CREDIT SUI-SSE 110 323 5L3 ?t . A Form A pursuantto Art. 3 and 4 of the C03 Establishment of the? Beneficial Owner's Identity- mme/Companytcontracling parry): CientNo. (CIF). oreccomt/Selekeephg acmrnumrts) Pen-European Conferences Limited 0251-1 5210643 (hereinafter referred to as the rename- Bene?clel Owner The-term 'benellclel towner" refers to."the person who [she ultimate-owner of the a'ssetsdepo?sited. The bene?cial owner does; not necessarily have to-be granted a bank power or attorney oreignatoW authority for the" blislne'ss relationship. The" Cilem hereby declares that (please check OnIyOne box) the Client Is the sole bone?cialowner of the assets concerned - the following is/er'e the bene?dal _owne'r(s) of the assets cancemed: -.1 Name/Comm name Nationality VANEA. . .. Roma?la . First name Date at birth Mummy) Vict'Or 13.06.1958 Residenrraiaddrassxoomrcm Comuy of domrcre' (no abbretiations) - Romania Str.? 3. ap. 16, 3400'Ctuy-Napoke . 2 NunefCompany name Nationality First name I I I Date o'i ( Residential address/Domicile Camdryofdemidle'mo ebbreVlattona) 3 Marne/Comm . Nationality Firirt n'eme? Dale oi (mm Residentiel'address/Domldle .Comtryof domlc?e (no abbreviations) Dale metres First eubrhiSSion of form Replacement'lor all previdus forms A Addendum to oneoi' more ertisting tonne A El The Client undertakes to Inform credit'Suisee' AG of'eny changes _o own accord. z? Important Inlormatlon: This farm is a'docutnent asde?flned in'A .- 110 p?e. 4 kt "the Penal CodetSPC). Willftiily providing false informallm when completing this romn ma'y'thue 'res'uli in the penalties tout In Article 251 "of the Swiss. Penal Code (document forgery; up to'ltveyears'. imprisonment er a To be completed by the: Bank Identi?er 1: BO mm 2; ?onler a: 0.1002 ?mp 145508 ammo. 0251-1_52106-3_ Reh?orehlp Menage: Page 1/