I severed?, mos.?- ?s'lff- . s: Hug-.- - . . .o -. . .. POLICE DEPARTMENT saunas rattanstama. rotor RICHARD 8053 Commissioner June 8. 2016 Mr. Dustin Slaught Philadelphia. PA 1 19 RE: RightoTo-Know Act Request Dear Mr. Slaughter: Your Right-To-Know Act request dated 05-02-16 was received by this o??rce on 05-02-16 r: l. Anyan allcopies Unit?s and Procedures? or, if titled differently. the closest equivalent document. Please s_ attached copy of the version issued in 1993. On 05-09-1: . correspondence was sent to you acknowledging receipt of your request and also stated that the asserted its right to (up to) an additional 30 days to: a. to ascertain the requested record does exist. b. for legal re to determine whether the record(s) is a record(s) subject to access under the Aet, - c. to deteminl ifthe request requires the reduction ofa public unearths). d. for bona tide staf?ng limitations (in retrieving and reviewing the record(s) requested). and e. the requestI refuses to pay applicable fees authorized by this act. Alter prone your request, the Philadelphia Police Departan responds as follows: Your request is granted. The sole record responsive to your request is the Standards and Procedures for the Philadelphia Police Department's Organized Crime Intelligence Unit dated January I993. which remains in Attached please ?nd the record responsive to your request. Please note that the Department is not required to ?comment? upon its ectims as part of its response.? Sauer- v. Rivervlew Sch. Dist" 0.0.R. Dirt. AP 2010-1213 (Pa. 0.0.R. Jan. 20. 2011); see also Butter?eld v. DoverArea Sch. Dist, 0.0.R. Dirt. AP 20l0-l048 (Pa. 0.0.R. Dec. 2. 2010) (?nding that ?an agency cannot be expected to weigh the import or draining of its records in order to ful?ll a request"). .i Au. wing}; - o. . DUSTIN SLAUG 06-08-16 GHT-TO-KNOW ACT REQUEST: 05-02-16 Page Two This response will serve to close this particular request for information with out o?ce to the extent permitteQby law. Thank you for contacting the Philadelphia Police Dopartment?s Open Records Of?ce. FOR ml: COMMISSIONER Rapectfully Submitted, saw Assistant Open Records O?icer Philadelphia Police Department 750 Race Street. Room 203 PA 19106 PolbeRightTomeGphihgov .-.. .. .. . . - . ?vs wag- -- . I STANDARDS AND mums . non THE I .: pouca ouvnn'mw-r-s ORGANIZED CRIME UNIT - JMIUMIY I993 Mt'muL - Wt?'d In?ux b?mssiou snme ?a M. I, It: dip-lull (the {alumina (km a to slim non-?u a; cum: 0] 1mm and o! ?cum camp-tuneup!? ?d visa-mum mumch 4 mm. or pun-h; cue-I ?at 0313.0 in china v! No and.? '03 in MM the puulw and ?31th [um-lg no! (airman-n um ecu-mt DWI-?awn a pm? the rum and tam-ac? um! I . . ?u gal-I'M" that [allow kn MN cam-mu pom-u [no ll: tum?: nun-ll a! u- ?(oonuau me can" can. auhmmlag ?u ?atworm-cl mu! pan-men tam! gunman? mob untli In 0 - mm c. ?a m. ?mums A. Islam's?: amuse: um [out that I!?qu and ?cu-mum who we ?mum sumac! a Wu- I. ?tut?. any 0! ti. [nu-win; mu 0! duh? cum-nun 70* In" m? - Arum - Odin} Coot-Infamy - ammo- - huh; - (mum; ?at-cm?! Wag - two-m had 10 MW - can: launch-3 - Mum!" - hmmuucu?uoy Mann. cum: . hm up!? taught). Mining. at. . - ruminan- - I 'ownm - fun" has an ual:- platen, 1 cm"- . the an dug-Wu [on-h In mama. an mum: a tuna-um ?un?outta-cc [so ?We "30 human: ?llama mum-d It It?: than.? which mm" a nuancqu or main was. II a grin-Int "man an- Mloullnl than! Incomi- 7h org-mun cum hum.qu um am ?ma. mum. ?stud-on hula-Ina" It ?Incl lawns-lint "have ell-old". "mm: or "3138.? um? at a gem. or my. 00 that noun-l haunt. or mam-us ?1m ml: ?um um and!) "Ian-l to ?lain! ?aim. ?hinge.? ?un?n- In!" l. . . 0? Fulani. Cum-inns". on. autumn-thaw a mu. "mulled II ham?. "Natl um". "nu' 'I'Ifo?y?hm. or Inc-dun" a! may pt": of you was-amb- tor ?In: pup-u o! gun-qu humus-m Moo-m?. cg? mum um um mu approval he lou- ?nul?l In In?ow-g Mm: I p.133. - wanna I 'd Th Foqu mm OI II: ?ap-luv WJWQ mm tun nut-dun? ?Iml?lum Milt?: II {In mm . can-slain?: claims; ?no tum lau- ?mum ?IIqu iubdlug It. ?Null-"mil Illa-l and uric-nuns 1 Iman mum namin- oat-cu. The 'lumllhun lulu ol Lb: ?lin- Counuubm. ml: Con-m n! ?u Haunt-g Mnehr. bu "than-l and In In ?bmudl?. mum?: mull. OI Inc-Ind ?pun. - ?you ?u blown-u plimd will lanai-It), be sub-Inland II II: ??lcl Cull-Hour will I Maul - in ?ulna-II" at It: nun hallo-Ill.- I cl Mil-uh. I nu.? i W'd 0' vl? in Ink?! and {mm lulu Mtluu It ?my. by Ink-r Can-ultlu?. In ulna! Gm?th Chin lulu-?I nu? 5' obtain-l II hull? nun. the Will is I. In ?llet Commissioner or II: If "mu-OI will ?u slop-mud or o?gnppunl rant-n. in?. I ?ll" I'mqu will in .I?parul lain-mu! nu [me It? Colloul?c lulu-in is: (In- ul'?thl mend-g.