STATE OF INDIANA MICHAEL R. FENCE, Governor Indiana Government Cenler South 402 West Washington Streel, Room w47o Indianapolis, Indiana 4520472745 Telephone. Fax, (317)233-3091 Leon--2234501 3 June 27, 2016 Mr Roben Boiue Re Formal Complain! 16-17012], Alleged Violation ofr'he Access to Public Records Act by the Vigo Colin/y Emergency Managemem Agency Dear Mr, Bogue' This advisory opinion is in response to your formal complaint alleging the Vigo County Emergency Managemem Agency ("Agency") violated the Access to Public Records Act Indiana Codc 5714-3-1 et. seq, As orthe writing ofthis opinion, the Agency has not responded despite an invitation by this omce to do so. Pursuant to Indiana Code 54454 0, I issue the following opinion to your formal complaint received by the Office ofthe Public Access Counselor on May 31, 2016. BACKGROUND Your complaint dated May 31, 2016 alleges the Vigo County Emergency Management Agency violated the Access to Public Records Act by failing to respond to your records request. On May 19, 2016, you requested economic interest or conflict oflntei'est disclosures related to a named indivldual, As nflhe filing of yuur complaint, you had nol received a response ANALYSIS The public policy of the APRA states that "throviding persons with information is an essential function ofa representative government and an integral part ofthe routinc duties ofpublic officials and employees, whose duty it is to provide the information," See Indiana Code 5447371, The Vigo County Emergency Management Agency is a public agency for the purposes ofth APRA. See Indiana Code Accordingly, any person has the right to inspect and copy the Agency's disclosable public records during regular business hours unless the records are protected from disclosure as confidential or exempt under the APRA, See Indiana Code 5714- 3-3(u) A request for records may be oral or written. Sec Indiana Code swarm); 5714737949. [l'thc request is delivered by mail or facsimile and the agency does not. respond to the request within seven (7) days ofreceipt, the request is deemed denied, See Indiana Code A response from the public agency could be an acknowledgement the request has been received and information regarding how or when the agency intends comply. A public agency shall cooperate with the Public Access Counselor in any investigation or proceeding See Indiana Code 5-14--5-5. This has not happened. Therefore, I cannot determine why the Agency did not respond [0 your request or it'there was any statutoryjustification for its actions. CONCLUSION Based on the forgoing, it is the Opinion ofthe Public Access Counselor the Vigo County Emergency Management Agency violated the Access to Public Records Act. Regards, Luke 11. Britt Public Access Counselor