12230 Hatervme Editorial (FAXEOTBG19191 P00211005 08-10-318 10:30 Town of Corinna 2072785200 @834 HMS f' I (c9197 arm REPORT Rabies Management-Program. Date: (9 Dispatch #3 Case #1 12? HUMAN (Victim) IDENTIFICATION . . 903: 3?1 [?00 Male '8 Panda Name: Address: if minnr, Parent'uala 1 . . Raia?cnahip: Address (ifdifferant): home . [w Did victim haw a rabies prevention immunization p?or ta incident? Yes NE: DOMESTIC AMMAL (Victimi (if-animal' coniact) .Type ofanimai: (Pi? PM: owned stray Dw?d Description: femma a Owner: Phone: home . fk - i, ?5 n. I Date ofcurrent rabies vaccinai SVe?a?narian; (km?ham: License No.: ta: Clinlu: Rabies Tag 35?? Exp. Date: a?moreHwep m5- SUSPECT AMMAL IDENTIFICATION Typepf animal: owned stray wad - Descripllon: . . male female age: owner. I . - Phone: home I Address: . Veterinarian: - Phone: I L. :1 ?Maw? 0130? Ros/Maj Dam of current rabies vaccination: .?umr gar! 0611912016 32230 Naterville Editoriai Passions 08?10316 10:30 Town of Corinna 2072786200 i-U4b v} Liceiisa?wo; - - Si'ate: .. Clinic: Rabies Tagii . Exp. Date} A Date reamed: Reported by: .. Daie ofbiia: Type o'iconimi: Mane scratch Bother (specify): Body pards) bitten audio: scratched: Medimlcarafequi?red? ?-yas Elna. ifyes. hospiiai&decior: i/idma L5 deceased Was rabies exposiura prophylaxis given to victim? yes no unknown Hes animal been acting strangaiy. or bitten anyone receniiy? Yes No if yes. piease explain: Was attack provoked? yes no Please dawiba incideni: 15?" OF ANIMAL . Owner's po?session v? Euthanized I sent to HETL for testing a V?terinary Hespiiai - Unknewn- Animai Shaiier - Ci Boarding Kennei [3 Other (specify): Name a location: "Bi/mgr Em: Va} Date Quarantine: Date of raiease:WVeie?naw checked? yes [3 no 3" . suspecv . . . Owner's possession - Ci Euihanized I sent to HETL for testing - Vet?rin?iy Hospital Unknown - - - -- - -. Name of a in?ation; Date of Quarantine: Date a? :eiease: Veterinary checkad? Ci yes [3 no x) arr-men :g Mania: Enforcement: El Rabies Aciyisoiy Notice Ci Quaraqiine Notice [3 Summunses [3.0th 0611 012016 12:30 Haterville Editorial (FW078619191 P.004i005 05-10316 10:30 Town of Corinna 2072785200 F-O4B nu . Appendix . ANIMAL BITE '(page 1 of 2) Data: (-9 (to be ?led with mumcupakw manage lb VICTIM IDENTIFICATION (if human contact) Name: Hm Bra . If minor, Address, if di?'erem: Did Victim have rabies prev . DOMESTIC ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION (mm CONTACT) Me, ofAnimai: 8U I I Owned Sway Wild Duaorimim: Pi gga was: :90 i m- 1/ 6 Date of current :a'bies Vaudlna?oa: Vctc?an?Tdephm Lima ?State: WElinic: Tag Expiration date: 3 We: bias nm? Can ?rmed 36%? any #am ?i?lbr 49er SUSPECTANMAL . mac ofAnim! Owned WILDC We?; 3 AGEGFKNOWN) ?amed? ownemzeeper ?rciaphma: . Addrw? Date. of mutant rabiea vaccina?m Veterinarian Ted. .0. DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT Damepoxted: Rapunedby: Dana ofmnlaw 13in 8:33th 1 Other (specify): Body Mailed we required? YesM NM 3 df?o! on seem. SO 06!?012016 12:31 Hatervi?e Editorial PDOSIOOS 08~10-? 18 10:30 Town of Corinna 2072785200 T4334 F-046 - Appendix. ANIMAL BITE REPORT {page 2 z) Beam: Was rabies exposure givcn to victim? WM 1? No Unkgown 3 Date of ?rst prophylaxis immunization: second immunization: Wh?re dldinnidemtake place? 2212 Provoked? Yes No i Description ufmc'den? (341 CW (1 la; on. e. Ifowmr?s possession: Euthanized and aamtoHBTL fortee?ng: Unknown (not captured) 3 Vexexmaw Animal Shaker: Boarding Kennel: 3. . ?Nameoffaci?tyMocationLWD'Mne er? Telephons:_ Dam of quaran?na: Date of release: Veterinary exam? Yes No DISPOSITION OF SUSPECT ANIMAL In owners possessienx Budwdzed?andeanttoHETL {attesting Unknawn:( Nutoaptured:() Veterinary hOSpital:( Ar?ma! ahelter? Boarding kcnneM) Other (spasm/L :54 Name Bf facility 85 location: 0 Data of quarantine: Date of release: Vete?uary email?- Yes No GFFICER Signature: K77 .. I I?StWD24rTill?gu . Mr.- ?immw ?nial, - eemenn bias Ad '35 Netj?zquamine No?c? CiviUCrimina1 3 Hes animal been or him anyanereaently? Yes No Ifyes, expfain: .A 51