WITNESS STATEMENT INCIDENT DATE: 2 weeks prior to June 19, 2012 We: mm: Patient I employee was called into an exam room with Dr. Abreu for wound care for patient - Patient ,1 employee had been assigned to dermatology but also gets called in to do wound care. She says she walked past Dr. Abreu to get to the sink and supplies and as she went past him he "scooped" her from vaginal area. This caused her to jump back in shock and the patient asked if she was ok because of the sudden movement. - did not answer the patient but allegedly asked Dr. Abreu ?What you do that for?" Dr. Abreu allegedly just laUghed and left with a wicked smile. Patient employee completed the patient's wound care and later reported the incident to management on June 19, 2012. She said that Dr. Abreu later apologized to her but complained that she did not have to go reporting him for it. Patient employee later said that she was not comfortable working in Dr. Abreu. VERIFICATIQN: have read this witness statement and declare that the statements and information detailed above are true, correct and complete to my personal knowledge and belief. Printed Name