Mr Cass my +0 Qua/a MM 0% mama?s-m . L9 pg? - eat tan-?7 Skewe- 0 [aw 763sz ?Jh kt! ?q?ra? hf)- and new - - . THIS STUDENT IS: :3 NOT ENROLLEE IN EsoL PROGRAM Fag-Lox- amd Mame/a mm WM . SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. LUCIE-COUNTY ?hj??he elm -. STUDENT REFERRAL T0 - - each/II? DATE: 0 1/ SCHOOL: iad/i GRADE: '7 Law? #64535? 523??- PERSON MG REFERRAL IS: mama: . El PARENT Mae r3 ADMINISTRATOR -- a: . I - LAM @L?ac?fx, EJ CURRENTLY ENROLLEDINESOL PROGRAM rm - r' . - Cl FORMERLY ENROLL 1N ESOL PROGRAM 0m 52d 9% ?f/Dwr .. @r?rmaata gc?r?arizzi I n46! I: - 75 (aw-wig? achamc I Please respond to each applicable area regarding the identified-shim and include additional docummtatiun as needed. Attach this farm and supporting documentation to the OBSERVAHON OF STUDENT RMAN Ma 7% 71723 45'; gt" 45.5.; 5 S?g/wyCal; 2. GR UCATIO XPERIEN ESISTUDENT 'We. 23% 1.2 3. STUDENTS LEVEL OF MASTER-Y OF BASIC COMPETENCIES IN ENGLISH Rom: LANGUAGE: ?nish L?g: 'xzaf 563% - -- - am Jam? If 9" I: a? .6 6341?19 "'5?ch Mfg.- - k. 7 gin-care #3 Mead/iv?; . . 4. mm's REPORT CARD GRADES FOR CURRENT ANDJOR PREvIous YEAR: . Sea, @125 grade card ?hof J- .- - [friend . 5. STUDENTS TEST RESULTS IN AREAS OTHER THAN LISTENING, SPEAKING, 12131371?; AND WIRING: amm- If} GE gl/m/ as a Manf- ahdf DISTRIBUTION: CUMULATIVE FOLDER (WHITE) GUIDANCE (YELLOW) FORM Southan Middle School 2420 SE Momiugside Port St Lucie, FL 34952 April 23, 1999 MLMaleenS Port St Lucie. FL 34953 Dear ML Seddique: l9, l999'mwhinhl outlined Omar's alumina mnfimm presently classmomcreum distractiom 3m become amainsomoe him. Fixthamom,it'0mcanimpmvebis among: hispcets and "ms gain selfiwnfidmcc. 1min Easter pwhibiting Omar fiom lo class/school rules. Monom, I have found that Omar does little work in my unlws mninded Omarto that he is insnhoolto work Mm: Ioplay andfiml around. It wouldbe veryhelpfill if you discussed will-1 him fiequemly that school is a place to wurk and apply himself Wally. 01112: has gm! diflicuhy fucusing on his classwork since 11: oflen seeksthe attention of his classmatgs through some sort afmisc, disrupfiou, or dimminm This ultimately lads 01m: (0 be disciplined, loose valuable ill-clam time to complete his assigumem, and easily impmimt and restless whmhe "s unable to complete Mr. reminderslhatapositivz atfilude improst nbilitylo perform excellem academic work. Inadditiun, if Omarfocmmore habits. STUDENT STUDY TEAM REFERRAL Studen; 1 My all Seddl'gyg, Grad. Teacher Sign Date of Fuentes Name Ln. 0 00? 0 5i Luc'gg Father's Hark fiddly" Maw/u Hark phone Mather's Hark Mafia: Hark phone-- Acadamic stars of goncem: "Shh/m 1% Wflij/MW 07% "01/1" OWL 14? 7% ad mm' Wow :Wxi/Lw/ Behavioral erl'I-Iof cunt-tn: VV aiifijgeby7?XI abuou;( 0V4 .Mnd V/o Mfeg/ ave you had any purent conferences? 65 . Manic-l glasses: Hearing Aid Plans: list any serious medical conditinns a: medicatiens: Has this child been :eferrea Par Student study Team or testing In th: past? Has this Child bun retained?