BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS FINDINGS OF FACT Summary In August 2015, Baylor University engaged Pepper Hamilton to conduct an independent and external review of Baylor University’s institutional response to Title IX and related compliance issues through the lens of specific cases. Following an intensive investigation, Pepper provided the Board of Regents with a detailed and comprehensive presentation of its findings and recommendations. Pepper’s findings of fact, as set forth in greater detail in this statement, reflect a fundamental failure by Baylor to implement Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA). Pepper found that Baylor’s efforts to implement Title IX were slow, ad hoc, and hindered by a lack of institutional support and engagement by senior leadership. Based on a high-level audit of all reports of sexual harassment or violence for three academic years from 2012-2013 through 2014-2015, Pepper found that the University’s student conduct processes were wholly inadequate to consistently provide a prompt and equitable response under Title IX, that Baylor failed to consistently support complainants through the provision of interim measures, and that in some cases, the University failed to take action to identify and eliminate a potential hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, or address its effects for individual complainants or the broader campus community. Pepper also found examples of actions by 1 University administrators that directly discouraged complainants from reporting or participating in student conduct processes, or that contributed to or accommodated a hostile environment. In one instance, those actions constituted retaliation against a complainant for reporting sexual assault. In addition to broader University failings, Pepper found specific failings within both the football program and Athletics Department leadership, including a failure to identify and respond to a pattern of sexual violence by a football player, to take action in response to reports of a sexual assault by multiple football players, and to take action in response to a report of dating violence. Pepper’s findings also reflect significant concerns about the tone and culture within Baylor’s football program as it relates to accountability for all forms of athlete misconduct. Overview of Engagement In August 2015, Baylor University engaged Pepper Hamilton LLP (Pepper) to conduct an independent and external review of Baylor University’s institutional response to Title IX and related compliance issues through the lens of specific cases. A Special Committee of the Board of Regents, on behalf of the University, accepted the President and Chancellor’s recommendation to engage Pepper in order to ensure objectivity, and Pepper was provided with unfettered access to personnel and data. Pepper’s review was detailed, thorough and rigorous. While keeping within the scope of the engagement, Pepper engaged in an open exploration of the issues with no limitation by the University. Pepper conducted document-based interviews to ensure accuracy, integrity and efficiency, and Pepper’s findings and recommendations are based on the law, related authority, facts and reasonable inferences from the facts. Pepper reviewed emails, mobile device data, and documents from current and former Baylor employees. Pepper’s review of documents included current and prior policies and 2 procedures, Judicial Affairs and Title IX files related to specific reports and investigations, relevant trial transcripts, personnel files, student records, training and educational materials, prior internal and external audits, Title IX Task Force materials, and other relevant and available information. In addition to an exhaustive review of data, Pepper interviewed more than 65 individuals, including current employees, former employees, current students, and former students. The current and former students included individuals who identified as victims/survivors of sexual assault or dating violence. Pepper interviewed witnesses across multiple departments, including the President’s Office, Executive Council, Student Life, Judicial Affairs (now called Student Conduct Administration), the Office of General Counsel, the Athletics Department, the football program, Athletics Compliance, Risk Management, Human Resources, the Counseling Center, Health Services, Baylor University Police Department, the Title IX Office, Faculty Athletic Representatives, the Admissions Office and outside counsel. Many individuals were interviewed more than once to allow for a full and fair opportunity to reconcile and synthesize information in the context of documents and available information from other interviews. Over the course of the engagement, Pepper provided the Special Committee with detailed and specific information and regular updates. Earlier this month, Pepper provided the full Board of Regents with a detailed and comprehensive presentation outlining Pepper’s findings of fact and recommendations. This statement contains the salient findings, which are being shared publicly to reflect transparency and accountability. The findings discussed below occurred in one or more of the cases reviewed. This statement also contains Pepper’s recommendations, which have been adopted by the Board. 3 Failure to Prioritize, Recognize, Implement and Resource Title IX Baylor failed to effectively implement Title IX in the wake of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) April 4, 2011 “Dear Colleague Letter,” the passage of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), and related authority and guidance. While individual administrators identified emerging and evolving Title IX and VAWA requirements, the University as a whole failed to prioritize Title IX implementation. Implementation efforts were slow, ad hoc, diffuse, and uncoordinated. Senior leadership failed to recognize the significance of the national context, including evolving guidance from OCR and high profile examples of institutional failures at peer institutions. As a result, Baylor lacked the sufficient infrastructure and an informed policy. The administration instead relied upon existing personnel until November 2014, and existing processes (the Student Code of Conduct and Civil Rights Policy) until August 2015, when Baylor’s Sex Discrimination, Sexual Violence, and Sexual Harassment Policy was adopted. The administrators tasked with implementing Title IX prior to November of 2014 had a limited understanding of the dynamics of sexual violence and existing barriers to reporting on Baylor’s campus, including the impact of other campus policies regarding the prohibition of alcohol and extra-marital sexual intercourse. The insufficient dedication of resources and support to the University’s Title IX function led to limited visibility of Title IX on campus. Baylor’s institutional response failed to integrate Title IX and VAWA requirements. Prior to the 2014-2015 academic year, Baylor failed to provide training and education to students; failed to identify and train responsible employees under Title IX; failed to provide clear information about reporting options and resources on campus; failed to have a centralized process for ensuring that all reports reached the Title IX Coordinator; failed to 4 impose appropriate interim measures in many cases; failed to appropriately evaluate and balance institutional safety and Title IX obligations against a complainant’s request for anonymity or that no action/investigation be pursued against; failed to conduct prompt, equitable, adequate, and reliable investigations; failed to give complainants access to full range of procedural options under the policy; and failed to take sufficient action to identify, eliminate, prevent and address a potential hostile environment in individual cases. Institutional failures at every level of Baylor’s administration directly impacted the response to individual cases and the Baylor community as a whole. Many Factors Impeded Effective Implementation of Title IX Baylor’s senior leadership lacked consistent or meaningful engagement in the University’s Title IX functions. The composition and functioning of the Executive Council did not provide effective leadership for integration of Title IX compliance responsibilities across all University functions. The University lacked a proactive compliance function that would have identified the nature of the risks attendant to sexual and gender-based harassment and violence and interpersonal violence, the likelihood of occurrence, and the adequacy of existing controls to ensure an informed and effective institutional response. In addition to their many other responsibilities, administrators assumed elements of the Title IX function on an ad hoc basis, which impeded timely implementation of rapidly evolving Title IX and VAWA mandates. The University did not maintain systems or protocols to coordinate information or keep centralized records necessary to fulfill compliance mandates, and the University did not carefully review roles and responsibilities of Title IX implementers to assure that there was no actual or perceived conflict within the assigned multiple roles held by many Title IX administrators. 5 The University did not provide sufficient institutional support for Title IX functions. Prior to November 2014, the Title IX Coordinator position was assigned to senior administrators, each of whom already had a full profile of professional responsibilities. The administrators in those roles lacked the necessary training, experience and frame of reference to meaningfully implement Title IX responsibilities. They also lacked the necessary time, resources or infrastructure to meaningfully implement Title IX responsibilities. Moreover, when the University hired a full-time Title IX Coordinator in November 2014, the University underestimated the level of infrastructure and resources that would be necessary for successful implementation. The Title IX Coordinator did not have sufficient institutional support from senior leadership, or experienced and trained supervision, necessary to promote timely and effective implementation. Despite the hiring of two full-time investigators, Baylor’s Title IX Coordinator did not have sufficient or qualified support within the Title IX Office. Because of the overwhelming need for education and training, the Title IX Coordinator and staff did not have sufficient time or resources to focus on building the infrastructure of the office, drafting internal operating procedures and template communications, or managing the influx of new reports. In addition, as of the spring of 2015, there were no clear protocols for documentation or consistency in practice across implementers. Inadequate Institutional Response to Sexual Violence under Title IX/VAWA A high-level audit was conducted of all known reports of sexual harassment and sexual assault reported through Baylor’s student conduct processes for three academic years: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015. The overwhelming majority of cases did not move forward to an adjudicative hearing, with only an extremely limited number of cases resulting in a finding of responsibility or significant sanction. Many complainants did not move forward with 6 the University’s Title IX process, and the University failed to appropriately weigh a request not to move forward against the University’s Title IX obligation to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred. The University failed to conduct sufficient inquiry into individual barriers to participation, which in some instances were directly related to barriers created by conversations with University personnel that discouraged, rather than encouraged, participation in the University’s Title IX processes. Even in those cases where a complainant did choose to move forward, Baylor did not pursue hearings in the majority of reports, sometimes because of an erroneous determination that Baylor did not have jurisdiction in off campus matters or because the investigator in Judicial Affairs improperly determined that there was not a preponderance of the evidence based on an inadequate or uninformed investigation. As a consequence, in some cases, the University failed to take action to identify and, as needed, eliminate a potential hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, or address any effects on the individual complainant or broader campus community. With respect to sexual assault investigations conducted by Judicial Affairs, staff members in Judicial Affairs applied a very “by the book” student conduct approach that treated all respondents equally, regardless of their status as a student-athlete. However, this rigid approach was not trauma-informed and was overly reliant on the perceived consistency or inconsistency of complainant’s statements to the exclusion of other relevant considerations. The investigations reviewed were wholly inadequate to fairly and reliably evaluate whether sexual violence had occurred. While individual administrators sought professional training opportunities, they were not adequately trained in the dynamics of sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, the neurobiological impacts of trauma, the evaluation of credibility, consent and the role of alcohol as it relates to 7 consent and alcohol-facilitated sexual assault. In addition, the investigations were conducted in the context of a broader culture and belief by many administrators that sexual violence “doesn’t happen here.” Administrators engaged in conduct that could be perceived as victim-blaming, focusing on the complainant’s choices and actions, rather than robustly investigating the allegations, including the actions of the respondent. In many instances, student conduct investigators conducted cursory investigations and failed to identify and interview readily apparent witnesses or gather relevant evidence. Student conduct investigators also applied the preponderance of the evidence standard of proof in an inconsistent manner, and in many instances, required a far greater level of proof than preponderance. Prior to the 2014-2015 academic year, Baylor failed to conduct adequate training and education for its students and employees, and Baylor had not created an atmosphere that fostered reporting and participation in the Title IX process. Baylor’s students lacked awareness of the range of conduct prohibited under Title IX and of University policies, resources or reporting options. A lack of clearly identified reporting mechanisms, combined with insufficient training and attention to sexual and gender-based harassment and violence and other forms of interpersonal violence, may have led to significant underreporting by students and missed opportunities by administrators to respond appropriately to reports. The University’s approach to issues related to alcohol or other drug use by students created barriers to reporting. In addition, prior to August 2015, the University did not have a written amnesty policy for alcohol or other drug violations when reporting misconduct. Perceived judgmental responses by administrators based on a complainant’s alcohol or other drug use or prior consensual sexual activity also discouraged reporting or continued participation in the process. 8 Prior to the creation of the Title IX office in November 2014, once reports were received, Baylor failed to consistently identify or impose appropriate interim protective measures. In many instances, Baylor’s responses to the needs of individual complainants were uncoordinated and ad hoc, and complainants received inconsistent and inadequate support. In some instances, the burden was placed on complainants to identify and obtain appropriate interim measures. Administrators failed to exercise appropriate oversight of interim measures, think holistically about the needs of complainants, follow through and follow up with complainants, provide complainants with continued access to educational opportunities, and take sufficient steps to retain complainants as University students. Baylor did not have a system or protocol for either the consistent coordination of information between and among implementers, or for consistent, centralized sharing of information and documentation that would have allowed the University to track, identify, investigate or address a pattern of sexual violence at the earliest opportunity. Once aware of a potential pattern of sexual violence, the University failed to take prompt and effective action to protect campus safety and protect future victims from harm. Further, Baylor failed to consider patterns, trends or climate-related concerns that would enable the University to take prompt and responsive action to individual and community concerns. Baylor failed to identify, eliminate, prevent or address a potential hostile environment in individual cases, and took insufficient steps with respect to both individual complainants and broader community remedies. In some instances, administrative responses and campus processes caused significant harm to complainants. Actions by an University administrator within BUPD and an administrator within an academic program contributed to, and in some instances, accommodated or created a hostile environment, rather than taking action to eliminate a hostile environment. 9 Barriers to Implementation of Title IX within Baylor’s Football Program Baylor failed to maintain effective oversight and supervision of the Athletics Department as it related to the effective implementation of Title IX. Leadership challenges and communications issues hindered enforcement of rules and policies, and created a cultural perception that football was above the rules. In addition to the issues related to student misconduct, the University and Athletics Department failed to take effective action in response to allegations involving misconduct by football staff. Further, despite the fact that other departments repeatedly raised concerns that the Athletics Department’s response to student or employee misconduct was inadequate, Baylor administrators took insufficient steps to address the concerns. Baylor failed to take appropriate action to respond to reports of sexual assault and dating violence reportedly committed by football players. The choices made by football staff and athletics leadership, in some instances, posed a risk to campus safety and the integrity of the University. In certain instances, including reports of a sexual assault by multiple football players, athletics and football personnel affirmatively chose not to report sexual violence and dating violence to an appropriate administrator outside of athletics. In those instances, football coaches or staff met directly with a complainant and/or a parent of a complainant and did not report the misconduct. As a result, no action was taken to support complainants, fairly and impartially evaluate the conduct under Title IX, address identified cultural concerns within the football program, or protect campus safety once aware of a potential pattern of sexual violence by multiple football players. 10 In addition, some football coaches and staff took improper steps in response to disclosures of sexual assault or dating violence that precluded the University from fulfilling its legal obligations. Football staff conducted their own untrained internal inquiries, outside of policy, which improperly discredited complainants and denied them the right to a fair, impartial and informed investigation, interim measures or processes promised under University policy. In some cases, internal steps gave the illusion of responsiveness to complainants but failed to provide a meaningful institutional response under Title IX. Further, because reports were not shared outside of athletics, the University missed critical opportunities to impose appropriate disciplinary action that would have removed offenders from campus and possibly precluded future acts of sexual violence against Baylor students. In some instances, the football program dismissed players for unspecified team violations and assisted them in transferring to other schools. As a result, some football coaches and staff abdicated responsibilities under Title IX and Clery; to student welfare; to the health and safety of complainants; and to Baylor’s institutional values. In addition to the failures related to sexual assault and dating violence, individuals within the football program actively sought to maintain internal control over discipline for other forms of misconduct. Athletics personnel failed to recognize the conflict of interest in roles and risk to campus safety by insulating athletes from student conduct processes. Football coaches and staff took affirmative steps to maintain internal control over discipline of players and to actively divert cases from the student conduct or criminal processes. In some cases, football coaches and staff had inappropriate involvement in disciplinary and criminal matters or engaged in improper conduct that reinforced an overall perception that football was above the rules, and that there was no culture of accountability for misconduct. 11 The football program also operates an internal system of discipline, separate from University processes, which is fundamentally inconsistent with the mindset required for effective Title IX implementation, and has resulted in a lack of parity vis-à-vis the broader student population. This informal system of discipline involves multiple coaches and administrators, relies heavily upon individual judgment in lieu of clear standards for discipline, and has resulted in conduct being ignored or players being dismissed from the team based on an informal and subjective process. The ad hoc internal system of discipline lacks protocols for consistency with University policy and is wholly undocumented. The football program’s separate system of internal discipline reinforces the perception that rules applicable to other students are not applicable to football players, improperly insulates football players from appropriate disciplinary consequences, and puts students, the program, and the institution at risk of future misconduct. It is also inconsistent with institutional reporting obligations. The football program failed to identify and maintain controls over known risks, and unreasonably accepted known risks. Leadership in football and the athletics department did not set the tone, establish a policy or practice for reporting and documenting significant misconduct. The lack of reporting expectations resulted in a lack of accountability for player misconduct and employee misconduct. Further, no attempt was made to understand the root causes of behavior or steps necessary to prevent its recurrence. In addition, in one instance, in response to concerns about misconduct by football players that could contribute to a hostile environment, an academic program that required interaction with the football program improperly restricted educational opportunities for students, rather than take steps to eliminate a potential hostile environment. 12 Failure to Implement or Follow Consistent Transfer Protocols Baylor did not consistently conduct due diligence with respect to potential transfers. In at least one identified instance, the process reflected a failure to conduct appropriate due diligence and assessment of risk regarding past criminal or student conduct and an affirmative decision not to seek additional information about an athlete’s prior criminal or student conduct records. Baylor did not adhere to a consistent protocol regarding transfers and importantly, Baylor did not consistently follow previously implemented processes regarding criminal background checks, request for records of any prior college disciplinary actions, and character reference screening forms. Conclusion The University has taken and will take additional steps to address the deficiencies noted in the findings of fact. The Board has already adopted Pepper’s recommendations, which are set forth in a separate document. 13 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY REPORT OF EXTERNAL AND INDEPENDENT REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS I. Broad Recommendations I.1. Establish Title IX obligations as an institutional priority. I.2. Take swift and certain action consistent with these recommendations. I.3. Offer institutional and personal apologies and appropriate remedies. I.4. Consider necessary personnel action for accountability and effective implementation of Title IX. I.5. Engage in measures that will instill a consistent institutional understanding of Title IX obligations. I.6. Take measures to ensure that the level of engagement by board members supports effective oversight of Title IX. I.7. Structure senior leadership to ensure appropriate and informed administrative oversight and effective implementation of Title IX and related compliance requirements. I.8. Commit sufficient infrastructure and resources for effective Title IX implementation. I.9. Create a culture within the football program that ensures that the reporting, investigation, and disciplinary actions involving student-athletes and athletics department staff are managed in the same manner as all other students and staff on campus, and that studentathletes are held accountable to the same standards as all Baylor students. I.10. Identify leadership for the Athletics Department and football program to set a strong and consistent tone regarding Title IX and conduct issues and set expectations for required actions in response to all forms of student misconduct, harassment and discrimination. I.11. Make appropriate external reports to enforcement authorities. I.12. Consider the importance of forthright communication to the effective implementation of Title IX. -1- II. Restorative Remedies II.1. Develop protocols to address the restorative and ongoing needs of victims of reported sexual assault between 2011 and 2015. II.2. Contact known victims in the specific cases identified in this review to determine if there are appropriate remedies consistent with the goals of Title IX. II.3. Conduct review of past cases from 2011 to 2015 to consider pattern, trends, climate. II.4. Identify victims who are still at Baylor who made reports that did not move forward to determine if the following exist: • • • • any current conduct of concern any current need for support any appropriate restorative actions any need for additional investigative steps II.5. Identify victims who made reports, but later withdrew from Baylor, to understand if the withdrawal was connected to Title IX concerns. III. Governance, Leadership, and Compliance III.1. Resolve current governance issues at the Executive Council and board levels. III.2. Empower board committees to take active role in education, oversight, and enforcement of governance issues and fiduciary responsibilities: • • • • Provide Association of Governing Boards training for Board of Regents Evaluate and make recommendations regarding board size and composition Review considerations and standards for new board membership, including actual or perceived conflicts of interest, and implement due diligence standards in the selection of board members Educate and train board members to remain within appropriate reporting protocols and lines of communication when addressing members of the administration and the Athletics Department (consistent with employment contracts) III.3. Expand representation of departments on the Executive Council in order to integrate Title IX across university functions (e.g., human resources). III.4. Restructure reporting lines for the Title IX and Clery (VAWA) Coordinators to ensure that each position has the power and authority necessary to implement responsibilities. III.5. Hire a full-time, dedicated, and qualified Chief Compliance Officer responsible for identifying risk, the likelihood of occurrence, the effectiveness of existing controls, the action needed to address gaps in compliance, and the consequences of failure to comply. -2- III.6. Develop oversight system of checks and balances to recognize non-compliance and hold administrators accountable for failures to comply. III.7. Properly resource general counsel’s office and the chief compliance officer to track key legal developments in Title IX law and guidance, proactively identify risks associated with Title IX and related compliance requirements, and provide appropriate legal advice. III.8. Train senior leadership to understand current federal law and guidance to support the University’s Title IX function and set an informed tone at the top that reinforces Baylor’s commitment to Title IX. III.9. Identify a special oversight committee of the board to work in conjunction with leadership to ensure that these recommendations are properly resourced, completed in a timely manner, and effectively implemented. III.10. Provide detailed periodic reports to the Board regarding the implementation of these recommendations. III.11. Provide detailed continuing quarterly reports to the Board on Student Conduct issues, Title IX compliance, and athletics compliance. IV. Title IX Infrastructure, Resources and Internal Protocols IV.1. Properly resource (personnel and funding) Title IX office to implement policies, procedures, and practices: • • • • • • Add Deputy Title IX coordinators for intake, support, and case management Add prevention and education coordinator Evaluate current investigative functioning to ensure thorough, adequate, reliable investigations Assess the need for additional trained and experienced investigators (internal or external) Provide trained and effective administrative support Identify personnel for all positions based on level of training and experience to ensure effective implementation and removal of conflict in roles and reporting structure IV.2. Restructure the Title IX office to improve the implementation of policy, procedure and practices: • • • • Develop specific intake protocol Use case management approach to track and monitor interim measures and student success Separate investigations from the provision of resources and support Develop investigative templates and protocols for consistent documentation and evaluation -3- • Review internal operating protocols to assure compliance, consistency, and follow up on all reports IV.3. Develop structured protocols and systems for the coordination of information between and among implementers, including internal case management and documentation that tracks timelines, regular and ongoing internal and external communications, and documents investigative steps, interim measures and steps taken to eliminate sexual harassment or violence, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. IV.4. Develop consistent protocols for application to critical decisions that identify decisionmaking authority, outline the applicable law and guidance, establish a template list of key considerations, and maintain appropriate documentation of the factual foundation for each decision. IV.5. Review and standardize existing template communications for regular stages of the process to assure consistency, the use of trauma-informed language, adherence to policy requirements and compliance with federal law regarding required written communications. IV.6. Conduct an initial assessment in every case and ensure contemporaneous documentation of steps taken and information considered. The initial review should proceed to the point where a reasonable assessment of the safety of the individual and of the campus community can be made, and the Title IX Coordinator and/or Title IX Management Team has sufficient information to determine the best course of action, which may include an investigation or steps to otherwise determine what occurred. IV.7. As part of the initial assessment of a report, develop a standardized process for evaluating a complainant’s request for anonymity, determining the appropriate course of action when balancing individual autonomy with broader campus safety obligations, and documenting the facts and circumstances that inform the University’s determination. This process, which must be supportive of a complainant’s needs and iterative in nature, can involve the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Management Team, or a separate entity specially designated to assist or evaluate a request for anonymity. The Title IX Coordinator should document the information gathered, the factors considered, the determination reached, and any additional steps taken to eliminate, prevent, and address the effects of the misconduct. Initial assessment protocols should vet whether a potential pattern of sexual violence is present. IV.8. Ensure that all forms of informal resolution are clearly documented to demonstrate the actions that are taken to meet the University’s Title IX obligation to take action to eliminate a hostile environment, prevent its recurrence and address its effects on the complainant and the community. IV.9. Maintain appropriate documentation and records of all reports and steps taken to eliminate, prevent and address the effects of the prohibited conduct. -4- IV.10. Review and revise protocols to incorporate patterns, trends and climate assessment for consistent broad remedy analysis and investigation of potential serial offenders. IV.11. Evaluate appropriateness and availability of facilities to effectively implement Title IX responsibilities. IV.12. Explore the use of available technology for reporting, responding, and tracking cases. V. Title IX Policy V.1. Revise Title IX policy, procedure, and practices consistent with law, guidance, and most effective models from around the country. Incorporate the following considerations: • • • • • The findings of this review Lessons learned from implementation during the 2015-2016 year Compliance-related required updates Effective and promising practices/solutions Baylor’s institutional values and mission V.2. Revise Baylor’s Title IX policy to include a clear amnesty provision for violation of the Sexual Conduct Policy. V.3. Revise the Title IX policy appeals process. V.4. Revise the Title IX policy to ensure that both parties may be present for, or otherwise participate in, the other party’s presentation to adjudicator. V.5. Revise policies, procedures, and practices to ensure consistent access to interim remedial measures and consistent use, as appropriate, of interim protective measures. V.6. Review policy regarding informal resolution process. V.7. Commit to conducting an annual review and assessment of Title IX policies, procedures, and practices to incorporate changes in the law and lessons learned from the current year (through student and administrator input). VI. Centralized Reporting and Resolution of Reports VI.1. Ensure that relevant policies, procedures, and protocols clearly outline all Title IX, Clery, and any other reporting responsibility (e.g., mandatory child abuse reporting). VI.2. Provide training and annual updates for clear implementation of reporting responsibilities and centralized reporting expectations. VI.3. Ensure accountability for all failures to report by University employees. Amend “for cause” language in all prospective contracts to specifically include the failure to report -5- misconduct as required by policy or law. Make clear in existing policies that violation of reporting obligations could be cause for discharge. VI.4. Ensure that all reports of sexual or gender-based harassment or violence or other forms of interpersonal violence are reported to the Title IX office. VI.5. Ensure that all reports of sexual or gender-based harassment or violence or other forms of interpersonal violence are evaluated under the Title IX policy. VI.6. Develop a centralized system for all reporting and a database and protocols for consistent record-keeping. VII. Resources and Support VII.1. Expand resources and support functions to augment the steps taken by the Board of Regents in February 2016. VII.2. Review whether additional resources are needed within student life, Title IX, counseling, or health service to provide an optimal level of care for victims. Add resources as soon as practicable if there are remaining gaps. VII.3. Confirm availability of after-hours crisis hotline. VII.4. Ensure counseling resources currently provided to students adequately address their needs. VII.5. Ensure that what is communicated to students in need who present to the counseling center is caring and helpful. VII.6. Ensure there is adequate space for the counseling center. VII.7. Ensure that information about the range of interim measures is widely disseminated and accessible to all community members. VII.8. Train all implementers to effectively communicate availability of resources, interim measures, and all process options. Develop and provide a written resource guide and process chart. VII.9. Provide dedicated victim-advocacy services on campus through full-time confidential advocate or contracted services with community agencies. VIII. Training, Education, and Communication of Efforts VIII.1. Designate one individual with oversight responsibility for coordination and review of all University training and educational programming related to and required by Title IX, Clery and VAWA. -6- VIII.2. Consider integrated multi-disciplinary programming to address issues of sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, gender equity, tolerance, diversity, inclusion, intersectionality, alcohol and substance abuse, consent, social media, bullying and hazing, classism, racism, and other issues that impact campus culture and the development and education of students. VIII.3. Until further study demonstrates otherwise, continue to prioritize annual education and training consistent with federal law and guidance for all community members and implementers, including: • • • • Students – undergraduate and graduate • All student groups • Fraternities and sororities • Athletes Administration and Staff • All athletics personnel including coaches • Baylor Police • Faculty • Student Affairs/Student Conduct • Title IX Staff • Counseling • General Counsel • Executive Leadership Board Alumni VIII.4. Ensure that all implementers, investigators and adjudicators have trauma-informed training. VIII.5. Ensure that all training is informed by effective practices and experienced practitioners and is consistent with Baylor University’s mission and values. VIII.6. Communicate all efforts (training, education, policies, procedures, reporting options, resources, and programs) through a user-friendly centralized website and other ongoing and effective means. IX. Culture and Climate IX.1. Conduct appropriate climate surveys or assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of campus procedures, identify challenges in the current campus climate that affect the educational or employment environment or create barriers to reporting, and test for prevalence. IX.2. Use the results of the climate survey to inform institutional priorities and educational programming. -7- IX.3. Evaluate the role of alcohol or other drugs on campus and the efficacy of existing alcohol or other drug policies. IX.4. Design and conduct a campus campaign to provide a visible platform for candid discussion about consent, alcohol or other drug use, common victim-blaming myths, and barriers to reporting (including the University’s amnesty policy). IX.5. Develop and implement a sustained campaign to keep institutional and community focus on Baylor’s commitment to the prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment and violence. IX.6. Collaborate with the University’s Marketing and Communications personnel to develop an intentional and strategic plan to implement the campaign, identify branding, design visual content, and consider the effectiveness of forms of delivery, including web content, written materials, posters, and other formats. IX.7. Prioritize student engagement. Seek mechanisms to incorporate student input through student leaders, open forums and individual engagement from current and former students. X. Athletics Department X.1. Create and maintain culture of high moral standards, enforcement, and discipline. Review, revise, and reinforce the expectation of a culture of high moral standards and discipline from coaches and staff to players. X.2. Communicate findings to senior leadership and relevant athletic administrators regarding response failures in Athletics Department X.3. Identify leadership to set a tone from the top regarding Title IX compliance, attention to student welfare, and reporting obligations. X.4. Consider appropriate disciplinary response for employee misconduct or employee failure to respond to several reported allegations of misconduct by football players. X.5. Charge the Board audit committee with ensuring and monitoring appropriate oversight of Athletics Department and Athletic Director by the President or other senior administration. -8- X.6. Through an appropriate board committee, ensure that the President and the Athletics Director have appropriate authority over department personnel. X.7. Consistent with employment coaches, train and educate coaches about the need to remain with appropriate reporting protocols and lines of communication when addressing members of Board of Regents. X.8. Ensure that all athletics personnel receive specific, extended, targeted, ongoing, and annual training regarding Title IX obligations and responsibilities, including an understanding of the risks attendant to Title IX issues. X.9. Educate athletics personnel about individual student safety risks as well as risks to the program and the university community. X.10. Build opportunities for athletics personnel to integrate and develop relationships with non-athletics personnel. X.11. Develop and implement a new drug testing policy. This policy should follow the standard of informed practices among peer institutions. X.12. Educate athletics personnel on reporting policies/protocols to ensure immediate sharing of information with the Title IX coordinator and student conduct as required by policy. X.13. Establish clear policies and protocols for all Athletic Department staff when students are accused of misconduct in violation of University policy. • • Clear documentation protocols for athlete misconduct Clear reporting protocol o To Head Coach and Athletic Director o To Title IX Coordinator o To Judicial Affairs X.14. Establish clear disciplinary consequences for personnel who fail to follow reporting and documentation protocols. X.15. Expand athletics compliance function to capture and monitor athlete misconduct. Consider independent athletics compliance oversight (i.e. Chief Compliance Officer) with dual reporting lines to the President and an appropriate board committee. X.16. Review and revise transfer policies and protocols to ensure due diligence is exercised in the screening of transfer candidates. Consider Big 12 and national best practices when implementing a protocol that will consider, at a minimum, criminal history, college disciplinary history, and character references. X.17. Establish policy and practice for consistent evaluation of any recruit with some level of past legal or disciplinary conduct issue, including the review of the known information by -9- compliance professionals outside of the Athletics Department, and as appropriate, external to the University. X.18. Formalize team and departmental policies regarding team suspension or dismissal with respect to arrest and or student conduct investigation. X.19. Consider a software solution for reporting, documenting, and sharing of information. X.20. Annually review all cases of athletes accused of misconduct to ensure that responses are consistent with applicable policies and procedures for all Baylor student misconduct. XI. Baylor University Police Department XI.1. Develop policies, procedures, and protocols to integrate federal, state, and local laws with trauma-informed responses to all forms of sexual and gender-based harassment, violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking. XI.2. Identify informed training programs to support BUPD in the effective implementation of Title IX, Clery, and all other federal, state and local laws. XI.3. Annually review training, personnel, and policy needs. XI.4. Develop systems to consistently coordinate information sharing with Title IX and Student Conduct personnel. Consider use of available technology. XII. Community Partnerships XII.1. Meet with local law enforcement and prosecuting authorities to review and update the memorandum of understanding that outlines the coordination of responsibilities between internal and external law enforcement agencies consistent with the proper implementation of Title IX, Clery and VAWA. XII.2. Revisit protocol for sharing of information between Waco Police Department and Baylor University Police Department. XII.3. Identify and develop partnerships with external advocacy organizations. XII.4. Identify appropriate campus and community supports for respondents. XII.5. Work with local governmental entities and area non-profits in an effort to develop a Waco-area Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). XIII. Clery XIII.1. Update Clery analysis and assess reporting obligations based on Pepper Hamilton findings. -10-