BOYERTOWN AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Boyertown, Enrollment Review Committee May 24, 2016 7:30 p.m. Education Center, Boardroom Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence 3. Approval of March 7, 2016, Enrollment Review Committee Minutes 4. Committee Update 0 New Construction update 0 Mr. Peter Hiryak, Manager, Douglass Township Montgomery 0 Mr. Kevin Tobias, Manager, New Hanover Township 0 Additional Information 0 Committee Recommendations 5. Public Comments 6. Committee Member Comments 7. Adjournment Please note: This agenda is subject to cliange. Changes can occur up anti] the start oft/2e meeting. DOUGLASS TOWNSHIP MONTGOMERY COUNTY 2015 DEVELOPMENTS DOUGLASS CREEK (Total of 73 homes) PHASE I 19 Single Family Lots Approved Under Construction PHASE ll ill 54 Single Family Lots Approved Under Construction COBBLESTONE SMITH ROAD PHASE 106 Single Family Lots Nearing Completion CONGO ROAD 92 Single Family Lots Nearing Final Approval ZERN TRACT JACKSON ROAD 252 Townhouses Sketch Plan HOLLY ROAD - GAMBONE 210 Residential Units No Plan Submittal DONNELLY MIDDLE CREEK ROAD 54 Single Family Homes Preliminary Plan Submittal GRATERFORD ROAD- 10 Single Family Lots Final Plan Submitted New Hanover Crossing - Status: Inactive -_118 EDUs A i ?r :aier Status: Inactive Assisted Living facility not yet planned, but 7; expected to be approx. 275 EDUs additoinai .1) Montgomery View (Renninger) Status: Construction 75 EDUs Approved Additional 40 EDUs requested I Hener Develoet I, Status: inactive Country Meadows Status: Construction - EDUs Apovd 2 EDUs Approved Hanover Woods 1 I I ,i Status: Construction New novar own enter . II . . 65 EDUSpproved Status: Active . i - Sewage Planning not yet - I . submitted, but it is expected cot-'9' 1 Status. Active that 750 EDUS be I A Status: Inactive - 55 EDUs Approved . .128 EDUs Approve . . 1' McGee Deelopent talus: Construction 30 EDUs Approved j. Rolling Meadows Status: Inactive 7 E05 Appoved Status: Construction 141EDUs Approved II. IV. VI. VII. BASD Enrollment Review Committee Minutes Education Center March 7, 2016 In attendance: Committee Members Present Administration Dr. Richard Faidley Robert Scoboria Paul Grenewald Jill Dennin Chair Christine Neiman Donna Usavage Rob Caso Steve Elsier John Landino David Lewis Paul Stengie Clay Breece aid for the request to switch the Mrs. Dennin welcomed View '0 Committee?s purpose and format to Committee 0' approved timeline. each school Mr. Scoboria shared size for grades and 4?6 over the past 10 years. Board discussion took place. Additional information was requested for subsequent meetings: 6 Average class size for surrounding /comparable school districts 0 Class size information by grade and school a Township/Attendance areas population trends and projections 0 Full Day Kindergarten information to be discussed at a Curriculum Committee Meeting XI. XII. Mr. Scoboria and Dennin will be attending parent organization meetings at each of the elementary schools in April/May 2016 to share information and gather input. Feedback from these meetings will be shared at upcoming Enrollment Review Committee Meetings. Mr. Scoboria and Mrs. Dennin will schedule the next meeting. Public Comment Mrs. Tonya Bauer shared a request for the committee to review the attendance areas. Washington Elementary School is currently the only BASD elementary school with students who are assigned to both junior high schools. Adjournment 0 Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.111. 5/24/2016 ENROLLMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MAY 24, 2016 ELEMENTARY ENROLLMENT STUDY Taken from the May 26, 2015 REPORT - item #8 8. ELEMENTARYENROLLMENTSTUDY The Boyertown Area Schooi District has and demographics studies. This information serves to guide the Board ofSchooi Directors and Administration as decisions are ma to continue to provide educationoi for our students. A need has been identified to study our iong~term needs at our eiem entary ievei. Administration is proposing a process that ensures appropriate resources and information is in pioce to thorougth study these needs, invoives stakeholders with opportunities to provide input and develops options for the Board ofSchoo Directors to consider. A timeiine has been deveioped to detaii the steps Administration proposes to evaiuate and address our elementary enroiim ent needs. RE COM NDA Ti ON That the Board ofSchooi Directors approves the ?roposed timeiine for thestudy of the District?s elementary enroiiment needs. The Board President estabiish an ad oc committee to work With Administration to study these needs, consider options, and make recommendations to the Committee Board of Schooi Directors. 5/24/2016 ENROLLMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE TIMELINE ape-reveal ehanges so BASQ elementary on approved actions. SUMMARY OF DECEMBER 15, 2015 MEETING Reviewed Background/Previous Enrollment Actions I Hanover Research Discussion Transfinder/ BASD Attendance Areas Review BASD Demographics/ PEI. Study 5/24/2016 SUMMARY OF MARCH 7, 2016 MEETING I Reviewed 2012 Feasibility Study Reviewed Elementary Building Needs Compared School Capacity vs. Projected Enrollment Reviewed District-Wide Elementary Class Size NEW CONSTRUCTION UPDATES I Mr. Peter Hiryak, Manager, Douglass Township Montgomery Mr. Kevin Tobias, Manager, New Hanover Township 5/24/2016 FROM 2015 ECONOMY LEAGUE DEMOGRAPHIC REPORT Boyerlown Area School District UPDATE: February 2015 Table l-l BOYERTOWN AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Pognlation Trend 1990 to 2010 Change Change Change [990102010 1990 {o 2000 2000 to 2010 1990 2000 2010 :3 ?S'o if Bally Bamugh 973 1.062 1,090 117 12.0 39 9.1 23 2.6 Becluclsviilc Bomugh ?BDYMOWII Bomugh 3.139 5.9 40 4.055 295 7.9 181 4.8 15 2.9 Colcbmokdnle: Township 5.469 5.270 3,0?3 ~39] ?199 v3 .6 4 92 -3.6 Douglass Township (Berks Co.) 3.150 3.327 3.306 464 4.4 ?43 45.8 a: 416 Eat] Township 3,016 3.050 3.195 1'39 5.9 3-1 1.1 1-45 4.8 Towns]: ip 2,?99 3,3 54 3,310 36.1 555 19.8 456 13.6 Douglass Township (Mom. Co.) 7.048 9.104 10.195 3.14? 44.? 3.056 2-9.2 1.091 12.0 New Hanover Twp. Giant. Co.) 5.956 7.369 10.939 4,983 83.7 1.413 23.7 3.5?0 48.4 (Minn. 00.} 2,165 3.143 3.523 L358 62.? 45.1 12.2 Dish-1t: Total 35.639 40.548 46,133 109194 29.4 4.9 09 13.8 5.585 13.8 Berks nullity Tomi 33?,523 373,638 411,443 74,919 22.3 37,115 11.0 31,804 30.1 Ma utgomcry Cou My Total 678.11) 75 0.09? 39,814 121,763 18.0 71.936 1 0.6 6.6 SOURCE: v.3. Bureau of 111: Census. FROM 2015 ECONOMY LEAGUE DEMOGRAPHJC REPORT Table 2-5 AREA. SCHOOL DISTRICT 20H 2023 3?00? 2014 Elementary 10 9-5 of ?lm? .01? .3. 3125?. 5 L315 39H LL 1 3 019 323.9 3.1.3 39.23. 3.93.? 2&0.1 Colcbrookdnle 1,115 1.223 30.2 New Hanover Upper Frederick 0.8 Pine Fnrge 0.1 Washingmn 2-5 5:1 (199 17.3 Colebrookdale or Boye?awn New Hanover 342 3-12 8.5 Boyenown or Gilbcusville (252 232 6.2 Earl at Pine Forge Colebrvokdalc Age restricled 59?? 22.2 No! Available by Attenduncc A1211 .10.5. 9-9 Total 33, ?r 25* 2.5g 3.495 3.9.11 1mm Based on units in approved and proposed snbdivisicm. units known In be under discussion or in the early" planning stages. and in?ll. minor subdivision nativity. housing idcmi?ed as of Octobcrl??m. 3 includes primarily in?ll. minor subdivision nciivim and miscellaneous housing 3 infommion is no: available but it is included in the minis. Note: There is good reason to believe that some of the unmoved mid proposch may rm! he built in a timely manner or may not be built all, the overall size ofthc 10-year pipeline quealisiic. 5/24/2016 PARENT ORGANIZATION MEETINGS April May, 2016 I?Provided Updates on information Questions Awareness Regarding Committee?s Work BASD AVERAGE CLASS SIZE INFORMATION 2005?2015 May 2016 5/24/2016 I BASD MIDDLE LEVEL EXPECTED ENROLLMENT May 2016 EXT STE PS I Committee Recommendations/ Discussion I Building/Renovating Schools I Closing Schools I Consider Redistricting 1' Expansion of Gray Areas I No Action/Recommendations at current time I Discuss Need For Additional 5/24/2016 Information Agendas minutes and reports are availabie on BASD Website at