RE: FBI reuon naming Pianel Am Dana: Friday, November 15,2011 1134:45m Let's do it [he week after, send me an invite thanks From: crousiiorn, Rnri FAS Sent: Frldav, November 13, 2011 11:23 AM To: isher, Jamie Burnett Jared (FAS) Cc: cnaniorro, Lawrence (FAS) Subject: rw: FBI reoon naming Planet Ald Jared, I would like to set up a meeiing and discuss this issue with you. I believe that Lawrence had compieied a compliance review a ciiupie or years ago Would you be available next week or ihe week aficr? Ron Crousiiorn, Direclor Food Assistance Division Office of Capacity Buil and Developmeni Foreign Agricultural Service us. Depanmeni orAgrieuinne Phone: (202) 720-3033 From: Kristine Alonge [mama Sent: Friday, November 18, 2 11 11.09 AM 'r Cruushum, Ron FAS Subject. . FBI report naming Pianet Aid Mr Croushom. i was quite suiprised to receive an ernaii irorn you. And I spent hours irying wrlle back. But there simple aren't words to describe how i aoour your ooniinueo suppon nf Planer Aid ii you wroie io iry io conirince me inoi niy eiions Tvind are poiniiess, you have You senousiy underesrirnare my knowieoge and my resoive ii you have written in an anempi to mend fences ano open possioie men i am ro neio you Bui make no mistake oniy help you because my desire io eviltl Tvind irorn rne USA is greaier man my ooniernoi ior ine USDA, wmte to one or your ELI--workers, Linda c. Habenslreni over a year ago concerning misconcepiions she had over Pianei Aid and Tvinu. i seni a copy oiiriai (a you and Judith but never received a response irorn any oi you, so i musi conciuoe than your sincerity in this mauer is quesiionaoie Anached is a copy of ihoi very letter You are an crossroads You can eiiner continue to believe me Pienei Aid i Tvind propaganda or you can look al ihe undeniable iacis and reaiixe inai Ihe USDA was negiigeni in iunoing Pianei Aid I will be gone tor a While, so i not he able to respond by e-mail It you need to talk to me, my phone number is 785-917-0796 Kris Alonge PS it's not the mistake that gets you in trouble it's the cover-up. You might want to think about that, On Fri, 11/13/11, Kristine Alonge Kris Alongc