- (Ron ammo; can Pan 2534 us. 0111:: ofGovawnmtEtbics Executive Branch Personnel PUBLIC FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Pom-Amado: OMB No. 3209mm LLoca?on of: Present Of?ce {or forwarding address} Address (Number, Stine; Cm a; gate? and ZIP Code} 2 . {202) 342-7222 11.01 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 900, washington, DC- 20005 Tole hone Nu include en'Code. more omppoitmn'eym Cmrdidacv. Eiecti'on. Kunming Swiss. I Calendar' Year .. . - 'Tenninan'on Dale (Ifdvn?~' I .F. .I a orNon?n??tion (Month. Day. Your} {6m Covered by 11ch Now?ny?ntf?pmimer; Tenm'hation 3?79" Any who is required'lo - - ?Candidate ?Filcr ?le this lop-on and does so more 1han .0 .. -.- . a - S?davsa?erlhedate?hefeportis_ Last Name .. . - .. Fithamo and'Middie? mziai . I'eQuirgd :9 ho ?led. or. ifan extensmn Reporting individuai's Name is granted, more than 30 days a?er the .1 . I Shaman wendy . lostday ofthe ?ling extension period - 2 I . .- ?ne of Position -- . D?oamnent or Ago?nov {If Aoglicable' shat! be subject to a $200 fee. Position'for Which Filing 3 - - - {e - Undgar Secrotary foeroiltzoai Affairs Department of $13 ?martin?mg periods Incumbents: The reporting period is the preceding calendar year except Pam of senator; and Pan 1 of . Schedule where youmust nl?o moans; Held win: magnum: Government During the Preceding 12 Months [If Not Same as Alamo} Tilie . . 2 include the ?lingy?enr up to the date - Member, UnitedStateo Department of Defense, Defense Poficy Board {07!09 - Present) you ?le. Pan it prS?heduI? is not applicable. . ..- . .-.. Termination Film: The reportin? Ptaidmtial Nominoe's Subiecl to Senna-con?rmation . Name ofCongeSSIonal Comiltoo?onsidering Nomination Committee on Foreign Refations ?o 'Y-ou?lntend in?ame bi?ersf?ad notiod begins at the end ol'the pe'riod covered by your previous ?ling and ends at the daie oft?nninotion Pm Ii r. ww'u-u Cowl?192mm . fl. wan-wyDKes .- CERTIFY that the I have madejn this .ntm and lichpdoi?s are into. complete? and correct" to best of my! knowledge. . of Schedule I) is not applicable. W2 24W Noniino?s. New Ehirints and Candidatgs for. Pre'sidont and Vice President: Signature of 013m. Revmwer?. schedule A-?kThe reporting period for income (BLOCK is ihepreceding Otto; Rg'iow {Hdesired by agency) mm. . Dale f?d?ont?, Dar. Veg-1 calendar year and the current calendar year up In the date o??jing, Valn'e ossers as orany duke you choose that is Within 31 days ur?le date of Wing. basis ofinfommgion gonzained in ?15% reboml'boncluae th?t lh? ?ier is in gqmoiianco with a?plicable inw? and.a regtilali?ns (suf?ce: to any commenu I in the box below). 1 - Ethics (if?tiai's (lginion aw . Dan? 5 Month. 1301?. War) 6r] 0 ~10? I Schedule B?Noi applicable. Sehednie C._Part {Liabil?ties}? period is the preceding calendar year and the content caiehdar year up to any date you choose lhag is O??ice of Gov emment EihiCS UseOnlw; - Date Mom}: Dov Ir'e'nr. .1. - 7 within days?oi'the date of ?ling. Sch?dule C. {art 11 (Aueemenis or - Arrangemenst Show any agreements Commento or Roviowing Of?cinis (Jaddfn?onai space}; required, use the ?reyerse Sid? ofihfs sheer) (Check box {T?h?ug extension indicate number ofdays (Check box ?commenrx are continued on the reverse sfde) ?2242:: or arrangements as of the date of ?i?ng, Sched ole D?The reportina'oerio? is the preceding two coiendai' yoors and the current calendar year up to the date ofi?iigg.? .. - - Agencv?oe'onlg .2 065.135: I Supersedes Prior Editions. Which Cannot Be 2734 12 Pom Designed in Microsoft Race! 2000 NSN 7540?61?070-3444 (Rev. 0312000) 5 C.F.R Part 2534 US. Of?ce afGovemment Ethics Wendy R. . . . 0000K .. .1 BANK (FORMERLY ALE UTAH CD 3.650% DUE: 2011433226 CAN EXPRESS BK FSB SALT LAKE CITY UTAH CD RATE1NINNIA 3.000% 005201304431 - . GR FD OF AMERICA F1 (GF MNGD FUTURES STRAT INST, (AQMNX) BANK PROGRAM i MORGAN STANLEY BANK NA. (Cash Account) x- category - 'sp'ou?sc or marl: the other of Prior Editions Cambt be Usad. 51-173 (Rev. 03mm} 5 Pan 2634 US. Of?ce of Government Ethics Reporting Name Sherman. Wendy R. ?age Number 3 BLACKROCK ENFLAT PROT BOND A BUFFALO HIGH YIELD FUND ICOHEN 8: STEERS REALTY A mscovaa BK GREENWOOD DEL cn' 3.350% DU E: 201043325 DISCOVER BK GREENWOOD CD 4.500% Due; 2012-07-09 EVIINCOME FUND OF BOSTON A (EVIBX) FIDEL ADV RT HUNG I (FFRIX) EAGLE GLOBAL A (SGENX) FIRST EAGLE OVERSEAS A (SGOVX) This caregoxy applies only ifthe assetlincome is-soie [mark the other higher eating Prior Editions Cannot be Used. SF278 (Rev. 03mm) 5 C.F.R Part 2634 as. Of?ce of Government Ethics Reportmg Individuai's Name Page Number Sherman, Wendy R. I hib'unt'z FRANKLIN MUTUAL EUROPEAN A (TEMEX) 2 A I t: . GREENHAVEN CONTINUOUS . 3 HUNTINGTON NATL BK COLUMBUS 53 CERT OF DEP 4.000% - . 1101520104001 4 . BARCLAYS YR TREAS (EEKISHARES BARCLAYS SHORT . i FTSE NAREIT MTGE i -X . 35 CANADA INDEX FD (EweMORGAN STAT MKT NEU A - I . . MSWJANUS PERKINS MID OAP VALUE . . - . - ??iiscategd?r appiies oniy if the assetfincome is 5010!}! that!)me ?ler's Spouse or dependent'children. If the asSe?income is either that ofth ?ler 6r }ointly held by'lt?e' ?ler with the sp'o'u'se' or dependent childre: mark the othe; higher categories of V3100, as aypropriata. - 0 - . . Prior Editions Cannot be Uses}. lmark the other higher categories ofvalue Prior Editions Cannot be Used. as appropnate aso s' aims-cf that om 1e 6 3':me gd ate: with the spouse or dependent children 4 If I OPPENHEIMER FD CL A (OIBAX) -5 YEAR U.S FD M00 1 MFF ORION FD Total (See Note 1) MERGER FUND MATTHEWS ASIA DIVIDEND (MAPIX) (LZOEX) LAZARD EMERGING MARKETS OPEN LAZARD EMERGING MARKET i (LZEMX) KINECTICS PARADIGM ADVA KEELEY SMALL CAP VALUE-A Ewe-Kay? I Sherman, Wendy R. US. Of?ce of Government Etlu?cs Reporting Indmdaai's Name Page Number 5 C.F.R Pan 2634 (Rev, O3f2000) 51mg (Rev. cannon) I OER P2112634 I . US. Of?ce ofGovemment Ethim Repomng ladmd?ai's Name Sherman, Wendy R. PIMCO LOW DURATION FD A PIMCO STOCKPLUS TRSH STRAO A (PSSAX) . . TOTAL RETU RN A PIONEER CULLEN VAL PRU PREMIER RETIREMENT SERI VARIABLE #:27 AST PRESERVATION ASSET ALLOCATION PORTFOLIO ANNU1TY DOLLAR COST AVERAGE FIXED HOLDING ACCOUNT DOLLAR COST AVERAGE FIXED HOLDING ACCOUNT '9 PRU PREMIER SERIE VARIABLE POUCY #?55 ANNUITY AST PRESERVATION ASSET ALLOCATION PORTFOLIO This category applies Only Ifthe asse?mcome IS'SOlely that "of mark the other higher catcg Prior Editions CaImOt be Used. itherthe fen', Ifthe the 5F27B (adv. ammo) 5 C53. Part 2634 Of?ce of Government Ethics ?herman, Wendy R. ROYCE SPECIAL EQUITY (RSEFX) MANAGED FUT STR A SPDR GOLD TR GOLD SHS (GLD) MKT INC RNBURG INTL VALUE A UTILITIES SEL SECT FUND paw) DIVIDEND APPRECIATION ANGUARD MORTGAGE BACKED SEC ANGUARD SHORT TERM CORPORATE (VCSH) - cateng spouse 01' the other Prior Editicns Cannot be Used. 517273 5 an. Part 2534 f?oe ofGov Ethics Reportmg? In we 5' arm: Etta?? . .. Sherman, Wendy R. WLLIAM BK FSB LEVHTOWN anis-icmat emu: 'oin?yeld bth? ?le with the'spouse' brdep'endent childrex 'e asse ?le'z'z?e?o dependet 0 18"Sol?This cateng applies oniy 'ifth'e asSep?income' mark the other higher cate'g . Prior Editions Cannot be Used 517278 (Rev. 030000) 5 C.F.R Part 2634 US. Of?ce ofGovemmeat Ethics Regumng indimduai's Name Sherman, Wendy R. . . I . FILER AND SPOUSE ANNE ARUNDEL CNTY MD MR 8: SWR 4.500% DU ANNE ARUNDEL CNTY MD w?z . 3.500% 2-04-01 1%anan CNTY MD CONS PUB IMPT 5.000% 6 MD CTFS PARTN EEG UIP - PROG 5.000% . DUE22012-06-01 CNTY MD GENL QBLIG 4.500% a BALTIMORE cim? MD DIST 67TH. I ISSUE 5-000% 01 i 9 BALTIMORE MD PROJ REF REV WATER BER-A RATEIAHAA 5.125% 00320420701 mark the other higher categ BALTIMORE CNTY MD cons PUB IMPT REF X, 4.500% 5E3 - This 03103013! applies Only ifthe assetfincome is solely offhe or dependent cldildrian. lithe ass?i??bme is either" that of'the ?ier of?join??y heir! by'the'?ie'r with th? 'spOuse or dependent childrel Prior E?itions Cams: be Used. suds (Kw. 0312000} 5 Part 2634 US. Of?ce ofGQVemment Ethics Reporting indiwduai?s Name Sherman, Wendy R. Page Number I. BALTIMORE PROJ REV 5.000% BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM MORGAN STANLEY BANK NA. (Cash Account) BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM i MORGAN I STANLEY PRIVATE BANK NA (Cash Account) 4 CNTY MD GENL CNTY COMMRS 3.8?5% 08-01 5 CHARLES GENL OBLIG REFCN -- COMMRS CONS PUB IMPT RATE: AAWAA 3_500% DUE12016-06-01 6 BENTON TEX GENL OBLIG TAX ID. I 03-01-2010 4.000% DU 02?15 FREDERICK MD OBLIIG SER-A RATEAAZIAA 4.750% DU GOLDMAN SACHS, GROUP INC 5.025% 9 JEFFERSON CNTY SOLO N0 R- 3; . 001 REF 4-000% 15. 13: that *5 category'apialies only ifthe assetxixicome is $010 mark the other higher categ Prior Editions Ema: be Usad. Prior Editions Cannot be Used. mark the other higher categ 'l?his'category appiies only ifthe as'se'tfinmme 'i's soi't'of' Iex?s's'po'uSe depenet Ith'a'ssetr'?c'r'ne is ei' 't'ofthee 0f joi"el'by the" 10 with 1110000030 ?or d?p?endent chiidre: 2 MARYLAND ST (35m. 013136 STATE AND LOCAL FAG LOAN 4 ~08~01 250% RATE. 000% 4 00520127; 03?01 a MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN cows TRANSN Ra/ CONSLD TRANSN 0.9 5' 7 MARYLAND ST DEPT TRANSN CONS 000% DUE22023- 0.2; 15' TRANSN mm 5.000% 6 ST DEPT TRANSN CONS 001522022109- DU E1201 5- RATEAAZINIA 5 . 200% 0? HSG DEV RESID D. ST DEV ADMIN DEPT SERH 5 MARYLAN 4 MARYLAND ST DEVADMIN DEPT A use 0 DEV RES RATEMZINIA 3.075% 103-01 DUE. 5,1259% PRNCE GEO co MD REF LT 2010 01 3. MARYLAND NATL CAP PK PLANNG CMMN REV 4.000% ST DEV FIN AUTH REVOLVING FD- DUEIZO26I 03- 01 SCH BLDG REV REF-A RATEAAZAA '3 JEFFERSON CNTY KY SCH DIST FIIQCORP 3.000% - Sherman, Wendy-R. us. Of?ce of Government Ethics Repomng 'Indmdual?s Name Page Number. gm (Rev. 030000) 5011110012534 51:27:; (Rev. 03.0000) 5 C.F.R Part 2634 I .0 US. Of?ce of Government Bahia - Reporting J'ndmdual?s Name ?sherman, Wendy R. Pogo Numbef MARYLAND ST HEALTH 0 HIGHER EDI. FACS AUTH MTG REV RATEBAAUA 4.000% 005201740001. 2 MARYLAND ST HEALTH HIGHER EDL FAQS AUTH MTG REV-A RATEAAWAA 5.000% 0052030074 a MARYLAND ST HLTH HGHR 00L FACSAU- MEN: HOSP EASTON ass 4.700% 00 {22010?0701 4 MARYLANQ ST TRANSN AUTH TRANSNFACS PRJ REV 4.500% 00520370701 5 MARYLAND STTRANSN AUTH TRANSNFACS REV 5.000% 00020100701 MIDFIRST BK OKLA CITY CD 3.000% Missoum' HWYS TRANS COMMN REV FED REIMBURSEMENT ST 3.000% 01112201 9-0001 8 MONTGOMERY CNTY MD CONS PUBLIC 4.750% [31.512201 62027-01 9" MONTGOMERY GENI. 081.18 CONS PUB IMPT RATEAANMA -. . 5.000% 0:15:2015-0001 . .. . - g- This category applies only if the assetfinoome is 301013; that ofthe? ?lers spouse or dependent {mark the otherhigher catog 0 Prior Editions Cannot be Usui. . - j- children. 1me assotfih?ome is either'th'at-of the ?le'r'dfijointly held bythe ?i?r with the 's'poxis?o or depende??t childrol 5 7 8 9 [mark the other higher categ This category applies only ifthe 030000400010 is? solely Prior Editions Cannot be Used. 15. 4.000% DUE. 4 PRINCE GEORGES CNW MD CONS PUB 3 PRINCE GEORGES 00m MD cows PUB IMPT LTD TAX 4.000% 2016?09? 5.000% RATE: 15 FACS 6' CLG MD REVS ACADEMIC: 0012:2027 -. us. Of?ce ofGovemment Ethics Repomng- Name Sherman, Wendy R. 4.500% WASHINGTON CNTY MD PUB EMPT WORCESTER CNTY MD GENL OBLIG 400241410 4.00% RATE: 4.000% SUB 09 SAND-Y. CITY UTAH-SALES TAX REV REF 4.000% PRINCE GEORGES CNTY MD PUB DUE. RATEIAAWN- 01 NUVEEN HI YLD BOND 2019?10 our-520174 .01 ~15 01 MORGAN STANLEY TRUST (Cash Account) 09- . . mum.? 4 0 ?and Susana 40? 94030! .25 . .8406: . x. .. Jose. 24.2. gin?? Raw. 004 ?mm? 0% 400? . a 4% 000% . 1.0 . Page 13. of?e?ier?? spouse of depende??t children. If the 005060100000 is either that ofth'e" 11104 '61" jo?i??y he'Ed by t?ne'?ier with" the spouse 0: dependent childre: 5 C.F.R Part 2534 50270 (Rev. 0342000) 51:27:; (Rev. 03mm) 5 QER Pan 2634 of Ethics . GR FD OF AMERECA F1 BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM MORGAN STANLEY BANK N.A. (Cash Account) BANK PROGRAM 1 MORGAN STANLEY PRIVATE BANK NA (Cash Account) BUFFALO HIGH YIELD FUND (BUFHX) INCOME BOSTON-A (EVEBX) FIDEL-ADV FLOATING RT H1 INC 1 (FFRIX) FIRST TR ISE REVERE NAT GAS FRANKLIN MUTUAL EUROPEAN A -- the . Prior?Edition's Cannot be Used. 3 3130859; or' 'sp?ou?se'or Prio': Editions Ca'zmot be Used; mark the-{1mm ?ght: categ This category applies may if the assw'income is the me: with ?aezspouse o: dependenf'chi f7 efS' spouse 0 r"depen"d8nt_ ch iid?re'n' 'Ifthe asst: tr?irifcome i set th'?r matom? ?ler 6(3'61 m5; held by PARADIGM ADVA (KNPAX) son-31y that'of?le ?t JP MORGAN HIBRG STAT MKT NEU KEELEY SMALL CAP VALUE (NICK) ESHARES CANADA INDEX FD JANUS MID CAP VALUE A (JEFAX) ISHARES FTSE NAREIT MTGE YR TREAS SHARES BARCLAYs 3 GREENHAVEN CONTINUOUS (SC-C) $933.3: .53 . . aux: aliasing i; .r Shaman in?: tan I Of?ce of Government Ethics Repomng Indivadaal's Name ldrel . .lt?i suit: (Rev. 03mm) 5 can pm 2634 chiidrea Vvith??' "spoils-e 0r dependent may held by tim- filer 0?1" jo ?lm that ofth'e' ?lm is?e ?ome lithe as?bb?ih dr?en i1 wKEWago ausuirn?riuwa ig?y? . $17273 (Rev. 03!;900) spo?s?? Idr dependent FwyPrior Editions Came: be Used. Prior Editions Canngt be Used. [mark the other higher categ 3 category applies-01:13: i ?iefls's?pos'? 6r dep'e?a?nt hi1 Idr?'n 5E .?Ifthe'ass'etl'i Come oin?y'hetd by ?e ?ler mine-spanse-m d?pbnd?ht chi SECURITIES -. mm TEMPLETON Sh?rmari-Wen dy US. Of?ce ofGovemment Ethics . Repomag Indmduai?s Name 90mg #32 SPDR GIOLD TR GOLD SHS ALL STATE VAS INCOME DEATH-BEN TOW EMERGING MKT INC (TGINX) fiche ROYCE SPECFAL EQUITY SVC MANAGED FUT STR VALUE A (TGVAX) UTILITIES SEL SECT SPDR FUND (XLU) tom?: 1 .- THIRD AVE FOCUSED CREDIT :Nv (fEcvxj; S'so'iely? th'at of 13163mg: . mm.? . 23 .mmemu? o3 in s"e' i1herthathf?i??l?fof . 94:. . .m . Page-Nmnl-D?x 3.7 Edrel' 55272 (Rev. 03mm) 5 an: Part 2634 sr-m (Rev. 03mm) 5 cm Part 2634 US. Of?ce of Government Ethics . Individual's Name .f iidrez :5 zosewzgizig LShemiaane?dg "mm-Ami nu . ie'at? a ?31" as 'en iritly?k'd With the A: aepmdehtch 50 some in 'the 'as' ?a ofthe ?lr? 50115 1' 'dpzi_'60.3 U. 83mark the other higher categ $131.51.. l: . . Ptior Editions Cannot be Used maxk'the other higher categ Prior Editions Ca'imot be Used. applies'm?y if'?ie esge?i' mom sales; that Ofthe'?i??z?? sp- Idr?en.? If the amt! income is ei nae-mat cam-e ?ler of} 01 ei?s ou's'e' Or dependent chi 1 _5 5 *Intenti onatly Left Blank" 33.64.443.395 g. a . ga?wggm?ee?e axihenri. 2" I jntenti onaiiy Left Biank" *Intenti *intenti finienti *Intemi VANGUARD SHORT TERM CORPORATE Reporti?g Individuai?s Name U.S. Of?ce OfGovemment Ethics $hermja'n, Wendy - *Intentionazly Left Bien onaily onaiiy Left Biank? *Intentiunaiiy Left Stan]? onaiiy Left Blank" - onaiiy Left Biank" 1:25.. $13.4. .mms .1. 132 33.2 K??mm? . 3 . . . 5.43% .. .. magi .. awwhdaz held'by tz?e ?ler Rtith'the a; 'defaen?e?t chiidres' I 1 1 SF278 (an. cannon} 5 an. Pan 2534 - 5F278 (Rev. omega) I . I I I C.F.R Pan 2634 I I I I US. Of?ce of?owmmenr Ethics Re'pqrimg 'Indmdual-?s Name 1 3 . S?erman, We?dy RT 3% v1 .: WAGES. BANK ACCOUNTS ETC 2 . I - BANK OF CASH ACCOUNT .I 3 0 ATLANTIC MEDIA. WASHINGTON DC (Spouse) - I - MARSHALL. waasamerw _3 DC {8001.180} i 50M EMERGING MARKETS $002.51ng 2010: GROUP {See} ESTIMATE I . Note 2) - $086,000 4 GROUP K21 (see Note 2} GROUP, LLC Note I 3} . $3,238.'fhiy?tb'g?tyI'appiieS only if the assemmome is sol'?ly 'th?t?bf 0'1" If me?asse?dmcome' is either that of-th'? ?ler 'or'joiz'itiy heId by Or?epende?tbhildrel I mark the othcr higher categ - . -, - . I Prior Editions Cannotbe Used. I I I . I 55273 (Rev. 03mm} - GER Part 2634 . - 13.8. Of?ce of Government this: . . . Reportmg Indin . ?5 Name .. . . 5% . TA ADVISORS LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITY . - - Fixed . (896 Note ALBRIGHT STONEBRIDGE GROUP PROFIT 3. - SHARING AND 4mm - i i? 3 3' ?El?g EW HIGH VDELAWARE .5. I I PIMCO TOTAL RETURN FUND-A - . KEELEY SMALL CAP VALUE FUND A 5 Rm a . TIME-BEAN I. Imm%m IL 55? FUNDS CAP WLD Of?lc?i?i?s'? this category ?pylies Oiin af?ne as's?'?igicbi?e'i? .s'gl-ely?Se' or'dg??endent Children: i'lftt'x?e assedi??p?me'is eithp'r?th'a: '0me ?le'rjo' 'jointiy 17x:ch by t?e? chime: (Rev. 03mmSherman . lg? - ?4 - my ?f5w -- ?39. ATLANTIC MEDIA, (Spouse) SPTN us BOND EDX (Spouse) 3' PIMCO TOTAL RETURN FUND . (Sp'??use) .5. I l_ I GSRA TMDITEQNAL- (Sppulse) I. jj (spouse)- . "Aliowanqe .. - i ?gt?m - a :3ng 310353 TRUST (Spouse) {Cash Account} . I . ?9 UNIVERSAL rm? asst! 'imarktheo?zerhigharcgtegPrior Editions Cannot b6 Used: SF278 0312000) I 5' C.F.R Part 2634 - U.S.O?iceof60vmmetthics .. .- I . .. . Rat?ng In 'wii's ame? $5331.}: . IShermlan',Wendy Mm?fm?g??gSS .- - - . . k, .. aw at,ng 7mmIn1mm}: IIVHSW. . . ?n . 11gIfa?$r gov 15me . .335. -- K0 REANI 23m; KOREA II$5000Fipeeakmg-. - . JAPAN .I $119100: :98ka Zigzag . - anon-1* .5 JOHNS HOPKINS UNNERSITYSUSINESS $15900 Speaking mam - I- Fee. . I 55w4?$sf11?e? $2,500 Hohorarfi? snenmzano; I .qugno-? BUSINESS $2,090 Hodoga?rst v?vi? mespws?e Sr I I u. - mark the 01th higher categ Prior Edi?ons Cannot be USed. l?h?is as 'Setlin 90m sanity- thaft'df 15 was "33 or sped-ant chi "ch 15 met th'atbf?e 1 ?4 . YA. LE- (Spousjje) - *intenti - fi?ten ti - I TRANSATLANTIC (Spouse) - in". '5 Name ?h'erma'n, Wendy R. malty Lefl Biank" Row iggT Left Siam 1 . Hui-E ?59: I (Spd?ge') i en 'ass'e'i?n awn.? . . 01 try he= the ?br'with' th?? s'p?ixs?'dr' de?chdent bhildfeiFee. 40? Fees 200 Wri Fees 049 5355300 Wii't'ing' Fees it;- 50. ng F?es' mg mug;- . fad? P. 2019;. 91%: i 'Paym?nt i_ ?p?f 31' 1 0 151611 1 - 4:24.111 7 19:27:10? 9:29:40: Izmm 1. 2099" ?Ami. .. . U.S. Of??a: of?oiremm?cnz i. (Rev. 03mm) 5 C.F.R Part 2634 sins notGomplet'e- Seized-1159.8 If you are a new entrant; nominee, VICE PerSIdentlal o'r-Presgdentlal-Candidate Rep'omng? In ?ab-Name new: 4w: 9% .?Wends'Date (Man; I: . Day. Yr'git?pr hIeid I- ?wwthese; I. . guitarraw-?u . ra?g- ?Mfg? . . Ha I lemma'wqgj?ae' I I {Ier ?e pr?il .ess-"S .. . 'i . -- pig? - 31:99 . 163:; . u. - anaggm . . IfifSF 278 (gm. 0351000giigemed 00; 50 pga'nz: m; raggaEigrfs?e the duties of?ine posmon of Ufzder etary, AibraghtISto I ?r0u0m-the I ?Foup; W?shihgbn? DC. I and. Printhi?OnSCan?otBeUsedSF 278 (Rev. 03/2000} 5 C.F.R Pan 2634 US. O?ice of Government Ethics Reporting individuai's Name Page Number Sherman, Wendy R. . SCHEDULE . 27 Part 1: Positions Held Outside U.S. Government Report any positions held during the appiicabie reporting period, whether consultant of any corporation, firm, partnership, or other business enterprise or any compensated or not. Positions include but are not limited to those of an of?cer. non-pro?t organization or educational institution. Exclude positions with religious. director. trustee. general partner, proprietor. representative. empioyee. or social. fraternal. or poiitieai entities and those solely of an honorary nature. . None Organization (Name and Address) Type of Organization Position Heid Front Yr.) 'i?o (Mo. Examples. 133? .. - menses Edssatise - .. - Easiest .. e022 .. Doe Jones Smith, Hometown, State Law ?rm Partner WES 2100 '1 Aibright Stonebridge Group. LLC, Washington, DC - Strategy Consufting Firm Vice Chair 2009 Present 2 Albright Capitai Management, Washington, DC investment Firm investment Committee Member 2005 Present 3 The Albright Group LLC. Washington. DC Strategy Consulting Firm Principal 2001 2009 ?4 Oxfam America Non?Profit . Board Chair 2022020 Present 5 Oxfam lnternationai Non-Pro?t Trustee 10f2010 Present 5 Dbama-Biden Transition US Department of State - Presidential Transition Agency Review Team Lead 11(08 009 Part 11: Compensation In Excess Of $5,000 Paid by One Source I Db hot comptete this par}I Report sources of more than $5,000 compensation received by you or your corporation, firm, partnership, or other business enterprise, or any other non~profi? if you are an incumbent. business affiliation for services provided directly by you during any one year of organization vvhen you directiy provided the services generating a fee or payment Termination Filer, or the reporting period. This includes the names of clients and customers of any 'of more than $5,000. You need not report the U.S. Government as a source. Vice Presidential or Presidential Candidate None Source {Name and Address) Brief Description of Duties . Examples; aeassrxeeaunwwuwwmma- W. - Metro Universny {client of Doe Jones Smith). Moneytown, State Legal servtees In connection constructlo The Aibright Group. LLC, Washington, 00 I Consutting Services 2009 2 Albright Stonebridge Group. LLC, Washington. DC Consulting Services 2009 and 2010 3 Korea Development institute - Speech 2010 4 Nikkei, Japan Speech 2030 London Internationa! Group, California Speaking Fee 2011 5 Johns Hopkins University, China in Business Association, Baltimore, MD Speaking Fee 2011 Prior Editions Cannot Be Used. SF 278 (Rev. 032000} . .. .. 1.3.8, Oi?de of??vem'm {Ethics $399??3?gl?di?'?11??3'Nthe a . w? *1 ?r (raw; A ,die, 'A-n ons $3 rm .. m? 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