THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON FEB 2 3 2016 Memorandum To: Mary L. Kendall Deputy Inspector General From: Michael Connor~£/ ,I'//"'/ Deputy S e c r e t ~ ~ Subject: Response to Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Regarding Jonathan Jarvis (Case No. OI-PI-15-0609-1) r This memorandum is in response to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Report of Investigation (ROI), dated November 19, 2015, concerning National Park Service (NPS) Director Jonathan Jarvis. The ROI investigated whether Director Jarvis used his public office for private gain by seeking a book deal with Eastern National; whether he misused any Government resources in the process; his involvement in Eastern National matters at the NPS around the time of his book deal; and his decision not to seek the Ethics Office's advice about the book. Although the ROI does not expressly draw any conclusions about the results of the OIG investigation, the Department has reviewed the ROI carefully and come to the conclusion that Director Jarvis did violate Federal employee ethics standards. The Department takes this matter very seriously and is in the process of taking appropriate personnel actions. I will issue a written reprimand to Director Jarvis, he will be relieved of his responsibility to manage the NPS ethics program for the remainder of his tenure as Director, and he will be required to attend monthly ethics training from the Director of the Department's Ethics Office for the remainder of his tenure as NPS Director. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Karen Hyun will assume the responsibility of managing the NPS ethics program. These actions are intended to address Director Jarvis' behavior, to strengthen the NPS ethics program, and to enhance the Department's ethics culture. I am also concerned about the attitude the ROI demonstrates Director Jarvis exhibited toward important Departmental institutions such as the Ethics Office, the Office of the Solicitor, and the Office of the Secretary. These institutions are a resource for all employees to help us to conduct the work of the American people well within the boundaries of law and policy. Senior leaders, including Director Jarvis, must model constructive engagement with these offices. I have personally met with Director Jarvis regarding this matter and am satisfied that he fully understands the unacceptable nature of his conduct. A strong ethics program is central to the success of the Department. The Department appreciates the OIG's investigation of this matter.