COPY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT ONEIDA COUNTY LAKELAND PRINTING CO., INC. d/ b/ a The Lakeland Times, and JONATHAN ANDERSON, Plaintiffs, Case No. 15CV53 Code No. 30954 ONEIDA COUNTY FILED ONEIDA COUNTY OFFICE, . GRADY M. HARTMAN, DANIEL L. HESS, MAR 2 8 2016 ONEIDA COUNTY LABOR RELATIONS EMPLOYEE SERVICES DEPARTMENT, and LISA CHARBARNEAU, OF IR COURT Defendants. FINAL ORDER AND WRIT OF MANDAMUS This is a mandamus action brought by Lakeland Printing Co., Inc, d/ b/ a Lakeland Times and Jonathan Anderson (collectiver ?Lakeland Printing?) pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.37, seeking release of certain public records maintained by the defendants. The parties ?led cross motions for summary judgment, along with extensive brie?ng and supporting materials, including materials submitted under seal. The Court held a hearing on the motions on January 28, 2016, in the Oneida County Courthouse. Both parties appeared by counsel. For the reasons set forth on the record at said hearing, this COurt rules and orders as follows: 1. Defendants Oneida County Labor Relations Employee Services Department and Lisa Charbarneau are hereby dismissed from this action with prejudice. Records relating to single past incident ofalleged employee misconduct involving Deputy Lee Lech, previously suhntirced under seal IS Exhibit 10:, shall be re1erred by the Oncidl County Sheriff's Office in redacted form. The Conn has filed 1 copy of Exhibit 10: with the permitted redaction: under seal. The nnier to release the redacted Exhibit is stayed pending a fiml dammimfion in any appeal in this rnmet ct the expinticn of the time in which to appeal . Employment records of Deputy Lee Lech and--tinteontnin pre- employment background check matedzls and mluafions consde "staff manageman planning demerits" within the meaning at the exception contained in Wis. Sue Such documents were properly withheld by the Oneida County Shen'ft's Office and are not subject to telecse. hecotds reian'ng to en ongaing invesn'gulion mly involve _were pxoperly withheld by the Oneida County Sheriff's Office and should not he released pursuant the exception ecntnined in wish Stat, for records relating to an ongoing criminal . The Oneida County Sheriff: shall non'fy Lakeland Printing when the investigation referred to in 5 is complete. At such cinre, the Sheriffs Department shall release the recokds [during [a the completed invesligldon or provide Lnkeland Priming with tecsonc for denying access to the Iecokds in .ccerdance with the procedures set forth in Wis. Star. 5 1935(4). It a hrrute dispute concerning teleue of these xenode occuxs once the invesu'guu'on is complete, Lakeland Printing may ?le a separate lawsuit in this Court to compel disclosure of these records. The Court will waive the filing fee if such suit is ?led. 7. All persons present during the January 28, 2016 hearing are prohibited from making any public disclosure of the contents of the documents submitted as Exhibit 10a that were discussed during the course of the Court?s oral ruling. This prohibition shall remain in place until any appellate proceedings in this case are concluded in favor of Laheland Printing, or the time to appeal has expired. 8. The transcript of the January 28, 2016 hearing shall be filed under seal and shall remain sealed until any appellate proceedings in this case are concluded in favor of Lakeland Printing, or the time to appeal has expired. However, the parties may agree, by stipulation, that a portion of the transcript be unsealed, to the extent it does not reveal the contents of Ex. 10a. 9. All documents previously ?led under seal with this Court will remain under seal. 10. Plaintiffs are not entitled to an award of punitive damages pursuant to Wis. Stat. 11. Further proceedings concerning any award of attorney fees are stayed pending final resolution of any appeal on the merits or expiration of the time period in which to appeal this Court?s decision on the merits. Dated this lwmday of March, 2016. BY THE COURT: The Honoraqu Neal A. Nielsen, Vilas County Circuit Court Judge. This is a ?nal order for purposes of appeal pursuant to Wis. Stat. 808.030).