i HoUSE oE REPRESENTATIVES , - STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0002 2 it ,.,.j__, E” (207) 287-1400 TTY: (207)287-4469 Beth A. O'Connor 92 Sullivan Street 03901 Residence: (207)698-7899 Cell Phone: (207) 289-9047 Berwick, ME Beth OConnor@legislature.maine.gov Testimony In Support Of: LD 824 Joint Standing — “An Act Regarding Ethanol Committee on Enviromnent and Natural Resources March Good Motor Fuel” 26, 2015 members of the Joint Thank you for taking my testimony afternoon Senator Saviello, Representative Welsh and esteemed Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. in support of LD 602 and LD 824 in the efforts to kiss corn ethanol in our fuel good-bye. It is my intent to show that corn ethanol in our fuel is one of the most colossal mistakes that has ever darkened our doors. am reminded of the song my kids by Kermit the Frog, It Ain't Easy Being Green selling corn ethanol as a fuel additive indeed makes being green impossible, never mind not easy. The only thing "green" about the ethanol Renewable Fuel Standard (RF S) is the billions of dollars it takes from taxpayers and consumers and funnels to politicians, who pass the cash to corporate giants, who then return some of it as campaign contributions, to get the I politicians reelected listened to in 1990's and the beat goes on. Talk about a vicious circle. Corn-based ethanol requires 2,500 to 29,000 gallons of fresh water per million Btu's of energy This is a pretty scary statistic as we witness places like California in one of the most serious droughts in history, but the cronies keep insisting we reach the goals of the RFS and that federal law requires that the ethanol mandate must keep rising: from 9 billion gallons of ethanol in 2008 l to l4 billion now and 36 billion gallons Now ask yourself, where does all by 2022. that water go and what's in it? Much of it is nitrogen fertilizers washed off the land into waterways that drain into the Gulf of Mexico, where they cause giant summertime algae blooms. When the algae die, their decomposition consumes oxygen in the water creating enormous low and zero-oxygen regions that suffocate marine life that cannot that get swim away. The RFS in all its Tom foolery would lead you to believe that gas would cost more if it was not this is rubbish. The facts show that ethanol is 30% blended with ethanol results in we the consumers shelling out more money for fewer miles driven. I can't even begin to estimate the economic loss caused by damage to our lawn mowers, snow mobiles, four wheelers and every other vehicle. Ethanol collects water, gunks up fuel lines, corrodes engine parts and to boot it must be delivered in stainless steel tankers that are filled with diesel fuel. less efficient which Then we have perhaps years. the biggest problem of all and I have said MAN WHO BURNS HIS FOOD GOES HUNGRY! District 5 this multiple times in the past 5 U.S. corn prices went higher than an Berwick and North Berwick (part) Printed on recycled paper elephant’s fanny from $1.96 per average bushel in 2005 to as much as $7.50 in autumn 2012 and $6.68 in June 2013, before dropping in 2014 due to record yields and lower demand for com and ethanol. Since the inception of this boondoggle the cost for feed for chicken, turkey, and pig farmers has risen by $100 billion. That is billion with a capitol B. The guaranteed income to grow corn is an incentive for farmers to convert land that would otherwise be used for wheat and rye or used as conservation or pasture land and again requires huge amounts of irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides and lots of gasoline and diesel fuel. We have been told corn ethanol produces cleaner air quality. I beg to differ. In fact the only thing one set of pollutants for others and in the early stages of examining this the standards imposed from the clean air act of 1990 have not been met, nor have the goals proposed in the RFS been met think hard about that statement ...maybe they were never intended to be met, or maybe no one thought about the ramifications from really bad policy. Never mind Shades of Gray there could be a best seller called Shades of Green. it has done is substitute The combustion of ethanol creates increased acetaldehyde in the air factory exhaust can create a chronic exposure source to those who areas or who spend hours commuting on highways. Acetaldehyde when reacts with other volatile substances in the it air. Open car we live all breathe. Vehicle and near heavily trafficked contributes to windows smog formation increase exposure, as does breathing in acetaldehyde-containing fumes near gas pumps. Auto exhaust research has shown that low dose chronic exposure to acetaldehyde may still be sufficient to gradually damage proteins, enzymes and other cellular structures in the brain and other organs. Furthermore, acetaldehyde can cause a depletion of vitamin Bl, where even mild, chronic Bl deficiency can produce brain-related symptoms such as emotional instability, confusion, depression, fatigue, irritability, headaches, sensitivity to noise, insomnia, decreased short—term memory, brain-fog and a feeling of impending doom. have attatched a map showing you the Corn Belt and you will see Iowa is the epicenter also home of the first primary election. lowa has over 183 gas stations that sell ethanol free fuel. I included the locations and phone numbers. Nationwide over ten thousand locations sell ethanol I the free fuel. we can't Maine has six locations, all are located at airports or marinas. be having Airplanes crashing to the ground or boats stranded That at sea is probably because when the engines start sputtering out. I have also included a series of slides pointing out ethanol related health The bottom joke, not line here is common issues. corn ethanol as a renewable energy source is a science and engineering mind wise environmental, economic or health sense energy policy, never policy. Thank you for your service and dedication to the beautiful State of Maine. 4 l l 2 Psyc 410 - Iniromclion tn Chemlizl Acliiclions new PI — Effects of Ethanol on ,,,,,, it ~ Trace amounts absorbed here - Causes i Body Structures LP“ introduction to Chemical Addilions ‘ Psyc 470 - Inlmchction Esophagus . _ Psyc 470 - Inlrodxclion g$tomach _ a tube surrounded by muscles and b °°d Vessels I Is ° j_1.7" < m Chemiml Adilcfions H85 6 mll¢05a Causes “mars °'a Cancel’ e Nbier, mo. Lislsn to the audio bclure while viewing these slides ' lesions . Steven r Imtafiofl 0 Psychology 470 l I; ' g 0 g 15-20% absorbed here i"i"9 v Irritates E 0 Damage to muoosal . Gastritis ~ Esophageal uloers Esophageal Canoer - Esophageal Varioes , lining HCL and damages mucosal lining Changes the electrical properties of the stomach lining o - Xntrochclion _ - Stimulates production of - Psyc 470 toChemil Adiictions , U Ce,-S in Chernil Addlcflons _‘J_§: - Acmorhydn-a Psyc 470 - lnlromction to Chemical Actllclions <.. , Small Intestine Pyloric Valve 0 Spasms in _,.=,¢&~¢.i the presence of large am°'-""*-s °f " 3 etha"°‘ 0 Majority of 0 Ethanol absorbed here Damages Mucosal Cells, villi, and x Microvilli 0 Decreases absorption of nutrients and vitamins 0 Increases Triglyceral and Cholesterol production \ ~ , Intestinal Wall Wall estinal 7 I @<>g@@ wgisfinfl ;_v — Introduction ' Intestinal Intestine Passage i Psyc 470 O I _ Intestine Passage wan I I in Chemical Adfilcfiuns ‘ ; ,_~<<41\ ,. Pancreas c ..— ~ ’" ';<="r I it Increased concentration of Pancreatic ,._ 0 Decreased volume of enzyme secretion ~ Pancreatitis - D -71 ':?l§I’~'§"“>! -"iii-5%@I' . <;t_-,- s‘ \. enzymes - '-2:5-< 5: _~ O O Decreased insulin production - Secondary Diabetes O I O 0 o o Pancreatic Duct Pancreatic Duct Psyc 470 — Introchction to Clemil Addictions Gall Bladder i ‘ // ~ Pancreatic Duct .+ ' v O O Decreased amounts of Bile Psyc 470 — ln\:roci.u:\ion Psyc 470 tn Chemical Addictions — Intmchcfion to Chemical Adiiciions x \ Effects Large Intestine n es“,-_.. 0 .., .. 1 _~__ on Blood Cells »-~=§....-. . _ . . .,»,,=-— Decreased water and vitamin \ absorption o I Diarrhea "Tr, ' 1 -’¥‘~"' 1 & "m‘:" :\"i;;£‘i :‘ ‘_\:»\ \ -\.,',>' » _» 4 Psyc 470 — Intromdion in Chemlzzl Achlcflnns J Psyc 470 ~ lntrochction to Chemical Addictions WBC RBC 1 -~- " v Decreased Production - Anemia - Decreased production - Decreased response time Get more infections Increased risk for STD's/HIV , ~ ~ — Psyc 470 - Inlmciucflon in Chemical Acbldions ‘.—. Psyc 470 - lntrodidion to Chernil Acfllcfions Nervous System Plateiets ( _.» \{ 0 Decreased production ~ Decreased clotting time 0 More bumps and bruises v \ 1 J V 7 7: Psyc 470 - Introduction to Chemical Addictions Psyc 470 m.ss==..-.__.,, . Alters neuronal membrane — ..»_';=~-~—~ 0 Inhibits (lipid of bilayer) Decreases amounts of the axon Na ~ that enters ~ Decreased height of the action potential 0 Ca influx - Decreases the amount of NT that is released 0 Decreases transmission speed — Inlroduclion in - subtype BZ subunit of GABA NMDA receptor Inhibits other neurons by increasing Cl into post synaptic element May impact Serotonin receptors (5HT2, SHT3) located in Dopamine Post in Nucleus Accumbens 2} Demyelination NMDA Decreases the responsiveness of receptors to glutamate Synaptic Elements Increases tolerance Psyc 470 the function of Glutamate Receptor Binds on Alters , Inlrozhcfion to Chemiml Addictions More Neurons 1: — Psyc 470 Chemical Addictions Brain Structures 11 — Intromction to Chemiml Addictions Brain Structures - - Alters newer evolutionary structures first, then older structures Damages Frontal, Temporal lobes, hippocampus, etc 0 Decreases the numbers of dendrites and axons ~ v Increases Ventricle Size Decreases blood flow zil ‘ _ Psyc 470 - Introduction to Ctemll Related Brain ;-2.1 Psyc 470 Aclzliclions Damage ‘ill; l - lnlromctinn to Cherniczt Adiicfions Wemicke-Korsakoffs Syndrome Blackouts ~ Due to a lack of B vitamins l Sleep Changes from damage to cortex peripheral nerve cells ~ Results \ Wernicke-Korsakoff's Syndrome ~ Other Psychological and Psychiatric problems Key symptom ¢ w ~ Usually = is confabulation memory so you fill them STM is the most affected Get holes in in. Poor Prognosis l ii l i i Psyc 470 - Introchclion in Chemiizl Addictions Visual ._ Psyc470 - Inn-omciion tn Chemiml Amlclions System Endocrine Effects P 0 Decreased accommodation time o Decreases tracking - Double vision o Decreased recovery time W ; Q- _~ __.r;...<_ 0 Inhibits _ V g_ _ Vasopressin release ' - v ability Y Decreases thyroid honnones, progesterone, testosterone, Luteinizing honnone, and others \ /1 '- Mn .- Iii‘ .U.l \-iv =/..,,. 71>; n vs; Psyc 470 _ - Introduction * in Chernlizl Addidions Psyc 470 — Inlrocuction l:oChemlcal Addictions 1 Males Females c 2 ' o Damages o Increases feminine characteristics or kills l.eydig Cells ‘ ~ Early Menopause ‘ 0 o Premenstrual discomfort ~ Increased Decreased sexual drive, reproductive impotence \ menstrual Flows . failure, _ ~ Infertility "1 ill _ ; y Psyc 470 - Introduction to Ctamlcal Addictions Psyc 470 - Introcliclion Muscle Tissue , T-T5 , m Ctemiizl Addictions Skeletal Muscle ‘ 7-\ ll ,9" ll}!-1 3'. 0 Disrupts intemal structure of ii \ _ i l l I l » 0 the muscle Cramps, pain, weakness = Alcoholic Myopathy l r l £5 W 31 ~ Psyc 470 - Inl:md. ction in Chemical Adiicfions Psyc 470 » lnbomction tn Chemiml Acflidjons ‘ Cardiac I.‘ 0 ___ “Y T1,.i,_._.,,=,i._ _ _ Removal _ 7 _ ________ Increased Weight of the heart -~ of Ethanol Aw“ .. .s~;-_-~-- " ' 0 Dilation of heart 0 Scar tissue ~ Cardiomyopathy chambers , “ r ‘ / Psyc 470 - Introducfion Psyc 470 - Inirochciion in Ctemical Addictions In Chemlml Addictions Methods _ _ _: ~ Alcohol Dehydrogenase Trace amounts through respiration and sweat. - Some - Most is metabolized by the systems - Degrading Enzyme ) through fecal material liver via Substance System (ADH) ' Et"a"° /\'¢°h°' - Aldehyde Dehydrogenase two Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase ,_ o Acetic E ~ — Acid CO2 + H20 - Respiration - Urination Psyc 470 - Introducti n to Clem‘! Add‘ci-ions _ _ Mrcrosomal Ethanol dxrdase System (MEOS) **—— \ v _‘ - >:._ Substance Acetaidehyde ’ F _ Ethanol Effects on the Liver . Fatty ' MEOS ~ Respiration v Urination ..~»a uver . C‘.n_h °5'5 .r Aldehyde _ égezfiifig, ms . Degrading Enzyme Dehydrogenase I Adclicti .;..“ 0 Portal o I ~;x r. Ethanol Q > r I - Psy C 470 - 1 H irodldi on tn Chem! t iii ’ Hypertension ~ Decreased vitamin production 0 Decreased hom1ones and other products important for body functioning 2] Psyc 470 - Inizroduction to Chemical Adiidions T‘ Psyc 470 — Inimcbclion in Chemical Aiflidions Genetic Differences Other Issues — 0 _ _,-.»_\_<\ .. Decreased Europeans ~ Increased 0 .,,..<.,»),-=--»»~~-~~ . ADH metabolic rates for ALDH metabolic rate for Europeans 1 < Psyc 470 - Inimcliclion to Chemil Psyc 470 - Introduction to Chemical Adildlons 1;‘ ‘ Biological Effects v Dmgs on Children Increased numbers of spontaneous - Additive effects abortions - Q Syndrome Endocrine Changes - BAC ~ Fetal Alcohol (FAS) Benzodiazepines - Synergistic effects - Barbiturates 0 Decreased effectiveness - Antibiotics 331 Psyc470 - Inh'nci. ciion in CI1emi:a! Adiidions _ onclu SIOITS '1 Ackliclions $» - Q \‘ ~ Most damaging drug there v Influences every system 0 Causes major social/economic problems = Highly correlated with aggression is