FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. UNIFORM FINANCIAL REPORT AUGUST 31, 2015 COVER PAGE - Page 1 of 1 UNIFORM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT For the Year Ended : 8/31/2015 Filed Electronically? (Y/N): Y Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) for Filing Entity - 9 digits: 042593666 Other corporate names & FEINs if applicable: (Use for consolidated financial statements.) (M/D/YYYY) Filing Organization: Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. (legal name) (Doing Business As name, if applicable) Massachusetts Vendor Code Number A.G. Public Charities Acct.# 019901 Business Address: One Pleasant Street Middelboro (Street) CEO or CFO : Keith (First Name) Hancock Accounting and Business Manager (Last Name) CPA : Feeley & Driscoll, P.C. (Title) MA (City) 02346 (State) (508) 946-9336 X 103 (Zip) E-mail address: (Phone : Area Code / Number) CPA Firm's Current Mass. License #: 176 CPA Firm's Federal Employer Id. (FEIN) #: 042684828 CPA's E-mail Address: Management Company Name: Organization Type Code : C For-Profit Organization : NO Date of Org./Incorp.: 7/1/1976 (M/D/YYYY) 501(c)(3) Federal Tax Exempt (Y/N): Y If Yes, Date of Exemption: 5/19/1977 Cost Allocation Method Code : MD (M/D/YYYY) Program Number 02 04 Program Name 365 Residential Treatment Approved Day School Program Subcontractor Name Program Address City Street One Pleasant Street One Pleasant Street Middleboro Middleboro A-133 Audit Submitted? (Y/N): N Have basic F/S been audited? (Y/N): Y UFR Exemption/Exception Code# Special Education (SPED) Contractor (Y/N): Y Principal Purch. Agency: Program Performance Report (Internet system) is not required: Primary Contractor(s): State Zip Code MA MA 02346 02346 Program Description 365 Residential Treatment Approved Day School Program Note: If your agency is exempt from filling this report (see instructions) complete this cover page only and submit it along with documentation to support the basis of the exemption. DOE MMARS Prog.Code FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Independent Auditor’s Report 1 Statement of Financial Position August 31, 2015 (with comparative totals as of August 31, 2014) 3 Statement of Activities For the year ended August 31, 2015 (with comparative totals for the year ended August 31, 2014) 4 Statement of Functional Expenses For the year ended August 31, 2015 5 Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended August 31, 2015 7 Notes to Financial Statements August 31, 2015 and 2014 9 Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 22 Supplementary Information Organization Supplemental Information Schedule A For the year ended August 31, 2015 24 Program Supplemental Information Schedule B For the year ended August 31, 2015 25 Notes to the Uniform Financial Report For the year ended August 31, 2015 Board of Director’s Acknowledgement 27 Feeley & Driscoll, P.C. Certified Public Accountants / Business Consultants The Board of Trustees Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. Middleboro, Massachusetts Independent Auditor’s Report Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position as of August 31, 2015, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 200 Portland Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114-1709 (617) 742-7788 154 Broad Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03061-3158 (603) 889-0444 Fax: (617) 742-0210 Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. Page Two Independent Auditor’s Report - Continued Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. as of August 31, 2015, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Report on Summarized Comparative Information We have previously audited the Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s 2014 financial statements, and we expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those audited financial statements in our report dated February 13, 2015. In our opinion, the summarized comparative information presented herein as of and for the year ended August 31, 2014, is consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements from which it has been derived. Other Matters Other Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. The supplementary information, Schedules A and B, which are the responsibility of management, is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated February 23, 2016, on our consideration of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting and compliance. Boston, Massachusetts February 23, 2016 ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF (BALANCE SHEET) 08/31/2015 FEIN: WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS AS OF ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 3 042593666 ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED REVENUES, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Contributions, Gifts, Legacies, Bequests & Special Events In-Kind Contributions Grants Program Service Fees Federated Fundraising Organization Allocation Investment Revenue Revenue from Commercial Products & Services Other Net Assets Released From Restrictions: Satisfaction of Program Restrictions Satisfaction of Equipment Acquisition Restrictions Expiration of Time Restrictions TOTAL REVENUE, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT EXPENSES AND LOSSES Administration (Management & General) Fundraising Total Program Services TOTAL EXPENSES Losses TOTAL EXPENSES AND LOSSES FEIN: 042593666 08/31/2015 WITH COMPARATIVE TOTALS FOR THE YEAR ENDED UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED RESTRICTED TOTAL THIS YEAR 127,750 12,699,724 127,750 12,699,724 323,830 323,830 13,151,304 13,151,304 2,696,626 26,483 10,176,471 2,696,626 26,483 10,176,471 12,899,580 12,899,580 12,899,580 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS: 20 Property & Equipment Acquisitions from Unrestricted Funds 21 22 23 24 Transfer of Realized Endowment Fund Appreciation Return to Donor Other Increases (Decreases) 25 26 NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR 23,322 275,046 TOTAL CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 1,122,910 See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements 4 TOTAL LAST YEAR 11,064,125 10,948,121 UFR/SFE Page 5 of 2 ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. 042593666 FEIN: Statement of Functional Expenses for the Year Ended: 08/31/2015 SUPPORTING SERVICES TOTALS ADMINISTRATION (MNGT. & GEN.) FUND RAISING 26,483 PROGRAM SERVICES TOTAL ALL PROGRAMS 1. Employee Compensation & Related Expenses 9,250,415 1,690,207 7,533,725 2. Occupancy 1,392,019 139,653 1,252,366 3. Other Program / Operating Expense 1,390,340 383,747 1,006,593 716,863 423,749 293,114 3,019 3,019 146,924 56,251 12,899,580 2,696,626 4. Subcontract Expense 5. Direct Administrative Expense 6. Other Expenses 7. Depreciation of Buildings and Equipment 8. TOTAL EXPENSES See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements 5 90,673 26,483 10,176,471 UFR/SFE Page 6 of 2 * FEIN: 042593666 Statement of Functional Expenses for the Year Ended: 08/31/15 ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. PROGRAM # PROGRAM # 02 04 1. Employee Compensation & Related Expenses 6,982,560 551,165 2. Occupancy 1,160,744 91,622 932,949 73,644 271,670 21,444 84,039 6,634 9,431,962 744,509 3. Other Program / Operating Expense 4. Subcontract Expense 5. Direct Administrative Expense 6. Other Expenses 7. Depreciation of Buildings and Equipment 8. TOTAL EXPENSES See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements 6 PROGRAM # PROGRAM # PROGRAM # ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the YEAR ENDED FEIN: 042593666 08/31/2015 INDIRECT METHOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Changes in Net Assets Adjustments to Reconcile Change In Net Assets to Net Cash provided by/(used in) Operating Activities: Depreciation Losses Increase/Decrease in Net Accounts Receivable Increase/Decrease in Prepaid Expenses Increase/Decrease in Contributions Receivable Increase/Decrease in Accounts Payable Increase/Decrease in Accrued Expenses Increase/Decrease in Deferred Revenue Increase/Decrease in Subcontract Payable Contributions Restricted for Long-Term Investment Net Unrealized and Realized Gains on Long-Term Investments Other Cash Used in/Provided by Operating Activities Net Cash Provided by/(used in) Operating Activities TOTAL 275,046 146,924 (337,102) 19,211 110,035 8,505 54,275 35,166 312,060 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Insurance Proceeds Purchase(s) of Capital Assets (Land, Bldgs. & Equip.) Proceeds from Sale(s) of Investments Purchase(s) of Investments Purchase(s) of Assets Restricted To Long-Term Investment Other Investing Activities Net Cash Provided by/(used in) Investing Activities (80,571) 54,983 (25,588) Cash from Financing Activities: 22 23 24 Proceeds from Contributions Restricted For: Investment in Endowment Investment in Term Endowment Investment in Plant (Land Bldgs. & Equip.) Other Financing Activities: 25 26 27 28 29 30 Contributions Restricted for Long-Term Investment Interest and Dividends Restricted for Reinvestment Payments on Notes Payable Payments on Long-Term Debt Other Finance Payments/Reciepts Net Cash Provided by/(used in) Financing Activities See Accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements 7 (108,303) (56,963) (165,266) ORGANIZATION : Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the YEAR ENDED FEIN: 042593666 08/31/2015 INDIRECT METHOD 31 32 33 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 121,206 306,933 428,139 Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information: 34 35 Cash Paid During the Year for Interest Cash Paid During the Year for Taxes/Other 78,798 Supplemental Data for Noncash Investing and Financing Activities: 36 37 38 39 40 Gifts of Equipment Other Noncash Investing and Financing Activities Non-cash financing of vehicle purchases See Accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements 8 28,500 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 1 - Organization Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. (the “Organization” or “Chamberlain”) was incorporated in 1976 under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 180 and qualifies as a tax-exempt, not-for-profit educational institution under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. has been classified as an organization which is not a private foundation under Section 509(a). The Organization is a private, not-for-profit, co-educational social service organization providing education to special needs adolescents. The Organization is licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Early Education and Care as a Chapter 766 private approved residential school to provide treatment and education for up to 109 students and an approved day placement for 25 students. The Organization serves students from a wide geographic area, offering treatment for students ages 11 - 22, in either a day or residential setting, who have difficulties that affect learning and behavior. The Organization’s primarily sources of revenue are from cities, towns, and private pay students. Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Basis of Presentation - The Organization’s policy is to maintain its records and prepare its financial statements on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Consequently, revenues and gains are recognized when earned, and expenses and losses are recognized when a liability has been incurred. The financial statements include certain prior-year summarized comparative information in total but not by net asset class. Such information does not include sufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, such information should be read in conjunction with the Organization’s financial statements for the year ended August 31, 2014, from which the summarized information was derived. Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. Estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash and Cash Equivalents - Cash and cash equivalents include investments in highly liquid debt instruments with an original maturity of three months or less. 9 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Continued Accounts Receivable - Accounts receivable from tuition and other program services is stated at the amount management expects to collect from outstanding balances. Management provides for probable uncollectible amounts through a provision for bad debt expense and an adjustment to a valuation allowance based on its assessment of the current status of individual accounts. Balances that remain outstanding after management has used reasonable collection efforts are written off through a charge to the valuation allowance and a credit to accounts receivable. The Organization has recorded an allowance for doubtful accounts of $27,152 and $28,023 as of August 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Notes Receivable - Notes receivable are recorded at face value plus accrued interest. The Organization considers these amounts to be fully collectible and therefore no allowance has been made for doubtful accounts. Amounts which are expected to be received within one year are classified as current, while those with terms that exceed one year are reported as non-current. Property and Equipment - Property and equipment are recorded at cost, if purchased, or at fair market value, if donated. Property and equipment are depreciated over its estimated useful life, utilizing the straight line method. Amortization of assets under capital lease obligations is included in depreciation expense. The Organization has items of equipment which are subject to financing arrangements, and which are classified as capital lease transactions. Accordingly, each of the assets is capitalized at its fair value and depreciated over the term of the lease. The related lease obligations are recorded as liabilities, and classified as current and non-current to coincide with the agreed-upon payment schedules. Assets Life in Years Buildings and improvements Leasehold improvements Motor vehicles Computers and software Furniture and fixtures 40 5 - 20 3-5 3-5 3-5 Intangible Assets - Intangible assets consist of the costs to design and develop the Organization’s new website for a more dynamic visual presentation. The cumulative costs of the website development totaled $79,380 and $70,580 as of August 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Amortization of the website is computed using the straight-line method, and is charged against activities over a three-year period. The website redesign project began in fiscal year 2011 and was completed in fiscal year 2013, which was when amortization of the website began. Additional costs were incurred to further update the website design in fiscal year 2014. Amortization expense was $13,045 and $33,539 for fiscal years 2015 and 2014, respectively. Accumulated amortization is $57,624 and $44,579 as of August 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. 10 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Continued Derivative Instruments - As discussed in Note 6, the Organization entered into an interest rate swap agreement to ensure consistent cash outflows over the life of the related debt instrument. Generally accepted accounting principles require that derivative instruments be reported at fair value. The change in the fair value of the Organization’s swap agreement is reported as an other change in net assets in the statement of activities. Tuition Refunds Due - Tuition refunds due represents amounts which are considered to be owed to students for overpayments of tuition, refunds due to former students who left the Organization after having prepaid their tuition, and amounts due to those students to whom the Organization owes refundable tuition deposit payments. Revenue Recognition - The Organization’s students are partially supported by cities and towns in Massachusetts under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance Operational Services Division (“OSD”). The Organization also receives non-Massachusetts tuition for out-of-state and foreign students and tuition from private sources. The Organization also receives grant revenue from the Middleboro Public Schools for services provided to educationally disadvantaged children. The Organization is subject to the regulations and rate formulas of OSD for Massachusetts publicly funded students. Tuition revenue represents unrestricted program revenue, which is recognized when earned, in the period during which the corresponding services are performed. The Organization has established tuition rates that are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for each fiscal year. The authorized residential annual program rate for Massachusetts residents was $116,353 effective July 1, 2014 and $118,016 effective July 1, 2015. The authorized annual day program rate for Massachusetts residents was $56,375 effective July 1, 2014 and $57,181 effective July 1, 2015. The policy for private pay tuition requires a nonrefundable deposit, which is then applied toward the tuition invoices. Private pay students are invoiced one month in advance, while local education authorities and state agencies are invoiced at the end of each month. Deposits from private pay students and amounts billed in advance are unearned, and such deferred amounts are reported as current liabilities. Functional Expenses - The Organization allocates its expenses on a functional basis among its various programs and support services. Expenses that can be identified with a specific program and support service are charged directly according to their natural expenditure classification. Other expenses that are common to several functions are allocated by various statistical bases as derived from the usage of facilities and personnel, and units of service. Supporting services are those related to operating and managing the Organization, and its programs on a day-to-day basis. Supporting services have been sub-classified as follows: Administrative: includes all activities related to the Organization’s internal management and accounting for program services. 11 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 2 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Continued Fundraising: includes all activities related to maintaining contributor information, writing grant proposals, distribution of materials and other similar projects related to the procurement of funds for the Organization’s programs. Fundraising expenses also include the indirect costs of special fund raising events, while direct costs are netted against the event proceeds. Total fundraising expenses were $26,483 and $36,197 for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Income Tax Status - The Organization is a not-for-profit corporation and has been recognized as taxexempt pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) and is exempt from federal income taxes on related income pursuant to Section 501(a) of the Code. The Organization is classified as a public charity. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the Organization annually evaluates its tax status and tax positions taken with respect to its operations and financial position. Tax years from 2011 through the current year remain open for examination by federal and state taxing authorities. Subsequent Events - The Organization has evaluated subsequent events through February 23, 2016, which is the date the financial statements were available to be issued. Note 3 - Concentrations of Credit Risk The Organization has a potential concentration of credit risk in that it maintains deposits with a financial institution in excess of amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). The maximum deposit insurance amount is $250,000, which is applied per depositor, per insured depository institution for each account ownership category. As of August 31, 2015 and 2014, the Organization had $80,969 and $75,893, respectively, in excess of FDIC limits. Note 4 - Notes Receivable from Employees In fiscal year 2014, additional unsecured loans totaling $13,800 were advanced to seven employees. Loans have monthly repayments with varying interest rates, ranging from $20 to $500 repayable in biweekly installments which are made through payroll deductions. As of August 31, 2014, the amount owed on the employee advances was $16,633, of which $8,857 was classified as short-term on the balance sheet. As of August 31, 2015, the amount owed on employee advances was $17,750, of which $13,579 was classified as short-term on the balance sheet. 12 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 5 - Note Payable, Line-of-Credit As of August 31, 2014, the Organization had a revolving line-of-credit for $1,000,000 and a mortgage on 32 Plymouth Street for $228,000 both obtained from TD Bank, N.A. As of August 31, 2014, the outstanding amount due on the line-of-credit was $440,809. During the year ended August 31, 2015, the Organization restructured its debt, including refinancing its existing debt with a new financial institution. As of August 31, 2015, the Organization has a revolving line-of-credit with a maximum borrowing availability equal to the lesser of $1,000,000 or 80% of a borrowing base, defined as eligible accounts receivable. The note bears interest at a variable rate based on the prime rate plus .5% (4.0% at August 31, 2015) and is payable monthly. The line of credit is collateralized by all Organization assets. The note is due on demand and expires on March 30, 2016. As of August 31, 2015, the outstanding amount due on the line-of-credit was $807,531. Note 6 - Long-term Debt Long-term debt consisted of the following at August 31, 2015 and 2014: 2015 Term note payable to TD Bank, N.A. in monthly installments of $4,167, through April 2018. The note bore interest at a fixed rate of 3.7%, which is payable monthly. The note was secured by real estate. This noted was refinanced during the year. $ Term note payable to TD Bank, N.A. in monthly installments of $1,016, including interest at 5.96%, through October 2018. The note was secured by real estate and the unconditional guarantees of two of the officers. The note was subject to an interest rate swap agreement. The note was refinanced during the year. Two notes payable to a bank, due in 72 monthly installments of $742 and $845, respectively, including interest at 3.9%, through May 2017. The notes are secured by the related vehicles. 13 2014 - $ 433,328 - 202,157 33,573 50,954 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 6 - Long-term Debt - Continued 2015 Mortgage payable to a bank, due in 120 monthly installments of $1,422, including interest at 4.99%, through April 2025. The note is secured by the real estate. $ 212,862 2014 $ - Two notes payable to a bank, due in 60 monthly installments of $912, including interest at 5.49%, through March 2018. The notes are secured by the related vehicles. 26,146 34,824 Notes payable to a bank, due in 60 monthly installments of $1,101, including interest at 4.99%, through February 2017. The notes are secured by the related vehicles. 20,043 31,854 5,938 298,562 52,551 12,816 765,933 100,929 Notes payable to a bank, due in 60 monthly installments of $605, including interest at 3.9%, through May 2016. The notes are secured by the related vehicles. Less current portion $ 246,011 $ 665,004 The aggregate maturities of long-term debt are based on current terms and will be reevaluated at each adjustment in interest rate. Aggregate maturities of long-term debt for the years ending after August 31, 2015, are as follows: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter 14 $ 52,551 40,081 13,380 7,494 7,856 177,200 $ 298,562 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 6 - Long-term Debt - Continued Concurrent with a loan and security agreement, the Organization entered into a 10-year interest rate swap agreement (the “Swap”) with TD Bank, N.A. modifying the interest rate under the variable rate instrument to a fixed rate in order to avoid the risk of rising interest rates and to make its borrowing costs more predictable. The interest rate swap was designed as a cash flow hedge and the activity was reported in other changes in net assets. At August 31, 2014, the notional amount was $202,157 with a maturity date of October 24, 2018. The fixed rate was 5.96% and the floating rate was 1.74%. Interest expense was recorded at the fixed rate. The interest rate swap was recorded at fair value as a liability of $23,322 as of August 31, 2014. The note attached to the swap was refinanced during the year. Note 7 - Capital Lease Obligations The Organization acquired one new vehicle in fiscal year 2015, which is used to provide student transportation, pursuant to financing arrangements which is classified as capital lease transactions. Accordingly, the asset was capitalized and is subject to depreciation pursuant to the Organization’s policies as described in Note 2. The related lease obligation has been recorded as a liability, and is classified as current and non-current to coincide with the agreed-upon payment schedule. The vehicle is under a 40-month lease agreement with Leasing Associates. Monthly payments of $830 for the vehicle are at an effective annual interest rate of 8.35%, and are due through October 2018. The Organization acquired an additional four vehicles in fiscal year 2014, which are used to provide student transportation, pursuant to financing arrangements which are classified as capital lease transactions. Accordingly, the assets were capitalized and are subject to depreciation pursuant to the Organization’s policies as described in Note 2. The related lease obligations have been recorded as liabilities, and are classified as current and non-current to coincide with the agreed-upon payment schedule. The vehicles are under a 36-month lease agreement with Leasing Associates. Monthly payments of $844 for each vehicle are at an effective annual interest rate of 5.55%. The Organization acquired four vehicles in fiscal year 2013, which are used to provide student transportation, pursuant to financing arrangements which are classified as capital lease transactions. Accordingly, the assets were capitalized and are subject to depreciation pursuant to the Organization’s policies as described in Note 2. The related lease obligations have been recorded as liabilities, and are classified as current and non-current to coincide with the agreed-upon payment schedule. The vehicles are under a 37-month lease agreement with Leasing Associates. Monthly payments of $658 for each vehicle are at an effective annual interest rate of 5.55%, and are due through May 2016, with a final payment of $2,275 for each vehicle due in June 2016. 15 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 7 - Capital Lease Obligations - Continued In fiscal year 2010, a telephone system was acquired under a capital lease arrangement, payable in 60 installments of $730 per month, including interest at the effective annual rate of 6%. Interest associated with all capital lease financing arrangements was $8,890 and $7,344 in fiscal years 2015 and 2014, respectively. As of August 31, 2015, the future minimum obligation arising from the above lease commitments is summarized below: 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total lease obligation Less amounts representing interest Principle amount due Less current portion $ 83,233 49,172 10,972 1,446 144,823 9,790 135,033 76,492 Long-term portion $ 58,541 Note 8 - Operating Leases Facility Leases - The Organization leases a number of properties in the Town of Middleboro and the surrounding vicinity for its campus that includes teaching facilities, student residences and its administrative facilities as described below: Pratt Free School, Middleboro, Massachusetts: The Organization leases a school building which occupies 3,096 square feet. The term of the most recent lease is 22 months expiring December 31, 2015, with an annual base rent of $27,600, exclusive of utilities and maintenance costs. The lease was renewed subsequent to year end for a three year lease term. 60 Bedford Street, Middleboro, Massachusetts: The Organization leases a building, on a tenant-at-will basis, which is used as a workshop for the automotive program and for classroom space. The initial term of the lease was three years, commencing on September 1, 2005, with an annual base rent of $36,000, exclusive of utilities and maintenance costs. The lease was subsequently renewed into a month to month arrangement. Pleasant Street, Prospect Street and Plymouth Street, Middleboro, Massachusetts: The Organization leases the majority of its campus facilities, consisting of eight buildings, from a related party, pursuant to a five-year lease agreement which expired on August 31, 2013 (See Note 10). 16 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 8 - Operating Leases - Continued Effective September 1, 2013, the facilities are leased on a month-to-month basis. The approximate size of the combined facilities is 34,622 square feet, excluding outdoor recreational facilities. The aggregate rent for these properties was $722,622 and $721,922 for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014, including real estate taxes of $60,799 and $54,684, respectively. In addition to the stated rent and real estate taxes, the Organization is responsible for the utilities, insurance and routine maintenance for the properties. 3180 Main Street, Unit 6, Barnstable, Massachusetts: The Organization leases approximately 1,200 square feet of office space for services and marketing to clients located on Cape Cod, Massachusetts at a rate of $695 per month. The lease expired July 31, 2015 and was renewed for a one year term. 225 Bedford Street, Middleboro, Massachusetts: During 2014, the Organization began leasing space which is utilized one-third for the business office, one-third for classroom and one-third for an activity center. The current lease runs through October 31, 2023, at a rate of $4,800 per month. 227 Bedford Street, Middleboro, Massachusetts: During 2015, the Organization began leasing space which is utilized for school activities. The current lease runs through October 31, 2024, at a rate of $6,700 per month. The aggregate rent expense for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014, was $971,576 and $850,060, respectively, which is reported in rent in the accompanying statement of functional expenses. Equipment Leases - The Organization leases copier equipment under various rental agreements which are classified as operating leases. The terms of the leases vary from 36 to 48 months, under non-cancelable lease arrangements. The monthly payments, ranging from $369 to $650, are recognized as expenses when incurred. Future minimum payments arising from operating lease obligations are scheduled below: Fiscal Year Facility Equipment Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter $ 163,131 153,931 153,931 153,931 153,931 429,848 $ 11,220 8,268 1,698 - $ 174,351 162,199 155,629 153,931 153,931 429,848 Total $ 1,208,703 $ 21,186 $ 1,229,889 17 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 9 - Pension Plan and Tax-Deferred Annuity Plan The Organization maintains a contributory 401(K) defined contribution pension plan for substantially all employees. Contributions to the plan consist of a matching contribution based on individual participant salary deferrals at the rate of 50% of the first 4% of the employee’s annual salary. For the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014, the Organization contributed $33,941 and $29,359 to the plan in matching funds. The Organization also maintains a tax-deferred annuity plan qualified under Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. This is funded by employee salary deferrals; therefore, these financial statements do not reflect any related expenses. Note 10 - Related Party Transactions Leases - As disclosed in Note 8, the Organization leases the majority of its Middleboro campus and facilities from a trust (the “related party trust”), of which two officers are the beneficiaries, one of whom is the sole trustee. Total rent, including real estate taxes, paid to or on behalf of the related party trust for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014 was $722,622 and $721,922, respectively. As of August 31, 2015 and 2014, prepaid expenses include prepaid rent on the above properties in the amount of $21,099 and $59,503, respectively. As part of the lease agreement, the landlord holds a security deposit of $229,172. Notes and Loans Receivable Related Party Trust As of August 31, 2015 and 2014, the Organization held the following uncollateralized promissory notes from the related party trust: 2015 Note dated September 1, 2007, in the amount of $99,372, payable in monthly installments of $1,561, including interest at 8.25%, expiring in September 2014. Note dated October 28, 2008, in the amount of $77,465, originally structured as an interest-only note, with monthly payments of interest at the rate of 5.26% and the balance due in full on October 28, 2013. The note was refinanced and reamortized as of August 31, 2013, with bi-monthly payments of $517, including interest at 3%, expiring in March 2020. 18 $ 2014 - 57,425 $ 450 68,959 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 10 - Related Party Transactions - Continued 2015 Effective February 8, 2011, prepaid rent in the amount of $237,826 and accrued interest of $20,333 was converted into an interest-bearing promissory note and loan agreement in the amount of $258,159, payable in monthly installments of $4,600, including interest at 5%, expiring in July 2016. $ Effective August 31, 2013, a note in the amount of $26,905 was signed. The note is payable in monthly installments of $496, including interest at 3%, expiring in April 2015. Effective June 1, 2014, a note in the amount of $16,985 was signed. The note is payable in monthly installments of $730, including interest at 3%, expiring in June 2016. Note dated August 1, 2015, in the amount of $20,575, payable in monthly installments of $884, including interest at 3%, expiring in August 2017. Total $ 2014 46,985 $ 97,268 - 14,801 7,201 15,608 20,575 - 132,186 $ 197,086 Payments on the first three above notes were secured via an amendment to the Organization’s lease, providing for a reduction in the monthly rent payment to the related party trust in 2014. For the year ended August 31, 2014, rent reductions were made which equated to principal payments of $65,033 and interest payments totaling $11,511. Notes receivable as of August 31, 2015 are expected to be received as follows: Within one year Between two and five years $ 75,348 56,838 Total notes and loans receivable, related parties $ 132,186 19 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 10 - Related Party Transactions - Continued Foreign Expansion Activities - During fiscal year 2007, Chamberlain launched a foreign expansion project based in Holland with the goal of increasing its enrollment by attracting international students. This was initiated by the establishment of a Dutch, for-profit corporation, which was incorporated and is owned by an officer and key employee of the Organization. Expenses for the project are paid to this related party by Chamberlain. The total cost incurred in fiscal years 2015 and 2014 for the Holland Expansion Project were $103,903 and $116,546, respectively. Note 11 - Surplus Revenue Retention The Operational Services Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the “Commonwealth”) has promulgated regulations requiring that all not-for-profit entities engaged in the provision of human and social service programs, by contract with state agencies, be subject to a revenue retention policy. Under this policy, any surplus generated from contracts with the Commonwealth which exceeds 5% of the current year’s Commonwealth revenues or cumulative surplus which exceeds 20% of prior year Commonwealth revenues becomes a liability to the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Commonwealth requires that providers take steps to segregate state attributed surpluses which fall below 5% as a segregated account within its unrestricted net assets. As of August 31, 2015, the Organization’s state attributed deficit was ($5,823,480), of which, a surplus of $70,599 is attributed to the year ended August 31, 2015. Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies Unemployment Compensation - The Organization has elected to finance the costs of unemployment compensation by reimbursing the Commonwealth for unemployment compensation paid by the Commonwealth on behalf of the Organization. The election was made under the “Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1976” (Public Law 94-566). The Organization’s exposure to future claims, as of August 31, 2015, cannot be reasonably estimated. As of August 31, 2015, there were no liabilities due to the Commonwealth for unemployment claims paid to former employees of the Organization. Reimbursements to the Commonwealth for the years ended August 31, 2015 and 2014 totaled $32,331 and $61,001, respectively, and are reported as payroll taxes on the accompanying statement of functional expenses. 20 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued August 31, 2015 and 2014 Note 12 - Commitments and Contingencies - Continued Non-Compliance with ERISA Reporting Regulations - The Organization is required to comply with ERISA reporting requirements as they pertain to the filing of Form 5500, an information return, for certain pension plans. As of August 31, 2013, the Organization was not in compliance with these filing requirements for two of its pension plans from fiscal year 2009 through fiscal year 2013. The Department of Labor will likely assess fines for the late filing. At the time of the audit, management was in the process of researching the records and requesting information from providers to complete the filings. Claims and legal actions are brought against the Organization during the normal course of business. Management has taken the necessary steps to mitigate potential losses by obtaining insurance coverage and engaging legal counsel. In the opinion of management, no claims or legal actions have been asserted against the Organization which, individually or in the aggregate, will be in excess of its insurance coverage. 21 The Board of Trustees Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. Middleboro, Massachusetts INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position as of August 31, 2015, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated February 23, 2016. Internal Control over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. Page Twenty-Three Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc.’s financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the entity’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. Boston, Massachusetts February 23, 2016 SUPPLEMENTARY INF ORMATION ORGANIZATION SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SCHEDULE A - Unaudited ORGANIZATION: Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. Total Organization REVENUE Total Organization 1R Contributions, Gifts, Legacies, Bequests 2R Gov. In-Kind/Capital Budget 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R 12R 13R 14R 15R 16R 17R 18R 19R 20R 21R 22R 23R 24R 25R 26R 27R 28R 29R 30R 31R 32R 33R 34R 35R 36R 37R 38R 39R 40R 41R 42R 43R 44R 45R 46R 47R 48R 49R 50R 51R 52R XXXXXXXXXXX Private IN-Kind Total Contributions and In-Kind Mass Gov. Grant Other Grant (exclud. Fed.Direct) Total Grants Dept. of Mental Health (DMH) Dept.of Developmental Services(DDS/DMR) Dept. of Public Health (DPH) Dept.of Children and Families (DCF/DSS) Dept. of Transitional Assist (DTA/WEL) Dept. of Youth Services (DYS) Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-Contract Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-UCP MA. Comm. For the Blind (MCB) MA. Comm. for Deaf & H H (MCD) MA. Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) MA. Off. for Refugees & Immigr.(ORI) 127,750 Fund Raising Total All Prog XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Voucher Dept of Correction (DOC) Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Educ. (DOE) 4,233,144 6,051,435 2,415,145 12,699,724 127,750 127,750 323,830 XXXXXXXXXXX 5,799 13,151,304 12,899,580 251,724 5,799 366,325 (360,526) 53R TOTAL REVENUE 54R TOTAL EXPENSE = 56E 55R OPERATING RESULTS 4,233,144 6,051,435 2,415,145 12,699,724 318,031 13,145,505 12,500,500 645,005 32,754 (32,754) COMPENSATION DISCLOSURE Enter all compensation (salary, benefit packages, vehicles, consultant payments, loans, etc.) from the entity & its related parties/affiliates to organization principals. Attach schedule of non-salary items. Reporting Entity Compensation Name & Title Salary 1C William Doherty, Executive Director 325,880 2C Jeanne Edwards, Chief Operating Officer 210,592 3C Sarah Norfleet, Program Development Director 156,612 4C Diane Wilson, Program Director 112,670 5C Melissa Connors, Director of Finance and Administration 125,129 MA. Surplus Revenue Retention Starting Balance Prior Year Ma. Revenue 3,835,039 (5,894,079) Other $ $ $ Compensation from Other Entities Salary Other Accrual Amount Liability Amt. 17,852 6,058 5,790 Expended Amount Comm. of MA cost reimbursement overbilling (preliminary calc. subject to adjustment) (5,834,128) EXPENSE FTE 1E Total Direct Prog.Staff FTE/Exp 101-138 2E Chief Executive Officer - FTE/Exp. 127,750 Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Contract Parole Board (PAR) Veteran's Services (VET) Ex. Off. of Elder Affairs (ELD) Div.of Housing & Community Develop(OCD) POS Subcontract Other Mass. State Agency POS Mass State Agency Non - POS Mass. Local Govt/Quasi-Govt. Entities Non-Mass. State/Local Government Direct Federal Grants/Contracts Medicaid - Direct Payments Medicaid - MBHP Subcontract Medicare Mass. Govt. Client Stipends Client Resources Mass. Publicly sponsored client offsets Other Publicly sponsored client offsets Private Client Fees (excluding 3rd Pty) Private Client 3rd Pty/other offsets Total Assistance and Fees Federated Fundraising Commercial Activities Non-Charitable Revenue Investment Revenue Other Revenue Allocated Admin (M&G) Revenue Released Net Assets-Program Released Net Assets-Equipment Released Net Assets-Time Admin.(M&G) 162.91 1.00 Expense 6,200,073 170,291 FY END: Admin (M&G) FTE XXXX 1.00 Expense XXXXXXXXXX 170,291 8/31/2015 Fund Raising FTE Expense XXXX XXXXXXXXXX FEIN: 042593666 Total All Programs FTE 162.91 Expense 6,200,073 Chief Financial Officer - FTE/Exp. 1.00 170,291 1.00 170,291 Accting/Clerical/Support FTE/Expense 10.06 832,608 9.56 806,125 0.50 26,483 Admin Maint/House-Grndskeeping FTE/Exp Total Admin Employee FTE/Expense 410 12.06 1,173,190 11.56 1,146,707 0.50 26,483 Commercial Products & Svs/Mkting FTE/Exp XXXX XXXXXXXXXX Total FTE/Salary/Wages 174.97 7,373,263 11.56 1,146,707 0.50 26,483 162.91 6,200,073 Payroll Taxes 150 554,061 98,623 455,438 Fringe Benefits 151 1,127,201 248,987 878,214 Accrual Adjustments Total Employee Compensation & Rel. Exp. 9,054,525 1,494,317 26,483 7,533,725 Facility and Prog. Equip.Expenses 301, 390 Facility & Prog. Equip. Depreciation 301 63,556 24,333 39,223 Facility Operation/Maint./Furn.390 972,029 120,716 851,313 Facility General Liability Insurance 390 71,727 12,264 59,463 Total Occupancy 1,107,312 157,313 949,999 Direct Care Consultant 201 249,594 249,594 Temporary Help 202 Clients and Caregivers Reimb./Stipends 203 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Subcontracted Direct Care 206 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Staff Training 204 198,193 192,291 5,902 Staff Mileage / Travel 205 9,442 9,442 Meals 207 309,419 306 309,113 Client Transportation 208 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Vehicle Expenses 208 128,809 33,895 94,914 Vehicle Depreciation 208 49,596 18,988 30,608 Incidental Medical /Medicine/Pharmacy 209 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Client Personal Allowances 211 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Provision Material Goods/Svs./Benefits 212 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Direct Client Wages 214 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Other Commercial Prod. & Svs. 214 Program Supplies & Materials 215 347,070 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 347,070 Non Charitable Expenses Other Expense Total Other Program Expense 1,292,123 254,922 1,037,201 Management Fees 410 XXXXXXXXXX Fundraising Fees 410 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Legal Fees 410 37,850 37,850 XXXXXXXXXX Audit Fees 410 46,000 46,000 XXXXXXXXXX Management Consultant 410 XXXXXXXXXX Other Professional Fees & Other Admin. Expenses 410 557,234 264,120 293,114 Leased Office/Program Office Equip.410,390 Office Equipment Depreciation 410 Admin. Vehicle Expenses 410 XXXXXXXXXX Admin. Vehicle Depreciation 410 XXXXXXXXXX Directors & Officers Insurance 410 XXXXXXXXXX Program Support 216 XXXXXXXXXX Professional Insurance 410 Working Capital Interest 410 75,779 75,779 Total Direct Administrative Expense 716,863 423,749 293,114 Admin (M&G) Reporting Center Allocation XXXXXXXXXX (2,330,301) 6,271 2,324,029 Total Reimbursable & Fundraising Expense 12,170,823 32,754 12,138,068 Direct State/Federal Non-Reimbursable Expense 728,757 366,325 XXXXXXXXXX 362,432 Allocation of State/Fed Non-Reimbursable Expense XXXXXXXXXX TOTAL EXPENSE = 56R 12,899,580 366,325 32,754 12,500,500 Note to Readers : Please see Schedule B Note to Readers regarding appropriate Non-Reimbursable Exp. NON-REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE DETAIL 1N Direct Employee Compensation & Related Exp. 195,890 195,890 XXXXXXXXXX 2N Direct Occupancy 348,263 6,673 XXXXXXXXXX 341,590 3N Direct Other Program/Operating 147,813 147,813 XXXXXXXXXX 4N Direct Subcontract Expense XXXXXXXXXX 5N Direct Administrative Expense XXXXXXXXXX 6N Direct Other Expense 3,019 3,019 XXXXXXXXXX 7N Direct Depreciation 33,772 12,930 XXXXXXXXXX 20,842 8N Total Direct Non-Reimbursable (must tie to 54E) 728,757 366,325 XXXXXXXXXX 362,432 9N Total Direct and Allocated Non-Reimbursable (54E+55E) 728,757 366,325 XXXXXXXXXX 362,432 10N Eligible Non-Reimb./Fundraising Exp. Revenue Offsets 323,830 5,799 XXXXXXXXXX 318,031 11N Capital Budget Revenue Adjustments XXXXXXXXXX 12N Excess of Non-Reimb./Fundraising Expense over Offsets 404,927 360,526 XXXXXXXXXX 44,401 Description of Admin (M&G) Direct Non-Reimbursable Exp. See attached schedule 3E 4E 5E 6E 7E 8E 9E 10E 11E 12E 13E 14E 15E 16E 17E 18E 19E 20E 21E 22E 23E 24E 25E 26E 27E 28E 29E 30E 31E 32E 33E 34E 35E 36E 37E 38E 39E 40E 41E 42E 43E 44E 45E 46E 47E 48E 49E 50E 51E 52E 53E 54E 55E 56E 24 ORGANIZATION: Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SCHEDULE B - Unaudited FY END: 8/31/2015 FEIN: 042593666 Description: 365 Residential Treatment Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance #: B Middleboro MA 02346 # Weeks operated during audit period (e.g., 52): 52.00 # operating hours/week (e.g., 40): 168.00 (Number/Street) (City) (State) (Zipcode) Note to Readers: This schedule should be read in context with F.S. Notes and all other UFR information. In many instances the presence of significant planned to actual variances or non-reimbursable expenses (e.g., In-Kind donations) may be appropriate and desirable. * Program Type codes: 21 = SPED; 22 = HCFP/Medicaid Class Rate; 23 = Negotiated Unit Rate; 24 = Negotiated Accomodations Rate; 25= Non-negotiated Accomodations Rate; 26 = Other Non-negotiated Unit Rate; 27 = Cost Reimbursement; NA = Not Applicable REVENUE 0S STAFFING_# hours/yr = 1.00 FTE: 2080 FTE Salary/Wage EXPENSE - ACTUAL/PLANNED FTE Actual Planned % Var 1R Contrib., Gifts, Leg., Bequests, Spec. Ev. 1S Program Director (UFR Title 102) 1.43 156,576 1E Total Direct Program Staff = 39S 153.06 5,746,478 5,750,000 -0.1 % 2R Gov. In-Kind/Capital Budget 2S Program Function Manager (UFR Title 101) 4.07 303,695 2E Chief Executive Officer 3R Private IN-Kind 3S Asst. Program Director (UFR Title 103) 0.72 63,598 3E Chief Financial Officer 4R Total Contribution and In-Kind 4S Supervising Professional (UFR Title 104) 4E Accting/Clerical Support 5R Mass Gov. Grant 127,750 5S Physician & Psychiatrist (UFR Title 105 & 121) 5E Admin Maint/House-Grndskeeping 6R Other Grant (exclud. Fed.Direct) 6S Physician Asst. (UFR Title 106) 6E Total Admin Employee 7R Total Grants 127,750 7S N. Midwife, N.P., Psych N.,N.A., R.N.- MA (Title 107) 7E Commerical products & Svs/Mkting 8R Dept. of Mental Health (DMH) 8S R.N. - Non Masters (UFR Title 108) 0.94 58,623 8E Total FTE/Salary/Wages 153.06 5,746,478 9R Dept.of Developmental Services(DDS/DMR) 9S L.P.N. (UFR Title 109) 1.60 77,138 9E Payroll Taxes 150 422,118 10R Dept. of Public Health (DPH) 10S Pharmacist (UFR Title 110) 10E Fringe Benefits 151 813,964 11R Dept.of Children and Families (DCF/DSS) 11S Occupational Therapist (UFR Title 111) 11E Accrual Adjustments 12R Dept. of Transitional Assist (DTA/WEL) 12S Physical Therapist (UFR Title 112) 12E Total Employee Compensation & Rel. Exp. 6,982,560 6,900,000 1.2 % 13R Dept. of Youth Services (DYS) 13S Speech / Lang. Pathol., Audiologist (UFR Title 113) 0.33 24,032 13E Facility and Prog. Equip.Expenses 301,390 14R Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-Contract 14S Dietician / Nutritionist (UFR Title 114) 14E Facility & Prog. Equip. Depreciation 301 36,353 15R Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-UCP 15S Spec. Education Teacher (UFR Title 115) 6.67 362,220 15E Facility Operation/Maint./Furn.390 812,409 16R MA. Comm. For the Blind (MCB) 16S Teacher (UFR Title 116) 10.60 548,424 16E Facility General Liability Insurance 390 55,113 17R MA. Comm. for Deaf & H H (MCD) 17S Day Care Director (UFR Title 117) 17E Total Occupancy 903,875 900,000 0.4 % 18R MA. Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) 18S Day Care Lead Teacher (UFR Title 118) 18E Direct Care Consultant 201 231,334 19R MA. Off. for Refugees & Immigr.(ORI) 19S Day Care Teacher (UFR Title 119) 19E Temporary Help 202 20R Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Contract 20S Day Care Asst. Teacher / Aide (UFR Title 120) 20E Clients and Caregivers Reimb./Stipends 203 21R Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Voucher 21S Psychologist - Doctorate (UFR Title 122) 21E Subcontracted Direct Care 206 22R Dept of Correction (DOC) 22S Clinician-(formerly Psych.Masters)(UFR Title 123) 22E Staff Training 204 5,469 23R Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Educ. (DOE) 23S Social Worker - L.I.C.S.W. (UFR Title 124) 1.33 113,256 23E Staff Mileage / Travel 205 24R Parole Board (PAR) 24S Social Worker - L.C.S.W., L.S.W (UFR Title 125 & 126) 24E Meals 207 286,498 25R Veteran's Services (VET) 25S Licensed Counselor (UFR Title 127) 25E Client Transportation 208 26R Ex. Off. of Elder Affairs (ELD) 26S Cert. Voc. Rehab. Counselor (UFR Title 128) 26E Vehicle Expenses 208 87,970 27R Div.of Housing & Community Develop(OCD) 27S Cert. Alch. &/or Drug Abuse Counselor (UFR Title 129) 27E Vehicle Depreciation 208 28,369 28R POS Subcontract 28S Counselor (UFR Title 130) 28E Incidental Medical /Medicine/Pharmacy 209 29R Other Mass. State Agency POS 29S Case Worker / Manager - Masters (UFR Title 131) 8.37 401,492 29E Client Personal Allowances 211 30R Mass State Agency Non - POS 30S Case Worker / Manager (UFR Title 132) 30E Provision Material Goods/Svs./Benefits 212 31R Mass. Local Govt/Quasi-Govt. Entities 3,374,654 31S Direct Care / Prog. Staff Superv. (UFR Title 133) 6.08 270,526 31E Direct Client Wages 214 32R Non-Mass. State/Local Government 6,051,435 32S Direct Care / Prog. Staff III (UFR Title 134) 1.00 45,080 32E Other Commercial Prod. & Svs. 214 33R Direct Federal Grants/Contracts 33S Direct Care / Prog. Staff II (UFR Title 135) 97.80 2,868,952 33E Program Supplies & Materials 215 321,678 34R Medicaid - Direct Payments 34S Direct Care / Prog. Staff I (UFR Title 136) 34E Non Charitable Expenses 35R Medicaid - MBHP Subcontract 35S Prog. Secretarial / Clerical Staff (UFR Title 137) 4.19 149,714 35E Other Expense 36R Medicare 36S Maintainence, House/Groundskeeping, Cook 138 7.93 303,150 36E Total Other Program Expense 961,318 950,000 1.2 % 37R Mass. Govt. Client Stipends 37S Direct Care / Driver Staff (UFR Title 138) 42E Other Professional Fees & Other Admin. Exp. 410 271,670 38R Client Resources 38S Direct Care Overtime, Shift Differential and Relief XXXXXX 43E Leased Office/Program Office Equip.410,390 39R Mass. spon.client SF/3rd Pty offsets 39S Total Direct Program Staff = 1E 153.06 5,746,478 44E Office Equipment Depreciation 410 40R Other Publicly sponsored client offsets 48E Program Support 216 41R Private Client Fees (excluding 3rd Pty) 2,415,145 SERVICE STATISTICS 49E Professional Insurance 410 42R Private Client 3rd Pty/other offsets 1SS Enter defined unit of service: Bed Days 50E Working Capital Interest 410 43R Total Assistance and Fees 11,841,234 2SS Enter total unit capacity: 35,770 51E Total Direct Administrative Expense 271,670 350,000 -22.4 % 44R Federated Fundraising Undup # # service units 52E Admin (M&G) Reporting Center Allocation 2,159,539 2,160,000 0.0 % 45R Commercial Activities Clients delivered 53E Total Reimbursable Expense 11,278,962 11,260,000 0.2 % 46R Non-Charitable Revenue 3SS OSD's Program Publicly sponsored clients: 103 28,066 54E Direct State/Federal Non-Reimbursable Expense 312,539 325,000 -3.8 % 47R Investment Revenue 4SS Performance Report (D-1 Privately sponsored clients: 32 6,823 55E Allocation of State/Fed Non-Reimbursable Expense 48R Other Revenue 318,031 5SS Internet filing system) Free Care clients: 56E TOTAL EXPENSE 11,591,501 11,585,000 0.1 % 49R Allocated Admin (M&G) Revenue 6SS suspended for FY '08 Total: 135 34,889 57E TOTAL REVENUE = 53R 12,287,015 12,000,000 2.4 % 50R Released Net Assets-Program 7SS filings. 58E OPERATING RESULTS 695,514 415,000 51R Released Net Assets-Equipment CRE Preliminary Calculation of Cost Reimb. Excess Rev. * * (subject to OSD adjustment ) 52R Released Net Assets-Time MASSACHUSETTS CONTRACT INFORMATION NON-REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE DETAIL Description 53R Total Revenue = 57E 12,287,015 Dept Contract ID -11 Characters MMARS Code 1N Direct Employee Compensation & Related Exp. 1C _ X 2N Direct Occupancy 293,222 related party rent in excess of cost SUBCONTRACTED DIRECT CARE EXPENSE DETAIL 2C _ X 3N Direct Other Program/Operating Subcontractor Name FEIN Expense Amt. 3C _ X 4N Direct Subcontract Expense 1SDC 4C _ X 5N Direct Administrative Expense 2SDC 5C _ X 6N Direct Other Expense 3SDC POS SUBCONTRACT INFORMATION 7N Direct Depreciation 19,317 Luxury vehicle depreciation 4SDC State Dept Payor Name Payor's FEIN 8N Total Direct Non-Reimbursable (Tie to 54E) 312,539 (Any Excess of Non-Reimbursable Expense over Eligible 5SDC 1PS 9N Total Direct and Allocated Non-Reimb. (54E+55E) 312,539 Revenue Offsets is subject to recoupment where the 2PS 10N Eligible Non-Reimbursable Exp. Revenue Offsets 318,031 program is purchased by the Commonwealth and must be Comm. Of MA Surplus Rev. Retention Share 110,460 3PS 11N Capital Budget Revenue Adjustment recognized as a liability on the Financial Statements.) 12N Excess of Non-Reimbursable Expense Over Offsets (5,492) PREPARER COMMENTS: UFR Program Number: 02 *Program Type: 21 Program Name: 365 Residential Treatment Program Address: One Pleasant Street 25 PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SCHEDULE B - Unaudited ORGANIZATION: Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc. UFR Program Number: 04 *Program Type: 26 Program Name: Approved Day School Program Approved Day School Program Description: FY END: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance #: # Weeks operated during audit period (e.g., 52): 52.00 Program Address: One Pleasant Street 8/31/2015 FEIN: 042593666 B Middleboro MA 02346 # operating hours/week (e.g., 40): 40.00 (City) (State) (Zipcode) Note to Readers: This schedule should be read in context with F.S. Notes and all other UFR information. In many instances the presence of significant planned to actual variances or non-reimbursable expenses (e.g., In-Kind donations) may be appropriate and desirable. * Program Type codes: 21 = SPED; 22 = HCFP/Medicaid Class Rate; 23 = Negotiated Unit Rate; 24 = Negotiated Accomodations Rate; 25= Non-negotiated Accomodations Rate; 26 = Other Non-negotiated Unit Rate; 27 = Cost Reimbursement; NA = Not Applicable REVENUE 0S STAFFING_# hours/yr = 1.00 FTE: 2080 FTE Salary/Wage EXPENSE - ACTUAL/PLANNED FTE Actual Planned % Var 1R Contrib., Gifts, Leg., Bequests, Spec. Ev. 1S Program Director (UFR Title 102) 0.25 24,888 1E Total Direct Program Staff = 39S 9.85 453,595 450,000 0.8 % 2R Gov. In-Kind/Capital Budget 2S Program Function Manager (UFR Title 101) 0.38 28,440 2E Chief Executive Officer 3R Private IN-Kind 3S Asst. Program Director (UFR Title 103) 0.08 6,995 3E Chief Financial Officer 4R Total Contribution and In-Kind 4S Supervising Professional (UFR Title 104) 4E Accting/Clerical Support 5R Mass Gov. Grant 5S Physician & Psychiatrist (UFR Title 105 & 121) 5E Admin Maint/House-Grndskeeping 6R Other Grant (exclud. Fed.Direct) 6S Physician Asst. (UFR Title 106) 6E Total Admin Employee 7R Total Grants 7S N. Midwife, N.P., Psych N.,N.A., R.N.- MA (Title 107) 7E Commerical products & Svs/Mkting 8R Dept. of Mental Health (DMH) 8S R.N. - Non Masters (UFR Title 108) 0.06 3,467 8E Total FTE/Salary/Wages 9.85 453,595 9R Dept.of Developmental Services(DDS/DMR) 9S L.P.N. (UFR Title 109) 0.10 4,705 9E Payroll Taxes 150 33,320 10R Dept. of Public Health (DPH) 10S Pharmacist (UFR Title 110) 10E Fringe Benefits 151 64,250 11R Dept.of Children and Families (DCF/DSS) 11S Occupational Therapist (UFR Title 111) 11E Accrual Adjustments 12R Dept. of Transitional Assist (DTA/WEL) 12S Physical Therapist (UFR Title 112) 12E Total Employee Compensation & Rel. Exp. 551,165 550,000 0.2 % 13R Dept. of Youth Services (DYS) 13S Speech / Lang. Pathol., Audiologist (UFR Title 113) 13E Facility and Prog. Equip.Expenses 301,390 14R Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-Contract 14S Dietician / Nutritionist (UFR Title 114) 14E Facility & Prog. Equip. Depreciation 301 2,870 15R Health Care Fin & Policy (HCF)-UCP 15S Spec. Education Teacher (UFR Title 115) 0.82 44,632 15E Facility Operation/Maint./Furn.390 38,904 16R MA. Comm. For the Blind (MCB) 16S Teacher (UFR Title 116) 1.31 67,576 16E Facility General Liability Insurance 390 4,350 17R MA. Comm. for Deaf & H H (MCD) 17S Day Care Director (UFR Title 117) 17E Total Occupancy 46,124 50,000 -7.8 % 18R MA. Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) 18S Day Care Lead Teacher (UFR Title 118) 18E Direct Care Consultant 201 18,260 19R MA. Off. for Refugees & Immigr.(ORI) 19S Day Care Teacher (UFR Title 119) 19E Temporary Help 202 20R Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Contract 20S Day Care Asst. Teacher / Aide (UFR Title 120) 20E Clients and Caregivers Reimb./Stipends 203 21R Dept.of Early Educ. & Care (EEC)-Voucher 21S Psychologist - Doctorate (UFR Title 122) 21E Subcontracted Direct Care 206 22R Dept of Correction (DOC) 22S Clinician-(formerly Psych.Masters)(UFR Title 123) 2.95 124,098 22E Staff Training 204 433 23R Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Educ. (DOE) 23S Social Worker - L.I.C.S.W. (UFR Title 124) 0.26 21,770 23E Staff Mileage / Travel 205 24R Parole Board (PAR) 24S Social Worker - L.C.S.W., L.S.W (UFR Title 125 & 126) 24E Meals 207 22,615 25R Veteran's Services (VET) 25S Licensed Counselor (UFR Title 127) 25E Client Transportation 208 26R Ex. Off. of Elder Affairs (ELD) 26S Cert. Voc. Rehab. Counselor (UFR Title 128) 26E Vehicle Expenses 208 6,944 27R Div.of Housing & Community Develop(OCD) 27S Cert. Alch. &/or Drug Abuse Counselor (UFR Title 129) 27E Vehicle Depreciation 208 2,239 28R POS Subcontract 28S Counselor (UFR Title 130) 28E Incidental Medical /Medicine/Pharmacy 209 29R Other Mass. State Agency POS 29S Case Worker / Manager - Masters (UFR Title 131) 29E Client Personal Allowances 211 30R Mass State Agency Non - POS 30S Case Worker / Manager (UFR Title 132) 30E Provision Material Goods/Svs./Benefits 212 31R Mass. Local Govt/Quasi-Govt. Entities 858,490 31S Direct Care / Prog. Staff Superv. (UFR Title 133) 31E Direct Client Wages 214 32R Non-Mass. State/Local Government 32S Direct Care / Prog. Staff III (UFR Title 134) 32E Other Commercial Prod. & Svs. 214 33R Direct Federal Grants/Contracts 33S Direct Care / Prog. Staff II (UFR Title 135) 1.72 52,026 33E Program Supplies & Materials 215 25,392 34R Medicaid - Direct Payments 34S Direct Care / Prog. Staff I (UFR Title 136) 34E Non Charitable Expenses 35R Medicaid - MBHP Subcontract 35S Prog. Secretarial / Clerical Staff (UFR Title 137) 0.48 16,972 35E Other Expense 36R Medicare 36S Maintainence, House/Groundskeeping, Cook 138 1.44 58,026 36E Total Other Program Expense 75,883 75,000 1.2 % 37R Mass. Govt. Client Stipends 37S Direct Care / Driver Staff (UFR Title 138) 42E Other Professional Fees & Other Admin. Exp. 410 21,444 38R Client Resources 38S Direct Care Overtime, Shift Differential and Relief XXXXXX 43E Leased Office/Program Office Equip.410,390 39R Mass. spon.client SF/3rd Pty offsets 39S Total Direct Program Staff = 1E 9.85 453,595 44E Office Equipment Depreciation 410 40R Other Publicly sponsored client offsets 48E Program Support 216 41R Private Client Fees (excluding 3rd Pty) SERVICE STATISTICS 49E Professional Insurance 410 42R Private Client 3rd Pty/other offsets 1SS Enter defined unit of service: Days 50E Working Capital Interest 410 43R Total Assistance and Fees 858,490 2SS Enter total unit capacity: 5,400 51E Total Direct Administrative Expense 21,444 20,000 7.2 % 44R Federated Fundraising Undup # # service units 52E Admin (M&G) Reporting Center Allocation 164,490 165,000 -0.3 % 45R Commercial Activities Clients delivered 53E Total Reimbursable Expense 859,106 860,000 -0.1 % 46R Non-Charitable Revenue 3SS OSD's Program Publicly sponsored clients: 28 3,299 54E Direct State/Federal Non-Reimbursable Expense 49,893 % 47R Investment Revenue 4SS Performance Report (D-1 Privately sponsored clients: 55E Allocation of State/Fed Non-Reimbursable Expense 48R Other Revenue 5SS Internet filing system) Free Care clients: 56E TOTAL EXPENSE 908,999 860,000 5.7 % 49R Allocated Admin (M&G) Revenue 6SS suspended for FY '08 Total: 28 3,299 57E TOTAL REVENUE = 53R 858,490 860,000 -0.2 % 50R Released Net Assets-Program 7SS filings. 58E OPERATING RESULTS (50,509) 51R Released Net Assets-Equipment CRE Preliminary Calculation of Cost Reimb. Excess Rev. * * (subject to OSD adjustment ) 52R Released Net Assets-Time MASSACHUSETTS CONTRACT INFORMATION NON-REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE DETAIL Description 53R Total Revenue = 57E 858,490 Dept Contract ID -11 Characters MMARS Code 1N Direct Employee Compensation & Related Exp. 1C _ X 2N Direct Occupancy 48,368 related party rent in excess of cost SUBCONTRACTED DIRECT CARE EXPENSE DETAIL 2C _ X 3N Direct Other Program/Operating Subcontractor Name FEIN Expense Amt. 3C _ X 4N Direct Subcontract Expense 1SDC 4C _ X 5N Direct Administrative Expense 2SDC 5C _ X 6N Direct Other Expense 3SDC POS SUBCONTRACT INFORMATION 7N Direct Depreciation 1,525 Luxury vehicle depreciation 4SDC State Dept Payor Name Payor's FEIN 8N Total Direct Non-Reimbursable (Tie to 54E) 49,893 (Any Excess of Non-Reimbursable Expense over Eligible 5SDC 1PS 9N Total Direct and Allocated Non-Reimb. (54E+55E) 49,893 Revenue Offsets is subject to recoupment where the 2PS 10N Eligible Non-Reimbursable Exp. Revenue Offsets program is purchased by the Commonwealth and must be Comm. Of MA Surplus Rev. Retention Share (50,509) 3PS 11N Capital Budget Revenue Adjustment recognized as a liability on the Financial Statements.) 12N Excess of Non-Reimbursable Expense Over Offsets 49,893 PREPARER COMMENTS: (Number/Street) 26 FREDERIC L. CHAMBERLAIN CENTER, INC. Federal ID Number: 04-2593666 Notes to Uniform Financial Report For the Year Ended August 31, 2015 Line 42E - Other Professional Fees and Administrative Expenses: School Programs $ 66,915 5,088 62,893 30,407 48,108 33,049 18,798 4,766 20,722 4,498 (2,130) $ 293,114 Other Professional Fees Advertising and Program Development Costs Maintenance Financial Services Fees Telephone and Communications Computer Supplies and Upgrades Office Supplies and Expenses Dues and Subscriptions Equipment Rental Postage and Shipping Miscellaneous Expense Administrative 55,719 84,749 824 28,024 4,897 13,563 18,876 21,054 982 4,442 30,990 $ 264,120 Fundraising $ $ - Administrative 5,799 $ 5,799 Fundraising $ $ - Administrative 195,890 6,673 103,903 43,910 3,019 12,930 $ 366,325 Fundraising $ $ - $ $ $ Total 122,634 89,837 63,717 58,431 53,005 46,612 37,674 25,820 21,704 8,940 28,860 557,234 Line 48R - Other Revenue School Programs $ 184,652 133,379 $ 318,031 Interest on Related Party Notes Receivable One to One Coverage Miscellaneous Revenues $ $ $ Total 5,799 184,652 133,379 323,830 Line 54E - Non-Reimbursable Expenses: UFR Line 1N 2N 3N 3N 6N 7N Non-reimbursable salary and wages Related party rent in excess of costs Foreign expansion costs Bad Debt - Uncollected tuition Luxury vehicle interest expense Depreciation expense on luxury vehicles School Programs $ 341,590 20,842 $ 362,432 $ Passenger Vehicle Disclosure Make Model Year Purchase Price Date of Purchase Primary Use Garaged Usage this Year Mercedes ML550 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2012 $58,268.71 3/9/2012 Administration W. Barnstable, MA 9/1/14 to 8/31/15 2011 $32,900 5/26/2011 Administration West Barnstable, MA 9/1/14 to 8/31/15 GMC Yukon 2011 $53,920 6/16/2011 Program Kingston, MA 9/1/14 to 8/31/15 Compensation Disclosure - Other Compensation Personal Use of Vehicle William Doherty Jeanne Edwards Sarah Norfleet Diane Wilson Melissa Connors $ $ $ $ $ 17,852 6,058 5,790 - Total $ $ $ $ $ GMC Acadia 17,852 6,058 5,790 - 27 2011 $47,376 6/16/2011 Admissions New Bedford, MA 9/1/14 to 8/31/15 $ $ Total 195,890 348,263 103,903 43,910 3,019 33,772 728,757 BOARD OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER We the Board of Directors of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc., met on February 10, 2016 and have voted to recognize and accept the representations of management and the expression of Opinions by Feeley Driscoll, PC. as embodied in the Basic Financial Statements, Supplementary and Subsidiary Financial Statements and Schedules and Independent Auditor?s Report (UFR) for the year ended August 31, 2015. In addition, we, the Board of Directors of Frederic L. Chamberlain Center, Inc., hereby certify under penalty of perjury that to the best of the members of the Board of Directors? knowledge, all material related party relationships and auditing standards, and other representations made by management are accurate and have been correctly and completely disclosed as required in the notes to the financial statements and schedules of the UFR for the period ended August 31, 2015. Signatory for Board of Directors: Title: hail-Mar? ,4qu+ am! ?uency, Date; B/lg/l? (I C,