USA Gymnas?us Stephen Penny. .Ir. thene r130 to the level as a threat to children? A Sorry, that's my alarm again. So because my attorney is not objecting to any of the form of your question, I am going to go ahead and answer it. I believe that I have the oxporienoe based on my involvement in sport over the years and based on my observations and the pooplo that surround me that help me make good decisions every day, that when things like this arise, that I have the ability to make gOod judgments about what the next best stops might be, booed on the governing documenta that I have and the way in which misconduct and abuse is described and based on the experience I have had as CEO of USA Gymnastics, to address these issues. And the one of the moat fundamental elements of launching an investigation is substantiating the claim. And the reason that's important in becauoe that under the Amateur Sports Act, both the athlete and the coach have rights of membership. And one of the most important reasons that you substantiate a claim is because the potential for, if you will allow the expression, 9?29451. 7?0-343?9696 'I?iffany Alley Global Reporting 85 Video Page77 Doc vs. USA Gymnastic-S Stephen Penn)" .ler 12?] 9.12014 a witch hunt, baoomos very real. And so it's possible that someone may make a claim like this because they don't like someone or because they heard a rumor or because they information through other third parties. And so, fundamentally, when you have the umbrella of the Amateur Sports Act and the US Olympic Committee and youf ?w your burden the burdon of proof kind of weighs on your ability to move forward and think about ousponsion or think about next steps, you have to take that very ooriously, because the coach is as much a mombar as the athlete. So that's the best answer I can give you as to my perception as CEO and my knowledge and ability to address issues of this type. What?s more important, a coach's ability to coach or an athlete?s ability to participate in the sport of gymnastics in a safe environment? A The most important thing o? MR. ATHANS: Object to the form of the question. THE WITNESS: I?m sorry. MR. ATHANS: Now you may Thank you. . 770-343~9696 Page 78 ?I'if??my Aliey Giobal Reporting Video