FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2016 05:17 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 INDEX NO. 151859/2014 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2016 may?: NO. 151859,!2014 . {may CLERK 06/10/2615 11::13 mm WW YORK CO RECEEVED 06/10/2015 DOC. NO. 12 STME GENE-W 7mm; 13:85:: No. 579% .- :dfbfa' 1517315912914. 'Flainiim Summa- against? SHDPIJEENLLC, - ?Def?naadef?naamfs T0 Plaintiffmsideg atqumamwim 15.110, Bi?i?k??BiaIa-, wand, stag-e:- I #205 - New Yabz?k, 100128 Dated: New-Yak, New York Jung-39,2015 Gene-1R.I_ 9W3. Esq. "row-8: Miami?s for 32357 West-S'Stwiifeef, .1f4?iF1?oqr' Raw-Yam, NY 1:00:01 xmm: mm mm: gammy CLERK Maia/mam 11:51 mi mag}: N0, RECEIVED NYSCIEF: 05/10/2615 DOC. NO. 13 SUPREME COURT 0F THE STATE OF NEW YORK N3. 994% COUNTY NEW YORK. . LETEBE Iakup Chmighziak dfbfa Mr. GUGU MISS G0, Plaintiff; ?against? Index Na; S-HGP EREN LLB Dsfendant. .. . Plamiff; by its a?ctm'neiysa KAZLGW, alleges as follows: 1. Plai??ff is individuai (icing Easiness as MI. Gugu Miss Go, with a place of business located at Komemwicka m, Paiand. 2. Upun infomatien and belief, defendant is a demesfic corporation, having an actual placa ai?businass at 325 West 38th Street. #265, New Yark, NY 1.0018. 3. Jurisdictioa and. venue are: based upon, and are proper in the County Qf New York pursuant m, defendant?s acmai piace of businas?s, which is located in file Ccuniy 9f New Yer-k. AS AND FOR 351 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 4. MI allegations. previously made are zestated arid reaileged as; $31: forth. harem. 5. Prior ta July 10, 2013, tha parties herein. entered into one 01? more agraements (the "Agraenzent?) pursuant to which defendant purchased sweatsrs from plaintiff. 6. Pursuant to the Agreements, defendant ageed to pay the full purchase price {31" the sweaters and the chargas ismumd by piainti?? in shipping {ham to defendant. 7. Piaizi?ffperibmmd. of?tha terms and. af?x-z Agreemem an its 9221116 be 8. Defendant breachzd the. sagraemant by to tender payment in. ?xil far all sweaiers raceived piain?ffand ?le: appiicable shipping charges. 9. 333* teaser; ofthis breach, plaia?fr?has been damagad by the defendam in. the anwanl demand fer whichjhas been made. with ii??rest ?om .?fuiy IE), 28: I 3. To date. defendant has failed it} make any paymmis in satisfaction 0f this amaunt. 55.3 MB FOR A SECONB CAUSE OF MITION All ailegatinns pl?aviously made are restated and managed as if ?21in Set forth herein. i I. Inmicles were; ' by piaintiff to dafendam at. ifsplace ofbusiness- I2. Upon hzf?rmatima aud b?lief, the invoices ware recaived by the defamiant. 33. '1."th invoicas ware: retained by the without? abjectien. I4. - Defendant {march}! acquiesced in the account stated by plaintiff. By mason ofd'eihndani?s failuw is pay {his account state?, plaintiff has been damaged in the amount 0f $27,411.00, with infetest ?om July 10, 20.13. 33.8 AND FOR A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 15. All aliegatinns previously set ferth are mpeated and. managed as; if fully set forth herein. 16. I?lainii?; at dafezidant?s 5peci?c instance and requast, pmvided dafendant with the swaaters with the mutual expectation that it would be campensated therefm'. 147" "1711.3" fair and. {Off-11? ._3_Wgaierg__ 13.327541mg; aef??d?m in?w ?m?un? if $341130: 119? OfWEif?hl?asibempaid; .alfhougghducrand :duly-?emande?, plussintexesmsam My 10,2013, tic awaja?gme?tm . giainti?? SECOND: and} 3111631111:- zi?i?r?si $13.1? 1:11;: :othar, m?har-or. different f31i6f?21?g-?i? Southamay-dcamm b?ajiust a?d Imper- Dai?df New-mm, New Yafk? Gang ?Sig. - 1-?me g; Atmrheys f?ri Plain?ff' west-35111- Sir?et, 3701714? NY 10001 (231219374900, INDEX NO. 15-1859X2814 {Emmi}: mi?: @332 comm CLERK os/magia2e-15 11:54 RECEIVED NYSCEF: DOC. NO. 14 SUP-REME- STATE .01me mm; mag-F; 1e M51949 4.1: .55.. I A Chmiielniak Plajh?f? Index-No. ?against JEEN LL83. Defendant-.- 4. ?4?49. 5.9..- u- In'lH u- .- STATE. YORK .. OFNEW 3mm; an; not-apart}: to; the: act-ion; Dyer and; reside: ini?iei- State Ybrk, ?ghting I'36W?dlplain?ff5 MQEded C?mplaiiatgby mailing swarm a scaisd .env?lgpe ?fh Pf??aidlt?hejrebn and af?xed 3 ms:- of??ce' ar-o?iai? the: Uni?ed asides-Basal Same, t?e? State 0fin to the: 1an knum address": b?i?l?w: 38th street -#2015. 110.0218- Sm on '13-'15 meg rr'Nofgty whim; State: of. New YQFK "Naa my ma. ."Expires 6210212018-