EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (El -E6) RCS swans ram-1 LName (Lut. Firs: M1 Suf?x) 2.11m 3.1m; 4. - KYLE, CHRISTOPHER I52 5- ACT TAR "a A?ygs 6. uzc 7. Ship/Station amen 5m 9. Donkepomd . 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGULAR 0153925 0m? f" [Madmen mum (?me I 10. Periodic ILDI?Individua! ll Frocking 13. Special l4.me: 03JUN16 15.1?0: as. No! Type ochpo? 20. Physical wines 21. emu Rem 11R:th 13.0mm: SPECIALOI 22. more; Senior (1m. Mi) 21cm: 24. Dei; m1: 25. we 21-. X0 44884 28. Conumnd mph)an and mad achievements. SEAL Team THREE deploys forces to conduct Naval Special Warfare (NEW) operations in USPACDM and USCENCTOM for contingency, OPLAN execution and exercises under, COMTHIRD. FIFTH AND and CONSOCPAC. CONSOCCENT and COMSOCKOR. 29. INTEL DEPT I-ID duties. ,7 Pill: CHARLIE PLATOON Intel Department Head?12. Operator and Combat Swimmer (SEAL), whose primary duties involve open/closed-circuit SCUBA diving, parachuting, and demolition of explosives. COLE-NEH Smut/sniper. Hand to Hand Department Head-12, Special Operations Tactical Video SySte Ins-12. Qualified NSW FuMid?umComse?ngUanpm' EVAL. 30. Dugomhd OBSEPIS SLOW PERNRMANCE TRANS: 1.0 - Below Wm! ~Douno?y?mm 3.0mm: 3.0 44de 3.0 standards; 4.0 - Exceeds mm maids; 5.0 - Manama? criteria and ms! ofthe speci?c standards for 5.0. Standards annota? inclusive. mm 2'0 3.0 4.0 5.0 TEARS Schism Meow: 5.3mm" 33. - - PROFESSIONAL ?105. mm! helium!me - 4&5:ny ?howbdgen - Ir Munchkin . HIM audpnc?calqaplica?m-F pmadvamncm/PQS 1 . I. . . 34. -Needsnosupervisioa. -Pmdu?&aquea?yncodsmork. -7 qul?lywk.Fewumnmd Visuade dyasefuiofm - -Ummtu??oim?y. .thimhesmm not .. - El 35. -A?i?umhth?wy'rmdunl - -Mpmw?av?mm COWDOR Minimum ORGANIZATIONAL -Uniavohldwi1h mqhgapmfessiml - Acne-adequatelwa - Involved a! a. Cambium -Adiammbpodudu?and - - Jaimwmm?xm?iwy, ofNavype-mauosi?win?woa Malawiame mum. mandamus W. - Nam dim a mains. Fm - .mnpdel aw Develops unit NOB We per mean? 36. - - -Eumpluypmomlmm - - -Moddofooudml.oondo?duty. Amen-duct - :dhmianyCm-e -Fa? b?uwnmormNavy - Values. Cm Vibes: HONOR. COURAGE. NOR. COUMGE. COMMENT. HONOR. COURACIE. COM. COM. NW 37. - - PERSONALIOB I Walnfahdhm -Prioritius poorly. - - c?ecu?vcly. - Phyp?ui?res 1W lam-gt ofwott -Avoiduespansihi?ly. - mummi?endahlew??n?ym - My. hardest NOB rum-m mean (01.02) 1 EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (cont 9.63 sums 1610-1 2.31:: 3. Desi; 4.88?! i KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 152 SEAL Psuomwuws Lm g: as f0 53 38. ~Cmm?muwmhguwwk - Jammy,me wimMMs?'Mm Mum m. . Contributionsme 43??kamb - mm Wand - - reds -Dneauomhdinc?anweil ~Aoupuu?s?mmdim?on. - NOB El El 39. ~Nc?saspumhldevelopmm - - dams" unnaews madam; Jaihnnorphamwoblms - -I mam gummotuhiwe Instant . "mks-5n I .. ?9'1 1 .. - ?Ni . hassunmasnamnauwmn . - 'Euam otpermumd - 4, a: - qmpmeal. In I .?ml -Ewepuoad . . Jam -Cm?ym puma] NOB dawns? worms.? by nmhqofgndedm DEV GROUP STA PROGRAM 'An - COMBAT PROVEN 152 Kyle is a vital member of his platoon. - MANAGER. He superbly maintained over . His continued demonstration of exceptional leadership and management skills aided SEAL Team THREE CHARLIE Platoon througho?t? "their rigorous ore-deployment work-up. - - OPERATIONALLY SOUND. Exhibited exce tional tactical savvy while . His field skills have set a new "high-standard? for SEAL Team THREE. - TEAM He represented Naval WSpecial Warfare by participating in the disaster relief effort for San Diego fires by helping the city of Scripps Poway start to rebuild their commity work?up. I32 Kyle is ready for the increased responsibility of an LPG position. PROMOTE HIM 44. QUALIFICATIONSIACHIEVEMENTS - Education, wuss. summin mvoivcmt. eta. during this poiod. Awarded Navy Achieyement Medal Combat Action Ribbon, Meritorious Unit Comendation. Completed NSW Scout] Sniper . Pmmocim Sipi?cant . Must Early 47. Retention: Wrist: NOB ?W'mh'e Pm Haunts NotRsoonmded Room 45. ?lawman-Address mnwmuu. SEAL TEAM mass 46? 2542 TRIDENT WAY SUMMARY 0 0 0 37 10 SAN DIEGO CA 92155-5492 Raw-u 50 SI or I Date: mums?o+ Sm:me Average: - 'lhavcsemmismtbemappdsedotm pal-{marmaladde tombn?nmml." ldono?nmdmuhmiumeD Date: Date: NAVVERS mm (63-01) MEMO NAVPERS 16160.3 5" 5WD FITNESS EVAL 7 August 2004 - 1mm MEMORANDUM ENTRY PER REG if .. Name: KYLE CHRISTOPHERS Grade/Kale: 132 PERIOD OF REPORT FRGM: 03mm To: seems This memorandum Reelies to the section checked below: This memo entry corrects gap. ?31 view of the member?s status (leave, transit, inactive duty, under in?ection, etc.,) during the period noted above no report for this period was prepared. This memo entry corrects continuity gap. No report for the period can be obtained. K4 Report was received {without the signature of member; reporting senior. Other: Report was accepted without the member?s signature. Ifdesired, SNM may submit a signed copy under a cover letter to PERS-311 requesting the removal and replacement of this report. DR, Head, Perfomlance Evaluations L3 ChE?g? iates sf report to read: FROM: To; Change block to read; [1 Add a block to read; EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD RCS BUPERS 1610-1 i. Name (Last First MI Suf?x) KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 2.Rate ISZ 3. Desig SEAL 28. Gourmand unployment and command achievements. 5. ACT TAR euro 7. ShipiStation 8.?rormtion Status 9. Date Reported 2" 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGULAR 01531225 occasim fork Detachment Promotion.l Palm 0mm" 7 I to. Periodic 12.chking 13. Special 14. From: 04MAR16 l5.To:A OSMARIS 16. Not Observ Type of Report 20. Physical Readiness 21. BilletSubcategory (if any} Rm Regular ramcmr? .SPECIAL01 22. Reportin Settian clone: "in. 25. Title 2mm: arson SEAL TEAM THREE deploys forces to conduct Naval Special Warfare (NSW) operations in USPACOM and USCENTCOM for contingency, OPLAN execution and exercises and and COMSOCPAC, COMSOCCENT and COMSOCKOR. under FIFTH INTEL DEPT HD Operator and Combat Swimmer (SEAL) whose primary duties involve Clo diving, parachuting, and the demolition of explosives-12. I PRI: 29. duties. (Enter primary duty abbreviation in box.) CHARLIE Platoon Intel Department Head. _..Qualified NSW sed circuit SCUBA For Mid-term Counseling Use. (When completing EVAL enterJO and 31 from counseling straddled. sign 32.) 30. Date Counseled 045EP1 5 31. Counselor renmrormcn mans: LG - Below standards/not progressing or UNSAT in any one standard; 2.0 - Does not yet meet a] . . standards; 4.0 - Exceeds most 3.0 standards; 5.0 - Meets overall criteria and most ofthe speci?c standards for 5.0. Standards are not all inclusive. PERFORMANCE 3.07 Age so TRAITS Below Standards . my?. Meets Standards 5mm Greatly Exceeds Standards 33. - Marginal knowledge inflating. specialty - Slrong working knowledge circling, - -Recognized expert. sought out by all for orjob. specialty and job. technical knowledge. KNOWLEDGE - Unable to qrpiy knowledge to solve - Reliahly applies knowledge to - - Uses knowledge to solve complex Technical knowledge routine problems accomplish tasks. technical problems. and practical application - Falls to meet advancement/P05 - Meets advancementiPQS requirements on - Meets advancemeutJPOS requirements requirements time. earlym'itlr distinch NOB - [j til 34. - Needs excessive supervision. \leeds little smmision. - 'Neetk no misled QUALITY OF WORK: - Product ?equently needs rework. -Prodaces quality work. Few errors and - -Alwaysproduees exceptional work. No SW of ?Infill resuiing rework. rem required. value ofmd product. -Wa.steful ot'moruees - Uses moraines ef?ciently. - - Maximizes resources NOB Actions comrterto Navy?s retentioni - Positive leadership Navy?s increased - Measurany contributes to Navy: inereaed COMMAND OR reenlistment pals. retention goals. Active in decreasing attrition. retention and reduced attrition objectives. ORGANIZATIONAL - Uninvolvod with mentoring or professional - - Actions adequstely eucornagelsrwort - - - Proactive leader/Why mentor. involved development of subordinales. 7 mbordinatm' personal?professional growth. in subordinates?persnnal development leading OPPORTUNITY: . to professional growl/sustained commitment. Connibuting to gowth - Actions coroner to good order and a - Demonstrates appreciation for contributions - - Initiates swoon promos: formilitary. and development. and negatively affect Command: of Navy personnel; Positive in?uence on civilian. and {undies to achieve exception! human worth. Grandma! climate. Command climate. Cormnand and Orgaoimine-l climate. cammunity. - Fails - - Values differences as Fosters - -Themodel of achievement. Develops unit NOB tovaluedi?'erencesfmm culun'al cohesionbyvaluingdi?'ereneesas diversig. EOJEEO polig streu . - 36. nConsistenlly unsatisfactoryappearanee. - Excellent personal appearance. - -Esenrplary personal insurance. MILITARY - Poor self-connolrconduct marking in - Excellent conduct conscientioust - - Mode! of conduct. on and off duty. - disciplinary action. complies with regulations. Appearance, conduct - Unable I: meet one or more physical - Compli will: physical readiness -A leader in physical readiness. picnics] ?tness. readiness sandal-d3. program. adherence to Navy Core - Fails to live up to one or more Navy - Always lives up to Navy Core Values: - ampli?es Navy Core Values: Values. Core Values: HONOR. COURAGE. HONOR. COURAGE. COMMITMENT. HONOR. COURAGE. COMMITMENT. - COMMITMENT. N08 [3 I: [3 37. --Nee$ prodding to attain quali?cation - Productive and motivated Completes - Jammie self-starter. Consulates tasks or PERSONAL JOB or ?nish job. tasks and quali?cations fully and on quali?cations early. far better than ACCOMPLISHMENTI time. INITIATIVE: . - Prioritizes poorly. effectively. - wisely and Responsibility. quantity exceptional Foresight. of work. - Avoids responsibility. - Reliable, dependable. willingly accepts - -Seelcs extra responsr?oilityand takes on the hardest jobs 7? l. t_l NAVPERS EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (E 1-E6) (cont '11) Res BUPERS 0-: 1. Name (Last. First MI Sam) 2. Rate 3. Desig KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 182 PERFORMANCE 2-0 3.0 4.0 .o 5 ?nuns Below Standards mm Meet: Summit 5% Gmdy 3t - -mnr and man - -T TEAMWORK: with omen. puts nifaboge team. Mis?t: to tag?? wages: a - Fukiowkundmum. tum goals or - airplay: good - -Focuses goals Ind balm for team in tag team tones. tam niques. mulls ~Doanamke direction well. - -Accepsand - -Th?bestaxmp?ngandotfuhgm ~08 C: :1 Ci Ci {beam repressive m. i I . su . hates me]: hi 1' - WES problems - - success?mv. implementing process - mt dciebpmau. 9 [log at mimics. cf?qm' 'es. - Wm" to accomplish goals - Does not set orlac?hievcudgoo?k' relevant - - achieves usedfui, realistic goals that ad to command Human vmou. support corms mission. - . [?sts ability to cope with 01 tolerate - ?ght-n}; well in mm situations mm? 5 s. - . mner mm. - . . - Inadequate communicator. - Ensues safety of personnel and -r m" mug? mg? and ?sum Tolerate: hoards or unsafe practices equipment and - Exceptional mm? . . Makes album 7 minnins top safety recent r?s -Coasuotiy the personal and L3 :1 El total of trait scans divided by 4 numbcrofgndedmits. .. PLATOON LPO INSTRUCTOR N5 .9429] LPO support of sniper. Operational expert. - Exceptional leader. intense urban combat ever experience has my highest possible recommendation for promotion to Junior Sailbr of the Unsurpassed courage under fire while conducting 41 swmemrr?dsmaue): WW 43. COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE: malts. titre: 2.0 marks. and 2.0 marks in Block 35 speci?cally suhm?ltsd in mums. be veri?able. Font must he 10 or l2 Pitch (ID or 12 Use apps! and iowcr case; Combat hardened warrior! - Combat proven! Year: The #1 3-5 at SEAL Team mas. during the siege of Fallujah. unparalleled bravery and skill as a sniper contributed signi this strategic victory over the insurgents while reducing the troops. During a seven month deployment_to Iraq, 132 Kyle records H;s contributions to success over the insurgency in Iraq Deftly served as Naval Special Warfare Task navigator while deployed in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM II. precise ground convoy navigation and the safe execution of' in a complex and lethal-ground mobility environment. His personal conduct and performance in combat during the most 6 by NSW personnel served as an example to all! He 8?6 and assignment as LPO. ficantly to the success of risk of harm to coalition cannot be overstated! Date: niper operations in His display of enemy KIA as a Unit Central's primary Meticulously ensured AWARDED 44. - Education. SWOT Expeditionary Service Combat Action Ribbon (2nd award). maids. conununiLy involvement. etc, during this period. Medal; Sea Service Deployment Ribbon {2nd award): 51. Signature of individual Evaluated. [)8th Rumina?on "03 Wm! Whit Prim-:1: Frigate Recommended 45. 48. Reporting Satior Addmo INDIVIDUAL SEAL TEAM THREE 46. 2642 TRIDENT WAY SUMMARY 0 0 0 35 9 SAN DIEGO CA 92155 Limes "l have seen this report. been apprised of my, perfomuncc. and understand upright to submit a summit." I intend to submit a stateman 5/2; Dow/m. 1616-26 (03-82) 1 do not intend to submit a statement. 51 Tywm.?dtmm mandmo?cguhupomsdiuucmupm DEPARTMENTOFTHENAVY sumnuu?m? ?2 I MVPHIBASE conemoo I ymuwaqumnw?an 1610 22 NOV 06 SN, SEAL Team THREE 2642 Trident Way, San Diego, CA 92155-5000 To: Chief of Naval Personnel (PERS-311) Subj: EVALUATION REPORT 1. Identification of original report . 3.. Blocks 1-4: KYLE, CHRISTOPHER, - b. Blocks 14?15: 04MAR16 - c. Blocks 17-19: REGULAR 77 Blocks 22, 27: 2. Extension data 3- a. Blocks 10 13: Promotion/Frocking b. Blocks 14 - 15: Change to 04MAR16 - 05JUN30 Copy to: Kyle EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (E 1 -E6) RCS BUPERS I?lO-l 23. employmmt and warm! whim. SEAL Team THREE deploys forces to conduct Naval Special Warfare (NSW) 0 USPACOM and USCENTCOM for contingencies, OPLAN execution, and exercises FIFTH, and and COMSOCPAC, COMSOCCENT, and COMSOCKOR. LNameaasLF'mmsm) 2.1m 3.Desig KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 131 SEAL 1m TAR mm 6. UK: 7.8hipISmion armou' Sums RMW El 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGU OISEPZS mm: mm Modofw 3, IO.Petiodic 11.0:me 14.8mm Not TypeofRepm 20. Physicd Readiness 21. BikSuhgt?gmy?fany) I :7.chqu momma i 25.11418 zemc $27,358: co 44884 Aerations in ?under COMTHIRD, 29. neural/W I PLT INTEL REP i PR1: Platoon Intelligence Department Representativ'?12. Qualified Combat Swimmer (SEAL) SNEC 5326, whose primary duties involve open and losed circuit scuba diving, parachuting, and the demolition of explosives;'COLL: SEALiSniper, Lead Navigator, Advanced Forces Operator, Special Operations TactiCaerideo ?ystems Operator. i=me 611330803 . . Ev 3i?nu?mggf?ghiiy&nAL 30. DueCmmeled NOT REQ I 32. Commhd I Inclusive. 3.0- Moots ail 3.0 Pauomwuxm LP 1? 38 *0 4:5; Measmemk 33. - murasr?mr ?Ema mwfm?mmg?? mum: many . - ngmadvmmenumsmniumemm mm tune. NOB 34. - Need: In QUALIFYOFWORIL .mwmm - -Prod1p:squl?ym Farmed - Standardofwut mutt. . valiade -Wm:lofresom - 14 35. ?Ac?qmmw?nvy?smn?w - - most i ORGANIZATIONAL - - devdoplnulofmha?in?es. mbmiinm'pamumfm?ynm -megpodmu? - - wwemm - mummy. . .vmam'nmfm - NOB Masqer ammogyg 36. - margin um Amanda - ?nes: mm Woman: - Vines. WCOURAGECOW. W. [1 El 37. - 4%me: icr?nishjob. mammame AW I Jm?mummb. - -Hm??mmud?mdy - ?My. . . chunk. - mm manna-oz) . EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (cont RC3 swans 1610-! 1km: 106% KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 151 SEAL PERFORMANCE Lo- 3.0 5.0 nuns seawsmm Ms msududs um.mu' may and - TEAMWORK: ?rm 3:53. .7 on Conhjibunmulom - Madam mploysgnod - results mount?sdim?mwall. - -Ac:epundo?asmdimctim NOB Cl 39. -nguw?devdapmem welfare - -E?ecuvely' mummideveiopmm' - -lnspuing' antiwar-d . gf?h ?our.? Mimics. amines mach him of 5mm Wanders mm' g] .swd' W: - achieve relevant - - shaves realm ant - - temp gang?. . muff-fl?. F?s -antsabilitytocopewithormlm - - uranium-a?de - - .m - mammalian?. Ewes me .Tolmlmadsormnfepncuces - Irraw's?m'wgh. . mm and "03 [3 narrow? worm' Muf?nsomsdi?edby mberofgmdedua?s. SpdiwmmkaMy?tbamupus-ne PLT LCPO I Mme; hcvui?lble. -. BRAND NEW 8?6, FIRST SEAL TO BE ADVANCED COMBAT ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM. MP ONLY BECAUSE OF REPORTING RESTRICTIONS, BUT STILL .RANKED IN THE TOP 10 OF 24 SEAL Routinely acted as LPG and CPO when his senior enlisted were absent from training, ready for greater responsibility.? As Observation Post leader during Special Reconnaissance training, a position nermally reserved for CPOs or above, he led SEALS in the successful clandestine surveillance of _separate tar et sites, gathering intelligence critical to the 100% successful completion of* Final - RECOGNIZED LEADER. Training Exercises. - RESIDENT TACTICAL EXPERT. Personally trained .SEAL snipers in urban operations based on his vast experience in over. combat sniper missions in Iraq. he point man he proved invaluable by expertly conducting detailed route planning for over. training exercises drawing on his experience from over in Iraq. ONE OF THE MOST COMBAT EXPERIENCED OPERATORS IN THE SEAL TEAMS. HE HAS MY STRONGEST PERSONAL ENDORSEMENT EOE PROMOT ION TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER . 44. - Education awards, community involvement. cm, during this period. Pmmotion Signi?cant . Must Early 41. Retention: Rwamm?a?on' NOB Problam' W8 mm? mm: Promote NotRmmended Was 45. WVTDUAL SEAL TEAM THREE 45, 2642 TRIDENT WAY SUMMARY 1 0 7 8 5 SAN DIEGO, CA 92155-5492 . . Dale: [Lu-05 swam.?sz 5.37 M: 51. Sigmoflndividnll tosuhmtusmemm.? iintendtosubmitastatcmem. ?3 - Date: Date: 5 Hall-08? Slums mamas-oz) EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD RC5 BUPERS 1610?] SEAL Team THREE deploys forces to conduct Naval Special Warfare (MSW) operations in USPACOM and USCENTCOM for contingencies, OPLAN execution and exercises under COMTHIRD. FIFTH and SEVENTH FLEETs: COMSOCPAC, COMSOCCENT and COMSOCKOR. IRAQ. i. Name (Last. First MlSuf?x) . 2. Rate 3. Desig SSN KYLE, CHRISTOPHER 801 5- ACT TAR ?1093235 6.UIC 7.5idpl8tation 8.Pmmo ion Saws 9. Date 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGULAR 0152:1325 Occasion fa Re - Period Detachment Pm on! l0.Pe:iodic ll.oflndividual 12. l3.Special CI 1?1.me 05NOV16 153m: 06NOV15 l6. No: Type ofRepon 20. Physical Readiness 21. sum thategory (ifany) ?Om i I llkm?u 22. Reportin Senioraast?Ml) 23.0w: 24.055; 25.1w: muse 29. lCo INT DH i FRI: duties. (Enter primary duty abbreviation in box.) Platoon Intelligence Department Head?12. $20,000 worth of equipment and tracking daily intel sunmaries, maintaining map databases Responsible for and producing intelligience products in support of an 18?man SEAL platoon?12. COLL: NEW AFC-12. momma-.4 BLOonnselor enterSOnnd3l os?Ayls PERFORMANCE TRAITS: l.0 - Eelcw progressing 0! UNSAT in an standards; 4.0 - Exceeds mas! 3.0 standards; 5.0 - Meets overall exited: and most one standard; 2.0 Dem not yet meet all 3.0 standards; 3.0 - Meets all 3.0 the speci?c standards for 5.0. Standards at no: all inclusive NOB El was 1.Mom Standards madam 33. ?Muzzles! knowledge aimingspeeiaky $ng knowledgeetming. eel byall for PROFESSIONAL ?job. spatialty andjot. neehnical . KNOWLEDGE: - Unable In apply knowledge to solve Reliath app?es knuwkdge to - - Uses knowledge in solve complex Technical hawhdge muline pmblems. mplish tasks. technical ptohlems andpnetiedapplicanen -Meelsadvmeemem/PQS requiremean El 34. -Needs excessive supervision. - - Needs me: supervision. - - Needs no supervision. - - No Simian! of reaming rework. mm mind. value ofend - Wasteful of mm - Uses resources ef?ciemiy - ~Mnximizea resources. Cl - Mum-ably maritime in Navy: housed NOB 35. ?Ae?ims counter in Navy?s mention! ?Positive lendexship suppum Navy?s increased - COMMANDOR m?m - Uninvolved with mentoring a professional - Actions adequately enemngelmppon - - Pmuive Induum m. Involved GJMATEJEQUAL development of stadium mbm'dlnaies' Will in pawn! develop? hadiegi OPPORTUNITY: unprofessional cummiimeni. -Ac?onscoumenegoodadaand - mum-nesan foreonuibuliuns - 4:10ampr fam?m. anddevelopmeat. mufmwmempdmai community - -Valuesdi?uencusmg?ism - -1he 1 mm Developsunil NOB mvaluedi?enenees?emeelmal a 36. - MARY - -Modelufeonduetonmdo?duty. Amm - - physical ?tness, lendinessmderds. plum. . - -AiwyslivesupmNavyCueVahes: - ~Exemph?esNavyCueVahes: Values. Core Value: HONOR. COURAGE. HONOR. COURAGE. comm. HONOR. comma. WW. coma-mam "Needs prodding to main quali?mim - -Pmductive and motivated. Completes - Jimmie self-m. Cmphes at PERSONALJOB urlinishjob. fuliyandon Woman. familiar A I lune. expected. . INITIATIVE: - Primilizes poorly. - effeuively. - - iriser and with Responsibility. quality exceptional fungi. ofwerk. - Avoids responsibility. - - Reliable. dependable. willingly - Seeks em respons?ulny and lake: on responsibility. theij NAVPERS I?lm? (03-01] EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (cont ncsnumsmm LNuneaast?mmSn?k) 2.3m 3.Desig KYLE, CHRISTOPI-ER 801 SEAL mus mm Mum A WNW mm damned-hum Mum s" Wow -thumunphu - - who man-mahdhduwdl. - - - -mypamumw NOB El 39 ?can ?can: - . -m NJM we. din: mum - .11 mm vibes-nut.? new - . Jahali?ybupluhum - - we!!-ma?ydw? -ma-p?mmdm - 'f?lmu?w. i mm - -mm mam 1:1 mdwm?a? man'me I PLT LPO TRADET CELL .. -- LPG mammomzm(Ioaumwy.mmadhwm OF THE 3935? EFFECTIVE CWT IN 13.5. MILITARY *motnso coma? LEADERSHIP AND omsrm'smr: Planned and execut ?per Overwatch Missions in the Ci of Ar mar. accounted for confirmed enemy killed deny killed a: wounded. Sin levhandedly ted a large-scale coordinated attack on a . Killeienemy fighters in a single operation in support or encurl'??ia his?) V?liv?? exc? Lead Navigator and Assistant Patrol Leader awning resulting in the capture of mts. Inspired his peers and subordinates throughout six months of sustained Combat operations. mom AND DEDICATION: Responsible for saving both v.3. and Iraqi forces lives throughout six and a mug of sustained combat operatiom. Received many laudatory coments from suit Commanders he Supported. . 151 KYLE HAS omen comm LEADERSHIP BEYOND HIS PEERS. HIS PERFORMANCE UNDER FIRE CANNOT BE OVERSTATED. PM TO CHIEF OFFICER Awarded: Branze Star Medal with 2. Combat Action Ribbon. Presidential Unit Citation . and SEAL Team mass Sailor of the Quarter 3113 Quarter m_ "03 .g mm El ?bm? gm 45. a 2642 mean any - 92155-5492 emdm_wmmemlmme?maum 5am WMAW to lob/06 ?h?mMMdeMMh?nnmw MW Ii tossbmitn?amt' [Megawam 5% m/I/??foto EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD LNameaast. First Ml Suf?x) KYLE CHRISTOPHER 2. Rate 801 3. Desig RC8 nurses 1610-1 4. SSN Command employment and command aehieveml: SEAL Team WE deploys forces to CO 5- ACT 5. we Ship/Station a. Promotion Status 9. DateRepcrted 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGULAR 0183st Occasion for - Detachment P10111111an Mod ofRepon - 10. Periodic 11. oflndividual 12. Freaking 13. Special {3 14. From: 06NOV16 15.711: -07NOV15 16. Not Type of Report 20. Physical Readiness Zl. Subcelegory (ifany) 17.114qu 111. Concurrent 22. Reponin Senior t, Fl 2:1. Grade 24. Desi; 25. m1: onduct Naval Special Warfare operaltions in USPACOM and USCENTCOM for contingencies, OPLAN execution and exercises under CONTRIRD. FIFTH and SEVENTH COMSOCPAC, COMSOCCENT and COMSOCKOR. I PLT LPO i 29. Fri de?es. (Enter primary duly abbreviation in box.) PRI: Platoon Leading Petty Officer-12. Heeponsible for the initial setup and organization of the platoon's schools and quals. COLL: Dive supervisor-12, Lead Sniper-12, ROS-12, Dive Maint?lz, AFC-12. .. NOBD D- For Mid?lens Cmmseliug Use. (When completing 30. Due Cmmseled enter 30 and 31 from counseling worksheet, sip 32.) 7m'Y1 5 PERFORMANCE TRANS: l.0 - Below progressing or in anty one slandanl; 2:0 - Dee: not I standards; 4.0 - Exceeds mos: 3.0 standards; 5.0 - Meels overall criteria and most a the speci?c standade for 5.0. Standards are not all Inclusive PERFORMANCE 1.0. g: - Ag: in mm Below Standards - Meas sumo: 5M 33. Marginal knowledge of rating. speeielly - -Smg working hlmledge nfming. - -Reeognized expert. sought out by allfor PROFESSIONAL orjob. 1y . :edrnieal knowledge. KNOWLEDGE: - Unable lo eyply knowledge it: solve - -Re!iebly epplles knowledge to - 4.15:: knowledge to solve ample: Technical knowledge routine problems. seem 'sh mks; . Main! problems. and wee?eal miseries! -Feils a: wee! Mums - - eds requirunems an -Meets edmconeaUPQS requirement: requirements. earlme dis?nclion N03 l] 31. -Needs excessive - . -Needs moo supervision. - -Needs no QUALHYOFWORK: - - Simian! ol'woa'k; resulting . ml: ragweed. value of end eroded. - Wasteful of resources. - - Uses resent-Des ef?ciently. - - Maximizes resources ?Mcnsurably emerth to Navy?s maused? NOB El Cl 35. -Aetio1ueounterlo?zw?s martian: Jammie supports Navy?sinaeand - COMMAND 0R reenlistment goal: .. retention goals. Active in decreasing attrition. retention and redueed suntan ohm ORGANIZATIONAL -Ueinvolved min measuring or professional - Jaime adequately encourage-1511mm - fmetiveleeoemxewhty manor. Involved QMTEIEQUAL developmem ofsubordinmes. mborcimles' personal/professional numb. - 111 panel We: lama: OPPORTUNITY: to emission! ~Ae?ousm1erlegoodorderand - - and development. discipline end negatively affect Comande ofNavy personnel. Positive in?uence on civilim. and families I_o excepnml human worth, - elimae. Command climate. Creamed and 03mm elsmete. community. momma: exelu'mary behavior. Fm - - Values di?'erenees as maths. Fosters - -?l'l1e model of Develop: unit NOB lovaheedi?'moes?mcall?u?l i . s. 36. - -Exedlmpemnaleppeumec. - -Empluypersonalappeumee. MILITARY ~Poor self-eunuch eandud mulling in - - Engine; conduct conscientimnly -Model afeonduet. an no o??duly. CHARACTER: discip?n?y action. com widl regulations. . . Appearance. eonducl -Umbletomeetaneormte - -Complieswi1h physical readiness - .A leade phynalreadmese edheraneetoNevyCore -FeilstoliveeplooneennoreNevy - -Exempl1?esNIvyCoreValuesz Values. -_Cere Values: HONOR. COURAGE. HONOR. COURAGE. HONOR, COURAGE. comm. COW. - "on El El 37. -Need1l prodding to main quell?au?ou - - Productive 1nd motiverul. Completes - -Energeeie_selt-swter. Compleres asks or PERSONAL JOB or ?nish job. tests In! quali?cations fully end on quali?unons enrly. fa' heme: than ACCO lime. rumma- - P?m?i?zes poorly. - - Maritime: elTeezively. - grisly end with Responsibility, qnmuly I ueepoenal {cream I of m. ?Avuids "sensibility. - -Reliable, dependable. wdlangly accepts -Seeks mirespoush?hly and lakes on responsibility. the nudes! Jobs. mamas 161m (?1412) EVALUATION REPORT ICOUNSELING RECORD (cont acs swans 1610-1 I. Name (Last, Suf?x) 2. an: 3. Deli; 4 KYLE, CHRISTOPHER I 301 SEAL memos 1.0' I 3.0 I43 5.0 TRANS I W8 Sm 33. -Cmm?id,unwillin lo - eds and ?ni?muww. . - . a I mm?r?'ms results I - -Aceepuando?'mmdinc?on. - -1'?ch?stntacocn?ngudo?'erhgm wontplan cam - creates - - Imam .Im mun process - Fennel? 335% ml gems-command mission wsm.? I command mission. 'W?dnq-?m ?mm ma - - omweilinwcufulnm?m - -m ammunich stymisz Mann? ?maidup:me . mad. . I satay-cousins. numgduymd N03 mm Ihcpusaunmd Iot?ofniim "edby Duty. Other. (acquit) INSTRUCTOR PLATOON DUTY LCPO . 43. com ON PERFORMANCE MI 1.0 musicals marks. ?2.0 mutsin mas mus: Columbus! bevai?ahk. 1001-12 man or :2 point)mly.Usc upp?'udhwasasc. . SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE PLATOON LPOI LEADER: A complete warrior and natural leader, he expertly led. SEALS through -weeks of high intensity training: Expertly led the execution of over-hours of high profile live fire training, demonstrating exceptional tactical prowess as fire team leader thereby ensuringlhis Platoon was 100% ready for combat. OUTSTANDING MANAGER: Coordinated initial procurement. inventory and maintenance of his entire platoon's logistical load out worth more the . His expert planning and supervision resulted in the 100% accountability and rea ness of all platoons departments throughout a ri-orous schedule. He personally coordinated the professional development of personnel, all necessary qualifications were met. MENTOR: Leads byexarnple. Provided superior mentorship and career guidance to all his subordinates andIIage advice to his junior officers, preparing his entire platoon for the challenges :on and off the battle field. LEAD AS A PLATOON PROMOTE 44. . Equation, awards. commuity involvement, eta, during Isis period. AWARDED: Bronze star distinguishing device. Pmmohon?on ROB Flaming Pmmubk Must mu guesses. 45. 48.RtponingSeniorAddn.-ss INDIVIDUAL SEAL TEAM mass 45? 2642 TRIDENT WAY SUMMARY 0 10 10 6 5m 13: 2155-5492 a. my Immunoassaan 51 gimme ommr?ng scum, unmnwuhnrw. mull? mm Date; 01:5? Summary Group Average: 51. Signature oflndividml Evaluaged this Icpon, beenst of my and undetsmd II No submit a suitm? I intend to submit a statement I do not intend to submit a statement. I /7 Dim/ EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD RC8 BUPERS l6l0-l I. Name (Last, First MI Suf?x) KYLE CHRISTOPHER 2. Rate 501 3. Desig SEAL 4. SSN 8. Promotion Status 9. Date Reported 22. Re 4 28. Command employment and command achievements. SEAL TEAM THREE deploys forces to conduct NSW operations in USPACOM and USCENTCOM for contingencies, OPLAN execution and exercises under COMTHIRD, FIFTH and COMSOCPAC, CONSOCCENT and COMSOCKOR. Deployed 180 days. 25. Title CO 5. ACT TAR INACT ATIADSWI 5.1m: . [Ship/5mm 2" 44884 SEAL TEAM THREE REGULAR 015E925 Occasion for meme?: Mom", Period of Report 1 l0. Periodic ll.oflndividual 12. Frocking 13.5mm 14. From: 16. Not Obser?v Type ochpon 20. Physical Readiness 21. BillelSobcategory?fany) 17. Regular l8.ConcurrenlD 26. UIC . SEVENTH nos-rs,- I PLT LPO i 29. Fri duties. (Enter primary duty abbreviation in box.) FRI: Platoon LPG-10. Responsible for thedaily running of an 18 member SEAL platoon and all. associated weapons and equipment. Coll: LEAD NSW SNIPER-10. DIVE SUP-1V0, ROS-10, DIVE mam?10, APO-10. TAD: 47. Deployecl: 150 days. A For Mid-term Counseling Use. (Wires completing EVAL. enter 30 and 31 from counseling worksheet, sign 32.) 30. Date. Counselor! NOT PERF Counselor DEPLOYEIJ 3 PERFORMANCE TRANS: 1.0 Below standardan progressing or UNSAT in standards; 4.0 Exceeds most 3.0 standards; 5.0 - Meets overall criteria and most 0 the speci?c standards for Standards are not all inclusive. one standard; 2.0 - Does not yet mat all 3.0 standards; 3.0 Meet: all 3.0 led NOB PERFORMANCE luv 3.0 Age so IRMTS Below Standards Em- Meets Standards 53st Greatly Exoeeds Standards . 33. Marginal knowledge armingspecialty -Sm:workhiglmowledge of rating. -Recomieedexpen.soogm outby all for PROFESSIONAL orjob. specialty and job. technical knowledge. KNOWLEDGE: - Unable to apply knowledge to solve - Reliably mplles - - Uses knowledge to solve complex Technical knowledge routine problems. accomplish tasks 7 technical problems. turd practical application - Fails to meet advmeonent/PQS - -Meets requirements at - Meets advlneerneerQS requirements recruitment: time. earlyiwidr distinction NOB . [3 34. - Needs uceasive supervision. .Needs little supervision. - Needs no QUALITY OF WORK: - Product frequently needs rework. -Produoes quality work. Few errors and - ?Always produces noep?mal work. No Standard of work; resulan rework. rework required. value of end product. - Wasrei'ul of resources. - - Uses resumes etl'rciemly. - - Maximizes resumes; . -Measurably contributes to Navy's incensed NOB El 35. - Actions counter to Navy?s retention! - Positive leadership suppr Navy?s increased - OR m?meal goals. - retention goals. Naive in decreasing attrition. relation and reduced attrition objectives. ORGANIZATIOHAI. - Uninvolved with muttering or professional - -Actioos adequately eneouragdsupport - -Proactive leada'lertemplary mentor. involved CLNATEIEQUAL development of stbordioats. orbordinstes? personallptofesslonsl gown. subordinates? perm development leading} OPPORTUNITY: to omissions! Mwminod commitment. Contributing to growrlr -Aetioos counterlo good order and - -Dernonstralcs appreciation for constitutions - -lnitiates orppm programs for unit-y. and development, discipline mi negatively affect Caurnandl ofNevy personnel. Positive in?uutoe on civilian. and families to achieve exocpliond human worth. Organizational climate. Command climate. Command and Orgmization? climate. community. - Demonstrates errolrrsimary behavior. Fails - - Values di??ereoces as streogdrs. Fosters - -Tlte nrodei of noievenrutt. Develops unit N03 tovalue di??ereneesl'mrn cultural atmosphere ofeocepmco?nclusionperEI ?ier. siren s. so. - Consistently unsatisfactory appearance. - - Excellent personal appemnoe. - -Exenrplary personal appearance. MILITARY - Poor selfoonrroi; conduct resulting in - - Exodltatt conduct conscientiously - ~Model of conduct. on and off duty. actitlr. complies with regulations. I Appearance, conduct - Unable to meet one or more physical - -Complies with physical readiness - -A leader in readutess. physical fitness. readiness program.- - adheranoetoNavyCore -FailstoliveuptooneormoreNavy - - vain? . Core Values: HONOR. COURAGE. HONOR. COURAGE. COWMNT. HONOR. COURAGE. COMMITMENTNeeds prodding to attain quali?cation - - Productive and motivuod. Completes - - Enerptio self-slum. Completes tasks or PERSONAL JOB or ?nish job. tasks and quali?cast fully and on quali?cations early, far better than ACCOMPLISHMENTI time. . leA'l?lVE: - Prioritize: poorly. - - Plots'prioritizes effectively. - - and null! Responsibility, quantity exoqrtronal forestpr I of work. - Avoids responsibility. - - Reliable, dependable. willingly accepts - - Seeks extra responsib?uy takes on . .ty? the busiest jobs. Cl NAVPERS IMW EVALUATION REPORT COUNSELING RECORD (cont Res Bursts 15m 1. Name (Last, First Mi Suf?x) . 1. Rate 3. Desi; 4. SSN KYLE, CHRISTOPHER $01 SEAL PERFORMANCE gig 3.0 4-0 5.0 mm Below Moonsumdmis 5% ?nally as. -Crelneseon?id.unwil? towork - - mum" a W931i: mammalian. . mess. Coombuoonumeam - - 1mm niqus. results - Dou not utedtteetton well. - -Aootpts and offers two - -T.he heel et?ooceptiog inn oiTet'ingm "09 El [3 39. muted: Womlopmntorwelfm - -E?ee?velystimulutes Wdeveiopmmtin - ?some; sobatlionet Organg?moumng Jetway-madame: pmbiems - ,impienmting process - ?md him an tog other: WW. Improvements Ind cicadas. ySu'pah ermine-,mfomigm. to accomplish goals -Doesnolsetor_aciueve . 'mlemt - domination: use?tltreglistic goals the: - . dam-pm ?magma to 1:55:01! musics. mm_ wide -Ladts I cope arm: - - MMSW - - omega-namesake; 7 - waves eitmonelond . [1 mammals 40_mdjv?dw?fm?1Avu Notwitmdiviaedby numbetofgmdedtm'ls. . 7 INSTRUCTOR PLATOON 'tc: DUTY LCPO 43. COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE: All 1.0 tanks. three 2.0 mm and 2.0 mat-ks Block 35 must be incontinent. Council: as! be veri?able. Fonlmunbe or :2 1?in (10 or II manly. Us: appendiowetease - - BEING SUBMITTED ON THE OCASSION 0F FROCKING TO CHIEF PETTY OUTSTANDING MANAGER: Coordinated initial procurement," invento and maintenance of his entire platoons logistical load out worth more than?. His expert planning and, supervision resulted in the 109% account 1 ity Area ness of all platoons departments throughout a rigorous and. schedule. Personally coordinated the logistics for?a professional development sch?dule involving-mowers of his. platoon, his actions ensured all necessary qualifications were met for training and fighting the LEADER: A complete warrior and natural leader, he has led and mentored SEALS through the daily operations of his SEAL platoon overthe last 12 months. As LPG and squad his experience, sitperb operational skills and sage advice have made him indespensable to his platoon and troop, salitifiying his place as a key leader. MENTOR: -He provides leadership and career guidance to all his subordinates,- leading by example he coaches and teaches his men daily, ensuring each man is better prepared for they may meet on and off the battle field. testis? T0 LEAD AS A PLATOON LCPOH 44. QUALIFICATIONSIACHIEVEMENTS - Education. awards. community involvement. cit, during th period. AWARDED: Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Iraqi Campaign Medal. COURSES: SEAL DIVING SUPERVISOR, P01 Leadership: Course. Promotion I Signi?cant . Must Early 47. Retention: Recommendation ?.03 Problems Promote Promote Not Recommended Recommended 45. - 48. Reponing Senior Addtees INDIVIDUAL SEAL TEAM THREE 2642 TRIDENT war- 46. - SUMMARY . 0 0 2 2 1 sasignmnom Summary Group Average: Li 51. Signature oflndividual Evaluated. have seen this report. been apprised ofmy mend pefonnlnee, and unde tto submit a statement' 1 intend to submit a staleman I do not intend to submit I statement. NAM-316 maxim-oz) EVALUATION COUNSELING RECORD (E7 - E9) RC3 BUPERS lGiO-l' 28. an SEAL Team CO 44884 LHomo (umMISuE?m) 2, amok-E 3. 4. KYLE. CHRISTOPHER SOC SEAL s. M: FTS INACT a. UK: 1, ShipISthion a. Promotions? (mom 7 44884 SEAL TEAM man REGULAR _'070ct31 . I me?? u. El. l3. Special 0933915 MM Madman 20. Physicalkadiness omasmmamy) Rem [j Regular )3 ticmm 19.0pstr P/ws 322mm 22. am; Senior (Lu. 23. Grade 4. Desi 25.1w. 6. uzc ma?loyawgrcaa to conduct: Naval Special Warfare (35W) operation in USPACOH and for contingencies, OPLAN execution and exercise under CUMIRD. FIFTH and saves-n: CONSOCPAC. and COHSOCKOR. FRI Sniper-(SR) Training CPO-03. logistical coordination, mentoring, and combat readiness of deploying SQUADRONH. NSW Sniper-03. TAD 29. We! duiiu. (EmerPn'may duty abbreviation in box.) mm cpo Responsible for the training. tactical leadership 17day. COLL For Mid-lam Counseling Enter 3033:! SI from massing worksheet sign 32.) Use. (When completing FITREP 30. Date Counseled NOT REG Camselor 32. Sig-mun! of IndiVidual Commelerl PERFORMANCETRAITS: ZO?Docs ill?Murillo was; 1616I27 (6-08) PERFORMANCE 3.0 Ag. 5.0 TENTS Below Standard: mg Meets Standards Sand-rd: Greatly Exceeds Smlanls 33? - Neglect: gromlddevdopnait or welfare - Effectively nimulztes growl-[development in - hispiring motivaor and trainer. Junior of Junior Of?cer and Enlisted Sailors. Junior Of?cm and Enlisted Sailors Of?cers and Enlisted silos reach hi?ttst i level and development. ?rming - Presenccnotfellon the dedcplates. . sets - Always vis?endutpguim?iedeckplue; Mm posi?vetone. duvelop?ys when to - Does not set or achieve gulls relevmt - Wines mi, mlistie goals mu - Leadership mm Moriarty mmpi?h 8031* comma"! mission aid vision. supper! mend mission. further command mission and vision. - 581:8?! - Does not tilor leadership style to - Tailors ladenhip to situatim to samplish - Seamlessly tailors leadership tooth Sailor?s 2mm: ia?ai?aa. atria. mag}; 33:1: Sc mien-l: 90935? mission effectiveness. mm? - Fail: to organize. creates problems for - Organizes suooess?illy, implementing process 7 Supa'b min. great foresight, develops whordirtm improvements and e?cieucia. ween improvement: mi ef?ciencies. Jack: to -Pen' 11' sausful'mat? -P ems them :1 Wm WM a a mama. - Navy knowledge. - Has thorough knowledge ostvy - Navy multiplex utderstanding of l?mm?m? aviation and mum. purpose. minim. and structure MD TECHNICAL - Unaware mt! unwilling to learn details of i423 thorough knowledge of?avy programs - Banned. current Wedge and strong. ?En-'53: Navy program: and policia. and policies. advocate for all Navy mm: and policies. Wk?? - Lacks buie professimol knowledgeto - Her detailed rating knowledge; resolves - Reoogniudupat. wright she: to solve Wu] perform o??ectivciy. technical isms within retina. dif?cult problem, executes innovative ideas. W- . - Cmol my Muf?ns. . Compact?)! perform: both routine and new - Excepliqmliy skilled; mks. precisio? in at Inluical actions, duties procedures. ?Wm equaltoothersofmemk no - Tactical Wedgeme in NOB - other: ofmerlnk udaperiawe. experience. mmdmissimand?um?m 35- - Fails to uphold aid eoforwaanda'ds. - Adrvel' teaches. upholds and enforces - Proactiver readies. upholds, and mint-o5 PROFESSIONALISM: staidm'ds with peers and subordinates. throughout the unilateral - mforcement; - Does not ea'ectively utilize the Chief's -.Pmicipat6 in command planning and - Actively leads command mung-solves taking initilive, Mess to plan and solve dialling: pool solving Waugh the Chief's Mess. ch?lu?drigzl'm locum slment_ 'e I a Mess. solving aiding: in - lawman of pan, subordinates, - Committed to professional education/training - Fosters t!me Chief?s Mus. Idfaol I priority. for seil'and subordinatu education profane-l development. -Coalinuouslmiag; -Un:bletomeetmcormore?iysial . - Standard: ol'eppewnnee. reodinesmdurds. - Complies with physeal pram. - pascal and conduct. physical ?mess, - Consistently unsatisfactory appearance? - Excellent personal wine: and mm gnu Navy, qudi?c?im. unsatisfactory dunemor or mom. mauve of the Navy. - Tom holder. inspires cooperation and focus - - Creates con?ict, unwilling to work with - Reinforces other!? efforts, meets puma] on mission mm others. ts seifabove team. commitments to two. man; ofa? 5.51m NOB 9" El Ci 35- I - Does not eminently denim: loyalty - Loyal to mission, seniors. peers and - Loyal to mission, saiiors. peers I to mission. seniors. peers or subordinates. sabordmat' es; moral com-age to raise isms subordinates; moral courage to me: Issue: ?0 and the outcome. and strength to fully wpporl meme. . 53m ?d - Not concerned about Sailor sueorss. - E?'ectiw mentor, actions adequately - Exemplary matter. mates enwruommt with Mala ertoomgdsuppon subordinates? winding professional growth - Dedimiogi to Sailor personal/professional gmmh. was; for oath Sailor. 55'? - Allows command challenges to impact - Windy solves oode challenge before - arid sol-I: advocacy- Sailor reediness. they signi?cantly impact Sailor oh large: ore ey impact a: won El El mm mm FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-PRIVACY ACT SENSITIVE. EVALUATION COUNSELING RECO ?6 (E7 - E9 cont (1) 31112211515104 . l-N-me 2. Grade/Rat: 3. Desi; 4. SSH ?25. 1mm, camsum 3 sec sen. PERFORMANCE 1.0- 3.0 5.0 .- 2 Below Standard: mam Mods Standards Greatly Exceeds Standards 37- I - 9mm ?claim Won an, - Diversity: values difference: as strength, - Seamlessly itengei?versiry into all CHARACTER mm.? aim; fosters mm wormemmi, - integmy. Mala dim_ policy. - Model ofneldevemeu Develops mil ggm?g . - WM inlequ and them! take -Trustwonhy,ethicahndhonest. oohen?oobyvah?ng ammamghs. motility for Mouser decimalsHam? - Lad; with ?comma; of Ind Hm? om?: Communal. - Excupli?es Navy Core Values: HonorCom;m. [j 3? - Sii?es informa?on My, idea . Faeililaies infmmatiou exchange, idea sharig Jeever factiitetes information exchange. ACTWE nd ?Emmy ofopinion. ofopinion. -Use1Chief?sMesamopenfmm Mastodim,pln.oraclooeommnd fcrumtodisum?mmxdactonmmud quest-smug has. NW ?rm? - Poor communicator. notions negnivety - E?'ectively and listens to - Enagizes ?ew up ad down 90"? impact mission godsend reading meme. madman. eedaainarmd39' 53"? 0? memm. mam. mduadi?ms. ??35563: - - Integntesnlvaltsditiuu. mama-d - mum. 'mw?dmdf. Mathsimmh?ngpm mm Mingus: daily Mp. ramminst In?nitiv- Mdmd?l?dhm- -Nomofuul him, -Occasima?ynsesnavail?mm - -Consistanlyusesmdhislotylo demonsmtewhowexelsasmrioe. Jamaicmoweucansuvioe. mag LI El - - (ID. ?rnenmeerm?enonds)ufo?owr (Maxinmoftwoj YLT LCPO CWO expending eriod. u. COWSONPERFORMANCE instruction to SEAL snipers. of amunition. I.0muiu,thm2.0mzts.ndz.0mm )only. Usenppermdlomnse. MATE CHIEF WITH CONT EXPERIENCBI - Supervised a- sniper course tor-NSW1nipere encompassing? . He managed the daily schedules, assigned 350's for ranges. tie-conflicted air space and provided excellent shooting Additionally; _he performed 301C duties for 31: leadership contributed to the success of this and to the training o?.nipera preparing for their combat deployment. -. Managed -personnel as the lead 230 durin conducting daily de-confliction wit-33" areas involving the placenent of platforms and ale-conflicted units . Block 31 motto speci?cally elucidated in ammo-us. Cmments must be ved?obie. His efforts contributed to a highly successful an He set up robust training role In era, coordinated advanced medical training and ereonnel throughout the Foot l0 evolutions CGI operators receiving exceptional training 19:10: to their deployments. READY FOR A LCPO Motion Signi?cant my,? Must Early 44. mm; 5mm Recommendation N08. 7 Pmblems mm Promote Prawn 3m Tm THREE 42. 2642 moss-r WAY . sax: DIEGO. ca 92155-5492 summit? 5 3 3 Mammal:de ?hnomkeannment? linteadtomhmiumm domiatcudlombmiuslmenl . 4/5 - meTmA 3-55 A 4'15 47. Typed snowman, UIC.mdsignmeofRegqu Reporting Dale: .NAVPERS 1616127 (6418) FOR OFFICIAL USE ACT SENSITIVE. a. b. C. d. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SEAL TEAM THREE NAVPMBASECOHONADO zurmmanwmv saumseomawss-mz 1510 27_Oct?09 Commanding Officer, SEAL Team THREE 2642 Trident Way, San Diego, CA 92155?5492 Commander, Navy Personnel Command EVALUATION REPORT EXTENSION Identification of original report Blocks 1-4: KYLE, CHRISTOPHER, mommy,- Blocks 14-15: - Blocks 17?19: REGULAR 2. Extension data a. b. Copy to: SOC Kyle J: (.1164? 3. ?e an' at 619?437 -DSN 5 Blocks 10 13: Add. 11. Detachment of Individual Blocks 14 - 15: 'Change to OBSEPIS - -09N0vo4 l- - ib. 19164-5: kuacb?_? 1, mail navsoc . soccm . mil . By direction 6 DEPARTMENTOFTHENAVY qumanse commune mmnem'mv 1610 SAN MEGO. CA 92155-5482 23 Sep 0 From: Commanding Officer, SEAL Team THREE 2642 Trident Way, San Diego, CA 92155-5492 To: Commander, Navy Personnel Command (FEES-311) Subj: EVALUATION REPORT EXTENSION 1. Identification of original report a. Blocks 1-4: KYLE, CHRISTOPHER, b. .Blocks 14-15: - 09SEP15 c. Blocks 17-19: REGULAR a. Block 22: 2. Extension data a. Blocks 10 - 13: Add 11. Detachment of Individual b. Blocks 14 - 15: Change to 7.090CT04 any m;_st_igns; please contact? TF #hava a? bi?u?u '3 A J. .1 at 619?437 DSN 5'7 or email -@navsoc.socom.mil. By direction Copy to SOC Kyle ur av? ,2 3f .2 CAUTION: NOT TO BE NEED FOR ANY ALTERATIONBIN SHADEDAREAS IDENTIFICATION SAFEGUARD IT. RENDER FDRII VOID CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE OR DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE DUTY 1. 2. DEPARTMENT. CONFONETT AND BRANCH KYLE, CHRISTOPHER NAVY-USN RATEORRANK b. PAYGRADE 5. DATEOFBIRTH m) SOC E7 19740408 PLACE OF ENTRY INTO ACTIVE DUTY DENVER MEPS DENER, CO 80202-2515 SEAL TEAM THREE, NORTH ISLAND, CA ATDII WHERE SEAMTED PSD, NORTH ISLAND, CA ID. ssu NA ANOIINT: 12, RECORDOFSEMCE m3, m3, my?) 99 FEB 10 s3?3??n? SWIMMER (SEAL), (EYES). SMALL b. SEPARATION WEN: 09 NOV 04 ARMS MARRSMANSHIP INSTRUCTOR (GYRS). 10 08 25 a. TOTAL PRIOR Ann/Em 00 00 00 o. TOTAL sauce 00 00 00 I. FORIBON SERVICE 00 00 00 g. DEA SERVICE 00 00 17 ILEFFECITVEDATEOFFATORADE DECORATIONS. MEDALS, BADGES. AND CAMPAIGN RIBBONS AWARDED OR AUTHORIIED {All pe?ods samba) GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM SERVICE MEDAL. NATIONAL DEFENSE SERVICE MEDAL. SEA SERVICE DEPLOYMENT RIBBON (5), ARMED FORCES EXPEDITIONARY MEDAL (5), COMBAT ACTION RIBBON (2), MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION MEDAL. NAW AND MARINE (CONT BLK 18) year Wad) 14. MILITARY EDUCATION (Gnome DOD. Humbert? was, and numb and INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST, CLASS A, BASIC UNDERWATER DEMOLITIONISEAL, 4DWKSIMAROI: AIRBORNE. SNIPER, ISWKS. AUGOI: DIVING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, SEAL SCUBA DIVING SUPERVISOR, b. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE OR EQUIVALENT 15:. MEMBER CONTRIBUTED TO POST-VIETNAM ERA EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM YES YES NO NO 16. DAYS ACCRUED LEAVE PAID 545 MEMBER WAS PROVID COMPLETE DENTAL EXAMINATION AND ALL APPROPRIATE DENTAL SERVICES AND TREATMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS PRIOR TO SEPARATION YES NO 18. REMARKS n7: I Ail?o. . I - ESENTTO if 21. SIGNATURE OF NENBER BEING SEPARATED I At I -: CONT BLK ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM MEDAL, NAVY AND JERINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL, NAVY AND MARINE CORPS COMM MDL BRONZE STAR CAMPAIGN MEDAL, SILVER STAR (2), BRONZE ST AR GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL (3). SER-42827-09-8982-PDM A ALL OIREOTOROFVETERANBAFF - BY DIROIC mm-m?pm) XYES SPECIAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION uc OTEROF MW DISCHARGED HONO LE 25. AUTHORITY 23. SEPARATIDNCODE 21. ODDE MILPERSMAN 1910-104 KBK 28. NARRATIVE REASON FOR SEPARATION COMPLETION OF REQUIRED ACTIVE SERVICE 29. DATES OF TIME LOST THIS PERIOD m) TL-NONE DD FORM 214. FEB 2000 Io so. MEMBERREOUESTS com m; SERVICE - 2