ammo Sinai Urga'ti Suprene Colin Corriean a Court lroasron o4 anacy. Daia Protection Cybarfizassmefl a Coping" che Gmail Michael Masnick-- Urgent I Supreme Court Injunction -- Contempt of Court, Invasion of Privacy, Data Protection, Cyber-Harassment 8r Copyright Infringement Notice and Breach of Terms of Service Notification (Without Prejudice Save as to Costs -- TechDirt) JP Wed. May 25. 2016 at 2:40 PM To: Cc: Wep Shenfl WEB Creallve Prolectionw Incorporating Enlertainnrenl Law Associatesw Tel ants +174247238 4551 (LA) I +172127501 2723 (NY) Fax +44(0)2087323 8080 (UK) I +174347238 4301 (LA) I +172127501 2601 (NY) weoshenrr@weoshenrr corn corn NOTIFICATION Pursuant Io (as applicable) UK CONTEMPT OF COURT ACT (CONTEMPT OF COURT NOTICE) CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 1 ?1 (INVASION OF PRIVACY NOTICE) EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS ARTICLE 8 (INVASION OF PRIVACY NOTICE) FEDERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS (CRIMINAL DISCLOSURE NOTICE) EU DATA PROTECTION DIRECTIVE (CRIMINAL DISCLOSURE NOTICE) UK DATA PROTECTION ACT (CRIMINAL DISCLOSURE NOTICE) FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS DECENCY ACT COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE ?646,9 a. ?653.2 COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) UK COMMUNICATIONS ACT (MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) UK PREVENTION OF HARASSMENT ACT (MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) UK COMPUTER MISUSE ACT COMMUNICATIONS NOTICE) MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT (COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT NOTICE) EUROPEAN UNION COPYRIGHT DIRECTIVE (COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT NOTICE) FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ECOMMERCE REGULATIONS (CONSUMER PROTECTION NOTICE) EUROPEAN UNION EVCOMMERCE DIRECTIVE (CONSUMER PROTECTION NOTICE) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CYBERCRIME (PROCEEDS OF CRIME MONEY NOTICE) ,am, NOTICE OF BREACH OF PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE NOTICE OF BREACH OF WEBSITES PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE SUPREME COURT INJUNCTION CONTEMPT OF COURT ADVISORY Forthe avoidance of doubt, Ihe private information published by the vrolaling and inInnging website that is Ihe subject of this complaint (Ihe delails of which are setrout in the notiIication celowe Inciudlng put noI limited to. the identity or Ihe reievant Claimant I Appellant) is the sutuecl all an inIerlocqury injunction upheld by the Supreme CourI (of the High Courls of Justice London, England). As Such the puhlicalion of and or linking Io all such private information and data in a manner reasonably and foreseeany accessihle from the United Kingdom, clearly contravenes and Vloiates Ihe terms of the said Order I Supreme Court in)unction and would constilute a contempt of court. Please ReIer To eve GROUP NEWSPAPERS LTD [2016] UKSC 26 (CASE REFERENCE UKSC 2016/0080). A copy all the relevanl Judgment of Ihe Supreme Court is accessible Via following uri ammo Smal urgell I Suprene Cam Injunnlm Cormaan cl lrwasron o4 anacy. Dala Protectron IIanIIgenenI Nance supremecourl pdl. Appropnate rernedIal actIon shall be taken agaInst all paItIes vIolalIng or attemptIng to vIolate Ihe saId InIunctIon. DATA PROTECTION ADVISORY For Ihe Iurther avoIdance of doubl. elements ol Ihe pnvate InlonnatIon publIshed by the vIolatIng and weosIte (the detaIls ol agaIn are setoul In Ihe nolIfIcatIon below) constItule clear vIolatIons ol Federal, CalIlomIa Stale. European Unlon. IJnIted KIngdom and IntematIonal data proteclIon and cnmInal laws. Furthermore any commercIal dealIngs In such dala would also constItule addIlIonal, cnrnInal vIolatIons and InfiaclIons and all resultIng proceeds of such actIvIlIes would de lacto constItule proceeds of cnme (and Much. In turn, would also gIve nse to money Iaundenng vIolalIons and InlractIons). INVASIONOFVPRIVACY ADVISORY Agaln for the avoIdance ol doubt. the relevant InlorrnalIon I data Images (Ihe detaIls of mm are once agaIn setrnut In the notIficalIon below) and all I assocIaled dala constItules pnvate and personal InlonnatIon and any publIcalIon, 'poslIng' or olher form ol dealIng In such Informallon I data I Images constItules a clear vIolatIon of Federal. Callfamla State. European Unlan. UnIted and IntematIonal pnvacy proteclIon laws and treatIes (IncludIng Human RIghts treatIes). HARASSMENT ADVISORY For the further avoIdance of doubt, the publIcatIon. dIstnbutIon. 'postIng' and certaIn olher forms at dealIng In the relevant pnvate InlonnatIon I data I Images (the detaIls of mm are agaIn Selraul In the notIficatIon below) may. In specIfic contexls, also constItule a cnrnInal vIolatIon of Federal. CalIlomIa State. European UnIon. IJnIted KIngdom and InlemalIonal harassment, IncItement and laws} COPYRIGHT ADVISORY Agaln for the further avoIdance of doubt and as applIcable. the In elements of Ihe pnvate InlonnatIon I data I Images publIshed by Ihe vIolalIng and wehrsIIe (Ihe delaIls of mm are agaIn setout In the notIficalIon below) may be owned by Ihe ComplaInanl as speclfied I defined below 7 tor the remaInIng penod of In all applIcable countnes of Ihe world (IncludIng. bul not IImIted lo, the IJnIted Slates of Amenca). Any unauthonzed use or exploItalIon at any such relevant 7 whether In connectIon socalled 'product endarsemenl'. IrnplIed endarsemenl. IhIrd party adverlIsIng or othervnse 7 would be enlIrely bogus and constItule an of goodell and all olher pertInenl ol an Intellectual properly nalure. Such actIvItIes would also blatanlly and conlravene Federal. Callfomla Slate. European IJnIon, UnIled and IntematIonal consumer protectIon laws. ISP SITE TERMS OF SERVICE ADVISORY The Complalnant Is also legally enlIlled to expect bolh the I vIolatIng WebSIte (agaln all terms as specIfied I defined below) and Ils perlInent ISP to upholdI enforce theIr own. respectlve. publIshed Terms CondIlIons I Acceptable Use PolIcIes and, as Such. Ihe ComplaInant Is a party who may. reasonable IoresIght, sutler loss and damage by reason of any fallure to uphold such publIshed Terms CondItIons I Acceptable Use PolIcIes Ihrough the publIshIng or the enablement of publIshIng of pnvale Informallon I data I Images, malIcIous communIcalIons, InvasIons of pnvacy or olher publIshed vIolatIons or of the CornplaInant's CACHE ADVISORY Agaln for the absolute avoIdance of doubl and by way of further guIdance, IhIs nolIficatIon I requesl relales to both A. the vIolatIng and weopages nallfled below and, equally, E. the source files and socalled 'robols.txl' flles contaInIng and olherwIse relatIng to Ihese webpages on Ihe I VIolalIng WebSIte's servers (as applIcable). please ensure Ihe removal of all relevanl servers slored webpages and robols.txl files al the same tIme as Ihe correspondIng webpages are takendown and In order lo also ensure thal any such serverrstared webrpages and files are not Indexed I reIndexed and publIshed by Internet search engInes (and. equally, so that such search engInes' IIstIngs and caches can be properly cleared of the perlInent, vIolatIng and content). Thank You. (C) 2016 WEB Notlce Is (he at WEB 1. CornplaInant APPELLANT IDENTITY PROTECTED BY SUPREME COURT RULINGI ORDER) 2. Agent 1 WEB --2fi mama (3mm 7 urgm 5.4mm Cam Imumm 7 Comanpl 4 Own Imasmn 94 Privacy. Dzla Prmenlm a. Inimganml cha 3. Inirmged I A. PRIVACY RIGHTS (PROTECTED BY INJUNCTION CONTEMPT OF COURT), B. DATA PROTECTION RIGHTS (DITTO). C. HUMAN RIGHTS (DITTO). D, (NAME Bl IMAGE RIGHTS), E, PERSONAL GOODWILL REPUTATION. F. BUSINESS GOODWILL REPUTATION, G. COPYRIGHT Bl H, CONSUMER PROTECTION RIGHTS (AS APPLICABLE 7 PLEASE SEE URL LIST BELOW) 4. Inirmged |nd|v|duaI(s) APPELLANT IDENTITY PROTECTED BY COURT OF APPEAL RULING ORDER) 5. Infringan MatenaIS I A, ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE INFORMATION I DATAI IMAGES WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF AN INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTION ALLIED REPORTING RESTRICTIONS UPHELD BY THE SUPREME COURT OF THE HIGH COURTS OF JUSTICE, LONDON, ENGLAND (AND THE PUBLICATION OF WHICH CONTRAVENES VIOLATES THE TERMS OF THE SAID INJUNCTION REPORTING RESTRICTIONS), B, ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE INFORMATION DATA IMAGES THAT VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION TREATIES. C. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT INFRINGE THE HUMAN RIGHTS PRIVACY OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE RELEVANT INFORMATION I DATAI IMAGES. D. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT INFRINGE THE OF THE PERTINENT SUBJECTS OF THE RELEVANT INFORMATION I DATAI IMAGES. E. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT INFRINGE THE PERSONAL GOODWILL Bl REPUTATION OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE RELEVANT INFORMATION I DATA I IMAGES, F. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT INFRINGE THE BUSINESS GOODWILL REPUTATION OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE RELEVANT INFORMATION I DATA I IMAGES, G. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL Bl DOMESTIC CONSUMER PROTECTION LEGISLATION TREATIES. H. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE INFORMATION I DATAI IMAGES THAT VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC HARASSMENT. MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS CYBERVSTALKING LEGISLATION TREATIES. I, ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE IMAGES THAT VIOLATE INTERNATIONAL Bl DOMESTIC PROCEEDS OF CRIME MONEY LAUNDERING LEGISLATION TREATIES. .I, ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PIRATED COPYRIGHT CONTENTI IMAGES THAT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT. K. ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE INFORMATION I DATA I IMAGES THE PUBLICATION OF VIIHICH BREACHES THE PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY. L, ILLEGALLY PUBLISHED PRIVATE INFORMATION I DATA I IMAGES THE PUBLICATION OF VIIHICH BREACHES THE INFRINGING VIOLATING WEB SITES PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE Bl ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AS APPLICABLE 7 PLEASE SEE URL LIST BELOW). 6. VIaIallng Actwuy (as appIIcable) A, PUBLICATION IN CONTEMPT OF COURT (ILLEGAL PUBLICATION, DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION Bl EXPLOITATION OF PRIVATE INFORMATION. DATA IMAGES WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF A COURT INJUNCTION UPHELD BY THE SUPREME COURT LONDON. ENGLAND AND IN DIRECT CONTRAVENTION IVIOLATION OF SUCH ORDERI INJUNCTION AND ALL RELEVANT REPORTING RESTRICTIONS RELATING THERETO) B, HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS (VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC HUMAN RIGHTS LEGISLATION AND TREATIES THROUGH FAILURE TO ABIDE BY PURSUANT TO. INTER ALIA. ARTICLE 8 OF THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS ARTICLE 1 ?1 OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION AND WAY OF THE ILLEGAL PUBLICATION, DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION EXPLOITATION OF PRIVATE INFORMATION WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF A COURT INJUNCTION AND IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THE SUBJECTS OF SUCH INFORMATION I DATAI IMAGES HAD A REASONABLE EXPECTATION OF AND LEGAL ENTITLEMENT TO PRIVACY) C, DATA PROTECTION VIOLATIONS (VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION TREATIES THROUGH FAILURE TO ABIDE BY SUCH DATA PROTECTION LAWS AND BY WAY OF THE ILLEGAL PUBLICATION, DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION EXPLOITATION OF PRIVATE INFORMATION WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF A COURT INJUNCTION) D, INFRINGEMENT (UNAUTHORIZED PUBLICATION. EXPLOITATION Bl DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION OF NAMES LIKENESSES PLUS FALSE ENDORSEMENT OF THIRD PARTY GOODS Bl SERVICES THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED PUBLICATION, DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION EXPLOITATION OF NAMES AND OR LIKENESSES IN DIRECT CONJUNCTION Bl JUXTAPOSITION WITH UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING FOR SUCH THIRD PARTY GOODS SERVICES AND I OR OTHERWISE Ms am 7 urgewl I Suprenecm lmasrm anacy. Dara Prmenlm Nance BY WAY OF ILLEGALLY IMPLIED ENDORSEMENTS) E, PERSONAL GOODWILL 8r REPUTATION INFRINGEMENT (UNAUTHORIZED EXPLOITATION OF PERSONAL GOODVVILL REPUTATION PLUS FALSE ENDORSEMENT OF THIRD PARTY GOODS 8r SERVICES THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED EXPLOITATION OF PERSONAL GOODVVILL 8r REPUTATION IN DIRECT CONJUNCTION 8r JUXTAPOSITION WITH UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING FOR SUCH THIRD PARTY GOODS SERVICES AND I OR OTHERWISE BY WAY OF ILLEGALLY IMPLIED ENDORSEMENTS) F. BUSINESS GOODVVI LL REPUTATION INFRINGEMENT (UNAUTHORIZED EXPLOITATION OF BUSINESS GOODVVILL REPUTATION PLUS FALSE ENDORSEMENT OF THIRD PARTY GOODS 8r SERVICES THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED EXPLOITATION OF BUSINESS GOODVVILL 8r REPUTATION IN DIRECT CONJUNCTION 8r JUXTAPOSITION WITH UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING FOR SUCH THIRD PARTY GOODS SERVICES AND I OR OTHERWISE BY WAY OF ILLEGALLY IMPLIED ENDORSEMENTS) G, HARASSMENT MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS 8r CYBERSTALKING VIOLATIONS (VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL 8r DOMESTIC HARASSMENT, MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS 8r CYBERSTALKING LEGISLATION TREATIES THROUGH THE POSTING OF MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHERWISE THROUGH THE PUBLICATION OF MATERIALS WITH THE INTENTION TO VVILFULLY MALICIOUSLY HARASS) H, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (UNAUTHORIZED DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION EXPLOITATION OF COPYRIGHT MATERIALS PLUS FALSE ENDORSEMENT OF THIRD PARTY GOODS 8r SERVICES THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION EXPLOITATION OF COPYRIGHT MATERIALS IN DIRECT CONJUNCTION JUXTAPOSITION WITH UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING FOR SUCH THIRD PARTY GOODS 8r SERVICES) I. CONSUMER PROTECTION RIGHTS VIOLATIONS (VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC CONSUMER PROTECTION LEGISLATION TREATIES THROUGH MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES FALSE ENDORSEMENTS AND OR THROUGH FAILURE TO PUBLISH LEGAL OWNERSHIP DETAILS OF INFRINGING VIOLATING WEB SITE OR FAILURE TO PUBLISH FULL. ADDRESS CONTACT DETAILS FOR INFRINGING VIOLATING WEB SITE) J. PROCEEDS OF CRIME MONEY LAUNDERING VIOLATIONS (VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL DOMESTIC PROCEEDS OF CRIME MONEY LAUNDERING LEGISLATION 8r TREATIES THROUGH THE HANDLING AND OR LAUNDERING OF THE PROCEEDS OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY) K, BREACH OF PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (BY REASON OF THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS 8r INFRINGEMENTS) L. BREACH OF INFRINGING I VIOLATING WEB PUBLISHED TERMS OF SERVICE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (BY REASON OF THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS INFRINGEMENTS) TRADEMARK 8r GENERAL RESERVATION OF RIGHTS ALL COMMONVLAW PENDING TRADEMARK RIGHTS ARE HEREBY STRICTLY RESERVED 7 AS ARE ALL OTHER RIGHTS OF AN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NATURE (VIIHETHER EXPOUNDED HEREIN OR OTHERWISE), 7. Vralalrng Web sue: TECHDIRT COM 8. Vralalrng FlIe Lacallon(s): 9. DMCA I Notl'lcatlon Request Please remove VloIatlng Matenals and I Vlalallng lrom I Vlnlatlng Frle LocatlaMs) ASAP thank you. NOTE 1 The above breach 7 lnler alra numerous provlslons of the relevant rnlemel servlce provraers Terms of Servrce. Moreover. the Owner(s) and lnIrrngea I have a In expect me relevant lntemet servree provrrler to enforce Its owrr. pubIlshed Terms al Servree an expedltlaus and proactlve manner. As such, all accumulated' and and regulalory remerlres remarn reserved In lull. wants emat Urgml I Suprene Court Comaan a trwaston of anzcy. Data Prmenlm Cybentarassmen 8 Nance NOTE 2 As puoltsher of the I Vtolattng Matenals, the I Vtolattng Weh Slle ts ltaple to the Owners(s) and the tn tntemattonal and forthe and vtolattons of the of the Ownerts) and the Moreoven the above preach a tnter alta a numerous provtstons of the I Vtolattng Wep stte's Terms of Servtce and the Owner(s) and the I have a to expect the I Vtolattng Weh stte to enforce oer Terms of Servtce tn an and proacttve manner. As such. all accumulated and and regulatory rernedtes rematn reserved tn full. NOTE 3 ln to of tntellectual property the ahove may (or may not a as vtolattons and ln'ractlani as well as the vtolatton of tntemattonal and domesth consumer protectton and laws. As such all accumulated. and regulatory and rernedtes also rematn reserved tn full. 10. stgnature: John E. Henehan LLB. for and on behalf of WEB London Offlce Argentum Queen Caroltne StreeL London we 90x Los Angeles Office 2500 Broadway, Sanla Nlontca, Caltfomta CA 90404 New York Offtce: State 350 Avenue New York, NY 10118 Tel +44(0)208323 8013 (UK) I +14247238 4551 (LA) I +17212001 2723 (NY) Fax +44(0)208323 8080 (UK) I 4301 (LA) I 4472127601 2601 (NY) weos henfr@weos henff corn (stgned as Duly Authonzed Agent of the Owner(s) Speclfied Heretn) have a good fatth pellet that use of the a and other and vtolattng a rnalenals suhmtt vta ernatl (as and allege to be are not authonzed by the owner of the perttnent thetr agents, or the law, I swear. under penalty of penury that the tnfonnatton suorntt tn each and every wIll send shall be accurate and that I shall he at the ttrne of nottficatton ettherthe tntellectual property owner(s) or authonzed to act on behalf of the owner(s) of the exclustve that are allegeon NOTE 4 The tnfonnatton contatned tn ts accurate and under penalty of penury, Weh Sherlff(R) ts authonzed to act on behalf of the exclustve owner(s) of the alleged to have been tn nottficatton. Both Weh Shenff(R) and the 0wrler(s) speclfied heretn have a good fatth pellet that the party spectfted ahove has no or to explott or otherwtse upon the spectfted heretn. NOTE 5 ts tssued wtthout preyudtce (save as to costs) to the accumulated, and regulatory and rernedtes of the 0wrler(s) speclfied heretn and tn relatton to the specmed heretn a tncludtng hut not to, the to seek reltef. damages and costs and the to pursue regulatory and prosecuttons a all of are herepy reserved tn full. (C) 2016 WEB Notlce Is (he at WEB WEB a Creattve Protecllonw lncorporattng Entertatnment Law Assoctatesw London Offlce Argentum Queen Caroltne StreeL London we 90x Los Angeles Office 2500 Broadway, Sanla Nlontca, Caltfomta CA 90404 New York Offtce: State 350 Avenue New York, NY 10118 Tel +44(0)208323 8013 (UK) I +14247238 4551 (LA) I +17212001 2723 (NY) -- M5 emote emat urgent Suprene Court almanpt cl tmaston o4 anacy. 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