'61 Lawrence Jenkens Iran dut df in-fiight internet defdre I cduld explain why I pdsted the link; deldw- Hard reading- and rip need td gd further! Here is what I pdsted td the Class df 19f? page a little earlier. It was and is sdmething difficult td talx addut- put it is eyen :12 years later: It has been a day. and I am currently cm a plane dn the way td MEEIED City- In spite df all there was td dd- I canndt get this mdrning's letter the Academy's principle dut df my mind- It has redpened sdme apparently still festering wdunds me- I admire the strength df the students repdrted Ricx Shudart's dehayidr eyen sd many decades later--I hdpe that actidn drings sdme cldsure dr resdiutidn- Time. then- td tell my l'ye this twice defdre- dnce in 19?4 td Principal [lay in 191?3 and dnce in a letter td Principal D'annell in 198?. I'm telling them the again- put ifydu will indulge me I want td tell my classmates- Exeter like all institutidns exists td preserye itself- The care df the children in its charge is a secdndary cdncern--dnce- and fdreyer- [Which ddesn't mean they were and are amazing pedple there cm the faculty and staff.) Iwas adused sexually by a faculty memder at Exeter when I was 14 years did- It is easy td talx addut- eyen ndw- sdme 4d+ years later. I did tell at the time- and there was sdme pack; and addut the The dffending faculty memder was alldwed td finish put the academic year and then td resign withdut prejudice and gd elsewhere. Afterthe adyent df and when I was brave endugh. I lddxed him up. I was adle td discdyer that he had. in 1992, deen named Illindis's teacher df the year. I am still tdrtured by the fact that I may have alldwed him td dd td sdmedne else what he did td me- many pedple understand- hayen't deen adused it is very difficult td explain the impact df that experience- at the time and fdreyer afterwards- I left Exeter with ydu all in 19?? with an excellent educatidn- which I remain grateful. put I alsd left as an addlescent cm the 1urerge df with hp sense df dr cdn?dence- I cduldn't deartd de tduched dy dther pedple- and it me a decade td de adle td de intimate with andther human deing. It has taken the detter part df a lifetime td reduild what wastaxen away sd casually. th eyery ddstacle in my life can he attriduted td the experience I had at Exeter. put my cdping mechanisms were yery much shaped by it- Ed nd xudds me Exeter. They did tdday what I imagine they had nd chdice duttd dd- The pedple are the suryiydrs- mi" I can SIEED DETDFE