Peter Senegal 22' his Tb all my friends en FE, just a shert nb-te tb yeu bn bur pus headed "president" ill! This character when I refer te as zero [El] shbuld have been talten but by bur military and shut as an enemyI agent in his first term ili'ii Instead he still remains in effiee dbing every thing he ban in gut the America we all knew and leve Hill New games Denald Trump gmremment ilil The se bailed eliter whe are nething but deg turds lawn are shaking in their habits because there is a new Sheriff earning tb teen, and the end tb their berrubtibn ef the American pebble is at hand ilil i eannbt believe that a gem men murder is even allbwed tb run blinten] DH that a bbmmie like bemie is a aisb allbwed tb else run ilil Game an America but ybur big pants electibn ybu have a chaise-"GET ASE GUT AND Thank y'bu ilil Lite Cemment Share rad.-- .rw 3 Anthan'f Peta-r Sensual 1El. smfs- I nat spsak far Danald .J Trump This is my spinisn, snly if]! Ill'lur "prasidsnt" is a rattan fiithy muzzis Farina Hs ssntinuss his an Christians [isn't asiisva ms? Fiaasl yaur and watch yaur lass: naws. and 1mm will sci-an ass mat Esra is against ssapis sf Amsrisa i111! Liks Share 0 ans i Anthony Peter Senecel shared a link. Eiecten'cer H. Emc- - 4-Star Admire]: Dbeme Is Leading The Muslim th Hee In?ltreted All US Security 'The trenefcrmelicn has been in lhe full swing ever since 2:303: elelee 4-Star New Admire] James A. 'Ace' Lycne, the fcrmer Gcmmencer-in-Ghief GTE . Anthuny Peter Sensual L: link. 1513:5113,r HALF nf Americans Would Back MILITARY CGUP GEM *1 Anthehy Peter Seneca! Segaarrher 11 Eire - Latte We-th, - Tenight, we are geing ta tall: aheut the treachery ef earn, the pig "greaideht" and traiter ketchup kerry [the yiltaiheua trailer at the 1that Ham Warn-Geegle hie Anyway theae hye reprehehaihle turda have fermulated a deal with the higgeat aeurrl heel-tat greup et peepie ever created, the law lite lraniarta !!ll The deal SUCKS aere and lterry bath auelt We muat atep thia deal hetere we all die a! the hahda e! theae lying haatarda lee Share 5 Antheny Peter Seneea I I: {tr As the candidacy et Denalsl .i Trump keeps rising in the pulls, it is searing the crap set at the alt! farts in the GDP hener and mesennell earns immediater te mine These twe turneeat traiters will have a hard time getting re-eiestecl when their respective terms are up Fer all intent and purpeses they are heth FEM and sheulcl rail severed in het tar lv'lr Trump has ens at the best legal teams ever assembled. they will thwart every underttended tactic the gap tries BUT. we must all he vigilant?keep eur ears te the greund and repert tn the less! Sheriff I: the finest law enfereement feree en the lesal levei jl any pessible treaseneus sets we hear at As mush as I disiilte the extremely LIEEFIAL Faseheelcmwe must use it as an avenue ter semmunisatien Like -- Share ?irt-r JUST PDSTINB THIS FLAG . TU UFFEND THE IENURANT Anthtu Pater Senecal shared Michael Tagliann's phntu. IF All?ll EIMIAN ASSHDIE .39. _r I .40 nus .1537 Like Share Peter Seneca1 Dave "The Sage" p?nm NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC MARXIST SOCIALISM SOCIALISM changz! ?ma?a In troubled times, thcfeur??and animal-tam}de to chm-imam radicals. Pi Antheny Peter Seneca! Ju-wa ea. 231e? Anether at my frienda hit the FE clue! teday Free wae rehhed ef Larry Hebeen yeeterdey He had the audacity te tallt aheut yeur ?preeident?. the wipe I call zero and in attack the muzzie ehite that are inyecling eur eeuntry {er wee he netting zere muzzie shit-"whatever! m1. Anyway. we hate te felite like Larry, an heneet te ene at which the FE twite eeutd neyer eemprehencl Llite . Share I Anthany Ssnasal 231:: - I am watching Ftsilty-n dr zuhtti and harris zatar sun-"that; are discussing the pulls that a maturity at thass pattsd ara in taunt sf sharia taw-?ta ms that ts many muzziss in Amarisa - Share 1953 1?1 i Sens-cal JUNE- I am ss sick s? this wips "srssidsnt" jumping sn ihs gun hsdiss sf sisin burisd 1er is such an idist ii is fsslings sf 1] sf aside this sf sn prick 11. - Lllis Hams 'Fl' i Anthany Peta-r Senecal . . Jur?a Taday, my ampiayar and triancl Danald .J Trump annaunaad ha was running far tna D?ica at Praaidant at tha Unitad Etataa What an ahaaluta thrill [111! ND CINE tr:- run tar and ha alaatad ta thia GREAT attiaa. than Mr Trump um Gan ha handla tha jab. yam bat yaur awaat ha can Ga Mr Trump Lllta Shara 243 Peter .. June Here is semething I have been thinl-ting ebbut st least the last six plus years: the HUSSEIH DBAMA legacy and library He leeyes he Iegesymeyerything he has tbuehed has turned lb shit New fer the library, it shbulcl be the size bf ens-hbler buthbuse-usetuslly wbuls ssye mensy. finsl en ene-hbier esn'iplete with the step and design it as his library Thst's it-?jbb dbne lli!!l Dnly FEW negrbes end eernest will eyen remember him-"the rest bf the Gbuntry will "get shed" bf his membry very quickly zerbi?bl has really been Item Illrn Seett Pay-Intel Hang him lilte they did td dedmy lnsanel Shaw It areund the wedd he let all Muslim Traiters HHUW what we have planned fer them. Lilte - nits - s. 20* at 3: am . David Carter We need t-d send the seals td SURGE and and FiEl'u'lD?u'E them and their er-dnies? then HANG ED and meet at WASHINGTON-- and Ill.re1l have a GHAHCE td get things straightened nut-- Lilte - {be - June a 201:: at Anthony Peter Seneeal David, serew impeachment-"we shduld just try the mddy bastard [er treasdn !ll!ll Lilte - [15' 1E - sure Ems at 3:21pm - Edsed David Carter serew 'Irials" far that trash tee-- eueqrdne they?re HANG ALL CIF THEM. Lilte - [1'15 - June 6 Ed's at 3 219W Andi-any Peter Seneeal lave the idea, David Like - [its - dune a. se- a at seam.? Flu Arnee I am with-fen guys if we are wrung we can adeldgize later Lilte - [its - dune err-s at Bataan" 1 William filmy Lewis And. ef eeurseI what is being suggested here. is exaetly the mutiny?ster aetiens that weuld push the buttens ef Martial him te: 1} stay in effiee fer an undeterminaele time 2} get us all eseeuted as treaseneus dissidents 3} preving that we Iwere all rightl Se fall: is eheap. But if we are true patriets, that elaees us in a pesitien te lese eur life in the name ef prlneiples, values and patrietisrn. I enee feel: an eath ueen enlisting inte the US Navy that I I.iveuld swear as i raised my hand In Bed and defend the Censtitutien ef the United States against all enemies eelh fereign and and den?t ever reeall Lily-Swearing er vewing te remeve myself frem this eath. While I am a eem hat aetien veteran it is eertainly nelhing lweuld EVER WISH DIN DUH i am willing if it eemes te Ihatl Se help me Bed- And may Ged Elless all ef us. Lilte - 1e - .iu"e Ellis- Stell And yeur antidete is? Lilte [1'72 - dune '3 at i Eigen- Fluth Antheny i agree with yeu and William Hirey LewisI 1il'i'illiarn i dent want te see us fighting ewn eur Lands. but i weuld fight Ieven the i eant wallt te geed. ete. i will gladly fight fer this eeuntry any tirneI te get rid ef the eemn'iie muzzie and his tip in the white heuse. hut ene thing he ene has seemed te thinit ef and that is that we need te get rid ef his whele administratienI and these that suppert hint and these muzzies he has put in highly senative pesitiens in eur gevernmentll!? Lilte - - me se- at r. - sane: Antheny Peter Seneeal Esaelly, Ffuth leve yeur pest. 14:5th ?in Life - the - June it '3 31H: 33ng Flen G1enn Like - the June e1 earm- Anthany Peter Exeelly, Hen?revelt and hang ell ef the e-helee in and the created gevern menl Let?e get 'er clene Like - [1'12 - June :1 el Mme-n1 David Bcwser She has mere seerm then he dees. Lilte - the - May seem: at 2:4eem I Frances Sect-t I agree Teny Sasquatch gees when he gees. If he gets hung then Sasquatch dees tee. Lilte - ?e - May 25. sets at serum Antheny Peter Senecal Frances ll!ll!l Twe cf the mest DISGUSTING individuals en the face etGed?s Green Earth !ll! PUHE l!ll!ll!ll Lilte - the - May es. acts at ee- pm Frances Sent-t ?t'aah, I get that nauseated feeling just thinking aheut them and I eannet stand te leelt at them fer a very Icng time because I knew I will he sielt all day. Lilte - the - May es. acts at Beech Trey Ahart I'd rather see these twe ccelt suckers hung eersenallyn E-lut sending back te where ever they came frem weuld he ge-ed alse. Lilte - the - May es. E?i'e at 2:59pm Clarke Brathersen weuld it net be easier te execute hirn? Lilte - {be - May 25. 2:115: at E'eElern Dale Smith and cheaper me Lilte - - May 25. Etit'e at?ztueh Flcnald Arnce Ending all fear that they might scmehew return we: Antheny Peter Jeseph, I hate te say it again but I [eel it is time fer the SECOND AMERICAN The enly way we will ehange this ereeited geyemment is te deuehe it This might he the time with this Itenyan fraud in pewer Lilte - [in - era-,- 231': at pm lad Jeyee Laverne Suilens I agree! l?u Lilte - May 3d. Set '7 a: Ezt?i?ipr-i Jeseph Tayler Agreed sir. me tee! I'm preparing Ier it the best I panI hepe ethers are as well. Lilte - [3'5 eta-,- 2-31: at (wisest Terry Eteilberg Tee many peeple whe de net understand that eeheept. They are willing te hand ever their rights and lreedems fer free stuff frem a seeialist geyemment! Lilte - the - May 23. em: at ream Antheny Peter Seneeal Net me, Terry-?with the last breath I draw I will help rid this Arneriea ef the seem infested in its geyernment?and if that means dragging that hell less dielt head Irem the white mesgue and hanging his serawny ass Item the me in Lilte 11111 way 23. 2:11: at e-e- mt 1?1 i Antheny Peter Seneca! Mayharder ahcg in the heart at Palm Beach getting my hair cut and carrying an a liyely diacuaaicn with the catrcna and carcera accut what a jclte "the creaident". care was Basically the diacuaeicn centered arcund aarc'a firing at military aeryice ceracnnel {captaina tc generala} and replacing them with gccna ct zerc?a chccaing New the "new" cutt ldaaere are aaiced cne THE MARSHALL LAWI WDULU YDU BE WILLING AND AEILE TD FIFIE DH AMERICANS ?r'eaair, that la what ycur "ccmmander in chief" [net lay any warped atratch at my imaginaticn} wanta tc I:an DF YGUFI SEFWICE PEDPLE Dcn?t wcrr'y tclka there will he the SECDND AMERICAN FIEVDLUTIDN cefcre that deceitful acum bucket zerc can term the wcrda medial law till Like - Share area FreddyI Heuba net i knew barry' is an idibt, bul if he even utters the wards 'martial law? Ihe American public will waits up and slart tb lief-t bur seebnd amendment I wish idiet weuld db need same seribus 'ehange" in this bbuntry right new, wiln idibl being the first ene tb gb. fellewed by all his gbens in his administralibn. Lilte - [if 12- May a. 201': at magm- Ee?ned Anthem Peter iust the gems, Fred-"Ibe at the number bf gbat screwing muzzies he is degrading bur gevernmenl wilh l!ll!l Lilte - ?it - May 9. saw 3: 3:19pm Hr mew mere replies a Davld Carter We need te that MIG N?wu Like I53 Hat: 2m at 2:49pm REE .. James I?yam the military In de their jeb [e remeye all elemestie enemies. Liite 155- May Etl sees-n Antheny Peter Seneeal Me tee, James Like 153- Ate-,- ?1.1.2313 at Antheny Peter Sensual Gall me biasedI me anything yeti want?l eeuld eare less Just remember this i am first and feremest an on that and your a? is grass Remember my wards zere Like-13'? May "as-L11: at 9:4? e'n Antheny Peter Seneeal ?r Leeke like that aleezey haatarcl zere is trying te eut maneuver Eengreaa again, it the truth be knewn thie prick: needa te be hung fer AchD?y Peter Seneca: Lenka like that aleazey haatard zare is trying ta aut maneuver Bangreaa again, it the truth he hnawn this print: heads ta he hung fer BREAKING: 22 Launch Brilliant New It-Iave ta Bring Dawn Dbama Thia caula be exactly what brings aewn the wha!e aaherhe. a Peter Senecal shared Draft Judge Andrew Napulitan? . tar President's phnt?. qulee 20 Step the LYING BITCH DF EENGHAEI. NOW-"Hillary clintnn She shnuld be in prisnn awaiting hanging