UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Date Approved 04/22/2013 Valid Thru 4/18/2014 SUBJECT INFORMED CONSENT DOCUMENT BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD INJURY Sponsor assigned number: H133N110007 Sponsor(s) name & address: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Mailstop PCP-6038 Washington, DC 20202 IRB assigned number: 12.0151 Investigator(s) name & address: Susan Harkema, PhD Frazier Rehab Institute 220 Abraham Flexner Way, Ste. 1506 Louisville, KY 40202 Site(s) where study is to be conducted: Phone number(s) for subjects to call for questions: University of Louisville Hospital Frazier Rehab Institute (502) 581-8675 or (502) 540-3694 Introduction and Background Information You are invited to take part in a research study because you have sustained a chronic, non-progressive spinal cord injury and suffer from spasticity. The study is being conducted under the direction of Susan J. Harkema, PhD, Andrea Behrman, PhD, PT, Steve Williams, MD, Alexander Ovechkin, MD, PhD, and Daniel E. Graves, Ph.D. FACRM. Ninety (90) local individuals will be invited to participate. The study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and the University of Louisville, Department of Neurological Surgery and will take place at the Frazier Rehab Institute in Louisville. Your participation in this study will last for 4 months. If you are pregnant, anticipate pregnancy or are nursing you are not eligible to participate in this study. This consent form explains why this research study is being done and what your role will be if you decide to be in this study. This form also describes the possible risks connected with being in this study. Research studies only include people who want to take part. Before you decide to take part, please take as much time as you need to ask any questions and discuss this study with the study doctor or staff, or with family, friends or your personal physician or other health professionals. To be in a research study you must give your informed consent. “Informed consent” includes: Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 1 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD    Reading this consent form, Having the study doctor or staff explain the research study to you, Asking questions about anything that is not clear. You should not join this research study until all of your questions are answered. If you take part in this research study, you will be given a copy of this consent form. Being a part of the study is entirely up to you and you can refuse without any of your healthcare being affected. If you choose to participate in this research study, you will be randomly assigned to receive either locomotor training (LT) alone or locomotor training with baclofen (LTB). “Randomly assigned” means that the treatment you receive will be decided by chance (like flipping a coin). You will have an equal chance of receiving either LT or LTB. Purpose The purpose of this study is to find out how baclofen with locomotor training or locomotor training alone affects your walking, nervous system spasticity and coordination changes, neuromuscular activation during voluntary movements and stepping, heart and kidney function and your quality of life. Procedures If you decide to be in this study, you will be randomized, similar to “flipping a coin” into one of two treatment groups. One group will receive locomotor training alone and the other group will receive locomotor training and oral baclofen. The following tests or procedures will be performed during the 4-month period that you will be expected to participate in the study. The expected time to complete each test is listed below beside the heading of each test. All tests may not be performed. 1. Physical Exams (1-1.5 hours) You will undergo a physical exam at each study visit which includes checking vital signs, edema assessment, adverse event assessment, other medications you may be taking, other treatments you may be receiving, compliance with the study medication and dispensing medications. 2. Laboratory Evaluations (Blood tests) (10-20 minutes) After 2 months of being in the study, we will collect up to 20mL of blood or just a little over 4 teaspoons of blood to evaluate baclofen levels in your body and to conduct a blood chemistry and hematology test. These tests will also help to assess your health and how your organs, including your liver and kidneys are working. The blood will be collected by venipuncture (placing a small needle in your arm to withdraw blood from your vein). Your blood will not be used for any other purpose. 3. 6-minute Walk Test (15-20 minutes) During the 6-minute walk test, you will be asked to walk as far as you can for 6 minutes. You may use a walking aid if you need one. The person doing the test (technician) will tell you what devices you can use. You may want to avoid having a conversation so that you can save your breath for walking. You may also stop and rest as many times as needed. A staff member will always be walking by your side to assist you if needed. Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 2 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD 4. Modified Ashworth Scale (5-10 minutes) This is a test that measures the amount of muscle contractions in your arms and legs that you are unable to control. You will be asked to lie flat on your back while the person doing the test (technician) moves your arms and legs to find out how much muscle tone and flexibility you have in your legs and arms. 5. Pulmonary Function Test (spirometry) (30–40 minutes) This is a test that measures how much air your lung is able to move in and out of your lungs and how much of airway pressure your muscles can create. We will be using standard equipment while you are sitting in your personal wheelchair. The technician will ask you to sit and then place a soft clip over your nose. You will be asked to take a full, deep breath and then blow it out as quickly and completely as possible into a mouthpiece that is connected to a machine called a spirometer. You will be asked to repeat this process three (3) times. 6. Quality of Life (QOL) (30-60 minutes) You will be asked to complete several questionnaires about your quality of life or how you are doing. a. The SCI-QOL/SCI-CAT This questionnaire will be used to measure the quality of your life as it relates to your physical abilities, medical health, emotional and socialization. b. SF-36 This questionnaire will be used to measure the outcome of your medical care including any physical limitations, bodily pain, your ability to function and your emotional and mental health. c. Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) This test was developed to assess how satisfied you are with your life and to measure changes in the level of your satisfaction over time. 7. Functional Neurophysiological Assessments (FNPA) FNPA is used to show how your neurological system is able to control your movement, balance.- You will be asked to do several different movements while you are lying on your back, sitting, or standing. EMG electrodes will be placed on your skin to record the electrical activity of your muscles during these movements. Muscles recorded will be in your arms, trunk, legs, neck, or a combination. Lower limb reflexes will also be performed. 8. Respiratory motor control assessment (RMCA) (3-3.5 hours) We will ask you to repeat the pulmonary function test when you are sitting in a special chair and lying on your back while we are recording the electrical impulses from your neck, chest, arms, legs, abdomen and back by placing adhesive sensors over the muscles and heart. We will also record how your chest and abdomen are moving by placing elastic belts around your chest and abdomen. We will also record your blood pressure using a finger cuff. This test will last about three hours. 9. Orthostatic Stress Test (1.5 hours) This test will be measuring your blood pressure, heart rate and your chest and abdomen movements while lying down on your back and when the position is suddenly changed to sitting. During this test, licensed personnel will take blood samples (approximately 4 tablespoons) from a small catheter inserted in the vein in your arm. This test will last about two hours. Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 3 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD 10. Cardiac Ultrasound (1 hour) The cardiac ultrasound exam will be conducted by the Jewish Hospital Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics team. This standard procedure will measure cardiac output. There will be a physical therapist present to assist with transfers and other volunteer needs. Three ECG electrodes will be placed on your chest and ultrasound gel will be used with a Doppler device on the front and side of your chest for proper viewing of the heart. You will be lying down on your side during the test, which takes approximately 15-20 minutes. The exam technicians will only be looking for information relevant to the cardiac output measurement. The purpose of the exam is not to assess overall cardiovascular health or to diagnose unknown diseases. However, if abnormalities are inadvertently observed that may put your health at risk, we will report these findings to our study physician. In addition, the Jewish Hospital Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics and Frazier Rehab Research Team(s) will not be held liable for undiscovered cardiovascular health issues present at the time of the exam. Baclofen Administration and Weaning: If you are randomized to the LT with baclofen study group, and are currently taking baclofen you will continue using your medication as prescribed by your doctor. However, the study doctor (Dr. Williams) may modify your medication depending on the results of the screening tests. If you are randomized to the LT without baclofen group and you are taking baclofen, you will be weaned off by having your dose gradually reduced to where you are no longer taking baclofen. If you are taking multiple medications including baclofen, you will be gradually weaned off baclofen. You will be asked to remain on the same dose of the other medications while you are in the study. If you cannot be weaned off baclofen because it will affect your ability to carry out your daily activities, your dose will be reduced to the lowest level you need to function. If you are randomized to the LT with baclofen study group and are not taking baclofen, you will be given baclofen. Your dose will be individualized and Dr. Williams will determine the right dose that does not interfere with your ability to function. Potential Risks Participation in this study may involve the following risks and/or discomforts: a. Risks from Physical Exam There are virtually no risks associated with a physical examination and complications with the process of a physical examination are unusual. b. Risks from Blood Draws: Though venipuncture is routinely done and relatively safe, the following list includes potential risks that can occur from blood draws:  Feeling of light-headedness (likely: more than 40%)  Bruising (likely: more than 40%)  Pain (less likely: 1-39%)  Infection (rare: less than 1%) c. Risks from neurophysiological tests and procedures (Locomotor Training, 6-minute Walk Test, Modified Ashworth Scale, ASIA , RMCA Spirometry, Orthostatic Stress Test, and FNPA) Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 4 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD Likely (more than 39%)   skin irritation from electrodes or hand placement of the trainers tingling feeling from the stimulation Less Likely (1-39%)    big changes in blood pressure shortness of breath headache or neck ache Rare (less than 1%)       jaw muscle contractions resulting in biting of tongue seizure nausea fatigue muscle soreness broken bones or strain during sitting or standing tests d. Risks from taking baclofen Most Common Transient or brief drowsiness Dizziness Weakness Fatigue Less Common 10 to 63% 5 to 15% 5 to 15% 2 to 4% Confusion Nausea Headache Insomnia Hypotension Constipation Urinary frequency 1 to 11% 4 to 12% 4 to 8% 2 to 7% 0 to 9% 2 to 6% 2 to 6% Baclofen Risks Continued: Cardiovascular:  difficulty breathing  fast/irregular heart beat  chest pain  fainting Rare (less than 5%) Genital/Urinary: Gastrointestinal:  involuntary  dry mouth discharge of urine  loss of appetite  urinary retention  taste disorder  difficulty urinating  abdominal pain  impotence  vomiting  inability to ejaculate  diarrhea  excessive urination  positive test for at night occult blood in stool  blood in urine Laboratory tests:  increased liver enzymes  increased blood sugar levels There are no foreseeable psychological, social, economic, and/or legal risks. However, you may suffer harms that we have not seen before. If the risks of neurophysiological tests and procedures and the side effects from taking baclofen become unpleasant, you can stop the study at any time. Also, if you are uncomfortable answering questions from any of the Quality of Life questionnaires, you are free to decline answering the uncomfortable questions. Possible Pregnancy Risks Pregnant women are excluded from this study as the risk to the fetus is unknown. You should discuss study risks with your doctor before signing this consent form. If you are pregnant or become pregnant, your unborn child may suffer harms that we have not seen before. If you are a female who is able to have children, you will be required to perform a urine pregnancy test two (2) months after you are in the study. It Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 5 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD is important that you tell Steve Williams, MD or Susan Harkema, PhD at (502) 581-8675 right away if you become pregnant during the course of this study. There is a risk that your unborn baby could be harmed if you become pregnant during your participation in the study. If you become pregnant while in the study, the sponsor may ask to follow the outcome of the pregnancy. If you agree to allow the study doctor to follow your pregnancy, you will be asked to sign a separate consent form. If you become pregnant, you will be terminated from this portion of the study. Benefits The information collected may or may not benefit you directly; however, the information learned in this study may be helpful to others. The information collected will give the researchers a better understanding of how baclofen and locomotor training affect walking, neuromuscular activation during voluntary movements and the quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injuries. Alternatives Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You are free to refuse to be in the study and your refusal will not affect any treatment you are receiving at the Frazier Rehab Institute. Research Related Injury If you are injured as a direct result of participating in this research study, the study doctor will arrange for you to get medical treatment. The study site or your study doctor has not set aside money to pay for treatment of any injury. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment costs for people who participate in a research study. Before you agree to take part in this research study you should find out whether your insurance will cover an injury in this kind of research. You should talk to the study doctor or staff about this possibility. If you are injured, there is no money set aside for lost wages, discomfort, disability, etc. You do not give up your legal rights by signing this form. If you think you have a research related injury, please call Susan Harkema PhD or Daniel E. Graves, Ph.D. FACRM or Andrea Behrman, PhD, PT at (502) 581-8675, or Steve Williams, MD, at 502-333-8155 Compensation You will be compensated for your travel to and from Frazier Rehab Institute for your participation in this study to participate in any tests that are not associated with your usual care based on the federal standard mileage rate up to $30.00 per day. Because you will be paid to be in this study the University of Louisville must collect your name, address, social security number, ask you to sign a W-9 form, and keep records of how much you are paid. You may or may not be sent a Form 1099 by the University. This will only happen if you are paid $600 or more in one year by the University. We are required by the Internal Revenue Service to collect this information and you may need to report the payment as income on your taxes. This information will be protected and kept secure in the same way that we protect your other private information. If you do not agree to give us this information, we can’t pay you for being in this study. You can still be in the study even if you don’t want to be paid. Costs If you are injured by the research, there may be additional cost for participating in the research. You or your insurance company will be billed for all office visits and procedures that are part of routine medical care. It is your responsibility to find out what costs, if any, your insurance company will cover before taking part in the study. Some insurance companies will not pay for treatment costs for people who participate in a Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 6 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD research study. You may call your insurance company to find out what they will and will not pay for before participating in this research study. Otherwise there will be no additional cost to you. The study drug used in this study will be provided at no cost to you. HIPAA Research Authorization The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides federal safeguards for protected health information (PHI). Examples of PHI are your name, address, and birth date. PHI may also include your medical history, results of health exams and lab tests, drugs taken and results of this research study. Your PHI may not be used or shared without your agreement, unless it meets one of the HIPAA exceptions. If you agree to take part in this research you may be required to sign a "Research Authorization" form. This allows the use and sharing of your PHI by those listed in the “Research Authorization.” Confidentiality Total privacy cannot be guaranteed. We will protect your privacy to the extent permitted by law. If the results from this study are published, your name will not be made public. A description of this clinical trial will be available on, as required by U.S. Law. This Web site will not include information that can identify you. At most, the Web site will include a summary of the results. You can search this Web site at any time. The following may look at your research and medical records:  The University of Louisville Institutional Review Board, Human Subjects Protection Program Office, Privacy Office and others involved in research administration at the University  Others hired by the site to oversee the research  Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Healthcare, Centers for Advanced Medicine  Government agencies, such as: o U.S. Department of Education o National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research o Office for Human Research Protections, o Office of Civil Rights, o Food and Drug Administration o Data Safety Monitoring Board(s) related to the study and  People responsible for billing, sending and receiving payments related to your participation in the study. In most cases, the information released to the above listed individuals or entities will not contain your name, social security number, or any other personal information. However, representatives authorized by Susan Harkema PhD, IRB, FDA or other government agencies (U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research) may review records containing personal information to make sure that the study information is correct. Because of the need to provide information to these parties, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Security The information gathered from this study will be stored in a database. Your name will not be linked to the information because it will be stored using a coded identification number. The data will be entered into a password protected computer on a secure server, with limited access to a locked room. Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 7 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD Conflict of Interest This study does not involve any conflicts of interest for the investigator or the institution. Voluntary Participation Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You may choose not to take part at all. If you decide not to be in this study, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. If you decide to be in this study, you may change your mind and stop taking part at any time. If you decide to stop taking part, you won’t be penalized or lose any benefits for which you qualify. You will be told about any new information learned during the study that could affect your decision to continue in the study. Termination Your study doctor has the right to stop this study at any point. Your study doctor may take you out of this study with or without your okay. Reasons why this may occur include: a) it is in your best interest to be withdrawn from this study; b) you do not follow the study instructions and/or study schedule; c) you experience an injury or illness or other side effects; or d) the study is terminated prematurely. The decision may be made either to protect your health and safety, or because it is part of the research plan that people who develop certain conditions may not continue to participate. If the study doctor believes that the pain or discomfort might pose a risk to you, you will be terminated from the study. The sponsor of the study or the Institutional Review Board can also stop the study at any time. If you become pregnant you will be terminated from this study. Participation in Other Research Studies You may take part in this study if you are currently in another research study. It is important to let your doctor know if you are in another research study. Contact Persons If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research study, please contact Dr. Harkema or any of the study investigators at (502) 581-8675. Once you are enrolled in this study, you will be given additional contact numbers to reach the clinical research nurse, a designated research staff member or Dr. Harkema directly if you need immediate assistance. Research Subject’s Rights If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may call the Human Subjects Protection Program Office at (502) 852-5188. You may discuss any questions about your rights as a research subject, in private, with a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). You may also call this number if you have other questions about the research, and you cannot reach the study doctor, or want to talk to someone else. The IRB is an independent committee made up of people from the University community, staff of the institutions, as well as people from the community not connected with these institutions. The IRB has reviewed this research study. If you are willing to participate in the study but you are unable to sign the consent due to arm or hand impairment, a legally authorized representative (LAR) will be used to sign for you with your permission. If a LAR signs the consent for you, and later during the course of the study you are able to sign, then you will be re-consented. Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 8 of 9 IRB # 12.0151: BACLOFEN WITH LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: THE EFFECT ON FUNCTION AND NEUROPLASTICITY IN CHRONIC INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD Concerns and Complaints If you have concerns or complaints about the research or research staff and you do not wish to give your name, you may call the toll free number 1-877-852-1167. This is a 24 hour hot line answered by people who do not work at the University of Louisville. Acknowledgment and Signatures This informed consent document is not a contract. This document tells you what will happen during the study if you choose to take part. Your signature indicates that this study has been explained to you, that your questions have been answered, and that you agree to take part in the study. You are not giving up any legal rights by signing this informed consent document. You will be given a copy of this consent form to keep for your records. If you are unable to sign this consent and, your legally authorized representative signs for you to participate in the study, you will be asked to re-sign the consent when you are capable of doing so and, if you are still enrolled in the research study. Do you want your primary care physician notified that you are a subject in this study? _____Yes _____No __________________________ Printed Name of Subject __________________________ Printed Name of Subject/Legal Representative _________________________________ ____________ Signature of Subject/Legal Representative Date Signed __________________________ _________________________________ Printed Name of Person Signature of Person Explaining Explaining Consent Form Consent Form (if other than the Investigator) ____________ Date Signed __________________________ Printed Name of Investigator _____________ Date Signed LIST OF INVESTIGATORS Susan J. Harkema, PhD Daniel E. Graves, Ph.D. FACRM Steve Williams, MD Andrea Behrman, PhD, PT Alexander Ovechkin, MD, PhD _________________________________ Signature of Investigator PHONE NUMBERS (502) 581-8675 (502) 582-7443 (502) 333-8155 (502) 581-8675 (502) 581-8675 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Date Approved 04/22/2013 Valid Thru 4/18/2014 Consent version date: 03/28/13 Page 9 of 9