(1F thl-?t-?tt?lz? t-?titt t?l?t?ll. 12 (NJ) suit. [-11:th \?tiw sI-?tv volts ttItItIS TIMOTHY J. BLANCIIAIHJ NIEW YORK April 4. zeta Re: Case No. azaa-ztsa Rider Universitv Dear Homespun 5W9 On March t. 30th. the US. Department of Education. I ?ew York Otticc for Civil Rights OCR) received the above-referenced complaint you ?led against Rider University. You alleged that the University Failed to and et uitabl 1* mil to a report ot'scsual assault that your client (the Student) made on or about and. as a result. the Student was subjected to a sexually hostile environment egation I). You also alleged that the University discriminates on the basis ot'scs. by failing to adept and publish grievance procedures that provide tor the prompt and equitable resolulion of student complaints at sex discritninationfharassntent. including sexual assault (Allegation OCR has detcnnined that these allegations are appropriate For investigation. OCR is responsible for enforcing Title IX ot?the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). as amended. 20 tottl et seq.. and its implementing regulation at 34 (ERR. l?art ma. which prohibit discriminatitm on the basis of sex in programs and activities receiving tinaneial assistance from the [1.55. Department of Education {the Department). The University is a recipient of ?nancial assistance than the Department. 'l?herei'ore. OCR has jurisdictional authority to investigate this complaint under Title IX. Because OCR has detenniacd that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was tiled in a timely manner. it is opening the allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations tier investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a detennination with regard to their merits. During the investigation. OCR is a neutral tact-tinder. collecting and analysing relevant evidence than the complainant. the recipient. and other sources. as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sullicient and is dispasitive ot'thc allegations. itt accordance with the provisions ol'r?trticle oi'OE?R's Case Process-rug Manual. The qurrmem mission is to promote strident our! {Ear global emanation-mars by ?atworm}: t'rt'ncott'mm! eradicate and ensuring can"! "cream Page 2 ot'2 Case No. 02-16-12 i so goal is the prompt and appropriate resolution ol'tltc allegations contained in a cotnplaint. OCR ot'l'ers. when appropriate. an [Early C?ontplaint Resolution process. similar to mediation. to facilitate the voluntary resolution ot'compiaints by providing an early opportunity For llte parties involved to resolve the allegationts). Some information about the ECR process is contained in the publication entitled. Complaint Processing Procedures." which was enclosed with OCR's previous letter to you acknowledging your complaint. This int'onnation is also on website at Also. when appropriate. a complaint may be resolved before the conclusion or an investigation alter the recipient expresses an interest to OCR to resolve the complaint. In such cases. OCR obtains a resolution agreement signed by the recipient. This agreement ntust be aligned with the complaint allegations or the obtained during the investigation. and it must be consistent with applicable regulations. Additional about this voluntary resolution process may be Found in the publication. Complaint Processing Procedures." which was enclosed with OCR's previous letter to you. acknowledging your complaint. This inlonnation is also on website at Please be advised that the University may not harass. coerce. intimidate. or discriminate against any individual because he or she has tiled a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. ll'tltis happens. you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Under the Freedom of Act. it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request. it will seek to protect. to the extent provided by law. personally identi?able which. it' released. could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion ot? personal privacy. it' you have any questions. please contact David Kricgcr. Team Attomey. at {(140} 428-3893 or Jocelyn M. Panicali. Compliance Team Attomey. at {ti-lo] 423-379(1 or joeelvnpanicalitrt etl.eov: or me. at {tale} 423-353(11 or Sincerely. Qinn?pdliance Team Leader