Jan Stockhausen mMAR-ztitis Mr. Ponsoldt came here his wiie last week on Tuesday 22nd EB 2005 and lett Wednesday 2nd o1 March. The purpose oi the trip was to roceed with the Visa applicat n. to visit some real estate and to discuss some usiness with us, as well as visit Ganbo: and Contadora. On Wednesday 23rd FEB an Stockhausen took them to Banoo Nacional to open an account. On Tuesday 1st ol arch Stoothausen and ldania Vargas took the Ponsoldts to Migracion lor registration nd presenation ol the passports. On Tuesday ol March in the attemoon. tockhausen visited a real estate Agent with them to linalize a ontract regarding and apartment. On Wednesday 2nd or March morning the Ponsoldt's ame to our ollice to discuss several matters. The Ponsoldts mre pioted ui and rought back to the Hotel lor all th intments, exoept the one with Full irpon VIP sewice ms rendered. helped to organize the trips to can dora and anboa. The atmosphere in the meetings with the Ponsoldts is normally weiy relaxed nd lriendly. Mr. Ponsoldt suggested Dinner on Tuesday spontaneously. but neither tockhausen or Radomski were available in the evening. Jan Stockhausen Bill Ponsoldt came to visit on Tuesday 03.11.2005. JS meet with him iorn 11.00 until 15.00 handed him the new Retiree passports. I presented the egulations ior Edenstone Foundations to him. which he approved. We were aving a chat about the ongoing proiects and the progress we made as we as bout luture projects. The most interesting new development is that Ponsoldts trust ompany in the Bahamas is being liquidated currently. He still has a substantial sets of several hundrets of millions in a trust there (most of it seems to be a oulder mine) which he wants to move out as soon as possible. suggested to omplemem his existing structure by several new entities amongst which we might use utual lund structures or private trust oompanies. as ponsolts primary objective si to aintain the utmost con eiit and eally to open bank accouhiits without his name as a private person. in the coming weeks will be researc in he possibilities and develop a startegy to move the structure out ol the Bahamas specially with view to ponsoldts ea to take pan in us was through onshore es using major banks con acts. Axel and I will be working on solutions. The hree at us went to have lunch in TEN BISTRO. It was pleasam and relaxed. Later Bill nd I mam form Bern to visit the building site of_ to monitor he progress i is I ed the Panasoic sign outside the window ol the aprtment. which supposed to have been taken down already. I hav dilliculties imagining that the wneis ol the adjacem building acn be lorced to take it down. ll bern cannot oome to an greement the sign may stay, this would be unacceptable to Bill. Moreover the smell iorn the bay was considerable and he might want to sell the apartment as a result (Katia nows about this and will keep her ears open, we will have to see what happens). He highly pleased with the- where he is staying now. In the luture we should arrange tor aocomodation there. He likes this style at design and would liketo peak to our interior designer with respect to one at his apartments here in Panama. ORANIASTION CHART- PROBITY INVESTMENTS S.A. BANK ACCOUNT Authorised Signatories: Andrzej Radomski, Ramsis Owens, and Directors: Francis Perez, Vianca Scott and Leticia Montoya Ernesto Gonzalez Attendon: Vlanca Scott demised and will be replaced by lmovene Wilson PROBITY INVESTMENTS S.A. FOUNDER FOUNDATION MANAGEMENT INC. FOUNDATION COUNCJL ,_- MOSSFON TRUST CORPORATION EDENSTONE FOUNDATION I i DIRECTORS: - FRANCIS PEREZ LETICIA MONTOYA - DARLENE BAYNE - KATIA SOLANO - MARTA EDGHILL Attendon: Vlanca Scott will be replaced by George Allen i DIRECTORS: FUTURE BENEFICIARIES I - - J(JRGEN MOSSACK RAM6N FONSECA YOLANDA DE AZCARRAGA AUTHORISED PROXIES: WILLIAM PONSOLDT and/or HIS FAMILY - - RAMStS OWENS ANDRZEJ RADOMSKI ORANIASTION CHART-ROYAL PACIFIC INVESTMENTS s.A• . BANK ACCOUNT Atrthorbtd Sip11riff: Anttmj Owfl#, ilttld Ertmto Goau.IU RdOll'J1ki, R»n• .·-...,,,.,,,._..,_ DtNdors~ Fruell Ptrn,, Vlep Scott•d Letitl• Mont~ ' ROYAL PACIFIC INVESTMENTS S.A. f'OUNDER FOUNDATION MANAGEMENi [NC. ' ' EDENSTONE FOUNDATlON I J. . . . . FIW wrote:    > Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 09:44:38 ‐0700 (PDT)    > From: "William R. Ponsoldt"  > Subject: Fwd: Attorney client privileged information  >    > To: Jan Stockhausen    >   > Jan,  > I still cannot send from the secure email.  It worked one time and no   > more.  >   > Attached are the wire instructions you gave me.   > Look  > in the Curacao account for $850,000.00.  Please confirm that it has   > arrived.  >   > Please credit LBFH for $800,000. You need to confer with Chris as to   > the institution and the particulars.  >   > Please credit the balance to Escutcheon ASAP .  Add it to the existing   > account.  >   > Have we received the credit for the missing interest yet?  >   > Do we have an address etc so I can write the letter we discussed?  >   > BP  >   >   2 Lipton, Eric From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Daisy Chacón - Mossfon Trust Wednesday, July 05, 2006 4:07 PM father Olga Mikhailova - Mossfon Trust; Amauri Batista - Business Development Attorney client privileged information pat950297115 Tracking Tracking: Recipient Read father Olga Mikhailova - Mossfon Trust Amauri Batista - Business Development Read: 7/5/2006 4:11 PM Dear Mr. Ponsoldt:    Many thanks for your below message.    Kindly take note that the FCIB needs some supporting documents in connection with the wire transfer of 850K that are  being sent to our account.    As far as I understand, we should use these funds as follows:    1.  50K to be deposited in the bank account of Escutcheon as per your future instructions.  2.  800K to be used in LBFH Inc.  We are already in communications with Mr. Chris Ponsoldt in this regard.    However, in order to have the complete background on these transactions, we need the following information:    a.  Name of the company that is sending the money.  b.  Concept in which the funds are being sent.  We understand that these funds were obtained in a recent sale of  securities.  If affirmative, we need some documents concerning this sale for us to prepare the relevant documentation in  this regard.    Please accept our apologies for asking this information, but we want to avoid any inconveniences or delays with the  bank.    Thanks for your cooperation.    Best regards,    Daisy Chacón A.  Corporate Administrator  Mossfon Trust Corporation          Please send all your messages to our departmental email account: mftrust@mossfon.com   1 Lipton, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Daisy Chacón - Mossfon Trust Thursday, July 06, 2006 4:37 PM father FW: Attorney client information Dear Sir:    Kindly take note that I have reviewed this case again with our Management and they have advised to use the FCIB.  After  receiving the money, we will explain to them the nature of this transaction without giving details of your name.    Please let us know if you agree with this and if you will instruct the relevant parties to execute the wire transfer.    Best regards,    Daisy Chacón A.  Corporate Administrator  Mossfon Trust Corporation           Please send all your messages to our departmental email account: mftrust@mossfon.com     ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Daisy Chacón ‐ Mossfon Trust   Sent: Jueves, 06 de Julio de 2006 03:18 p.m.  To: father  Cc: Amauri Batista ‐ Business Development  Subject: FW: Attorney client information    Dear Mr. Ponsoldt:    Kindly find attached hereto the proposed draft that we might use in this regard.  Afterwards, we will prepare a Service  Agreement between Edenstone Foundation and LBFH in order to justify the wire transfer that will be sent to the fixed  term deposit of this company.    Please let us have your comments.    Daisy Chacón A.  Mossfon Trust Corporation  Ext. 206       ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Daisy Chacón ‐ Mossfon Trust   Sent: Jueves, 06 de Julio de 2006 02:56 p.m.  To: father  1 Subject: RE: Attorney client information    Dear Mr. Ponsoldt:    Unfortunately yes, they do.  They will request the information.  What we can do is to declare these funds as a  distribution of benefits of EDENSTONE FOUNDATION, as if it the sale of securities were made in the name of the  foundation as Shareholder of Escutcheon.    Do you agree with this?    Best regards,    Daisy Chacón A.  Mossfon Trust Corporation      ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: William R. Ponsoldt     Sent: Jueves, 06 de Julio de 2006 02:35 p.m.  To: Daisy Chacón ‐ Mossfon Trust  Subject: Attorney client information      Daisy,  Does FCIB still require further documentation as  before?    William Ponsoldt  2 From: Gabriela Agrazalez Executive ASSislant Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 12 09 PM To: Mosslon Trust Corporation c: Mosslon Trust Compliance Department, Edison Teano a Lawyer/ Trust Executive Subject: rw wire/U5376,800 to Company of America, inc. Attachments: Higuera Wire instructions BUSQUEDA BENEFICIARI ITLE COMPANY or AMERICA, acla ibfh doc, five eyesool Hoiai Eauor abrir oaso romo sigue Tipo de aaso: outgoing Wire to- Titie Company DfAmErlca, in: Responsaoie: Financial Officer Substituto: Et, Ga Financial Team: adiunto arta carrespondieme. Comoliance: adiunto ies Enviamus el Eyes asi mmotamblen iossustentos recibidus busouedasya han sido realizadas en ortuore mensaie adiuntoi. Gracias' Saiudos Kind regards, Gabriela Agrzulez EXECUHVE 3m ria:r From: son Senl: viernes, 07 de diciembre de 2012 as 53 a m. To: Daniel Leon . Executive Assistant Cc: Edison Tezno . Lawyer Trust Executive Subject: RE: wire Thank you for your hard work. I need another funding, I need $76,800 wired regarding 749 Contract and wire instructions enclosed. From: son Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 1:07 PM To: Daniel León - Mossfon Trust Cc: Edison Teano - Lawyer / Trust Executive Subject: RE: wire Daniel, Enclosed you will find the contract and wire instructions Regarding 297 Cir I need a wire in the amount of $77,760 from LBFH. Please make sure that you only send it once Teano and Gabriela have both been sent info. Thank you for your help From: Daniel León - Mossfon Trust Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:51 PM To: son Cc: Edison Teano - Lawyer / Trust Executive Subject: FW: wire Dear Son,   I confirm safe receipt of your e‐mail below.   We will take action on this wire transfer, and will revert with the swift confirmation as soon as possible.   Kind regards,   Saludos / Kind regards,     Daniel León  Corporate Administrator    www.mossfon.com   From: son Sent: miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012 03:48 p.m. To: Daniel León - Mossfon Trust Subject: FW: wire From: son Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:33 PM To: Subject: FW: wire From LBFH 2 Gabriela Agrazalez  Corporate Administrator  Mossfon Building, 3rd Floor 54th E. Street, Panama Tel. +507 206 9490 ext 268 www.mossfon.com     From: Gabriela Agrazalez - Mossfon Trust Sent: martes, 06 de noviembre de 2012 10:58 a.m. To: son Subject: RE: wire Dear Son,   Thank you for your message.   We are proceeding with the transfer requested.    Kind regards,     Gabriela Agrazalez  Corporate Administrator  Mossfon Building, 3rd Floor 54th E. Street, Panama Tel. +507 206 9490 ext 268 www.mossfon.com     From: son Sent: lunes, 05 de noviembre de 2012 01:29 p.m. To: Gabriela Agrazalez - Mossfon Trust Subject: RE: wire Gabriela, Please wire $ 111,360 to the the closing agent f regarding 6260 Thank you for your help. from LBFH From: Gabriela Agrazalez - Mossfon Trust Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 2:44 PM To: son Subject: RE: wire Dear son,   The funds finally arrived!    Please find attach the current statement of account and confirmation for your reference.   5 . Favo tomar nota de las instrucciones de Father.    Gracias,    Daisy       ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Ponsoldt    Sent: Viernes, 20 de Junio de 2008 08:26 a.m.  To: Daisy Chacón ‐ Secretary to ROwens  Subject: Powers family    Please tell Ramses and dirk not to liquidate the company we spoke about.  Give it to tracey With 100k in it.  That will  Solve the problem.     William ponsoldt      Sent from my iPhone  2 Lipton, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens Friday, June 20, 2008 12:09 PM Mossfon Trust Corporation TAWLER ASSETS 1566567/DC Favor abrir un caso para esta cia (soci).    Bajo el cliente CARL AUSTIN POWERS    Naturaleza:  AMENDMENT    Gracias,    Daisy       ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Dirk Brauer – Mossfon Asset Management  Sent: Viernes, 20 de Junio de 2008 09:25 a.m.  To: Sabina de Ramos – Mossfon Asset Management; Jelka de Martínez – Mossfon Asset Management; Eyra Perdomo ‐  Mossfon Asset Management  Cc: Olga Mikhailova – Mossfon Asset Management; Ramsés Owens ‐ Lawyer; Daisy Chacón ‐ Secretary to ROwens; Axel  H. Gauster – Mossfon Asset Management  Subject: FW: TAWLER ‐ Powers family    FYI,    Change of plans, but a good one for us.    I will analyze the portfolios of Tawler and Valdano and than we will inform Ramsés how to proceed. I appreciate both  portfolios for today.    That includes obviously change of BO of Tawler under information of Berenberg and change of our files in Compliance.    Regards    Dirk      ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Daisy Chacón ‐ Secretary to ROwens  Sent: Viernes, 20 de Junio de 2008 08:46 a.m.  To: Dirk Brauer – Mossfon Asset Management; Ramsés Owens ‐ Lawyer; Thalía Casís – Mossfon Asset Management; Olga  Mikhailova – Mossfon Asset Management  Subject: TAWLER ‐ Powers family    Hola    1 The letter should only confirm that you have been a client of the bank for XXX years and that your relation with them  has been satisfactory. Kind Regards, Daisy Chacón Mossfon Building 54th Street, Marbella 3rd Floor P.O. Box 0832-0886, W.T.C. Panama Panama, Republic of Panama  +507 206-9490 thru 507 206-9499.  + 507 263-8972  DChacon@mossfon.com http://www.mossfontrust.com From: Daughter Sent: Miércoles, 10 de Septiembre de 2008 10:48 a.m. To: Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens Subject: RE: TAWLER We will be asking for a letter from Royal Bank of Canada--addressed to MF Legal Services. If there is anything specific you need in the letter let us know. thanks, Daughter From: Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:19 AM To: Daughter Subject: TAWLER Dear Daughter: We refer to our attached exchange. Could you please let us have the status of the updated reference letters. Kind Regards, Daisy Chacón Mossfon Building 54th Street, Marbella 3rd Floor P.O. Box 0832-0886, W.T.C. Panama Panama, Republic of Panama  +507 206-9490 thru 507 206-9499.  + 507 263-8972  DChacon@mossfon.com http://www.mossfontrust.com From: Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens Sent: Viernes, 11 de Julio de 2008 06:10 p.m. To: Daughter Subject: FW: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Dear Daugther: 8 The Compliance sysiem is noi avoidable. This is someihing we will have io Thankfully, it's only in ihe very beginning. The very besi is io address ihe leiier oi reierence lo MOSSFON, as MOSSFON is a law iirm. Thereiore, ihere shall noi be any impression or ihinking ihai you will be inuesiing abroad The bank shall be coniacied by someone irom Panama, Pegreiiully, ihis is someihing ihai musi be done according io Panama laws We will iry anyhow io auoid Compliance calling io ihe reierence pariy raiher has arranged eyeryihing. Vour company is called assns cone The company will have deposiied wiih ihis bank Berenberg. AS soon as eyeryihing is sei up, we shall lei you know, io see how more asseis can be iransierred and adminisiered as iully proiecied and covered. Saludos/ Kind Regards, Ramses awens Notes by: Daisy ehacon MOSSACK FONSECA nup mossion ooin From: Daughier Sen .Jueves, 10 de Julio de 2005 05:01 m. To: Daisy Chzcun . Secreiary lo Powens Subject: RE: HAPPY 4TH or Thank you lor your well wishes, ihere a conilici io having bank reierences addressed io Mossionv We were asked ihai by Meryll and didn't ihink we should do ihai They reiused io wriie a leiier unless we iold ihem who ii was ior. Now read ihai you wani ihe bank reierences addressed lo Mossion. We are a concerned aboui ihe bank references being called7 We had one oi our reierences say ihey were called by someone in Panama City ISn't ihis supposed lo be discreei? We don't wani people knowing our business. Please adyise us on whai we should expeci as far as banks being coniacied by people in Panama ciiy They are asking us whai ihis is aboui? Also, do you siill need ihai exira form you seni recenily? Finally, have you spoken lo Father aboui his mosi receni idea io solve our problem? Please email Father io discuss his new plan and ask him aboui how io proceed, Fro aisy Chamn . Secreiary lo Sen Friday, July 04, 2005 was AM To: iaiher Sun' Cc: Ramses Owens . Lawyer Subject: HAPPV 4TH or Dear Family: Please receive om warmesi regards inthis special day lor all ufyuu. From: Ramsés Owens - Lawyer Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 5:20 PM To: Daughter Cc: Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens Subject: RE: TAWLER Dear Daughter: If you are interested, we have a client with a need to take money into USA. It is non- recommendable to send money into USA nowadays, but this specific client insists. If you wish, in order not to perform international transfers from USA towards abroad, we can make an arrangement in order for you to receive the money outside of USA, and you wire transfer some money inside of USA to our client. This is only in such an scenario where you would like to take money out of the country, which is not a bad idea nowadays. Saludos/ Kind Regards, Ramsés Owens Mossfon Building 54th Street, Marbella P.O. Box 0832-0886, W.T.C. Panama Panama, Republic of Panama  + 507 205-5888  + 507 263-9218  owens@mossfon.com http://www.mossfon.com From: Dirk Brauer – Mossfon Asset Management Sent: Miércoles, 01 de Octubre de 2008 01:15 p.m. To: Daughter Cc: Ramsés Owens - Lawyer; Daisy Chacón - Secretary to ROwens; Jelka de Martínez – Mossfon Asset Management; Axel H. Gauster – Mossfon Asset Management Subject: RE: TAWLER Hi Daughter, Just to confirm the USD 100.000 is deposited as call Money with high liquidity at Berenberg Bank Schweiz, Zürich. The account is in name of Tawler Assets. Your Father initiated this process as you know. We will treat you with the same esteem and conditions and service as the family is used to. Berenberg is a German commercial private banking institution with head office in Hamburg. Their Private banking arm is in Switzerland, where Tawler holds the account. So far we have made very good experience with this bank and trust them. The information we got from them so far is that they are not affected by the crisis as they are not involved in subprime mortgage business and derivates. This is their link http://www.berenbergbank.de/home.html?&L=1 to read a bit about them. I suppose that any fresh money will be arranged through Mossfon Trust/ Ramsés Owens. 5 From: Daugmer Sent: Jueves, 23 de 0ciubre de 2003 05 18 am. To: Ramses Owens - Lawyer Subject: RE: TAWLER I need Io Inink aboui lhal Iransrer for Wasn'i lhere some opiion Iransrer a cenain amounI for charily once annuaily7 Also, I want Io Inrow someming by you . I had a wierd dream aboui Ihai's gone on in me vs. Iaier My mougm was someihing monumemal will happen soon Io resei Ihe cIocks of our financial sysiem. Do you mink me following is Ihe u.s. comes a concIusion Inai me doIIar musi be "reseI",There is jusI much depi which is why Ihey don-I care abouI using an ihese and since mere's no more goId siandard, Ihe s. pasicaIIy begins a new currency siandard making Ihe currem doIIar near worthess and for an inlensive purposes massiver devaIuing much of our debi wiIh China and eIsewhere? kind of Iike, anyone who has ihe currenI doIIar or is owed Ihe curreni doIIar, wiII have it's snare ion whiIe Ihe new currency will iake over --maybe some kind of im'I currency wiIh muIiipIe coumries777 CouId mis happen? I am Ihinking maybe I snouId buy some goId noI shares..reaI goId coins, or maybe pIaIinum wnai do you Ihink? I feel VERY unsemed wiIh Inis eIecIion and how ihe media is censoring informaiion and spinning Ihe American Public Io vole Obama II is so obvious Io me, IhaI Ihey are seIiing us up wiIh a SociaIisI.-- bui mosI peopIe can'I see ii happening before Ineir eyesI H's Iike propaganda IhaI is brainwashing Americans io forget Ihe PrincipIes of Hard Work, Ingenuin, Risk and BoundIess Successl Obama ads are on TV on every channel on every radio are on every imernel Iink, Ihey are even inside chiIdren's ioys Guiiar M's Iike Ihe American Dream is disappearing cm of everyone's mind and may jusi wanl governmeni jobs and Ihe governmeni Iake care onhem II seems Iike a nigmmare bui iI is happening so fasL The Media is behind an of lhis and I can'I neIp mink Ihai sudden economic collapse was caused by me Presidem creaIing fear in Ihe markei Why did he announce lo me worId Inai Congress had lo pass Ihe in 24 hours7 He sei me for raiIure--and caused a run on Everyone knew ihese credii propIems exisled--Ihe queslicn I keep wondering is IhaI somehow me Presidem was Iricked inIo Iaunching ihe economic crisis lo caIapuII Obama wiih me VOTERS. Whai is your view aboui Obama for America and do you believe he is good for America or dangerous? Whai does Dirk Ihink abouI whai is happening. I can-I heIp reeI Ihai America is now omciaIIy a Empire-~making way for China in me nisiory books hard for us io beIieve we are seeing il happen in a maner of a few monihs I jusI mink anoIher huge Ining is headed mis wayuwhai are your Iheoriesi I wanI be prepared. Dear Daugther: Please see the dratt donation document attached. it can be either Signed by Carl or by you, it does not actually rnatter. Preterably, it should be signed by the money sender (the owner ol the bank account which would be delivering the money). The details or the FOUNDATIONS bank account are also attached. Saludos/ Kind Regards, Ramses Owens MOSSACK FONSECA hug mosstan mm Fro - amses Owens . Lawyer Sen Jueves, 23 de cctupre de 2005 07:42 am To: Daughter Dirk Brauer -- Mossron Asset Management Subject: RE: TAWLER Dear Daugther: dear to share this email with Dirk, my good lriend and also a genius in these regards. Yes, we are very every worried about what is happening. The collapse of US and the future of the Dollar is in a dark road. During these last weeks, the Economy of US has been able to manipulate everything in order to weak other currencies, but the weakness of the Dollar is in essence. Dirk and are planning to assist people to purchase gold coins and keep them under secureo sare deposit boxes in Panama. We shall let you know the soonest. As we do not have these specially sare deposits in our building, we still have to rely on local Panama panks. We shall let you know. Just yesterday, the stock exchange went down again mm This is a signal that Obama would probably Win. It can be a disaster, yes. Yes, let's take advantage ot this week's value ot U53 Dollar, and let's get some money into the CHARITV acoount. lwill be sending a kind of DONATION and ESCROW agreement, for your signature, scan and execution, as well as MFM FOUNDATION's bank account in Panama. It would be better not to transter more than (less than in order not to cause bad thinking trom the bank. We would charge only 1% for this operation, Dirk and I would invest the money through Swiss francs first to avoid Dollar collapse. We can invest in gold. In the tolloWing tew months, we would be able to hold coins in our Cabinets in Panama banks. Yours truly, Saludos/ Kind Regards, Ramses Owens MOSSA K\/r NS A 0 EC DONATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN MFM FOUNDATION AND CARL AUSTIN POWERS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on 24'" October 2008 by and between MFM FOUNDATION (The "Foundation"). and CARL AUSTIN POWERS (hereinafTer referred to as The "Donor'). I H: WHEREAS. the Donor has been duly identified to The Foundation as the following naTural Person: Carl Austin Powers. with-- and WHERAS. The donor is the legal owner of The amount of 100,000.00 (hereinafTer referred To as The "DonaTion"); and WHEREAS. The Foundation is a Panamanian Private Foundation duly established under Law No. 25 of 12'" of June 1995 and proTocolized by means of -- of The 12'" April 2004 of The Office of The Fifth Notary Public and re isTered aT The Private Foundations Section of The Public RegisTry of Panama *Documem as from 20'" April 2004 and accordingly an appropriate insTiTuTion to receive such a donaTion: and WHEREAS. The FoundaTion in acting Through its governing body The Foundation Council; WHEREAS. The Foundation is willing and able to receive such a donation. subjecT to The Terms and condiTions hereof; NOW. THEREFORE. The parties agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE. The primary purpose of The Donation shall be to provide support To The chariTy and philanthropy purposes of The foundation in any insTiTuTion chosen by The FoundaTion. 2. GIFTS. The Donor Transfers The donated amount as stated above irrevocably To The FoundaTion. SubjecT To The righT of The FoundaTion To rejecT any parTicular gift. The "Donor" may make additional gifts to the Foundation for the purposes of The FoundaTion by a transfer to the FoundaTion of properTy acceptable To the FoundaTion in whole or in pan. All gifts. bequests and devises to this Fund shall be irrevocable once accepted by The FoundaTion. 3. EVIDENCE OF ORIGIN. The Donor has the obligation To make available To the foundaTion sufficienT documenTaTion To evidence in a satisfactory manner the origin of The fund To The amounT donaTed. The Donor shall moreover make a respecTive declaration regarding such origin of the donated funds to the best of his knowledge. 4. REJECTION. The foundation has the right to reject the acceptance of the donation where such origin of the funds has not been evidenced in a satisfactory manner or where the evidenced origin of the funds is suspicious or illegal. The foundation also reserves the right to return the donation after having accepted them on the grounds that the donated assets were found to be of an illegal origin or where a transaction is suspected to be related to money laundry or financial crime in any manner. In the aforesaid the foundation shall not be held liable for any costs, expenses or damages which may result from the rejection or the return of the donation. 4. DISTRIBUTION. Once accepted by the Foundation it may proceed to manage and distribute the funds as the Foundation Council decides and deems it appropriate, where such handling of the Foundation’s patrimony complies with the rules, procedures and purposes of the Foundation as set out in the Foundation Charter and the Regulations. If any gifts to the Foundation for its purposes are received and accepted subject to any conditions or restrictions as to the use of the gift or income therefrom set forth by the Donor’s, said conditions or restrictions will be honored, subject, however, to the authority of the Foundation Council’s (hereinafter the “Council”) to vary the terms of any gift, if continued adherence to any condition or restriction is in the judgment of the Foundation Council unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the purposes of the Foundation. 4. ACCOUNTABILITY. Once the Donation is accepted by the Foundation the Foundation is not accountable to the Donor as to the use and the management of the donated assets. 5. NOT A SEPARATE TRUST. The Donation shall be a component part of the Foundation’s assets. All money and property donated shall be held as general assets of the Foundation and not segregated as trust property of a separate trust. 6. DISPOSAL OF FUNDS. The Foundation shall have all powers necessary, or in it sole discretion desirable, to carry out its purposes, to review the profiles of those Charity Institutions or Organizations and to donate to them the necessary amount needed for their purposes. 11. TRANSACTION COSTS OF THE DONATION. It is understood and agreed that any costs, such as transfer fees, professional fees or other administrative or transaction costs which occur for the Foundation in accepting, transferring or managing property donated to the Foundation for the Fund shall also be paid from the donation. 12. CONFIDENTIALITY. It is understood and agreed by the parties to this agreement that any information disclosed in relation to the conclusion and/or execution, before or after the donation, shall be treated strictly confidential and shall under no circumstances be revealed to third parties, also in cases where the transaction may have eventually not been executed or where it was revered. In the latter case both parties are obliged to destroy all information they may have received in the process of preparation or negotiation of the terms of the donation. Either party undertakes to instruct their representatives, assignees, agents and personnel accordingly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Donor has executed this Agreement and the Foundation has caused this Agreement to be approved by its Foundation Council and to be executed by a duly authorized officer, all as of the day and year first above written. BY:___________________________ Donor BY:___________________________ MFM Foundation me: Daisy Chain 7 Trust Executive 7 Messton Trust Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 12 40 PM To: Arxa Qumtero a Trust c: Ramses Owens a Lawyer Subject: Ew TAWLER 7 1566567 Anachmems: foundatton bank DONATION AGREEMENT DOC Te estoy pasanda este caso. Hay qua nacer to stgutente: 1 Madiftcar El labet de' We del chants para que tea asi a -a.at tum mm mm was TAWLER ASSETS CORP. 2 Sacar et We de ta Socledad del cuarto de de MFT, cambrarte de cuter a azut cambr'arte et label rgual (arm) to menctano amba 3 Buscar tas acclones de ta Soctedad an at archwadar contra Incendlos, dande esta'n archivados Ies cert de acetone; an custodia de fundactones 4 Erwiar a Socledades can Esta cemficada para que pracedan con su caneetacten reernptazu par un solo cemflcada a favor de MFM 5 En manta Se rectba at ue acetone; nuevu, favor modificar ta hota de Vida de ta Socledad guardar to; expedientes en nuestre archivador. 5 Favor cargar TR este lrabaJO 7 Favor Sacar at file de \a fundacten EDENSTONE FOUNDATION para Sacar de alli \a coma del Cert. DE Acctones de Esta Soctedad. GractaS, Regards, Daisy cnact'm aurtatng 54m Street MavbeHa rus From: Datsy Chamn . Trust Executtue . Mussmn Sent: Viemest 24 me Oclubre me 2003 at :v pm To: Daughter Cc: Ramses Owens . Lawyer Dirk Brauer -- Mosstun Asset Management Subject: TAWLER Please email a reply back if you get rliis Begin forwaxded message: Subject: Inlo [or new immigration decree re. Anmuri Banish! lmogene, Yes i spoke ro Cleveland and Ulises Today and Mr Ballista a few days ago regarding the new decree that came out in May for foreign Nationals in the USA and other approved eounn-ies to seek permanenr residence in Panama . Could you please forwaxd me [he Chan or papers to show your general procedures for applioarion as well as coslsr tilnefmmes ere I understand lhal Mr Amauri wont be back unlil nexl weeks howeverr I wam to look at your chart of procedure and costs assoeinred with applying for pennanem residence. Please email me back whatever info you have on the permanent residence applicarion . 1 am a us citizen. Thank your Tracey Ponsoldr Powers To: rather Cc: Edison Teano . Lawyer Subject: RE: Dissolution/Tawler Assets Corp.l2086683/gz Dear father, Please let us have your instructions for the transferoffunds from Tawler placed on our Escrow Account. Thank you for your attention and look forward to your prompt reply saludos Kind regards, Gabriela Agraxalex Corporate Administrator ilx'USl Fro osston Trust Corporation Sent. vternes, 01 de rnarzo de zoia 11:52 am To: rather Cc: Edison Teano . Lawyer Subject: RE: Dissolution/Tawler Assets Corp.l2086683/gz Dear father, We look forward to receive your further comments on the transfer of the funds ofTawler frorn Escrow Account. Thank you in advanced. saludos Kind regards, Gabriela Agraxalex Corporate Administrator \lowt) lkusl Fro osston Trust Corporation Sent. Jueves, 2i de febrero de 2013 09 To a m. To: rather Cc: Edison Teano . Lawyer Subject: FW: Dissolution/Tawler Assets Corp.l2086683/gz Dear father, Receive our greetings. Please let us know the instructions for the transfer of the Tawier's funds deposited on our Escrow Account. 5 From: Mussfon Trust Corporation Sent: jueves, 14 de febrero de 20131244 p.m amer dison Teano -- Lawyer Subject: RE: Dissolution/Tawler Assets Corp /2086683/ga Dear Father, RE1Tawler Assets Corps Please receive our greetings. We hereby confirm the closing or the company's bank account at Berenberg, and the transfer or the remaining runds (U- to our Escrow Account as requested. Please let us know your instructions on the rurtner deposit ol these lunds. 0n the other hand, kindly note that the dissolution of the company is in process. Thank you for your attention and look forward to near trorn you soon. Saludos Kind regards, Gabriela Agvalalel Corporate Administrator VRUSI From: Edison Teano - Lawyer Sent Monday. August 26, 2013 12:45 PM To: Gabriela Agrazalez - Executive Assistant Subject: FW: Tracey Powers fondos Escrow pago de apartamento Attachments: Carta de Saldo HSBC H70181pg Gabriela, Hice algunos cambios. Si los encuentras en orden, enyiar. Saludos, Edison Teano, TEP Lawyer From: Gabriela Agrazalez - Executive Assistant Sent: lunes, 25 de agosto de 201311216 a.m. To- Edison Teano - Lawyer Subject: FW: Tracey Powers fondos Escrow pago de aparlamento Licenciado, le envio draft a enuiar a Tracey Powers por el tema de la translerencia de los londos en Escrow. Dear Tracey, Receive our greetings. Further to the transaction on the purchase of the apartment through the new company incor orate Kelfield Services S.A., kindly note that we have proceeded with the transfer of the funds in the amount of uss which were placed on our Escrow Account resulting from the closing of the bank account ofthe company Tawler Assets corp. in Berenberg Bank. Now these funds have been transferred to us. i Charles 3. Heath CPA, RA. mam 06 cm scum cm October 16, 2013 Trust Communion PH Mossfon 54th Slice! Box 0832-0886 W. Panama. Republic of Panama Re: Carl I'racey Powers San Team/Gabriela Agmzaley Dear Mr. Team) Ms, Angalcz, We have preparing the income lax returns as well as providing other financial and tax planning San/ices for Mr. and Mrs, Powers Since 2008. All ol'lhcir incomc (ax rctums havc becn filed timely since lhat lime and than: is no income tax due in unpaid as ul'Oumber 15. 2013. We mist [hm illia will mat the rcquircmenls uf your Oct 7. communication wiih Tracey Powers. lfwe may he of furiher a, unce' please do nm hesitate comaci us, Sincerely, Charla E. Ilcalh A ,A/v/wa'e/f) Charles li. llcalh From: Mossfon Trust Corporatlon Sell . Tuesday, November 25, 2013 2:54 PM Subject: FW: Berenberg PONSOLDT Attachments: Walverl31004neupdf; Berenberg Bank AG DRAFT CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION Letter us Related Accounts..,,docx; Legal Ponsoldtdocx Este mensaje se envia a Dirk para que sea retransmitido al cliente. Dear Father, We have received lurther communication from Berenberg Bank requesting the foHowing documentation to have in their tiles to probe that the account have been declared. 1. Either copies of the PEAR: since 2008 tor inception ofthe account it laterl, or z. A legal opinion of the cllerit's us lawyer that the accountts) held with us were fully declared and taxed in the United States tincl. account number of the relevant account/s). Thanks for confirmng sate receipt ofth'ls message and, aerenberg also need confirmation that you have received information from us or from Berenberg about the offshore voluntary disclosure and if you will participate in the program, please let us know. Kind regards, Gabriela Agralalez Executive Assiste nt \1 ossnw lRust mSSInn earn From: Mossfon Trust Corporation Sent: martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 0433 pm To amer Cc dison Teano - Lawyer; Gabriela Agrazalez . Executive Assistant Subject: FW: Berenberg Forms Dear Father, We appreciate your confirmation on our below message on the signature of the dralts proposed Berenberg agree to receive. Thank you for your attention and look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Gabriela Agralalez Executive Assiste nt . From: Edison Tezno . Lawyer Senl: miercoles, no de noyrembre de 2013 05:27 p.rn. To: father Cc: Dirk Brzuer -- Mossron Asset Management Subject: Berenberg Forms Dear Father, Further to our conversauuns about the forms the bank Berenberg rs lookmg to reoerye from then clients, attached you er the documents they agree to receive AS you wm notne a. rhehrst drart rsto be srgned by you, and The second draft be Signed by your \awyeroraccountant Once you these documents, they wm be and wm not ask ror any documentauon. Best regards, Edison Teann, TEP Lawyer From: Mosston Trust Corporation Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 346 PM u: -- Ct: Edison Teano Lawyer; Gabriela Agrazalez 7 Executive Assistant; Dirk Brauerr Mossfon Asset Management Subject FW: Waiver/ Christopher Ponsoldt 2212155 Attachmen's: WaiverlSlOOAneupdi, Berenberg Bank AG DRAFT CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION Letter US Related Acmunts,,.,docx, Legai OpiniorChristopner Ponsoldtdorx Dear Mr. Ponsoldt, We have received further communication from Berenberg Bank requesting the tollowrng documentation to have in therr hles to probe that the account have been declared. 1. Either copies olthe FEARS since 2003 lor inception of the account if later); or 2. A legal opinron ottne client's us lawyer that the held with us were fully declared and taxed in the United States account number of the relevant account/s). Thanks for conlirrning safe receipt message and, aerenberg also need confirmation that you have received intorrnatron from us or from Berenberg about the offshore voluntary disclosure and lfyou will participate in the program, please let us know, We look forward to receive your comments soon. Kind regards, Gabriela Agrazalel Executive Assistant MOSSIOV IRUSI From Dirk Brzuer -- Mossfon Asset Management Sen jueves, 17 de octubre de 201311;" a To: son Cc: Edison Teano - Lawyer; Dirk Brauer -- Mossfon Asset Management Subject: FW: Waiver HI Chris, Enclosed waiver and letter by Berenberg as per our phone conversation. I urge you to take it serious and look for external advice it necessary! They stated 2rl of October as deadlinel As this is a yery rmbortant and urgent matter, which they reourre an urgent rebty from you, ptease review the attachment and us know your comments to repty thern Just for your rntormatron, the bank may be to recewe an account \euer sr'mnar to the one that you send us few weeks ago but addressed to them. Ptease note that the bank er ask us to atso send them a probe that we send you (ms cornmunrcation Ptease let me know r'tyou prefer to we send you message to you to another ermafl. We \ook forward to hearmg from you Kind regards, Edison Teano, TEP Lawyer "(>885 I IKUSY To: sari Cc: Edison Tezno - Lawyer; Dirk Brauer -- Messiah Asset Managemenl Subject: FW: Waiver Christopher Pansoldt 2212155 Hi Sonr As the yearend is fast approaching we would like returning to this very important issue. We have been talking several times about this topic over the last months. We can only insist and remind you to take this topic as serious as possible. Swiss banks, which have or had us clients and where they have either doubts that they have been tax compliant, have no choice to subscribe to the Non Prosecution agreement. Underihai agreement, which has been agreed upon between Swiss and us authorities, Sw'iss banks might be subject, upon request from us Justice department to surrender ALL relevant past and current) account information to the us Department oflustice. That includes not only the names ofthe beneficial owner of the account, transfer to whom and from whom, but also account signers as well as any external Trustee, Lawyer and Financial Adviser involved. Once the whole package is in the hands ofthe us Department oflustice, one only can imagine what might happen to all persons and firms involved and mentioned. The latter can be avoided ifthe clients involved would either provide sufficient evidence of being tax Compliant or surrenderto the voluntary Disclosure program. As well as you, neither your ex Trustees nor us would like to be involved into any measure the us Department oflustice might try to enforce. in this regard, again we strongly urge you to take the necessary steps to avoid any negative consequences for you as well as us, Saiudos Kind regards, Dirk Brauer Edison Teano Managing Director, Partner Trust Executive Mossfon Trust Corp. Assl \lhhrilil 'viasstmi Asset 'vianivemeril A Emma nevvidanv Supewisnesperid superimeneeneisaei Resaidclan Na 94 oseei 25 ee abrli ae zoos ResniullnriNa sorosu l\L'rli 25m zoos csre mensii: eiecl'anlca nueae ineiuirimnrm eon ideneiaivra Erlvliquida 5i dsiednaes ei nor Mr esiemenseie Tad-1:29pm rev: naeistricueiannadutanz esln zsmnan'eme This n'mi may canmln dnoer D'lvlizved lritnm'mlml i you are nm (he intended eeinem iar have received his mm in errnri piedse nnvundutnnrizeu. Wan discinsureardlsi'lbuilana rne morerisi in is sirisriv iarcieaen Trust Corporation ueves 05 de embre de 2013 03:46 pm - Execulive Assistant: Dirk Brzuer -- Assel Management Subject: FW: Waiver Christopher Pansoldt 2212155 Dear Mr. Ponsoidi, We have received further communication from Berenberg Bank requesting the following documentation to have in their files to probe that the account have been declared. Waiver of bank secrecy Account Holder Waiver of bank secrecy whereas: (a) The U.S. Department of Justice (hereinafter called „DOJ“) and the Swiss Federal Department of Finance issued a joint statement regarding the tax evasion investigations on August 29, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the „Statement“); (b) Berenberg Bank (Schweiz) AG (hereinafter referred to as „Berenberg“ or „Bank“) is a Swiss private bank that may participate in the Program for Non-prosecution Agreements or Non-Target-Letters for Swiss Banks provided by the DOJ in connection with the Statement (hereinafter referred to as the „Program“); (c) The Program contemplates that each participating bank will obtain an order („Order“) from the Swiss Federal Department of Finance with the authorization pursuant to Art. 271 Para 1 of the Swiss Criminal Code (hereinafter called „SCC“); (d) According to such an Order, an authorization pursuant to Art. 271 Para. 1 SCC precludes prosecution for an offence under this provision. However, the authorization does not release a party from complying with other provisions of Swiss law including, but not limited to, compliance with applicable business and bank-client confidentiality requirements, data protection provisions and employer obligations. Such an authorization therefore permits cooperation with the U.S. Authorities solely within the framework of Swiss law; (e) Bank client data are not covered by such an Order. Without a waiver from the bank client based on the client’s informed consent, client data may only be supplied by way of administrative assistance within the scope of existing agreements with the U.S. in the area of double taxation; Now therefore, the undersigned hereby acknowledges, covenants and agrees as follows: I. Acknowledgement of advice and understanding of implications The undersigned hereby acknowledges that the Bank has informed him or her of the fact that, by signing this waiver: i) the Bank is authorized and may submit all current and historical data related to the account(s) of the undersigned, including, but not limited to, the existence of the account in the name of the undersigned, the identity, address and TIN of the undersigned, the beneficial owner of the account, the holders of powers of attorney for the account, the details of any account transactions, the nature, balances and compositions of the assets held in the account and any correspondence related to the account (collectively called the „Information“), to the Internal Revenue Service („IRS“), the DOJ or any other U.S. governmental authority („U.S. Authority“); ii) Once the Information has been submitted as set forth above, the Information is no longer protected by Swiss law, but subject to foreign laws and regulations that do not provide the same protection as Swiss law. Also, the Information may be passed along to other authorities or third parties under the provisions of such foreign law, in particular U.S. laws; iii) The Bank can give no guarantee as to whom the Information will be given or how Information will be used. The Information can be used by the U.S. Authorities for law enforcement actions, including, but not limited to, criminal proceedings and civil tax proceedings against the undersigned or third parties. II. Authorisation and release from banking secrecy and other non-disclosure obligations The undersigned hereby expressly authorizes the Bank to provide the information and such other information to the IRS and/or the DOJ and/or to any other U.S. Authority, and hereby releases and discharges the Bank from its obligations under Art. 47 of the Swiss Banking Law (banking secrecy), and any other contractual or state law that obliges the bank to non-disclose the Information, e.g. but not limited to such obligations pursuant to Art. 28 Swiss Civil Code or Art. 394 et seq. Swiss Code of Obligations or the Swiss Data Protection Act. The undersigned authorises the Bank to contact him or her by any means of communication. Place, Date 1/1 Signature Account Holder From: Mossfon Trust Corporation Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:44 PM To: father Cc: Edison Team) 7 Law er, Nadja Aizpu 7 Executive Assistant Subject: CAR REPAIR Attachments: (OllZaClOn automercant'ii Dear Father, Attached you will find, quotation received from Automercantii in connection With the repair for your car. We look forward to received your instructions. Saiudos/ Kind regards, Nadja Aizpu Executive Assistant ID Bank EANIA mung gma 9mm; (arr: gma 9mm; (arr: EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum EERENEEKG minimum Client mnsumt mnsumt mnsumt Currency TransmianlMovemen crediqusn) usn usn ns/m/Js 96/91/15 max/u mama/u Mme/13 mum mum mug/m mum 14/n4/12 mum zg/ngug u/ns/u name/n name/n name/n name/n name/n wag/u wag/u la/nZ/n la/nZ/n mus/m magma gums/u ls/nA/u nuns/n name/n 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