Tue 4 ,2 ·2013 12:51 Pl\1 David Ratliff < ADMINISTRAl /0=HCCENTRALSITE/C)LJ=EXCHANGE 11 Biometric data release To Spencer D Bakke The issue stems from antiquated laws regarding mugshots. Previous mugshots were a physical hard copy of the subjects photo. Novv they are electronic. This is a great innovation for sharing of subjects between law enforcement entities arid informing the general public of the apprehension of suspect. But what happens when they are no longer· kept within the realm of law enforcement? What happens when private entities, who's only motivation is profit can attain these photos and use them for their own ends? Such is the case with HCSO mugshots and soon, all MN mugshots. They are being brokered out for entertainment reasons. This appears quite harmless initially. A little fun at a bad guy or gal. But what happens when these people are found innocent? Their charges dismissed? Their records sealed, expunged or deleted? The private profiteering entity does not need to comply to such mandates provided by the court. You must request, fron, the broker, a deletion of the mugshot and record. They are willing to comply but for a price. The fee is based on how quiddy you need it removed. And that doesn't take into affect the countless other private entitfes that also have your mugshot and record. You must track them down. With web aggregators, this i.sa hercul iean taslk at best. It msnot possible nor practical vi1henyou count the total cost. What if one of these private entities is a local retailer or national chain? They can use fac~atirecognilt~onto determine who enters and if that person has ever committed a crime. What if they match you face to a credit rating? If you are in debt and committed a crime, you are a possible suspect. You mrght be there to steat Eves)'. ·"f though you are just buying food and the crime you supossively committed was seafed because iltwasn'tym.1 1 bu :t :;:::::::!;: you were arrrested. Where are your rights? You might even be a subject of investigaUon by prirvate entities. ·,·:..:::;.,i::ir,: 1 11 ' because of a crime you never committed. The problems compound and can be long-term and damaging. David J. Ratliff Hennepin County Sheriff's Office Senior IT Specialist Davtd.Ratliff@co.hennepin.mn.us (612)-