-1- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dale of transcription 2 0112"?. BERNARD BROWN, date of birth August 10, 1981, CB number 17629878, was interviewed at 2111 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Illinois. Present for the interview were Chicago Police Department (CPD) Police Officers Shannon Spalding and Daniel Echeverria. After being advised of the identities of the Agent and the Officers, BROWN voluntarily provided the following information. BROWN was provided with his Miranda rights and agreed to waive his rights prior to the interview. BROWN completed a which will be maintained in a 1A envelope. BROWN is currently incarcerated in the Cook County Jail located at 26th Street and California Avenue. BROWN was advised that the interview will not ask BROWN for any information concerning his current arrest. BROWN was familiar with RONALD WATTS, a CPD Sergeant. WATTS was a former street gang member who was part of the w, sguad." WATTS left the street gang and became a CPD Police Officer (PO). WATTS continued his criminal activity by extorting and robbing drug dealers as well as selling drugs. BROWN avoided dealing with WATTS because BROWN knew that WATTS would demand payments from BROWN. information about WATTS came from I drug dealers who worked in the Second District and in frequented. BROWN?provided - "Little Johnny," "Don Don,? SMITH, a.k.a. and JARVIS a? A I PERKINS as drug dealers who, directly or indirectly, provided BROWN ?\\.with information about WATTS hA" WATTS worked ?n the Ida B. Wells housing complex (Wells complex). In or around'2000, WATTS ran a drug line in the same buildings. WATTS used a drug dealer operating in the Wells complex, to manage a drug line for WATTS. Big Shorty provided the drugs and workers to operate the drug line in the Wells complex. WATTS protected the drug line and received the profits from the drug linearound 2000, the beos street-gang stole money from drug line. Big Shorty informed WATTS that members of the were responsible for the robbery. WATTS targeted Hobos members for arrests after WATTS learned that they robbed his drug line. BROWN believed members of the Hobos street 98/ 91/3 9519 1'15: 2' I: 94 3:7: Uzmlnr, ovum? nullm [7-32 a! 1hr Ill! II as :ilt ph?zp'wlf: CI llu; unit'ka .21: um L) rm unludn? )uir :uymcy ?7 (Rev 106-95) BERNARD BROWN .Pmc 2 gang discovered Big Shorty told WATTS of their involvement in the robbery and this resulted in Big Shorty's murder. WATTS continUed to extort and/or steal money from drug dealers after Big Shorty's death. WATTS used his sources to find out who was making money off of drug sales. WATTS then targeted the drug dealers his sources identified for arrests. WATTS offered the drug dealers the option to pay WATTS a portion of their drug profits or to go to jail. BROWN knew that "Ghost Face," "Gambino," and "Zeke" paid WATTS to remain out of jail. In or around the Spring of 2007, BROWN observed WATTS take money from a drug dealer near 40th Street and Calumet. BROWN left the area because he did not want to be targeted by WATTS. WATTS works for a white police officer with a "box" hair cut. The white police officer is known as the Sergeant of team WATTS openly talked about his criminal activity in the TAC room at the police station. WATTS will talk freely while the male members of his crew are present. WATTS will not talk around a female police officer. WATTS and his team used drug dealers and drug users to support search warrants. WATTS or one of his team will tell the drug dealers and users what to say on the search warrant. The drug dealer or user did not provide the information WATTS and his team claimed they provided on the search warrant. BROWN knew one of informants by the street name "Goon." BROWN was show a series of photographs which are attached hereto, and asked if he could identify the individual in the photograph: Photograph 1: BROWN knew this person as a PO from the CPD police station located at Street. Photograph 2: BROWN did not know the individual in this photograph. Photograph 3: BROWN recognized the individual in this photograph, but could not remember a name. SPALDING 000009 10-6-95) Conlinuahon of 1:0-302 of BERNARD BROWN ,on 8 0'7 12 9 pugc ~Photograph 4: BROWN did not know the individual in this photograph. Photograph 5: BROWN knew this individual as a CPD PO who arrested an associate of The P0 told associate to provide a bigger target and the associate would be charged with a smaller charge. BROWN also knew this PO from his involvement in accepting guns from targets to allow them to leave without being arrested. WATTS and his team would arrest certain targets and offer to let them leave if they could provide a gun. The target would direct a friend or worker to put the gun in a trash can or other location. The officer in Photograph 5 would go to this location and pick up the gun. The target would be allowed to leave or would receive a lesser charge after the gun was retrieved. BROWN was involved in providing a gun for the arrest of KADMIL BARNEY. BARNEY was arrested with 60 bags of drugs while in the Wells complex. BARNEY called BROWN and told BROWN that RODRIGUEZ, a CPD PO on team, arrested BARNEY and wanted BARNEY to provide an AK47 to reduce BARNEY's charges to a misdemeanor. BROWN did not have an AK47 but did provide an SAS. BARNBY was allowed to leave the station on a misdemeanor after the SAS was recovered. Photograph 6: BROWN did not know this individual. Photograph 7: BROWN did not know this individual Photograph 8: BROWN recognized this individual, but did not know if they were part of team. Photograph 9: BROWN did not know this individual. SPALDING 000010