SUCH, KAHN A SHEPARD, PIC. Anarnoy: J, Aucrnoy ID:o:5952u06 7 Conlury Uni/n. 101 Pnryinpany. Nuw Jun-y 01054 (911) 5304100 HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT ASSISTANCE AU JERS UPERIOR COURT OF NE SAW DIVISION-MERCER CUUNTV ammo: CIVIL ACTION PIaInlm v- GONZALEZ COMPLAINT Delandanfls) Plaintiffls), HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY, resIdIng a! A Quakorbridg. PIaza. NJ 035150545, say(s): i, Plainlln I: an a! m. Stat. of New Joruy crumd by 48 oil!" laws 01 1999 as amundbd. known and chad an [he Highar Educarlon Stud-n! Law and hcroaflar called "In Ad. 2. By lh. Act. PIaInlIfiwas glvan authorlty. among to act as guaranlnr :Iudint loanl qranlsd by lending and {a purchase miles In dnlauli from such landing FIRST COUNT: Them In dull as per the tarml 0! a Note lxaculud by (hi CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ, rho sum ol 5133.600." hand on a dolaulisd Nquss Promissory Mom The NJCLASS Promlsoory Noin ioan numim mi SECOND COUNT: There I: due plalmm as per the (arms of (hi uld Not! Imm (ha CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ, Inlaresi :3 of 36MBme 9, 2015 at the Interest rah 0' 7.56% In sum DI $33,797.01. THIRD There i: dun plalnfifl lrom lhI defendanus), CHRISTOPHER as per in. mm: oi the said More, contractual anornoy Inn: at In. ml. of Manly percani band on prindpal and orinlnal Int-roll In the sum of 343.68158. WHEREFDRE, Plaimi" demands Judgmum for the sum o'3266.019.91 the defendanql) plus accruing Interest to the date of Judgment. and costar CERTIFICATION: Pullman! Io [he pravislonl MR 445 (he anof nay herein canifles (hat this mamr I not auiilnct In any orb-r action pending in any court or arbitration nor Is any ncIIon :r come 6 |Ik "mm mpIalad, an a nown nucassury parties haw Ira-n lolnod In \hlu