Provided June 17, 2016 1516 RTKL 0181 PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of School Safety SUBJECT: I. PATROL DIVISION POLICY A. II. Directive #2 The purpose of Patrol is to prevent crime, protect property, assist students, staff and visitors when called upon. PATROL PROCEDURES A. Patrol personnel will familiarize themselves with Directive #1, Responsibilities and Functions of School Police Radio and READ THE ADDENDUM TO DIRECTIVE # 1, ALARM SYSTEM, OPENING AND CLOSING PROCEDURE. B. After Roll Call, all patrol personnel, will contact radio and place themselves in service. C. Radio Dispatchers will broadcast all patrol car assignments using the following format: Call Sign Location Assignment 181 West Phila, H.S. Meet Principal D. DAY PATROL: 1. Patrol units receiving assignments will respond by giving call sign and the phrase . They will proceed to the scene safely without delay and notify radio upon arrival by stating 2. When making a routine or extra check at a school/facility, the officer will contact School Police Radio Dispatcher, 3. Located in the main office will be the day building entry log for all supervisors and officers to sign with signature, badge number, time in and out, and the reason for the visit. 4. The administrator/principal will be contacted upon arrival and the complaint or request for service will be handled. 5. When assignment is completed the officer will prepare a SP-16 report with details of the service/incident rendered. 6. Reports must be complete, i.e. radio call/sight/verbal assignment from supervisor; in/out of service; indicate nature of service, police (names and numbers) on location. Copy will be left with the principal/designee and on the weekend leave copy with the Building Engineer as well. 1-2 7. Patrol unit will return to service by giving ". Complete the daily patrol log entry. 8. Patrol units will remain in their assigned region unless ordered to another region or assignment by radio or a supervisor. 9. Officer will forward information (on a timely basis) to his/her supervisor, headquarters, or School Police Radio Dispatcher who will insure the appropriate back-up support if needed. E. NIGHT PATROL: 1. Patrol units receiving assignments will respond by . They will proceed to the scene safely without delay and notify radio upon arrival by 2. When making a routine or extra check at a school/facility the officer will contact Radio Dispatcher. When acknowledged, 3. Prior to entering the building, a perimeter check will be made to ensure all external screens, windows and doors are secure and locked. If a break is discovered, Radio Dispatcher will be notified of the location and it will be asked that Philadelphia Police be notified. Await arrival of police before entering building. Refer to Assist Officer Bulletin #04-01. 4. Notify Radio when entering the building. Officers entering a building will make a thorough inspection of the entire building, with special attention to the Main Office, Library, Computer Room, and Vending Areas, etc. Unsecured areas will be noted on a SP-16, and a copy left for the principal. 5. Located in the custodian's office is a night building entry log. All school police personnel will sign this log, entering badge number, name, and time in/out and reason for entry. 6. Prior to leaving the building prepare a SP-16 report and leave one (1) copy for the Building Engineer and one (1) for the Principal. The white copy will be turned in at the end of the shift with the patrol log. 7. If required, call in an incident report to the radio room. Log the Incident and note dispatcher’s name on your patrol log as well as the SP-16 report. 8. Forwarding information on a timely basis to your supervisor, headquarters and radio will insure you receive appropriate back-up support if needed. 9. Patrol units will remain in their assigned region unless ordered to another region or assignment by radio or a supervisor. 2-2 F. An in-service patrol unit which fails to answer an assignment directed to their designated vehicle will be cited as “Failing to Acknowledge Radio Call" and be subject to disciplinary action. 1. Police Radio will call a unit After the a supervisor will be notified and the appropriate action will be initiated. G. In the event no patrol vehicle is available or if an available vehicle fails to respond, the assignment will be given to a supervisor. H. It is the officer's responsibility to notify radio of their status. Radio/alarm room dispatchers will request the reason whenever a vehicle goes out of service. If one is not given, record the information into the log of events, the date and time, and notify a supervisor. I. School police officers will not be permitted to use the call, “En route to lunch." They will call out to lunch upon their arrival, giving their lunch location. The exact location will be given. After thirty (30) minutes have elapsed the dispatcher will return the patrol unit to in- service status. J. Back-up patrol vehicles: Radio will assign "back-up" on assignments requiring it, or whenever requested. K. Report: A patrol vehicle given a L. Headquarters: A patrol vehicle given . M. Requesting Equipment-Patrol units requesting equipment of a special nature will advise radio of the particular type needed and the specific purpose for which it is needed; i.e., locks to secure screens etc. N. Fire Apparatus: 1. Fires: give location and type (car, house, fields, etc.) 2. Rescue/medic units- give location and nature of medical emergency. O. Back-Up Patrol: Patrol units in need of additional personnel, but who are not in any danger, shall request additional cars stating "No Emergency". Officers will state location, call sign, and the nature of the request. P. Priority Back-Up: When assistance is needed, other than routine, but officer is in no immediate danger, state location, call sign, and the nature of request. 3-2 Q. Assist Officer: Shall be the highest priority call broadcasted over the radio. It takes precedence over all other assignments. It is broadcast only when a police officer is believed to be in danger of death and/or serious bodily injury, or if another person is in the same serious danger. Also, if a riotous situation exists over which the officer can no longer exert control. Officers will state location, call sign, and the nature of the request. R. Non-Emergency Patrol: 1. 2. 3. Learn what streets to avoid because of heavy traffic. 4. Observe bus routes between schools and transportation hubs and be alert for disturbances in these areas. 5. Know the schools in your region that do not have a school police officer assigned. Give these schools extra service. Patrol the outside perimeter; stop in the office and inquire about any problems, and sign the school log book, etc. 6. When schools are in session, school police officers will operate their patrol vehicles slowly and cautiously and turn their vehicle dome lights on when travelling through a school safety zone during student arrival and dismissal. Arrival hours are: 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.; Dismissal hours are 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. If the time of school arrival and dismissal is adjusted, the activation of the patrol dome lights will apply. 02-18-04 Revised 7-21-08 June 2015 BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF SAFETY EXECUTIVE OFFICE of SCHOOL SAFETY 4-2