Case Document 1-22 Filed 03/07/16 Page 1 of 4 Exhibit 21 Case Document 1-22 Filed 03/07/16 Page?z of 4 I IN. THE CQURT OF COMMON PLEAS. COUNTY, I GULF LINK C0;MP16.;nga emi. . - j) Meieeffs, -- - - TERM - - JOHN -) . - - _ee-Iamt_ian 01' Daniel K. Paling I . 71, Dan'iei Poling, State as follaws: '1 am 'mver'the age :33? 18 a?d?thamiw mmpa-antmmake thi-gideclaratigm, 2, law, an-atfgomey With the Defamer: LGgie?ticS Ageney. foice?f. Generalcwwel at Fort Virginia. I have. been in thi? pQSitiDn Silme'21004, In thi?spositiom my focushag - "been an mnt'ract law and Iitiggja?on. In my p?sitim: I wmk. camel}! with Narmand L-usgier, an ?ammey'with the .DLA Qf?ce I General Gamma! atFart Belmir, am Ryan, a DLA .atmmey at: thaDLA Disiribgitimn Of?m of 00111133} in New Cumb?rla?d, alsm'wmrked cigsely with Neel W??dward, atmmey at Fort Belvqir until-she left "the: 61ng 1112.01.34 . . I have reviewe? the "Motimio i?-Ompel Withheld On the Basis of a I Cavemen Legal_Intefe3'tfl3riViiege" ?116de July 25, 2.014 in Case: 2012~1820 in the Court {Bf 09.111me Pleag {if Cumberiand Qamty'gPemnyvania by atmmeyg repremnting Agility DGS H?ldinggjulnaw .Agi?ityDe-fense 1&2 Q-Qv?mmeni: .S?rvice?a {new and Agility Intamati?ml, Lhava- . alga reviewed lagmbmitmd by KGL (review various documents identi?ed as protected by the common- interegt privilege. - - - Oh Ffebmary 28, memes: t0 KGL Logisties (KGL) . raga-wing BLAE dimribu?cm mmte?rin Kuwait (DDKS), (Em-March 1Q, 2611 Intennarketg :Giebal (IMG) filed a pretest ghallemging that 'zzwm?d at the Gmm?nmen? Aicm?mab?ity?f?ac which C1637: gna-ted the-pretest as 8-4043 4-02. The pmtest alleged that BLA?had a; sole-Somme aWa1* On March 1-6, 2011., KGLJepresented. 13y . . Richard. .Amholt and David Hammond o'f'C-rowell Mating, intervened" in the protest. In my agpajg?y as ammgay, 1? was; imw?ved in, the: defensa of b-idpmta?i 394043-4012? 6. On Margith24, 20112,, IMG ?led pmtest, ?aming, I _,tha.t- was got-a. it mm maidm?ng'busiuege With Iran in DLA-00012051 Cage Decumentil-ZZ Filed 03/07/16 Page 3 01?4" 'Viela?m {if US laws, and 'ettaeheci a {?ippege email be Sintemia} KGL. emaile frem'Mereh 201 This. was "previded fie DLA Beetreeting Mile-er. Medard Kewelski. by. "Seott'Wilsen" enter absent March 2011* 013. April 13 201. 1 ,-.KGL-eeunse1 ?led a. letter-with eXpIainingthat the emails -.euhmitted'by IMG werealtered and hence frauduient._ 7 On. Ap?l. 7, 201.1, ?IM'G?withcirew its pretesti?s?eues.involving the-?apparently altered emaiis. GAO - diemi'ssed MG?epmteet?7.. Since the ?ling eft?het bid preiest, 51 have had eemmuniiceeiene with eounsel fer KGL. partieula?y David Hammend 0f Crewell 8; Mering, regardingmettem which KGL . have" 21 0011111101}. intereSt. lam also. familiar with the eerrespendenee thetMr. Les-eke Me. Weo'ciiward, endngi. Ryan-have had regardng matters of eOmmen interest'between DLA an? - eem?men interest with ESL-regarding the GAO bid preteet geese. on 01' abeet March .16., 201.1 in the mete-sit. At theij time, DLA ceunee] and KQL 7 ceunsf'elhed 300111111011 interest in. defending the centred award decision te KGL and. in defending the pretest. It. ie cuetomary in GAO practice fer ageney eeun?eel-?and-intervenm ceunsei he engage in confidential and privileged cemntiiunicatiens regarding the defense of the preteet ex}. mattees elf a eemmen intereSt, as . During?ze as .?iseuseed abeve, KGL submittederedible infematien indiea?ng that the emails. fewerded-by ?Semi Wilsen." 3:0 Mr; K?walski, which were the same emails submitted in theGAO altered and not authentic. lam ?LmaWare of 7 - any evide?ee or information. that eontraciiete that shew that _the "Scott Wilsen" emails sen-i fe M31: Kewelski were 1Q DLA he's Whe Submitted false infermatien ?e centreetieg ef? "eer; if the meme ef?the.taleezinfermatien knew er. she-31d have mew'n that the emails. were altered when. summed BLA, end that. 'seuree is a. current or petential. federal centracter, or an employee of-a current er potential contractezr, that fact" could cause DLA to . question; thecemraemr?s beSinese integrity and responsibility for federai een?imeting, Even if "the per-Sen er entity thee? Submitted the-altered emails te did net knew that the decumen??s it submitted were altered andhed a .goed faith be?ef? the deeumen'?e wereaufthemie, knewmg {he - identify ef that pexreen er entity eeuldajeeist 'iudetermi?i?g Whi) altered the I _.emails amd whe provided them t0 Wilson." "Ineither case? DLA-has fen interest-in deteminingathe Source of falSe in?ammation that. was presented to centracting?ef?eial and that was-presented to GAG in a'bid protest .imelving'e DEA procurement. and-?the 'gQVemment eke. have an interestin dete??ining the'i-dentity .ef the perseh whe Submitted? the 'altere? emailsee it could eeneti?tute a Criminal effemse under 18.. "1001; Renee, has - ,a '1 age} interest; in detemnieiag the idemity ef "Seem. Wiisen,? KGL hae. the-same Elite-rest in. ,detemnin?ing whe siibmitte-dfeise DLA-regjerdieg it. Frem DLA?sperepeetivm the summon legal interest 'areseefter DLA reviewed efubmissioee and after DLA eeneluded that there was suf?cient evidence that the sender (if-the "See?tt'Wilsen" letters had submitted- 3fals'ified email-s attached theseietiers, There was the. times-Mn Aehtee Carter, who ?was; Secretaify Of?efeuee for Acqu?i'si?en, - Teeheei-e?gy and submitted a Eetterrm May 30, 2.011 m. Senate}:- Claire-Me?eskill DLA-00012052 Case Document 1-22 Filed 03/07/16 _'_P_age4 om - and imletarly exim? dusting ?fza-pgriod ?fth? ligied?n 1:113 I priviletw Egg. (l?yimd 13:thme KGL lagal comma} - I have vex/?flawed the documents KGLhas listed on. im privilege 10g as protected by the 'camen 'i?wrest priVi?legs. Them documentsinvolve communicatiom between DLA 001111361 L-usSi?ar, Ms. W?cdwarci, and Mr, Kym) and: KGL mama. ragarding (la-fangs 0f tha- GAO-bidpm'tem and mgarding thi?: ?le-ratify :31" "Semi: Wilma" The we?aspmdemeliate? {m the privileg? log-wagxi?te?dad by ham 2013x1831 and KGLr-munael to bag ma?dem?a} and p?vileg?dg While DLA a; wgittan. 01: axpmsaaommon interas't .agmament; thaw was; a meatng of-tha mindg that gammumcations bet-wmn DLA mungsl. and KGL counsel regarding to the cemmon legal interests: werep?v?gged and con?dential. Based; on. myreview, the '?ef??se Legisiics Agency with KGL that thi?: documents (m the privilege. 10g identi?w as; fail?ng'under'th? cummiin. i?t?r?St privilgge {3.0 fall. un?ar that jp" ivilage and would um: 13% ragweed 3:0 the?efmdanm in Gage - - I - - 1'2. .1 statejsubject tQ-?he. panalti?s 0f. 1.3 ?4904 rala?ng'to li?-S-WQm I 7 falsification to authorities-F that the faCtS set-forth in this dastaration-are trueand combat the . best 0f mykI'IO'wIepdge anti belie-:Signad: 4 'i a; . DLA-00012053