BEFORE THE ARIZONA BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINERS IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF: BRIAN L. FINKEL, D.O. Holder of License No. 1830 for the practice of osteopathic medicine in the State of Arizona. CONSENT TO ENTRY OF FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER ACCEPTING SURRENDER OF LICENSE NAY 2 STIPULATION 200 ARIZONA BOARD OF OST,:_C,-.--dHIC EXAMINERS By mutual agreement and understanding, the Arizona Board of ( ~ s ~ J ] c a t E v x 3 , ~ t ' ~ (hereafter "Board") and Brian L. Finkel, D.O. (hereinafter "Respondent"), the parties hereto agree to the following disposition to this matter. 1. Respondent acknowledges that he has read this Consent to Entry and the attached Order; and Respondent is aware of and understands the content of these documents. 2. Respondent understands that by entering into this Consent, he voluntarily relinquishes any rights to a hearing on the matters alleged as grounds for Board action or to seek judicial review of the consent order in state or federal court. 3. Respondent understands that this Consent Order will not become effective unless approved by the Board and signed by its Executive Director. 4. Respondent further understands that this Consent Order, once signed, shall constitute a public record which will be reported to the public, the National Practitioners Data Bank, the Federation of State Medical Boards, and, if appropriate, to other agencies as required by A.R.S. §§ 32-1855 (J) and (K). 5. Respondent admits to the statement of facts and conclusions of law contained in the Consent Order. Finkel / Case 3287 Page 1 of 6 B-SB-28~ 3:27PM FROH 682BzI886B2 P. 6 REOE VED IAY 2 6. 200 ~ : ~ a .G~AAMI . . .OF .EH . All admissions made by Respondem are solely for final disposition of *j~i.s OSTF__OPATN ~ARD N IN MEDICINEAND SURGERY any subsequer~ administrative proceedings or litigation involving the Board and the Respondent and, therefore, said admissions by Respondent are not intended for any other purpose or administrative regulatory proceeding or litigation in another state or federal court. 7. If Respondent's convictions Ln cases CR2002-00!431 and CR2001-015515 are overturned on appeal and he is subsequently found not guilty on all charges or all charges are dismissed by the court on the merits with prejudice, then Respondent and the Board agree to the vacating of this Order and the reinstating ofaU pending complaints (ease numbers 2989, 3008, 3026, 3034, 3036, and 3037) for the Board's continued investigation, review, and determination. REVIEWED t Brian L. Finkel, D.O. REV}EWED AND APPROVED as to form by counsel for Respondent on this 2004. day of Lawrence J. Roserffeld G-reenberg Traurig, LLP REVIEWED AND SIGNED t h i s ' ~ day of 4 for the Board by: . . . . . . . . ~ e i ~ e ~ " ~ r t ( , t~x~rtive Director Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery Finke] / Case 3287 Page 2 of 6 MAY. 0 5 '04 (WED) 1~:~0 COMMUNICATION N o : 1 9 PAGE. 6 6. RECE{iE# All admissions made by Respondent are solely for final disposition of this matter and MAY 2 200, any subsequent administrative proceedings or litigation involving the Board and the t~e~pA~dent and, . . . . . . IIIJl~"ra~~OARD OF" therefore, said admissions by Respondent are not intended for any other purpose or a ~ [ ~ a ° ~ i ~ 6 = " regulatory proceeding or litigation in another state or federal court. 7. If Respondent's convictions in cases CR2002-001431 and CR2001-015515 are overturned on appeal and he is subsequently found not guilty on all charges or all charges are dismissed by the com't on the merits with prejudice, then Respondent and the Board agree to flqe vacating of this Order and the reinstating of all pending complaints (case numbers 2989, 3008, 3026, 3034, 3036, and 3037) for the Board's continued investigation, review, and determination. REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED this day of 2004. Brian L. Finkel, D.O. REVIEWED AND APPROVED as to f0frn by couns~ for Respondent on this day of ~/'/~ dzd' ,2004. j/] / [ 7 .,~ ce Jj Rosenfeld Greenbe ~sg/Traurig, L L P Z 4 . REVIEWED AND SIGNED this ..:.Z%'day of ,/-/f--e4..-'3..-v-2~4 for the Board by: 0 l~Ialne LeTarte, E~i'-vePl~rector Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery Finkel / Case 3287 Page 2 of 6 BEFORE THE A R I Z O N A BOARD OF O S T E O P A T H I C E X A M I N E R S IN M E D I C I N E AND S U R G E R Y IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) BRIAN L. FINKEL, D.O. Holder of License No. 1830 for the practice of osteopathic medicine in the State of Arizona. ) ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT C O N C L U S I O N S OF L A W AND ORDER ACCEPTING SURRENDER O F LICENSE Case No. 3287 On October 15,2001, The Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery (hereafter "Board") held a public meeting to consider Case 2989 regarding Brian L. Finkel, D.O. (hereinafter "Respondent"). After considering evidence and hearing testimony, the Board entered Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and an Order of Summary Suspension. The Board issued a Complaint and Notice of Hearing on November 5, 2001, setting the date of the heating for January 19, 2002. Between November 30, 2001 and March 22, 2002, the Board received and notified Respondent of five additional cases against his license (numbers 3008, 3026, 3034, 3036, and 3037). Through his attorney, Respondent answered those additional cases. The Board granted an indefinite continuance of the hearing and pending investigations until the conclusion of related criminal cases. On December 19, 2003, Respondent and his attorney were notified of this case, No. 3287, involving felony convictions in State versus Brian L. Finkel, D.O., in cases CR2002-001431 and CR2001-015515. Through his attorney, Respondent answered on December 21, 2003. On May 8, 2004, the Board considered this case in a public meeting. The State was represented by Blair Driggs, Asst. Attorney General. Neither Respondent nor his attorney, Mr. Lawrence Rosenfeld, was present at the meeting. The State presented a motion that the Board accept Finkel / Case 3287 Page 3 of 6 the Surrender of the Respondent's license, in resolution of Case 3287. Having considered the evidence and having heard the arguments, the Board authorized the Executive Director to sign, and thus entered, the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order accepting Surrender. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Board is empowered, pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-1800, et seq to regulate the licensing and practice of osteopathic medicine in the State of Arizona. 2. Respondent is a licensee of the Board and the holder of License No. 1830 for the practice of osteopathic medicine in the State of Arizona. 3. On December 2, 2003, Respondent was found guilty in Maricopa County Superior Courts on 22 counts of sexual abuse, a Class 5 felony, in cases CR2002-001431 and CR2001015515. The thirteen victims were all allegedly Respondent's former patients. 4. On January 2, 2004, Respondent was sentenced to imprisonment and 99-year probation upon release. A condition of the court-ordered probation is that Respondent "may not perform duties or be employed in the medical field." 5. As of May 8, 2004, Respondent has pending before the Board six other cases alleging unprofessional conduct (Cases 2989, 3008, 3026, 3034, 3036, and 3037). CONCLUSION OF L A W 6. The conduct described above in paragraph 3 constitutes unprofessional conduct as defined at ARS § 32-1854 (2) Committing a felony, whether or not involving moral turpitude, or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. In either case conviction by any court of competent jurisdiction is conclusive evidence of the commission. Finkel / Case 3287 Page 4 of 6 ORDER Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-1855(N) the AZ Board of Osteopathic Examiners enters the following Order for the disposition of this matter: 1. Basedon the above, pursuant to Respondent's offer to surrender his license to practice medicine in Arizona, Respondent's license is hereby SURRENDERED, from the effective date of this Order. 2. Cases 2989, 3008, 3026, 3034, 3036, and 3037 are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. ISSUED AND EFFECTIVE t h i s " ~ day of ~ 0 4 . ARIZONA BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINERS IN MEDJ/~INE AND SURGER~ Elai~e-L%eTarte, Executi-~/'D~r~c~or 9535 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd. Scottsdale AZ 85258-5539 "-"~-- Served b~ U.S. certi~ed mail this £),=~__~yof ] ' Y ~ - " 7 " 2 ~ 0 4 to: Brian L. Finkel, D.O., care of: Lawrence Rosenfeld Greenberg Traurig, LLP 2375 E. Camelback Rd, Ste 700 Phoenix AZ 85016 Copies m~liled this ~ r y of ~ 4 to: Lawrence Rosenfeld Greenberg Traurig, LLP 2375 E. Camelback Rd, Ste 700 Phoenix AZ 85016 Finkel / Case 3287 Page 5 of 6 Blair Driggs Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General / LES 15 South 15th Avenue, 3rd floor Phoenix AZ 85007 Drug Enforcement Administration Attention: Diversion Section 3010 N. 2nd S t Phoenix AZ 85012 Finkel / Case 3287 Page 6 of 6