Drinking ?Water Branch Lead and Copper Sample Summary Results Water System No. Federal Type Water System Name EHDLANA mm - State Type Principal County Served RANDOLPH Primary Source Status A Activity Date This list displays Lead and Copper Sample Snimnaiy Results for the Last .1 years by default. If yen need to search for a specific date range- use the fellen'ing date ?elds {you can also pick a date from the pep?11p calendar next to the field) and click en Search. EInnitnring Periin Begin Date From . l?Dl?E?ll -01 ?012 01?01?213 ll 01 ill?2G 11 ?Ul?2?03 l?Ul?E??i 1 ?005 {3 -01 12?31?2014 1261-21314 12?31?2013 12?31?2013 12?31?2011? 12-31-2011? 12?31?2013? 12?31?2013? 12?31?2904 1261-21304 Total Number of Records Displayed 1n l??03?2D14 10-03-2?l4 lU?ll?E?ll lU?lI?E?ll