Provided 6-17-16 1516 RTKL 0181 PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL DISTRICT Office of School Safety Directive #16 SUBJECT: INCIDENT REPORT (EH-31, SP-16, SP-18) I. POLICY To establish and maintain a permanent written record of all incidents occurring within the schools. An Incident Report will be called in as soon after the incident as possible. B. The EH-31 will be the official school report completed by the principal or a designee of the school involved and will be submitted within 2 days to the Incident Control Unit, located in 440 N. Broad, Room 133, 215-400-6100. C. The SP-16 and SP-18 are the official forms to record all incidents. D. In the event no school based officer is available, the responding patrol officer will be responsible to complete a SP-16 and SP-18, and file an incident report. A. II. A. DEFINITIONS Incidents to be Reported: 1. Health, safety, and welfare of students, employees, and visitors are affected. 2. May be of a criminal nature. 3. May generate public concern. 4. Occurs within the school, on school grounds, traveling to or from school, during after-school programs, evening school and Saturday school programs, or other related school functions. a. In addition to the EH-31, the School Police Officer will complete the SP-16 form, “Officer Complaint or Incident Form,” including all the pertinent information about the incident. b. This report is to be signed by the School Police Officer and School Police Officer and left in the Administrator’s office and, if after hours, a copy in the Building Engineer’s office and the Administrator’s office. c. If after hours, the SPO will notify School Police Radio Dispatcher at 215-400-6000 then complete an SP-16 form as part of his/her preliminary investigation, he/she will leave copies as described in letter “b” above. d. The SPO is always to notify his immediate supervisor and, if during normal hours of operation, the principal or designee. e. As soon as possible, the administrator or designee must report any additional information of the incident as outlined below. f. When an emergency occurs (fire, vandalism, etc.) the SPO will notify the Radio Dispatcher, who will in turn notify the Building Engineer and/or Facilities Area Coordinator. 1 - 16 B. Examples of Incidents to be reported 1. Assaults. 2. Accident & Illness. 3. Accident with Vehicle. 5. Bomb Scares. 6. Burglary. 7. Bus Incidents. 8. Extortions. 9. Disorderly Conduct. 10. Drug & Alcohol Offense. 11. Fires & False Alarms. 12. Graffiti. 13. Investigations (i.e., lost child). 14. Morals Offenses. 15. Non-School Related Arrest. 16. Open Property. 17. Robbery. 18. Thefts. 19. Trespassing. 20. Vandalism. 21. Threats (Verbal & Written). 22. Weapons Offenses. 23. Property Damage. 24. Electronic Devices. 25. Suicide Attempts/ Threats. 26. Investigation of Child Abuse. 27. Abductions & Attempts. 28. Investigations of Hate Crimes. 29. Pickets/Demonstrations. 30. Harassment. 31. Deaths. 32. Computer Crimes. 33. Rumors of impending disturbances, and indications of increasing tensions in the school or community, must also be reported promptly to Regional Office, School Police supervisor, local Philadelphia Police Captains. 2 - 16 C. Incidents must be reported immediately if the incidents are of such a serious nature that assistance is needed immediately from either the Office of School Safety and/or the Philadelphia police (911), or if the incident may have negative parental or public awareness connotations (if such applies, the following procedure must be followed): 1. After emergency steps have been taken, the SPO will telephone a summary of the incident to the Incident Control Desk ). If calling after normal work hours, the School Police Radio Dispatcher must be contacted at 215-400-6000. The Incident Control Desk will later be informed of the incident through the Radio Dispatcher. The SPO will then contact the Incident Control Desk the following school day. 2. The Office of School Safety will notify the Office of Communications when there is a possibility that the communications media may seek information regarding the incident. 3. A copy of the SP-16 and SP-18 will be supplied to the principal to complete an EH-31. 4. The EH-31, SP-16, and SP-18 may only be shared with others after receiving the approval of the Law Department. Students’ addresses and/or telephone numbers are confidential and may not be shared with other students or parents. 5. Incidents involving property damage or loss to the School District must be reported on the EH-31 form. 6. The report should include the School District’s property identification number, manufacturer’s serial number, product code, model number, brief product description, and replacement cost. 7. Stolen property must be reported to the police. III. PROCEDURES A. The official procedure for the preparation and distribution of the SP-16 report for the Platoon/TASK Force (Day Work Patrol), “B”, and “C” Platoons is as follows: 1. “A” Platoon/TASK Force (Day Work Patrol) a. Complete SP-16 for incidents and “out of ordinary events” including founded and unfounded incidents. b. Notify Incident Desk (from 8AM to 4PM). Incident Desk generates “Incident Report” and provides control number, which will identify the incident for future reference. c. When warranted, a copy of the incident shall be given to the Administrator in charge. d. SP-16s are submitted to the Patrol Supervisor. After the Patrol Supervisor reviews and signs the SP-16s, copies will be made for the pertinent commander. 3 - 16 2. B. Day Work Patrol-Weekends, “B” & “C” Platoons a. Officers must always complete the SP-16 report prior to leaving the building. The SP-16 will be prepared and submitted for founded and unfounded incidents. b. If an incident is founded, the Radio Dispatcher is to be notified. The information is then forwarded to the Incident Desk, where a report is generated. c. SP-16s are submitted to the Patrol Supervisor. After the Patrol Supervisor reviews and signs the SP-16s, copies will be made for the pertinent commander. All school based SPO’s will complete an SP-18, along with the SP-18A log. This information will be provided to the principal. 07-15-04 Revised 07-12-06 JUNE 2015 BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF SAFETY EXECUTIVE OFFICE of SCHOOL SAFETY 4 - 16