FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2015 12:07 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 INDEX NO. 70713/2015 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2015 0N FILING the feregeing Af?davit ef Cesfessien of Judgment made by Defendaets hetei?g swem is en August 215,, and seen the Af?davit in Suppert 0f Eetyy 0? Judgment? swem te en December l, Bill 5, alesg with the exhibits the-fete; 3560837,, 0N MOTION OF Vadim Serebre, Esq?, attemey fez Plaintiff ACCORD BUSINESS LLC, is is ADJUDGED, that. Plaietit?f ACCORD BUSINESS LLC having an address at 3?30 Kirby Drive; Houstoe, Texas WGQS, have judgment and do recover of Defendant SHOP JEEN LLC dfbia SHOP JEEN, having an address at 325 West 38th St RM 205, New York} New Yerk 10018 and Defendant ERIN YOGASUNDRAM, having an address at 6201 Hollywood Blvd, Les Angeles, Califemia 90028, and severally, the sum 0f $104 996.07 plus interest at sixteerz percent as 1 3?3 5 calculated by the Clerk in the amount of a; plus costs and disbursements as taxed by the Clerk in the amount of $225.00, plus atteeneys? fees in the ameuut of 038112025 for a total 33m A - . - 075$ g?d that Plaintiff ACCORD BUSINESS FUNDING, LLC shellxhevewegcution CLERK We?f?p?y? egg gr @3ny Wt ,2015. Judgment entered the WW SUPREME COURT THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF L. . 3135324533 anma, LLC, index N6. Wain-tiff, AFFIDAVIT 0F CQNFESSION OF JUDGMENT against- JEEN LLC dfb/a JEBN and ERIN Defendanm. STATE NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK 3 55?: ERIN YOGASUNDRAM, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I. I am a principal, owner, and an of?cer of SHOP JEEN LLC d/b/a SHOP IEENC?Merchant Defendant?), a limited liability company located at 325 WEST 38m STREET, in the County of NEW YORK, and as such, I have the authority to act on behalf of Merchant Defendant. 2. 1 reside at 50: EAST 73? STREET, STE. 6C, NEW YORK, NY 10075, in the County YORK. 3. I, individually, and on behaifof Merchant Defendant cansent to the jurisdiction of this Cam. 4. Merchant Defendant hereby confesses jadgment and authorizes entry of jadgment in favar 6f Plaintiff and against Defendants in the Federal District Court for it}: Sou?xem District 0f New Ye?c, Supreme Court 0f the Stab: of New York, County of New York. Supt-81m Court of the Sims ofNew York, of Weszchestcr, and/or Civi! Cam of the City of New York, County of New York, ?n the sum cf $144,481.03 less any payments timciy made gum: to the Settiement Agreement dated AUGUST 19, 2015. plus Eega! fees to Plaintiff ealeulezed at; Weniy ?ve percent ef? the {dial of the eferesald sums, eases, expenses and and l?leresi a? {he rate d? l6% per amum free: AUGUST i9, 235, the highesi ameum allewed by law, whichever is greater. Such amend! shall be set forth in an af?davit in be exeeuicd by Hamill"? er en a?lrmaiidn by l?laieliff?s attorney, whleh shall be altaehed hereto at the time aft:me of {hie Amdavi? dl?Cdnl?csside of Judgment. 5. ln addition, i hereby confessjudgmeni, iadividualiy and persoaally,}ointly and severally. and auihorlzc entry of judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against myself in the Federal District Court for {he Southern District efNew York, Supreme Court efthe State ofNew York, County of New York, Supreme Court of the Stale of New York, County of Westchester, endler Civil Court of the City of New York. County of New York, in the sum of $144,481.03 less any gayments timely made pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated AUGUST 19, ZOIS, plus legal fees to Plaintiff calculated at twenty ?ve percent of the total of the aforesaid sums, casts, expenses and disbursemems and inierest at the rate of ?696 per annum from AUGUST 19, or the highest rate allowed by law, whichever is greater. Such amount shall be see forth in an af?davit to be executed by Plaintiff or an af?rmation by Plaintiff?s a?emcy, which shall be attached hereto at the ?lm: ofentry efthis Confession of Judgment. 6. This confession of judgment is for a debt due to Plaintiff arisia?ig from Befendants? failure ?0 render timely payments pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, and for Defendanis? continuiag breach 0f the underlying secured Merchant Agreement dated MAY 2E, 20l5, plus agreed-upon interest, attcmeys? fees, costs and disbursements, as agreed-upon by Merchant Defendant and myself, under the Settlement Agreement 7. Merchant Defendant and hereby agree that the execution and delivery 0f this Af?davit of Cdnfession of ludgmen! and any entry of judgment thereon shall be witheut prejadice te any am! 231 rights ef Piein?ff, which reserves ef ies rights ead remedies against Defendants. 8. If fer any {8336;} entry 0f judgment in the abeve speci?ed ameunt er exeeusien on the same is outside thejerisdie?en cf this Court, Merchant Sefendani age 1 hereby consent is the persenai jerisdictien, entry mfg-negment, and executiee thereen in any State or Federal Court of the Ueited States of America. 9. I have been autherized by Merchant Defendant to Sign this Af?davit of Confession ofJudgment on this of 202 5. ERIN YOGKSUNDRAM, individua?y, and on behaEfof SHOP JEEN LLC d/b/a SHOP JEEN to befere this 2015. WEXLER News; Pubiic, State of New Yam Me. maimed in New Cemmissien Exeires March 18. 201 fade}: N90 Year RH No. Han. SEPREME COERY THE: OF YORK COUNTY WESTCHESTER ACCORD BUSINESS LLC, Plainiif? ?against- SHOP JEEN LLC whiz: SHOP JEEN and ERIN Defendants, JUDGMENT VADIM SEREBRO, ESQ. Attorrzeyfor Plaintiff Office and P05: O?ice Address, Telephone 17 STATE STREET SUITE 4000 law YORK, EW YORK 10004 PHONE: 646.503.3877 FAX: 341960.51 10 Service 05 :1 {be within Daisci, is hereby admitted. Atmmej;{s) far E82156 mute Noiicc of" EBZW {hat the a {cem?ed} iru?: afz-a (3123:; cuts-rad in the af?x ?fths @f'zhe within name smart 1331 Ngt?ac {sf-swimmer}: {afwia?cia {he wi?a?n is a mm mm; w?ii i=6 presenwd for $5ii1?m?n? to the EEQN. Gizha withia Emmi-d mat, a: ?13: ma?a Dated Cane ?fths ju?gcs 3i ?z?mzrs, eta; Atmmeyifs} far