AFFIDAVIT OF CHRISTIA MERCER I, CHRISTIA MERCER, being of sound mind and over 18 years of age, MAKE OATH and say the following facts and mailers, drawn from my own knowledge and belief unless otherwise stated: I) I am the Gustave M. Berne Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Columbia University, where I have worked since 1991. Previously I have worked as II professor at the University of Oslo, Norway, Centre Alexandre Keyce, Ecole des Haules Etudes en Sciences Sociales, and the Seminar filr Gcistcsgeschichte und Philosophie der Renaissar'lCe, University of Munich, Germany. My research interests include early modern philosophy, the history of PlalOnism and the history of feminism. 2) During my junior professorship at Columbia University in the 1990s, Professor Thomas Pegge WIIS a senior professor in the Philosophy Department. 3) 4) There was one particular incidenl when J understand from conversations with others in the departmenl that he was abusive towards one staff member in a strikingly aggressive way. He was verbally attacking her. After he Slopped yelling, the woman asked him, "Well, is there anything else that] can do for you?" Professor Pogge tokl her, "You l;an stand up and spin around." He was reprimanded for that inl;idcnt, which I and others in the department agreed was inappropriate behavior, 5) Around 1994-1995, there was talk among the professors and students in the Philosophy Department about how Professor Pogge had been accused of sexually harassing an Asian-American graduate student. 6) I then saw an intcrnal rcport written by in the department, which criticized Professor Pogge for his behavior. J am sure that I was not supposed to see this report, as tbe whole affair was kept highly confidential and junior faculty were not supposed to be privy to what was transpiring. 1 do know, however,that the report was sUDscqucntly scnt to the President of Arts and Sciences, Steven Marcus. 7) I know from a recent discussion with that Pogge had assaulted a student in his office, but that the incident could not be make public. 8) Shortly after this, Professor Pogge left the Philosophy Department and was transferred to the Political Science Department. The official reason given for his leaving was that he simply "didn't gct along here." I believe, based on the above, that the true reason for his departure is connccted 10 these allegations of sexual Affidavit of Christia Mercer Page t oFZ harassment. 9) It is my personal belief that Professor Pogge is a man who serially harasses young women. He has gotten away this behavior over the years because he is skilled at manipulating people and the system to avoid responsibility for his actions. In short. I think he is dangerous. I solemnly af?rm under penalty of perjury that the contents of the foregoing are true to the best of my knowledge. C??ut??a Signed Christia Mercer Dated July 18, 2014 Address