, ^.1 ;,ffi ti r :t TERRITORY OF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSCOMPANIES ACT (CAP.29I) ISECTIONS1,I AND 15) CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION No.511582 at-e pa-i<, ¡¡- r^ f¡1é 1r .rÉñi--Fq rhé rañ11;féñóñt< fñt é.ñ)1 ^f tha i^na1 a-f;n -€ rhF q*-rr4h A'rciné<< ra.^a-r T-ivñrr a-mñ2ñia< ^F r"Iands A-r a2^ ;n4arnarFfian IIEREBY 2A1 h21.;nd CERTlflEq rh2r )11 ^aan c2f;cfiaÁ P . \L l t E R E Q r t T t t S L t \ l t T E t ) ic :- ^--n--¡+éd Company this 2nd 'day rl-ó of - D-: Sephember, -- Tnternalional Business 2002. '-' D-:¡ -^u- : r Fhé Ta--: 11 f-rv a! or lhe v arqrn -Lslanos Lv& ,!- (} !} C R ' I I OO1 Z i COl ll']¡\NIES :üü P /Ár,6- ;"ffir3 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS THE INTERNATIONALBUSINESS COMPANIES ACT (cAP2el) MEMORANDUMOFASSOCIATION AND ARTICLESOFASSOCIATION OF PALMER EOUITIES LIMITED IBC NO,: 511582 Incorporated this 2nd day of September,2002 BRITISH VIRGTNTSLANDS THf, INTf,RNATIONAL BUSINESSCOMPANItrSACT (c4P.291) Mf,IIORANDUM Of ASSOCIATION OF PALMER EOUITÍES LIMITED ('the Cohpany") I Thlr Name of¿he Comps¡y is P¿l¡ne¡EquitiesLi¡ni¡erl. 2 Thlr Regisi€red Ofllce of ¡he Companyis Aka¡a Blde., 24 De C¿s¡.oS¡¡ecr,WjckhamsCa] I, RoadTow&Tortol¿, Bntish Virgin ldands or suchother placewithin the British Vi¡gin Islandsas the directorsmay ffom time io time 3 The Registefed Agelt o¡ lh€ Comp¿nyis MossackFors€ca& Co.(B V.I.) Ltd. P.O.Box 313ó,RoadTowlr,To¡¡ola, BntishVirgin Islandsor suchotherpersonor companybeinga personor companyentitledto actasa Registered Agenr .r\rhedrc.ror\m¿) fromrimeru r.mederermine Theobjectsfor whichtheComtanyis estabfished arc: (") To canf on thc business olan invesimentcompany¡nd for thaipurpose(o acqúi¡e(by origin¿lsubsc.iption. cont acr,tender,purchaseor exchangeundeñnting) and to hold. in the nameof the Companyor of any nominec,sharestocks.debentores, dcbenture stocks,bonds,notes.obligations of securilies, andto subscribe lor th€ samesubiectto suchteÍns andconditions(if any)asmaybe thoughtfit (b) To exerciseand enforceaLlrighb andpowersconfenedby or incidentto thc ownershipof any suchsh¿re stockobligationsof othef securitjesincludingwithoütprejudicero the generalityoi ihe foregoingall such powersof veto or controlas may be co¡fenedby virtue of the holding by the Companyof somespecial propofionof theissuedor nominal¿mountthereofandto providemanageriaL andothefexecutrve supcfvisory and cons¡rltancy seNicesfor or in rclationto ¡ny companyin lvhichthe Companyis interestcdupon such tcrmsasmay bc lhought fit (c) To b¡iy, own, hold, subdividc,lease,seLl.rent,preparcbuildingsires,construct,reconstruct, alter,improvc, decomte,irmish, opemte.maintain.reclaimor otherwisedealwith and/ordevelopland and buildingsand otherwisedealin realcstatein all its bf¿nches. to makcadvánces üponthe securityofland of housesor other propefy or anyinterestlherei4a¡d whethererect€dor in courseof efectionandwhctheron first mortgageor chargeor subjectto ¡ p¡iof mortgageor molgagcsor chargeor charges, andto developlandandbuildingsas m¿ysee¡reipedie¡fbLrrwilhoxtprejüdjceto t¡e gene¡alityofthe fbregoing. (d) To car¡],or ¡hebusi¡essol¡¡¿derserd ¡¡ercha¡tsofany kj¡d, naiureor description, andthe saleof rend€ring ofr€iatcdproductsaDdservices, andtheemployment of thenecessafy personncl therefor G) Withoui prejudiceto rhe gcneralityof the forcgoingparagraphs: to carry on the businessof franchising¡ to purchase,sell, excü¿nge,le¿sq m¿naee.hold, trade, inyes¡ in ¿ll kjDds of rt pfopeny, .cnice.ofany rind.nrrureor merch¿rdi\e. comnoJ,rie,. proJucr.. efrecr.. of commenrialor financialoperation,to reccive¡tnd/o.pay rolahies, outgoingsof any kind. to purchase, construct.chaltcf,own, opcrate,ma¡ any kind and tidr appurrenarccs a d rÉlat€dservic€s¿nd agencies;¡o employthe necessryperso¡neltherefor. rype 6R{P/ To buy. sell, $deívrite, iNest in, c'(changeor olherwise acquire.and to hol¡1.manage.devclop,deal wirh rnd tum to accountany bonds, debentures,sháres(whether fully paid of not), srock options,conmodities. futures, forward contra$s, nores or sectrritiesof governments,s¡alcs,nunicifalitics. public aurho¡itiesor public or pfivate limitcd or únlimited companiesin any paft o{the world, preciousm'fals, gems. works ofart and orher articles of \rhie. ¿nd shether on a cash of nrargiDb¿sis and including short salcs.and ro lend noney against lhc securi¡yofany ofthe aforcmentioncdp.op€rty. (g) To bon¡w or mise money lfom. but not refricted to, banks by the issue of deben¡Lrres, debenturesrock (pcpet al or te¡mimble), bonds, mo¡tgagcs,or any other secuities fbunded or bascdupon all or ány ofrhe assetsor prcpefy ofthe Company or without ary such secufityánd upon suchtcrms ás ro pdority or othcnvisc as the Company shall thiDk fit. To engagcin any other businessor busincsseswhatsoevcf,or in any act or acrivily, which are not pronibire¡l tmder ary law ibf the time bcing in lofce in the British Vi.gin Islands. 0) To do all such other things as afe i cidenlal to, or the Compa¡y may thi¡k co¡du¿ive td, the attain¡nentofall or any ofthe abovc objccts. And it is hercbydeclafedthatthe intenlionis thateachofthe objectsspecifiedin eachpa.agraphofthis clauseshall, exccptwhefc orh€r*ise expresse¡t in sucht¿¡ag.aph.be an indepcLrdeot main objecr¿nd be in ¡ovise linir¿d o¡ rcstrictedby refercnce to or infc¡enccfron thetennsof¿ny otherparagmph o. tbenameofthe Co¡npáüy. 5. l'heCompanyhasno powcrto: G) carryon business with persons residentin thc Brtish \¡i.Sin Islands; (b) own an inte.osti¡ r¿alpropertysitüdiein theBritishVirgin Islan¡ls,otherrh (e) of subsection (2); a leascrefenedLUur p¿.as,¿pn cany on bankingor tnst business, unlessn is lice¡sedt¡ndertheBanksandTrustCompanies Act, I 990; (d) carry on businessas an i¡suranceof rcinsürance conpany"insumncc¿genror insurancebrokcf,unlessit is Iice¡sedundcran enactment au¡horising it fo cary on rharbüsinessj car¡, on the businessof comp¡nymanagement unlessit is liccnsedunderthe CompanyManagemenr Act, 1990,o¡ (0 6 carryon theb sincssofprovidingtheRegiste¡ed Officeor theRegistercdAgentfor companies incorporated in theBritishVirgin Islan¡ls. Tbe Companyshallnot be tr¿ated¡tscarryingon business with personsrcsidentin the B¡itishVirgin lslandsby re¡son (a) it ¡nakcsor ¡naint¡i¡sdeposits with a pcrsoncarryingo¡ bankingbusiness within tireBrilishVi¡gin Irlandst (b) it makcs or maintainsprofessionalcontrct with solicitors,bamsrers.lccountants,bookkeepcrs.trusl conpa¡ies,administration co¡npanies" investment advisers or othcrsirnilafpersons canling on busiresswithii\ thcBririshVi gi¡ Isiands; (c.) itprepar€sor maintainsbooksandrecor¡lswithin the BritishVifgnrklands; (d) it holds, within theBritislrVirgin Istands,meetings ofits djrec¡orc or members; it holdsa leascof properlyfor uscasxn oflice from which to communicate with membersor wherebooksand recDrds.ofthe company¿reprcparedor mainto,in€d; l it holdsshárcs.debl obligarionsor othersecoriticsin ¿ companyincorporatcd underthis Act or underthe shares,debtobligfiionsor othersecuritiesin the Companyare ownedby any personresidentin rhe Bntish Vi.gin Islandso¡ by anycompanyincoryo.ated undc¡tbeAct o¡u¡dc¡ tbeCompa¡iesAcr. 1. Thcsharesin thcComp¡nyshallbe issuedin thecuÍency of theUuted S¡a¡es o¡Anie¡i¿¿. 8. Theauthorised capitalof theCompanyis USD50,000divided into 50,000sharcswirh a parvalüeo{ USDL00 e¿ch, $ith onevotefor cachshare Tbe Compa¡ymay issueall of pal1 of its auiho¡isedcapitaleithef as registercdsh¿resor as sharesto beaü as detemine¡lfrom time to time by a rcsolutionof direcrors Sharesissuedas registefedsharcsmay be exch¿nged for sha.esissued¡o bc¿¡e¿Sh¿¡esissued1(rbeáre¡mry be ei(cira¡ged for registercd shares. l0 Thesharcssh¿llbe dividedirto suc¡ nümbc.ofcl¿sses¿ndse.i€s¿st¡c di¡ecto¡sshaljby ¡esolufionfrom riJ¡ero tjme d€tennine anduntil so dividedshalLcomprise oneclassandscries. . Thedirectonshallby fesolutionhaverhepowerto rssueanyclassof senesofsharcsthartheCompanyis authorised to issuein its capit,rl,origin¿lor increascd, powers,preferences, with or subjectio anydesignarions, nghfs.qualifications, limitaiionsándrestrictioDs. 12. W¡eresháresareissue¡llo be¡rer thcbearfi,identiñedfor thispurposcby the nuhberofthe sharcc€ttificate,shallbe fequcsledio provide thc Companywith the name and addressof an agentor attomeyfor serviceof any notice, infoñné¡ionor writ¿e¡statemc¡¡¡eq¿i¡edto be givar to ¡¡embe¡s.and rcryice upon such agentor attomeysha1l constitutescñice uponthe bearerofsuch shafesuntil suchlime as a ¡e$ nrmeandaddressfor serviccis pfovidcdto the Company ln theabsence ofsuch namea d address beingp¡ovided,i¡ shallbe suftlcie¡¿fo¡ thepu¡poseofse¡vice lor the Comlany to publishthe notice,infomation or $,rittenstatcmenlor a sunmary thereofin one or more newspaper circul4tedo. publishedin the Bntish Vifgin Isfandso¡ in a newspaper in thc placewheretlrcConpanyhas its principaloilce. t3- The liabilityof members of the Compahyis iimlted 14. The Comp¿ny ma),¿merdih Me¡¡omnduDofAssociadonby a fesolutionofmembersor by ¿ resolutionofdirectors. iatr. r*,tf We, MOSSACKFONSECA& CO (B.V.L)LTD, of P O. Box 1136,RoadTown, Tortolf. British Virgin ¡slandsfb. the pu¡poscof incoeoratingan International Busin€ssCo¡npanyundefthe laws ofthe British Virgin lstandsherebysubscribeoür na¡¡elo thisMemorandum ofAssociation. NAN{E,ADDRESSAND DESCRTPTTON OF SUBSCRIBER ürossAcK FoNSECA & CO. (B.V.I.) t,TD. AkaraBldg 2,1De C¿stroSt¡ect WickhansCay I BririshVirgin Islands Datedthis 2 d dáyofSepiember2002 W¡TNESSto the¿bovesignatNe: i icllams Cay I Toü¡, Torola B.¿ád 'Bntirh Virgin Ishnds BRITISH VIRCIN fSLANDS THtr INTERNATIONAL BUSINtrSSCOMPANIESACT (cAP. 291) ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF PALMER EOUITItrS LIMITED ('theCompany') References in theseRegulations io thc Act shallmeanThe lntemationalBusinessConpaniesAct (Cap.291). Thc following Reg ¿tionsshail constitutethe Regulationsof the Conpany. ln theseAficlcs, wordsand expressions defincdiñ theAct shallhavethc sanemeaningand,unlessotherlrisercquircdby tbc coniext,th€singularshallinclude the flural andvice versa,the masculineshallincludethe feminincandncurcr andrefcrences to personsshalli¡clude co¡porations andaLllegalenlitiescapableofhavinga legalexistence. SHARES 2. The authonscdcapital ofthe Companyrs USD50,000divided inro 50,000shareswirh a par value ofUSD1.00 each, lvith one vote lbr cach sha¡e 3. Every peno¡ lvhose nane is enleredas a ¡nembefin the shaferegisterbeing the holder ofregislered sharcs,and cvcry personwho subscribesfof sharesissuedto bearer,shall be entitled to a certificatesignedby ihc directorG) or officerG) so aulhorisedand under the comrnonseal of the Company,specifying the shareor shareshcid and the par valuethereof, providedthat in respectof a regrsteredshare,or shafes,heldjoinlly by severalpenons, thc Company shall ñot be bound to issue more than one ceflificate, and delivery of a cerificale for a share to one of scveralioint holder¡ shall be suÍicient ¡lelivery to all 4 In thc case of bearer shares.each cetificate fo¡ shafesissued to bearer shall carry an identifying numbcr, ¿nd thc Cornpanysh¡ll maintain a ¡egisterofthe n¿meand addfessofan agentor attomeywhich nay be given to thc Cornpany by lhc be¿rer identified for this pu.pose by such identifying number, fof serviceof any notice- inlormation or writtcn statemcntrequiredto be given to mcmbers. 5 lfa cefilicate is worn out of lost, it may be renewedon productionof the wom-out cefificate, or on satisfactoryprool of its loss together with such indcmnity as the directors may reasonablyrequi¡e. Any nember receiving ¿ share cerificate sh¡ll indemnify and hold the Company and its officen harmlessfrom any loss or liability which it or they may iDcurby reasonof wrongful or fr¿udulentuse or representationmade by any personby virtue of the possessionof SHARE CAPITAL AND VARIATION OF RIGHTS Subjectto the pfovisions ofthese Articles, the unissücdsharcsofihc Company (whetherfoming pal1 ofthe original or any increasedcapital) shall bc át the disposalof the directors who may offer, ¿llot, gr¿nt options over or otheNisc disposeof them to suchperconsat such times and fof such consider¡tion,being not l€ss than the par value of the shares being disposedof, and upon such terrnsand conditionsas the difectorsmay determine. 7. Withoüt prcjudice to any special¡ights previousLyconfeffed on the holdersofany existing shafesof classofshares, any shafein thc Conpany may be issuedwith such prefer¡ed,deferredor other specialrights, or such restriclions,whether in regardto dividsD¡l,voting, retum of capital or orheNise, as the directorsmay from time to time determrne Subjectto the prolisions of the Act in this regard,sharesmay be issuedon the tems that they are redeemable,o¡, at the option ofthe Company,liable io be red€emedon süch terms and in suchnanncr as the dircctorsbefore or at the time of the issueofthe sharesmay deiemine The di¡ectorsnay redeemany suchsharcat ¡ prenium r0 tf at any limc the shafe capital is dividcd into difTerentclassesof shares.thc nghts attached to any class (unless otheñvisc trovided by the temN ofissue ofthe shafesofthat class)n¿y, whcther or not the Company is being wound up. be vrric¡l with ihe consentin wniing of the holders of not less rhan fifty{De percent ofthe issuedsharesof rhai classand ofthe holde.sof no¡ less thrn fifty-one pefcen¡of the issucdsharcsof any other classofshares which may be a ¡ctcd by suchva.iation. The ghts confe.rcd upon thc holders of fhe sharesofany classissuedwith preferredof othe¡ rights shau not. ünlcss othcrwise expresslyprovidcd by the terms of issueoflhc sharcsofthat class.be deemedto be vaned by the cfcation o. issueof further sharesranki¡g pari passutherewith. D. Except ¡s ¡equiredby law, no person sh¿I1be rccognisedby the Company as holding any shareupon any truf. and rhe Company shall not bc bouDd by or be compellcd i¡ aDy rvay ro recognise (even when having noticc rhcreol) any cquit¿ble,contingent,futu¡e or partial interestin any shdreor any intefest in any ffaciional part of a sharc or (excepi only as by rheseRcgulationsor by law otherwiseprovided) any other righrs in respectof ¿ny sharc except an ¡bsolute right to the entirely thcrcofby the ¡egisteredhot¡rer. TRANSFER OF SHARf,S l3 Registercdsh¡res ir the Co¡npanymay be transfered by a wriltcn infrument signed by the transfe¡ofand containing the namc and ¡ddress of the hnsfcree or in such other manncr or fom and subiect to such evidenceas the dircctors shall considerappropriate. Sharcsissuedro bearershall bc ftrnsfered by delivery ofthe cerificate evidencingsame The holder ofrcgistered sharcsmay requestthat such sharcsbc exchangedfor shafesissuedto bearerand thc directo¡s shall cancel the certificaiescvidencingregisteredsharcsand the entry in the shaferegisterand insteadissuc a cctificate evidcnciDgsharesissuedto bearerwith and subjectto such cvi¡lenceof iltent as the difectofsnay considcrappropriate 15 The holder of ¡ certiñcate evidencingsharesissuedto bcarcr m¡y fequesrth¿r such sharesbe exchangedlbr rcgisrered sharesand the directom shall canccl the ce tificaie evidencnrgsharesissuedto bearer and insteadissue a ccr1ificáte evidencingregisteredsharesand cnter the name and addressoftho hol¡le¡ thercof in the shareregisterwith and subjcci to such evidenceofintent as thc dircctorsnay considerappropnatc. Upon reccipt of notification of any changeofname and addrcssofany agent or attorneygiven to rhe Company for ihe purpose ol scrvice of any noticc. infomaiion or written siatcmcnt requifed to be given ro members, idcnrificd by reference!o thc nunber ofthe certificate to bearef.the directorssh¡rllfbthwith anend the regisrermaintainedlbr rhis TRANSMISSION OF SHARf,S t7 18. 'Ihe personalrepresentative,guardi¿nor trusteeas the casemay bc of a deceased,incompetenrof bankruprsolc hol¡tcr ofa registeredsh¡re shall be ihe only pcrson recognisedby the Company rs having any title to the share Inthecaseof a shafe fegisrcrcd in the names of two or mo.e holderc, the sürvivor or survivors. and the personal represcntativc. gua.dianor ttusteeas the casemay bc ofthe deceased-inconpctcnt or bankrupt, shall be the only pefsonG) recogniscd by the Conlpány as having any iitle to the share,bü! thcy shall not be entitLedro exerciseany rights as a mcmber ofrhe Company until they haveproceedcdas ser fofh in ihe followjng two Regulariol1S Any pe¡son bccoming entitled by oporation of la$ o¡ oihcrwisc to a sharc or sharesin consequenceof ihe ileath. incompetenceor bankrupicyofany mcmber nay be registefedas a mcmber upon suchevidencebeing produccdas may reasonablybe rcquired by the dircctors. An application by any such person to be .egistered¿s a menbcr fbr atl pufposesshatl bc deemedto be a transferofshares oflhe deccassd.i¡comDetenior bankrupt member and lhc directors shall treatit as such. l 19 yf er bankruptco A n y p e r s o nx h o h a sb e c o m ee n t i u c dt o a s h a r eo r s h a r e si n c o D s e q u e n coef d r c ¿ e a L hi ,n c o m t c t e n c o a n y m e ¡ n b e rm a y , i n s t e a do f b e i n g r e g i s t e r e d h i n s e l i r e q u e s it n w ¡ t l n g t h a t s o m ep e r s o r t o b e n a m e db y h i n b e registcredas a transfcrceof süchshar€or sh¡res dnd such .equeslshxll likcwlse be tfeated as if it rvered t¡a¡sl¿r. ACQUISITION O¡ O\vN SH^RES ? 0. Subject ro thc provisions o I the Aci in this regard. thc diecton may, on bchalf of the Company, pürchase,redeemor othenvise rcquire any of rhe Compa¡y's owD sharesbul only out of sunlus or in exchangcl¡r nervly issuedsharesof equal v¡luc, or for suc considerarionas they considerfit. and either cancelor lold such sharesas treasurysbares The directorsnay disposeof ¡¡y sharesheld as treasuryshareson such tems and conditionsas they m¡y from time to trme dete¡mine Sharesmay be purchasedor orheNise ácquire¡ i¡ exchangefo. newly issuedsharesin the Company. N { O R T C A G E SA N D C H A R C E S O F R E C I S T E R E D S H A R E S 21. MembeN nray moñgagc or charge thej¡ registeredsharcsin the Comp¡ny xnd upon satisfacloryevidencethereol the Company shall sive effeci to tbe terms of any valid mofgage or chafge except insofar as it may conflict with any requircmentshereincontainedforconsent to the transfcrofshares In the cascol lhc mofgage of cha¡geofrcgistercd sharcsthere may be enteredin the shareregislerofthe Company ¿t l¡. rcquef rifrhe regis¡e.edbolde¡ ofsu¿h sh¡res: - a statementthat the shares¡re mortgagedor chargedi - the nameofthe mortgageeor chargcc;and - the dateon which rhe aforesaidpxrticLrlarsare enieredin lhe shareregistcr. whcre paricü1arsof a Inongageor chargearc rcgistered,suchpaticul¡rs shall be cancclledl - with the co¡senrof the n¡ncd norlgagee or chargeeor a¡yone authoriscdto act on his bchali or - upon evidencesat¡facto.J 1orbe directorsoithe dischargeofthe liability secu¡edby the mo¡1gageo. charge a n d t h e i s s u eo f s u c h h d e r ¡ n i t i e sa s t h ed i . e c t o ns h a l lc o n s e . n c c c s s a .oy r d e s i r ¡ b l c . Whilsr p¡¡1iculr.s of a mofgage or chafge are rcg¡tcred. no transferol any sh¡re conp¡ised rherein shall be effected without rhc rvrittenconsentofthe namedmongageeor cha¡geeor anyoneaulhorisedlo act on ¡is behali. FORFEITURtrOF SHARES 22. When sharesissuedfor aprornissory note orotherwritten ob igation forpayme forfeiture,the following provisionsshall apply: of a debt have beenissuedsubject to W.jtten notice specil}ing a datefor paymentio be made and the sharesin respectofwhich paymentis to be madesball be seryedon the nember who defaultsin naki¡g payment pursua¡t to a promissorynote or other written obligationsio pay a dcbt. A written notice specifyinga datefor paymentshall: G) namea further datenot earlier than the expirationol l ,l days from the d ate of seryiceof tlre nolice on or before whicb payme¡t requiredby the notice is to be made; and (b) contain a statementthat in rhe event of non-payr¡entat or before the time ¡¿med i rhe nútic€ ihe shar¿s.o¡ ¡rnyof them,in respectotwbich paymentis not madewill be liable to be forfeited When a wriften ¡otice has bee¡ issuedand the requirementshave not been complied wirh wjthin the prescribedtime, the directorsmay at aDy tine bcfore tende¡ofpayment forfeit and ca¡cel the sharesto which the notjce rel¡tes The Comprny is unde¡ ¡o obligation to reiiDd ¡ny rno¡€ys to the nember whose shares have been forl¡ited a¡d c ¡ n . e l l e dp u r s u a ntro ¡ h c s cf r o r i s i o n s U p o n f o . f e i t ü . ea ¡ d . ¡ n c e l l a r i o no f r h e s h a r c sr h c m e n b e r i s d i s c h a r g c d from any firlhcr obligation to lhc Conrpany\!ilh rcspectro rhe sharesforfeitedand clncellcd. ALTERATION IN CAPfIAI, 2l Sublect ¡o t¡e terms ol any rcsolution passedby the directorcfof the pueose of inc¡easingthe authorisedcapirel of thc Company, such increasedcap;tal rnay be dividcd into sharesof such ¡especlive amounts, an¡ with such righ¡s or p r i ! i l e g e s( i f a n y ) a s r h ed i r c c t o r st h i n ke x p e d i e n t . )4 Any capital raised by rhc crcation of new sharcsstrall bc consideredas part ofthe original c¡pital. and sball bc subjecl ro the sameprovisionsas if it hxd been pa.t ofthe onginal capital 25 26 'Ihe d i r e c t o nm a y b y r e s o l u t i o n : G) c o ¡ s o l i ¡ l a taen d d i v i d ca l 1o r a n y o f i t s s h a r ec a p i t a li n r os h a r e so f l a r g e ra m o u n t h a ¡ i t s e x i s t i n gs h a r e s ; (b) c a n c c la n y s h a . e sw h i c h .a t t h e ¡ a i e o f t h e p ¡ s s i n go f t h e r e s o l L r t i ohna, v en o t b c c nr a k e no r a g r e e dt o b e t a k e n b y a n y p e r s o na n d d i m i n i s hr h e a m o u n to f i t s a u t h o r i s e sdh a r ec a p i l a lb y t h c a n o u i t o f t h es h a r e s o c a n c c l l c d ' (c) sL¡bdivide its sharcs or any ol them into shares of smaller anount than is fixed by rhe Nlemorand m of A s s o c i a t i o na n d s o d r a t s u b j e c tt o d r e p r o v i s i o n so f R c g ü l a l i o nl 0 t h e r e s o l u t i o nw h e r e b y¡ n y s h r r e i s sub divided may determine that as between tbe holdcrs ofrhe sha¡esresulting f.om sL¡chsub dirision one or more ofthe sbaresrnay hale such preferredor other spccial rights ove. or may have such qualified of defemed rights or be sLrbjcctto any such restrictionsas comparedrviih the other or others as the Company has polver to attachto ünissuedor n€\,shares; (d) subject to any confimation o. consent¡equired by law, reduce ils authorise¡land issued sharecapital or any capital rede¡npiionreservefund or any sharepremium accoü¡t in a¡y m¡nner. W h c r c a n y d i f f i c L r l t ya r i s e si n r e g a r dt o a n y c o n s o l i d a t i oann d d i v i s i o nu n d e rt h i s R e g u l a t i o nt.h e d i r e c t o r sm a y s e t i l c the sameas tbey think cxpedient \'If,E'TINCS OF NIEMBf,RS 27 The directors may convcne meetingsofthe mernbersofthe Company at such times and in such mam¡erand placesas the directo¡s consider necessaryor desirable, and rhey sball convcnc such a meeting upon the written reqüest of membershol¡ling more lh¡n 50 percentoflhe !otes of¡he outstandingvoling sharesin the Company. 28 Seven days' notice at thc lcast specifying the place, the day and the hour of the mee ng and rhe generalnatü.e of rhe businessto be conductedshall be given in the mannerhereinafrermentioncd lo such personswhose names on the date the noiice is given appearas menbers in the shareregisterof the Company and to thc ¡gent or attomey ofrecord of the holdercofbearer shares¡aling úe right to vote at such meeting 29. A meeting oflhe membersshall be deem€dto havc been validly held, notwit¡strnding that it is held in contmventionof the .equiremcntto giv€ notice in Regülation28, ifnotice ofthe meeting is waived by ninety percentofthe votes ofall shareshaving a right to attendand vote at the meeting. t0 Thc inadvefent failurc ofthe directors to give notic€ of a meeting to a member or to the agent or attomey as the case may be. of the fact that a member or such agento. aitomey has not ¡eceivedthe notice, docsnot invalidale the meeLing. P R O C E I D I N G S A T N I E E T I N G SO F N I E ¡ I B E R S ll N o b u s i n e s s h a l lb c t r a n s a c t cadl r n y m c c t i i g u n l c s sa q u o r u mo f n e m b e r s i s r e s e ¡ t a t t h e t i m e w h e n t h e m e e h n g p r o c e e dt o s b u s i n c s sA.q u o r u m s h ¡ l l c o n s i s t o f r b e h o l d e r o r h o l d c r s p r e s e n t i n p e N o ¡ o r b y p r o x y o f n o t l e s s l h a n o n e third of thc sharcsofeach cl¡ss or seriesof sirarese¡titled to vote as d cl¡ss or seriesthercon¡¡d the sameprolortion of t h e r o t c so f t h c r e m ¡ i ¡ i n gs h ¡ r e se n t i d e dt o v o t e l h e . e o I 12. I f r i r h i n h a l f d n h o u r f r o m t h e t i m e a p p o i n t e d f o r t h e m e e t i n g a q u o r u i s n o rp ¡ e s e n t .h e m e e t i ¡ gs h a l lb e d i s s o l v e d . lj. Ai cv.ry mccti¡g thc mcmbcrs preseDtshall choosesomconoof thelr nurnber10 be the Chairman. If the ¡nembersarc unable to choosc a Chaimran for rny reasoD,then rhe personrcprcse¡ti¡g the greatestnumber ofvoti¡g shafespfesent at rhc mecti¡g shall presidcas Cbanr¡an, Iiiling which the oldesti¡dividual personshall take lhe chair. 31. The Chaim)an may, with Lheconsentofthe neeting, adjoum any ¡neeringfrom timc to !ime, and from placeto place. but no businessshall be transacledaLany adjoumed meetingoLhert¡an rhe büsinessIell unñnishedat lhe meetinSfrom which tbe adjoumme¡l rook place. 15. A r a n y m e e t i n ga r e s o l u t i o np r t t o L h ev o t e o f L h em e e L i n gs h a l l b e d e c j d e do n a s h o w o f h a n d s b y s i m p l en r a j o r i t y ü n l e s sa p o l l j s ( b e f o ¡ eo r o n r h ed e c l a r a L i oo f r h e r e s ü l to f t h e s h o wo f h a n d s )d c m a n d c d : G) (b) by t¡e Chairnan; or by any menber or memberslresent in personor by proxy and representnrgnot less than one tenth ofthe tot¡l voting .ights ofall the mcmbersha!ing thc right to vote al lhe meeting 36 Llnlessa poll be so demanded,a decl¿rationby the Chai¡nan th¡t a resohrlionhas, on a show ofhands, been caricd, and an entry to that effect in the book containi¡g the minu¡esof the procccdi¡gs of the Company, shdll be sulficicnt cvidence of rhe fact, without proof of lhe number or propoÍion of thc votes recorded in favour of or againsl suc¡ 17 I l ¡ p o l l i s d u l ] d c m ¿ D d c di l, s h ¡ l l b c t a k c nj n s u c hm ¡ n n c r a s r h c C h a i ¡ r r ¡ ¡ J i r . c t s .a n d l b c r e s u l to f r h e p o l l s h . l l b e deemedto be tbe .esolutionofthe meeii¡g at which the poll was ¡emanded. The dcmandfor a poll may be wirhdraun. 18. I n t h e c a s eo f a n e q u a l i t yo l v o t e s ,w h e t h e fo ¡ a s h o w ; f h a n d s ,o r o n a p o l l . t h c C h a i r m a no f t h e m e e t i n ga t n b i c h r b e s h o wo f h a n d st a k e sp l a c e ,o r a t w h l c l l h e! o l l i s d e n a n d e ds, h a l lb e e n t i t l e dt o a s e c o n do r c a s t i n gv o t e VOTES OF }ItrNIBERS 19. At any meeLingof membeÉ, whether on a show ofbands or o¡ a poll, every holder ofa voting sharepresentin pe¡son of by p¡oxy shall haveone vote for every voting shareofwhich he is the holder. ,10. A .esolutionwhich bas beennotified to all membersfo. the time being entitled to vote and which bas beenapprovedby a majority of the votes ofr¡ose membefsin rhe form ofone or nore documentsin lvriting or by telex, telegrarn,cable o¡ o¡lrer written elecironic communicafion shau foÍhwirh, wiúoul the nced fof any ¡otice. bccomc ef}éctual as a resolutionof the members. 4I . I I a commi nee be appointedfor any memberwho is of unsoundnind he nay vote by his committee 42. Iftüo or morc pcrsonsarejointly enri cd to a rcgistcredshareor sharesa¡d ifl¡orc th¡n one ofsuch personsshall Yote in pcrson or by prory at any neeting ofnembers or in acco.dancewith rhe tems of Regulation39, the vole of thar personrvhosenarneappearcfirst among suchvotingjoint holdersin the sharercgiste. shall alonebe counted. 43. Votes may be given either personallyor by proxy. 'I he instrumc¡t aptoinring a proxy shall be produced at the pla.e appointedfor thc mecting bcforc the tirne fo¡ holding t ¡ e r ¡ e e l i n g¿ ¡ rt v h i c ht h ep e r s o n¡ a m e d i ¡ s u c hi n s t r u m e npt f o p o s e tso v o r e . ,15. A n i n s t r u m e n at p p o i n i i n ga r r o x y s h a l l b e i n s u c h f o r m a s t h e C h a i m a n o f t h e m ¿ e t i n gs h a l l a c c e p ta s p . o t e r l ) ¡ c ! i d e n c f g r h ew i s h e so i t h e r n e r n b ear p p o i n t i n gr h ep r o x y . T h € i n s t r u m c u ¡t p p o i r r r i n ga p r o x y s h a l l b c i n w t i n g u ¡ d e r r h e h d n d o f r h e a p p o i ¡ t e r .u n l e s s¡ h e a l p o i D t e ri s a c o r p o r a r i o on r o t h e ff o r m o f l e g a le ¡ t i r y o t h c rr h a no n e o r m o r e i n d i ! i d u a l sh o l d i n ga sj o i n t o w n e r s j,n w h i c h c a s et h e i n s l u ¡ r c na t p p o i n l i n ga p r o x y s h a l lb e i n ! v r l t j n gL , n d e(rh ch a n do f a n i n d i v i d u a d l u l y a u ¡ h o ¡ r s ebdy s u c hc o r p o r - ¡ t i oon¡ I e g r l e n t i r yt o e x e c u t et h e s a m e .T h c C h a i n n a no f a n y m e e r i n ga t w h i c h a v o t e i s c a s tb y p r o x y s o a u t h o n s e m d ay call f b r a n o t a r i a l l yc e Í i f i e d c o p y o f a L r l h o n r yw h i c h s h a l lb e p r o d u c e d u i r h i n T d a y s o f b e i ¡ g s o r e q u e s t e d o r t h c v o t e o r v o t c sc a r b y r u c h p r o x y s h a l lb e d i s r e g a ¡ d e d I n r h e c a s eo f a p r o x y b e i n gg i v e n b y t h e h o l d e ¡ o f a s h a r ei s s u e dt o bearer, it shall be sufficie¡i for the atpoinrer to identify h mself by writing the identilying numbe. of thc cel1ificare evidencingthe shafeslssuedlo bearcr. C O R P O R A T I O N S A C T I N G B Y R t r P R E S E N T A T I V E SA T M E E T I N G S 17. Any coryoration or olhcr lonn of co¡poraielegal entity which is a member of the Company may by resolution of its directo.s or othcr goveming body aüthonscsuch person as ir thinks fit to acr as irs .epresentativeat any mceting of the mer¡bersor ofaDy classof membersof tbe Company,and the personso aüthorisedshall be entitled to exerciscthc sane poNe.s on bebalf of lhe corporation which hc representsas that coporation could exercise if it we¡e an individudl memberof the Comfany. DIRECTORS SubjecLli) any subseqüentamendmcnt to change the number of directo¡s- Lheminimum number of dÍectors of the C o m p a n ys b a l lb e o n ea n d t h em a x i m u mn u m b e rs h a l lb e t w e n ¡ y The first dirccto¡ or directo.ssball be electcdby the subscnbefto the Memorandum. The.eafter.rhe director(s)shall be e l e c t e db y t h e m e m b c r so r r h ed i r e c L o(ri f t h c r c i s o n l y o n e Jo r d i r e d o r sf o r s u c ht e m a s t h e ¡ ¡ e m b e r so r t b e d i r c c r o r( i f ' h e r ei s o n l ) o n e l o ' d r r . I ^ r \ T a ) d e r e ¡ m r n e 50. Thc director(s)shall bold office until hilrheir) succcsso(t shall take office or uniil his(thei.) earlie. death,resignarion 5l E v e r yv a c a n c yi n t h e b o a r do f d i r e c t o $m ¡ y b e f i l l e d b ¡ a r c s o l u r i o ío f r h e m € m b e Ao r o t t h e d r r e c t o (r i f t h e r ei s o n l y one) or of a majority ofthe remaining ¡lirectorsitapplicable 52. A di.ector shall not ¡equjre a sharequalification, but ¡evefheless shall be cntiiled to attendand speakat any meeting of the membersand at any separatemeetingof the holdersolany classofshares in thc Company. 53. A direclor by writing under his hand deposiredat the RegisteredOfñce ofrhe Company rnay from time to time appoi¡t another dúector o. any olher person to be his altemale. Every such altematc shail be entitled to be given norice of meeti¡gs ofthe direclo.s and to attcnd and vote as a director at any suchmecting at which the dúector appointinghim is not personallypresentand generallyat suchmeeling ro haveand exerciseall tbe powers, nghts, duties and authoritiesof the director appDintinghim Every such altemare shall be deemed1o be anofficerofthe Company and shall notbe deemedro be an agentoftbe director appoinling him. lfundue delay or difficülty woüld be occasionedby giving no ce to a diector ofa resolutionofwhich his approval is sought in accordancewith Regulation78, his altcmate(ifany) shrll be entitled to signily approvalofthe sane on behalfofrhat di¡ector The renuneration ofan altemateshall be payable out o I rhe remunerationpayableto the d irector appointing him, and shall co¡s ist o I such porion of Lhelasi mentioned remunention as shall be agreedbetweensucb allemateaDdthe dircctof appointinghim A directorby lvritjng undcr his hand deposiied at the RegisteredOffice of the Company may at any time revoke ihe appoi¡hent of an altemate appointedby him. If a director shall die or ceaseto hold the office oI di.ector, the appointmentof his altemate shall tbcreuponceaseand teminate J Thc dircclors m¡], by ¡csolution-fix the cmolumenls ol dircctors i¡r .espe.f of serliccs renderedor ro be renderedin dny capacity to the Conrpa¡y lhe dircctors may also bc paid such travelling. hotcl and other expensesproperly incured by them in ¡ttending and fe¡umiDg from meclings of the directon, or dn) commiltee of the directors of rneetingsofthe membe.s.o. in connectio¡ rvirh the businessol the Co¡npanyas shall be approvedby resolutionot the 55. Any direclor Íno, by.eques¡,goes or ¡esides.broad for any purposesofihe Conpa¡y of who perfblms serviceswhich in Lhe opinio¡ of the directors go beyond rhe ordinary dulies of a director. may be paid such extrd '€mu.e.ation ¡ \ h e t h e r b y w a y o f s a l ¡ r y .c o r n n i s s i o np. a ¡ t i c i p a t i o inn p m f i r so r o t h c r q i s e )a s s h a l lb e ¡ p p r o \ c d b y ¡ e s o l u t i o no f t h e 56 The Company ma] pay to a directof who a he requestof¡hc Company holds any officc (includnrg a directorchip)i¡, or rende.ssewices 1o any company in which lhe Comt¡¡y may be rnterested,such renLrneration(whether by lvay of salary. commissio¡, pa¡licipation in profits or otheNisc) in respecLofsuch office or scrvicesas shall be approvcdby resolutionof the directors. 51 t h e o f ñ c eo f d i r e c t o rs h a l l b ev a c a t e di f t h ed i r e c t o f : is removedffom office by a resoiutionof membcrsor by a resolutionofdirectors. or (bl beconresbankruprof makesany ana¡gement or compositionlvith his creditorsgcnerally,or b e c o r ¡ eo s f u n s o ü n dm i n d ,o r o f s u c b i n f i r m h e a l t ha s l o b e i n c a ! a b l eo f m a ¡ a g i ¡ g h i s a f f a i r s o. r (d) 58. resignshis office by noticc in rvriting to thc Compa¡y. ( a ) A dircctor may hold any other office or posilion of profit undcr ihe Conp¡ny (except that of audi¡of) in conjunctionwillr his ofñce ofdirecio¡, and may act in a profession¡lc¡pacity to the Conrp¡Dyon s!ch te¡ms as to rcmüncrationand olhen'r'iseas lhe directo¡sshall aÍange (b) A director¡nay be o. becomea djrecto¡ o. other officer of, or olhel!ise interestedin any co¡¡pany pfomoredby the Compa¡y, or in which rhe Conrpany m¿y be intcrcsted,as a member or otherwise,and no such ¡lirector shall be accountablefof any remunerationor other benefits rcceived by him as director or officer or from his inlerest in -fhe such other company directors may also c.(crciseLhevoting powers confered by the sharesin any other company held or owned by rhe Compa¡y in süch manne. i¡ al1 respeclsrs they think fi1, includi¡g the exercise thereof in favour of any resolutionsappointing them, or any of their number directors or oflicers of such otber compaDyi or votiDg or providi¡g for the paynent of remuner¡tioD to the directors or officers of süch other company. A di¡eotor may vote jn favou¡ of the exercise of sucb voting ghts in tbe manner aforesaid. nofwithstandingthat he may be, or be about to become.a di¡ector or officer ofsuch orhcr company,and as such in any other mannerú, or nay be, interestedin the exerciseofsüch voting igbts in the manneraforesaid. (c) No director shall be disqualiñcd by his office from contractiDgwilh the Company, either as vendor, purcbaseror otheNise, Dor shall any such contract or arangement enteredinto by or on behalfoFrhe Conpany in which any director sball be in any way i¡lerested be voided, nor shall any dúector so conkacting or being so rnter€fed be liable to account to the Company for any profit rcalisedby any such contfact or arangement, by .easonof such director holding tbat office or ofrhe fiduciary relatjonshipthc¡eby established-The nature ofa düector'sint€rest m¡st be decla.ed by him al tJremee¿¡ngol't¡e di¡ecrorsat which the question of entering iDto the contact or arrangementis first takeninto consideration,and iflhe directorwas not at the dale ofthat meetinginterestedin the proposedcontractor anangenent. or shall becone interestedin a contractof arangemenr afte¡ it is nade, he shall fofbwirh after becomins so interercd advise the Company in wnli¡g ofthe fact and na re ofhis interest. A generalnotice to the directors by a director thal he is a menbcr of a specified fim or company. and is to be regardedas iDlerestedin any contractor transactionwhich may, after rhe date ofnotice. be nade wirh süch finn or company shall (if such director shall give the sameat a meeting of the düectors.or shall iake reasonabl€stepsto secu¡e that the sane is bfought up and read ¡t the next meeting of directors after ii is given) be a suflicient dcclirá1i.n ofinte.est in relationro suchcontractor transactionwilh such fim or company. A d rector ¡r.r), be countedas one of a quorum ul2ona motior i¡ respectoien] contrlct or arangemenl which he s h a l l m a k cw i t h r h eC o m p a n yo. . i n \ h i c h h c i s s o i n t e r e s t e d aasf o r e s a i da,n d m a yv o t eu p o ns u c hm o t i o n . OFFICERS 59. The directorsof lhe Cor¡pany may. by a resolúion of direcrors,¿ptoi¡r olficers ol rhe Company at such tirncs ¡s shall be cons;de.edncccssaryo¡ expe¡ient. and such office$ may consist of a Prcsident,one or Inore Vice-Presidents-a Secretaryand a Treasurefand such orher officcrs as mly trom rime to timc be deemeddesi.able. The olficers shell p e r f o r ms u c hd u t i e sa s s h a l lb e p r e s c r l b eadt r h e t i m e o f r h e i r a p p o i n r m e nstu b j e c L t oa n y m o d i f i c a t i o ni n s u c hd u r i e sa s may be prescribedby the dircctors thereafter,but in the absenceof any specific allocation of duties rt shall be rhe rcsponsibility of rhe Presidentto managethe day to day af airs of the Conpany, t¡e Vice-P.esidentsto act in ordef of scniority jn the absenceof the Pfesidenrbut othemise to pe.fom such dutics as may bc dclegaled ro them by fhe President,the Secretary to maintain the registers,minLrtebooks and records (olher than financi¡l reco.ds) of the Company and to ensurccompliancewirh all proceduralrequirenents n¡poscd on thc Company by ¡pplic¡ble law. and the Treasurerto be responsibleforrhe financial affairs ofthe Company. Any personmay hold more than one office and no officer need be r dire or o¡ menrberofthe Cornpany The officen shall .enain in olfce until removedlrom officc by ihe dúectors$hether or not a successoris appointed. 6r. Any office. who is n body co¡pomre may appoint any penon its duly authofised representarivefor the purpose of representiügit xnd of trans¡ctingany ofthe businessof the office¡s. PO\!AIIS OF DIRECTORS 62 Ihe busincssofthe Company shall bc managedby rh€ directorsaho may pay all expensesincured preliminary to and In connectionsith the fo¡rnationand regütration ofthe Company,and may exerciseall sLrcbpowers oftbc Company as are not by tbc Act or by these Regulatio¡s required ro be exercisedby the nembers snbjectto any delegaiio¡ ofsuch powers as mry be ¡urhorisedby lhcsc Rcgulations¡nd to süch requirementsas may be prescribcdby resolution of the m e m b e r s jb u t n o r e q u i r e m e nm t a d e b y r e s o l u t i o ¡o f t h e m e m b e ¡ ss h a l l p r e v a i l i f i t b e i n c o n s i s r e nwl i r h t h e s e R e g u l a t i o n¡so r s h a l ls u c hr e q ü i r e ¡ n e ni n t v a h d x t ea n y t n o r a c t o f l h e d i r e c i o r su h i c h l v o u l d h a v eb e e nv a l i d j f s u c h rcquirementhad not becn made. 6l The dúec ors may entrustto and confer upon any director or officcr rny of¡he fowcrs exercisableby them upon such tems an¡l conditionsa¡d wilh such restrictionsas they rhink fit, and eithcr collaterallywith, or to the exclusionol_.theil own powersi and may from time to time revoke, withdmw, alter or vary all or a¡y ofsuch powers. The directo15may delegatean] of their powers to commifteesconsistingofsuch member or membersof their body as they think ñtr xny committeeso fo¡med shall in the exerciseof the porversso delegatedconform to any regulationsthat fnay be imposed on it by tbe directon Tne directorsmay ftom time to iime aDdat aoy time by powerof¿itomey appoint any company.fim orperson or body ofpersons. whether nominateddirectly or indirectly by the difecrofs,to bc the auomcy or attomeysofthe Company for such pu¡?osesand w¡h sucb powcrs, authoritiesand discretions(not exceedingthose vested in or exercisableby the directorsunder theseRegulationt and for suchperiod and subjectio suchcondilio¡s as they may tbink fit, and any such polverc of attomey may contain such provisjons for rhe protection a¡d convenienceofpersons dealing with any such attomey as the directorsmay Lhink fit and may also autho¡iseany such auomey 1()delegateall or any of úe powe¡s, authoritiesand discretionsvesredin him. 65 Any director who is a body coryorate Inay appoint any person its duly aurborisedrepfes€nrarivefo.1h€ porpose of represenlingjt at Directorslvfeetingsand of tmnsactingany ofthe businessofthe directors. 9 The Directors arc aurhoised to ope¡ and operate bank dccounts!;th ba¡ks. b.okerage houses,savings and/or loan a s s o c i a t i o ncsr.c d i ti n s t i h r l e o s r a n y s i m i l ¡ r i n s l i t u t i o n os f t h e i r c h o i c ea n y w h e r ei n t h e s , o r l d A l l c h e q u e sp, r o ¡ n i s s o r y D o r c s¡,l r a f t sb, i l l s o f e x c h a n g ea n d o t h e fn e g o t i a b l ien s ¡ r u r ¡ e n rasn d ¿ l l r e c c i t t sf o r ¡ n o n i e sp a i ¡ t o i h e C o r ¡ p a ¡ y ,s h a l l be signed.d.awn. accepLed,e¡dorsed o¡ o¡Ler*-iscexecL¡ted, as the casemay be, in such manner as rhe difectofs shall f r o r nt i n r et o t i n e b y . e s o l u t i o nd e t e ¡ m i n e . 67 The dir€cto.s ay exerciseall thc poivcrs oflhc Company to boro\y money and to moñgage o. chargeits un¡edakings, prop€¡ly and uncalled capilal or an)r palt thcrcof, 1o issLredebentures,debe¡ture fock and other securitieswhenever m o n e yi s b o f r o w e do r a s s € c u r i t ,fvo-r a n y d e b r .l i a b i l i t yo r o b l l g a t i o no f t h c C o m p a n yo r o f a n y t h i r dp a . t y . 6E. Thc continui¡g directorsmay act nofwithstanding¡ny vacanc],i¡ their body, save thar if rhe number of directorssha11 have bcen fixcd a! two or more personsand by reasonofvacancics having occu¡redamong the directorsthere shall be o n l y o n ec o n r i n u i n d g i r e c t o rh, e s h a l lb e a u t b o r i s e1dl )a c t a l o n eo n l y f o r t h c p u r p o s eo l a l p o i n t i ¡ g a n o t l r ed¡ i r e c t o r P R O C E E D I N G SO F D f R E C T O R S -fhe m e e t i n g so f t h e d i r e c t o r sa n d a n y c o m m i f t e et h e . e o fs h a l l b e h e l d a t s u c hp l a c eo r p l a c e s a. s i h e d i r e c t o r ss h a l l 7A 't 7) The directors m¡y meet togethef for the dispatch of business.adjoum xnd othenvise regulate their rneelingsds drey t h i n k f i t . Q u e s t i o na s r i s i n ga t a n y m e e l i n gs h a l lb e d e c i d e db y ¡ m a j o r i l yo f v o t e s i i n c a s e o f a n e q u ¡ l i t y o f l o t e s t b e c h a i m r ¡ s h a l lh a v e a s e c o n do r c a s t i n g v o t e A d i r e c t o rm a y r t a n y l i m e s u m m o ra m e e t i n go f t h e d i r e c t o r s I f t h c C o m p ¡ n ys h ¡ l l h a v oo n l y o ¡ e d i r e c t o rt,h e p r o v i s i o n hs e r e i n a f t cc.o n t a i n e d f o r m e e t i n g so f t h e d i r e c t o r s h a l l ¡ o t a p p l y but such solc direclor shall havc ful1 power ro rep.escnland act lbr the Company in all rnatlersand in lieu ol minutesof a Íreeting slall .ecord in writing and sig¡ a note or memorandumofall matte.srequi¡ing a resolütio¡ ot t¡e directors S u c hn o r eo r m e m o r ¿ n d u m s h a l lc o n s r i r u rscu f f i c i c n ct v i d c n c eo f s u c h r e s o l u t i o fno r a l l p u r p o s e s . 7) A directorshall be given not lessthan se!en days notice ola meetjngof the dircclors. 11. N o t l i t h s t a r d i n gR e g u l a t i o 7 . m e e t i n go f d i r c c t o f sh e l di n c o n t r a v e n t i oonf t h a t r e g u l a t i o ns h a l lb e v a l i d i f a n2 abovea majonty ofthe directorsentitle.l to vote at the meetinghavew¡ived t¡e notice ofthe meeting. 71. Thc ina.lveftentfailure to give notice ofa meeting to a düector, or the fact ihat a dircctor has ¡ot receivedthe notice, doesnot invalidatethe meeting '15. A meeti¡g of.hectors is duly constih¡tedfor all purposesjf at the comme¡cementofrhe meeting there are presentr¡ persono¡ by altcmatcnot less than one third oflhe total nü¡rber ofdirectofs wilh a mininun ol two 16 Ifwithin halfan hour from the time atpointed for the meetinga quorum is not present.thc meetingshall be dissolvcd. 17 Any one or more of the dircctorso¡ any committe€üereofmay participatein a meetingof directorsor of a comnitee ofdirecrorc by meansof a co¡ferencetelephoneo. similar communicationsequipme allowi¡g allpe¡sonsparticipatj¡g in the meet;¡g to hea¡eachother at the s¡me time. PaÍicipation by such meansshall constitutepresencein personat a meeting he directo.s may eleci a chairman of Lheirmeetingsand dete¡minethe period for shich he is to hold office; but if ro s u c hc h a i m ¡ ni s e l e c t e do, . ; f a t a n y m e e t i n gt h e c h a i n ¡ a ni s n o t p r e s e n¡t( t h c r i ¡ r c a p p o i n t e dt o r h o l d i ¡ r gt h e s a ¡ n et.h e directorspresentmay chooseone oftheir numbe¡to be Chainnan oflbc mccting. A resolution approvedby a najority of the directors for the time being entjrled to receive notice of a meeting of the directors of of a comnitlee of the difectofs and laking the form of one o. more docunents in writing or by telex, telegmñ, cable o. other written electroniccomnunication shall be as valid and cfcctual as if it had been passedat a meetl'ngoflhe directorso¡ ofsucb coninittee duly convenedand held, wilhoot the needlbr any notice INDf,]\INITY Subicct to the provisions ofrhe Aci and of¡ny other sta(urefor the time being in force. elery director or orhcr officer of t h e C o m p a n ys h a l lb e c n r i t l . dt o b e i n d c n m i f i e do ü t o f t h e a s s e l so f r h c C o m p a ¡ ya g a j n s at l l l o s s e so r I i r b i l i t i e sv h i c h h e m a ] s u s t a l no ¡ i n c u r i D o f ¿ b o u tl h c c x c c u t i o no f t h e d u t i e so f h i s o f f c e o ¡ o r h e n r i s ej n . e l a r i o nr h e r e t o a, n d n o d i r c c t o .o r o t h e ro f ¡ . e r s h ¡ l l b e l i a b l ef b r a n y l o s s .d a m a g eo r ¡ n s l o . t u n cw h i c h n r a yh a p p e nr o , o r b c i n c u r e d b y l h e C o m p a n )i D r h ee x e c u t i o no t r h e d L r l i eosf h i s o l f i c e ,o r j n r e l ¡ t r o nt h e r e r o . SEAL T h c d i r e o r s s b a l lp r o l i d e f o . r h es x f cc u s t o d yo l t h c c o m m o ns e a l o f r b eC o m p a ¡ y . T h c c o m m o ns e a l w b e na f f i x e dt o any inslrunent shall be \litnessed by a director or any olher person so aurlorised from timc to iime by the d;ectors. Thc di.ectors may froride lor a facsimile of the commoD seal and approve rhe sig¡atüre ofa¡y difector or autbo.ised pe$on !\hich may be rep.oduccdby prinring or other merns on any insLrumentand it shall hale the sanc force and lalidity as iflhc seal had beenrtfixed ro such i¡strumenr and the samehad bcc¡ signedas hereinbeforedescribed. DIVIDENDS AND RESERVES 81. 82 T h e d i r e c t o r sm a y ,b y r e s o l u r i o nd, e c l a ¡ ea d r Y i d e n db. u t n o d i v i d c D ds h ¡ l l b e d e c t a r e da n d p a i d e x c e p ro u r o f s u p t u s a n d u n l e s st h e d i r e c t o r sd e t e n ¡ i n et h a ¡i m ¡ l c d i r r e l ya f t e .r e p a y m € n o t frhe dividend G) t h eC o ¡ r p a n yr v i l l b e a b l et o s a i i s l yi t s l i a b i l i t i e sa s t b e yb e c o m ed n e i n t h e o r d i n a r yc o u r s eo f i t s b u s i n e s sa;n d (b) t h e ¡ e a l i s a b l c v a l u e o f r h e a s s e t s o f t h e C o m p a n y w i l l D o r b e l e s s t h a n i h e s u mloi af ibt isl ti o r iteaosl r, h e r t h a n d e f e r r e dt a x e sa, s s h o { n i n t h eb o o k so f a . c o u n r ,a n di t s c a p i t a l . Di!idends may be declaredand paid in money, sharcsor olher propcñy. In comPutingthe su¡plt¡sfor the purposeofresolving ro declarc an¡l pay a dividend. rhe di¡cctors nay include in their c o m p u ¡ a t r otnh c n e ru n r e a l i s eadp p f e c i a t i oonf t h e a s s e t o sfrhe company. 84. Thc directorsr¡ay from time to time pay to the membcrssuch inre.i¡n dividendsas appe¡rto rhe dircctors to be justified b y t h e s u ¡ p l u so l t h c C o m p a n y . 85 Subjectto rhe :ighrsof the holde.sofshares enlitled to specialnghts as ro dividends,all dividends shdll be declaredan¡t pa;d accordingto Lhepar value ofthe sharL-s in issue,exctuding thosesharcswhich are held by ihe Comp¡ny as rreasury \ h a r e sd r r h ed ¿ r eo l d e . l a r ¿ L r oont n e d r \ r J c n J 86. The di¡cctors may, before recommendingany dividend, set aside our of the profirs ofthe Conpany such sums as they think p¡oper of resenes Nhich shall, at the disc.elion of the direcrors. be appticable for meetj¡g contingcncies,or for any other pu.poseto which the profits ofthe Company may be properly appljed,¡nd pendjng such dpplication may. at the likc discretion, either be enployed in the busjnessof rhe Company or be invesred in such investmentsrs rhe directorsmay from tirne to rime rhjnk fir 87. If severalpersonsafe rceistere¡lasjoin r holdersofany share.any ofttrem nay give effectuat.eceipt lbr any dividend or other moniespayableon or in rcspectofrhe share 88 In the caseofshares issuedto bearer.the directon may provide fo. rhe paymenrof dividend by .efefenceto counterfoils or w¡nants issuedwith the cerificate for such shar€s.a¡d the productionofsuch dividend, counte.foil or warant shall cvidenceenlitlement1.] rcceipt of such dividend in the s¡me way and to the sanreextent as producrionofthe cerificare i¡sell At the time of presentalionof the couúerfoil or wal¡ant, Lhe di¡eciors may issue such lu¡lher counterfoils or warants ¡s may be requrredto pemit receiptby the holder rhereofofsubsequentdivjdends E9. r e¡rioned N o r i . e o f a n y d i \ i d e n dr h a i m a y h a v c b e c nd e c l r r c ds h a l lb c g i l e n t o e a c hn r e m b e irn m a n n e rh e r e i n a f i em and all divi¡ends unclaimedfor thrcc ]enrs alicr baling b€en declaredmay bc lorl¡iled by tle directorsfo. the beDefit ofrhe Company. 90. No dilidend slall bcar nfer€st ag¡i¡r rhe Company. BOOKS AND RECORDS 91. The Compan) shall kccp such accou¡ts and recordsas thc di.ecLo.sconsidernecessaryo¡ desirablein o.der to reflect the financialpositionofthe Com!a¡y. 92. The Comrany shall kccp minutesof all meetingsof (lirecton, memb€rs,committeesof direclors.committeesof offi cers and conmittccs ofnembers, and copiesofall resolutionsconsentcdto by directors,membe s,commitleesofdirectors, committeesof olficers andconmittees of mcmbcrs 9l The books, records and minutcs rcquircd by Rcgulations 9l and 92 shall be kept at lhe RegisteredOffice ofthe Companyor at sLrchothcrplace as the d;ccton may dctcmi¡c, and shall be open to the inspectionofthe directo sat all 94. The directo¡sshall from time io time dete.nine wheiher and to what extentand dt whal limes and placesand under what conditionsor regulatio¡sthe books, recordsand minutesofthe Company of ¡ny oflhcn shall be open to the inspection of membersnor being directors. and no member (not bei¡g a director) shall hale any riglt of inspedi¡g any book, record,mi ure or documenLofthc Companyexcept as confered by Law or authonscdby resolutionof the directors ATJDIT 95. The dir€ctors may by resolutioncall for the accornrs of LheCompany to be examinedby an aüdilof or auditors1o be appointe¡ by them at suchrernu¡erationas may from time to time be ag¡ccd. 96 l h e r u d i t o r r ¡ a y b e a m e J ¡ b e ro f t h e C o m p a n y .b u t n o L l i r e c t oof r o f f i c e r s h a l lb e e l i g i b l ed u f n r gh i s c o n t i n u a n cien 97. Evcry ¡uditor of thc Compa¡y shall h¡le a right of accessat all trmes to the books ol accountsand vouchersofthc Company,and shall be e¡rilled to requi¡e ftom the office.s of the Company such informaiion and expla¡ations as he tt¡inksnccessaryfor the pe¡forna¡ce ofhis duties 98. The repod oÍthe auditor shall be annexedto the accountsLrponwhich he reports,and the audiror shall be entitled to receive notice ol and to attend, any ¡leeting at which LheComp¡ny's audited Profit and Loss Account and Aala¡ce Sheeris to be presented NOTICES 99. Any ¡otice, info.mation or written statementrequifed to be given to menbers sball be sen'ed, G) in the case of menbe¡s holding registeredsharcs,by mail (air rnail service ii available) addressedto each memberat lhe addrcssshown in the shareregister;and (b) in the c¡se ofmembers holding sharesissücdto bearer (i) by mail (arr mail seraice if available) addressedio rhe agent or altomey whose name and addresshas been given fo. seNice oi ¡otice by the bearerof the sba.es(identilied fof this pürposeby the number of the share cenificare),of t.l (ii) in rhe absenceoian a.ldressfof servicebeing gi!en. or ifthc nolice. infomation or writcn r¡tement cannotbe s e r v e dl b r a n y o t h e rr e a s o nb, y p u b l i s h i n gt h c ¡ o t i c c , i n l b m a t i o n o r r v r i l c n s t a t c m e nitn r h e C a z e t t ea n d i n o n e o r m o r c n e w s p a p e rpsr b l i s h e do r c i r c u l ¡ t e di n t h e B r i t i s h V i r g i n I s l a D d so r i n a n e w s p a p elrv h e r c t h e Conpany has its pdncipal olficc. r00 A l l n o t i c c sd i r e c t e dt o b e g i v c n t o t h e r n e m b e S s h a l l -N i t h r e s p e ctto a n y r e g i s r e r esdh a r ct o r v h i c hp e r s o n sa r ej o i n t l y enlnlcdb . e g i ! e n t o w h i c h c r c ro f s u c hp e r s o ¡ si s n a m e df i r s r i n t r e s h a r er e g i s t e ra. n dn o t i c cs o g i v e ns h ¡ l l b e s u f f i c i e ¡ t ¡ o t i c e t o x l l r h eh o l d e ¡ so f s u c h s h a r e . l0l A ¡ y n o l i c e .i f s e r v e db y p o s t ,s h a l lb c d e e r n e d1 . : h ) a v eb e e ns e r l e d w i t h i n t e n d a y so f p o s t i n g ,a n d i n p ¡ o v i n gs u c h serlice it shall be suflicient to prove that Lbelcttcr containing the notice w¡s properly addressedand put into the Post Offce PENSIONS,\ND SUPIRANNUATION FUNDS r02 The dircctors may establish and maintain of procure the esLablishrnentand maintenanceof a¡y no¡ contributory pension or süpe¡annuationfunds fbr the benefir ol and give or procLrrethc giving of donation., g Jr' l ec, pensrons. allowanccsor emolumenrsro any tcrsons rvho ¿re o. lve¡e at any lime i¡ the employnent or scrvjce ofrhe Company or any cor¡p¡ny which is a subsidiaD'of rhe Co¡npany or is alljed to or associatcdwrth the Compány or s,irh ar)y such subsidiary.o. who are or werc ¡t any time directors or officcfs of lhe Company or of any such orher company as afo.esaidor who hold o. held any salariedemploymc¡t or otfice in the Company or such other cotrrpamy, or ary pcbons in rvhosewelfare rhe Company or any such other company as aforesaidis or has been ¿r any rime inrerested.and to thc wives. widows, families aDd dependentsof a¡y süch person.and m¡y make p¡ymenrs fof of tos"rds rhe insuranceof any süch personsas afbresaid.¡nd may do any of the ¡ratten aloresaid eithe. alone or in conjunction with any such otl¡cr company as aforesaid. A direcrof holding any such cmployment or office shall be entirled to participarein and retri¡ for his own benefit a¡y suchdonation.gratuity. pc¡sio¡, allolva¡ce o¡ emolumenr \YINDING UP l0-1. l f t h e C o m p a n ys h a l l b ew o u n du p . r h c L i q u i d ¡ r o rm a y .i n a c c o r d a n cw c i r h ¡ r c s o l u t i o no f m e m b e r s ,d i v j l e a m o n gr h e m e n b e r si n s p e c i eo r i n k i ¡ d L h el v h o l eo r a n y p a r to f t h e a s s e l so f t h e C o m p a D y( w h . t h e rt h e ys h a l lc o n s i s or f p r o p e r t y ofthe samekind or not) and may for such purposeset such value as he deemsfair upon rny propeÍy ro be dilided as aforesaidand may detemine holv such division shall be ca¡ried out as betlveen tbe membe.s or dife¡ent classesof membe.s The Liqui¡lator may vest the !\,bolc or any paft ofsuch assersin trusieeslpon such t.usts for rhe benefir of the contrjbutoriesas tbe Liquidator shall think fit, but so that no mernbershall be compelled to acccpt any sharesor other securitieswhereonthere is any liability. \RBITRATION 10,1. WheDeve. any difference arises between the Company on the one hand and any of rhe members. tbeir executors, administmtorsor assignson üe other handtoucbing the true intent and constructiono. the incide¡ce or co¡sequencesof thesepresentsor ofthe Act touching an)ahingdonc or executedomitred o¡ sufered in pursuanceof the Act or touching any breachor allegedbreachor orhe¡lise relating to the premisesor to thesepresentsor to any o¡din¡nce affecring rhe Company or to any ofthe affairs of rhe Company. such difference shall, unless rhe pafies agreero rcl¡r lhe same to a single arbitrato., be refercd to two arbitfatorc one to be chosen by e¡ch of the parties to the difference and the arbit¡atorsshall before e¡tcnng in the referenceappointan unpire. r05 1f eilher party to the feferencenakes default in appointing an arbitrator either originally o. by way of sL¡bslitution(i¡ the event that an appointedarbitfttor sh¡ll die- be incalable of¡cting or refuse ro acr) for ren days after the olher prrly has given him ¡otice to appoint the same,such orher pany m¡y rppoint an a.bitrator to act in the placc ofthe arbjtrator of rhe defaulti¡g party ll CONTINUATION 106. TheCompanymayby resolutionof¡remberso¡ by a fesolütionpassedunaninouslyby all directorsofthe Conpany continueasa companyincorcoraied ¡rndc¡thelarvsotajudsdictionoúsidethe BritishVirgin tslañs in rhemanne! Ir¡ovidedunde.lhoselaws AMENDMtrNT TO ARTICLES 107 Thc Companymay a¡nendits AÉiclesofAssociationby a resolutionofrnembersor by a resolütio ofdi.ectors We,MOSSACKFONSECA& CO.(B.V.I.)LTD., ofP O. Box 3136,RoadTown,l'ortola.BritishVirgin fslandsforthe puryoseofincorporating an Intemalional Business Compa¡yunderthe lawsof the BritishVirgin hlandsherebysubscnbe our nameto theseArticlcsofAssociation. NAtrIE, ADDRESSAND Df,SCRIPTIONOF SUSBCRIBER NrossAcKFoNsEcA& co. (B.y.r.) LTD. AkamBldg. Shirley Chal TrustCompany DATED ihis 2nddayof Seprember. 2002 WITNESSto the abovesignature: WickhamsCayI RoadTown,Tortola BritishVirgin Islands BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSCOMPANIESACT ( c A P 2 9. , MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION AND ARTICLESOF ASSOCIATION OF PALMER EOUITIES LIMITED IBC NO,; 511582 Incorporated this 2nd day of September,2002 M . s s A c Ko 9 \ . ' . i , ) 1 , ' f .1sL.'l l B V l ' 1 1 D/ o r . ' I L r L o L a ,t 1 f l r L \ h v l r g r n l s l ¿ n o s uffi; 'z t(/'} {}.É ¡R\U/ oo O¡ R-ESOLUTIONOF THE SUBSCRIBER OF The undersigned, being the Subsciberto the Memorandum& A¡ticles of Association of PalmerEquitiesLimited , a companyincorporatedunderthe laws of the British Virgin Islands(the"Company"), he¡ebyappoints:- fi¡st Director(s) of the Company, to serve as such until its successor(s)shall have been elected or until its resignation(s)or removal; such election shall be effective immediately and without fwther qualification. Ddtedrhis 2nd day of September.2002. PALMER E QIIITIES LIMTTED (Itrcorporst€d in fhe BvD .. snanrnncrsrER Repu.chese,Redemption Transf€r / f,rchrnge CeÍ. MEMBERS N¡úe & Address N"& ClassoI Sh¡res (Reg¡stercd Snarcs) N' BUSSONLIMtTtrD HE: t10545 a3106/2002 25 000 2005 165.Lo¡dos fl¡¿/ome20l, P-C SERILIJIT ¡IOLDINGS LIMITED HE: 160016 2l104¿005 25 000 30'" d!! oI \lat, 2005 Charzipavlou, 205, fl@¡, flalotre 201, P . C . 1 0 3 6L,i r ¡ a s 5 o l , Cyprus '#1)\.,?:-4.!!;k. 1- \DL 4e;a:lor,1 DiÉdor Atrdrey St¡rhevsky '' EÍi: . Í i"',o': .''j PALMER EQUITIESLIMITED (Incorporated¡rt lhe B.l/.1) SHARN REGISTER Tra sl¿r / Exchange ÑIE]!IBERS \ame & ^ddrcss )J" & Classof Shares (Rcg'stcrcd Shares) / DateIssued (Bea,€r Sharet Repu r chs se, Redemption N"& Class RESOLUTION OF TTIE SOLE DIRACTOR oF' PALMAR EQUTTIESLIMITIID In accord¡nrcewith üe Articler ot Associationof PALMER EeUmfES LII!{ITED (rhe '9meany2, a con¡panyincorporatedin rhe British Virgin lslands and having itr registered olnee at Aka¡a BIdg., 24 De Cast¡o Srrect, WickhamsiJay I, Road ToMr, Tortol4 BVI, l, AtrdtsJrSlsshevskf being the director of the Comp¡ny, do herebyset down fhe following on record; ROSOLyf,D üat, the Comp¡ny is he¡ebyauthorizedro issuefifty thousand(50.000)registered shatesin thc d¡r¡umenta¡yform wiih a nominalyalueof onedolla¡ (USD l O0)cacn, RESOLVrD that, the sh4resarcallottedasfollowst numberHE:1j0j46, dateof ]SSOft LIMITED inco¡poretrdin Cyprus,underincorpomtion reqistrótion 0l dayofJune,2002.registered address: SpytouAraouzou,165,LordosWat€rñonl 2* floor, flavoffice 201, P.C. 3036, Limassol,Cyprus,holds l.wentyfive thousa¡rdsnares (25 000). C,edificsteNo. identiging shareholdi¡g shallbe duly dr¿wna¡rdexecuted. SERILNIT HOLDINCS LIMIIED incorporated in Cwrus, undcr incorporation number HE:160036,date of r€gishúion2l day of April, 2005, registerodaddress:Christodoulou Chatzipavlou, 205,LoúloupisC¡uft, 2nufloo¡,flaVollice201,p.C. 3036,Limassol,Cwrus holds twentyllivetüousandshares(25 000). CsnificateNo,2 identiryingshareholdingstra.llbe duly drawnard executed. o Adoptedandsignedrhis30üdayofMa¡ 2005, 't tr, ,{¡r(]/..!,,)_1, Dirc(tor RESOLUTION OF TIIE SOLE DIRECTOR of PalmerEouitiesLim¡téd Th€Unde¡signe4 beingthe soleDirectorof P¿lmer Equities Limited, an Interiational Busin€ssCompanyexistingunderthe laws of the B¡itish Virgil Islandsand havingits rcgiste¡edoflice at Akara Bldg., 24 De CashoSheet,Wickhañs Cay I, Roa.l Town, Tortol4 British vi¡gin lsladds, acting in such capacity and on that behalq do hereby adopt the followingr€solutionl IT WAS R.ESOLVED,that the Companybe ¡e-registeredas a businesscompanyunderthe BvI Business Companies Act 2004. IT WAS FIIRTEER RESOLVf,D, to adopt,ás it is he¡ebyadopted,the Memoranduma¡d Articles of Associationwhich acaompá¡ythe applicatiol for re-registr¿tionof the Company under the BVI BusinessCompa¡iesAct 2004, as t¡e new Memo.¿ndumand Artioles of Association of theCompany. Adoptedandsig¡edtlis t dayofJuly,2006. ,t; ,;:/ {$* ur,"i"ni";'",* ; ', - lr. *\,r. " ,'ir,r, ' ' PALMER EQUITIESLIMITED NUMBEROF SHARES DATI'OI ISSL]FJ I\4EN'IBER AIJTIIORISED CAPITAL us$50,000.00 PALMER EQUITIESLIMITED f r c o n o r a t eüdn d ü e I r L $ r a n or ¡ B r s i r s s C o n r p ¡ n i c s ¡ c r ( C A P2 9 1 ) o f r t T r t o l o f r h c a r i t i s h v i € i ¡¡ s l a n d s Authorised Capital: US$50,000 dividedlnto 50,000sha¡csrvitha parvalüeof US$1.00each. is entrtled share(s) ofUSSL00 cachio thc ebove namedCompany,sub.Ject to the I\,lernor¿lndun and Articlcs olAssociationof thesaidCompany IN wITNESS WHEREOF the CoLnpenyhesa thoriscdthis certificateto be issued thrs day of Director