DNA 6002F SHOT HOOD c A Test of the PLUMBBOB Series United States Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests Nuclear Test Personnel Review Prepared by the Defense Nuclear Agency as Executive Agency for the Department of Defense Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY, ATTN: STTI, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20305, IF YOUR ADDRESS IS INCORRECT, IF YOU WISH TO BE DELETED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST, OR IF THE ADDRESSEE IS NO LONGER EMPLOYED BY YOUR ORGANIZATION. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE men Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING F ORM REPORTDOCUMENTATIONPAGE I. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER DNA 6002F S. 1. TITLE (mad Subtttfe) TYPE OF REPORT 6 PERlO@ COVERED Technical Report, Supercedes First Edition, 27 Feb 1981 SHOT HOOD A Test of the PLUMBBOB Series 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER JRB 2-816-03-423-00 ‘. AUTHOR(a) 8. Carl Maag, Martha Wilkinson, Burt Collins (Tech. Reps.) I. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND James Striegel, DNA 10. ADDRESS JRB Associates, Inc. 8400 Westpark Drive McLean, Virqinia 22102 1. 14. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND Director Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, D.C. 20305 MONITORING AGENCY NAME CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) 001-79-C-0473 PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA h WORK UNIT NUMBERS Subtask U99QAXMK506-08 12. ADDRESS REPORT DATE 13 May 1983 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 108 h ADDRESS(if dllferari from ControllIng Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of thla report) UNCLASSIFIED 1%. DECLASSlFICATION/DOWNGRADlNG SCHEDULE N/A since UNCLASSIFIED 6. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thfa Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 7. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 18. SUPPLEMENTARY (of the abatrsct atersd In Block 20. If dffferent from Report) NOTES For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 This work sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS Code B350079464 U99QAXMK50608 H2590D. 9. KEY WORDS (Continue on re~et#e #id* if nscaaamy HOOD PLUMBBOB Ionizing Radiation Exercise Desert Rock Nevada Test Organization 20. ABSTRACT ,-Cdh. ad ldontffy by block number) Nevada Test Site AFSWP AFSWC' Nuclear Weapons Tests Atmospheric Nuclear Tests m ~.“r” l id ff W rrd fdmatlfy by block numbor) This report describes the activities of DoD personnel, both military and civilian, in Shot HOOD, the sixth nuclear test in the PLUMBBOB atmospheric weapons testing series. The test was conducted on 5 July 1957 and involved participants from Exercise Desert Rock VII, AFSWP, AFSWC, and AEC test groups. This volume also describes the radiological safety criteria and procedures in effect at Shot HOOD. m I',","*, 1473 EDITION OF t NOU 65 6 OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSfFlCATfON OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) UNCLASSIFIED C”R,TY 18. CLASSIFICATION OF THIS SUPPLEMENTARY PAGEfWhen NOTES Dale Entered) (Continued) The Defense Nuclear Agency Action Officer, this work was done, wishes to acknowledge contribution of numerous reviewers in the organizations in addition to those writers 20. ABSTRACT Lt. Col. H. L. Reese, under whom the research and editing Military Services and other listed in block 7. (Continued) At the time of the first edition of SHOT HOOD, the after-action report describing the Marine brigade exercise (Provisional Atomic Exercise Brigade, Report of Exercise Desert Rock VII, Marine Corps) had not been located. For this edition, the after-action report has been used to corroborate, to correct, and to supplement accounts of the trooo exercise drawn from plannina u documents and interviews. This has resulted in'substantial revision of section 2.2. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Dare Entered) PREFACE Between 1945 and 1962, the U.S. Government, through the Manhattan Engineer District and its successor agencv, the Atomic Energv Commission (AEC), conducted 235 atmospheric nuclear weapons tests at sites in the United States and in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. In all, an estimated 220,000 Department of Defense (DOD) participants, both military and civilian, were present at the tests. Of these, approximately 90,000 participated in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. In 1977, 15 vears after the last above-ground weapons test, the Centers for Disease Control* noted a possible leukemia cluster among a small group of soldiers at Shot SMOKY, another test of Operation PLUMBBOB, the series of nuclear weapons tests conducted in 1957. Since that initial report by the Centers for Disease Control, the Veterans Administration has received a number of claims for medical benefits from former militarv personnel who believe their health mav have been affected bv their participation in the weapons testing program. In late 1977, the DOD began a study to provide data to both the Centers for Disease Control and the Veterans Administration on potential exposures to ionizing radiation among the military and civilian participants in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. The DOD organized an effort to: 0 Identifv DOD personnel who had taken part in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests - -----.- ---___ *The Centers for Disease Control are an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (formerlv the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare). 0 Determine the extent of the participants' exposure to ionizing radiation 0 Provide public disclosure of information concerning participation bv DOD personnel in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. METHODS AND SOURCES USED TO PREPARE THIS VOLUME This report on Shot HOOD is based on the military and technical documents associated with this nuclear weapons test. Many of the documents pertaining specifically to DOD involvement in this event were found in the Defense Nuclear Agency Technical Library, the National Archives, the Department of Energv Nevada Operations Office, and the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratorv (LASL). In most cases, the surviving historical documentation addresses test specifications and technical information rather than the personnel data critical to the studv undertaken by the Department of Defense. Moreover, these documents sometimes reveal inconsistencies in vital facts, such as the number of DOD participants in a certain pro.ject at a given shot or their locations and assignments at a given time. These inconsistencies usually occur between two or more documents hut occasionally appear within the same document. Efforts have heen made to resolve these inconsistencies where possible or to bring them to the attention of the reader. In addition to these inconsistencies in information, documents from the Armed Forces Special Weapons Pro.iect (AFSWP) do not always present project titles and agencies consistently. To make this information as uniform as possible, this report uses weapons test report titles for each pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - w - e - - - - -.-.-.-.-.-. METERS Stake Lines 0.01 R/h 0.1 A/h 1.0 R/h Figure 4-3: INITIAL SURVEY FOR SHOT HOOD, 5 JULY 1957, MID-TIME 0536 75 METERS LI 11 I 0 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---d------.-.-.-,-.-. Stake Lines 0.01 R/h 0.1 R/h 1.0 R/h Figure 4-4: RESURVEY FOR SHOT HOOD, 5 JULY 1957, MID-TIME 1052 l 0 METERS 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - e - e - - - - I 1000 -.-.-.-.-.-. Stake Lines 0.01 R/h 0.1 R/h 1.0 R/h Figure 4-5: RESURVEY FOR SHOT HOOD, 6 JULY 1967, MID-TIME 0613 77 I 0 METERS 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---v----w-.-.-.-.-.-. I loo0 Stake Lines 0.01 R/h 0.1 R/h 1.0 R/h Figure 4-6: RESURVEY FOR SHOT HOOD, 7 JULY 1957, MID-TIME 0818 7s . . . .......... w--B --v--w a.m.-.-.-.-. METERS I 0 1000 Stake Lines 0.01 R/h 0.1 R/h 1.0 R/h Figure 4-7: RESURVEY FOR SHOT HOOD, 8 JULY 1957, MID-TIME 0668 7’9 80 REFERENCE LIST The following list of references represents only those documents cited in the HOOD volume. When a DASA-WT document is followed bg an EX, the latest version has been cited. A complete list of all documents consulted during the preparation of the PLUMBBOB series volumes is contained in the Operation PLUMBBOB volume. 81 - - - --- - AVAILAHILITY INFORM.4TION An availability statement has been included at the end of the reference citation for those readers who wish to read or obtain copies of source documents. Availability statements were correct at the time the bibliography was prepared. It is anticipated that many of the documents marked unavailable may become available during the declassification review process. The Coordination and Information Center (CIC) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) will be provided future DNA-WT documents bearing an EX after the report number. Source documents bearing an availability statement of CIC may be reviewed at the following address: Department of Energy Coordination and Information Center (Operated by Revnolds Electrical XI Engineering Co., Inc.) ATTN: Mr. Richard V. Nutley 2753 S. Highland P.O. Box 14100 Phone: (70%) 734-3194 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 FTS: 598-3194 Source documents bearing an availability statement of NTIS may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service. When ordering bv mail or phone, please include both the price code and the NTIS number. The price code appears in parentheses before the NTIS order number. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Phone: Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703) 487-4650 (Sales Office) Additional ordering information or assistance may be obtained by writing to the NTIS, Attention: Customer Service, or by calling (703) 487-4660. 82 SHOT HOOD: REFERENCES 1. 4950th Test Group, Nuclear. IT-33 Contamination Study.1 Kirtland AFB, NM.: AFSWC. 7 October 1957. 7 Pages.** 2. 4950th Test Group, Nuclear. "Operation Plan l-57, Operation PLUMBBOB." Kirtland AFB, NM.: AFSWC. 1 March 1980. 139 Pages. (A07) AD/A995 031.* 3. Air Force Special Weapons Center. "Air Mission Summary Report for HOOD Event." Mercurv, NV.: AFSWC. 6 July 1957. 6 Pages.** 4. Armed Forces Special Weapons Proeject. fparticipation of Military Personnel Assigned to Nevada Test Organization in Exercise Desert Rock.1 Mercury, NV.: AFSWP. 10 July 1957. 2 Pages.** 5. Atomic Energy Commission. "The Effects of Nevada Atomic Tests." AEC. March 1957. 46 Pages.** 6. Ballard, George, LTCOL., USMC (Ret.). [Notes from Interview, Sub.iect: Shots PRISCILLA and HOOD.1 Houston, TX. 5 Pages.*** October 7, 1980. 7. Bass, 8. Bryant, E.; Keefer, J.H. Basic Airblast Phenomena, Pro,ject Ballistic Research Laboratories. 1.1. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1401. June 1962. 202 Pages. (AlO) AD 344 935.* 9. Bradv, B. [Notes from Interview with LTCOL. Bvron Bradv, USMC (Ret.) on Shot HOOD and Pro,iect S2.1, and Shot PRISCILLA.1 September 25, 19380. 5 Pages.*** 10. Cohen, A.; Jachter, M.; Koeh, D.; et al. "Evaluation of New Types of Radiac Instruments, Pro.iect 2.6." Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1415-EX. October 1979. (A04) AD/B951 766.* 71 Pages. [Taped Interview, Suh,iect: Shot HOOD. 1 Joseph. Fairhope, AL. February 11, 1981.*** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at DOE CIC. ***Not Available. ****Requests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 83 11. Cook, et al. Neutron-Induced Activities in Soil Elements, Operation PLUMBBOB, Project 2.2. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1411-EX. February 1980. 82 Pages. (A05) AD/A955 019.* 12. Corsbie, R. "Operation PLUMBBOB Civil Effects Test Group Project Summaries." Mercury, NV.: CETG. May 1957. 69 Pages. (A04) AD/B 951 587.* 13. Curtis, Oliver, COL., USMC (Ret.). Shot HOOD.1 Cape Coral, FL. 14. Derksen, W.; Monahan, T.; Bracciaventi, J.; et al. "Prediction of Thermal Protection of Uniforms, and Thermal Effects on a Standard-Reference Material, Naval Material Laboratory. Project 8.2." 4lbuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1441. May 1960. SO Pages. (AO3) AD 360 876.* 15. "Evaluation of Military Radiac, DiIanni, E.; Riggin, F. Proeject 2.8." Naval Material Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1417. November 1957. 58 Pages. (A03) AD 360 872.* 16. Elder, G. "Effects of Nuclear Detonations on Nike Hercules, Operation PLUMBBOB, Project 6.5." White Sands Missile Range. October 1960.*** 17. Evans, W.A. History of 4950th Test Group (Nuclear) in Operation PLUMBBOB. Air Force Special Weapons Center, Historical Section. Kirtland AFB, NM.: AFSWC. 6 January 1958. 128 Pages. 18. Field Command, AFSWP. "Operational Summary: Operation PLUMBBOB." Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, AFSWP, WT-1444-EX. October 1979. 73 Pages. (A04) AD/B951 751.* 19. Frash, W.F., COL., USMC, (Ret.). [Notes from Phone Interview, Sub.ject: Shot HOOD.] Palos Verdes, CA. February 1981.*** C.; [Interview, Subject: February 10, 1981.*** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at DOE CIC. ***Not Available. ****Requests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 84 20. General Electric Company - TEMPO. Compilation of Local Fallout Data From Test Detonations 1945-1962. Volume 1: Washington, "Continental U.S. Tests." DC.: DNA-1251-l-EX. 1979. 600 Pages. (A16) AD/A079 310.* 21. Haas, P.; Wimenitz, F.; Hoadley, J.; et al. "Measurement of the Magnetic Component of the Electromagnetic Field near a Nuclear Detonation, Pro.ject 6.2." Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1436-EX. February 1980. 66 Pages. (A04) AD/B951 750.* 22. Hanscome, T.; Caldwell, P.; Gorbics, S.; et al. Investigation of Effects of Nuclear Detonations on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Nuclear Radiation Naval Research Detector Design, Project 2.7. Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1416-EX. September 1980. 97 Pages. (A05) AD/A995 057.** 23. [JRB Interview, Harney, J. B., LTCOL., USMC (Ret.). Sub,ject: Shot PRISCILLA.] Vista, CA. *January 21, 1981.*** 24. Headquarters, Camp Desert Rock. "Operation Order Number 7, Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII, Shot HOOD." Camp Desert Rock. 39 Pages.** 28 June 1957. 2s. Headquarters, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. Unit Diary for 1st Marine Division, Battalions and Companies, April--July 1957. Headquarters, USMC, Personnel Department. Washington, DC.: 1957. Hqs > USMC. 26. Headquarters, Fourth Marine Corps Provisional Atomic Exercise Bde. "Administrative Plan l-57, Desert Rock VII." Camp Pendleton, CA.: U.S. Marine Corps. 29 May 1957. 80 Pages.** 27. Headquarters, Fourth Marine Corps Provisional Atomic Exercise Bde. Schedule of Events. 1957. 3 Pages.** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at DOE CIC.. ***Not Available. ****Reqhests subject to Privacy Act restrictions. 85 28. Headquarters, Sixth Army. Exercise Desert Rock VII and Presidio of San VIII: Final Report of Operations. AG-S-9531. Francisco, CA.: Sixth U.S. Army. 25 November 1957. 107 Pages. (AO6) AD/A077 515.* 29. Julian, A. Inflight Structural Response of FJ-4 Aircraft to Nuclear Detonations, Operation PLUMBBOB, Pro.iect Washington, DC.: Department of the Navy, 5.3. Bureau of Aeronautics. WT-1432. February 1960. 190 Pages. (AO9) AD 360 875.* 30. Klinck, C. C. HOOD. 1 31. Lega, 32. Operation PLUMBBOB: Marine Nuclear Test Personnel Review. List of Participation Units. Washington, DC. 1979. 1 Page.** 33. DELETED. 34. Negron, R.; Murphy, H. [Notes of Telephone Interviews with R . Negron and H. Murphv to Reconstruct Marine Activities at Shot HOOD.1 Washington, DC. April 21 Pages.*** 1978. 35. Pearce, G. [Notes from Interview with LTCOL. Gary Pearce, USMC (Ret.) former Equipment Officer, 4th MCPAEB.1 April 22, 1980.*** 36. Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company. "On Site Las Vegas, NV.: REECo. Rad-Safe Support Shot HOOD." 1957. 10 Pages.**** 37. Rigotti, D.; Kinch, H.; Funsten, H.; et al. "Neutron Flux from Selected Nuclear Devices, Project 2.3." US Albuquerque, NM.: Army, Chemical Warfare Laboratory. Field Command, DASA. WT-1412-EX. October 1979. SO Pages. (A04) AD/A995 074.* 38. Sawver, James, MAJ., USMC (Ret.). [Taped Interview, Sub.ject: Shot HOOD.] Hudson, WI. 02/10/81.*** [Interview, Vickerv, OH. Sub,ject: Shots PRISCILLA Februarv 1981.*** and [Notes from Interview, Sub;ject: Charles J., Jr. Shots PRISCILLA, DIABLO, and HOOD.] Westbury, NY. September 27, 1980. 4 Pages.*** *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. **Available at DOE CIC. ***Not Available. ****Requests sub.ject to Privacy Act restrictions. 86 39. Film Badge Dosimetrv Analvsis: Science Applications, Inc. Exercise Desert Rock VII-VIII. McLean, VA.: SAI. June 1979. 345 Pages.**** 40. Sigoloff, S. Remote Radiological Monitoring, Project 39.0. WT-1509. Mercury, NV.: Civil Effects Test Group. 1960. 90 Pages. (A05) AD/A077 508.* 41. Sigoloff, S.; Logie, L.; Borella, H.; et al. "Radiation Measurements Utilizing the USAF Chemical Dosimeters, Pro,ject 39.1." Civil Effects Test Group. WT-1500. November 1958. 66 Pages. (A04) AD 339 464.* 42. Stalk, G.; Gee, R.; Bednar, J.; et al. "In-Flight Structural Response of an F-89D Aircraft to a Nuclear Detonation, Pro,ject 5.5." Wright Air Development Center. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1494. March 1960. 56 Pages. (A04) AD 357 975.* 43. Tompkins, R.; Weaver, C.; Peterson, G. Neutron and Initial-Gamma Shielding, Pro,ject 2.4. TJS A=v, Chemical Warfare Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1413-EX. Fehruarv 19380. 115 Pages. (A06) AD/A995 035.* 44. Wagenhoffer, M.T., LTCOL., USMC (Ret.). fNotes from Phone Interview, Sub.ject: Shot HOOD.1 Alexandria, VA. Februarv 1981.*** 45. Walls, 46. Wilcox, F.; Goeke, R.; Weaver, C. Operation PLUMBBOB &site Radiological Safetg Support Report. Las Vegas, NV.: REECo. OTO-57-2. 1957. 193 Pages. (A09) AD/A077 488.*/** 47. York, E.; Bovd, R.; Blavlock, J. "Initial Neutron and Gamma Air-Earth Interface Measurements, Operation PLUMBBOB, Pro,ject 2.10." Air Force, Special Weapons Center. Albuquerque, NM.: Field Command, DASA. WT-1419. 70 Pages. (A04) AD 464 February 1960. 381.* *Available from NTIS; order number appears before the asterisk. J. In-Flight Structural Response of the Model A4D-1 Aircraft to a Nuclear Explosion, Project 5.4, Department of the Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics. Field Command, DASA. WT-1433. Albuquerque, NM.: March 1960. 186 Pages. (A09) AD 355 562.* **Available at DOE CIC. ***Not Available. ****Requests sub