Feb 0416 12159;) JASPER GAS 8: WATER 812-482-9827 [32 Service Line Information Public Water System Name5115049? StreetAddress: gal; 551?,an gym. City: T4 59-6 z" State: Zip code: (L, PWS Contact Name: 0 Sam, Contact Phone Number: a; ?3213);? Contact Email Address: {and (dank cw, I. Service Line Inventory Information A. List irgformation sources or records checked by utility for sewice line information: A) ml TMST fizz-31L {mg-?From above list, speci?: all sources or records that contain service line information: 1 2. 3, 4 5 Received Time Feb. 4? 2016 No.6911 Feb 041812159p p.13 JASPER GAS WATER 812482-9827 I C. Sen?ice Line Almeria! Con?dence in Records Number of Plumber or Estimates Service Line Material Service Esmated (E) or (Insert $131 1 1?9ng Connections from Records no confidence :11 records or (R) estimate and 10 being very con?dent) I. No lead portion ?1 5 7, 0 2, Service line material is unknown if) (a 3. Lead gooseneck only #1 co (3 i 4. Entire service line is lead from the water main to home 0 cl 5. Lead only ?rom the water main to external senrice shut-off; curb or to ext line 0 (3 3 6. Lead only from the external shut-off valve to the home 0 ?1 Total number of service connections (add 1 through a, 6) (9532: Total number of service lines with lead ortions add 3 through '2 a a 2 11. Service Line Ownership 1. Specify who owns the portion of the service line from the water ma ..- external shut-of? curb or property line. Municipality (M), Public Water System (P) Unknownfnot sure 2. Specify who owns the portion of the service line from the petty line or shut-off to the home. Municipality (M), Public Water System (P) csident( or Unknown/not sure For questions 2 and 3 above, please provide any additional information that may be relevant to the issue of ownership of the service line segments. Colt-?flex E) (?ma?x 3. What is the legal citation of the State or local ordinance that establishes and speci?es the ownership of the service lines? dale?F (mt-tacL Received Time Feb. 4. 20l6 No.69ll 812-482-9827 0416 12:59p JASPER GAS WATER TIM DOERSAM FILTRATION PLANT FOREMAN i 812-482-2010 81244826252 . 812?482-9827 FAX Date: 01 . a, Cl Urgent For Review Please Comment 0 Comments: Please Reply {3 Please Recycle 5e? ma pm Imcommn g4. 53.1 Received Time Feb. 4. 2016 No.6911