A0 10 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT by Wm Rev 1/2015 in Government Act ofl978 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 (5 use. (nip. 101?111) 1. Person Reporting (last name, ?rst, middle initial) 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of Report Sotomayor, Sonia Supreme Court ofthe United States 05/09/2016 4. Title (Article judges indicate active or senior status; 5a. Report Type (check appropriate type) 6. Reporting Period magistratejudges indicate l?ull- or part?time) Nomination Date 01/01/2015 AssociateJustice Initial Annqu Final t0 12/31/2015 Sb. AmendedReport 7. Chambers or Of?ce Address 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructions accompanying this form must befoiiowetl. Complete allparts, checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reportable information. 1. PS. (Reporting individual only; see pp. 9-13 of ?ling instructions.) NONE (No reportable positions.) POSITION NAME OF ll. TS. (Reporting individual only; see pp. 14-16 of ?ling instructions.) NONE (No reportable agreements.) DATE PARTIES AND TERMS FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Name 0? Date of Report Page 2 Of 7 Sotomayor, Sonia 05/09/2016 . (Reporting individual and Spouse; see pp. I 7?24 of ?ling instructions.) A. Filer?s Non-Investment Income NONE (No reportable non?investment income.) ME SOURCE AND TYPE (yours, not spouse's) B. Non-Investment Income - i you were married durin any portion oft/re re ortng year, complete this section. 5' (Dollar amount not required exceptfor lionororia.) NONE (N0 reportable non-investment income.) DATE SOURCE 1V. -- transportation, lodging, food, entertainment. (includes those to spouse and dependent children; 566 pp 25727 o??/ing instructions.) I: NONE (No reportable reimbursements.) DATES LOCATL bl PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED 1. Palm Beach County Bar 2/2/2015 West Palm Beach, FL Address Transportation and Meals Assn. Forum of the Palm Beaches 2. Davidson College 3/12/2015 through Davidson, NC Discussions with groups of Transportation, Lodging and Meals 3/13/2015 faculty and students 3. New York University School 3/13/2015 New York, NY Panel Discussion on Transportation and Meals of Law Burt Neuborne?s book "Madison's Music" 4. Columbia University School 4/10/2015 New York, NY Discussion with faculty and Transportation and Meals of Law meeting with Latino Law Students Association FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 3 of 7 Sotomayor, Sonia Name of Person Reporting Date ofReport 05/09/2016 Mawr College 4/17/2015 Mawr, PA Address accepting Katharine Hepburn Medal Transportation and Meals 6. Mt. Sinai Hospital School of 5/7/2015 through New York, NY Address accepting honorary Transportation and Meals Medicine 5/8/20] 5 degree at commencement 7. Association of the Bar of 5/7/2015 New York, NY Address to New Lawyers Meal New York Institute 8. Bronx Childrens Museum 7/23/2015 Bronx, NY Participation in Dream Big Meals Day events 9. University ofNotre Dame 9/1/2015 through South Bend, IN Address, question and Transportation, Lodging and Meals 9/3/20] 5 answer conversation meeting with students, meeting with faculty 10. Amherst College 9/8/2015 Amherst, MA Question and answer Transportation, Lodging and Meals conversation with faculty and students 1 1. Spring?eld Public Forum 9/9/2015 Spring?eld, MA Moderated interview Transportation, Lodging and Meals 12. Pomona College 10/21/2015 through Claremont, CA Question and answer Transportation, Lodging and Meals 10/22/2015 conversation with faculty and students 13. University of the Pacific 10/22/2015 through Stockton, CA Participation in Advancing Transportation, Lodging and Meals 10/23/2015 Women Leadership Conference 14. University of Richmond 1 1/16/2015 through Richmond, VA A conversation w/ Transportation, Lodging and Meals 11/17/2015 faculty and students. with Virginia Supreme Court Justices 15. New York University School 12/1 1/2015 New York, NY Address to Latino Law Transportation and Meal of Law Students Association 16. University Club 12/21/2015 New York, NY Moderated interview Meal FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Mm" 0' Pm? Dale of Rem-rt Page 4 0f 7 Summnyor. Sonia l? V. TS. (Includes those spouse and dependent children,- see pp. 28-3] of?ling instructions.) NONE (W0 reportable gifts.) SOURCE ASLZRIPTION VALUE VI. (Includes those afspamze and dependent claifdrm; see pp. 32-33 of??ng instructions.) NONE mo reportable liabilities.) CREDITOR DESCRIPTION VALUE CODE I. JP Morgan (Shaw. NA Mortgage on Rania] Properly New Yurlnz, New York VII, L'mc l2) 2. 3. 4. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 5 of 7 Name of Person Reporting Sotomayor, Sonia Date of Report 05/09/2016 VII. an -- income, value, transactions (Includes those of spouse and dependent children,- see pp. 34-60 of?h?ng instructions.) NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. Description of Assets (including trust assets) lncome during reporting period B. C. Gross value at end of tcportin period D. Transactions dun'ng reporting period (2) (2) (2) (4) (5) Place after each asset Type Value Value Type Date Value Gain Identity of exempt from prior disclosure div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, mm/dd/yy Code 2 Code 1 buyer/seller or int) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) (J-P) (ifprivate transaction) l. Capital One Bank Account (formerly Direct) 2. Citibank, NA. Accounts Interest 3. Morgan Stanley Bank, NA (H) Interest 4. Templeton Global Bond A Fund Dividend 5. Columbia TRI LC Growth Class A MF Fund Dividend 6. Nuveen NWQ Large Cap Value A Fund Dividend 7. Thornburg IN Growth A Fund Dividend 8. Franklin FLTG RT DLY Access A Common Dividend 9. Morgan Stanley Bank, NA (IRA) (H) interest 10. Blackrock GLB Allocation FD Class A Dividend (IRA) 1 l. Pimco Unconstrained BDA (IRA) Dividend 12. Rental Preperty New York, NY Rent Appraised 2012 l3. 14. 15. 16. 17. Income Gain Codes: A or less (See Columns Bl and D4) 2 Value Codes (See Columns Cl and D3) 3 Value Method Codes (See Column C2) :350 001 - $l 00.000 :51 5.000 or less 23250.00] 5500.000 P3 =525.000.001 550.000.000 =Appraisal :Book Value =5 .00l - $2.500 :5100001 - $l.000.000 =5 5.00l - 350.000 0 :5500.001 - .000.000 =C'ost (Real Estate Only) :Other =$2.501 - $5.000 Ill =5 I 000001 55.000.000 2550.001 - 00.000 451,000.00] - 55.000.000 P4 =More than 31350000000 =Esliinated =$5.001 $6,000 112 =More than 55.000.000 =5100,00 - 3250.000 P2 =$5.000.00 - 521000.000 :515.00l - 3350.000 =Cash Market Name ur Perm? ltupurting Dim, a" new," Page 6 Of 7 Snlumayor?nnin usnwizm ADDITIONAL OR EXPLA NATIONS. Part - As I received no "Non-Investmunl in 2015. Part is marked "None". Furlhummrc. I have been advised by lln: Knopf linnhluduy Group. publisher ul'my ulcnmir, "My licluvutl World", il disbursed no funds during 2015 In Illa: salt: ul'llic buuk. P'an IV Item 9 fur this was provided by privulu plan: owned by snunmr, ?I'hc University or Nam: Dame. Purl IV - lIcms ID and 11 The sponsors cvenis shared Il1c coal nflrallsportntiun and lodging. IV Item - Life Insurance Company was an "Presenting Sponsor" nl'this event. Pam IV a llama: and 13 - The sponsors nI'lIIcse events shnrud Ihc cost and lodging. I?nn VII A Ilum I - Account was closed as af?Janunry 9. 2915. Income and vnluu: were both bcluw level requiring rcpurling. Nnme nf l?ersnn Itepnrting Ihlte n-f Ilepurt Page 7 of 7 Sonia IX. CERTIFICATION. I certify that all information given nlmve (including infurmalinn pertaining to my spouse and miner or dependent children, If any) is true. and emnplete to the best of my knott'ledge and belief, that 1m}- nut reported was withheld beeanse it met nppiiealile statutory provisions permitting non?tiiseiusnre. I further certify enrned ineutne I'l'nm nulsitle and Itonornrin and [he of gifts which have been reported are in enmplinnee with the provisions el? 5 Iii-3.121. npp. S?l et. seq, 5 mail Jndieinl (Innferenee regnlmions. Signature: sf Sonia Sotomnyor NOTE: INDIVIDUAL WHO AND 0R FAILS TO FILE MAY BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL SANCTIONS (5 U.S.C. app. lit-II} Committee on Financial Administrative Of?ce Ui?the United States: (hurts Suite 2601 One Columbus Cireie. NJE. Washington, DC. 20544