On "l?harsday 4/21/2016 I was on duty, in full uniform and working for the Harney County Sheritl?s Of?ce in Barns, l-Iarney County, Oregon. At approximately 1638 I was advised by dispatch that someone had hose shot and being transported to Fields, Hartley County, Oregon. Dispatch informed me that the victim was being transported in a silver dodge pickup. At approximately 1801 I arrived on scene and there was a li responder on scene giving medical attention to the victim. I conducted video and audio recorded interviews with all of the individuals that were present when the shooting took place. Stephen Bechtel audio! video recorded interview: 1 spoke with Stephen first about the incident. 1 informed Mr. Baehtel that I was recording the conversation. Mr. Buchtel told me that the incident took place in the Callow valley area approximately 10 miles away in l-larney County, Oregon. r. Euchre] said that he was located to the left of the victim Robert Dempsey. Mr. Buchtel said that at about 1615hrs he heard Bob yelling profanities and Mr. Bechtel said that it was obvious that something had happened and Bob was in pain. Mr. Buehtel informed me that he and a group of his ?riends were sitting in lawn chairs in a line and shooting at sage rats out in front of them. Mr. Buehtel stated he was located to Bob's lell approximately 15 yards. Mr. Bechtel also stated there was a pickup between him and Bob and he was using it as a wind de?ector. Mr. Buchtel stated his area for shooting was to the left of the pickup and away [tom the other shooters. Mr. Bechtel said there was a steady amount of gun the and then he heard Bob start yelling and knew that something had happened. Mr. Bechtel said when he heard Bob yell he put down his gun and stood up. Mr. Buchtel said that. is when he witnessed Bob on one knee in front of his lawn chair holding his lower left back. Mr. Bechtel said when he went to Bob?s side he looked at the wound and Mr. Bechtel said it looked like Bob had tried to holster a pistol in a shoulder holster and had an accidental discharge. Mr. Bechtel said 1301) did not have a shoulder holster so the round had to have come from somewhere else. Mr. Bechtel said Larry O'Dea went to his vehicle and brought back a medical kit. Mr. Buehtel said they started to administer that aid to the wound and then loaded Bob up in a. Vehicle and transported him until they could ?nd cell phone service and called 911. Mr. Buchtel told me he is the one who called 91 1 while they transported Bob to the Fields store. For full details see attached recording. Mr. Bechtel informed me there were other guys in the camp cleaning and packing everything up. Mr. Buohtel told are they were all meeting here at our location. Michael Lieb audio/video recorded interview: (Note: During the interview 1 noted that I could smell the odor ol? an alcoholic beverage coating from his breath, glassy, watery and bloodshot eyes.) 17c] blchEiSEl 91388 173 Kidd I 1408:] informed Mr. Lieh thatl was recording the conversation. Mr. Lieb said Mr. O'Des and Bob were on his left side and Mr. Miller was to his right in a straight line and shooting from lawn chairs at sage rats. Mr. Lieb said he was sitting to the right of Bob approximately 2 feet and Mr. O'Dea was to the left ot?Bob. Mr. Lieb said that Bob jumped and that is when he became aware that something was wrong. Mr. Lieh said his first impression of Bob yelling was he had been shot. Mr. Lieb said he did hear a gunshot just prior to Bob yelling and he said the gunshot came from his teft side. Mr. Lieb informed me Jim Miller was to his right side and Bob and Larry O?Dea was to his left. Mr. Lieh offered and started to draw a diagram of where everyone was sitting at the time of the incident. Mr. Lieh said everyone came to assist Bob and that is when he went to the pickup and unloaded everything so Bob could he transported. Mr. Lieb said they loaded Bob up in the pickup and he drove until they could ?nd cell service to call 9] 1. Mr. Lieh said after the 911 call they continued into the fields store parking lot. After arriving in the Fields Store parking lot the ?rst responder took over care for Bob. For futl details see attached recording. Jeffrey Purvis audio/video recorded interview: (Note: During the interview 1 noted that 1 could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, glassy, watery and bloodshot eyes.) I informed Mr. Purvis I was recording the conversation. Mr. i?urvis said he heard a gunshot and then immediately Bob yelling. Mr. Purvis said he was at the cooler when this happened. Mr. Purvis said after he heard the yelling he went back to the lawn chair where Bob was kneeling on one knee. Mr. Parvis said the wound was about the size of a 22 caliber. Mr. Purvis said he thought maybe Boh had an accident when he was trying to holster his pistol but after he looked at the wound Mr. Purvis said the angle was wrong for it to be Mr. Purvis said they had all been in a line oflawn chairs shooting and he af?rmed that Mr. Miller and Mr. Lieh were to the right ot?Bob at the time of the incident. Mr. Pnrvis said his chair was to the lett of Mr. Mr. Purvis described the area they were shooting at as elevator] and they were shooting into a cut bank. For full details see attached recording. Larry ()?Dea audiofvideo recorded interview: (Note: During the interview i noted that i could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, glassy, watery and bloodshot eyes. 1 also noted that Mr. O'Dea was visibly nervous and shaking during the interview. Prior to the intervicwl noticed Mr. ()?Dea consume a bottle of water and during the interview he also consumed another bottle of water.) informed Mr. O?Dea that I was recording the interview. Mr. O'Dea affirmed that everyone was shooting in a line from lawn chairs. Mr. O'Dea ?nished the drawing that Mr. Lieb started of where everyone was sitting while they were shooting. Mr. O'Dea?s drawing showed he was seated directly next to Bob on the left side. Mr. O?Dea told me he had stood up, placed his gun on the chair and walked a couple of steps to where Mr. Ed l-lclEthi?EEJ 9188 FE Kidd thEH P'orvis was and opened a drink. Mr. O'Dea said that is when he heard Bob make a groaning sound consistent. with (Bob) being in pain. Mr. O'Dea said he turned around and that is when he witnessed Bob with an empty shoulder holster and Bob was holding his left side while sitting in his chair. Mr. O'Dea said Bob started saying he had been shot so he went over to Bob and took off the holster. Mr. ()?Dea said he then started taking off clothing so he could find the wound. Mr. O'Dca said it appeared to him that maybe Bob was trying to holster a pistol and accidentally shot himself. Mr. O'Dea said he did not see a pistol in Bob's hand when he was trying to provide i?irstaidc. For full details see attached recording. Brian Carroll audio/video recorded interview: I informed Mr. Carroll that was recording the conversation. Mr. Carroll informed me that he was thirty. to forty yards away and did not see anything happen. Mr. Carroll said he was on the other side ot'his pickup near the tire when he heard the yelling. Mr. Carroll said he stood up and looked towards Bob noticing Mr. O?Dea standing with Rob. Mr. Carroll said he went to assist. everyone when he heard the yelling. For full details see attached recording. James Miller audio/video recorded interview: (Note: During the interview I noted that i could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, glassy, watery and hicodshot eyes.) Mr. Miller said he was located to the right of Bob during the incident and was facing to the right. when the incident. took place. Mr. Miller said he had been on the end of the line facing away from the rest of the guys. Mr. Miller said he had been drinking a beer and eating a sandwich watching for sage rats. Mr. Miller said he stood up and then heard Bob yell "this is what it feels like to get shot." Mr. Miller said he went over to help and noticed Bob's pistol in the chair and picked it up and cleared it. Mr. Miller said he helped Clean out a truck to transport. Bob and then assisted in the transport. During the interview Mr. Miller said he believed that they were going to stay the night in Fields and probably leave the next morning. - (Note: During the interviews John Megan came over to me and informed me he had spoken with Mr. Dempsey and Dempsey said he did not know how he had been shot in the, back.) See John Megan's attached report for full details and Body Camera footage. Ai'ter all of the interviews were done i spoke with everyone as a group. 1 infonned everyone as a group that their friend had been shot and was being flown to the hospital with a bullet inside of him. I said if anyone had information about the shooting, i needed to know about it and no one said anything. i also informed everyone that during the interviews i could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from almost everyone?s breath and I suggested that they not drive the vehicles. 9c] 9188 173 i NUEH id 9188 V8 Prior to Lifei'light leaving with the victim I was able to take a few photographs of the wound- i asked to see all at the ?reanns that were being shot at the time of the incident and all individuals were cooperative and retrieved the firearms. I did not seize any of the ?rearms at the time because 1 believed after all ofthe interviews that this was possibly an accidental discharge, self-in?icted wound. The wound was located on the lower left back of Mr. Dempsey and if Mr. Dempsey was wearing a shoulder holster on his lel't side the wound could be consistent with an accidental discharge. i took photographs of all of the ?rearms that were provided to me. On Fri day 4/22/2016 I contacted Mr. Dempsey and he told me that he was traveling home and wanted to call me when he arrived home. Later that evenin his wife Sara called and told me that Mr. Dempsey was heavily medicated and could not talk at that time. i attempted contact with Mr. Dempsey and left a message on 5/8/2016 and attempted again on 5/13/2016. 011 Saturday 5/14/2016 1 contacted Robert Dempsey the victim in this case and conducted an interview. During the interview Mr. Dempsey in'l'brmed me that. Mr. ()?Dea had been having trouble with his gun throughout the day with jamming, niisfiring and not feeding. Mr. Dempsey said Mr. ()?Dea put his gun down and went to get something to drink. Mr. Dempsey said when Mr. O'Dca returned, he picked his gun back up and Mr. O'Dea accidentally shot him (Mr. Dempsey). Mr. Dempsey said that he did not see Mr. O'Dea shoot him because he was facing to the right when it happened. Mr. Dempsey infonned me that his friend Mr. O?Dea called him after the incident and was very emotional and apologizing [or shooting him. Mr. Dempsey said that is when he feund out that Mr. O'Dea shot him. Mr. Dempsey said that Mr. O'Dea talked with his bosses and told them about the incident. Mr. Dempsey did not elaborate on who the bosses were that Mr. O?Dea had spoken with about the incident. After receiving the new intonnation from Mr. Dempsey I contacted my supervisors on Monday 5/ 16/2016 and gave them the inlbt?mation. At this point in the investigation the Oregon State Poiicc was advised of the situation and asked to assist with the investigation by Sheri Ff Dave Ward. X63 N083