CJIATF-435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE GROUP ROUTING SLIP SUBJECT: MI Separation Request 21430 DATE: '11 APR 11 PROBLEM OR REASON FOR ACTION: FACTS 0R DISCUSSION: COMMENTS: ACTION OFFICER EMAIL I SECTION I PHONE I SIGNATURE: SECTION CHIEF I UHITJPHONE SIGNATURE: COORDINATION REMARKS: Discussion. (Referrals, Background,0ptions, Strum mwmam cm:me INMALSDATE Impacts from coordination {approval section) mus) I H3). ?my9/4? {mm} (I . 63> :06 SCJS TRACKING Civil N0. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC at al., v. DOD 002080 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE COMMANDER COMBINED JOINT INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE 4-35 meter APO kin and}! ELY TD: CJIATF 435-SJA 15 April 20] 1 MEMORANDUM FOR Director. Theater Intelligence Group, Pant-ran, Afghanistan Subject: Separation Request Packet rm- Detainee rsnmaoop l. lhave care?tliy reviewed subject request for the use ofthe restricted interrogation technique of Separation fora period of 30 days. 2. You request is hereby for a period of 20 days. You may Submit a request to extend detainee's time in separation. it?s well-orchestrated interrogation matey determines that additional time in separation is necessary. You are directed to ensure that the detainee is treated humanely at all times' in strict accordance with the JTF 435 Detentions Operations SOP. DODD 2310.015 the Detainee Treatment Act, and other applicable U.S. law and regulations and c'r'iroctives. You on: also directed to ensure that interrogation operations throughout the period of separation and beyond are perfonned in strict accordance with FM 2-223. 3- {bliBHDit?i Staff Judge Advocate, CJIATF 435 is the point of contact for this matter. He may be contacted by email it! .ztiil should you have any questions eomcrning this authorization. ,5 9/ AMURRAY Brigadier General, US. Army By Delegation Copy to: Advocate, CJIATF 435 COmmander, Task Force Peacekeeper- .F 3. i. Civil N0. 1:14-cv-02D34 BUZZFEED, INC et al, v. DOD 002981 Table of Conte1_1_t? 1) INNER FRONT COVER: a. Table of Contents b. Legal Review of Request for Separation e. Detainee Decision Memorandum d. CENTCOM Approval Memorandum for Separation 1 FRONT: Memorandum to Request Separation 3) TAB 1 BACK: a. Detainee Medical Assessment b. Detainee Mental Health Assessment TAB 2 FRONT: a. Interrogator Certi?cation Packet TAB 2 BACK: Interrogation Plan 6) INNER BACK COVER: Civil No. 1:14-ev-02034 BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. DOD 002982 SEER-WW . 0F . CDMBIN El) JOINT INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE - 435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE GROUP ISAC-RAM AIRFIELD, AFGHANISTAN APO AE 09354 IN REPLY REFER TO: 11 April 201 1 MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, CJIATF-435, Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan, APO AE 09320 SUBJECT: Legal Review of Request for 30-day Separation for021430DP 1. {-Sil?N-F-l have conducted a legal review of the request for 30-day separation for 021430DP USN 021430) and ?nd that the request is legally sufficient. 2. {none II, 021430, was captured during a combined Coalition Forces and Afghan Partner Unit raid that took place on 25 March 2011. 021430 was the targeted individual of the raid. ISN 021430 is a Haqqani Commander operating in Bait and Terayzai Districts, Khost Province who has direct contact to I-Iaqqani Senior Leadership (HQN [blt?l Ill {emu-ta andl tblt?l I ll {blt?i l. 021430 also has information regarding ?nancing operations and village elder participation in meetings concerning aid to insurgent groups. 3. {Spiel-P) Detainee 021430 is an unlawful enemy combatant. As such, application of the restricted interrogation technique ?separation? is legal when conducted in accordance with the provisions of FM 2-223. Review of the proposed interrogation plan connected with this request is also in compliance with FM 2-223. 4. Based on interrogator assessments, ISN 021430 is a good candidate for Separation. Separation enables ISN 021430 to not be exposed to detainees who encourage interrogation resistance and may hinder or prevent the collection of the intelligence information he possesses. The exploitation of ISN 021430 can provide information on personalities, safe houses, recruiting and ?nancing IED facilitation and suicide operations. Using the Separation techniquel owns: 5. (U) The request memorandum adequately addresses the safeguards stipulated by FM 2-213, Appendix M. Limits on duration, interval between applications, emergency and routine medical support, certi?cation ofinterrogators, applicability of all law and policy, minimum environmental conditions, and provisions for uninterrupted sleep are all within the acceptable standards outlined in FM 2-22.13. 6. (U) Use of separation on this individual would be consistent with current LLS. law and policy. Civil No. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC at al., v. DOD 002933 SUBJECT: Legal Review 0f Request forSO-day Separation for 02143UDP game; 7. (U) PDC for this memorandum is the undersigned at VOSIP {b?3libl?} TIG, CJA Civil N0. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. DOD 002034 UNITED STATES CENTRAL COMMAND OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER '31 5 SOUTH BOUNDARY BOULEVARD menu AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA 33621-510: 081132115 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTIDH SUBJECT: Approval of Restricted Interrogation Technique REF: Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. i09-163, Title XIV Field Manual?FM1 2-22.3, Human Intelligence Collector aperations, Appendix M, dated.6 September 2006 1. PH 2-22.3, Appendix M, provides detailed guidance on use of separation as a restricted interrogation technique and Establishes procedures for obtaining approval for use of this technique. The first requirement is Combatant Commander approval for use of this technique in the theater of operations. 2. I hereby authorize the employment of the separation interrogation technique in the US Central Command.area of operations with.the following caveats: Separation for interrogation is authorized by exception.and only when there is a good-faith belief that the detainee is likely to possess important intelligence and other interrogation techniques outlined in FM 2-2213. Chapter 5, are insufficient; approval by the first General/Flag Officer in the chain of command is required for each specific use of this technique. 3. Utilization of this technique must follow the requirements outlined in Appendix H, FM 2-22.3. The separation interrogation technique must be used humanely, in accordance with applicable law and policy. including reference Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. and relevant Department of Defense Directives. All Joint Task Force and component commanders will submit their implementing guidance to CCJ2 for review. DISTRI BUTION: Commander. multi?Rational Forces Iraq Commander, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan Commander, Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa Commander, v.5. Army Forces Central Command Commander, v.5. Naval Forces Central Command Commander, n.9, Marine Forces Central Command Commander, v.5. Air Forces Central Command Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC el al., v. DOD 002D85 Comander, 11.3. Special Operations Forces Central Command Camder, Task Force 3/52 - Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC et ai., v. DOD DUZDBG OF DEFENSE comm-ran JOINT TASK FORCE 435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE onour TASK FORCE Ema nAonAM AM as: {19354 CRATE-435 I April 201 1 MEMORANDUM THRU Commander, Theater Intelligence Group, Bagram Airfield, APO AE 09354 FOR Commander, CJIATF-435, Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan, APO AE 09320 SUBJECT: Request Use of Restricted Interrogation Technique of Separation for 021mm 68% of Separation furl l. Request CHAT 435 Commander authorize the use of the restricted interrogation technique tblt?l 21430) who is an unlawful enemy combatant. Separation will last for 30 days and will begin upon approval of Separation packet and availability of a Separation cell. The total time of Separation will not exceed 30 days unlws an extension is approved. 2. WI {ems} 1 1.43 (ISN 21430} was the targeted individual during a combined Coalition Forces (CF) and Afghan Farmer Unit (APU) raid on 25 March 2011. The detainee is a Haqqani Commander operating in Bait and Terayzai Disn'icts, Khost Province who has direct contact with Haqqani Senior Leadership th?} {mace I andl {bll?l 1 {cantata mmuammunan _'t?f1'n 4o {menu I - tonrnan, 3. Theinterrogator hasl {omit-1c I than?: I The detainee responds deceptively to these approaches by reinforcing his cover storyr with slight changes. In previous interrogations at the TSF, the detainee admitted to delivering white fertilizer ?-om Pakistan to the Khost Bazaar, Khost City, Khost District, Khost Province ISN 21430 has admitted that the Kuohi community is actively involved in informing] one I gbypAa gnerau'?, ?nancing (bll1l1.4c, DDEUST Civil No. et aL, v. SUBJECT: Request Use of Restricted Interrogation Technique of Separation fo 02143001J Additionally, it will limit the ability of other detainees or members of his network from threatening 21430, which may hinder or prevent the collection of the intelligence information the detainee possesses. 4. Esme; ISN 21430 has been in Administrative Segregation since his arrival at the Detention Facility in Parwan on 8 April 2011 until present. The purpose of Adminis native Segregation is to medically and administratively in?process detainees. 31 15.09. paragraph 3.d. (3) states that ?Detainees may be segregated from other detainees for purposes unrelated to interrogation, including administrative, health, safety, and security reasons. Although segregation may not be requested or conducted for the purpose of facilitating interrogation1 interrogators may interrogate detainees who have been properly segregated.? Annex D, paragraph 7. states ?Interrogation of detainees in segregation. Detainees will be interrogated in accordance with Annex A (Tactical Questioning and Interrogation Policy and Procedures) to the Cl IATF 435 Detainee Operations Standard Operating Procedure - 5. Although 21430 will be separated from the other detainees, 21430 will not be isolated from human contact, as the interrogator plans to interact with ISN 2 14 30 a minimum of three days a week. 6. W3 ISN 21430 will be evaluated dain by medical health care professionals while in separation. There is a certified physician on duty at all times to treat any medical emergency that might arise. ISN 21430 will continue to be screened before and after each interrogation by certified medical personnel. Separation will be terminated when intelligence collection efforts have been exhausted or immediately upon the advice of medical personnel. 8. game) All interrogations of 21430 will be conducted by DOD and CJIATF-435 theater certi?ed interrogators 2-223. 9. (U) The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at DSN Commander Commander: Approved Denied {baanbit?t . Signature_ Date 1? 5/ f3 CJIATF 435 Commander: Approved Denied 2 Civil No. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC at al., v. DOD 002588 SUBJECT: Request Use of Restricted Interrogation Technique of Separation f0 02143013]? ESMAJ-FJ Duration Signature Date Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC at al., v. DOD 0025189 Detentinn Facility in Pan-van Standard Operating Procedure Appendix I3 (Pre- and PIIst-lntermgution Exam Form) SEP TITLE MEDICAL RECORD-SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL DATA . "jagged was the. is. $993122! The Swan" Gene?lu MEDICAL PREJPOST INTERROGATION EUAL - DETENTION FACILITY IN PARWAN I OTSG APPROVED (Dara: I I Furs: maddIe. grace date. heap-ram: medrcal I'aa'h?m amzo urn-I v?r OTHER EXAMINATION GR EVALUATION El DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES El TREATMENT OT HER I'Sp?tzr'fyj DI-IP FORM JAN 10 Medical PrefPost IR Eual 0A FORM FEB 2003 meu 0F MM 7: IS OBSOLETE MI-IIJ-I I Civil ND. BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. DOD Ii-Lr {302090 . DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE . UNITED STATES FORCES-AFGHANISTAN COMBINED JOINT INTERAGENCY TASK FORGE-435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE GROUP BAGRAM AIRFIELD. AFGHANISTAN APO AE 09354 REPLY TO ATTENTION F: I April 201 1 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Training and Certi?cation for the Utilization of the Restricted Interrogation Technique-Separation . The following named individuals have been trained on the Restricted Interrogation Technique Separation, in accordance with FM 2-223, Human Intelligence Collector Operations (6 Sep 06), DOB Directive 2310.10E, The Detainee Program (5 Sep 06}, DOD Directive 2310.0lE, The Detainee Program (5 Sep 06), DOD Directive 31 15.09, Intelligence Interrogations, Detainee Debrie?ngs, and Tactical Questioning, (9 Oct 08), and the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 (Public Law l09-163, Title XIV et seq.) They have been trained on the most current US. Anny Intelligence Center approved training support package: I ?lm] 2. The personnel listed above have successfully graduated from the Human Intelligence Collection Course and is a certi?ed interrogator. Theyr are hereby certi?ed to plan and employ the Restricted Interrogation Technique Separation. 3. The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersigned at tbreitbit?i or SVOIP tblt?l l. {DJISlibll?J SDC OPS Chief Civil ND. BUZZFEED, INC at al_, v. DOD 002091 PHASE I 8; INTERROGATDR THEATER CERTIFICATION AM EMAIL: mm, agate. mm, . a? UNIT: .5 my? MI 8N PHASE I CERTIFICATION BRIEF Certi?er Interrogator Subject Initials 8. Date Initials a Date SDC Mlssien Overview 1\ TIG Standards of Conduct f, ,7 Detainee Cycle Interrogations and Approaches OvemiewIReview 3 Detainee and Bagram JIF Standards Using an Interpreter I i Monitoring Requirements mam) (57 Perfonnanoe of Tactical Questioning U0) 3 FM 2T-1U. Adherence to Law Land and Warfare 907 2310.01, The department of Defense Detainee Program 3115.09. Intelligenoe Interrogations. Detainee Debrie?ngs and Tactical Questioning Detainee Treatment Act of 2005. Public Law No. 109-163. Title XIV PHASE II BOOTH CERTIFICATION - DATE 18 March 2011 Task GoiNo Go Comments Jemima HMLGO L?irrmieo Matteo MMQO I arm 60 QM Go emitter: 11m (30 iim?? immteo TRAINERICERTIFIER SDC SNR INTERROGATOR SDC Dep. Director i ibit3ltbli?i ?it SEW Civii N0. BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. DOD 002092 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN gunshots]. AND THE UNTTED STATES Will) 1. Intending to be legally bound,l hereby accept the obligation contained in this Agreement in consideration of my being granted Access to classi?ed information. As used in this Agreement, classi?ed information is marked or unmarked classi?ed information, including oral communications, that is classi?ed under the standards ofExccutivc Order 12953, or under an other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclo sure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassi?ed information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classi?cation domination as provided in Sections IE, 1.3 and 1,4(e) of Executive Order 12953, or under any other Executive order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. I understand and accept that by being granted access to classi?ed information, special con?dence and trust shall be placed in me by the United Statics Government. 2. Iherehy aelorowledge thatI have received a security indoctrination concerning the nature and protection ofclassi lied information, including the procedures to be followed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom I contemplate disclosing this information have been approved for access to it, and that] understand these procedures. 3. I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention. or negligent handling of classi?ed information by me could cause damage or irreparable injury to the United States or could he used to advantage by a foreign nation. I hereby agree that I will never divulge classi?ed information to anyone unless: have of?cially veri?ed that the recipient has been pronerly authorized by the United States Government to receive it; or Cb} I have been given prior written notice of authorization hem die United States Government Department or Agency (hereinafter Department or Agency) responsible for the classi?cation of information or last granting me a security clearance that such disclosure is permitted. lundorstand that ill. om uncertain about the classi?cation Slam of information. I am required to con?rm ?-orn an authorized of?cial that the information is unclassi?ed before I may disclose it, excerpt to a person as provided in or above. I further understand that i am obligated to comply with laws and regulation that prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of classi?ed information. 4. I have been advised that any breach of this Agreement may result in the termination of any security clearances I hold; removal from any position of special con?dence and trust requiring such clearances; or termination of my employment or other relationships with the Departments or Agencies that granted my security clearance or clearances. In addition, I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classi?ed information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of United States criminal laws, including the provisions of Sections 641. 0793, 1'94, 793, *952 and 1924, Title 18, United States Code, *the provisions of Section 733(1)), Title 50,, United States Code, and the provisions of the Intelligence Identi?es Protection Act of ?932. I recognize that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violation- . 5. I hereby assign to the United States Government all royalties, remuneration's, and emoluments that have resulted, will result or may result from any disclosure. publication or revelation of classi?ed information not consiswot with the terms of this Agreement. 6. I understand that the United States Government may sock any remedy available to it to enforce this Ago-cement including. but not limited to application for a court order prohibiting disclosure of information in breach of Agreement. 7. I understand that all classi?ed information to which I have access or may obtain access by signing this Agreement is now and will remain the property of, or under the control of the United States Government unless and until otherwise determined by an authorized of?cial or final ruling of a court of law. I agree thctI shall return all classi?ed materials which have. or may come into my possession or for which 1 am reopensible because of such access: (or) upon demand by an authorized representative of the United States Government; upon the conclusion of my employment or other relationship with the Department or Agency that last granted be a security clearance or that provided me access to classi?ed information; or upon the conclusion of my employment or other relationship that requires me access to classi?ed information; or upon the conclusion of my employment at other relations hip that requires access to classi?ed information if I do not return such materials upon request. I understand that this may be a violation of Sections 7?93. andicr 1924. Title lit. United States Code, a Unite-d States criminal law. 8. Unless and until I am. released in writing by an authorized representative of the United States Government, I understand that all conditions. and obligations imposed upon me by this Agreement apply during the time I am granted access to classi?ed information, and at all times drorea?er- 9. Each provision of this Agreement is severable. If a court should ?nd any provision of this Agreement to he tmenforeeable, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. {Continue on reverse.) 311-1 STANDARD FORM '00) Previous edition not usable Pat-moribund by 300 33CFR2003.E.D.I1953 SEER-WNW Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC oi al., v. oomss 10. These restrictions are consistent with and do not supersede. con?ict with or otherwise after the employee obligations, rights or liabilities created by Executive Order 12958, Section '72? of Title 5, United States Code [governing disclosures to Congress): Section 1034 of Title 10, Unites States Code as amended by the Military Whistleblcwer Protection Act [governing disclosure to Congress by members of the military]; Section 2302(b)(8) of Title 5, United States Code. as amended by the Protection Act {governing disclosures of illegality, waste, fraud, abuse or public health or safety threats); the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 [50 U.S.C. 421 et disclosures that expose con?dential Government agents}, and the statues which protect against disclosure that may compromise the national security. including Sections 641, 793, 794, 793, 952 and 1924 ofTitle 18, United States Code, and section 4(b} of the Subversive Activities Act of 1950 (SD U.S.C. Section T33(b)). The de?nitions, requrrenrents. obligations, rights, Sanctions and liabilities created by said Executive Order and listed statutea are incorporated into this Agreement and are controlling. ll. Ihave read this Agreement carefully and my questions, if any, have been answered. I achrowtedge that the brie?ng officer made available to rue the Executive Order and statutes referenced in this agreement and its implementing regulation (32 CFR Section 2003.20) so thatlmagread them attbiatime,iflsochoose. union-r1 Ton?t??mt?f - NUMBER .- - (bli3ilbit6(at? ails?? (bitBHbit?l . a. a ORGANIZATION AGWTAPIRQIT ?genome, mo anon. a ., mammalian-WW?) airis?" - ?ii 55', I . v: 202ml Military Intelligence=Battalron ?0 Task Force- I-lamrtter a. . APO AE.09354 ,3 . . 53' Lt' -.-: 52%, a T'i'i'vfiy: Twit V. WITNESS ACCEPTANCE THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT WAS THE UNDERSIGNED ACCEPTED THIS ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. DATE SIGNATURE DATE Senior [metro gator 202ml Military Intelligence Battalion Task Force Hammer (DFIP-SDC) APO AE, D9354 Harte AND ADDRESS (type or print] lnterrogatorISpecial Professional 202ml Military Intelligence Battalion Task Force Hammer (DFIP -SDC) APO AE, 09354 SECURITY DEBRIEFING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT mil-Inn that the provisions oi'tlte espionage laws. other federal criminal laws and executive under: applicable to the safeguarding of? classi?ed information have boat made available to me; that I have returned all classi?ed information in my that 1 will not or transmit classi?ed information to any unauthorized pert-on or organization; that Iwill report to the Fede Bum-nu of muesligal'ion any one:an by on mandrel-inert] person to solicil classi?ed in?ll-madam. and wro' or Home) roceiwd a security debrie?ng. SIIGNATURE or catatoan M-TTDIIE NAME OF WITNESS (Trot or prim} SIGNATURE OF wrrnasa Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC at al., v. DOD {302094 1- NOTICE: The Privacy Act. 5 H-513 552m require-z. that fedora] agmoios inform iodi?dmls. at tho time informatim is sotioitcd from than. whathcr the diwlosm is or voluntary. by what authority such informatim is solititod, and who: mes will be road: of information. You we hereby advised that authorin for soliciting you: Social Smut-in Amount Number is Executive Ordo- 9391 Your SSH wiil be used to idmtify you precisely whon it is mommy to comfy that you have amass to the information indicated above or 2) 11min: that your access to the inf-annuion indicated ht: laminated. Although ?9ch of you SSH is not mandatory. your failure to tho on- may impale the processing or such certi?cations oer (It-(mutations. or possiny mu]! in the denial ufyuur being granted access to glassi?od information. 7, 7 NOT APPLICABLE 0 NON-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT. STANDARD FORM .111 BACK Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC at at, v. Don 002095 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE UNITED STATES FORCES-AFGHANISTAN COMBINED JOINT INTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE-435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE GROUP BAGRAM AIRFIELD. HGHANISTAN APO AE 09354 REPLY To rtt?l?EthoN or 13 June 2009 MEMORANDUM FDR RECORD SUBJECT: Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Detention Facility in Pa nvan (DFIP) 1. hereby accept the obligations contained in this agreement in consideration of my being granted access to classi?ed information. I further understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information. special con?dence and trust shall be placed in me by the United States Government. 2. The existence of the DFIP is sensitive in nature. The internal mission conducted by the Military intelligence and Military Police soldiers within the DFIP is classi?ed SECRET NOFORN. The sensitivity of this mission is such that divulging speci?c information about the mission or operations with anyone without a clearly warranted need to knowwculd have an adverse effect on the overall mission within Operation Enduring Freedom. 3. The following is considered specific information which would be detrimental to the mission. if divulged to persons without a need to Know: a. Discussion of Military Intelligence mission. tactics. agencies. and information collected. b. Discussion of Military Police mission. tactics. and handling procedures. c. Discussion of names. background. and dispositions of any person held at the facility. past or present. d. Production. possession. or release of any photographs or sketches of the interior or exterior of the facility. or of any persons held at the facility. e. Discussion with any media about any facets of the facility?s mission. population or location. 4. I understand that any breach of this agreement may result in the termination of anyr security clearance i hold: removal from any position of special con?dence and trust requiring such clearances: or termination of my employment or other relationships with the Departments or Agencies that granted my security clearance. 5. have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classi?ed information by we. may constituted as a violation. or violations. of United States criminal laws. including provisions of Section T93 (Gathering. transmitting or losing defense information}. Section 7'94 (Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign government). Section T98 (Disclosure of classi?ed information}. Title 18. United States Code. Punishment for violating this trust may warrant monetary tine. maximum imprisonment of any term of years or for life or both. Civil No. 1:14?cv?02034 BUZZFEED, INC at at. v. DOD {302095 SEW I 201 1 bagnature Dale mama} ?h Printed Name Civil N0. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC et al., V. DOD . .u on 002219? DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE UNITED STATES JOINT TASK FORCE-435 THEATER INTELLIGENCE GROUP BAGRAM MRFIELD. AFGHANISTAN APO as 09354 or- 13 March 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Agreement to Abide by Standards of Conduct All certified and others granted access to an interrogation facility must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a statement that they will abide by the TIG Standards of Conduct listed below: a. The Secretary of Defense has bestowed special trust and con?dence in our unit and its abilities to operate and manage this mission. As the present steward of this mission. we must faithfully discharge our duties and responsibilities to ensure we do not interfere with or compromise the proper control. custody. and treatment of UECs. We must remain vigilant and maintain a high state of situational awareness. We must not let our guard down or become compiacent. h. Pursuant to our unit?s charge. we must be mindful and adhere to the following principles governing our conduct: Be keepers of the standards of discipline. law. and order on and off duty. (2) Understand and comply with the TIG approved interrogation approaches and techniques and perform your duties in a professional military manner. Be professional in your actions and behavior at all times during contact with UECs. (4) Treat UECs in ways that do not infringe upon their cultural and human dignity. (5) Do not engage in any physical acts that would degrade. embarrass. or humiliate an UEC. yourself or your unit. Be assertive and professional in your commands with the UEC. Do not allow an UEC to pick up on conversations you have with other interrogators or interpreters. Remember. we must treat UECs law the Detainee Treatment Act 012005. DOD Directive 2310.1 E. DOD Directive 3115.09. FM 2-223 and all other applicable law and policy. Never forget that you are an American ?ghting for freedom. responsible for your actions. and dedicated to the principles which made your country free. c. Each day. we are challenged by our leaders. peers. and subordinates to do the best job we can. Resist any behavior or actions that might violate these Standards of Conduct or the Uniform Code of Military Justice. jeopardize your ability to do your job in a professional manner. or bring discredit upon yourself. or the American public. My signature below indicates my agreement to abide by the above mentioned TIG Standards of Conduct. Date 18 March 2011 Printed Name I {billijtbit?} I F'Dsm?n I loit?iibii?i Civil No. 1:14?cv02034 BUZZFEED. INC et al.. V. DOD 002E198 [with #214300:- .3 . t? 15-Mar-11 r-li 9000521 . . . mag; "mammal ?3th was the ta rge! ed individual :apmred an a :nmhined coalition Fl: rces Raid on 25 MAR 11. is a Haqqani Commander .40 (b14111 At}: {133:1 }1 Ad Is a truck driver who moves In and from AFG for ?u HQNSI. IED a ra?uns. {mm )14: QUESTIDNING PLAN {133(1 )1 .44: NTERRDGATOR YST DPE nan ous "cm: mans: GPERATI OHS CHEEF INITIAIJ: Civii N0. BUZZFEED, INC et al_, V. DOD 002100 Detainee Transfer Request FROM: is; TF To: TF 435 DATE: 3DMAR11 Name: AKA: {Dil?i Son of: Age: I {bl-[Bl Insurgent Capt. . . I HQN 5218970 Detainee Af?liations. Tag. Data Badam Bagh Tribe! . . . Current Subtribe: Residence: District, Khost Province, AF lbii?i Languages: Pashto (N) Unit: is; TF DTG: capture Village: Badam Bagh District: Khost Data Province: Khost MGRS or geo-coord: 428 WB 92570 95133 1- lnternment Criteria: (Capturing unit CDR is thus certifying detainee meets internment criteria) (U) Person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, and person who harbored those responsible for those attacks; or (2) Person who was a part of, or substantially supported, Taliban or aI-Qaida forces or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act, or has directly supported hostilities. in aid of such enemy armed forces; and Intern ment is necessary to mitigate the threat the detainee poses, taking into account an assessment of the detainees potential for rehabilitation, reconciliation, and eventual reintegration into society. 2- Reguired Supporting Materials: The following materials, if applicable, must be provided or the transfer request will not be approved. Legend: g?Applicahle, m~ Not applicable Medical, signed uses internal form] Target Package- insertii DA413T. with signature (accompanies detainee) TleiDlle produced from Tactical DDZT45. Capture Tag i Serial Number 3? IIRs. Related reporting about detainee. other TF1 1 Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC eel Ell, y. DOD 002101 521 1 Detainee Transfer Request Biometrics- BATs entry [It not entered in BATS. attach original EFT File] CEKC. Field Testing Kits (results) Pictures (preferany on the objective}: detainee Doc?x, DCOMEX (Phones, Media) High wfweapons, materials, docs, evidence, etc. Side DA2823 Sworn Statement [Afghan]l with DA2823 Sworn Statement Service signature?thumbprint capture) Member]. with signature 3- Narrative of circumstances of capture. supperting SecDef criteria: Clearly explain how the detainee meets internment criteria. Clear narrative of identi?cation. detention. chain of custody and PID of the detainee. along with substantiation of claims made for Internment Criteria. ?le any sources used in justi?cation when reporting or other intelligence resources are used to establish Internment Criteria. (U) Circumstances of Capture: {bit?i 5218970) is the targeted individual captured on a combined Coalition Forces (CF) and Afghan Partner Unit raid on 25 March 2011. is a Haqqani (HON) commander operating in Khost Province. On the date of capture (DOC). the assault force (AF) gained isolation on the targeted compound (TC) and cleared the buildings. The AF then conducted tactical questioning (TO) and sensitive site exploitation (SSE) resulting in the capture of (CT 5218970), (CT 5218971). and (CT 5218972). Total SSE collected includes (3) cell phones, (3) SIM cards, (1) media card. and various documents. (U) (CT 5218970) (U) (CT 5218971 captured in tent (U) (CT 5213972) (SHREHQUSATFVEXC) Justi?cation for continued detention and exploitation: Detainee is the targeted individual. Detainee is a HON commander operating in Nadir Shah Khost, Qalander, Terezai, Bait. and Khost Districts. Khost Province. AF. Detainee participates in direct IEDNBIED attacks against CF and ANA. Detainee also coordinates the extortion of Afghan citizens and facilitation of supplies to be used for further attacks. The Task Force assessment is based on multiple source reporting. Detainee was the Targeted Individual 1. Detainee self-identi?ed on date of capture. I innit?lasts 2. Detainee's I thit?i 5218971), identi?ed the cell phone Of interest as belonging to Detaineel lbll1l1-4a. than I lbit?i I) 3. Detainee?s phone number appears in the previous Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC et al_, v. DOD D02102 TFimTR?versicn-JANZM 1 esteem-Page 2 Detainee Transfer Request fbH?itiAc (W Detainee was a HQN Commander Involved in Direct Attacks Against Coalition Forces and Afghan National Army 4. WP) As of March 2011 Detainee is identified as a Haqoani commander active in Qalandar District and traveling with 40 fighters. (HR 5- WP) As of March 2011 Detainee was associated with nefarious personalities and aware of the transfer of unidenti?ed items between associates. a,ng e. (sens) As of March 2011 Detainee coordinated and planned for an associate to become a fighter for an unidenti?ed commander and also promises to be a guarantor for an unidenti?ed individual possibly for prisoner release gamma 7. (WP) As of March 2011 Detainee notifiedl are an HQN CDR in Tereza-i District. the he ?red four mortars and four PKM light machine guns at possible GHANA. Detainee also indicated he attempted to fire an additional three mortars but they did not detonate. Elinstructed Detainee on how to light mortars on ?re. 1mm?; 1 I 8. As of March 2011 Detainee and an associate plan unidenti?ed work in Logar Provincej Afghanistan - extending Detainee's reach of influence beyond Khost Province. [bit?tda 9. As of March 2011 Detainee provides situation reports (SITREPs) regarding Coalition Force locations and is aware of a shortage of unidenti?ed items that needed emplacement (reference to IEDsimines). Detainee has an associate that works in the Network Center (pose personalityii {omit-ta 10W As of February 2011 Detainee is named as a HON network commander traveling through Nadir Shah Knot District. Khost Province with other HON commanders. (HR 111% As of February 2011 Detainee is identi?ed as a Haqqani commander that traveled to Qalandar District, Khost Province with additional HQN personalities and met to assemble a vehicle-borne IED. (HR 12% As of February 2011 Detainee, on date of capture, identi?ed that he owned and operated trucks designated for deliveries. Detainee?s brother is identi?ed as transporting 5Upplies from Nadir District to Qalandar District for Datainee. {one} As of July 2010 (bit?i land Detainee are aware of a possibie kidnapped individual being used to acquire weapons (as a ransom). I ibii?i Ia nd Detainee are also gaging bribes and ?nding to get prisoners released from Logar Province. Ctvit No. BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. DOD {102103 arson-Janeen a Detainee Transfer Request Detainee admitted to facilitating the movement of ammonium nitrate fertilizer from the AFIPK border into Khost. terms, ibit?i) {are 02) Detainee is directly associated with multiple personalities of interest including Haqqani Senior Leadership. With-1421 ll Detainee is identi?ed as an associate of reel a HON senior leader. I will)? 31 43 I (U) Continued Internment will Mitigate the Threat Detainee Poses to Coalition Forces WW Continued internment oi the Detainee is necessary to mitigate the threat of future Haqdani insurgent attacks against CF. Deiainee's involvement in IED attacks. kidnappings. ransom conspiracies. attacks and anti-Coalition has contributed to the disruption of securityF operations, undermines the legitimacy of CF and Further internment will reduce the number of attacks against CF in Nadir Shah Khot, Qalandar, TerezaiI Bait, and Khost Districts, Khost Province and aide in dismantling of Haqqani leadership in Nadir Shah Knot, Qalandar. Terezai, Bait, and Khost Districts Districts. Khost Province. Summary WW Detainee is an insurgent in violation of the laws and customs of war due to his role as a HON commander and conducting attacks against the U.S. andior its Coalition partners. Internment is necessary to mitigate the threat the Detainee poses. Detainee-'5 participation as outlined above is active and recent up to date of capture. This direct engagement as described above establishes that he will continue to be a significant threat unless he is interned. 4- Intelligence Focgs for Interrogation: Any networks, individuals, speci?c TTPs required in order to assist in supporting the units with directed intelligence for the battlespace (designed to support capturing unit- not mandatory. but higth encouraged) Detainee can provide actionable intelligence on Haqqani operations including tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). IED emplacement. facilitation. and construction implemented throughout Nadir Shah Khot. Qalandar, Terezai. Bak. and Khost Districts. Khost Province. Detainee can also identify and provide targetable intelligence regarding senior level Haqqani personalities, as well as targetable intelligence for nefarious personalities with who Detainee is directly associated. specificallyl ibit?i Iandl one 5A- information Releasable to Afghanistan: Information that can be passed to the Afghans at the proper security classification level. (U) Circumstances of Capture: Civil No. 1:14_cv_02034 BUZZFEED, INC et at, v. 000 002104 1 steamer-1w a . . Detainee Transfer Request (U) Kabul, Afghanistan An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqoani Network leader in Khost district. Khost province on 25 March 2001 . (U) The Haqqani Leader is reSponsibie for organizing indirect fire cells and conducts indirect fire attacks against coalition operating bases. He also coordinates and conducts attacks with other Haqqani insurgents against Afghan civilians and Afghan and coalition security forces. (U) The joint security force targeted an area in the district based on tips from concerned citizens. The joint security force contained and cleared the targeted area. After initial questioning at the scene, the security force identified and detained the Haqqani leader along with three suspected insurgents. (U)The security force did not ?re their weapons and they protected three women and seven children for the duration of the search. (U) (CT 5218970) emu?4a (U) (GT 5218914'1) captured in tent . (U) (CT 5213972) (U) Reason for Raid: (U) The Afghan and Coalition forces were targeting a Haqqani Network leader. (U) Detainee Reporting: (UNFQUG) Nothing significant to report. 55- Compliance with 24hr Detainee Famillellage Authorities Noti?cation Regulrement: ISAF Detention Operations and Noti?cation Directive para 4. c. and d. direct both ISAF and USFDR-A capturing units to notify detainee head of family, village older, or local authorities within 24 hours of capture. (U) A Key Leader Engagement (KLE) was conducted on the DOC - (5) Name of TF personnel who made notification: - (-8-) Telephone number of person who made noti?cation: - (U) Date i time when noti?cation was made: 25 MAR 2011221152 - (U) Name of head of family village elders i local authorities who were noti?ed: ibii?i - (U) Telephone nu mberi location of those who were notifiedzcouldn't provide a phone number. 350 numberwas provided to contact ISAF for more information about the detainee?s. Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. oo2105 1 SEER-WNW {one} 2189TiJ-F?age 5 Detainee Transfer Request 5C- Noti?cation of Governor?s Of?ce: In an effort to increase transparency and solidify involvement of local of?cials in Counterinsurgency Operations: noti?cation of capture {name father's name. district of capture) should be made within 24 hours to the Provincial Governor's of?ce at a minimum. Every effort should also be made to notify the District Governor when a detainee is captured in his district. This noti?cation is in addition to that speci?ed in section 58 of this form. Name of person who made notification: Telephone number of person who made noti?cation: Dateitime when noti?cation was made: Name of of?cial at Provincial Governor's of?ce that was noti?ed: Telephone number of official at Provincial Governor? 5 office: Name of official at District Governor's office that was notified: Telephone number of of?cial at District Governor's o?ice: 5D- Noti?cation of Afghan Peace and Reconciliation Program Notification of capture (name, father?s name, district of capture) should be made within 24 hours to the appropriate APRP office. Dater'time when notification was made: Location of APRP office notified (National or specific province): Name of official at APRP office that was noti?ed: 6- DTR Supporting Documentation: A- Statement from capturing force personnel. (US andlor Afghan) APths.pdf ss- 51de GFC. dei B- Sketches or photos of capture location lcompound: Include locations of recovered weapons, materials, or documents: (insert below or attach to bottom of form) {For a much smaller file size, use the "insert-Pictureme Fits" function rather than ?copy?paste? or drag-and?dropj Notes: Civil No. BUZZFEED, INC et al_, v. nc21os (one: 52189?D-Page Detainee Transfer Request Caption: -Macro Itt?iew of Target- Caption: Micro View of Target- Caption: -Close Up of Target- C- Photos of captured weapons. materials, or anything deemed to be of possible intelligence value: (insert below or attach at bottom of form. Descriptions should include size, amounts. technical name. title, etc.) [For a much smelter file size. use the "losed-Picture-me Fits? function rather than ?oopyupaate? or drag-end-dropJ Notes: I NOTES - otmmeo mats 55E into} 1 Caption: -F oor Plan- Caption: -Tactical Questioning- Caption: -SSE- CST St HLE {blt?l . I . I (WE) UNCLASSIFIED Caption: -SSE- Caption: -SSE Caption: Personal Property Inventory: Description of motorists. documents, and personal property: (All items, Civil No. 1:14-cv-02034 BUZZFEED, INC et al., v. 00210? TF1 1 -52189?0-Page Detainee Transfer Request except for weapons. explosivelhazardous material, andlor controlled substances. must accompany the detainee to the it material has already been submitted for exploitation and cannot accompany the individual, the capturing unit will indicate the location otthe material and a point of contact for follow up as to the results of exploitation. ?3 ?1 230311 280311 - (now-we) E- MedicaUScreoning Reports: Intake History and th?ical for Tactical Questioning, Interrogation Reports: 521mm Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC at at, V. DOD 002108 (one: 52t39?D-Page . . Detainee Transfer Request 6- Link Diagrams or other Analyst or Targeting Products: (insert below or attach at bottom of form) Hamil-4: Prepared by USMC. SIPR e-mail AFJZTOPS socsrniimil I have reviewed the available information on this detainee. Judge The request for transfer is legally suf?cient Advocate {5K3Hbll?-l This individual meets internment criteria. Further detention is requested. Commander {bii?ltbit?i Civil N0. BUZZFEED, INC at al_, v. DOD {302109 5218970-Page 9 TR-version-JANZW 1