and he would have condemned us for not doing likewise. He would never have used the crimes of Stalin to justify or just ignore the crimes of Reagan, Thatcher, or Mitterrand. He would have denounced the French murders in the Paci?c, the American murders through- out the Third World. Sartre knew, as all of us do, that the rich get richer only because the poor get poorer; but unlike the rest of us he would never have stopped shouting it at the top of his voice. He would have asked us why we keep count- ing and recounting the murders of Stalin, why we rarely count the dead in Argentina (40,000), in Brazil (30,000), in El Salvador (100,000), in Guatemala (100,000), in Chile (60,000); why we do not denounce our own country which has two million homeless. And he would Covenant have asked the rest of the world?s intellectuals why they praise a country like the United States that offers no health insurance at all to 27 percent of its people, why they remain silent when their country allies itself with a government that distributes more deadly drugs to US. citizens through its of?cial agencies (the CIA, DIA, DEA, NSC, and so forth) than do all the ma?as and gangster governments of the world combined. Why, Sartre would ask us all again and again, do you who, like me, ferociously defended the right of Israel to exist, not today denounce its policies against the Palestinians, whose right to self?determination cannot be questioned? No wonder Jean-Paul Sartre is the most hated con- science of our century. El Sharon Kessler In the desert where old legends conspire, we are making fresh tracks in the sand, carrying our burden to some resting place. Above the black crest of rock, an arc of slow ?re rises. Morning again. We march forward, a tribe of mute warriors, daughters of a race so lost no legend tells of us. We too heard voices in the wilderness but we built no tabernacle to contain them. The sign of the covenant is not incised upon our flesh, but deep in the one heart of our body the everlasting bush burns and is not consumed. 66 TIKKUN VOL. 4, No. 4