COUNTY CGURTWCOUNTY 0F ALBANY FILE NO. 1604393. 1504392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2, 2916 MARCH TERM ?against- ARIEL AGUDEO, BURWELL ALEXIS BRIGGS Defendants, The Grand Jury of the County of Albany, New York, by this indictment accuses the defendant of the foiiewing crime: irst. Count Assault in the Third Degree in violation of Section the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class A Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 A.M., while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, did with intent to cause physical injury to another person, cause such injury to such person or to a third person, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant did intentionally cause physical injury to one Mary Glisson by means of striking Ms. Glisson about the head. Such injuries included swelling and. contusions to the head and face as well as substantial pain including prolonged headaches. (Continued on Page 2) COUNTY 0F ALBANY FELE NO. 1604391 1604392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE 0F NEW YORK 2, 2016 MARCH TERM -against~ ARIEL AGUDIO, Defendant. The Grand Jary of the County of Aibany, New York, by this Indictment accuses the defendant of the i?eilawiag crime: Second Count Attempted Assault in the Third Degree in violation of Sections 11000 and 120.00(l) of the Penal Law of the State Of New York, a Class Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about "the 30th day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 A.M., while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of-Al-hanngounty of Albany, State of New York, did with intent to engage in the crime of Assault in the Third Degree, engage in conduct which tended to effect the commission of such crime, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant did attempt to cause physical injury to one Marissa Camacho by means of striking Ms. Camacho in the head and pulling her hair while Ms. Camacho was attempting to aid her sister Gabrielle Camacho. (Continued on Page 3) COUNTY 9F ALBANY F-ELE N0. 1604.391 1604392 M04393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE 0F NEW YORK MAY 2, 2016 MARCH TERM ?against-=- AREEL AGUBIO, Defendant. The Grand Jury of the Connty of Aihany, New York, by this Indictment accuses the defendant of the following crime: Third Count Harassment in the Second Degree in violation of Section 240.26 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Violation, in that the defendant, on or about the 30gh day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 AM, while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, did with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person, strike, shove, kick, or otherwise subject such other person to physical contact, or attempted or threatened to do the same, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant with" intent to harass, annoy or alarm one Marissa Camacho, did strike her about the head and pull her hair. (Continued on Page 4) COUNTY COURTWCOUNTY 0F ALBANY FILE N9. 3.604391 1.604392 3.604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2, 2016 MARCH TERM against- ARIEL AGUDEO, Befeedaat. The Greed Jury of the County of Albany, New Yet-k, by this indictment aeeases the defendant of the following crime: Fourth count Attempted Assault in the? Third Degree in violation? of Sections 110.00 and 120.00(1) of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, did with intent to engage in the crime of Assault in the Third Degree, engage in conduct which tended to effect the commission of such crime, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant did attempt to cause physical injury to one Robert McCarthy by means of striking Mr. McCarthy repeatedly about the head and face. (Continued on Page 5) CQUNTY OF ALBANY FILE N0. 1604391 1634392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2, 2616 MARCH TERM ?against- AREEL AGUEEG ASHA BURWELL, Defendants. The Grand Jury of the Coanty of Aihany, New York, by this indictment aeenses the defendant of the foilowing crime: Fifth Count Harassment in the Second Degree in Violation of Section 240.26 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Violation, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 A.M., while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State'of New York, did with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person, strike, shove, kick, or otherwise subject such other person to physical contact, or attempted or threatened to do the same, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant with intent to harass, annoy or alarm one Robert McCarthy, did strike him 'in the head. (Continued on Page 6) COUNTY OF ALBANY NO. 160439} 1604392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE 6F NEW YQRK MAY 2, 2016 MARCH TERM against? ARIEL Defendant. The Grand Jary of the Ceanty of Albaay, New Yerk, by this indictment accuses the defeadaat of the following crime: Sixth Count AttemptedAssault in the Third Degree in violation of Sections 110.00 and 120.000) of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 302h day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 A.M., while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, State of New York, did with intent to engage in the crime of Assault in the Third Degree, engage in conduct which tended to effect the commission of such crime, to wit: at the aforeSaid date, time and place, the defendant did attempt to cause physical injury to one Gabrielle Camacho by means of striking Ms. Camacho about the head. (Continued on Page 7) COUNTY 0F ALBANY FILE N0, 1684391 1604392 1694393 THE PEOPLE CF THE STATE 0F NEW YORK MAY 2, 2936 MARCH TERM wagaiast? ARIEL AGUDIO, Befeadant. The Grand Jury of the County of Albany, New York, hy this Indictment accuses the defendant of the following crime: Seventh Count Harassment in the Second Degree in violation of Section 240.26 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Violation, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 at approximately 1:00 A.M., while on a CDTA bus located in the area of the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State {of New York, did with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another person, strike, shove, kick, or otherwise subject such other person to physical contact, or attempted or threatened to do the same, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant with intent to harass, annoy or alarm one Gabrielle Camacho, did strike her about the head. (Continued on Page 8) COUNTY OF ALBANY FILE NO. 1664391 1604392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2, 2016 MARCH TERM against? ARIEL AGUDIO ASE-EA BURWELL, ?efendants. The Grand Jary of the County of Albany, New York, by this Indictment accuses the defendant of the following crime: Eighth Count Falser Reporting an Incident in. the Third Degree in viblat-ion of Section of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class A Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 during the early morning hours, while on the University at Albany Campus, in the City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, knowing the information reported, conveyed or circulated. to be false or baseless, did gratuitously report to a law enforeement of?cer or agency. false information relating to an actual incident or to the alleged implication of some person therein, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant, knowing the information to be false, did report to the police through an emergency 911 call, that she was ?jumped? on a bus by a group of males, that it was? a racial crime, and that she was struck by boys and called a ?nigger?. (Continued on Page 9) CGUNTY OF ALBANY FILE NO. 1604393. 1684392 1634-393 THE PEOPLE 0F THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2, NM MARCH TERM ?against- ARIEL AGUDEG, ASE-EA BURWELL ALEXES BREGGS Defendants. The Grand of the Connty of Aihany, New York, hy-this indictment accuses the defendant of the feiiowing crime: . Ninth Count Falser Reporting an Incident in the "Third Degree in violation of Section of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class A Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 during the early morning hours, while on the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, did knowing the information reported, conveyed or circulated to be false or baseless, did gratuitously report to a law enforcement officer or agency false information relating to an actual incident or to the alleged implication of some person therein, to Wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant, knowing the information to be false, did report in person to Of?cer Sandoval of the City of Albany Police Department, that she was ?jumped? on a bus by a group of white males and females, that she was punched about the head and body, and that she was called a ?nigger?. (Continued on Page 10) CGUNTY 6F ALBANY FILE N6. 1604391 1604392 1664393 THE OF THE STATE 0F NEW YGRK MAY 2, 26316 MARCH TERM -against? ASHA BURWELL, Defendant. The Grand Jury of the County of Aihany, New York, by this Indictment accuses the defendant of the following crime: Tenth Count Falser Reporting? an Incident in the Third Degree in violation of Section of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class A Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, on or about the 30th day of January, 2016 during the early morning hours, while on the University at Albany Campus, in City of Albany, County of Albany, State Of New York, did knowing the information reported, conveyed or circulated to be false or baseless, did gratuitously report to a law enforcement officer or agency false information relating to an actual incident or to the alleged implication of some person therein, to wit: at-the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant, knowing the information to be false, did report over the phone to Sgt. Louis Aiossa of the City of Albany Police Department, that a white female got into Asha Borwell?s face and called her an ?ignorant fucking bitch?, and when Alexis Ariel tried to get the girl off of Ashe, other people got involved and hit all of them and called them ?triggers?. (Continued on Page 11) COUNTY 0F ALBANY FELE N0. 3.604391 1694392 1604393 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YGRK MAY 2, 2916 MARCH TERM against-a ARIEL AGUDEG, ASHA BURWELL ALEXIS BREGGS Defendants. The Grand Jury of the County of Albany, New York, by this indictment accuses the defendant of the foliewing crime: Eleventh Count Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree in violation of Section 240.500) of the Penal Law of the State of New York, a Class A Misdemeanor, in that the defendant, beginning on the 30th day of January, 2016 and during the days following, while in the County of Albany, State of New York, knowing the information. reported, conveyed or circulated to be false or baseless, did initiate or circulate a false report of an alleged Occurrence of a crime under circumstances in which it is not unlikely that public alarm or inconvenience will result, to wit: at the aforesaid date, time and place, the defendant, knowing the information to be false, did circulate through social-media as well as through an appearance at an event at the University at Albany Campus held on February 1, 2016, an allegation that a crime took place on January 30, 2016 on a CDTA bus, wherein she was the victim of a racially?motivated assault. Said false report did result in substantial public alarm and inconvenience including social-media threats, alarm to the community, and substantial expenditure of resources. - x. ., 9 ,aiT-V'i" HM Chief Assistant District Attorney David M. Reset Albany ?ounty