“me ¿ea MOSSACK FONSECA & CO. Mossfon Building East 54‘" Street PANAMA CITY DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED COMPANY LOVIX TRADING INC. DATE 25032015 - Francisca Barberá I . Üfl'gms] Mem oreuo'uru sus? Arfiofes ofA ssoeie tío}: 2. 01232123] Certificate offuomporsueu 3. Geral? offeoosp. /M ¿214. ofAssooie tien (true oop1es Íegefilseo’ byApost) 4. Ülïgmef emeua’ed Memoreuoïum sud Articles ofAssoojs ¿me 5. Public Besa? u a 1.936” 6'. Áppüfilfifl out ofthe first Du'eetorfie) 7. Beerer share oerfifiestes 8. Trust Deeo’ CS“) 4% Assígnmeu ¿(9) Wet veu}! until si ed euo’ e eo mturne .9. Foundation Declare tíos owuej'slup {Not valid until signed sud 1 ost-Igual returned) 10. flfiuutss ofthe first meeflhg oftfje Board I 7. Certifica te offljsooutiuue ¿ion 18. Author} ¿jos ¿ion of Cojp ore te Doeumeutfis) 1'9. Dooumeufls) signed by the dlseotors 20. Register offlireetors sud Offioers filed ou ¡“Member's .21. X Our 1'11 voices u a 42333.94 “254226 —w 254227231410 22. Smoerefy yours, Afier sigue tur'e, oouId you please return us Mosseek Fonseca ¿Er Co. (Form ¡[113110115 signature) oopyfies of the documents HI enMouser un der item (5') ¡J 0 ¿a Mossack Fonseca a Co. ASSÜGiaÍÚS, 3.a. A Subsidiary of Massack anseca ¿is-Go” Attorneys at Law Airam Building. 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Bay 1, Road Town PD. Box 3136.. Rand TUWn. Tartola, British Virgin Isiands LAHDÜLT E CIE PLACE LONGEMALLE 13 GENBVE 3.20%. GENEVA SWITZERLAND ATTH.: Era. “AURA GUERRIERI MOSSACK FONSECA 8: C0. ASSOCIATES,’ S. A. A subsidiary of Massack Fonseca 5: C0.,Attorneys at Law ïNVÜICE 110.: 254227 DATE: TGRTOLA. MARCH .1ü 2015 OUR REFERENCE: 2370528 RE: LÜVIX TRADING LTD. DISCÜNTINUATEÜN ÜF A CÜMPANY ADVANCED PAYMENT RECEI‘JEÜ ON ÜQ-MAR-Eüiñ 1.200,00 g 4.200.130 g invoices overdue for more than 30 days will incur a 2% monthiy surcharge. ALL ÜUR INVÜICES ARE PAYABLE UPÜN RECEIPT The most convenient way to pay yourinvnices is through our CLiENT INFORMATION PORTALTQ subscribe or obtain further infcnrmaiiiün1 please enmaii LIS at ÉGTIIIÏEKLÏIHDSSÏDILCOIH ur visit nur website at wwwmossfoncom mm}: ¡maca no; ¿ágné'iá't'ég'sg Account No. Duo-355.042.an IBAN: (II-[93 (¡DZ-Ii 0240 3550 ¡125G H SWIFT: U’BSWCHZHEDA UBS 5.1L Geneva TOTAL US s 0419; WHEN PAYING PLEASE REFER T0 iNVOlCE NUMEER Massaek Fonseca ¿‘- Co. As seeïatas. SA. WLT 5: CIE A Subsidiaty uf Massack Fonseca 8. (3ta.. Attorneys at Law Akara Building. 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Gay 1. Road Town PLACE Mmmm-LE 13 RG. Box 3133. Road Town. Tudela, Brrtish Virgin Islands 433mm 1204 í GENEVA SWITZERLMID ATTN. : Mrs . musa GUE'RRIERI MOSSACK FONSECA & CO. ASSOCIATES, S. A. A subsidiary of Mossack Fonseca e Co.,Attsrneys at Law INDICE NEL: 4233394 DATE: PANAMA: MARCH ,25 2015 ÜUR REFERENCE: 2363285 RE: LOVIX TRADING INC. CDNTINUATIÜN Te us Ï 1,210110 í ANNUAL FRANCHISE TAX Í BÜÜÜÜ -' REGISTRY FEE Q 60.130 E LEGALIZATION BY APÜSTILLE OF THE TRANSLATED PUBLIC DEED ' Efififlü 5 ADUANCED PAYMENT RECEIVEÜ ÜN ÜB-JAN-2Ü15 .2 «2.046.132 í ITEMSf'Ïn/e} 110.32 É Envoices everdue for mare then 30 days wïl] incur a 2% mentth surcharge. ALL OUR INVÜICES ARE PAYABLE UPON REGEIPT The most cenvenieht Way to pay yourinveiees 15 lhrOugh eur GLJENT ¡NFÜRMATÍÜN PDRTALTG subscribe or obtain further information, please e-mei} us et ertttI mmnssfenxmu or visit üur website at wvmmessfomcom TOTAL US S z 0.01] 5 Hoesaek Fonseca 5-. Ce. Associates SA - l l Account No. OEM-355.942.60H IBAN: C3393 002-1 0240 3550 4260 H SWIFT: UBSWCHZHHÜA UBS Suit. Geneva WHEN PAYING PLEASE REFER TD INVÜICE NUMEER Massank Fonseca 8; Co. Assuciaias, SA. mob'r a CIE A Subsidiary of Massack Fonseca 8- 60.. Attarnays al Law Akara Building. 24 De Castro street, Wickhams Gay 1. Rbad Town PLACE LONGEMïïï-LE 13 ¡3.0. Box 3136. Road Town, Tarima] British Virgin Islands GENEVE 12 CHI. . GENEVA SWITZERLAND ATTN . : Hrs . mm GUERRIERI MOSSACK FONSECA 8: C0. ASSOCIATES; S. A. A subsidiary of Mossack Fonseca Se. (30.,Attorneys at Law INVÜICE 160.: 254226 DATE: TÜRTÜLH,- MARCH .10 2015 OUR REFERENCE: 2353281 RE: LÜVIX TRADING LTD. CERTIFICATE OF GOOD BTANDING g 176.0Ü : NOTARIZATION ANU LEGALIZATION VIA APÜSTILLE OF A CERTIFIED : 140-00 5 COPY CIF z F'RÜUISIÜN OF RESOLUTIÜMB} - 33.00 - ADVANCED PAYMENT RECEIVED cm mmm-211115 ; ¿49W Invaices overdua for more than 30 days wili incur a 2% montth surcharge. ALL OUR iNVDiCES ARE PAYABLE UPÜN RECEIPT The mas! convenient way lo pay your invoices is through our CLiENT INFORMATION PÜRTAH'G subscribe or obtain further information, piease e-maii us at Emialgrgmussfonmm orwisit our website at www.mossfon.com TOTAL US s í Ü-ÜÜ Mossack Fonseca ¿a En. Associates 5A I I I - I I - Account No. 0240-355.ü42.€ÜH IBAN: CH53 0024 0240 3550 4250 H SWIFT: UBSWCHEHBGA UBS 5.1L Geneva. WHEN PAYING PLEASE REFER TD INVÜICE NUMEER LOVIX TRADING INC, (the "Company") Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held at Mossfon Building, East 54‘" Street, Panama, Republic of Panama, on 2"d Mach, 2015. NOTICE: PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: SECRETARY: Notice to this meeting was waived by all persons entitled thereto. Mr.F_Jose Jaime MELENDEZ, Mrs. Liaet MORENO and Mrs. Mirzella TUNON, being the totality of the members of the Board ofDirectors. Mr. Jose Jaime MELENDEZ, President of the, was elected Chairman of the meeting. Mrs. Lizet MORENO, Secretary of the Company, was elected Secretary of the meeting. The following resolutions where unanimously adopted: RESOLVED: To cancel the share certificates N° 4, 5 and 6, issued by the Company on 23rd September 2014. RESOLVED: To authorise, as it is hereby authorised, the issuance of the following: 1) 2) 3) Share certifieate N° 7, in the name of Mr. Oscar San] JARATZ, for 60 shares with a par value of USS 100,00 each. Share certifieate NÜ 8, in the name of Mrs. Laura Ester SCHULZINGER, for 20 shares with a par value of USS USS I00,00 each. Share certificate No 9, in the name of Mr. Andres JARATZ, for 20 shares with a par value of USS USS 100,00 each. There being no further business to be transacted at this meeting it was declared closed, and in w1tness thereof these Minutes have been issued on the date and place first above written. ¿Qe se“, ¿ÍÓSÉ Hime Meléndez, Chaüii'nañ ¿rá/sk ¿WL Lízet Moreno, Secretary SHAREHOLDER CERTIFICATE No DATE OF ISSUE NUMEER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES CAPITAL Mr. Oscar Saul JARATZ 7 02.03.2015 60 USS 10’000,00 Certificate N° 7 Number of shares: 60 LOVIX TRADING INC. Panama, Republic of Panama The Articles ofIncorporation oflhis corporation are duly registered at the Public Registry (Mereamile) Section at Page n“ 155595199, Entry n° l _ AUTHORISED CAPITAL: USS 10’000,00 Dívíded into 100 shares with a par value of USS 100,00 each This is to eertify that Mr. Oscar Saul JARATZ is entítled to SIXTY shares of USS 100,00 each in the above named company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has authorised this eertifieate to be íssued this 2nd March, 2015. Hector / / DireÁtor JT D' SHAREHÜLDER CERTIFICATE N" DATE OF ISSUE NUMBER OF AUTHORJZED SHARES CAPITAL Mrs. Laura Ester SCHULZINGER 8 02.03.2015 20 USS 10’000,00 Certificate N° 8 Number of shares: 20 LOVIX TRADING INC. Panama, Republic of Panama The Articles of Ineorporation of this corporation are duty registered at the Public Registry (Mercantile) Section al Page n“ 55595199, Entry n” l . AUTHORISED CAPITAL: USS 10’000,00 Divided into 100 shares with a par value of USS 100,00 each This is to eertify that Mrs. Laura Ester SCHULZINGER is entitled to TWENTY shares of USS 100,00 each in the above named company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has authorised this certifieate to be issued this 2"d March, 2015. Q” %_ z ¿sé ¿213%. fi Í”, Dlrector Director SHAREHOLDER CERTIFICATE NÜ DATE OF ISSUE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES CAPITAL Mr. Andres JARATZ 9 02.03.2015 20 USS 10’000,00 Certificate N‘J 9 Number of shares: 20 LÜVIX TRADING INC. Panama, Republic of Panama The Mieles of Incarperation of this corporation are duly registered al the Public Registry (Mementile) Section at Page n” [55595199, Entry n” l . AUTHORISED CAPITAL: USS 10’000,00 Dívided into 100 shares With a par value of USS 100,00 each This is to eertífy that Mr. Andres JARATZ is entítled tu TWENTY shares of USS 100,00 each in the above named company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has authorised this eertificate to be issued this 2‘“ March, 2015. Í/ y Director ¿F D' II‘ECÍÜI‘ CONSENT TO ACT 22nd December, 2014 LDVIX TRADING INC. Mosston Building 2”d Floor, East 541h Street Panamat Rep. of Panama Dear Sirs, We. the undersigned, hereby states our consent to act as the Directorerfficers of LÜVIX TRADING INC. with immediate effect until further notice or our repiacement. as the case may be. Yours faithfuliyt s AIME ÑELENDE% D' ector and President Director y Presidente t__./ I I ELLA TU ÑON Director. cepresident and Treasurer Directora. Vicepresidenta y Tesorera CONSENTIMIENTO PARA ACTUAR 22 de diciembre de 2014 LOVIX TRADING INC. P.H_ Edificio Mossfon 2do. Piso, Calle 54 Este, Panamá, Rep. de Panamá Estimados Señores Nosotros, los suscritos, por este medio damos nuestro consentimiento de actuar como Directoreleignatarios de LOVIX TRADING INC. con efecto inmediato hasta aviso ai contrario o nuestro reemplazo, según sea el caso. Atentamente, LIZET MORENO Director and Secretary Directora y Secretaria H : W YENNY MARTINEZ o” Director and Assistant Secretary Directora y Subsecretaria Cx>\le..,' ¿QQ' FIER'CIBELLE GONZALEZ Director and Assistant Secretary Directora y Subsecretaria MOSSACK >< FONSECA _ "ik-4515" \ En * .4 REPÚBLICA DE PANAMÁ Teléfonos: [58?) 285-5888 Apartado Posïal (50?) 20643400 0832-0386 W.T.C. Fax: (507) 263-?327 Panamá, (50?) 263-9218 República de Panamá [50?) 263-7914 J 1,936 COPIA NOTARIAL INSCRITA DE LA ESCRITURA PUBLICA No. 23 Febrero 2015 DEL DE DE Por la Cual . _ , se protocollzan documentos en relaC1on con la continuación como Sociedad Anonima en la República de Panamá de LOVIX TRADING LTD, una Sociedad de Negocios en las Islas Virgenes Británicas {Artículo 235). Protocolizada en Notaría Pública LOVIX TRADING LTD. (the "Company") MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS held on 2"d March, 2015 NOTICE: Notice to this meeting was waivecl by all persons entitlecl thereto. PRESENT: Mrs. Yakeline PEREZ Mrs. Mirzella TUNON A quorum being present, Mrs. Yakeline PEREZ was electcd Chainnan of the Meeting and Mrs. Mirzella TUNON acted as Secretary and kept the minutes thereof. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED: That the company LOVIX TRADING LTD. be continued in Panama and discontinued in the British Virgin Islands. RESOLVED: To authorize, as it is hereby authorized, MOSSACK FONSECA & CO. (B.V.l.) LTD, to execute and file the Discontinuation Application on behalf of the company, with powers to discontinue the company LOVIX TRADING LTD. There being no further business to be transacted at this meeting it was declared closed, and in witness thereof these Minutes have been issuecl on the date first above written. MM“ w ¿í ¿a W?” Yakeline Perez, Chairman Mirzellïafihñon, Secretary TERRITORY OF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS BVI BUSINESS COMPAN IES ACT, 2004 393220A8EB CERTIFICATE or DISCONTINUANCE (SECTION 134) The REGISTRAR OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS, of the British Virgin Islands HEREBY CERTIF IES that, pursuant to the BV] Business Companies Act, 2004, al] the requirements of the Act in respect of contínuation under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction having been complied with, LOVIX TRADING LTD. BVI COMPANY NUMBER 561839 was discontinued in the British Virgin Islands as a BVI business company this 16th day of March, 2015. f ‘ for REG] RAR OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS 16th day of March, 2015