USDA Unltod States Department ol Agricutture Animal and Plant HoaHh tnspec1ion Service iiiiiiiil 20161306590220 -· IMI)Jd Inspection Report Timothy Stark Customer I0 : 11620 3320 Jock Toople Ad Charlestown. IN 471 11 Cortllicate· 32-C-0200 Slie· 001 TIWSTAAIC Type· ROUTINE tNSPECTlON Oote· Jan-20-2016 2.4 N<)N.lNTERFERENCE WITii APHIS OFFICIALS. During the exit lnleMew ol t1tos onspoetion the licensee was COoJy - a n d oonfronlalionaL When and sentence oy;ng to 110 """'tho 'D.-alf """"""",.__, . licensee c:onslanlly inlemlpled- every ...P'ollno'Y otloost """"~ 2 to 3 WMls and made k ~to tllalwasltying to be e1Cplalned. Dunng tile exit there - e n in AusUaio was~ .nstead. and the an.mat died W!ltM 24hrs. A necropay was newt oonducted and a veterinarian was never CCiftStltecL There wece two baby ouers !hal died due 10 a poeslbte tcwnUa: iSsue, hOwewoer a vetemarian was not oomacted an:l during lhe- and lhe OIWl1als died. No neaopsy wasconcb:ted. tho--....,......, by tho- There was one adlll otter rhal &ppMJed lk:k and cUtcl WltNI'\ lhe I'IOut. hOweY« the lorensQe adVised he . pr....,ling - W08Ihor prool housing. HaAs 18ft S1.dUng OU1 111 1ho ondosl.-6 ft in oo1d oMIOf dameter thai is open on both ends wedged~ 2 mound$ of dinfrocks hokling in it in ~. This concll.ii is open on boll'l ends allowing tot !he snow and rrun to be blown in. The sae ol the pal11al ahe•..- appears to be big enougl'l lor 1aroma! comlonol>ly, bu1 _,ld be dghl wflh roo adiAI big cars. The lack of appropriate ~oltor that Is large enough fOt allthG animals In ltle endosure to lit In oomlortably, can expose the animalS to aevere weather and the inability to stay dry and/or man.aoe their temperatures in a safe manner. The 18Ck of wind bre«ks, or shatters that proteC' the animals from the rain, Sleet, direct sun and snow can causo posslblo health lssuos and discomfort to the rogulatGd anlmats, that In noturo would bo able to find appropriate shelter from tho ok>ments it able. The tompotatures have been very k>w fCll the past week b9twoon 7· 21degrees w1Lh 2~31nches of snow as was present during this inspeaion. The licensee needs to prOVide enough sheltet areas in an enclosure to protect the animals from inclement weather. Each shelter a:houtd be able to oom1oriably house each animal either as a group or individually. 11 it appears that an animal is 1'101 being ktC lnlo the shoJter due to O()f"Apatibllity issues. there noocta to be I Prepa~ By: Tille: tJH!MJ:...PJE HOU:::ER . .~. ~ =-I AHNMARIE HOUSER, A C 1 USOA, APiliS. Arimal Cato Date: ANIMAl CARE INSPECTOR ~~ 6022 Jan·25-2016 Received By: Date: Tille: Jan·25·2016 USDA United States Oepartmen1 ot Agricuhure Animal and Plan1 Hearth Inspection Setvtce ~ ~ 2016t306590220 lraspJd Inspection Report Nt ~was conc:b:ted with the facility representa1ive and With Or Kiraen. SACS TM Glut lnteMew was unable to bo finished 01 SIQOOd dU& to me coot•nual internJpdon and vorbal abuse Issued by the 1c:ensee toward the inspec&ors. The exit was ended and the licensee was advised the repon would be sent via oenitied and regular mrul. I Prepa~ By: Title: tJ H!M.t...PJE HOU:::ER . .~. ~ =- I AHNMARtE HOUSER, A C I USOA, APiliS, Arimal Care ANIMAl CARE INSPECTOR ~~ 6022 Date: Jan-25-2016 Received By: Date: Title: Jan-25·2016