EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT between TOWN OF RAMAPO and CHIEF PETER BROWER THJS AGREEMENT made as 01"" Eanuary 1, 2014 between the TOWN a Municipal Corgoration ofthe Siate ofNew York, wiih principal of?ces located at 237 Route 59, Suffem, York 109m, herei?after referred to as and Peiel: F. Brewer, employed at 237 Reute 59 Suffem, 10901, hereinafter referred to as WITNESSETEXH: WHEREAS, Chief Brewer is empioyed as the Chief of Fei'iee fer the Tewn; and the Town, pursuant to Resolution 20} 3-666, has autiznrize? that an employmen: agreement be entered into between the Town and Chief Brewer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutealiy agreed as follows: ARTECLE 1 Wm The term of this Agreement sha? be 150.111 53:11:81}! 1, 2814 K: December 3 i, 2035. ARTICLE 2 thg? and Longevig}; 2,1 Salary and Wage Increase Commencing fenuary 1, 2014, Ehe hase s? ary {does not include any Eengevity payments), for Chief Brewer will be $23 7,859.34. Commencing Jaguar}! 1, 2915, the base salary {dees not ineiude any iongev'ity paymeets}, for Chief Brewer wi'?'i be 323185914. increase). 2.2 iengevity In the year 2614, Chief Brewer shaii receive, in recognii?on of time in service (iorzgevi?zy), in addi?on to the amounts set fan}: in Section 2.1, on the anniversary da??e of his employmem Wi?l the Beparimem, amounts as feiiews: 2,014 - $36,479.00 26} 5 The same longevity as is appiicable to the PBA for calcadar year 20? 5. ARTECELE 3 Uniforms and Eguigment 3.1 Ugiferm Repiacemem? ami Alina-?2mg The Town agrees to ?ll-111531 to Chief Brow-er, at the Town?s cost, 331 necessary and Standard uniform and equipment. Any item of clothing or equipment which is destroy-er} or damaged. beyond repair in the line of duty shalt be repiaced by the Town without {205% and withoat deduction for depreciation {13} Chief Brewer shaEi receive an ammai cioihingr?uiaiform allowance of $650.08. i?aymem shaii ?96 made 33y the secend pay period in Eanuary. Chief Brewer sha? receive a payment of $800.90 per annum for gurchage if {he following ?ashlighzs, pens, socks, ties, notcbooks, shoes and c?pbeards. 'fhis paymem shall be yayahie the Chief hy ?rm second pay period in Jammy. 3.2 {Jaiform Laundering '?ze Town sisal} pay the entire 893?: for iaumiesting and/'0: dry cleavang of police unifamlsl'clo?zing. At least ens 311d prui?embiy {we Mandi? M?zhin the Town 311a?! be designated for ?le purpese of providing this Service. Chief Brewer's use of pezsugai clothing in the pa: fomlance Of his du?es is enti?ed {0 {his bene?'z. ARTICLE 4 Paid Leave 4.3: Vacatiams Chief Brewer shaii be cnti?ed to thir?ay??ve {35) vacatioa days each calendas? year. Chief Brewer may 3613 hack at his then applicabie salary and Eorzgevity, ?3,311)? time during 2 the caiendar year, twenty vacation days. accrued but unused vacation days shall be paid :0 Chief Brewer upon his retirement or resigna?un as Chief of Poiice, his then applicable salary and iengevity. 4.2 Hali?ays 1. New Year?s Dav 7. Labor Dav 2. Mi. King, Er. Biz?th?ay 3. Coiumbus Bay 3. Lincoln's Birth?ay 9. (36118383 Eieciion Day 4. Washington?s Birthday Veteraifs Day 5. Memorial Day 1 1. ?E'Eaankggiving 6. Fou?h of Juiy 12. Christmas Chief Brewer shall have the 09251011 of receiving payment at his then appiicable salary and longevity for each holiday a? to receive an a?djtional (3213' of vacating in the caiendar was: in which the holiday ?61} or in the: ensuing calendar year if the holiday ls in the second haif of the calendar year, {he ?atter: at his furths: Option. Chief Brower sha? sires: the aption of payment befere the ?rst pay period in June and/or the ?rst pay period in Becember and paymeni shaii be made by the secend pay ps?od afier the exercise of the ep?ioz; and shaii ins made, separate emf distimi? from Chief Brewer's regular saiary check. 43.3 E?ersona} Leave Persenai Eeave is Eeave with pay for persona? busizzess, i?ciudiag reiigious observanae wit?qu charge against any accumi?ated vacation ovenime. (13} Chief Brows? shali be credite? annual}? with eigh'i persona} Eeave days. Eme? personal ?ays may be gurchase? at the rate of 0m: dan for each ?awe {iays of unusad persona] leave. Chief Brewer sha? ?le for said personal Eeave buyeut during the ?rst December paymil for gaymeni during 2116 ascend 13369611156? paym?. i3erse?a} leave ?uyou? 511331 58 ?ied in ?1123 day increments, 4.4 Bereavement Leave Leave fer the death of a membee of ihe famiiy of ihe Chief she}! be ?ve (5) days. A member of the famiiy Shaii be de?ned as spouse, pare?m, Apereet?in?iaw, chiid or sibling. ARTICLE 5 Hears sf Werk ami Overtime 5,1 Regalia:- Week Seheduie Chief Brewer shali be requiem} to work a forty hour hour work week Withi? a ?exible schedule from Monday through Friday either ailew for his maximum availability to a? Tewn of?cers and empleyees and membees of ?le gublie. 1.11 e?ditien, the Chief sheli be available, {1e neede?, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for pubiic safety emergencies. 5.,2 Standby-Paylh?di?eaei Cempensatien Chief Bronze: shall receive as additienai eempensatioe, ?ve days of compensated time each caleedar year, a? his reguie: rate of pa}; {gamma} salary pies lengevity) in effect on December 31 of year in which such time is accrued for being on the SteedEy Cali-in Lie? for the entire prece?ing calendar year. Paymeet ef five days addi?ionai eempensa?oe shall be ineiuded in ?ne salami check fer the secen? pay peried ie 33211.:er of the year after which it accrues. There shelf. :10: be an appoz?iionment fer a per: year worked. Any accrued, but unused, eempensatory time etanding to the Chief's creciit at {he :ime 9f his resignation er retirement {for ciisebilizy or o?lerwise') 513312 be paid to the chief at his {her} uppiica?oie reguiar raie (base salary including louge vity). 5.3 Limited Cempeesai?en fer Time Outsi?e Regular Week Schedeie a. Subject 1'0 the Eimieatioes set ferth hereie, Chief Brewer shaii be paid for eame? overtime in cash ai the rate of Eime ami a haif of base pay {incimiing longevity pay) for ovei?zime worked. There will be no overtime paid for fractional hours. Overtime shall mean work hours in excess of eight hours per day or more than forty {40) hours :per eek. b. Whenever Chief Brewer is to duty during his Home} off-duty hours, inciuding ?before shift? cali-in: he shaii be compensated a minimum of four hours at the overtime rate (?me and a half, iongevity pay). This paymen?i she? inelede subpoena appearances at any and ali criminal court proceedings and subpoena appearaoces before governmem and administrative agencies such as the State Liquor Autherity and Department ofMo?io: Vehicles. e. Overtime pay is also :0 be granted in instances where Chief Brewer performs duties, attends Town Board meetings audio: workshops, board meetings and or events? Fire Beganment or Ambulance {logos meeiings, schooi, community or specie} events (such as eateries, DARE. evenis, civic association, evenis, em): during periods Miler ?ihari his reguiar work schedule. He shaii be compensated a minian of four hours at the overtime rase for each such event, however, if he attends multiple evenis the same day: then he shaii be paid on an bosrly basis with a four hour minimem (at the overtime rate) for 213} such events emulativeiy. d. However? overtime 3112113 not exceed iwo hun?red emery-two {292} hears in any ceiendar yea; usiess such additional overtime is approve?, in advance, by the Tow-:1 Supervisor andior 1{he Town Board. e. For 3.11 overtime, the Chief shaii suhiniz overtime fem: $0 the Fayroii Clerk. The Chief shaii also report 3:0 the Town Board at its reguiar meetings, the meetings and events a?endeei since the iast. Town Beard. meeting which discusses psiice matte-m ARTECLE Heaith iasm?ance nag Medical Plans 6.1 Heaith insurancg and Medical Piaii The Town will, at no cost :0 Chief Brewer, provide {he Empire Plan 2:0 Chief Brewer and eiigibie members, Upon retii?ement from ihe Town, Elie Tum} at no ta Chief Brewer continue to provide the Empire 8% to Chief Brewer and eiigible famiiy members. However, if Chief Brewer predeceases his eligible famiiy members, the Town shall oniy continue his eiigibie famiiy members? ceverage, at no cost to the eiigibie family members, for a maximmn of twei-v'e (12) months after his death. in the. earan Chief Brewer has contracted or may in the farm?s contract Lyme Bisezisrs:g the Tam agrees to cover may ami 0ui-ot1p00k61 medicai expenses not covered by the Empire Plan, bu? covered by {he health immance plan provided by the Town prior 10 the Empire E?ian, up to a maximm 3f $59,088 per year per insured parser: with a. maximum 0? $109,803 per of Lyme Bisease in any two-year period. Further, if Chief Brewer has contracted or may Lyme Disease or 0111c: catastropi?c iilness or injury and ma: iliaess or injury is not cevereci undcr the Emgire P2311, but ?as severed under the ma?icz? pian provided by the Yawn prior to Janna}? i, Chief Emwer may appaai this lack of coverage to the Town i?ersonnei Director Win: review ami thiamine said application soieiy or; the stamiarzis of coverage provi?e? under the prior medical pian. in :10 event Sha?? cove-rage be afforded that is in excess of that which was aftbided lii?l??i? the prior me?ica} 132531. The deiermina?cn of the Personae} Sin-3am shall 23;: reviewabla ?lm ugh arbitration pursuant :0 ?ne mics af?ne 23113241031; Arbitratien Association. 6.2 Visa-mi E?mgmm "fem shall pmvicie Chief Brewer and Ezis dependents same vision pian mania availabie to i:he CSEA. The Town shall pay for gi'asses broken in ihe ?ne of duty, 1103 to exceed $200.00. 67.3 Han The Town shail provide Chief Brewer and his dependents the same ?entai pian made ava?abk to the CSEA. 6.4 Cafeteria Flex ?25 Speadiag Account The 'f?ewn will previtie an IRS Seciion 125, Cafeteria Spending Pian. which has no cost to Cimief Brewer that is mutuaiiy agreeable to ?216 Team and the Chief. This pier: $212111 mirror the cafeteria spending plan agreed between the Fawn and the RPBA and the RPSOA, as contained in the coliective bargaining agreements between the Town and the RPBA and for the period January 1, 20} 1 to December 31, 2014. ARTECLE ?7 Gm 113 Life insarame Chief Brewer shaii be providegi the same Group Life Insura?ce Piem as girovided to {33:2 and RPSOA, as contained in the coiiective bargaining agreements iaetween Z?he Tom; and {he and RPSOA, for the period 3 233111331 1, 201% to Dec-ember 31, 29%. ARHCLE 8 Sick Leave Chief Brewer shall be entitled to sick Eeave for any perio? of iime in which he is 3.0111533" and unabie {0 aiien? :0 his empioyment. The Town 321331 have the right to invesiigaie {he eiaim cf illness and may 2:130 require the Chief a certi?caie from a ghysiciae or dentist if the Chief is absent from work for a period of more than three days, with respect to ?iagnosis, prognosis aed anticipated pei?ed of iliness. ARTICLE 9 Taition Ami Job Related Scizoo?_ng The 'i?own agrees to reimburse Chief Brewer fer imition for a police?reiated course intended to improve police performance, and oniy after approval by the Town Board. 331636 merges be appmved 021 the u??ergraduate and graduate level. in the even? {he Chief feils 02" fines not compiete the (some, he shall reimburse the Town for ?the tuition advanced. ARTICLE Rights in lnvestigaiians In an e?fort to insure ?le; ?aese investigations are conducted in a merger which is conductive i0 good 03018:? and discipiine, the foilowing rights are hereby provide? ta Chief Brewer: The interrogation of Chief Brewer sheii be at a reasonable hear, pre fernbiy when he is on duty, unless the exigencies of the hivesiigation dictaie otherwise. if any {?ne is 1051: he Shail be given cempensaiery time. The intenegatiee shall take place at a iocation designated {he Town Supew?so; ordinarily a: Poiice Headquarters or a iecai?on havng a reasorzabie relationship ?e the ineidem a?eged. Chief Brewer shaii be informed 9f ?rhe Maire of the investiga?ee befere any interrogation commences. S'e?lcient iei?emze?on t0 reasonably appz'ise him of the e?ege?iione sheuid be gymvided. if it is icnevm that he is being interrogated as a wimess only, he showed he so info ?ned at the nomad. The quesfiening shaii be reasonabie in iengih. Reasseable respites shaii 233 a?ewed. Time she?d aise be pzovided f0: persenei meals, telephene cage, and rest periods as are reasoeabiy necessary Chief Brewer 311211} be ebiigaied to answer questions concerning their een?uct as it reiates :0 his empioymem, except those which vioiate his coes?ritutional, legal or comrac?ruai rights. Chief Brewer shark not be subjecteci 10 the use of offensive iaeguage by ?le investigating of?cer, nor shall he be threatened with transfer or disciplinary action unless he refuses to answer proyer questions as de?ned in Secrien above. Tee foregoing prohibi?on against threats sha? 5101 be construed to prohibit the investigating of?cer from advising Chief Brewer of the character of the discipline the department inierzds to impose ner from advising Chief Brewer that if he refuses to answer proper quesiions, as above, be may be subjeci 10 ad?i?tionai charges. Chief Brewer?s consent to disciplinary action shall 1301 binding in iess than 24 hours after he is advised of the mature of such discipiinary ac?cn or its alternalives except in circumstances where there is is {he pebiic. ?he complete imerregareries of Chief Brewer Shel} be recorded mechanically or by a department stenographer? There ?e no ?off the record? questions except by mama} consent of both parties. A12 recesses (tailed during the questioning she}? be recorried. {ii} if Chief Brewer is under arses: or is iikeiy to be, or if he is suspeer or the :erge?r of a criminai investigation, he shaii be given his rig?ms pursuant $0 the current decisions ef the Uniied States Supreme Court. in non-criminal eases where infra: iees are rreuertheiess of a serious character, Chief Brewer she}! have an epportuniiy to censuk Within 24 Ecurs with his/her cerrnsei.? if he 59 requests, before being questioned. Eris ciause is not i0 be in seek a warmer as re yreve?r ques?eni?g of him by superiors with {espeei to his canduct in {he normal course eff easiness. I: is understood ?iai {he rigiits herein granted 1101 be met? te unciuiy delay the expeditious disposition of investigaiions of conduct. ARTICLE 11 Saving; Clause Should any term or prevision of?rhis Contraci be in con?ici with any Staie or Federal statute or other appiicable iaw or regulation binding upon the Town, such law or regulation shali grevaii. in such event, however, the remaining ierms and provisions of this Contract W?i continue in fuii force and effect. ARTECLE 12 Statues? Pa?ovisian It is agreed by and Between the parties that any provision of this agreement requiring legisiative action 3:0 permi?t iis impiemcntatiog by amendment of iaw er by providing the a?ditionai funds ?zherefere, she}! no: beeome effeeiive the apyropriaie iegisiative body has given approva?. ARTICLE 13 WerknRelated lgiuries Chief Browser shaii he emi?ed :0 all bene?ts sad compensation pmvided to the mid RPSOA, by pmciice, prece?ure or ??1116 and regulation, 30?; speci?cally provided for in this agreemem? if Ciaief Brewer sus?iains an injury in the perfonnance of his de?es; in to those bene?ts grovided under General Municipa} Law 2074: and Workere? Compensation Law. ARTECLE E4 Enfereemeni agzeement shali he enforceable in a 9mm efcompeiem jurisdiczien in New York Siate. 10 EN WHEREFOREK ?223 'Ebw: and Chief Bzcmer have executed this AgAesmen: on ihe (Say of 281 elm- PBa'ower: gar? fW Peter F. Brews: I I: - Tou?pflRam, apo. Eff, cy- l? I Ciu'iafopher iawmnce: Sq;erviser I 1i 4? Dim: ?i Date-