall compliance with ether applig?bla.cgdes 0r brdinances constitute compliance 'Qigh this ordinan?e. Secticn 5. That Sectien 77$f Ordinance 98852, as last Va??ndad by Ordina??e 99846, is further amen?ad to rea? as follows: Sectien 7. MEETINGS, PROCEDURES, RECQ 95. The Boara or ,C??mission ahall meet far purposes of historic wreservatian at $u?h times as it may determine, or upon call 0f the Chairman. In addition, the Baaxd or Cammissian may establish such Standar?s an? procedaxes as it may deeL necegsary tn further the purposes 'apga?riata dQ@axtmant$ GE Th6 ?ity,of Sea?tlag @i?ng wihh a aegy of the appliaation far building, mm?i?iaatimm, ax ?em?litimn permit. Tha Bward an? Cummigsion ghall alga cwnaidmr and waku xemommandativns on all madi?iaatimn$ ox mddit10n$ $0 @uhlj; aneas, inclu?ing Street furnitura, ligmting fixturew and pavi?g materials._ ?Sggtion 6. That Sectian 8 of Oxdiaamca 98332 i? aman?ad ta xead as *ysectibn.8. wha hhi? ?xiinanca shall b??en?a?ced by the Supexinten?eut of Builaings~ The Bcar? shall a?vise and asgist the Suyexintendant 0f Buildingg in the enforcemant of this ardinancew 3gTh?,Boara is hexeby ?esignated as the boara of aypealg thg-Pianeer Square Histmric District to;hear and decide agpeaLs_?erzoxders 9f.the in the exgrcise.of gcwers ass?gned by this ordinance in relation to tha.rah?bilitatien, pre$exvation an? maintenance of Eistaric District buildings and structures en?angexe? by naqlect an? disrepair, U?on presentation 0f proper credentials, the Superintendent 0f Euildinga or his auly authoxized regresentative may, with the 09mgant of tha occupant, or with tha aansent of the aner Q?,am una??u?iad hvilding, 0x pursuant t0 a_lawfully iS$uea warrant, enter at rea?anable timea any buil?ing o: Other structure in the Historic Di?txict ta any auty impose? upon him by this or?inanca. ?f this Qr?inanca. All glang, alavatiwnaf apeci?iaaticns, and Sk?tGh?? gr 0thar informatien naceggary Eax tha reviaw by ?he Baax? or Cammi?simn of archite?tural detail?g calarg, building' ma?am?aigi sigma, OI other faaturm? subject am publim View shaTl ha mada availabla to ?ne Boara at by the ayplicant or agpragxiaia ?eyaxtmanta Qf The Gity 0f ?eattle; along with a copy tha aygliw&timn Ear buil?ing, mo?i?imation,?or aemalition pexmita Th3 Emard an? Camm133i0n Shall alga cansi?ar and make r?mwmma?datim?? an all modifiaaticns m: additians to publiw inaludxng stxaat ?urnitura, lighting fiXtures an? yaving mamriala a ?entig? 6? That Sectimn 8 0f ?rdinance 98852 is amended ta xaad a3 f911??5i a ?actig? 3. HNEGRCEMENT. The proviaions 6f ?his ar?inance if$hal1 ha ?nf?xc$d b3 the Superintendent'of Building?. The Emar??ahall a?vise and assiat the Superintenaent of rel;Buildings in the 0f this Grainance. Th6 Bqard ia?hereby designated as the boar? of appeala 'f?r the Pimn??rUSquaxa Hiatoric District t0_haar an? aaci?a fappeala frami?xdera cf the SU?erintendent of Buii?ing? in tha exeraise of ?awers aagigned by this ordinance in relation t0 the rehabilitation, preservatian and mainteha?d? 6f Hiatoric District builainga ana structures endangered by-neglect and ?isrepair. Upo?_?iegentation a? pruper credentials, the Superintendent 0f Buildi?gs Or hi3 duly authaxized representative may, with the comsent of the occupant, ?x with the cansent'?f the ownar cf an unaccupie? building, or pursuant to a lawfully issued warrant, renter at raascnable times any building or ether structure in the any duty impased upnn him by thi$ ?igtoric District to parfurm ordinance; Seation That ?actian 9 Cf Qxdin&nce 98852 :3 aman?ed ta xe&d as follows; Seaticn?9. PENALTY. Anyone ngg&ting 0r failing ta camply with the provisians 0f this Grdin?nce shall upon conviction thereef, be fined in a Sum not excee?ing ?ivw hun?red dellara ?er be imprisone? in the City Jail for a term mat exceeding six or may ha bath SQ fined and impriggned, and aach 1; vimlation 0: failure to camply shall caustitute a separate Q?fgnse. In addition ta any ether sanctian 0r remedial proce?uxe ai% which may he a?ailable, any person ?ailing to with a aatice of cr?er issued by the Superintand?nt sf Buildings fQ cf_BQard undaf provisions of Seetion 63 shall be subject t0 .3 Cumulative ?ivil penalty in the amount of Ten {$19.08} 7? pev day from ?he_?ate set for campliance until such vioxation arder is complied 1$ ?mrrac?ed ax.such_n0tice of Vielatia? or penalty Ehall be collected by civil*amticn, breught7 hug vif_in th? mama 0f5tha Sity and commenag? in the Mm?iaipal Court, ShaXl natify khe Carpaxation :1an? the Supariakandant of Buil?ings in writing of the namg,mf any persmn to such {ifp?nalty aad th? amount thereof} ana such officer Shall, with the ;?ssi$tan?a 0f ?ne Superintenaent oi Buil?ings? takg appxopriate ?i action t6 collect the same. The.?efendant in any such action may gnaw, in mitiga?ian?m? ~1iabilitYr 1. That tha wi:ldtion giving riae to such actian wa3 aausa? by the Mat, 9: neglect 0r abuse of anather; or 2* frat cnrrec?iwn of ?nch violatian waa cammenced but that full ?chliance within upan reaeipt Qf notice theremf, (To be used for all ()rdinanccs axcept Emergency?) the time apacified wag pwevented by inability ta obtain neceasary materials 0: labar, inability t0 gain access tn tha Subject building, my athar canditign or cixcum?tanaes beyand the can?ral 0f dafe?dant. and upan suah a Qhowing, tha cmurt may remit all Gr part c? the accumulated penalky ax jugtice may require. from gm} af?er its passage and tshall become a law under the i "7 Published 31ml! take effect and be in force mix-{y days approval, if appxowzd by the Mayor; otherwise ?itshall take effect at the time i provisions of tin: ,city? charbxr. Passed by Bh??ity?w and! of, .??iigtmi v. mid Signed by me :in Session in authenticatiion of its gassagg 7 3 ?v .: 19m . if? Approved. :ziy' this .day of Filed 39y mer ,day of .. if I Attest: 5%me 7 my Com??c?s??r and City mark, (SEAL(Berk. C55 20.? The Ci?iy of Smt?w-Legislmwe Bewa?mm?: 7. MR. PRESIDENT: Qata Ram?m} am} ,Mwm? Your Cumminge on PUBLIC ?to which was referred (LB . 94666 Amn?ing ?2 ,8 andi. 9 m? Qrdinanca 98852 am}, adding may! Secticn 623,, 613, 6c: and meretm t0 cagtablish minimum atandarda for pre?arva?tion and maintgnama of builaings anti structuxas in ?lm Pmnaasr Squaw Bighorn District anti astablishing an?crcamant grocaauxe?; araating ??L?Pionear Square Histoxic Distriat. ?z?ta'wlving Func?i? am?i impinging civil and criminal genaitiea for ncncoxqgli meat. THE 3MB DO PASS . . - a: 2 'mgmmuyw.? I, I Irv-jg? Essa (Sh?rmfm v. {:?migzm?m . ?Navymmitmre